Flower horoscope: making a bouquet for Virgo. Virgo. Flowers and indoor plants by zodiac sign

Since the sign of Virgo (Virgo - in Latin) belongs to the element of Earth, it is natural that this left its mark on it. Virgo “owns” many earthly plants. There is an ancient Greek myth about Ceres, the goddess of the harvest. When the daughter returns to Ceres from the underworld, spring begins on Earth, and with her departure comes autumn. This goddess is directly associated with the sixth zodiac sign.

It has a strong influence on the zodiac sign and Mercury. Thanks to such a patron, the entire “Girl” flora has useful qualities. Such plants not only help improve health, but can also be used as amulets.

Virgos and their flowers according to the horoscope

Virgo is a zodiac sign that has imprinted practicality on people, and therefore their plants should produce nutritious and healthy fruits and berries. Rational approach will lead to the cultivation of fruit plants in the apartment. Representatives of the sign carefully select representatives of the flora. Most of their love for flowers lies not aesthetic side, but practical application.

Earth element of Virgo and the element of Air Mercury made plants with flexible climbing stems their favorite flowers. Based on this, it can be assumed that loved ones from indoor flora there will be vines or bamboo type plants.

Plants for Virgos

As already mentioned, all plants “belonging” to the ward of Mercury are very beneficial for health. According to the horoscope, flowers for Virgo help maintain the normal state of the entire human body. They improve health and promote improvement of intellectual abilities. Among medicinal plants highlight:

Most of these plants have become fashionable due to their ability to decorate homes.

It would be very undesirable for Virgo that she would unknowingly begin to grow clivia cinnabar. Despite its widespread use for medical purposes, it is quite toxic. Indoor plants for Virgo woman, related to the category of bulbous, are also not recommended.

What tree does Virgo have according to the horoscope?

Along with flowers, trees also help the zodiac sign. Pine, apricot or fir wood is used to make talismans. And the linden tree, in general, can be called the guardian of the house, since it will protect from thieves and save from lack of money. Emotional and physical condition Dev is closely associated with growing house plants.

Love of flowers is always welcome, and it will be completely useful if a representative of this Sign starts gardening or gardening. This is especially true for living talismans in the form of grapes, plums or apple trees. It’s not bad when there is an oak or pine grove nearby. In this case, representatives of the sign will not need to constantly carry talismans with them, since they will always be within walking distance.

Flower talismans

In most cases, talismans are minerals, sometimes wood. Few people know that flowers can also be amulets. This talisman grows in an apartment or on personal plot. How more people takes care of him, so more flower gives to a person. According to the horoscope, the Virgo flower, if she chose it herself, will meet all the requirements. But when they try to give her a living talisman, it would be better to first consult on this issue. Requirements, presented to flowers from the side of the earth element sign, distinguishes them by such properties as:

  1. The beauty and unpretentiousness of the plant.
  2. The flower must be iconic, that is, suitable for this zodiac sign.
  3. The benefits of a plant talisman.

Therefore, those who are embarrassed to ask their chosen one about flower preferences will find answers to their questions from florists and astrologers.

Gift bouquets

On any occasion, Virgos can be presented with a bouquet of carnations, poppies, asters or hyacinths. Probably every man believes that the more expensive the bouquet, the better. This is not always the case, especially since Virgo Women like flowers to be simply fresh.

A classic bouquet style with a faint but pleasant aroma is what the Virgo woman needs. And although red poppies were mentioned among the recommended ones, preference is still given to white and blue shades with a green tint. Both exotic and field representatives are suitable.

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Virgo is one of the most controversial signs of the Zodiac. Tenderness, vulnerability and gullibility coexist in her with determination, practicality and sobriety of thinking. Virgos are capable of caring for others, but they also place their own interests quite highly. Make them happy by presenting unique flowers from BontiLand as a gift: daisy, chrysanthemum, delphinium, carnation or aster.

