Dicentra flower or broken heart, planting and care in open ground, reproduction and wintering. Dicentra (broken heart): a charming and unpretentious plant for the garden Broken heart flower when it blooms

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Broken heart dicentra

Several decades ago, one type of this perennial plant often met in gardens. Dicentru ( Dicentra) also called "broken heart". The culture was popular not only here, it was loved in many European countries, they gave the plant interesting names, made up legends, attributed magical properties. Then the culture went out of garden fashion and only recently landscape designers began to include it in their compositions again. It began to appear more often in amateur gardens of the center. Planting and caring for this crop is not too burdensome, it blooms for a long time - from May until almost frost, and it looks original. Among the 10 plant species there are giants (up to 1 meter in height), and dwarfs (up to 15 centimeters), and even vines.

"Burning Hearts"= (D, "Bacchanal" = D. formosa x D. exima) x D. peregrina

When planning to plant dicentra, you should know that all parts of the plant are poisonous. The juice released from them causes poisoning and even damage to the central nervous system, skin irritation. Therefore, when working with this plant, you should wear gloves.

Where to plant dicentra?

D. foreign ( D. peregrina) and d. magnificent ( d. spectabilis) originally from Far East, and in its natural habitat it grows on gravelly slopes, pebbles and rocky outcrops; it does not tolerate dry air. American species of dicentra - beautiful ( D. formosa) and d. beautiful ( d. exima) - less whimsical than their eastern sisters. Thanks to the crossing of these different species, dozens of hybrid varieties dicentras, differing not only in the shape and color of the flowers, but also in the size and various shades of the leaves.

When choosing a permanent location, you should consider:

  • The culture is considered shade-tolerant and grows well in light partial shade, under trees. When planted in such places, flowering occurs later, but lasts longer, and the color is brighter.
  • In the open sun, dicentra looks more modest, grows worse, and requires regular monitoring of soil moisture.
  • Good drainage is required. The plant needs regular watering (especially in dry weather), it loves water. But if the moisture stagnates, the dicentra may die.
  • The soil must be fertile. Drainage is poured into the planting holes (40 centimeters in diameter and the same depth, the distance between neighboring bushes is about 50 centimeters) ( broken brick or crushed stone), loose garden soil mix with compost and fill the remaining space with this soil. On heavy soils add sand. The plant will gratefully respond to the addition of limestone chips to the soil.
  • These flowers are often used for decoration mixed plantings, they are planted in rock gardens, on borders, and lawns. Dicentra looks good against their background and grows well next to ferns, hostas, tulips, daffodils, aquilegia, forget-me-nots, and primrose. Interesting compositions can be created using a swimsuit, doronicum, and lungwort.

How does culture reproduce?

Dividing the bush. Once every 3 – 4 years early spring or at the beginning of autumn, dicentra bushes are carefully divided (the roots are very fragile), each division should have a root and several buds. Sometimes gardeners leave dug plants on the ground before planting. fresh air for a couple of hours so that the roots wilt slightly and become less fragile.

Cuttings. Cut off (the knife must be sharp) the shoots at the very base and place them in fertile soil, deepening them by 10 centimeters, cover them with glass or film and slightly shade them. Rooting of dicentra can be carried out in greenhouses, peat cups and in open ground.

Is it possible to grow dicentra from seeds?

This method is not used too often and is considered labor-intensive. Seeds in middle lane most often do not ripen. Seeds bought in a store (remain viable for 3-4 years), they are usually planted before winter (in September) - stratification is required. And dicentra from seeds begins to bloom only 2 or even 3 years after planting.

