How to prune hydrangea after flowering. How to prune hydrangeas in spring and autumn before wintering. Formation of a bush form with a raised crown in paniculate hydrangea, pruning features

Different types and hydrangea varieties tolerate winter cold in different ways. In addition, they can grow in different climatic zones, so there are nuances of caring for them in the fall in preparation for the upcoming cold weather.

Below you will find information about autumn care and preparing the plant for winter, about pruning hydrangea in the fall and covering it for the winter, which will be useful for both beginners and already experienced gardeners who recently planted this perennial in their summer cottage.

How to care for hydrangeas in the fall: secrets of care and preparation for cold weather

Hydrangea care activities in the fall include the following:

  • Eradication autumn spraying (treatment) against diseases and pests(alternatively, you can use a 3% solution of Bordeaux mixture).
  • Transfer(but only paniculate or tree-like varieties; large-leaved varieties are best replanted in the spring).
  • Reproduction(by dividing the bush or digging up layering, but cuttings are carried out only in the summer).

By the way! You can replant a shrub by propagating it by dividing the bush.

  • Feeding and watering (more on this later).
  • Trimming.
  • Shelter for the winter.

Moreover especially important properly prepare hydrangea for winter, namely autumn pruning and winter shelter.

Autumn feeding of hydrangea and its watering regime

When the hydrangeas finish flowering and their buds begin to gradually dry out, it’s time for autumn feeding, which should help the shrub go into winter in strong condition, successfully laying vegetative and flower buds for future growth and flowering in the new year.

In the fall, it is necessary to add potassium-phosphorus fertilizers to the soil; hydrangeas are no exception. During this period, it will be good to feed them with potassium sulfate - as potash fertilizer, superphosphate - as a phosphate fertilizer. Or you can buy ready-made autumn fertilizer.

Remember! No nitrogen fertilizers in autumn period, and also no ash as a potassium supplement, because it alkalizes the soil, while hydrangeas, on the contrary, need fertilizers that acidify the soil.

But watering in the fall is practically stopped (especially if the weather is cloudy and/or rainy), although, as you know, hydrangea loves moisture very much, so it is very important to water it regularly in the hot periods of the year during abundant flowering.

Features of autumn pruning hydrangea

Many lovers of this wonderful flower often have questions about this procedure: when is it better to prune - in autumn or spring; and is it necessary to prune hydrangeas for the winter? It is worth looking into these issues in more detail. In addition, if this procedure is carried out incorrectly, the shrubs may bloom poorly and, in principle, leave the gardener without their beautiful flowers throughout the entire season.

Pay attention! Details about pruning hydrangeas in autumn you can read

Should I prune for winter?

In the fall, it is imperative to remove all faded (dry) inflorescences, otherwise in winter, under the weight of snow, hydrangea bushes may simply break. It also does not interfere with sanitary and thinning pruning.

When is it better to prune - autumn or spring?

It is believed that paniculate and tree-like hydrangeas can be pruned both in autumn and spring, or pruning can be carried out in several stages (cut some of it in the fall, and then finish what you started in the spring). But, as a rule, they try to prune the large-leaved variety only in the spring. Pruning of young bushes 2-3 years old (which still have thin stems) is most often left until spring.

Features of autumn pruning of plants depending on the type

Let us consider separately how tree-like, paniculate and large-leaved varieties are pruned, since each of them has its own characteristics.

Pruning the paniculata variety

As a rule, in the fall paniculata hydrangea cut off only faded inflorescences, and in the spring they carry out complete (final) pruning, that is, pruning is carried out in 2 stages.

However, the flowering of paniculata, like a tree-like hydrangea, occurs on the shoots of the current year, which means that making a mistake when pruning is not at all scary. That's why In autumn, you can completely prune tree hydrangeas., but leaving some margin. For example, when pruning for flowering, you should leave 3-4 pairs of strong buds.

Video: pruning paniculate hydrangea in autumn

Tree species pruning

Pay attention! Autumn pruning tree hydrangea running similar to paniculata, but with some nuances (due to the structure of the flower). Naturally, you can do full pruning in the fall, because... it also blooms on the current year's shoots.

Video: how to prune tree hydrangea for the winter

Pruning the large-leaved variety

Large leaf hydrangea It blooms on last year's shoots, so it requires a completely different pruning. And if you do standard pruning, you can simply deprive yourself of flowering next year.

