How to arrange lamps in the bathroom: everything about the correct placement of light. Placement of lamps and selection of lamps for the toilet Requirements for lamps in toilets

The toilet, of course, is far from the main room in the apartment. However, the bathroom must be equipped in such a way that it is as convenient and safe to use as possible. This applies, of course, to the wiring and connection of lamps in the toilet that must be done correctly.

The peculiarity of bathrooms is, first of all, that in most cases the rooms are small. In addition, toilets are usually completely absent natural light, because windows are almost never provided in bathrooms. That's why artificial lighting in such rooms, in any case, it should be quite intense and powerful.

Which lamps to choose

Such devices are purchased depending on the design and layout of the bathroom itself. For example, lighting in small toilet, long and narrow, it is best to arrange it using some beautiful wall lamps. Using such equipment narrow room can be easily expanded visually. To do this, the lamps should be hung on both long walls higher.

For a restroom with low ceilings, regular flat lampshades are best suited. Lighting in a large toilet can be organized using a variety of lamps. These can be small ceiling chandeliers, wall sconces, and even floor-mounted versions of such devices.

When choosing lamps for a toilet, among other things, you should take into account the standards provided by SNiP. Otherwise, using the restroom will be inconvenient in the future. So, for example, according to the rules, normal lighting in a toilet per 1 m2 is 20 lux.

Wiring rules

According to SNiP standards, the cable in the toilet, as it is, is allowed to be laid only in a hidden way. That is, the wires in such rooms are pulled in grooves. The only exceptions in this case are wooden buildings. In the toilets of such houses, cables can be laid in hermetically sealed metal pipes.

It is not prohibited to install sockets in toilets. However, such elements are most often installed only in combined bathrooms. In such premises they are used for washing machines, hair dryers, etc. Sometimes lamps in the toilet are also connected to sockets. In any case, only waterproof structures (minimum IP 44) should be used in bathrooms.

Distribution boxes Usually they are not installed either in separate toilets or in combined bathrooms. In any case, it is better to move such an element outside the restroom.

Cable selection

Of course, the wires used for installation in the toilet, as in any other place in the apartment, must be fire-resistant and reliable. When choosing a cable for a restroom, you need to pay attention to:

    its section;

    material and number of cores;


For obvious reasons, such products should be purchased exclusively from trusted manufacturers.

As for the material, in most cases, property owners today use copper wiring for their electrification. Aluminum is considered outdated and does not meet the requirements of organizing modern life.

Wiring to toilets, combined or separate, is three-wire. That is, the cable must have a ground wire.

If everywhere in the rooms there are stretched copper wires, then, of course, you should use this type of cable for the restroom. The aluminum option is not particularly suitable in this case. It is believed that it is best to use cables with low level smoke emissions VVGng 3x1.5 or VVGng-LS. In any case, the cross-section of the wire purchased for the toilet should not be less than 2.5 mm 2.

Location of devices: standards

In individual restrooms, lamps can be hung almost anywhere. When installing such devices in combined bathrooms, the following rules should be observed:

    It is allowed to place lamps in the toilet, as well as sockets, no closer than 60 cm to sinks, bathtubs and showers;

    It is also not permitted to place sockets or lighting fixtures right next to the floor to prevent them from getting wet due to leaks.

The wires from the restroom should be connected to a two-pole RCD. This method will allow you to immediately turn off the power to the bathroom in the future, if necessary.

How to wire a toilet

Perform the procedure for electrifying the restroom as follows:

    make markings on the walls;

    measure the required wire length;

    buy the cable itself.

    perform wall slitting according to the markings;

    make sockets for sockets, if provided;

    install switches.

How to make light in the toilet: wall strobing

IN brick houses Cables are usually pulled using fairly simple technology. It is not too difficult to ditch walls made of such material. After all, bricks are laid using cement mortar. This material is quite easy to use with a hammer and chisel.

The seam between the rows of bricks stretches in the vast majority of cases along the entire wall. So horizontal cable laying in such a house can be done in just a couple of hours. WITH vertical installation However, in this case you will have to tinker. After all, bricklaying is done with bandaging of seams. Therefore, in order to raise or lower the cable along the plane of the wall, you will have to use a grinder.

The same tool is usually used for gating concrete walls. In this case, horizontal knockout has to be done more carefully than in brickwork- using a building level.