Dicentra beautiful "Aurora" (Dicentra formosa)

Care according to the rules

  • In the spring, when frost occurs, the growing shoots should be covered. non-woven material or film. Adult plants that are frozen will most likely produce new shoots, but young plants may die without shelter. But before winter, the bushes (except for the climbing dicentra) do not need to be covered. They tolerate it well low temperatures, and survive in the middle zone. In regions with a harsh climate in the fall, peat is poured under the dicenter (a layer of up to 8 centimeters) or spruce or fir branches are laid out. A shelter that is too warm can lead to damping off and death of the plant.
  • The soil is added annually in the spring. If you don't do this, it may become naked root system.
  • The soil should always be moderately moist. When the plant dries out, it blooms prematurely and may even shed its leaves.
  • After watering, it is necessary to loosen the soil under the bushes. To prevent the formation of soil crust, you can sprinkle mulch under the plants.
  • To make plants bloom longer, you need to trim off those inflorescences that have already wilted. After flowering is completed, the shoots are cut off almost to the root, leaving stumps up to 5 centimeters high and sprinkled with ash.
  • It rarely gets sick and is affected by pests of the dicentra. Sometimes plants are affected by microplasma disease and ring spot. As preventive measures - weeding, preventing thickening, fighting cicadas and aphids, treating the soil with formaldehyde (5% solution, plants can be planted 1 month after it).

Fertilizer application

When the snow melts, it won’t hurt to scatter urea under the bushes or add compost. After flowering ends, you can add mullein infusion or any other organic fertilizer.

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The presence of luxurious rose bushes, large thickets of gladioli and even rows of marigolds next to country houses allows them to look great, but quite standard. Therefore, you can enliven an already traditional landscape with such beautiful flowers. It’s already early spring, allowing this pampered Dicentra flower to bloom its own heart-shaped buds, which will decorate your personal plot until midsummer time. Only for everything like this, you need to correctly follow all the rules and advice when planting and caring for the crop.

The name of the flower itself is rarely used; much more you can hear a more figurative name - “ broken heart" The culture received this name because of the unusual shape of the buds, which look like small hearts. Some people know this culture as two-spur - which literally translated from the words dis and kentron means “twice” and “spur”. Wealthy French legends testify to the name “Jeannette’s heart”; in Germany, dicentra is called “heart flower”, in Great Britain - “lady in the bath”. Our people dubbed it “a broken heart.”

Dicentra flower

Despite the fact that many are accustomed to considering the dicentra European, its homeland is in Japan, from which European countries The flower was brought only in 1816. The beautiful plant was able to immediately attract attention with its brightness and unusual shape buds, therefore it became a frequent guest of aristocratic owners and nobles. Due to the fact that the flower turned out to be non-standard and exquisite, gardeners very quickly fell in love with the plant, as the names of the flower species eloquently testify to. These adjectives are: beautiful, magnificent, excellent and exceptional. When choosing a place for a flower, in a flower bed or in a flower garden, you need to look at its variety. Tall, magnificently centered, she looks great in the center of the composition. But the miniature one, along with the stray and exceptional ones, is better located on the sides or along the curb.

How to prepare the soil for planting crops

Despite the fact that dicentra is not capricious, to improve flowering, even with autumn period it is necessary to prepare the area for planting and cultivate the soil.

The plant feels great in places that are illuminated by the sun, as well as in the shade of a tree, based on which, there should not be any special difficulties with the improvement of the flower. But in places where there is shade, the buds will bloom later.

During the autumn period, you should carefully dig up the area chosen for planting to a depth of about 40 centimeters, and also increase its fertility by introducing humus (about 3 kilograms per square meter). By the way, a multifunctional fertilizer for garden plants in a volume of 15 to 20 grams per 10 liters of liquid will do for mineral feeding. In the future, when the dicentra begins to produce color, it will need to be fed about 3-4 times, which will guarantee rapid growth and abundant flowering. Following rain or watering, the soil around the plant must be loosened, but very carefully, because the roots of the flower are located side by side to the surface. To weed and loosen the soil, you need to use a tool that resembles a small pitchfork, then the soil cultivation will be gentle, and the fragile roots will not be damaged.

It’s good if the earth is quite light and can easily conduct moisture and oxygen. In the case when the soil is heavy and clayey, it needs to be diluted using river sand or peat, so as not to cause rotting of the roots. Most gardeners create a “pie” during winter, which includes dry straw or reeds, and pave them in layers, and also alternate them with soil in a specially dug hole.

