Feed a Cocker Spaniel puppy for 4 months. What to feed a spaniel puppy? The correct diet for a spaniel. Feeding an American Cocker Spaniel puppy

When a cat has a swollen belly, he needs urgent help. This condition is dangerous for the animal, not only by impaired mobility, but also by changes in the functioning of internal organs. In order to carry out timely and competent therapy, it is necessary to immediately accurately determine the cause of the unpleasant phenomenon. This is best done by a veterinarian, and it is he who should be contacted if problems with your pet’s health arise. If a cat's stomach suddenly becomes swollen, the situation requires immediate veterinary attention.


The erroneous opinion that bloating in a cat is a nonsense disease that will go away on its own as it appeared, can result in tragedy and death of the pet.

Regardless of what caused the disorder in the cat’s condition, if her bloating does not go away for more than a day, or if the disorder is accompanied by additional symptoms, an urgent trip to the veterinary clinic is required. You should not delay therapy, because for many diseases, the later it is provided, the more difficult it will be to restore your pet’s health.

When is self-medication possible?

It is possible to treat bloating in a cat without involving a veterinarian only if there is simple flatulence in which there is no manifestation of any other disease. In other cases, an immediate visit to a veterinary clinic is necessary. Answering the question of what to do if a cat’s belly is swollen, we can advise the following::

  • Hilak Forte - Give 1 drop per 1 kg of weight once a day, until complete recovery;
  • Smecta;
  • Enterosgel;
  • Children's espumesan.

All 3 drugs are selected in a dosage that is calculated based on the weight of the pet.

A bloated belly in a cat is a dangerous condition and its cause must be identified. This is often a symptom of a serious injury. The problem should be resolved with the involvement of a veterinarian. If the cat begins to bloat before our eyes, and there is no urinary retention, it is necessary to give medication for allergies, since this is most likely it. As soon as the attack subsides, the size of the abdomen will return back, and everything will be normal.

A lump on a cat's stomach may indicate the most various diseases: some of them do not pose a serious threat to the life of the animal, while others require the immediate intervention of specialists. In any case, you should not go to extremes: panic ahead of time or let everything take its course. When a characteristic lump appears in the abdominal area, the pet is examined in the clinic, and then they decide what to do next.

What diseases cause a lump?

The list is quite large:

  • cancerous degeneration of breast tissue is the most terrible diagnosis, often with an unfavorable prognosis;
  • lipoma, or wen, is a benign tumor prone to spreading;
  • neoplasm of the skin: papilloma, fibroma, sarcoma, lymphangioma, etc.;
  • lymphadenitis – inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • hernia (inguinal, umbilical, perineal) – protrusion of internal organs under the skin;
  • mastitis;
  • inflammation of the paraanal glands;
  • a lump may appear after sterilization - this is also a hernia, but postoperative, resulting from a violation of the technique of applying internal sutures;
  • skin diseases: furunculosis, folliculitis, carbuncle formation, abscess, phlegmon, etc.;
  • a lump may appear due to an insect bite (wasp, bee, bumblebee, etc.);
  • pellets - although tangles are unlikely to be confused with a lump, protrusion or tumor.

Important! If the formation under the skin tends to grow rapidly, while the number of nodules increases, they bleed or are painful, then this is not a good sign and a serious reason to undergo a full veterinary examination: biopsy, urine tests, ultrasound, x-ray, etc.

Differentiation of buds

Breast cancer in a cat

There can be from one to several nodules - all of them different sizes, are most often localized in the area of ​​milk bags closer to the groin. can be located not only on the stomach, but also found on the limbs, neck, back, which already indicates the metastasis of cancer cells throughout the body.

The neoplasms are dense, hard, sometimes hot to the touch, over time (closer to the last stage) they turn red, take on a purple-pink color, bleed and purulent discharges are released from them. The seal can also “walk” under the skin, that is, move freely.

It is necessary to constantly monitor such bumps and notice the dynamics of changes:

  • tendency to increase swelling;
  • how quickly does growth occur;
  • whether the appearance of education is changing.

It is worth noting that cats are most often diagnosed with malignant tumors that progress and literally devour their beloved pet before our eyes.