So, in the fall, only faded two-year-old shoots of the large-leaved variety are pruned; all other pruning procedures are transferred to the spring.

Pay attention! Many gardeners prefer not to touch large-leaved hydrangeas at all in the fall, but to do everything in the spring.

But you can still cut off the inflorescences in the fall. Moreover, it is recommended to cut the inflorescences to the first pair of buds at the end of the branch, that is, they (the buds) should never be touched. In addition, a stem of approximately 1.5-2 cm (a long stump) should be left above them.

Sheltering hydrangeas for the winter

Many novice gardeners are interested in covering this perennial for the winter, namely: when and how to do it correctly.

Pay attention! There is already one on the site that you can find.

Features of frost resistance of each type of hydrangea

Hydrangea paniculata is one of the most frost-resistant species; it can withstand frosts down to -30-35 C.

The tree-like variety is slightly less resistant to frost, in which young shoots may freeze in the cold season. But the plant usually recovers very quickly during the next season.

And the most unstable to cold weather is the large-leaved hydrangea. The fact is that this perennial blooms on the shoots of the previous year. And if the flower buds freeze over the winter, then next year there will be no flowering.

Is it necessary to cover for the winter?

Thus, not all varieties of hydrangea need to be covered during the cold season, or rather only tree and paniculate varieties, since they are highly frost-resistant. It will be enough to just lightly hill each of the bushes (for insurance).

But large-leaved hydrangea is strongly recommended to be carefully covered for the winter, since it is a very heat-loving species. Therefore, if you do not cover this shrub in the central zone (Moscow region) and cold northern regions, then it will definitely not bloom.

Video: how to properly cover large-leaved hydrangea for the winter

Features of covering hydrangeas depending on the region

In the Urals and Siberia experienced flower growers manage to grow large-leaved hydrangea, many varieties of which are valued for their beautiful decorative look foliage, as well as beautiful flowers different colors. To provide good cover for the winter for this heat-loving variety in the northern regions, it should be planted separately from other plants so that its shelter does not interfere with the development and growth of other flowering perennials. Some gardeners sometimes even grow this type of plant in large tubs, which are put away in a greenhouse for the winter or to the greenhouse.

As for how to cover large-leaved hydrangeas in middle lane(Moscow region), then an air-dry shelter is used here (however, it can be used in Siberia and the Urals), for example, of the following plan:

  • The perennial shoots are tied together, wrapped with lutrasil, and a mesh frame is built around it, the size of which is 10-12 cm larger than the height of the shrub. Dry leaves are poured inside the frame to the very top. Then the resulting structure must be wrapped with any material that does not allow moisture to pass through. In this way, young seedlings of all types of hydrangeas should be covered for the winter.

Attention! Already on the site detailed article on covering hydrangeas for the winter which you can read.

These wonderful shrubs are actively grown in landscape design for decorating park areas. But more and more often they are found on the most ordinary summer cottages and in the gardens of private houses. However, gardeners need to remember that these perennials require special treatment in preparation for the cold period.

Video: preparing hydrangea for winter: pruning and covering

Hydrangeas are firmly established on garden plots. These elegantly flowering bushes are unpretentious and do not require much time for care. However, in order for them to remain beautiful in shape and delight with lush flowering, they need pruning. When the procedure is carried out correctly, the plant grows with numerous young branches, at the ends of which elegant, lush inflorescences form. In order not to harm the plant, you need to know exactly when and how to prune hydrangea correctly. The specifics of the procedure vary somewhat depending on the plant variety, and this must be taken into account.

To trim the bush, use a sharp pruner, which will be easy to cut and not break off the branches. This is very important for the plant to form correctly and actively grow.

Pruning goals

Pruning hydrangea has several purposes. Without it, the plant can naturally grow, but this leads to the crushing of inflorescences and a decrease in their number. Also, a well-formed bush looks more decorative, which adds beauty to the garden. Thanks to pruning, the following goals are achieved:

  • beautiful bush shape with an abundance of green mass;
  • plant rejuvenation;
  • maintaining health;
  • improvement of flowering.

The procedure annually gives impetus to the abundant growth of young shoots, which quickly produce flowers. Due to their shorter length, they create abundant green mass in the lower part of the plant, where old twigs can no longer produce such greenery.

General pruning rules

Hydrangea needs to be trimmed correctly, otherwise it can even be ruined. Available general recommendations, which apply to all varieties and species. Do not cut the plant in rainy or very dry weather, or in extreme heat. It is better to carry out pruning in the evening, then all the damaged areas will have time to heal by the morning and will not attract unnecessary insects and will not dry out if the sun is too hot.

