Fire protection for wood - which is better. Choice of fire protection. Which wood preservative is best to choose?

  1. Wood impregnation: how to choose
  2. Do-it-yourself wood treatment with an antiseptic: tips
  3. Harm of antiseptics

Wood is an affordable, beautiful, hygienic material for building and finishing houses. Minus wooden structures- low resistance to external influences. But this problem can be solved.

Why you need to fight rot and insects in wood

Factors contributing to the accelerated destruction of wood:

  • direct exposure to rain and snow;
  • contact with melt water;
  • strong wind with dust;
  • the appearance of insects and microorganisms.

A tree that is not protected from natural influences deteriorates unnoticed over a long period of time. Rot leads to a decrease in the attractiveness and durability of the material. The process of decay, which occurs like an avalanche, is largely accompanied by moisture. Once the moisture lingers on the surface for a while and gets absorbed, the first signs of fungus appear. A little later, wood-boring beetles can be seen in the tree, preferring low-strength cellulose fibers to healthy wood. Wind and abrasive columns of dust also contribute to the destruction of the material.

High humidity and rot are dangerous for humans. Spores from putrefactive deposits growing in damp corners can enter the lungs and cause severe chronic diseases. Also, rotting wood transmits an unpleasant odor to things and spoils them.

If the house is not located in a dry, desert area, it wooden surfaces will be susceptible to rotting. The easiest way to reduce humidity and prevent the appearance of insects and fungi is to follow the recommendations for waterproofing and quality building materials. Improving the performance properties of wood is achieved by treating the surface with special chemical reagents - antiseptics.

How does protection against moisture and rot work?

Material protection is ensured by a set of measures. Among them important place takes the application of special chemical compositions. Wood antiseptics destroy insects and fungi and prevent their appearance.

Chemical substances of various natures and structures are used as antiseptics. Some antiseptics are effective on their own, while others must be used in combination. Some pathogens of wood diseases are resistant; a special approach is required to completely destroy them.

The effectiveness of protecting wood from moisture and rot is shown in the photograph. It depicts wooden fragments, one of which was treated with the composition, the other was not.

The period of action of antiseptics varies, ranging from several days to 5–6 years or more. Chemical components penetrate deep into the wood or only remain on its surface for a short time. The simplest antiseptics can be prepared with your own hands. Most effective formulations- complex synthetic mixtures, the operation of which requires compliance with the instructions.

Before use, study the rules of use. This helps avoid poisoning.

How to choose impregnation

Types of impregnations:

  • According to the localization of processing - external and internal. Mixtures for external application protect wood better, but are more toxic. Internal impregnations have a mild effect on microorganisms and do not affect human health;
  • By nature active substance- organic and inorganic. Organic compounds most effective, but harmful. The danger of inorganic substances is mitigated by the short duration of their presence on the treated object.
  • By nature of the solvent - aqueous and non-aqueous. Aqueous mixtures are solutions of inorganic or organic salts that act superficially or penetrate into wood to a shallow depth. Non-aqueous formulations may contain an auxiliary complex of substances or one active component.

Antiseptics are not always used on their own. They are often combined with fire-retardant and moisture-repellent mixtures, which give the wood additional resistance and durability. The constituent components of drying oils and paints can also have disinfectant properties. Preparations based on oils have a complex effect on wood, preserve cellulose fibers, and have a detrimental effect on microorganisms.

Before using an antiseptic, think through further processing surfaces. One part of the compositions is intended for combination with varnishes and paints, the other serves as a glaze coating that protects the wood and adds color to the structure.

Antiseptics for external use: comparison of manufacturers

There are many manufacturers of protective compounds. A significant part of the unknown products available in Russia comes from China and is packaged by small sellers.

Official companies professionally engaged in the production and supply of antiseptics:

  • "Yaroslavl antiseptic." Produces wide range chemical mixtures, including products for external use, universal antiseptics, combined fire and bioprotective preparations. The company's products are inexpensive and suitable for processing large surfaces.

  • "Senezh". Offers a significant selection of antiseptics sold in large volumes. Some of the mixtures are multifunctional, intended for decorative finishing. The cost of Senezh antiseptics is slightly higher.

  • LLC "NPO NORTH" Markets a range of biopyrenes for combined bio- and fire protection. The company produces protective compounds for various surfaces. The prices for the mixtures are high, but they are compensated by a large duration
  • name of the manufacturer, address of its main facilities;
  • contact details of the company, website address (if any);
  • precautions during work, transportation;
  • information about the hazard classes of the substances included in the composition.