The general condition at the onset of the disease may not change: the cat still feels well and has an excellent appetite. But as the oncological process develops, the animal loses weight, refuses to eat, is depressed and apathetic.

Mostly older people get sick, especially those who have been receiving anti-sexual hormonal pills or injections for a long time. Unsterilized animals are also at risk.

Treatment is surgical. But no one can guarantee a complete cure. Recovery depends on many factors:

  • pet's age;
  • the state of his immune system;
  • stages of cancer;
  • qualifications and experience of a veterinary surgeon;
  • the correctness of the rehabilitation measures carried out.

Typically, surgery only helps to prolong the pet’s life by a few months, as well as reduce discomfort and pain from interfering lumps. In veterinary practice, there have been cases of complete relief from cancer, but there are very few of them - literally one in several thousand.

Feline lipoma

Wen is a benign tumor enclosed in a capsule, which, unlike malignant neoplasms:

  • not prone to rapid growth;
  • soft, doughy to the touch;
  • moves easily under the skin;
  • has a round or oval shape;
  • easy to treat and does not metastasize.

The lipoma is not removed, but simply monitored. Surgical intervention is resorted to only in cases where the swelling causes a lot of trouble for the pet: it interferes, itches, or becomes too large.

Although subcutaneous wen does not pose any mortal danger to the animal, to be completely sure, it is still worth conducting additional research: taking a puncture for a biopsy and taking blood and urine tests.

New growths on the skin

They can occur on any part of the body, including the stomach. Downstream there are:

  • benign - develop slowly, have a clear boundary between healthy and changed tissues, as a rule, there is a capsule and there are no metastases. In terms of shape and size, the cones usually reach enormous sizes and are round in shape with a smooth surface;
  • malignant - they are characterized by fast growth, the appearance of ulcers and metastasis. The growth is dense, the surface is lumpy, with ulcers, pus, areas of necrosis, it grows in breadth and is mobile in relation to adjacent tissues.

Bumps for skin diseases

At the beginning of the article, it was already stated which skin diseases can cause swelling, so now we’ll just focus on their appearance, without going into details of the causes and treatment.

  • A furuncle is an inflammation of the hair follicle, in which a painful swelling first appears, reaching the size of a hazelnut. As the process resolves, the apex of the formation is opened, pus is released, followed by the formation.
  • Folliculitis - a nodule and redness form around the hair, and then a blister with pus appears inside.
  • Carbuncle – a dense inflammation forms, occupying a large area of ​​the body, with a large number of purulent blisters on the surface.
  • An abscess is the formation of a purulent cavity protruding above the skin.
  • Cellulitis is a painful, diffuse, hot, dense red swelling with areas of fluctuation (squelching, swaying when pressed).


The role of a lump on the abdomen in this pathology is played by the inguinal lymph node, which is inflamed as a result of:

  • infections;
  • mastitis;
  • gynecological or andrological diseases;
  • inflammation of the genitourinary system;
  • hypothermia, etc.

The inflamed lymph node is a compacted oblong ball, painful, immobile and hot to the touch, which can be felt on the inside thighs closer to the groin. Medical errors also occur when a swollen and painful milk bag in cats is mistaken for an enlarged lymph node.

Hernia lump

The protrusion can be of different sizes (from a pea to chicken egg and even more) and is localized in the groin, navel, and perineum. Depending on the presence or absence of infringement, it happens:

  • movable and immobile;
  • reducible and irreducible;
  • painful and painless;
  • hot and normal temperature;
  • soft and dense;
  • constant size or changing depending on meals or the location of the body in space;
  • strangulated hernias tend to increase due to inflammation of surrounding tissues.

Professional doctor at visual inspection will quickly determine what kind of lump it is - a hernia or a neoplasm. Treatment:

  • none - in the case of perineal bulges in cats (in females, prolapse of the uterus in the groin can lead to infertility due to incarceration and tissue necrosis);
  • conservative – massage, supportive bandage;
  • surgical – excision of the hernial sac, repositioning the organs in place and subsequent suturing of the hernial opening.