Best propagation and replanting methods

There are three methods of propagation of the crop - division of rhizomes, above-ground shoots and seeds. We will immediately discard the last option, since the flower, as is customary, produces quite a few seeds, and species such as “Magnificent” do not produce them at all. The process of seed production itself can entail difficulties, so the most realistic method of propagation is by planting parts of the rhizome or shoots.

It is more correct to divide the dicentra when summer comes to an end, at the moment when the shoots located above the ground begin to die off. The roots should be very carefully dug up, removed from the soil and dried - in a slightly sleepy stay they will be more elastic and will break less often. After this procedure, it is necessary to carefully separate the rhizomes into elements, so as to leave 3-4 buds in each section for the formation of shoots. Elements of the root system should be buried in the ground, in a poorly lit area, and watered thoroughly with lukewarm water. To protect the plant, it would be appropriate to sprinkle the cuttings with ash. Once the divisions begin to take root, they can be transplanted into a flower bed. To divide an old flower, you need to dig up the entire flower. The rhizome must be carefully divided into parts, the elements that have died, as well as thin shoots, must be removed.

Dicentra propagation by division of rhizomes

In early spring, you can also replant dicentra. It is necessary to choose the moment when the shoots are still “sleeping” or just starting to grow. Division is carried out once every 5 or 6 years, but not less often, because then the roots will age and die.

When disembarking, the disembarkation order should be followed:

  1. It is necessary to make small holes in the flowerbed, between which the gap will be about 30-40 centimeters (the larger the adult flower, the further the flight);
  2. In each of the holes, you need to put 3-4 pieces - for pomposity;
  3. Fill the holes with soil and compact them a little;
  4. Pour some water that has been heated by the sun's rays.

Reproduction using ground cuttings takes place in the spring. You need to carefully rake the soil at the base of the bush and cut off the small elements of the flower with the “heel” with a knife. After this, you need to keep the cuttings in the stimulator for a day so that roots appear as quickly as possible and then plant them in abundantly watered soil, finally covering them tightly with greenhouse film. About a month later, roots will begin to appear. In low-lying areas, flowers will be planted only after a year. If necessary, to demonstrate the colorfulness and uniqueness of the flower, you can plant it alone in a pot, cache-pot, or a huge ceramic flowerpot.

Dicentra propagation by cuttings (video)

Characteristics of courtship for a dicentra

Proper cultivation of a crop means that it must be looked after without interruption, during which time it should be provided optimal lighting, carry out timely watering, weeding and loosening.

A flower can bloom well in the sun and in the shade, but its beauty and duration of flowering will be clearly determined by the level of lighting. In an open space, the buds will be able to bloom and bloom much earlier, and the flower stalks will not vary in particular size and splendor. Where there are shaded areas, the color will not grow as quickly, but the “hearts” can be bright, massive and will not disappear by mid-summer. Dicentra really likes sandy and rocky terrain, so it will be good if it is located on sloping slopes along paths that are lined with stone or brick. In order to create a drainage layer, which is located under the upper fertile layer, it is allowed to use small parts and gravel, or massive river sand.

  • It will be possible to achieve rich colors of dicentra buds if you feed the roots with superphosphate in the spring, and then at the moment of growth, carry out another 3-4 feedings.
  • After the crop fades, you should fertilize it with nitrogen so that new buds can form better.
  • With a strong decrease temperature regime, it is better to cover the flower using non-woven material.
  • Brushes that have bloomed should be removed in a timely manner so that the flowering period of other branches is extended.
  • When will it come autumn time, you will need to remove the above-ground part to leave stumps no higher than 5 cm.

Special attention should be paid to the soil. If the roots of the plant are too wet, they will begin to rot, therefore, when placing flower beds, it is better to select raised places.

When the dicentra has been planted, and the soil is constantly flooded, it is necessary to artificially raise the soil and equip the plant with a drainage layer, as well as grooves to drain water.

If there is a high temperature, then the flower needs to be given water more often and more intensely so that the roots do not dry out. In order to retain moisture and protect it from overheating, you can use peat or humus, which should be laid out in a dense layer near the formation of the dicenter.

