Roof repair with bitumen mastic: review of work technology. Do-it-yourself bitumen mastic for roof waterproofing Mastic for roofing and waterproofing

Using roofing mastic is one way to protect a flat roof from the elements. Unlike standard roll materials, mastics form a monolithic protective layer over the working surface.

It is especially convenient to work with flat roofs. Previously, they could only be insulated using roofing felt. The work is quite complex and time-consuming. Applying mastic is much easier, and the final result is no worse.

Features of the material

Roofing mastics are made from several components. The base is almost always bitumen. Bituminous roof mastic is now very popular.

The mastic itself is a viscous and liquid substance that is applied to a certain area of ​​the roof. In most cases, roofing mastic is applied to the entire roof surface. Although, roof repair bitumen mastic is also very common and will perform such work quite conveniently.

After all, you just need to apply the mastic to the surface and wait a certain time for it to dry.

Bitumen mastic for roofing dries within 24 hours. As a rule, it is applied in several layers. After finishing each layer, you need to wait before starting to work on the next one. After drying, a dense layer forms on the treated surface. protective film 3-5 mm thick, sometimes more.

This film has a consistency similar to very dense rubber. It is difficult to damage it, and it does not react to water at all. It is not surprising that bitumen mastic for the roof of a garage, store or even a residential building is the best choice.

The only limitation on use is the level of roof slope. Equipment and repair of the roof with bitumen mastic is possible if its slope is no more than 25-30 degrees.

Bitumen mastic is best suited for roof waterproofing. Sometimes it is used for conventional insulation devices. Although, a full protective coating of several layers of roofing mastic by default provides excellent protection from rain, snow and moisture.

But it is important to take care of the drainage equipment first.

Regular and waterproofing roofing mastic, of course, protects the house well from water ingress. But without proper drainage systems, moisture will gradually begin to accumulate on the surface of the roof and wash it away in several places. This will lead to increased wear of the protective coating.

This problem is especially relevant for flat roofs with a parapet.

Types of products

Roofing mastics are divided into several classes and types. Most often, attention is paid to the composition of bitumen mastic for roofing. However, its structure and main areas of work also play a role.

If we mean division by type of composition, then roofing mastics come in the following types:

  • Bituminous;
  • Bitumen-latex;
  • Bitumen-polymer;
  • Tar;
  • Butyl rubber.

The features will depend on the composition. Bitumen-polymer mastics can be stored longer and create durable protective coatings. Bitumen-latex roofing mastic is well suited for repairs. It is elastic, easy to use and dries quickly.

Rubber bitumen is used exclusively for insulation equipment and basic protective coatings. Tar and butyl rubber are used less frequently, but their properties are almost no different from standard roofing mastics.

Based on their structure, roofing and waterproofing mastics are divided into one-component and two-component.

One-component formulations are sold in almost finished form. All you need is to apply mastic to the surface. The drying process occurs due to the evaporation of the solvent contained in the composition.

Two-component mastics must be mixed immediately before starting work. As a rule, such compositions are distinguished by special characteristics.

For example, almost any bitumen roofing waterproofing mastic will be two-component, since it uses various materials, which cannot be stored together for a long time.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Roofing mastics have many advantages. It’s not for nothing that they are considered the most popular solution if you need to treat a flat roof:

  • They do not react to moisture or any liquids.
  • The price of bitumen roofing mastic will be very attractive when compared with alternative options roof finishing.
  • They are easy to apply. You can get by with the simplest tools.
  • The resulting coatings are not susceptible to the harmful effects of UV rays. It is also impossible to oxidize them.
  • Corrosion of hardened mastic is not at all dangerous. It is more likely to collapse from old age.
  • Roofing mastic forms a durable and elastic coating. And this is with a fairly moderate consumption of materials. Oddly enough, even a thickness of 3-5 mm is enough to perfectly protect the roof surface.