Swelling due to mastitis

Signs of mastitis can be observed during false pregnancy.

Mastitis is an inflammation of milk bags that occurs against the background of:

  • mechanical damage to the nipples or the gland itself;
  • stagnation as a result of heavy lactation, premature weaning of kittens;
  • diseases of the genital organs (endometritis, pyometra, etc.).

The mammary gland (individual packages or all at once) increases significantly in size, becomes hot, hard and red. Milk may not be released at all due to pinched ducts, or it may acquire a crumbly consistency with admixtures of pus or flakes. With abscess formation, the areas of inflammation become even larger, filled with pus and fluctuate (squelch, spring back when pressed).

Signs of mastitis can appear during a false pregnancy, so the appearance of lumps, nodules and lumps in this case must be differentiated from oncology.

Treatment depends on the severity of the disease. It could be:

  • use of compresses;
  • use of novocaine blockade;
  • prescription of antibiotics;
  • physiotherapy to eliminate congestion (massage, electrical stimulation, etc.);
  • careful expression of milk;
  • in some cases surgery is indicated.

Signs of inflammation of the paraanal glands

The glands are paired and are located on both sides of the anus. Under certain conditions they can become inflamed, causing discomfort in pets.

By appearance the inflammation is similar to a perineal hernia in castrated cats, only in the second variant the lump changes its size and shape depending on the horizontal position of the body in space:

  • upside down (back legs up) – decreases;
  • upside down - increases.

Lump on a cat after sterilization

May appear for a number of reasons:

  • with inept suturing;
  • premature resorption of suture material;
  • untying of internal threads for some reason;
  • with improper care of the surgical wound, when the cat is allowed to constantly lick or bite the surgical wound.

They protrude through the resulting hole. internal organs, most often intestinal loops. The sac, as a rule, is movable, low-painful, and easily retracted back into the abdominal cavity. It is treated by installing a new “patch” on the surgical wound.

Instead of a conclusion

When a lump suddenly appears on a cat’s stomach, you should not try on the role of Aibolit and make a diagnosis yourself, much less engage in treatment. It is better to play it safe and show the animal to a veterinarian, who will conduct a differential diagnosis and be able to distinguish a malignant tumor from a benign one, and a hernia from lymphadenitis.

Remember: timely detection of oncology increases the pet’s chances of recovery and leading a comfortable existence until natural death. And if other less dangerous, but still strange swellings appear on your pet’s body, consulting a specialist will not hurt.


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Question " what to feed an English Cocker Spaniel" must be decided before the puppy arrives in your home. At first, follow the breeder's recommendations. All changes to the diet are introduced gradually.

In the photo: English Cocker Spaniel

What to feed your English Cocker Spaniel: natural food or dry food?

It is important to decide what is more convenient for you and better for your dog: dry food or natural food. Each type of feeding has its pros and cons.

Dry food High Quality(premium and super premium class) is already balanced, and you don’t need to think about creating a diet. It is convenient to store and take on the go. When choosing dry food, you need to take into account the dog's age, activity level and body condition.

However, dogs often eat natural food more readily. But at the same time, you need to spend time preparing food and creating a diet so that it is balanced and complete, and this is not easy.

One thing you should definitely not do is feed your English Cocker Spaniel food from your table. The digestive systems of humans and dogs function differently, and the needs for quality, quantity and types of food are very different.

How many times a day should you feed your English Cocker Spaniel?

A puppy is fed more often than an adult dog. The number of feedings depends on the age of the puppy.

Age of English Cocker Spaniel

Number of feedings per day

Amount of food (at natural feeding)

2 - 4 months

Up to 2 tablespoons per feeding

4 - 6 months

4 - 5 tablespoons per feeding

6 - 12 months

Depending on the dog's body condition and activity level

Over 12 months

Rules for feeding the English Cocker Spaniel

English Cocker Spaniels are prone to allergies, so each new ingredient is introduced gradually, and you need to carefully monitor for signs of allergies: itching, redness of the skin, watery eyes, hair loss, etc. If you notice any of the above, contact your veterinarian as soon as possible.