The most common types of flower

Dicentra the Magnificent

Dicentra of this species acquired a similar name because of its size, because it is the largest and most pompous crop. An adult flower looks voluminous, covered with openwork foliage and densely covered with flowering tassels of the bush. The most popular shade palette is bright pink; it is much less common to find dicentra with flowers white. White-flowered forms have a small height, however, they are not inferior in splendor and decorativeness.

In order for the plant to bloom next time closer to the end of summer, one trick should be used: when flowering ends, the brushes with peduncles must be carefully cut off.

Dicentra spectabilis

Dicentra Beautiful

It is a small shrub that reaches up to no more than 30 centimeters. Flowering is accompanied by small but beautiful flowers, the color of which varies from soft white to bright purple. The flowering period is quite long - from the spring months until the end of summer. Some species have unusual silvery leaves, as if they were covered with light down. The flower fits in for decorating borders and. Dicentra the Beautiful serves as one of the flowers that manages to produce seeds. This is due to the long flowering period, which continues until the autumn period, when the seed pods are fully formed.

Beautiful Dicentra (Dicentra formosa)

Dicentra Exceptional (Excellent)

It is distinguished by its small height, only 25 centimeters. Against the background of gray-blue leaves, which resemble the shape of fern leaves, the presence of fragile pink, purple or white inflorescences stands out. Flowering occurs quite modestly, not very strongly, for about two months, and if the summer is cool, then throughout the entire season. This flower lends itself well to winter forcing. Due to its resemblance to fern leaves, “exceptional” fits perfectly into spectacular decoration alpine slides, rosaries, or small coniferous plantings.

Dicentra eximia

Dicentra Curly (Climbing)

As a result of selective selection, climbing dicentra appeared. It is an amazing annual variety whose country of origin is believed to be the Himalayas. This variety has an unusual bush, the length of which is up to two meters, a vine that blooms with beautiful yellowish buds. Growing a climbing crop is much more difficult than its relatives. This is partly due to separate courtship, higher temperatures and the fact that they have a hard time withstanding cold weather.

Dicentra scandens

Dicentra Brodyazhnaya

They differ in the presence of minimum dimensions, no more than 15-20 centimeters and short roots. The flowers are rare, massive, and have white, pink and red colors. This type has a late flowering period, from July to September. The plant can thrive in moderate temperatures. climatic conditions and freely endure cold weather. The wandering species likes not very moist soil. It prefers sandy, gravelly or rocky soil, therefore it should be used to decorate alpine hills, screes and slopes.

Dicentra peregrina

Dicentra serves widely universal plant, therefore it fits equally well both for single plantings and for decorating group flower beds. A small flower that decorates lawns, alpine hills, rose gardens and thickets of evergreen bushes well. Large flowers form chic multi-level flower beds near buildings.

Dicentra - an unpretentious plant for shady places (video)

U unusual plant Dicentres have many popular names: broken heart, Žaneta's heart, Virgin Mary's slipper, bloody heart. This is because the flowers of this plant are shaped like hearts, split in two. Legends associated with the flower speak of an unfortunate, but great love, personified by dicentra.


Dicentra is a herbaceous perennial from the Dimyanaceae or Poppy family. In nature, the flower can be found in Asian countries (Japan, China, Korea), as well as in the USA and Canada. In our country, dicentra grows in forests in the Far East.


The plant is a herbaceous shrub, from 50 cm to a meter in height, there are varieties - lianas. The leaves are pinnate, strongly dissected into segments, from light green to dark green. Dicentra branches grow from the center of the bush, smoothly bending in a beautiful arc, on which large heart-shaped flowers are located. The color of the petals depends on the variety and can be red, pink, yellow, white, or pale blue. Inside the flower, a fruit-box with black seeds ripens.


Many varieties of “Broken Heart” have been developed that can be grown in the garden and at home.

  • Dicentra is great. Variety garden plant, 50–60 cm high. The base of the bush is densely leafed with large, pinnate, strongly dissected leaves. Flowers, 2.5 - 3 cm in size, densely cover the branch - peduncle. The flower is winter-hardy and unpretentious, suitable for cultivation even in the northern regions of our country.