Virgo is the zodiac sign of those born between August 24 and September 23. The element of Virgo is earth, the patron planet is Mercury. One of the main advantages of any Virgo is the ability to exude the strongest inner light. Everyone who is nearby falls under its intoxicating effect. That is why Virgos are able to conquer and charm, but for this they need to be self-confident and own strength. If Virgo feels that she is on the right path and has the opportunity to realize herself fully, amazing creative abilities can open up in her.

Virgos know how to bring benefit and joy to others. That is why they so often choose professions based on interaction with other people: they make excellent teachers, doctors, philanthropists, and service workers. They believe in humanity, any manifestations of cynicism are alien to them. This is reflected in almost all areas of their lives: Virgos are wonderful friends and devoted lovers, trying to maintain their dear relationships for as long as possible. However, the kindness and compassion of Virgos is often used for selfish purposes. They can be so naive and gullible that they risk being deceived or getting into trouble. However, paradoxically, Virgos do not like to create unnecessary illusions. They are able to clearly see the shortcomings of others, look at life soberly and do not indulge in empty dreams. They are constantly on the move, laziness is not their trait. They work hard and achieve a lot, they are practical and precise definition your desires. In addition, Virgos tend to develop persistent habits that accompany them throughout their lives.

Unlike the powerful Leos, who are accustomed to leading anywhere and everywhere, Virgos are more often ready to give the initiative into the wrong hands. It is difficult for them to be the center of attention; they make better listeners than speakers. They need guardianship and care; their delicate nature requires special, careful handling. They perceive the interests of their loved ones as their own and make every effort to make them happy. Inner Beauty Dev reveals himself in conditions of complete trust and harmony. Virgos are reliable friends, ready to lend a helping hand in any, even the most difficult situation. These are exactly the people you should turn to in difficult times. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that Virgos are capable of harsh criticism, and if you ask them for advice, then definitely expect the whole truth to be told.

Virgo men are materialists; you cannot expect romance and sentimentality from them. They are disciplined and neat, modest and inventive, insightful and intelligent. They are able to truly fall in love only with a special woman: honest, elegant, intelligent. If the ideal is not found, Virgo men often remain bachelors. Virgo women are flawless in literally everything. They are feminine, purposeful and have remarkable inner strength. They are punctual, obsessed with cleanliness, not easy to deceive and even more difficult to subjugate. They make good leaders and desperate adventurers.

Under the sign of Virgo, such different personalities (in character, in lifestyle, and in the trace left in history) as Ivan the Terrible and Mother Teresa, Cardinal Richelieu and Yasser Arafat, Leo Tolstoy and Isaac Levitan, Johann Goethe and Stephen King were born , Greta Garbo and Sophia Loren, Sean Connery and Michael Jackson.

Those born under the sign of Virgo, especially women, have a special love for flowers. Their home is always filled with the subtle aromas of living plants. Most suitable flowers for this zodiac sign: daisies, chrysanthemums, carnations, asters and delphiniums. It is not surprising that the first position on this list is given to daisies. Just as the image of the Virgin is associated with purity and innocence, the daisy has long been considered a symbol of purity. Its scientific name comes from the Greek bellus, meaning “beautiful,” and it lives up to its name. There are about 30 species in the genus, but only one of them has taken root in decorative floriculture - the perennial daisy, known to gardeners since ancient times. It is usually cultivated as biennial plant. The first varieties appeared in the 16th century, today their range is truly huge, there are even specimens with amazing yellow and orange colors. Daisies look great in flower carpets, groups, and on Moorish lawns. They are often used as “portable greenery”; they are planted on decorative islands in artificial reservoirs. Daisy is a winter-hardy plant that prefers sunny areas, but can also grow in shade. It requires regular watering and well-drained cultivated soil.