Wire routing

After the grooves are laid in accordance with the chosen lighting design in the toilet, they begin to hollow out the sockets for the sockets. For this purpose, a hammer drill with a special attachment is usually used. Next, we begin to actually lay the wires. Pulling cables in grooves is allowed without any additional protection. But it is best to lay the wires in grooves along the pipe. In this case, in the future, if necessary, they can be easily replaced.

When laying a cable in a groove, you can fasten it, for example, with thin metal plates that you cut yourself. Each such element is nailed into a groove in the middle. The cable is then pulled over the plate. Next, bend the ends of the metal strip over the laid wire. Using the same principle, you can also secure a pipe under the cable in the groove.

After the wiring to the toilet has been laid, the groove is sealed with alabaster or cement mortar. After waiting for the material to dry, the section of the wall above the cable is carefully sanded using sandpaper.

Connecting devices

After the wall has dried, you can begin to actually arrange the lighting in the toilet. When using only one lamp in the restroom, it is best to move the switch outside the restroom, for example, into the corridor.

As with sockets, a socket is pre-hollowed out for this element. Switches are installed according to the diagrams drawn on their rear panel. In cables, the ground wire usually has a sheath yellow, "phase" - red, "zero" - blue. In accordance with this, the connection is made. When installing lighting in the toilet, sockets are installed using the same technology. That is, they connect the earth, phase and zero wires to the corresponding terminals of the product.

Smart connection

You don't have to use the light in the toilet too often. But many people simply forget to flip the switch after visiting the restroom. And this, of course, is very uneconomical. To avoid this, you can install not ordinary, but “smart” lighting in the toilet.

In this case, in addition to the lamp itself and the switch, a special device is installed in the restroom - a presence sensor to turn on the light. Such a device is installed in the toilet right at the entrance. Equipment of this type is connected directly to the wiring coming out of the wall and to the lamp according to the diagram provided by the manufacturer.

Instead of a presence sensor to turn on the light in front of the entrance to the restroom, you can also install a motion sensor. Such a device will also make living in the house much more comfortable. It differs from a presence sensor in that it does not “catch” various small movements. However, such a device will still be able to “notice” a person passing through a doorway in any case. At the same time, motion sensors are somewhat cheaper than presence sensors.

In the process of renovating a toilet room, special attention should be paid to such an issue as lighting in the toilet. Some people needlessly do not pay special attention to this, because they believe that they are there for very little time.

In any room a person should feel comfortable and cosy. Therefore, it is important that toilet room there was the right light. Lighting can not only play up some visual features, but also hide some flaws.

Lighting options

First of all, you should decide on the dimensions of the room. When choosing lighting for a toilet, you should consider all the features of the room, furnishings, size and other nuances. IN different situations an individual lighting scheme is required, as there is various options layouts. Recently, a connected bathroom and toilet have been especially popular, which allows you to expand the room and make it more practical.

Lighting classification

Lighting has several levels, each of which is more suitable for a specific design and space:

  • Ceiling lighting – standard option, used in almost all toilet rooms. Most suitable for small areas. It is important to understand the level at which the ceiling is located. Lamps are selected based on the material from which the ceiling is made. Overhead lighting includes such types of lamps as: recessed spotlights, overhead shades and even chandeliers. This is the optimal backlight, which correct location allows you to evenly illuminate the required space.
  • Wall lighting – modern version, which is used both as the main light source and as an additional one. Useful in cases where the ceiling does not have sufficient height or suitable material to install another type of lighting. Lamps should be selected based on the width and finishing material walls Lampshades may be suitable for concrete walls if width allows. If the width is small, it will look good led strip. Walls that are covered with plastic can be good place for installation of built-in spotlights, since some models do not require installation depth. Wall lighting can give special kind toilet and make it special. When installing, you need to calculate everything correctly so that the lighting devices do not interfere with the entrance.
  • Floor lighting is an option used by designers, which provides additional light or beautiful lighting. Quite rare in everyday life. As a rule, it is used in cafes, restaurants, nightclubs, etc. Floor lighting is always combined with the previous types, since it does not imply a bright glow. This is very original and non-standard solution for the toilet room, which is used as decorative element. To create floor lighting, spotlights built into the floor are used that have a strong protective surface. They also use LED strips, which are installed in the corners of the toilet room.