  • The beautiful dicentra forms a bush 30 cm in height, with two-centimeter purple flowers. This variety is suitable for decorating rock gardens and the front tier of mixborders.

Having looked at the photo of the flower, you can be sure that the name “broken heart” was not given to it by chance.


IN natural conditions Dicentra grows on the edges of forests, under the shade of tree crowns. In an open sunny place it will be uncomfortable, the delicate petals will burn. In dense shade the plant feels good, but blooms poorly.

It is optimal for a flower to plant it next to large plants or openwork buildings so that light partial shade covers it during the day. It’s also not worth planting dicentra in the wind, the flower’s petals are too delicate.

At home, the dicentra is placed on north-eastern or eastern windows, shading during the midday hours.


Dicentra does not have any special requirements for soil. It is suitable for loose and fertile soils, without stagnant moisture. In low places where melt water stagnates, the flower is not planted.

When starting to plant dicentra, the soil is carefully dug up, removing all weed roots. For 1 sq. meter of area contribute mineral fertilizer(superphosphate or ready mixture for flowers) - 25 - 30 g, and well-rotted manure or compost - up to 5 kg.

If the soil contains a high percentage of clay, add sand, up to 7 - 8 kg per square. Drainage (expanded clay, crushed stone) is poured into the bottom of the planting hole. This will allow the water to drain away without stagnating in the root zone.


The crop needs regular watering, loosening the soil, and weeding. You can make this work easier by mulching the plantings with a layer of peat, tree bark or small pebbles. Mulch will prevent weed seeds from germinating, retain moisture in the soil, and protect the roots from overheating.

During the season, the “broken heart” is fed up to 5 times. Before flowering apply organic fertilizers(mullein infusion in a ratio of 1 to 10) or superphosphate 15 g per 1 sq. meter, during and after flowering - phosphorus-potassium. Fertilizing the plant is completed by August, so as not to provoke the bush to form new greenery.

After flowering, faded buds are removed from the bush so that it does not waste energy on producing seeds. In addition, drying flowers spoil the appearance of the dicentra.

In autumn (September - October), the above-ground part of the dicentra is cut to a height of 5 - 7 cm. The base of the bush is sprinkled with peat or sawdust to a height of 12 - 15 cm, covered with spruce branches or agro-fabric. When snow falls, you can throw a small snowdrift on top of the shelter. In spring, the insulation should be removed gradually, layer by layer, allowing the flower to get used to the fresh air.

Pests, diseases

A “broken heart” is rarely affected by disease, but you need to know why a flower can suffer. Dicentra can suffer from root and stem rot, ring spot and microplasma disease. Unfortunately, treatment of dicentra is not effective; diseased bushes are destroyed and the soil is disinfected with a formaldehyde solution.

It is better to prevent the occurrence of infection than to part with beautiful plants. To do this, follow all the rules for growing a flower, and the soil is spilled with antibacterial drugs before planting. Dicentra should not be flooded or planted too thickly, then the plants will be healthy.

Can be planted low-growing varieties“broken heart” in pots, and admire the subtle beauty of the flower at home, on the balcony or terrace.

Almost all blooming summer season“Broken Heart” is good in shady flower beds, among ferns, .

Large dicentra bushes look harmonious in single plantings. The shape of the bush is such that any neighbors seem superfluous.

Watch also the video

Lush rose bushes, tall thickets of gladioli and even rows of marigolds and calendulas near country houses look great, but quite traditional. Why not enliven the familiar landscape with such a wonderful plant as dicentra? From the earliest spring delicate flower will bloom its heart-shaped buds and decorate your garden until mid-summer, if, of course, the rules for planting and caring for dicentra are correctly followed.

Dicentra is a rarely used name; much more often we hear the more figurative version of “broken heart”. The flower received such a capacious name due to the curious shape of the buds, reminiscent of small hearts. Some people know this plant as double spur, a literal translation of the words dis and kentron - "twice" and "spur". Among the French, who are rich in legends, the flower received the name “Jeannette’s heart”, among the practical Germans - “flower of the heart”, among the inventive Englishmen - “lady in the bath”, and the Russian people dubbed it in their favorite minor key “broken heart”.