Another Maiden's joy is chrysanthemum. Its name is translated from Greek as “golden flower”. Modern botanists count about 200 species of chrysanthemums, the most common in Asia. China is considered the birthplace of the plant; the first mention of its cultivation dates back to 551 BC. From China, the chrysanthemum came to Japan, where it soon won the honorary title of national flower. In Russia, they learned about the golden beauty only in the 19th century, but now it is one of the most popular garden and home plants. It is actively grown in pots, flower beds, mixborders and borders. Chrysanthemum can tolerate drought and cold, but loves light and grows better in warm, drained areas. In addition, she needs fertile soil and moderate watering.

The next flower from Virgo’s best bouquet is delphinium. The plant owes its unusual name to original form their buds. Their resemblance to the head of dolphins was noticed in Ancient Greece. However, in different countries delphinium is called differently: the Germans – “knight’s spurs”, the French – “lark’s legs”, the British – “funny spurs”. In Rus', the flower was also called spur. There are about 400 species in the genus; their natural habitat is the temperate zones of the Northern Hemisphere. Most often, delphiniums are used in single plantings: tall plant with recognizable inflorescences always attracts attention. Florists around the world often include delphiniums in exquisite floral bouquets. For delphinium, a sunny area, protected from the wind, with moderately moist soil (sandy or loamy) is suitable. In this case, the bushes need to be tied up and thinned regularly.

Virgo will certainly like the frequent guest in our vases - carnations. The official name Dianthos, given to the plant by Carl Linnaeus, is translated from Greek as “flower of Zeus.” Indeed, cloves were known and loved in ancient times: Theophrastus was the first to call cloves that way. It has been grown since the time Ancient Rome, it became particularly popular in Europe in the 16th century. It was the clove that was known as the “favorite” of the English and French nobility. Today, the carnation genus includes about 300 species, 20 of which grow in Russia. Carnations are excellent ground covers and can be used in borders, alpine roller coaster, flower beds. Sunny areas and loamy, fertile, non-acidic soil are ideal for them. Overmoistening and stagnation of water should not be allowed.

Finally, a wonderful gift for Virgo it will be aster- a real “star” of any garden, because this is how its name is translated from Greek. There are about 600 species in the genus of asters, 26 of them are found in the post-Soviet space. Aster was cultivated in the 16th century; Alpine and Italian asters were the first to win the love of Europeans. These bright plants with large inflorescences look most impressive in group plantings placed on lawns, hills and rocky areas. To grow an unpretentious aster, it is enough to place it in a sunny area, provide fertile, cultivated, permeable loamy soil and water it abundantly during the dry season and during budding.

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According to the horoscope of the practical Virgo ( August 23 – September 22) a lot climbing plants. The influence of one of the rulers of the Zodiac sign, Mercury, is felt.

Some indoor flowers Virgos bear edible fruits, this is how the element Earth expresses itself. Their vibrations have a beneficial effect on the health of all inhabitants of the house, strengthen and harmonize the entire body.

The energies of Mercury allow plants of the zodiac sign to successfully develop intelligence. These flowers promote quick memorization, information processing, impart rationality, and help in research or learning.

Aucuba japonica

These indoor flowers combine the energies of Mercury and the Sun. Aucuba is very suitable for creating an environment of goodwill, unity, cohesion. It clears the atmosphere of the home from traces of contradictions, showdowns, and meaningless struggle for leadership. The plant softens Virgo’s excessive pickiness, pettiness, and various manifestations of excessive conceit of all household members. Fills the room with vibrations of peace, unity, equality.

Aucuba helps you feel more confident in company, which introverted or modest people will appreciate. It eliminates many complexes, changes shyness to sociability, which contributes to personal success. Flowers will help you discover new talents and are useful for creativity.

Monstera Deliciosa

Strong indoor flowers will emphasize the main quality of the earthly zodiac sign - the desire for perfect order. Virgo's household and friends will become more organized and learn to plan their own affairs. In the room where Monstera grows, everything will gradually find its place and a harmonious flow of life will improve.

Such indoor plants can eliminate excessive talkativeness in some people. Their vibrations will make thinking precise and clear. Household members will get used to thinking about their own words, weeding out unnecessary ones. Speech will be transformed, it will become balanced, and the expressions the interlocutor needs will be easily selected.