Remembering the advantages, we must not forget about the disadvantages of mastics. They have them, although not so numerous:

  • The mastic must be applied in several layers. Experts do not recommend applying less than 3 layers to a standard roof. In this case, a day or even more should pass after each application. This slightly delays the work process.
  • They cannot be used on sloped surfaces.
  • Roofing mastics can be used normally only if there is a working and properly designed drain.
  • Such compositions cannot be applied if the temperature outside is sub-zero.

Review of popular manufacturers

Roofing mastics are created in huge quantities. It is difficult to single out just one from dozens of different manufacturers. However, some representatives are still worth your attention:

  • The undisputed leader in the production of mastics of any type is considered TechnoNIKOL brand. Without exaggeration, this manufacturer operates at a global level. TechnoNIKOL roofing mastic is produced in very large volumes. We can say that TechnoNIKOL controls the largest part of the market for such materials. This became possible thanks to the long process of building production capacity.
  • KrasKo company is a Moscow manufacturer that specializes in the production of mastics and paint and varnish materials. It is distinguished good quality products and fairly low prices. The main production facilities are aimed at producing mixtures with several components. One cannot miss the fact that roofing waterproofing mastic Hydrolon from the same manufacturer is consistently among the sales leaders.
  • Brand HydroLux specializes in creating water-repellent and waterproofing mastics for roofing. Their bitumen-polymer and butyl rubber compositions are especially popular. The quality of the products is at an acceptable level, but the prices are quite low. However, so is the consumption per 1 m 2.
  • Another popular brand is mastic Tehron. Their production facilities are located in Dneprodzerzhinsk. When buying mastic from the Tegeron company, you cannot help but notice the rather modest packaging. But don't be fooled. Behind it lies very high quality and reliable material. And more importantly, very cheap. Mastics from this manufacturer are sold at the most low prices in your class.

How to choose?

Products are selected so that they fully meet your roofing requirements.

Manufacturers of bitumen-latex roofing mastic make it very elastic and fluid. This mastic is well suited for repairing damaged surfaces and waterproofing.

Manufacturers of bitumen-rubber roofing mastic act in the same way. But rubber has special properties, so it is better to use it for full roof insulation and protection of specific structures.

Polymer mastic creates a durable coating that is comfortable to move on. It can be purchased if you want to create an accessible site with the possibility of visiting at any time.

Conventional bitumen or tar mastic is made from the simplest components. But the price of bitumen mastic for roofing is considered the lowest in its class. They are consumed more, and the final result cannot boast of serious advantages.

Such mastics are suitable for repairing and installing roofs in houses without much value.

One-component mastics are easier to use, so beginners are recommended to choose them. Two-component compositions are suitable for professionals who know how to use them and have the necessary tools.

Application and nuances of work

Apply mastic using a regular roller, brush or sprayer. It is better to apply one-component mixtures using a sprayer. This tool significantly speeds up work processes, but not every person has it available.

One-component mastics are immediately ready for use. They only need to be applied to the surface. Two-component products are pre-mixed in the proportions indicated on the package.

The surface itself must first be cleaned of dirt. It is advisable to repair holes, large cracks and other serious defects cement mortar. In some cases, a primer is applied to the surface.

Next comes the application process itself. The mastic is spread using the above tools. The entire surface needs to be treated. Each layer will have a thickness of 1-2 mm. Typically, three or more layers are applied to an unprotected roof.

The peculiarity of mastic is that it can be used on old coatings. For example, on an old roofing felt. Thus, it is possible to repair the old roof and enhance its protective properties. The technology in this case is practically no different from the standard use of roofing mastics.

Separately, it is worth noting the ability to reinforce the mastic with a special mesh, as well as to repair roofing felt coatings by gluing new sheets. In this case, the mastic itself acts as an adhesive composition.

Application of material

Prices for materials and services

The price of roofing mastic depends on the manufacturer and the components used in it.

You can buy bitumen roofing mastic from the Tegeron company at a price of 1-3 dollars per 1 m 2. The price of bitumen-latex roofing mastic will be higher, since it uses special components. TechnoNIKOL bitumen-latex roofing mastic sells for $5-7 per 1 m2.

GidroLux waterproofing polymer mastics cost $4-5 per 1 m2. Krasko company products will cost you 2-4 dollars per 1 m 2.