Although many consider this plant to be European, its homeland is Japan, from where it was brought to Europe only in 1816. beautiful flower immediately attracted attention with its bright colors and interesting shape of buds, so it became a regular in the gardens of aristocrats and nobles. Gardeners fell in love with the non-standard, exquisite dicentra so much that even the names of the varieties turned out to be “telling”: elegant, beautiful, magnificent, excellent, exceptional.

The place of the plant in a flower bed or flower garden is chosen depending on its variety. A tall, magnificent dicentra looks great in the center of the composition, miniature wandering or exceptional - along the edges or along the border

Although the plant is not capricious, for better flowering It’s worth preparing the planting site and cultivating the soil in the fall. Dicentra feels great both in areas illuminated by the sun and in the shade of trees, so there should be no problems with setting up a flower garden. In shady areas, the buds bloom a little later.

In the fall, you need to carefully dig up the flowerbed chosen for planting to a depth of 40 cm and make it more fertile by adding humus (about 3 kg per m²). Suitable for mineral supplementation universal fertilizer for garden flowers in a volume of 15-20 g per 10 liters of water. In the future, when the plant gives color, it should be fed 3-4 more times - this guarantees rapid growth and lush flowering. After rain or watering, the soil around the bushes should be loosened, but very carefully, since the roots of the plants are close to the surface.

For weeding and loosening the soil, it is better to use a tool that resembles a small pitchfork - the soil treatment will be gentle, and the fragile roots will not be damaged

The soil should be relatively light and allow moisture and air well. If the soil is heavy or clayey, it needs to be diluted river sand or peat, so as not to cause root rot. Many gardeners make a “pie” for the winter from dry straw or reeds, laying them out in layers and alternating them with soil in a specially dug hole.

The best methods of propagation and transplantation

There are three ways to propagate dicentra - by dividing the rhizome, above-ground shoots and seeds. We immediately reject the last path - the plant usually produces a small number of seeds, and some varieties (for example, “Magnificent”) in temperate latitudes do not produce them at all. Difficulties also arise with growing seeds, so the most optimal method of propagation is by planting parts of the rhizome or shoots.

It is better to divide the plant at the end of summer, when the above-ground shoots die off. The roots are very carefully dug up, removed from the soil and dried - in a slightly flaccid state they become more elastic and break less. Then the rhizomes are carefully divided into parts so that 3-4 buds remain on each segment for the formation of shoots. Pieces of root are buried in the ground in a dimly lit area and watered abundantly. warm water. To protect the cuts, you can sprinkle them with ash. When the cuttings take root, they can be transplanted into a flower bed.

To divide an old bush, part of the plant is not suitable; you need to dig up the entire plant. The rhizome should be carefully disassembled into elements, removing dead fragments and thin shoots

Early spring is also suitable for transplanting dicentra. It is necessary to choose the moment when the shoots are still “sleeping” or have just begun to grow. It is better to divide once every 5-6 years, but not less often, as the roots begin to age and die.

The disembarkation order is as follows:

  • dig small holes in the flowerbed, the distance between which is 30-40 cm (the larger mature plant, the greater the distance);
  • put 3-4 divisions in each hole - for splendor;
  • fill the holes with earth, tamp lightly;
  • pour water heated in the sun.

Propagation by ground cuttings is carried out in the spring. Carefully rake the soil at the base of the bush and cut off small parts of the plant with a “heel” with a sharp knife. Then the cuttings are kept in a stimulator for about a day for rapid emergence of roots and planted in well-watered soil, finally covered tightly with greenhouse film. In about a month, roots will appear. Sprouts are planted in a permanent place of flowering only after a year.

If it is important to show the beauty and originality of the plant, it is necessary to plant it individually in flower pot, flowerpot or large ceramic flowerpot

Features of caring for this plant

Proper cultivation of dicentra involves constant care, during which it is necessary to monitor lighting, timely watering, weeding and loosening.

