How to clean your home correctly: the main steps to cleanliness. How to properly clean an apartment: home tricks How to quickly vacuum an apartment in 5 minutes


Get handy cleaning items. Be sure to purchase one with a spin function; it will take you a few minutes to clean the floors. Buy a set of cleaning wipes. With them, many household chores will simply become invisible. For example, a napkin for washing windows and mirrors will allow you to clean in a matter of minutes. With it, you do not need to apply a cleaning agent, wash windows and mirrors and wipe them with paper. You just need to wipe with a damp cloth to clean even the dirtiest surfaces.

Replenish your cleaning supplies regularly. You should always have high-quality drugs on hand to make your work easier. For example, purchase a product that does not require rinsing. It can be used to clean walls and floors. They will help save a lot of time. And for cleaning tiles, metal and glass, purchase products that will deal with the most stubborn stains in a few seconds.

Get into the habit of immediately putting things back in their place. Don't allow yourself to put them anywhere. In each there are places where things regularly accumulate. It could be bedside table, dressing table or shelf near the exit. Control yourself so as not to overdo it.

Break up your entire home into small sections. Clean only one place, without being distracted by other things. Spend no more than 15 minutes on one part. When doing household chores, turn off the TV, tape recorder and computer. Don't waste your precious time on them.

Keep your home clean and tidy every day. After every meal, get into the habit of washing the dishes and sink. Wipe the mirror after visiting the bathroom. If your food gets dirty while cooking, wash it immediately. You will spend minutes on these things. But reduce the time it takes for general cleaning.

Get rid of clutter. After all, it is he who creates the main difficulties when cleaning the house. For example, not immediately 10 and 15, unless you are a professional chef, of course. It's much easier to wash one or two items regularly than to spend hours on the weekend scrubbing congealed grease off a large amount of dishes.

Reward yourself. If you completed the job quickly and efficiently, treat yourself immediately. This will provide additional incentive the next time you clean.

Please note

Do all the tasks efficiently so that you don’t have to waste time redoing them.

Useful advice

Do not do several things at the same time, this increases the cleaning time.

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Tip 2: How to do a “money” general cleaning of the house before the New Year

In order to next year brought not only health but also well-being; it is not enough just to do a general cleaning before the New Year. We also need to nourish the energy at home with positive changes, energize it with money, wealth and prosperity.

1. Set up your home for everything new. Set aside time for general cleaning and remove dirt from the most inaccessible corners of your house or apartment. Let the old energy leave your home, and let the new, clean and prosperous energy fill it. While cleaning, say “I remove everything old - I attract money into the house.” While wiping away dust, removing dirt and debris, mentally imagine how you are removing loans, debts, penalties from your life, and the shiny and rustling cash flow fills your home.

2. Get rid of everything unnecessary. Ruthlessly throw away or give away everything that you don’t need and don’t use for a long time. Everything unnecessary accumulates year after year and clutters the house, preventing it from being filled with new ones, necessary things. At the same time, get rid of unnecessary things easily, without regret and without doubt. To do this, it’s enough to imagine how things you don’t need bring joy to someone else, and how new gifts you need come into your life.

3. Track the period of the waxing moon on the calendar and perform a simple but effective ritual to attract money. To do this, select large bills or place them in different places at home (you can also use it on the windowsill). Try to arrange the money so that it does not catch the eye of strangers. During the waxing moon, the bills will be saturated with the power of the Moon. In order for money to start working for you, buy something worthwhile and long-desired with this money. Thus, you will put money into circulation, and it will begin to work for you, attracting large sums.

4. Also, our ancestors practiced the following ritual on the new moon: after waiting for the birth new moon, showed her their bills at night, it is advisable to take big money and said “As the month grows and grows, so let my money grow and grow.” The effectiveness of the ritual is confirmed by many.