Overly conservative Virgos will become open to learning new things and will expand their own perception of the world. The integrity of the earthly zodiac sign will soften, and too firm stubbornness will be replaced by harmonious loyalty to its ideals.

Devil's Ivy or Scindapsus aureus

Plants with a strong expression of Air and Fire will revive any stagnant atmosphere. Vibrations of Scindapsus will relieve Virgo of excessive rationality and some down-to-earthness. These indoor flowers will help pragmatic people of the zodiac sign appreciate the possibilities of creativity, charge them with positive energies of enthusiasm and creativity, and give inspiration.

Scindapsus endows household members with leadership qualities, organizational skills, and communication skills. This will help reserved representatives of the zodiac sign become excellent leaders and be closer to their subordinates. Also, the combination of the energies of Mercury and the Sun will teach Virgo to get along with teenagers and children, and to harmonize strained relationships with friends.


Constantly changing their appearance, these indoor plants will fill the energy of your home with vibrations of positive change.

Syngonium is useful for those people of the earthly zodiac sign who are stuck in the past, absolutely do not notice the present, and are afraid of the future.

It can be given to Virgo, who is too keen on antique things, who rejects all modern trends and achievements. Such nostalgia will gradually be replaced by the joy of discovering a new world, the feeling of the limitless possibilities of our era.

These home flowers are suitable healers for some Virgos who are afraid to gain new knowledge due to the habit of clinging to an established worldview or perception of reality. Signonium energy accelerates thinking, helps with research, study, or adapting to strong changes. These indoor flowers make the character of people of the Zodiac sign lighter, which will make communication incredibly easier.

Dracaena reflexum

Beautiful indoor flowers perfectly cleanse the energy of the house where pessimistic Virgos live. They fill the room with a breath of joy, movement, warmth, processing the dark vibrations of negative thoughts, emotions, and words. Dracaena removes the fixation on inevitable defeat, helping to find new solutions.

The plant is an excellent living talisman for traders, students, speakers or writers. Dracaena will help you find positive aspects in a hateful profession, learn to engage in your activities with interest and love.

Festive bouquet for the Virgin

According to the Virgo horoscope, women are quite picky about the gifts they receive. This zodiac sign is the most practical and calculating. What bouquet should you give to such a lady? You need to pay attention to the design. No unnecessary details, no pretentiousness, only strict lines and gentle elegance.

Virgos' favorite flowers are not always especially expensive. Sometimes they are very simple, but cute and practical. Often have medicinal properties. For some reason, the modest silhouette of an unassuming flower resonates in the depths of the souls of these women.

  1. Carnation. One of the powerful talismans of the Zodiac sign. Will preserve love, protect from ill-wishers, strengthen relationships. The flower will protect Virgo from rash actions, vice, and dangerous actions.
  2. Hyacinth. A symbol of tenderness, purity, rebirth. Blue Hyacinths are suitable for Virgo, as a recognition of her reliability and fidelity.
  3. Scarlet Poppy. Recognition of a woman's beauty, a symbol of fertility. Sometimes poppy is given as a gift, hinting at injustice.
  4. Coltsfoot. A cute bouquet of these primroses will lift your spirits on spring days and remind you of the rebirth of life after winter.
  5. Aster. Very suitable for the appearance of a modest Virgo. Represents humility, love and simplicity.

The bouquet presented to the Virgin for the celebration should consist of the freshest, flawless flowers. Such women will always find even the slightest flaws; insignificant trifles do not exist for them. Considering the touchiness and vindictiveness of representatives of this zodiac sign, it is better not to take risks and carefully choose a bouquet.