The plant blooms equally well in the shade and in the sun, but the splendor and timing of its flowering directly depend on the degree of illumination. In open areas, the buds bloom and fade early, and the flower stalks are not particularly large or lush. In shaded areas, color develops more slowly, but the “hearts” turn out bright, large and do not disappear until mid-summer.

Dicentra simply loves sandy and rocky soils. therefore, one of the best places for its location is gentle slopes along paths lined with stone or brick

For the installation of a drainage layer located under the upper fertile layer, fine expanded clay, as well as gravel or coarse river sand are suitable

Some tips for caring for your dicentra:

  • The rich color of the buds is ensured if you feed the roots with superphosphate in the spring, and then apply 3-4 more feedings during the growth process.
  • Even after the plant has flowered, it is necessary to fertilize it with nitrogen for better formation of new buds.
  • During a strong drop in temperature, it is better to cover the plant using non-woven material.
  • Faded brushes must be removed in time, then the flowering period of other branches will be extended.
  • With the arrival of autumn, the above-ground part is removed, leaving stumps no higher than 5 cm.

The soil requires special attention. When waterlogged, the dicentra roots begin to rot, so it is better to choose raised areas for placing flower beds. If the plant has already been planted, and the soil is regularly flooded, you should artificially raise the soil and equip the flower garden with a drainage layer and grooves for water outflow. At high temperatures, watering must be done more often and more abundantly so that the roots do not dry out. To retain moisture and protect against overheating, peat or humus is used, which is spread in a dense layer around the base of the plant.

The most common varieties of dicentra

Dicentra splendid received its name due to its size - it is the largest and most lush plant. An adult specimen looks like a voluminous bush covered with lacy foliage and densely strewn with flowering tassels. The most common shade range is bright pink; plants with white flowers are much less common. White-flowered forms are shorter in stature, but no less lush and decorative.

In order for the magnificent dicentra to bloom again towards the end of summer, you need to use a little trick: after flowering, carefully cut off the brushes with peduncles

Dicentra beautiful is a miniature shrub, reaching a height of no more than 30 cm. It blooms small, but graceful flowers from soft white to bright purple. The flowering period is quite long - from early spring to late summer. Some varieties have an unusual silver color of the leaves, as if covered with a light fluff. The plant is suitable for decorating borders and alpine slides.

Dicentra beautiful is one of the plants that manages to produce seeds. This explains her long flowering, until autumn, when the seed pods are fully formed

Dicentra exceptional (excellent) is distinguished by its small growth - no more than 25 cm. Against the background of bluish-gray leaves, reminiscent in shape of fern leaves, fragile pink, purple or white inflorescences flaunt. It blooms modestly, not very profusely, for 2 months, and in cool summers - throughout the entire season. This plant is easy to winterize.

Due to the similarity of the leaves to ferns, dicentra exceptional is ideal for spectacular decoration of alpine slides, rockeries or low coniferous plantings

The result of selective selection was the climbing (climbing) dicentra - amazing variety, an annual plant whose homeland is considered to be the Himalayas. It does not look like an ordinary bush, but rather a long enough vine, up to 2 m, that blooms with beautiful yellow buds.

Growing climbing dicentra is more difficult than its relatives. Lianas require special care and attention, more high temperature and absolutely cannot stand the cold

Dicentra vagrant is distinguished by its small size - no higher than 15-20 cm and short roots. The flowers are rare, but large, and are white, pink and red in color. Has more late date flowering - from July to September. Feels good in temperate climates and easily tolerates cold weather.

Dicentra vagabond prefers not waterlogged soil. Loves sandy, gravelly or rocky soil, so it should be used to decorate alpine hills, screes and slopes

Dicentra is a universal flower, equally suitable for single plantings and for decorating group flower beds. Low varieties are used to decorate lawns, alpine hills, rockeries and thickets of evergreen shrubs, large ones are used to create lush multi-level flower beds around the house.

Dicentra is interesting and unusual herbaceous plant in the form of a small bush. It is very popular among gardeners, and is sometimes called “broken heart” or “hearts”. It received this name because of the heart-shaped shape of its flowers. They look very cute and beautiful, and the different shades make them different from each other. From Latin the name translates as “two spurs”.