5. For those who believe in the power and energy of New Year's Eve, such a simple way to increase wealth is recommended. Enough in New Year's Eve, from December 31 to January 1, count the available large bills and ask the owner of the year to bring prosperity and prosperity to the house. And the symbol of 2017, the Red Fire Rooster, favors brave and determined people, so it will definitely respond!

Video on the topic


  • Ancient methods of attracting money

Tip 3: New Year's cleaning rules for those who have no time

IN last days A lot of things accumulate throughout the year and there is too little time left for cleaning. It is important to know the rules that will help reduce cleaning time to a minimum.

You can spend all day cleaning and still not see results.

Try the following:

Do several things at once. Pour the cleaning product into the bathtub or sink and go clean the rooms at this time;

While the product is working on the grease that has dried on the stove, you can clean the work surfaces;

Start with the most dirty work. Clean the plumbing and stove. Always do the hardest work first while you have the strength;

Start by dusting, then move on to mopping the floors.

There are also cases when cleaning needs to be done very quickly.

Express cleaning

Window cleaning

Although windows are cleaned twice a year, dirt accumulates faster. Therefore, carry out this procedure again. To avoid washing by hand, you can purchase a special device.


Any clutter creates a feeling of disorder, and cleaning in such conditions is incredibly difficult. You obviously don’t want to remove and re-arrange the figurines every time after you’ve wiped the dust. If you hate throwing away all sorts of little things, put them in the closet.

It's the same with books and magazines. Perhaps you have accumulated enough that you are not reading. Do not store everything on an open surface; put the excess in a closet or cabinet.

Get containers and boxes. They will help you keep your home tidy. First of all, they are useful for small things like rubber bands, hair clips, coins, etc.

Cleaning the bathroom

Wash the bath curtain. To do this, remove it and send it to washing machine. Of course, it will not regain its original purity, but it will become a little cleaner. Pull the curtain out of the machine and put it in place.

To clean your plumbing, fill it with the product and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then, wash with a sponge or brush, rinse off any remaining product and dirt with water.


After you've cleaned the bathroom, pay attention to the mirrors. Their dirty surface will spoil the appearance even after the most thorough cleaning. After the mirrors, you can start washing the floor.

Without perfectionism

Many people think that cleaning the floor takes the most time. In fact, this procedure can be carried out faster. Do not wipe the floor several times. It is enough to rub a well-wrung out cloth over it, paying attention to particularly dirty areas. For example, corners.

You can fill your home with aroma. To do this, add 6-7 drops of citrus fruit to the water. essential oil, which is pre-mixed with 1 tablespoon of salt.

This way you will do a quality cleaning without spending a lot of time. To speed up the process as much as possible, buy automatic special devices, which will make your home clean, and you will spend a minimum of effort.

If your home is a mess that discourages any desire to clean, start thinking strategically to quickly tidy up a room or your entire home. Stay focused and make cleaning fun. Put things away, dust, then move on to cleaning floors and surfaces. If you have time, do a thorough cleaning of the bathroom, kitchen, or rooms. You will certainly be pleased with the cleanliness in a short time!


Part 1

How to clean in a fun and effective way
  1. Select a room to clean. Do you want to clean up the whole house or just one room? If you are expecting overnight guests, it is better to pay special attention living room and bathroom. If you are planning a dinner with guests, then you need to clean the kitchen and dining room.

    • It is also important to set your priorities correctly. For example, close your bedroom doors if people won't be coming in and you're short on time.
    • For example, if there is 1 hour left before guests arrive, then set the timer for 15 minutes. During this time, tidy up the living room, and then set a timer for 30 minutes before moving on to the other rooms. In the last 15 minutes, wash the floors and dishes.
  2. Play upbeat music. If after a few minutes of cleaning your efficiency has dropped, then turn on your favorite energetic music. Turn up the volume if you are in another part of the house or the vacuum cleaner is drowning out the music.