For the roofing work itself you will have to pay from 3 dollars per 1 m 2 of roofing. This means applying the material in several layers. The price is quite high, which is not surprising - you have to work at heights.

You can waterproof your roof yourself country house. Using inexpensive bitumen mastic for roof waterproofing, the use of which will not cause difficulties even for beginners. To protect the roof from water, you will need a little of this material, so you won’t have to invest a lot of money in roof repairs. The resulting protective layer will last a long time, reliably protecting the roof from leaks and rotting.

A variety of types of bitumen mastic and application methods allows you to choose suitable look such elastic waterproofing for any roof. All types of bitumen mastic are inexpensive and suitable for treating any type of roof, from flat to complex structures with several chimneys.

Bitumen mastic for roof waterproofing (it is also called rubber bitumen) has a liquid and viscous consistency in working condition, which, after being applied to the roof surface, hardens and forms a thin elastic film that does not allow water to pass through. It has a black color and a characteristic pungent odor.

Bitumen has long been used for roof waterproofing. Manufacturers of this material have significantly improved its technological characteristics and consumer properties by adding synthetic components to the composition.

Natural bitumen and polymers are used for its production. Modern bitumen waterproofing can withstand aggressive weather conditions and temperature changes due to the use of special polymer components in their production.

In this article

Main types of rubber bitumen

Sold on the market different types rubber bitumen, which differ in the composition of the components. In general, it can be divided bitumen waterproofing into the following groups:

  • bitumen, for the production of which various petroleum products are used. These are the most inexpensive types of bitumen mastic;
  • polymer, made from rubber materials. They have an increased service life, are characterized by high elasticity and tensile strength. Unlike ordinary bitumen for good waterproofing roofing structures More polymer mastic will be required. Polymer mastic for waterproofing is more expensive than ordinary bitumen;
  • polymer-bitumen, which include natural and synthetic components. They combine all the positive qualities of natural and synthetic components and differ at an affordable price. Today, for waterproofing work, it is most often chosen mixed species bitumen mastic.

Important! When using a specific type of bitumen mastic, the consumption of materials should be correctly calculated. It depends on the type of surface being treated and the complexity of the roofing structure itself.

According to the type of use, cold and hot mastic compositions differ. Hot way application requires the use of heating a solid bitumen mass. Rubber bitumen is heated to 170 °C (liquid state), after which it is applied to the surface to be treated. This waterproofing material is inexpensive, easy to apply and lasts quite a long time.

Important! Solid bitumen can only be used when above-zero temperatures. This mastic mass is not suitable for independent use, since special equipment is required to heat it up.

Bitumen-polymer mastics can be used when carrying out independent waterproofing work. The manufacturer has developed sets of solid mastics with special chemical solvents, allowing you to quickly make them at home liquid composition for waterproofing.

Composition of rubber bitumen

Cold mastic can be applied to the roof surface without preliminary preparation. It is sold in tin buckets and can be used immediately after opening the container. This waterproofing is used for spot repairs or roof treatments. small area, since it is more expensive than hot bitumen compounds.

The advantage of cold compounds is that they allow repair work to be carried out at any time of the year. Their consumer characteristics do not deteriorate under the influence of temperature changes.

Application technology

Depending on the type of roofing material, the type of mastic and the amount of its consumption, the application technology is selected. For large volumes of work, a roller is usually used to create a uniform thin layer waterproofing over a large area. This technology is used for flat and sloping roofs, onto which a hot composition of natural or bitumen-polymer material is applied.

When performing small volumes of work on waterproofing roofs or repairing leaks, a cold mixture is used, which is applied with a brush.

Special sprayers are also used (when processing large vertical surfaces) and the pouring method.

When choosing the type of application technology, you should remember that the material consumption depends on the correct choice. By combining the optimal type of bitumen mastic with the method of its application, you can rationally spend money on roof waterproofing.

Before carrying out waterproofing work, you should take into account the quality of the material and the degree of its adhesion to the bitumen film. This will allow you to accurately determine the thickness of the waterproofing layer and the amount of bitumen mastic required to treat the roofing surface.