The video explains which antiseptic to choose for outdoor use, why it is better not to use impregnations for outdoor use in residential areas, and how a strong antiseptic works.

Plain prepackaged bags with a label containing only the name should not be purchased. It could be a fake or a highly toxic insecticide banned for sale in Russia.

It is best to work with wood when it is dry, warm time year. The application of mixtures is preceded by cleaning and mechanical treatment of the surface: dirt reduces adhesion and the depth of penetration of the solution. The mixtures are prepared in the proportions recommended by the manufacturer for maximum effect.

Features of applying antiseptics and working methods:

  • Low-viscosity solutions (mostly aqueous) are applied by spraying. For thicker mixtures, brushes and rollers are used.
  • Solutions for water based dry for several hours. Non-aqueous antiseptics can leave the surface sticky for a day.
  • Solution copper sulfate does not affect the sense of smell; the smell of compositions based on white spirit is persistent and unpleasant.
  • It is necessary to use skin and respiratory protection: a respirator, gloves, a mask, and overalls, which should be washed after work.
  • The negative effects of drugs on children and pets are stronger than on adults.
  • Apply the required number of layers of antiseptic (no more than recommended). Excessive coating thickness leads to prolonged drying.

Treatment with an antiseptic is carried out no more often and no less frequently than written in the instructions. For heavy resinous mixtures, the application period is several years or more (up to several decades). Weak saline solutions, gradually washed out, are applied more often - at least once a year.

Antiseptic consumption - from 100 to 400 g/m2 of wood surface. The increase in consumption is associated with the viscosity of the mixture and application technology. The most economical way is to spray an aqueous antiseptic solution using a spray bottle.

Harm of antiseptics

Despite the tests and assurances of almost complete harmlessness, the drugs can negatively affect the skin, lungs, and digestive system. The most common reaction of the body is the appearance of a rash and other allergy symptoms.

Toxic yet effective substances are not sold for household use. They are used to a limited extent for covering sleepers, poles, and other structures buried in the ground.

Antiseptics cause maximum harm if they are partially absorbed, washed off by precipitation or covered with wallpaper. You should be careful when working with protective compounds, but you should not be afraid of their harm after the odor disappears and hardens.

For environment Wood antiseptics are practically safe. They are destroyed in nature under the influence of oxygen and ultraviolet radiation.

Antiseptics for wood - effective remedy, extending the service life of structures. When working, you must follow the instructions from the manufacturer to avoid negative consequences.

One of the most important points that should be given close attention is the processing wooden house special fire-bioprotective compounds. This will protect the tree from bark beetles, harmful bacteria, mold, putrefactive fungi, and the common scourge of all types of wood - fire. This treatment allows you to increase the service life of the house and minimize the risk of fires. The main thing is not to delay this procedure and ensure the protection of the house in a timely manner.
The average time to build a wooden house is from six months to a year. And all this time, the wood is exposed to the destructive effects of beetles, fungi and bacteria. Therefore, you should maximize early stages treat the wood with special antiseptics.

At a construction site, special antiseptics that last for at least five years and are produced in liquid form would be appropriate. Such compositions do not harm wood, do not destroy its structure, do not interfere with air exchange, and do not clog the pores of the wood. Such antiseptics penetrate deeply into the wood and provide reliable protection from mold spores, fungi, insects and bacteria. An important property of such compositions is the fact that they are able to stop damage to a tree at an early stage.

There are also antiseptics whose purpose is treatment of severely damaged wood.

An example is the composition “Wood Healer”. Combined action products are also common, which not only protect wood from bacteria and insects, but also prevent fire from damaging the wood.
Excellent performance is demonstrated by the use of primer antiseptics. (

Such compositions allow you to perform several jobs at once. In addition to reliable biosecurity, they prepare wood for finishing. Primer antiseptics improve the adhesion of wood, reduce the consumption of paints and varnishes, and strengthen the surface of the wood. Applied to pre-primed wood decorative coating, will last much longer.
Experts advise applying antiseptics to wood during the period when the house is being assembled. This strategy will protect the tree from biological pests throughout construction.

Treatment with antiseptics should be carried out carefully, ensuring that the solution penetrates into all the cracks and folds of the wood. Otherwise, the protective composition will quickly be washed away by precipitation, or bacteria, spores of lichens and fungi can get into unprotected cracks.

If antiseptics do not contain a UV filter, then the wood after treatment must be coated with paints and varnishes. Otherwise, the tree may turn gray and lose its natural color.
There are also primer antiseptics with a UV filter added to them.