When pruning thick shoots that begin to release juice abundantly, they are covered with garden varnish or paint so that the hydrangea does not weaken.

Typically, this phenomenon is observed when pruning a tree-like variety, if it is necessary to remove a large part of the crown.

The cut is made obliquely, with one squeeze of the pruning shears, without soaking the plant tissue. Sometimes in places where you can’t reach with garden shears, you can use a sharp knife or a garden saw (if the branch is thick). This should be done only as a last resort, since such plant injury takes longer to heal.

Features of pruning by variety

In gardens, paniculate, tree-like, ground cover and large-leaved hydrangeas are most often grown. Depending on the type of plant, the rules for cutting it also change. You need to know them, since mistakes will lead to the fact that the bush will not bloom magnificently and elegantly.

Large-leaved and ground cover

Pruning of large-leaved hydrangea is carried out mainly for sanitary purposes. During this process, dead shoots and already wilted inflorescences are cut off from the plant. You can also thin out the bush somewhat if it is too thick. It is impossible to rid the plant of last year’s shoots before winter, since it is on them that buds for inflorescences are laid in the fall. By cutting them, the owner will receive only a lush bush in the spring, but not a flowering one.

In order not to spoil the hydrangea next year, you need to cut off the faded inflorescences in the summer. This will allow the plant to have time to produce young shoots before the onset of the cold period, and, therefore, flowering caps will appear on them in the summer.

When a hydrangea is sheltering for the winter, weak shoots are cut out of the bush, this will make it easier for it to winter.

The plant must be rejuvenated once every 3 years, cutting the shoots by 30-40 centimeters. Only ¼ of all branches of the bush are affected by such a haircut.

Ground cover hydrangea also does not require serious pruning, despite the fact that it produces flowers on spring shoots. When to prune hydrangeas - in spring or autumn - depends on weather conditions and the preferences of the gardener. It is enough to prune the ground cover bush once a year, removing only excessively long shoots that disrupt its shape.

Paniculata hydrangea

According to the rules, pruning paniculate hydrangea is carried out in the fall. Skeletal shoots should not be touched. Only those branches that grow inside the bush are pruned, thickening it excessively. Dried panicles must also be removed. Young shoots are very fragile and easily break under the snow mass. If it is clear that they will not become woody before winter, you need to remove them with pruning shears.

Before winter, the shoots that had inflorescences are cut off, leaving only 2-3 buds on them. This is necessary so that in the spring the hydrangea, when its leaves bloom, looks elegant. Buds are formed only on spring shoots.

Hydrangea paniculata, pruned for rejuvenating purposes, is processed in the fall. To do this, several skeletal branches are cut off, leaving only 2-3 growing outward.

Pruning hydrangea paniculata spring carried out to restore a beautiful crown after winter. Branches that have dried out, unable to withstand the frost, or have been broken are removed from it. You can also gradually create a standard during spring pruning, thanks to which the hydrangea will look like a lush flower cloud on a stalk.


Pruning of tree hydrangea is mandatory. This should be done in the fall. In winter, if all dry inflorescences remain on the branches, they will fill with snow, become unbearably heavy for the plant and break it. They need to be cut with a small stem. Very active cutting can harm the plant, especially if it is young and not yet ready for rejuvenation.

Serious pruning for the first time can only be carried out on plants aged 4 years or older.

Pruning hydrangeas in the fall may seem difficult for beginners due to the need to count the buds left on the shoots (there should be 3-4 of them), but soon it becomes automatic and no problems arise.

Anti-aging pruning of tree hydrangea is carried out no earlier than 7 years after planting the plant. If the root system is not very large, all shoots are cut off before winter, leaving only 10 cm of stumps above the ground. If the root is powerful, then only ¼ of the bush is cut off per year, and so the plant is gradually completely rejuvenated.

If you cut off the bush completely with an extensive root, it will not have enough strength to recover. This happens because the root system will need constant replenishment with substances that enter it from the above-ground part, and only young runs will not be able to provide them in the required amount.

Pruning hydrangeas in the spring may be necessary if, after a harsh winter, the bush has frozen and broken branches. They are cut with pruning shears when the most active spring sap flow has already passed, since otherwise the plant will weaken when touching living tissues.