Scope of application

Bitumen mastics different types Today they are widely used in construction and repair work. In particular:

  • when waterproofing a flat roof;
  • when pouring floors;
  • for laying rolled materials on the roof. In this case, they perform the function of an adhesive composition;
  • for protection metal structures from corrosion;
  • to create a reliable layer of hydro- and vapor barrier at objects for various purposes.

The widespread use of such mastic is explained by the ease of its application, long-term operation waterproofing layer and an affordable price.

Important! When choosing the appropriate type of bitumen mastic, you should pay attention to the ratio of price and material consumption for square meter, as well as the service life of such waterproofing.

Bitumen mastics for waterproofing: optimal price-quality ratio

This type of waterproofing is best suited for protecting the roof from the aggressive effects of moisture. It is inexpensive, easy to apply and lasts a long time. To carry out waterproofing work, you do not need to use complex equipment or invite qualified specialists. Bituminous mastic can be applied independently by correctly choosing the type of waterproofing material, its application technology and accurately calculating the consumption of the liquid composition.

The use of bitumen mastics allows you to extend the life of the roof or metal structures. Inexpensive compositions are easy to use and allow you to independently carry out construction and repair work without inviting qualified teams.

The roof of any building is exposed to impact every day atmospheric phenomena: rains, snowfalls, winds, insolation. This way the roof protects the building from undesirable consequences. destructive phenomena. Modern market offers new and varied materials for high-quality roofing installations and repairs.

Among them, it is worth highlighting bitumen mastic for roofing. This material is effectively used for fastening rolled materials, fixing certain types of linoleum, and laying parquet. But the main purpose of bitumen mastic is to protect roofing surfaces from the penetration of water and moisture.

Main characteristics of bitumen mastic for roofing

The prevalence and active use of bitumen mastic for roofing in buildings for various purposes is explained by its operational characteristics:

  • elasticity;
  • durability;
  • efficiency;
  • resistance to insolation;
  • light weight;
  • resistance to aggressive environments;
  • tinting in almost any color;
  • sufficient ease of application;
  • accessibility;
  • viscosity.


Conventionally, bitumen mastic is divided into several clusters:

  • cold application mastic. This insulation product is a homogeneous composition, ready for use. Sometimes, to obtain a liquid consistency, this type of mastic is diluted with solutions. After adding the solvent, the composition should be used immediately - otherwise the mastic will return to its original state. Some cold-use mastics require heating (30-40 degrees) before coating;
  • hot application mastic. This material must be heated to 150-180 degrees. Heating the mastic requires compliance with safety precautions, so it is safer to entrust this step to qualified, proven specialists. This mastic is applied hot. After this, gradually cooling, it takes the desired shape;
  • water-based mastic. This protective agent is one of the most environmentally friendly waterproofing tools. At the same time, this mastic is quite simple and safe to apply, since it consists only of natural and least toxic substances.

Advantages and disadvantages of bitumen mastics

All mastics have excellent physical and mechanical properties. And their cost makes this material accessible to all segments of the population.

Roofing mastics create a kind of membrane or film on the roofing surface (especially bitumen-latex mastics). Therefore, the appearance of seams and joints is excluded. The newest mastics are applied to the surface being treated, which is in different conditions: damp and wet, rusty, without preliminary cleaning.

Also, this insulating agent has a high adhesion (adhesion) ability for all categories of building materials. Thanks to this, when using the mastic, peeling or swelling does not occur on the treated surface.

The advantages of bitumen mastic include the following qualities:

  • waterproofing with bitumen mastic allows you to increase the durability and reliability of such protection due to a seamless, uniform coating;
  • the ability to use this material on any roofing surfaces (pitched, domes, spiers, flat) in shafts, gutters, parapets;
  • cost savings due to the use of mastics in the process of partial or complete repair of the waterproofing layer. Mastic can be used to cover the surface without removing the old roof covering;
  • roofing systems with mastic waterproofing layer 2-4 times lighter than roofs using rolled materials;
  • bitumen-polymer, bitumen-rubber and rubber-bitumen roofing mastics have increased tensile strength. Thanks to this, the deformation of the base is compensated (opening of joints, cracks, deformation under the influence of sudden temperature changes, shrinkage of seams).