    • With music, cleaning will turn from a chore into exciting activity. You can even make a list of cleaning songs whenever you have a free minute, so you always have music at your fingertips!
  3. Enlist the help of relatives or roommates. Cleaning will be completed much faster if you find an assistant. Ask a friend or relative to give you an hour of their time. If you have roommates, they can also participate in cleaning. Distribute specific tasks so that everyone does their own thing.

    • If your neighbor is not ready to help, then ask what to do with his things. He may not want you to sort his clothes and other things.
    • For example, say: “Mom, can you vacuum the living room while Sveta wipes the dust?”
  4. Eliminate distractions. Sometimes you want to turn on the TV as a background, but you will be distracted and cleaning will take longer. Turn off the TV and computer. You should also put your smartphone away if you are constantly distracted by notifications.

    • Tell yourself that you need to focus on cleaning, after which you can use your smartphone, TV and computer.
  5. Clean the floors quickly. If you need to wash small room or quickly clean the floor, then spray the cleaner and mop until you get rid of dirt or stains.

    • If you don't have time to quickly wash the entire floor, apply the cleaner directly to the stains and remove them with a towel.
  6. Wipe down surfaces, sinks and faucets. Return to the countertops. Rinse off the all-purpose cleaner with a sponge or cloth. Rinse the sink running water to wash off the solution.

    • Wipe the taps with a dry, clean cloth to ensure there are no water marks left on them.

When the house is tidy and clean, most of us simply adore it, but we mostly hate the cleaning process itself and try to find an opportunity to put it off for as long as possible. But no matter how much you put it off, we still have to do the cleaning, so much can’t be left to men - they only take out the trash, vacuum the carpets and dry-clean the sofas. Few people can afford a housekeeper, which means that cleaning must be taken seriously and, as a result, it must be done quickly and efficiently. That's what is required.

1. Clutter in the house is primarily caused by things scattered everywhere. Therefore, the very first thing when putting things in order is to collect things that are out of place and put them in their places. This will immediately give the apartment a semblance of order.

2. If you need to restore order very quickly, before guests arrive, take a close look at your hallway. Be sure to wash the dirty floor, arrange your shoes neatly and, if possible, wash them too. The hallway is the first thing guests notice when entering the apartment. A clean floor here will catch the eye, but then the gaze will dissipate, and the cleanliness of the floors in the nursery or living room will no longer be noticeable to anyone. Washing windows in a cottage will also not be noticed immediately, especially in dark time days. However, such a recipe for suddenly cleaning in front of guests is still not best option: It is better to keep the house clean at all times.

3. When things are in place, books are on the shelves, and nothing else is scattered, you can start wiping off the dust. All dusty surfaces should be wiped with a dry or slightly damp cloth. Don't forget to wipe your TV and computer screens too - they collect dust the most.

4. If you do not plan to change the bed linen this time, then, in any case, you should definitely hang fresh towels in the kitchen and bathroom, sprinkling them with eau de toilette for the aroma. If there are a lot of bottles with powders, sprays and other cleaners in the bathroom, put them in a special basket - if there are a lot of colorful bottles in sight in the bathroom, this in no way decorates it. If you are expecting guests, provide them with fresh towels. Agree, even in a modern bathroom, old towels can ruin the whole experience.

5. Let's take on the plumbing. You can clean the bathroom using bleach, preferably powder. They should definitely rub the sides, the edges under the rim and the area near the drain. The bleach should be left in the bath for a few minutes; While it is in effect, you can work on the mirrors and tiles on the walls.

Mirrors throughout the apartment are a problem area: they get dirty quickly, and hands cannot reach them. And if you put them in order, it will immediately appear general impression cleanliness. Rub tiles and mirrors can be wiped with paper towels using a vinegar solution that cleans glass well. All that's left to do is wash the sink. washing machine outside and the walls of the shower stall, if you have one in the bathroom. When cleaning the toilet, do not forget about rubber gloves, and it is better to do all the cleaning in them - your hands must be protected from cleaning chemicals. Don’t forget to wipe the toilet rim, and the tank too. While you're tidying up your bathroom, empty the laundry basket and start the washing machine. If you don’t want to do laundry, then at least sort the laundry for future washing - this is already some kind of order in the laundry.