Types of pruning

In order to more accurately navigate what type of pruning a plant needs at a particular moment, you need to accurately understand what type of pruning involves what.

  1. Rejuvenating - cutting a large number of shoots to a greater length to obtain new ones from the root, which will be stronger and stronger due to their young age and the absence of defects in them caused by negative influences environment. This type of pruning of hydrangeas is carried out in the fall.
  2. Sanitary – removal of unsuitable shoots that spoil appearance plants and create unnecessary mass. Dry, broken and defective shoots are cut off.
  3. Formative – the most complex and necessary to obtain beautiful bush. It is carried out immediately after planting and then for several years.

All trimming is done with pruning shears. The use of ordinary scissors is unacceptable.

Shaping haircut

It is carried out without fail in the first 2 years from the moment the plant was planted, and then - at the request of the owner for another 2-3 years. Thanks to the procedure, it is possible to establish the correct shape of the bush and provide it with strong branches growing in a beautiful direction.

Trimming is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • Before planting, the seedling is trimmed a little so that the root does not spend much effort on the above-ground part and is formed correctly. All broken and dried shoots are also cut off.
  • After winter - in March or April, depending on the climate, the bush is sanitary pruned and all shoots are also pruned so that the root continues to fully develop.
  • In the second year, from this moment the formation of a correct, beautiful crown begins. All shoots remaining from last year are pruned, leaving 3 buds on them, which are fully developed. Excess defective shoots are removed completely. Only healthy branches growing in the right direction should remain on the hydrangea. They are the basis of the bush and will create its shape. By forming the crown every spring for several years in a row, you can get a particularly beautiful plant.

With proper pruning, the gardener receives a bush that is characterized by lush flowering and neatness. A hydrangea that has not been shaped will look disheveled, since some of its stems will have the wrong direction of growth, and its shape will also be far from ideal.

Care after pruning

Cut hydrangea requires subsequent proper care. It involves watering and fertilizing. Stimulation of the growth of young shoots by pruning occurs with increased consumption by the plant. minerals and organic matter, which is added to the soil. Bird droppings will provide organic matter, and ash will provide mineral components. You can also use special complex fertilizers. Watering is carried out once a week in wet weather, and daily in dry weather.

By regularly pruning his hydrangea correctly, the gardener receives abundant flowering and very large inflorescences annually. Without proper care, the flowers will become smaller, and the bush will not be able to please with its elegance and attractiveness. In addition, it will become untidy and fallen apart, which will give the garden a somewhat abandoned look.

More clear example Hydrangea trimmings can be viewed in next video:

Hydrangea is distinguished by its extraordinary beauty, the inflorescences look like caps, and the crown is massive. Such a plant can actively develop in a shaded place; the most common are bush species. To make the plant happy beautiful flowering, and healthy greens, it needs to be provided with proper care, feeding, proper watering, as well as trimmings. The article describes how to prune hydrangea in autumn or spring, why such a procedure is necessary, and the features of the formation of young bushes.

Why is pruning necessary?

Hydrangea can exist without pruning, but its appearance will be neglected and the blooms will become small. This procedure is necessary for the bushes in order to maintain their health, form a lush and beautiful crown, rejuvenate the plant, and give it a well-groomed decorative appearance.

After pruning, young and strong shoots grow, and flowering becomes large and bright. Thus, hydrangea does not need global rejuvenation or urgent crown formation.

Features of pruning hydrangea

The timing and characteristics of pruning depend on the type of hydrangea and its flowering. Only one type of hydrangea, broadleaf, is capable of blooming on last year's branches, with buds appearing at their ends. That is, if the bush is pruned as usual, it will not bloom. This type of procedure is performed as a sanitary treatment, that is, dried branches and last year’s flowering are cut off.

Ground cover hydrangea has the appearance of a wide, rounded bush; flowering occurs on new shoots. But the pruning procedure differs from processing other types of plants; only slight shortening of branches that are too long is performed. Thus, the bushes become denser and the flowering is abundant.

The rest of the plant species are able to bloom on this year's shoots, and pruning follows the same pattern.

When is the right time to prune hydrangeas?

To achieve lush flowering hydrangeas, pruning is done in early period spring. This is done as early as possible to ensure sufficient time for the growth of the flowering species to develop.

Typically, bushes are pruned in the third or fourth month, taking into account the swelling of the buds. Until they appear, the procedure is not performed; with the help of the buds you can see how the new shoots are located, then pruning will be done in the correct way.