The disadvantages of mastic waterproofing include:

  • dependence of work on weather conditions;
  • difficulties in controlling the uniformity of the thickness of the mastic coating on the surface.

Uneven surfaces or inclined planes are especially susceptible to the thickness of the mastic applied. Therefore, the cost of the project increases, since it is necessary either to carefully prepare the surface to be repaired, or to significantly increase the consumption of material.

Roof repair with bitumen mastic

Before application, the roofing mastic (cold) is thoroughly mixed. When specified by the manufacturer, the composition is diluted with solvents. With such mastic it is possible to work with low temperatures. To do this, the insulating agent is heated indoors for 24 hours. Make sure that the temperature is above 15 degrees.

Before starting the procedure, the surface should be cleared of snow, dirt, ice and deformation coating. The porous surface of the plane is treated with bitumen primers.

The coating area should be dried if the manufacturer does not indicate on the packaging the possibility of treating wet surfaces.

When pouring, the mastic is leveled with a mop, then applied with a spatula or brush. The product is applied in 2-3 layers, with breaks to achieve operational consistency. The total thickness is 1-3 mm.

Surface treatment using this mastic is carried out under the following conditions:

  • no precipitation;
  • temperature above minus 5 degrees.

Hot roofing mastic is a flammable material. In this regard, insulating work with it is carried out away from any source of fire, on outdoors. Personnel should wear protective work clothing to avoid contact of hot mastic with exposed skin.

Prices for roofing mastics

Prices for bitumen mastic for roofing vary depending on the packaging, manufacturer, and formulation.

The cheapest is “MBH bitumen-polymer mastic” (16 kg) - from 970 rubles. The consumption of this material is 1.5-2 kg per 1 m².

The most expensive is “Bitumen-rubber mastic” (20 kg) – from 1980 rubles. Material consumption – 1.0 -3.5 kg per 1 m².

The price of hot-use mastic is approximately 1,620 rubles per 1 bag (30 kg). This mastic is perhaps the cheapest. In this case, the consumption of funds depends on the type and category of work. In addition, hot application procedures require strict adherence to safety precautions.

Also on the market is “Bitumen-Polymer Aluminum” mastic (20 l, 3050 rubles), designed to protect the roof from UV radiation and thermal aging. Product consumption is 0.4-0.6 kg per 1 m². Mastic is applied on new bitumen roofs, for restoration of the protective layer on old roofs.

The use of bitumen mastic for roof waterproofing provides cost savings, reliable protection, and ease of work. Mastics are made for cold and hot use. There is also mastic on water based, which is environmentally friendly and easy to use.

We offer you a video about bitumen mastic:

The most common material for waterproofing roofs, foundations or other parts of a structure is bitumen mastic. Bituminous mastic is made from solid or semi-solid petroleum bitumen. Astringent substance, may have different color, traditionally black. We will tell our readers about what bitumen mastic for roof waterproofing is, who produces it and how much it costs, and how to choose it for the job yourself.

Bitumen mastic contains binders based on bituminous solid and semi-solid resins. The composition from various manufacturers may include fillers, various solvents and other additives.

Use bitumen waterproofing for coating various surfaces. When covering with your own hands, the protective layer is no worse than a membrane or film. When fastening roll roofing materials bitumen mastic is also used, as adhesive composition. The composition does not need to be additionally heated or diluted; after purchase, it is simply applied to a previously prepared roof surface.

Roofing bitumen mastic has different colors, and painting can take place directly at the factory where the waterproofing is manufactured, or at the construction site.

Characteristics of bitumen mastic according to GOST standards

Do-it-yourself bitumen mastic for roof waterproofing consists of a viscous liquid substance of uniform consistency. It is applied with your own hands using a brush and hardens to form a protective film. The waterproofing is monolithic, without seams or joints.