English Cocker Spaniels have an enviable appetite and love to beg. You will need incredible strength to resist the pleading gaze of an eternally hungry pet - and yet you will have to show it. Otherwise the dog will quickly grow overgrown extra pounds, and this is harmful to health.

In the photo: English Cocker Spaniel

Feeding times should be constant.

The place where the English Cocker Spaniel eats should be dry, clean, and well ventilated.

What to feed an English Cocker Spaniel on a natural diet?

When fed naturally, the diet of an English Cocker Spaniel should include the following products:

  1. Meat (beef or chicken) – up to 300 g per day.
  2. Offal (boiled liver, stomach, heart) - instead of meat, but in this case the quantity increases by 30% compared to meat.
  3. Fish (sea, boiled) – up to 3 times a week instead of meat.
  4. Fermented milk products: kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt (low-fat).
  5. Porridge with water (oatmeal, buckwheat or rice).
  6. Fruit (melon, pear or apple).
  7. Vegetables (carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, cucumber).

Prohibited foods for the English Cocker Spaniel:

  1. Citrus.
  2. Pork.
  3. Sweets.
  4. Bones (they can cause periodontal disease or stomatitis).
  5. River fish.
  6. Smoked meats and sausages.
  7. Legumes.
  8. Tea, coffee, alcoholic drinks.
  9. Salty, spicy, fried foods.
  10. Any stale or low-quality products.

The English Cocker Spaniel's ears are very long and when eating they often fall into the bowl and get dirty with its contents. To avoid this, you can buy a special bowl (tall, tapered at the top) or secure the ears behind the head with a soft rubber band while feeding.

The puppy needs to eat properly. This is due to its active growth and development and the capabilities of its digestive system. After weaning from its mother, when teeth appear, the puppy will move on to more solid food. After 1.5-2 months, the puppy should already be able to eat food with a fairly thick consistency on its own.

In order to raise a healthy dog, you do not need to overfeed your puppy or sharply limit his food intake. By regularly underfeeding your puppy, you will deprive his body of the necessary nutrients, and its development may go wrong.

It is a mistake to use infant formula and baby food, since their composition is not suitable for the dog.

How many times a day should you feed your puppy? It depends on age. The puppy needs to be fed often, but in small portions, so that his belly does not swell from what he eats, and the baby himself retains mobility and a tendency to play. From the moment of weaning from the mother to 3 months, 6 feedings a day are sufficient. From 3 to 5 months – 5 meals a day. From 5 to 9 months the puppy should eat 4 times a day, from 9 to 11 months - 3 times a day. From 11 months and older – 2 times.

If you decide to prepare your pet’s food yourself, then you should know what products are needed in his diet. Sources of protein are dairy products, meat, fish and eggs. From fermented milk products, your dog can be given low-fat cottage cheese (up to 5 - 7%), kefir, yogurt or fermented baked milk (without added sugar or fruit). It is better to heat treat meat and fish to avoid many problems. For meat you can use turkey, white meat chicken, beef, lamb, horse meat, rabbit, and for fish - cod, haddock, European flounder, hake and halibut. White fish contains no less high-quality protein than meat. However, fish food is inferior in taste to meat food. At the age of 8-10 months, the puppy is actively growing, so he needs more protein than adult dog, in an amount of approximately 30 - 50 g per 1 kg of weight per day. You can initially give your puppy part of a chicken yolk or half quail egg, and no more than 2 times a week. Monitor your reaction to rule out an allergy. Meat feeding a dog can include not only meat, but also by-products (kidneys, heart, udder, by-products of chickens, turkeys, etc.).

Sources of carbohydrates for the puppy are boiled cereals - rice, buckwheat, rolled oats. Vegetable food: greens (parsley, dill, celery, lettuce, as well as steamed young nettle leaves) and vegetables (carrots, White cabbage, bell pepper, pumpkin, zucchini, beets, cucumbers) should be given raw, finely chopped or grated on a regular coarse grater. It is a source of fiber and vitamins. Added to plant and meat feeds different types oils (1 tsp): olive, unrefined sunflower, pumpkin, flaxseed, etc. Fish oil is very useful. It should be given, starting with a few drops and gradually increasing to 1 teaspoon per day. During stomach upset, fish oil is excluded from the diet. You can give any fruits that the puppy likes, just make sure that there are no allergies.