If you delay the process, then the hydrangea will not have enough time to bloom and get ready for winter period. Regardless of the fact that large-leaved hydrangea produces flowers on last year's shoots, it is also pruned early spring.

Plants that are covered in winter time, pruned in the autumn. Just before sheltering, the shoots are simply shortened slightly, and the drastic procedure is carried out in the spring.

Types of pruning

  1. Sanitary cleaning involves removing weak, dried or damaged shoots, as well as last year’s inflorescences.
  2. To form a bush, create density, and correct form, also perform pruning.
  3. The procedure is carried out with the aim of forming a larger and more powerful flowering.
  4. When rejuvenating a cardinal appearance, pruning is done on neglected bushes of the plant.

In autumn, you don’t have to cut off the inflorescences, they will have a different color and add beauty winter garden. This procedure is then carried out with the main pruning in the spring.

Formation of young bushes

During the first three years, it is necessary to perform primary pruning of young plants in order to form a crown. If this procedure is not carried out, the shoots will grow in the wrong direction and not evenly spaced.

In the first season, pruning is performed sanitary type, it is lighter, this is done so that the plant can calmly take root and form a healthy and strong root system. On young seedlings, when planting, all damaged and weak shoots are removed, and the next procedure is performed in the third or fourth month. Small seedlings are shortened by 1/3 of the shoots.

The next, second season after planting, the first serious pruning is performed. In early spring, the growths from last year are radically shortened, leaving up to three fully developed buds above the previous part of the stem. At the same time, strong skeletal branches are left, from which the main part of the crown is formed.

Pruning an adult hydrangea bush

In the third year, full pruning begins, since the plant is considered an adult; this procedure includes several stages.

  1. Growth from last year is shortened to 4 buds, this is called plant stimulation, branches with abundant flowering grow in this place.
  2. Remove frozen or damaged ends of branches, as well as dry shoots.
  3. If the density is too active, thinning is performed; for this, excess shoots are removed so that the bush does not become denser.
  4. For the rejuvenating procedure, up to 10 strong shoots are left on the bush, and up to 5 branches of growth from last season, while the oldest shoots are cut off to the very base.

Complete rejuvenation of the bush

Adult hydrangeas, as well as bushes affected by various diseases, which are in critical condition, must be rejuvenated by performing full pruning. Such a plant is pruned to the stump, removing perennial shoots, and leaving young shoots.

Usually, when performing this process, the shoots are cut down to 80 centimeters in height, so the bush may not bloom for one year, since its energy is spent on the formation of a healthy, beautiful crown.

Proper care of pruned plants

A pruned plant really needs high-quality feeding; after the fertilizer is applied, the bush puts out many strong and new shoots. Complete mineral fertilizers are used as top dressing.

It is also necessary to mulch using manure, compost, humus or peat; a layer of 5 centimeters thick is made from such components.

With proper care, the plant will delight you with abundant, original, and unusual flowering, as well as healthy and rich greenery.

Hydrangea (lat. Hydrangea)flowering plants of the Hydrangeaceae family, of which in nature, according to various sources, there are from 30 to 80 species. Among them there are shrubs and small trees, growing mostly in East and South Asia, China, Japan, Far East, as well as in the Americas. The plant was named in honor of Princess Hydrangea, whom no one remembers for a long time; later, when botanists were engaged in systematizing plants, hydrangea received the Greek name Hydrangea, which translates as “water vessel” - the shape of the plant’s seed pods resembles a jug, and the plant itself is very loves water.

The Japanese call hydrangea "ajisai", which means "purple sun flower". It was from Japan that hydrangea was brought to Europe in 1820, and was initially grown because of its low winter hardiness only as a houseplant, but breeders were so keen on cultivating hydrangea that by the middle of the 20th century more than 100 garden varieties. In our latitudes, garden hydrangea is represented quite widely - twelve popular species.

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Hydrangea flower - description

Most of the hydrangea species are shrubs with a height of 1 m to 3 m; among hydrangeas there are both trees and vines that climb tree trunks to a height of up to 30 m. Among the representatives of the genus there are evergreen species, and there are deciduous ones, but in our latitudes they are grown namely the latter, blooming from spring to late autumn. Two types of flowers are collected in spherical inflorescences at the ends of the stems - sterile at the edges and fertile in the middle of the inflorescence. The flowers are most often white, but a species such as large-leaved hydrangea is represented by varieties with pink, blue, lilac and red flowers, and the acidity of the soil determines the color of the specimen. For example, in acidic soil hydrangeas grow with blue flowers, in alkaline - with lilac and pink, and in neutral - with soft beige. The fruit of hydrangea is a multipartite capsule with seeds.