Mastic is used not only as waterproofing, but also during the repair of old dilapidated roof. Using liquid waterproofing mastic, you can carry out the following work:

  1. Formation of a protective hydraulic and vapor barrier layer on the roof, foundation and walls of any structures.
  2. Bonding rolled waterproofing materials to surfaces made of concrete, wood, iron, etc.
  3. Do-it-yourself roof installation from mastic or bituminous material of any kind.
  4. Anti-corrosion protection of any metal surfaces.

Companies are constantly improving bitumen mastic and the modern product has high waterproofing properties and bio-stability.

Types of bitumen mastic for roofing

Bituminous roof waterproofing is divided according to GOST into types:

  1. For cold and hot application. (It’s easier to work with these compounds with your own hands)
  2. Water-based.
  3. Based on various chemical solvents.

Among all types, hot applied bitumen mastic is in particular demand. It hardens quickly, although it is not safe to apply it with your own hands, since its temperature can reach 150-170 °C. Hot bitumen mastic is applied, pre-heated to gas burner up to 170°. The work is carried out with a wide spatula wearing protective gloves and shoes.

Polymer bitumen protective compounds are simply poured onto the surface to be protected and easily leveled with your own hands.

According to GOSTs, bitumen mastic is assessed in accordance with the following qualities:

  1. How long will the protective layer last without repairs? In terms of durability, bitumen-polymer compositions come first.
  2. Stretching at sub-zero temperatures. The greater the stretch of the hardened waterproofing layer, the less it will crack in winter.
  3. Deformation. Its waterproofing properties depend on how deformable the coating is.
  4. How strong is the adhesion to various types surfaces. With high adhesion, the mastic will be more durable, flexible and less likely to crack.

Not all types modern compositions meet the requirements stated in GOSTs; quality waterproofing includes bitumen rubber roofing aquamast from TechnoNIKOL. The composition resembles liquid rubber, has high quality indicators, and is easy to apply cold.

How to choose the right bitumen mastic for roof waterproofing?

It is not difficult to insulate a new roof or repair an old one using TechnoNIKOL bitumen mastic with your own hands. To work, there is no need to know any subtleties; just read the instructions that are on each TechnoNIKOL can.

The main advantages of applying TechnoNIKOL bitumen mastic include:

  • Easy to apply (no need to heat up high temperature and use special tool for application to surfaces).
  • Strong adhesion to both horizontal and vertical surfaces (the thick mass dries quickly).
  • The protective layer has an elastic texture that does not crack or harden at sub-zero temperatures.
  • It hardens over time and does not crack.
  • Service life more than 25 years.
  • When applied it does not dry out or flow.
  • The line includes protective compounds for any type of work.
  • IN high humidity does not lose its waterproofing properties.

All technical specifications in high-quality bitumen mastic should be described on the packaging; if this is not the case, then this is a fake made from cheap resins. It is better to refrain and not buy such waterproofing, even if the price is low.

Price for TechnoNIKOL

Price and famous brand they don't always talk about product quality. Therefore, when choosing, you should rely not only on these criteria. It is worthwhile to evaluate the purchase comprehensively:

  1. The service life of the material specified by the manufacturer. (you shouldn’t buy material whose service life is coming to an end; it won’t always be possible to use up the entire jar and you’ll have to throw away the rest)
  2. Consumption per 1m2 of covered area. (calculate price depending on consumption)
  3. The time frame within which the work must be carried out.
  4. Hardening time of the material.
  5. At what temperature can the product be used?

Hot bitumen mastics are among the most inexpensive and low in consumption. They are more difficult to apply, but in terms of their characteristics they are the golden mean in terms of price/quality ratio. These include the compositions of TechnoNIKOL construction purposes MBU, MBI, MBH.

Rubber cold bitumen mastic for roofing aquamast is easier to apply and for DIY work we recommend using a similar composition. TechnoNIKOL aquamast is produced specifically for roofing, foundations and waterproofing. For gluing roll waterproofing TechnoNIKOL offers customers to use aquamast cold applied mastic for gluing.