Lighting installation

You can install lighting yourself, however, you need to have basic knowledge of connecting electrical appliances. This is due to the fact that the toilet is a room high humidity, therefore the wiring must be done efficiently. There are certain installation requirements for lighting fixtures. The lamp must be:

  1. Waterproof;
  2. Resistant to temperature changes;
  3. Sealed;
  4. Properly connected and insulated.

The procedure for carrying out installation work:

  • A diagram of cable routing to the luminaire locations is drawn;
  • The wire is laid along grooves (if it is plastic, then the wire in the corrugation is attached to special fasteners);
  • All luminaires must be switched from the boxes to the switch(es) and connected in the box. Before connecting them to the phase, you must turn off the electricity in the toilet room.
  1. The wire must be laid at least one and a half meters from the floor;
  2. All connections must be carefully insulated, including connections in the box;
  3. When laying cables in grooves, moisture-resistant putty or pearlfix should be used for putty.

Optimal solutions for different types of toilets

Small toilets in multi-storey buildings

For lighting a small toilet room optimal solution will ceiling lighting, because it does not take up the already small wall space. If the ceiling is made of moisture-resistant plasterboard or plastic, then the best option There will be built-in spotlights. For concrete ceilings The optimal solution would be a lamp in the ceiling. If the toilet room has minimum size, there is no point in installing several lamps. If this is an apartment in which the ceilings are 3 or more meters high, then you should pay attention to pendant lamps, as they will help to beat the situation, making the light brighter and the ceiling more harmonious.

Large toilets in private homes

In a private house, the toilet can be several times larger than in apartments. Here it already makes sense to install 2 or more lamps. The type of lamps should depend on the surface of the ceiling. The most modern look will be built-in LED lamps, which are quite flat and attached to plasterboard or plastic ceiling. For design, you can install 2 or 4 floor spotlights, which can highlight the interior of the room and the finishing features. In some places it will be harmonious to install sconces on the walls if there are decorative elements in the toilet.

Combined bathrooms

For rooms in which the bath and toilet are combined, you need to use a separate approach. The room can be made with three lighting options at once, each of which will be turned on separately from the others. For the ceiling, these can be either chandeliers or recessed lamps. ARBs can be used on the walls. LED strips and ARBs can also decorate dressing table, mirror and other room accessories. It makes sense to install floor lighting, since when taking a bath, the bright light will hurt your eyes. Wall sconces and LED strips can give the bathroom a cozy and relaxing look. The advantage of LED strips is that they have wide range colors. This will make it possible to choose the color of the glow to match the color of the tiles or other finishing elements.

A light that is not bright enough will help hide some imperfections that would be visible in bright light. This could be the curvature of the tiles, unevenness of the walls, etc.

A vanity with a light will allow you to apply makeup more evenly, since overhead or side light may not illuminate your face evenly.

When laying a cable in a toilet room, it is important to conduct it in a metal or plastic corrugation, which will avoid the cause of a fire.

Video about lighting in the toilet

In the bathroom we clean ourselves up after sleep, preparing to face the new day fully armed: we perform a variety of cosmetic procedures and evaluate our appearance. All these actions cannot be performed blindly or in the twilight. This means that lighting in the bathroom is designed to perform, first of all, a practical function.

But its aesthetic component cannot be discounted. The emotional coloring of our entire day may depend on how we see our reflection in the mirror. When thinking about how to arrange lamps in the bathroom, we sometimes solve problems that are more important than just organizing artificial lighting.

The location of the light sources largely depends on general impression, which your bathroom will produce. Therefore, the lighting scheme for this room should become one of the components general design project, even if we are talking about a tiny bathroom space in an ordinary Khrushchev building.

What can we say about modern new buildings, the rooms in which are spacious and have an original layout. There is plenty of room for your imagination to run wild here. Moreover, new design solutions, technologies and modern lighting devices provide such an opportunity.

When the bathroom is spacious and its ceilings are high, the designer’s imagination has no limits and can work real miracles

The placement of lamps in the bathroom depends on many factors, including the following:

  • room size;
  • location levels;
  • breakdown into functional zones;
  • interior style and color scheme of the room;
  • selection of lighting fixtures.

All these factors can both contribute to the flight of designer imagination and bring us back to the realities of life. Professional designer, involved in such work, will definitely ask the owner of the room if he has a desire to visually adjust the bathroom space using the play of light.

After all, skillfully directed rays can “raise” the ceiling or Jacuzzi, “lengthen” or “push apart” the walls.