6. When cleaning the kitchen, you also need to maintain order. Wash the dishes if there are dirty ones, then clean the sink. The most important place in the kitchen, and it is also an indicator of the housewife’s accuracy - this is the stove. The work desk and microwave oven should also be equally clean. And be sure to have fresh towels: when guests see them, they will forgive you for not having a very clean floor. Yellowish deposits from gas and grease can only be wiped off with Comet powder or a grease solvent like Ferry. If you pay more attention to the kitchen than to the other rooms, the plaque will not stagnate, and it will become much easier to scrub off. You shouldn’t ignore the surface of the refrigerator: any traces are clearly visible on it.

7. Using the same method, we move on to other rooms. Here important point– dry cleaning of sofas, and then – washing of floors. Some try to limit themselves to vacuuming only, but remember that it is best for your health when wet cleaning is done.

8. When you start cleaning, put on some good music or a fun DVD movie - with good mood getting started will be easy.

9. You shouldn’t start cleaning when you’re tired, or when you’re in a bad mood, unless your mood tends to improve from carpet cleaning.

10. The fear of upcoming cleaning is usually worse than the cleaning itself. After all, it happens that you can get ready to wash the windows in your cottage for several days, and then decide to complete all the work in a day. The main thing is to start.

11. You should definitely teach all your household members to clean up after themselves. The well-known rule: “It’s not clean where they clean, but where they don’t litter,” should become a family law, then cleaning will be a pleasant and uncomplicated task.

They should not be tempted to put off cleaning or do it carelessly; they must clean rooms of any dirt quickly and perfectly clean.

Professional maids know and use many tricks and tricks to... Here are some secrets you can use.

First they remove everything unnecessary

Maria Stickney, housekeeping manager at the Radisson Blu Mall in Bloomington, prefers to remove the trash and dirty laundry from the room first so she can start cleaning with a clean slate. She puts all the garbage into bags, collects bed linen, towels and everything that clients left in the room. In the bathroom she immediately collects bottles of cosmetics and everything that is on the dressing table or on a shelf. “This helps combat the temptation to simply wipe the dust around the items and place them back on the wet surface, which can leave wet marks,” she says.

They prefer microfiber for dust collection

Secret effective removal dust is hidden in the right fabric. Microfiber is the most suitable fabric for wiping dust. If you do not have such fabric, then use a 100% cotton rag, for example, from an old baby diaper, used pillowcase or T-shirt. Try not to use for this purpose terry towels or polyester - they can create even more dust.

They clean the curtains regularly

Dust particles from curtains can circulate around the room for a long time. " The best way to rid curtains of dust - beat them off with a wet or dry towel, says Maria Stickney. - Take a medium-sized towel - it should be heavy enough so that the blow is strong, but light enough so that your hand does not get tired - roll it into a tube and open the curtains. Knock all the dust out onto the floor and then vacuum it.”

They vacuum the floor before mopping

Always vacuum or sweep the floor before mopping. “You don't want to find wet hair on the floor—it's very difficult to remove,” says Stickney. “When it’s time to mop the floors, start in the far corner and work your way toward the door.”

They clean the bathroom last

It's best to start cleaning in the bedroom rather than the bathroom to minimize the transfer of bacteria, which are always abundant in the bathroom.

They know that cleaning products take time to work.

Let your cleaners do the work for you. “Spray the shower and toilet walls with the cleaner and let it sit for a few minutes,” says Stickney. ‒ Use this time to clean mirrors, windows, medicine cabinet, and anything else in the room. you will spend less strength, and the dirt will come off easier. Because your remedies worked."

They don't vacuum the way you were taught.

Your mom may have taught you to vacuum from the back of the room and work your way toward the exit, but Anderson uses a different method: “Vacuum the high-traffic areas of the room first, then work your way toward the exit—so you double-vacuum.” Clean the most used areas of the floor or carpet.”