In addition to large-leaved, tree hydrangea grows well in our climate, known for its winter hardiness and ability to recover well from severe frosts. Paniculata hydrangea also overwinters well, known for its longevity - it can grow in one place for up to 60 years.

In addition to these three most popular species, such species as serrate hydrangea, serrate hydrangea, climbing hydrangea, radiant hydrangea, Sargent hydrangea, petiolate hydrangea, oakleaf hydrangea and others are known in floriculture.

Pruning hydrangeas after flowering

Caring for hydrangea involves, among other things, pruning it. Some amateur flower growers claim that hydrangea is like lilac - the more you prune, the more luxuriantly it blooms the next year. This is not entirely true, since this statement is true for paniculate and tree hydrangeas, but colored (large-leaved) hydrangeas cannot be pruned. Large-leaved hydrangea blooms on last year's shoots, so young branches that grew this summer must overwinter, and only next year they can bloom.

As for the species with white flowers, namely paniculate and tree hydrangeas, they bloom on annual stems, so after pruning, as stated, they will have many young shoots that will produce more flowers. It is recommended to prune hydrangeas in the spring, but this must be done carefully, since sap ferments in the plants, and they “cry” when pruned. Many gardeners believe that it is better to prune hydrangeas in the fall.

Based on these differences between species, hydrangeas were divided into two groups based on pruning quality. The first group includes species that bloom on last year's shoots, such as the already mentioned large-leaved hydrangea, as well as serrated, spiny, Sargent, oak-leaved and petiolate liana-shaped hydrangeas. Pruning of these hydrangeas can only be cosmetic, removing last year's inflorescences down to the first pair of strong buds and weak, old shoots completely.

The second group includes species in which buds form on the shoots of the current year: paniculate hydrangea and tree hydrangea. The main pruning of these types of hydrangea is usually done in the spring, before the start of the growing season. Tree hydrangea undergo the procedure only if she is already four years old, otherwise she may die, bleeding juice. However, if you prune in the fall, this problem will not occur. An adult, and especially an old plant that needs to be rejuvenated, is cut “to the stump”, that is, only 10 cm are left from each shoot.

If the bush is too large and old, there is no need to prune it at once, otherwise the short shoots will not be able to feed the large root mass. Rejuvenate the bush in parts over three years.

Panicle hydrangea is pruned sparingly, like a tree, without touching the skeletal branches: of the several shoots that grow from one point, only those that grow outward are left.

Pruning hydrangeas in the fall is absolutely safe and will ensure your plant blooms luxuriously next year. In hydrangea species of the second group, the inflorescences are cut off so that the fragile branches of the plants do not break under the weight of the snow that sticks to them in winter - this is the case if you do not intend to cover the hydrangea for the winter. In addition, old thick stems are removed from tree hydrangea, and weak thin shoots from paniculata hydrangea, and annual growth is shortened by 2-5 buds.

Preparing hydrangea for winter

Caring for paniculata hydrangea in the fall (and other species too), on the eve of the onset of cold weather, involves covering the hydrangea for the winter. Unfortunately, not a single type of hydrangea can winter in our area without insulation, so preparation garden hydrangeas by winter it should be thorough. The tree hydrangea is the most winter-hardy, but it also needs shelter for the winter, otherwise the ends of its young shoots may freeze.

Start preparing in mid-September: remove all leaves except the top ones in order to speed up the process of lignification of the shoots, and feed the plants with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers (hydrangea is not fertilized with nitrogen in the fall). Now you can cover the hydrangea.

How to cover a hydrangea for the winter

There are several methods of shelter, but it all depends on what kind of winters are in your area. In the southern regions, it is enough to simply hill up a bush of tree or paniculate hydrangea high. If your winters are unpredictable, then it is better to play it safe and still cover your hydrangeas. Small plants can be completely covered with peat and covered with a film on top - do not be afraid that the plant may move, this probably will not happen.

A well-proven method that allows you to cover medium-sized young plant and at the same time not harm it: tie a rope around the bush and pull it slowly, without jerking, to the boards laid on the ground with nails driven in, to which you tie the plant. Then cover it with spruce branches or sawdust, and cover it with a sheet of old iron, lutrasil grade 30 or spunbond.