With the help of lighting and some others design techniques and tricks you can turn a small bathroom into a magnificent underwater kingdom

Regardless of the scale of future changes, the main points of the planned placement of lighting fixtures must be included in the diagram. Although it is possible that during further work adjustments may be made to it.

Three levels of lamp placement

When making plans for any other room, we take into account not only artificial, but also natural daylight. But windows in the bathroom, as a rule, are not provided, so you have to rely solely on artificially created light. It should provide us with a full luminous flux capable of satisfying all needs.

It is not necessary to use all three levels of bathroom lighting, but once you start this amazing play of light and shadow, it is so difficult to curb your own imagination

Artificial lighting in the bathroom can be presented in three levels:

  • top – ceiling;
  • average – working;
  • lower – floor.

A successful combination of these levels can create a truly magical decorative effect. But don't forget about practical side question - the room should be light and comfortable.

Mandatory top level

The upper level is located at a distance of 180 cm from the floor level and above. Ceiling lighting is a must-have in any bathroom. No matter how extravagant the implemented design solutions may be, refuse ceiling lamps no one is in a hurry.

Moreover, design ideas are becoming more sophisticated. In accordance with the chosen interior style, you can, for example, arrange the popular “starry sky” on the ceiling or hang a single, but luxurious chandelier made of flowing crystal.

Who would have thought that this motley crystal chandelier fits perfectly into the interior of a very light Provence style bathroom

Of course, the only lamp under a matte shade, which was installed either in the middle part of the ceiling or above, has long lost its relevance. doorway. Although this option is still used in small spaces. But modern lighting devices are increasingly used and in much larger quantities.

It has become popular to install spotlights in the bathroom. They attract attention with their reliability, diversity appearance, decorativeness, efficiency and ease of use. The layout of their location should definitely be thought out in advance. You can concentrate them in the center of the room or distribute them over the bathtub, washbasin areas, and so on. There should be no shaded areas in the room. This is especially true for niches, columns, and so on.

This gorgeous bathroom has a snowy look thanks in large part to the clever ceiling lighting, which combines the light of elegant lamps and a luxurious chandelier located in the center

It is to solve the problem of uniform distribution of light that a large number of light sources are used. The more of them are installed in a room, the less the power of each of them can be, the more modest their size can be. Multi-position lighting fixtures are most often equipped with halogen lamps.

Halogen lamps are available as open or recessed. If you are going to install in the bathroom suspended ceiling, then such built-in structures can be built into it. It does not matter what material the ceiling itself will be constructed from. Halogen lamps emit a beam of light from above, which is directed vertically downward, so it is more rational to use spotlights whose angle of rotation is adjustable.

An interesting solution to high-level problems for rooms with high ceilings is the simultaneous use of direct and reflected light fluxes. At some distance from the surface of the main ceiling, you can install an aluminum suspension. on her bottom surface fix a number of point devices. They will organize a direct stream of light.

A number of sources with a wide scattering angle are placed on the upper surface of the same design. Lighting with such a scheme will not only be sufficient, but also original.

Not only the combination of direct and reflected light flux looks impressive in any bathroom, but also the distribution of light sources at different levels

If the ceiling is low and the style of the room allows it, the lighting system will help simulate modern design, which is based on conductive systems - strings and busbars. These unique light beads are attached to the ceiling or to the upper level of the walls. With their help you can create very unusual futuristic combinations.

Secrets of placing light at the middle level

A spacious bathroom can be easily and simply divided into zones, providing each of them with local light sources that will help realize the functionality of each allocated area.

Mirror and washbasin

When it comes to work area, first of all it means correct lighting mirrors and washbasin. For this purpose, you need to choose a source of bright but diffused light so that there is no unnecessary strain on the eyes. Light up the mirror for the solution various tasks follows differently.

  • For shaving. The lamp should be located above the mirror.
  • For applying makeup. Lighting should come from both sides simultaneously.

Solving these two problems simultaneously, we organize the mirror illumination from at least three sides. On the sides of the mirror, identical sconces mounted symmetrically look best. This arrangement is not only beautiful, but also functional. In this case, the light is distributed evenly, without unnecessary shadows.

The lighting of the mirror should be done especially carefully, because your mood for the whole day will depend on how you see yourself in the morning

You can buy a mirror equipped with hidden or external lighting. A similar idea, implemented using LED strips, can be used to decorate the edge of the bathtub, furniture elements or decorative niches. An excellent light source can be sconces mounted on flexible brackets that can be bent in any way so that the achieved result is optimal.