They use vinegar to clean

“Do you think we are using some secret weapon to clean up? But the best we have is white vinegar and water,” Stickney says. ‒ This product cleans a lot of things well and can even remove traces left by other cleaning products. Fill a spray bottle with a solution containing one part vinegar and three parts water and go for it.”

It is very important for a woman to be a good housewife and keep the house perfectly clean, but there is not always enough time to clean. How I wish it would always be cleanliness in the house, but besides cleaning You also need to prepare food for the whole family, wash and iron clothes. As always, there is a lot of housework and it never ends.

All this needs to be done daily, day after day, otherwise our cozy nest can turn into a waste dump.

What should we do if our apartment is full of dirt and debris since the last cleaning? How to quickly clean the house so as not to spoil relationships with family and not exhaust yourself and your family? Where to start cleaning your apartment? How to make cleaning “not stressful” but quick and easy, bringing pleasure to everyone in the household?

Where does apartment cleaning begin? Psychologists advise housewives to start cleaning the house from oneself, from “cleansing one’s own feathers.” You need to somehow set yourself up for work... positively... Therefore, on a day off in the morning, do not rush to wash and put everything away urgently, give yourself the opportunity to sleep, take a bath with salt and aromatic foam, drink a leisurely cup of green tea to tone up your body. Only now, when you had a good rest in the morning after a week of work, had breakfast and relaxed, is it worth cleaning the apartment.

Why not make cleaning a holiday? If it's not frosty outside, open the window slightly and give yourself a sip fresh air, turn on the radio or a CD with your favorite songs. Talk to your family and let them help you. Remind your husband that in ancient times it was believed dirty house money bypasses!

Be sure to take care of your own motivation (a new cream or lipstick, for example, why not!) or come up with a general reward, such as a trip to a pizzeria or a movie, after you finish cleaning. This type of cleaning will be very interesting for your children and they will look forward to it every week.

If you lack the motivation to get off the couch and start cleaning, watch this motivational video; it helps some of our readers gather strength:

You have to clean your apartment: where to start?

Our advice - start cleaning from the kitchen, washing dirty dishes, cleaning the stove. If you read books on Feng Shui, then you know that the kitchen is considered a source of wealth. Therefore, you definitely need to wash the sink and stove to a mirror shine, and it’s best to do this every day after cooking - this way you can keep your apartment clean every day. If everything is very dirty and greasy, you can use hot water with soap. Don't forget about the refrigerator: wipe its shelves and walls, throw away spoiled food.

If you're interested, how to quickly clean an apartment, prepare 2 large boxes or bags. To begin with you need to put everything in its place. You will put trash in one box or bag, and in the other you will put things that need to be put back in place.

Walk around the apartment. All, what is unnecessary, throw it away. Everything you need, but is out of place, put it in another box or bag. Check the tables, bedside tables, shelves in the hallway and bathroom thoroughly, coffee table. Great. Now you can ask someone in your household to throw out the trash.

Of course, ideally, it would be to teach children to put all things in their place every evening. This is, of course, ideal, but try it, maybe you will succeed.

Now let's wipe off the dust. Usually the dust is wiped off first with the most high furniture, lamps and windows, moving to lower surfaces. It is best to use a damp cloth to remove dust.

After we wiped off the dust, sweeping or vacuuming floors and then wash them.

Run through other rooms. We do everything in the same order.

If you have multi-storey building, then cleaning the house should start from the top floor, gradually going down to the bottom.

Also remember, if you spill or stain something, it is best to remove the dirt immediately. Firstly, it’s much easier to wash it this way, and secondly, it’s easier to keep the apartment clean.

Well, now we will share with you useful secrets. Watch the video - life hacks for cleaning:

Well, now you know how to keep your house clean And how to quickly clean an apartment, and you should hurry up, because you still need to get yourself in order before going to the cinema or pizzeria. Have a great weekend!