Sample menu for a puppy

Age 1 – 2 months, puppy weight 2 – 6 kg

Total food volume 0.2 – 0.4 l

Feed 6 times a day at intervals of approximately 3 hours.

1. (7 hours) - Calcined cottage cheese (kefir, fermented baked milk)

2. (10 hours) - Finely chopped raw meat with boiled carrots and vegetable oil

3. (13 hours) - A glass of milk with raw egg

4. (16 hours) - Finely chopped boiled meat (fish) with porridge

5. (19 hours) - Calcined cottage cheese (cheese)

6. (22 hours) - Finely chopped raw meat with boiled carrots and vegetable oil

Age 3 – 4 months, puppy weight – 6 – 10 kg

Total food volume 0.5 – 0.7 l

Option #1

1. Morning (8 hours) – cottage cheese (kefir, fermented baked milk)

2. Day (11 hours) – raw meat cut into pieces with boiled carrots and vegetable oil

3. Lunch (14 hours) – a glass of milk with a raw egg

4. Evening (18 o’clock) – boiled meat with porridge

5. Before bedtime (22 hours) – raw chopped meat with boiled carrots and vegetable oil

Option No. 2

1. Morning (8 hours) – porridge, kefir (yogurt)

2. Day (11 hours) – kefir (yogurt), cottage cheese, greens

3. Lunch (14 hours) – rolled oats, meat (fish)

4. Evening (18 hours) – cottage cheese, kefir, vegetables

5. Before bedtime (22 hours) – rolled oats, meat (fish)

Age 5 – 8 months, puppy weight 10 – 15 kg

Total food volume 0.7 – 1l

Option #1

1. Morning (8 hours) – cottage cheese (kefir, fermented baked milk) with boiled (raw) egg or just cottage cheese (without egg)

2. Day (13 hours) – raw (boiled) meat with porridge (vegetables with vegetable oil)

3. Evening (5 p.m.) – cottage cheese (meat) with porridge

4. Before bedtime (22 hours) – raw (boiled) meat with vegetables (porridge)

Option No. 2

1. Morning (8 hours) – porridge, kefir (yogurt), greens

2. Day (13 hours) – porridge, meat (fish)

3. Evening (5 p.m.) – cottage cheese (kefir), vegetables

4. Before bedtime (22 hours) – porridge, meat (fish)

Age 9 – 10 months, puppy weight 14 – 17 kg

Total food volume 1.5 l

Option #1

1. Morning (8 o’clock) – porridge (kefir, yogurt), greens.

2. Day (15 hours) – rolled oats, meat (fish).

3. Before bed (22 hours) - cottage cheese, vegetables.

Option No. 2

1. Morning (8 hours) – cottage cheese with boiled or raw egg

2. Day (15 hours) – raw or boiled meat with vegetables or porridge

3. Before bedtime (22 hours) - raw or boiled meat with vegetables or porridge

To keep your dog full at night, he needs more high-calorie food in the evening.

The total amount of food for a puppy is 80-120 g per kg of weight. As they grow older, the amount of food decreases and by one year the dog may well receive 60 g per kg of its weight. The main sign of sufficient food is that the puppy licks the bowl with pleasure. If the puppy does not even finish the meat, it means that you are overfeeding him, and the amount of food needs to be reduced.

Meat – while the puppy is small, it is better to buy high-quality chilled meat. As they grow, you can switch to frozen meat; at 5-6 months you can start giving offal. Lung, udder, liver, kidneys - boiled, tripe - scalded with boiling water. Frequent feeding of liver or lungs may cause diarrhea. Among meat products, preference should be given to beef. You can sometimes give chicken or turkey; it is better to boil these products. Meat products should make up 2/3 of a dog's diet.