The effect of light diffusion is achieved by using lampshades made of white plastic or frosted glass. Give preference white color, since your own reflection in the mirror in this case will be as realistic as possible and optimal for applying cosmetics.

It is not necessary to place sconces on the sides of the mirror. The washbasin area can also be illuminated using lampshades mounted on the ceiling

You can emphasize the qualities of a wide mirror with a whole series of sources, placing them along its upper edge. If the mirror has average parameters, you can illuminate it around the perimeter. It is not necessary to mount the lamps on the wall. Some of them are glued directly to the mirror surface.

Bath and Jacuzzi

Many models of shower stalls are initially equipped with autonomous lighting. If this option is not provided, you should definitely take care of its implementation during the repair period. Why not provide local lighting fixtures for the bath too? A number of manufacturers offer us models with autonomous lighting, but this pleasure is too expensive.

Of course, such original bath lighting is not the only one in this room. Most likely, it is used when ablution is accompanied by meditation.

You can think of others interesting solutions. For example, organize above the bathroom separate group spotlights, a beautiful sconce or a tall floor lamp with a stained glass lampshade. It is not necessary to maintain sterile white light here. You can use multi-colored light bulbs or a rainbow lampshade.

Furniture lighting

It's amazing how much space it takes up household chemicals, which we are used to storing in this room with modest dimensions. This is where most of the cosmetics are located. For all this, as well as for towels, washcloths and all kinds of hygiene items, you definitely need shelves and cabinets.

You don't have to light up your furniture, but sometimes the smallest lamp makes life so much easier! After all, even the refrigerator has light, why not equip cabinets and shelves in the bathroom with it? All the items we need will be found in less time.

Of course, it is impossible to implement all the ideas in a modest-sized room, and there is no need for this. In addition, do not forget that the light sources must match the style in which the entire interior of the room is designed.

Light on the lower level

As a rule, the lower level of lighting is used exclusively to create decorative effects. However, this lighting can also be used as an emergency light.

It is organized either in the floor covering itself or at a height of no more than a decimeter from the floor surface. For these purposes, the same sealed lamps are used. low power. Using similar devices they designate garden paths on summer cottages. Such lamps, the diameter of which does not exceed 5 cm, are mounted directly in flooring. The power of the lamps used is approximately 5 W.

Thanks to spectacular bottom lighting in the bathroom, you can create a futuristic interior that can impress all family members

An LED strip that is not afraid of moisture is also suitable. Fixed along the lower perimeter of the bathtub, it creates the effect of this massive sanitary equipment floating.

Individuality and romance

One of the signs of our time is the massive rejection of everything impersonal and standard. Every owner wants his apartment or house to acquire individual features. That's why they are especially popular beautiful compositions self made, which are non-traditional light sources.

If in spacious room The bathroom has a niche that does not carry a special functional load; it can be decorated with a composition that emits light.

Candles create an unforgettable atmosphere of romance and happiness, which we sometimes lack. Never stop getting full rest and recharging yourself with the energy of joy.

It is impossible not to mention those light sources that fill our home with romance. They themselves are its generally recognized embodiment. Of course, we are talking about candles. This wonderful invention of mankind today is gaining unusual shapes and incredibly captivating aromas.

When we light candles, we immerse ourselves in an atmosphere of peace and sensuality, forgetting about everything that worried and irritated us throughout the day. It is necessary to give yourself the opportunity to fully rest and recover.

Remember about safety precautions

When planning how to place lamps in your bathroom, we should not lose sight of state standard regulating electrical safety requirements for this room with a high level of humidity. According to the standard, the room is divided into zones as shown in the picture.

Compliance with the rules for placing electrical appliances in the bathroom, established by domestic GOST and international standards regulations ensures our safety

If you select and install electrical equipment in accordance with GOST requirements, then:

  • In zone 0, only low-voltage devices with voltage up to 12V can be fixed.
  • Only water heaters are placed within zone 1.
  • In zone 2 it is permissible to install not only water heaters, but also lamps that have second class protection against electric shock with reinforced or double insulation without grounding.
  • In zone 3 they install plug sockets, which are connected to the network using residual current devices or through isolating transformers.