Horoscope for 2019- this is professional personal horoscope for the current year by date of birth. You yourself can choose one of three semantic text interpretations, in accordance with your interests - business, health or love - family. When forming a horoscope, not only descriptive texts are generated, but also a table of aspects of the planets, where the aspects themselves are shown with colored lines. The color of the lines corresponds to the nature of the aspect: red - tense, green - harmonious. At the same time, tense aspects bring problematic situations and stimulate action, while harmonious aspects bring easy situations and luck. Blue- describes planetary connections, which can be both tense and harmonious (read the text of the aspects). To view the horoscope for the year for past or future periods, you can use the paid Forecast Horoscope.

Tarot Horoscope- This zodiac horoscope, combining the accuracy of modern astrology and the centuries-old wisdom of Tarot cards. For a long time it was believed that the images on the cards have a complex interpretation from an astrological point of view, but after analyzing life path many great and famous people, astrologers were able to uncover the mystery of the Tarot cards and draw a parallel between their meaning and the position of the Sun in a person’s birth horoscope. Draw up a free Tarot horoscope and the “secret knowledge” will be revealed: you will find out under the sign of which Tarot card you were born, and what sacred meaning your life path has.

Love horoscope allows you to answer how suitable people are for each other in matters of love and intimacy. Like the compatibility horoscope, the spiritual aspects of human relationships are also considered here. Aspects of sexual compatibility of partners may appear in the texts, or there may be no information at all - such aspects are not present in all horoscopes. There are three planets that determine sexual compatibility partners are Venus, Mars, and Pluto. If a couple has connections between these planets, then the couple has what we call "Sexual Aspects", and this is a very reliable indicator of whether this man and woman are suitable for each other. Only one in a thousand couples has three or more of these aspects.

Horoscope by date of birth- it's free accurate horoscope with a psychological portrait, an astrological description of a person’s personality, from the point of view of the location of our planets at the moment of birth solar system. The planets, being in different Zodiac Signs, endow you with certain character traits and thereby lay the foundation of your destiny. More full version– An individual horoscope will also tell you which zodiac houses the planets were in at the time of your birth and what connections (aspects) they formed with each other, thereby creating a unique star pattern of your personality. This drawing, which has the astrological name “ natal chart"is the key to understanding your destiny and purpose.

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The Earthly Virgo is endowed with many powerful plants. Although Virgo is an earth sign, it is ruled by airy Mercury, so among the plants of this sign there are climbing vines, plants with flexible stems and producing aerial roots. The practical Virgo also owns some fruit plants, for example, self-pollinating cucumbers grown in the house not so much for the sake of decorative beauty, but for the benefit of the table.

Aucuba japonica; syngonium; Monstera deliciosa; cissus: Antarctic, multi-colored, striped; philodendron: climbing, guitar-shaped; fatsia japonica; Monstera deliciosa; scindapsus (pothos, devil's ivy): golden, painted; cissus: Antarctic, multi-colored, striped; rhoicissus (birch): cape, rhombic; Dracaena reflexum.

All Virgo plants contain energy to maintain good physical and emotional tone and cleanse the energy of the home of people of this sign. The plants of the earthly, practical Virgo have many beneficial properties for humans, but there are two unique ones that can be used by those born under any of the zodiac signs. If Taurus, the first earth sign, gives stamina, then Virgo gives health. Although Virgo governs specific organs in the human body, its role is to maintain the health of the entire body. The name of this sign sounds deceptive. There is almost no femininity in Virgo; rather, she has more masculine qualities, a sober, rational mind. Virgo plants give a person rationality and good intelligence. Any of the plants of this sign can be kept at home as talismans to maintain health and develop intelligence and mental abilities.

Aucuba japonica

Impact on the atmosphere of the house:

On the green background of the leaves, numerous yellow specks are scattered in which the Sun and Mercury are connected. Mercury rules any leaves and the Sun is associated with the personality of a person. This is a friendly plant, it does not tolerate disunity and is useful for houses where residents cannot coexist peacefully and argue about their importance. Aucuba cleanses the energy of the atmosphere from the dust of self-conceit of household members, it will protect the atmosphere of the house from bad pollution, and protect household members and their guests from the poisonous influence of an overly self-confident person. This plant brings the spirit of brotherhood, peacefulness, and unity into the atmosphere of the house.