If a puppy picks up stones on the street or chews plaster, then there is not enough calcium in its diet. The puppy has a constant need for vitamins and minerals, which are indispensable for the growth and strengthening of the skeleton. If you feed the dog homemade food, then for growth and development, as well as for the prevention of rickets, she needs vitamin and mineral supplements. It should be easy to use, well absorbed, and not cause allergic reactions. For the first week, it is better to give vitamin and mineral supplements in half the required dose, and if no reaction occurs, then you can increase the dose to the required one. The food you choose should be appropriate for the age and size of the puppy.

If the puppy receives ready-made food, you should not add additional vitamins and minerals to the diet: in industrial food the amount of nutrients is strictly calculated, and excess calcium deforms bones and inhibits growth.

When a puppy refuses a good quality food, it should not be replaced with another or anything added to the bowl. Puppies quickly learn that they can get something tastier, and begin to refuse even regular food to the detriment of their health. The owners complain about their lack of appetite.

The puppy should not be angry near the bowl. The puppy should eat calmly and, at the first request of the owner, give him a bowl, even with very tasty food.

– a domestic breed, originally bred for hunting birds. Lately, especially in major cities, they began to be kept simply as pets because of their friendliness and flexible nature.

Like all mammals, this breed's health begins with early years. In order for the dog to grow up active and have good immunity, it is important to feed the Russian Spaniel puppy correctly, as well as take into account the recommendations of dog handlers for care and education.

The Russian Spaniel is calm within four walls, but on the street it is extremely active. A genetically determined feature of the breed is the need for long walks, especially in forest parks. The dog easily adapts to life in an apartment, but he needs to be walked for a long time.

IMPORTANT! This breed loves water and is an excellent swimmer. But if swimming is not included in the plans, then it is better to choose places for walking that are located away from bodies of water.

Despite their medium size, they are excellent watchdogs. Their pronounced intuition allows them to distinguish a person with good intentions from a villain. When the last one appears, the spaniel will defend its owners to the last.

Russian spaniels also get along well with children and other pets. They are wonderful members of large, animal-loving families. In addition, they are easy to train, but they choose their owner themselves. It is this person who will become the center of the dog’s universe.

Choosing a place and dishes for the puppy

Before moving your pet to new house It is important to take care in choosing a place and dishes for the baby. The first must remain unchanged. It is necessary that the allocated space is not in a crowded place, far from drafts. Also, dark corners are completely unsuitable for spaniels.

Should be placed on wooden stand, this will protect the animal from the cold. Experts advise using a sturdy basket or wooden box. You must first make sure that there are no sharp edges or burrs that could harm the puppy.

A mattress or bed, purchased in a store or, is suitable as bedding. It is important that the dog can comfortably lounge on the “bed” while remaining on the bedding. Clean sleeping area recommended daily.

Also installed in one place. The owner chooses the room, but traditionally dogs are fed in the kitchen or in the hallway if the former is too cramped. For water, you need to buy heavy dishes that the puppy will not tip over while playing. It should also be easy to clean.

Spaniels love to carry everything they can pick up in their teeth, so for food you need to buy a massive bowl that the dog will not turn over and drag away.

Important! Old plates with damage and cracks are not suitable as feeding utensils. The sharp edges can injure the animal's tongue.

Spaniels are not particularly neat, so coasters and rugs for dishes when keeping this breed are a necessity, not a luxury. Without them, leftover food will be scattered all over the floor.

Read also: Darling dog food

What to feed a Russian spaniel puppy

You should choose the type of food based on the purpose of the dog. If you plan to participate in hiking, hunting, fishing and leading an active lifestyle, then the best option will become ready-made feed. For less active pets natural will do food consisting of meat and cereals.

When choosing what to feed your Russian Spaniel puppy, you should rely on the recommendations of experienced dog handlers. Some people advise giving preference to food prepared by the owner for at least the first months. This allows you to strengthen digestive tract and improve the condition of the dental system. However, the final choice is always up to the owner, provided that there are no medical indications for a specific diet.

Natural diet

Having chosen a natural diet, you need to prepare for the purchase suitable products. This will allow you to carefully monitor the quality of your baby’s nutrition, but at the same time you will have to learn how to correctly calculate daily norms and the ratio of meat, cereals, vegetables and dairy products.