The degree of protection of electrical appliances from water is regulated by IP (Ingress Protection) system standards. If you are guided by them, then the following devices should be located in the zones:

  • Zone 0 - IPx7 class, impervious to moisture even when immersed in water;
  • Zone 1 – class IPx5, protected from the effects of water jets, regardless of their direction;
  • Zone 2 – class IPx4, not resistant to splashes on the surface;
  • Zone 3 – IPx1 class with protection against vertical drops.

The combination of beauty and safety will make the bathroom in your home a place where you can truly relax, take a break from the hustle and bustle of the past day and adequately prepare for the day ahead.

Watch also the video options for organizing bathroom lighting:

Hidden lighting can make the space more airy and the atmosphere pleasant. Thanks to it, you can create a special mood in the interior, make it spectacular and attractive. How to achieve all this, and how to use hidden lighting in your home? We found many interesting examples!

When an apartment or house has a second level, there must be a staircase. Equipping it with backlight is a practical technique that will come in handy in dark time days. In addition, it will make the flight of stairs more original and interesting in design.

Stylish solutions for the bathroom and toilet

Where is it best to use hidden lighting? In small spaces that do not receive natural light, such as bathrooms and toilets. These rooms are not very large, there is always not enough space in them, but the situation can be changed at least visually. Lighting the ceiling, floor, plumbing fixtures or mirrors is perfect for this. First of all, the space will look light and airy, and secondly, visually the interior will become larger and more spacious.

In the bedroom, hidden lighting is not used so often, but in vain, because it can create a harmonious and cozy atmosphere in the space. If you install it under the bed, it will seem that this piece of furniture is floating in the air. Hidden lighting also looks good around the head of the bed, and can become stylish accent in the dark.

The best assistant in the dressing room

Where else is hidden lighting needed? In closets, small niches and dressing rooms. Sometimes you just can’t do without it here. It helps you find the things you need and also makes small spaces brighter. It is easy to install on the ceiling, on a shelf or in the back of a cabinet.

Where I most often use hidden backlighting is on small kitchens. And this technique is completely justified, so it’s convenient to illuminate here work area, as well as a place at the stove and at the sink. Sometimes lighting is done on the bottom wall of hanging cabinets to give the space a visual lightness.

I want a harmonious and cozy atmosphere to always reign in the living room. It is not difficult to achieve it with the help hidden backlight, she will come to the rescue when it is necessary to create an intimate and relaxing environment. In addition, in diffused light it is pleasant to just relax or watch your favorite movie.

Hidden lighting is so universal tool that it can be used not only in each of the rooms, but also in the exterior. It will look great on a balcony or in a private courtyard, will illuminate the house at night and will make the atmosphere in the courtyard special.

We have compiled more They are worthy of attention!

Lighting plays an important role in the interior of a modern bathroom. High-quality fixtures, lamps, and switches help create a good level of illumination. Well plannedtoilet lightingallows you to comfortably highlight the necessary areas in separate and combined bathrooms. Restrooms are small in size, so a minimum number of lighting fixtures are usually required.

When planning the lighting scheme in the toilet, you need to take into account whether the room will have a bidet or a washbasin with a mirror - this area needs more intense lighting. Toilet room – small room With high humidity and lacksources of naturalSveta. It is important to follow the rules fire safety when selecting and installing sealed lighting fixtures, if they are located close to sources of moisture. Suitable lamps and fixtures for the toilet room are selected taking into account the light intensity, power, and service life:

  • incandescent lamp with E14 base, 40W gives a luminous flux of 400 lumens, light output is 10 L/W;
  • an incandescent lamp with an E27 base, 60W will provide a light flux of 630-650 lumens with a light output of 11-12 L/W;
  • an incandescent lamp with an E27 base with a power of 100W distributes a luminous flux of 1230-1550 lumens with an output of 12-15 L/W;
  • fluorescent energy-saving, base E14, 11W, luminous flux 600, luminous efficiency 54.5;
  • fluorescent energy-saving lamp with E27 base, power 20W, luminous flux 1250 and output 62.5;
  • led lamp with moisture protection for ceiling mounting power 3W gives a light flow of 163 lumens, 54 L/W;
  • LED lamp, E27 base, has a long service life, power 9W, light output 470 lumens, 52 L/W;
  • waterproof LED strip (power 12W per 1 meter) front glow 1200 lumens at 100 L/W output;
  • metal halogen lamp with G12 base, 35W distributes a luminous flux of 3400 lumens with a luminous efficiency of 97 L/W;
  • halogen incandescent lamp with reflector MR-16 with GU 5.3 base, 6.5W (12 volts) provides a flow of 280 lumens, an output of 43 L/W.