The price of hot bitumen mastic from Technonikol starts from 350 rubles, liquid from 700 rubles. More detailed prices for various bitumen waterproofing from TechnoNIKOL are shown in the table:

Name of bitumen mastic Purpose Package weight Price, rub.
Retail Wholesale
MBU universal 16 kg From 390 From 370
MBI insulating 16 kg From 395 From 380
MBH roofing 20 kg From 970 From 920
aquamast roofing roofing 18 kg From 1060 From 1010
aquamast foundation universal 18 kg From 1120 From 1080
aquamast repair and gluing adhesive 18 kg From 1010 From 990
aquamast anticorrosive anti-corrosion 8 kg From 1200 From 1150
technomast (rubber) roofing 20 kg From 2200 From 2000

The price of the composition largely depends on the size of the purchase, so wholesale starts from 30 buckets. For small repair work, you can buy small containers from 3 liters.

The most inexpensive construction brands are MBU and MBI. Material on oil based and takes a long time to dry. It must be applied to the underground part of the building. MBH is considered the most economical option, but in terms of functionality and range of use it is not inferior to more expensive brands.

To solve the problem in each specific case, TechnoNIKOL recommends using a separate brand of the Akvomast line. Among various analogues on construction market Aquamast comes first in all characteristics. You can learn more about Aquamast in the video:

Which one is right for you needs to be decided on a case-by-case basis, based on the possibilities and objectives.

Their structures are treated with bitumen. Although this material is pure form There are certain disadvantages - the material is quite difficult to apply, and under the influence of external temperature changes its protective film can crack. Modern bitumen mastics contain substances that increase the hardness and durability of the waterproofing external coating.

Below we will consider in more detail the technical and operational properties of bitumen, as well as what technology must be followed when applying this material to the surface.

Mastic– a very plastic material. It has high astringent and waterproofing properties. In addition to bitumen, the main composition of the material contains binders organic matter and mineral supplements.

  • mastic "Gidroizol";
  • bitumen roofing mastic Technomast (21);
  • waterproofing mastic (24);
  • water-based mastic (33);
  • hot mastic “Eureka” (41);
  • bitumen-rubber mastic (20);
  • TechnoNIKOL (31);
  • aluminum mastic (57);
  • hot mastic "Izhora";
  • bitumen-polymer cold mastic “Slavyanka”.

Also in good demand are mastics from companies such as Remmers Elastoplast and Bitumast.

Calculation of bitumen mastic consumption

This indicator, as a rule, indicate on the packaging. If the consumption is not indicated, then you can easily calculate it yourself based on the following recommendations:

  1. The consumption of mastic will directly depend on the percentage of volatile solvents. This figure ranges from 25 to 70%. With a higher rate, the consumption of bitumen mastic will be several times less than with a lower rate.
  2. When calculating the consumption of mastic, you should take into account the consumption rates for performing various works.
  3. When applying mastic to vertical surfaces it is applied in several layers. Moreover, the second layer is applied only after the first layer has completely dried.

Having considered the classification, we can say that there are two main ways of applying mastic: hot and cold. And cold bitumen mastic is applied manually and mechanically. Below we will consider in more detail the methods of applying mastic:

  1. The manual method uses big paint brushes with short and stiff bristles. Usually these are flute brushes. You can also use a short-haired seaming roller. When processing horizontal surfaces, the emulsion is carefully leveled with a squeegee, and then rubbed with a roller or brush.
  2. The mechanized method uses airless spray with a pressure of 150 bar.

For such work, only sprayers that mix the components inside the unit are suitable.

Below we will consider the progress of work on waterproofing cold-applied bitumen roofing mastic:

  1. According to the instructions, add solvent to the mastic and mix well.
  2. Before use, the roofing mastic must be warmed at room temperature for 24 hours.
  3. All debris must be removed from the surface to be treated.
  4. Treat the entire roof base with a special bitumen primer.
  5. Dry the entire roof area.
  6. Pour a small amount of mastic onto the roof and smooth it over the entire surface with a mop.

Before applying mastic, it is necessary to conduct a test to determine the degree of moisture in the base.