Main types of food for a Russian Spaniel puppy:

  • Meat. Beef or chicken are recommended. Before feeding, you need to thoroughly boil the food and remove the bones. The norm is 50 g per 1 kg of weight. Finely chopped pieces should be placed in a bowl, but minced meat should be excluded; the dog’s stomach cannot digest it.
  • Offal. Allowed from 3 months. Given once a week, replacing meat. The portion should be increased by a third.
  • Fish. 3 feedings per week are acceptable. Only sea food is allowed, in the form of carefully cooked fillet.
  • Dairy industry products. It is necessary to include kefir, yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese with the addition of eggshells. The latter is given up to 10 months. Fermented milk products are one complete feeding.
  • Porridge and bread. For puppies, they are boiled in water or milk with the addition of vegetables. It is better to choose rolled oats, buckwheat and rice. You can soak some bread in this brew. They diversify the diet, but do not belong to its foundation.
  • Eggs. An omelet is made from one piece or it is boiled soft-boiled. Give with meat or cereals once a week.
  • Vegetables and fruits. Contain fiber that improves intestinal motility. Getting ready for the spaniel fresh salads with vegetable oil or sour cream. The main ingredients are carrots, pumpkin, cucumbers, zucchini, turnips. Fruits are a delicacy; you can’t feed them often because high content Sahara. Watermelon, pears, apples, strawberries and raspberries are useful.
  • Greenery. Parsley and dill are an addition to any dish and contain a storehouse of vitamins.
  • Chalk. During the period of intensive development, it is extremely necessary for the puppy. It is recommended to place the bowl with pieces in a place where the baby can get it at a convenient time.

Important! Milk can be offered to a puppy up to 2 months. As the pet grows up, it stops assimilating it.

Ready-made feed

Ready-made food is convenient for busy owners and useful if you buy high-quality granules. A good industrial feed contains not only the ideal balance of nutrients, but also supplements with vitamins and minerals, so there is no need to feed them separately.

Read also: Stereotypes in the field of dog ownership

The main disadvantage of dry food is the price. It is impossible to feed a puppy low-quality kibble, as this will cause significant harm to his body, first of all, creating a total protein deficiency due to the low percentage of meat content.

If you decide to feed your Russian Spaniel puppy dry food, then you need to consider the superpremium and holistic levels. In the first class there are age ranges, so it is easy to find puppy kibble that contains 50% meat, as well as vegetables and grains. Holistic treatments are often developed without taking into account age and are suitable for all pets. 75% comes from animal proteins, the rest is vegetables, berries and herbs.

Mixed diet

A mixed diet will impact your puppy’s health more significantly than buying quality products will impact your wallet. Such dubious savings will ultimately result in lengthy and expensive treatment.

Sample menu by age

Since dog experts recommend feeding the puppy for at least the first months natural products, it is important to get an idea of ​​the sample menu by age. In addition, as they grow older, the amount of one serving increases, but the number of feedings decreases.

Up to a month

Purebred puppies remain under the care of their mother in the breeder's home for up to a month. For 4 weeks they feed on mother’s milk, and for the first 3 weeks it completely constitutes the baby’s diet.

The first complementary feeding begins at 21 days and consists of warm milk with a small amount of bread crumb. A small portion is given 2-3 times a day, the rest the puppies get from breast milk.

1-2 month

As soon as the puppy turns 10, its weaning from its mother begins. Gradually, calcined cottage cheese, semolina with milk, and boiled meat, finely chopped, are introduced into the menu. Number of feedings – 6, every 3 hours. Food volume – from 200 to 400 g.

At 2 months, the baby’s daily menu should include:

  • fermented milk products;
  • meat, diced, raw, boiled and stewed;
  • carrot;
  • eggshell;
  • fish;
  • a little vegetable oil;
  • rice and buckwheat.

Important! Every New Product is introduced gradually. It is strictly forbidden to include several varieties unfamiliar to a puppy’s stomach in the diet on the same day.

3 months

It is allowed to diversify the porridge with oatmeal. Greens are also introduced. Daily norm should be between 500 and 700 g of all products.