Lamps for the toilet room can be of any kind, but they must have a high threshold of resistance to moisture, so that drops of water do not fall on the electrical part of the device. Effectivetoilet lightingis a waterproof, energy-saving, sealed system with reliable hidden insulation of wires with copper conductors.

When choosing lighting fixtures, you should pay attention to the design of the lamps - the design of the lampshade and the dimensions of the electrical device should be in harmony with the interior of the toilet. There should be enough light to comfortably illuminate all areas, but the light radiation should not be too bright, irritating visual perception.


Metal halide

Incandescent lamps


Choosing a location

In a small toilet, you can use several lighting options or limit yourself to one light source. When choosing lamps with incandescent lamps, choose devices with a power no higher than 40 watts, since the lamps get very hot and can deform plastic elements toilet interior.

Halogen lamps are compact, provide a uniform, intense glow, are economical in energy consumption, and come in built-in and open types.

Energy-saving lamps have increased luminous efficiency, a long service life, and consume a minimal amount of electricity. Installation of LEDlamp for the toilet- one of the most common options. The device produces a good glow; you can use a spot illumination method and mount the device on any surface in the room. After planning the lighting system and purchasing suitable lamps, you need to install the devices. Possible options installation:

  • overhead ceiling lighting - install any device that meets safety requirements (tightness, moisture resistance, power). The solution is suitable for a toilet of any size, but it is important to take into account the height of the ceilings so that the light fills the room evenly, without leaving blind areas. In the toilet ceiling the lamp can be installed in the center, surrounded by spotlights along the perimeter of the ceiling (for large rooms) or above the entrance to the room with additional illumination of work areas;
  • lower floor lighting - according to this principle, lighting fixtures are installed in two ways - a flexible LED strip is laid along the perimeter of the floor along the baseboard, and LED lamps are installed in the floor original form– round, square, rectangular. Floor lighting has a primarily decorative function; it does not greatly increase the brightness of the lighting, but works effectively in combination with an overhead ceiling light;
  • wall frontal lighting - sconces, lamps, strips, spotlights are mounted on the wall. This ideal option for toilets with low ceilings. The frontal arrangement of the lamps visually moves the ceiling away and the inside becomes visually more spacious. Choosingfor toilet LED wall lamp, you need to check that the device does not interfere with free movement around the room. Optimal place installations - LED strip under the ceiling around the perimeter of the room, sconces near the sink, mirrors.

Since the toilet is small room, there are few options for the location of lighting fixtures. Original look The interior is enhanced by unusual lighting fixtures; built-in lamps look beautiful. For a combined bathroom you can choose more design ideas installation of light sources due to the larger space of the room.


Small toilet room for effective system For lighting, it is enough to install three to five light sources. To make the lighting more comfortable, you can organize automatic lighting of the toilet. The advantages of automation are energy savings, no switches, ease of operation, automatic shutdown devices when leaving the toilet. Features of the organization of the lighting system:

  • after choosing lamps for the toilet and installing devices on the ceiling, in the floor, on the wall , you need to select automatic lighting sensors;
  • Three types of sensors are available for operation, responding to sound, ultrasound, and infrared radiation;
  • The sensitivity of the sound sensor covers the range of 40-50 decibels –You can turn on the light with a simple clap of your hands;
  • ultrasonic sensors respond quickly, spreading waves, when crossing which the circuit closes and opens;
  • infrared sensors react to movement - when a person crosses the device’s coverage area, the light in the toilet turns on.

When choosing automatic lighting, take into account the frequency of false alarms, range and sensitivity, and the principle of closing/opening the electrical circuit. Automatic switching on and turning off the light has important advantages (the light does not remain on, you do not need to look for a switch in the dark to go to the toilet at night) and disadvantages (false alarms are possible, you need to make the sensor work with sound or movement).

To organize lighting in the toilet, it is not recommended to use lamps with very low voltage, which require the installation of step-down transformers.

When planning lighting, lamps with adjustable light output are chosen to obtain directional light. To reduce false positives infrared sensors, the device must not be mounted close to heating devices. Lighting in the toilet room, organized in compliance with safety rules and choice beautiful lamps, provides a comfortable visit to the toilet.