Botanical description and plant species

Broken heart - perennial flower , the height of which depends on the variety and can reach from fifteen centimeters to three meters. Belongs to the smoke family. Its homeland is Asia and North America.

The root system is taproot type. The roots are fleshy and go deep into the ground. The stem is erect, branched. The leaf has petioles, has a pinnate appearance and dissected ends.

Flowers are collected in racemes, can be different shades and are shaped like small hearts. After flowering, a fruit is formed - a seed capsule filled with small seeds. Able to reproduce by seeds (extremely rarely), by dividing the bush or by cuttings.

The flowering period depends on the variety. Some varieties can bloom throughout the summer, and some fade within a month.

There are not so many plant species. About 20 plants are known in nature, of which no more than 10 are cultivated. The following can be distinguished from them:

IN wildlife Dicentra splendid plant grows on the rocky slopes of the Far East. It does not tolerate dry air well. However, her American relatives are not so capricious. But despite this, no matter what type is chosen, exist general rules regarding planting crops:

Flower care rules

When the flower is planted correctly and the place is well suited for it, growing the plant and caring for it does not cause much trouble. Regular watering is especially important. The soil should not be allowed to dry out, but waterlogging can also be harmful.

They begin to care for the flower from the beginning of spring, when the leaves appear from the ground. During this period, the soil near the plant is loosened and mulched. If frosts occur at night at this time, it is better to cover the dicentra, because they can destroy young shoots.

To ensure flowering lasts longer, faded flowers must be removed. After the end of the flowering period, the leaves that fade must be cut off completely, leaving only small stumps.

For the winter, the plant must be covered so that it does not die. As a shelter, you can use peat, which is covered with a layer of 5-8 centimeters. This is done only in the northern regions; in more southern regions this is usually not required, because the flower can be prohibited.

In spring it is recommended to apply fertilizer. Superphosphate is great for this. After flowering begins, nitrogen-containing fertilizers are applied to the bushes. This may help prolong this period. In the fall, humus should be added to each plant and watered with manure solution. At proper care a large and fluffy bush with numerous flowers is formed.

Reproduction methods

Dicentra propagates mainly by dividing the bush or cuttings. The seed propagation method rarely brings any results. Shoots practically do not appear, and if they suddenly appear, the plant begins to bloom only after three years.

Experts recommend dividing bushes every three or four years. Due to the fact that the root system grows too much during this period, the roots may begin to rot. Dividing is best done in early spring, before the period of active growth begins. It is also possible to resort to similar propagation in the fall, after all the flowers have faded.

The root system of the plant should be dug up and carefully divided into several parts using a knife. Each division should have 3 or 4 good shoots. The cuttings can be planted immediately permanent places, having previously prepared holes for them.

Young shoots and shoots of the root system up to 15 centimeters are suitable for cuttings. It is better to first plant the cuttings in a greenhouse. You can plant them directly in open ground, but you just need to make sure that it is always moist. The cuttings should take root by next spring and then they can be transplanted to a permanent location.

Diseases and pests

The dicentra has excellent immunity, so it is extremely rarely affected by diseases. However, this possibility should not be completely ruled out. In addition, in some cases it is attacked by insect pests. Among the diseases to which she is most susceptible are:

  • tobacco mosaic;
  • ring spot.

These diseases can be easily identified by the way the foliage looks. Young leaves develop spots and stripes, while more mature foliage begins to resemble oak foliage.

There is also a small chance of contracting microplasma disease. In this case, the flowers begin to turn yellow or green appears on them and they stop growing. To prevent disease, you can do the following:

  • Before planting a flower, treat the soil with a 5% formaldehyde solution about a month before;
  • Regularly treat planted bushes against aphids - they are carriers of diseases;
  • promptly and regularly remove weeds around the bushes.

Thus, caring for the dicentra is not particularly difficult, and if everything is done correctly, the bush will be lush and will delight the gardener abundant flowering for a long time. Dicentra can become a decoration for any area.