Aucuba helps a person become a bright, visible sun in any company. This plant is for the modest and shy, for those who suffer from their unsociability, or from the fact that they do not pay attention to them in the company. Aucuba gives you a chance to shine, blossom, and discover new qualities in yourself that are interesting to others. We carry within us countless treasures, consisting of our qualities. But we may not even realize that we have kindness, an unusual sense of humor, and the ability to speak beautifully. We don't know ourselves. Aucuba helps us discover our talents and abilities and, as a result, become more interesting to others.

Health effects:
The sign of Virgo, to which Aucuba belongs, governs the abdominal cavity, intestines, including the appendix, and Mercury, which rules Virgo, influences metabolism. The hot Sun of Aucuba heats up the air of Mercury, so the plant speeds up metabolism and prevents congestion in the intestines.


Impact on the atmosphere of the house:
He has a changeable character. His appearance changes greatly with age. Young leaves are variegated, white-green, and the stems are straight and short, but over time, not only the color of the leaves changes, but also their shape, from a compact bush the syngonium turns into a spreading vine that requires support. It is good to have this plant in a house where at least one of the residents is behind the times, does not understand what is happening in the world now, does not understand how much has changed over the years of his life. It is useful to have a syngonium at home when one of the household members experiences a painful craving for everything old, antique, at least for old things, with a simultaneous aversion to modernity, to the new. In a house where there is a syngonium, people feel more modern, younger and lighter. If you place the syngonium in the bedroom, you will have less difficult dreams.

Effect on emotional state:
The changeable syngonium helps a person overcome complexes associated with communication and education, and as a result strengthen his character. Syngonium helps a person not to lag behind in development, not to stop at what already exists, it is a good assistant in studying, it speeds up the process of digesting and assimilation of information and knowledge. It is very useful to have a syngonium nearby for scientists, researchers, teachers - everyone who is somehow connected with information, knowledge, education. Thanks to this plant, the speed of thought increases, a person quickly synthesizes different knowledge in the mind.

Health effects:
Like any Virgo plant, syngonium has a beneficial effect on the intestines and abdominal cavity as a whole. The syngonium rushing forward accelerates the course of intestinal diseases, contributing to their faster cure.

Scindapsus aureus (pothos, devil's ivy)

Impact on the atmosphere of the house:
is a vine with a flexible stem and aerial roots. The flexible stem enhances the air element, and the plant’s love for bright sunlight, without which the yellow spots on the leaves fade, emphasizes the presence of the element of fire. This plant is good to have where there is a lack of aerial mobility and fiery enthusiasm, where there is too much earthly prudence and laziness. Thanks to scindapsus, the very atmosphere of the house seems to stimulate people to action and inspire creativity. If you or someone in your household is depressed by the presence of a difficult, emotionally grounded person in the house, plant scindapsus.

Effect on emotional state:
The plant gives a person the ability, as a leader, to merge with the team, to be closer to the person you are leading. And people love such simple and open leaders. If you children's teacher or teacher, thanks to scindapsus, children will begin to consider you theirs, the age barrier will disappear between you and the children, you will begin to understand them better, and they will understand you. Scindapsus will also help when in your company you feel like an outcast, a third wheel. Under the subtle influence of this plant, you will understand what prevents you from getting along with people; maybe you will understand that your current friends and acquaintances are not the same, not your people, that you will never achieve mutual understanding with them. And if you experience psychological discomfort while at friendly meetings, if children do not obey you, plant golden scindapsus with yellow spots on the leaves. It will help you change yourself and change your relationships with people.

Health effects:
The earthly Virgo rules the abdominal cavity, and the fiery-airy scindapsus accelerates metabolism and burns away diseases. Scindapsus prevents congestion in the intestines, protects the appendix from clogging and inflammation, and accelerates the healing of any diseases associated with the small intestine and the abdominal cavity in general.

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