The purpose of the UV filter is to protect wood from fading in the sun. An excellent example of such a composition is the antiseptic primer with a UV filter “Valtti-Pohjuste”, which is produced on the basis linseed oil. This antiseptic stains the wood brown, and therefore can act as a decorative finish.
Manufacturers also produce special powders and concentrates designed to protect wood from biological threats during storage or transportation.

An example of powders is “Senezh Trans”, the role of concentrates is

  • "Senezh Eurotrans"
  • “Biotrans – New Home”,
  • “Biosept-Trans Rogneda”.

These compositions are pre-diluted with water in the proportion established by the manufacturer, after which they are applied to the wood with a construction sprayer, roller or regular brush. Such products are a temporary antiseptic impregnation that gradually penetrates the wood and destroys mold, bacteria and blue stains. The drugs can also repel beetles, but are not able to destroy them. Their advantage is also that they do not change the color of the wood and do not form a waterproof film.
It is important to remember that the application of antiseptics should be done under favorable weather conditions. Wood should not be processed in extreme heat or in frosty weather, and it is also not recommended to process wood during rain.

Treatment with a clear solution

The natural texture of wood can be preserved unchanged if you use a glazing antiseptic. Manufacturers offer two types of such compositions - transparent and translucent. In addition, these products can be tinted to work with different breeds wood The pigment contained in such antiseptics provides partial protection from sunlight. Of course, it is worth understanding that a transparent glazing composition is not able to protect against ultraviolet radiation, and therefore wood treated with such a composition will fade and turn gray over time.

Glazing compositions can also be impregnating and film-forming. Impregnations are able to penetrate deeply into the layers of wood, while creating excellent protection against insects, fungi and bacteria. They do not disturb the air exchange of wood, do not lose their properties when wood swells or, conversely, when it shrinks. In general, impregnating glazing antiseptics are recommended for walls made of timber or logs.

All antiseptic formulations can be produced in two types of solvents. Plain water and organic white spirit. The advantage of water-based compositions is obvious - they are fireproof, dry quickly and have no chemical odors. Water-based compounds give the wood a beautiful matte color. The disadvantage of such antiseptics is their high price and the ability to be washed out of the wood during the operation of the building.

The difficulty when using colorless antiseptics lies in the problems that arise when applying them to wood. It can be difficult to identify areas of wood that have not yet been treated with a protective compound. To avoid such misunderstandings, it is recommended to purchase lightly colored compounds so that the difference between the treated surfaces and the “clean” areas is noticeable.

Treatment of the solution with a matting solution

White spirit antiseptics are better suited to the effects of moisture on wood. They quickly penetrate deep into the wood and are securely fixed there, giving the surface of the wood a glossy tint. The difference between aqueous compositions is also noticeable in the fact that when treated with them, the pile rises on the wood, and after painting it, unsightly dots and dents form. Compositions based on white spirit raise the pile to a lesser extent; however, builders advise sanding the wood between applications of antiseptic layers.

The disadvantage of impregnation is organic solvent are extremely unpleasant odor, fire hazard and the existing probability of explosion. As for the first drawback, it cannot be avoided, and the last two are practically eliminated if the instructions for using the product are strictly followed.

Protecting the tree from fire

Surely everyone knows that fire is a dangerous enemy of wood. Therefore, when constructing a wooden house, builders must treat the surface of the materials with fire retardants in order to minimize the risk of fire and, if possible, reduce the rate of fire spread as much as possible.

To protect wood from fire, special impregnations with mineral components are used. Distinctive feature of such compositions is their deep penetration inside the wood. Such impregnations contain fire retardants, the purpose of which is to increase the fire resistance of the structure. Do not think that a structure treated with such a composition is fully protected from fire. It will not be saved from targeted arson, but it will be fully protected from household sparks and fire due to negligence.
Each wood fire protection product has its own service life, and therefore the impregnation should be renewed every 3-5 years. To a greater extent, this recommendation is applicable for important buildings or buildings and structures located in difficult accessibility for firefighters. These can be buildings such as cottages, dachas located outside the city limits, as well as wooden structures - load-bearing posts or floor beams.

Fire protection of timber and structures made from them is absolutely necessary today in order to guarantee their safety and human safety. Fire protection of timber and structures made from them is one of the main types of fire protection work that many companies carry out today.

Fire protection for wood

Construction codes and regulations (SNiP), GOSTs, standard and other regulatory documents indicate that in order to increase fire resistance, it is necessary to carry out fire protection of timber, because it helps to reduce the limits of fire propagation through lumber. Fire retardants form a foamy carbon layer. Such a layer can be called a heat-insulating screen; it increases the period of heating of timber to the decomposition temperature.

According to GOST 16363, fire retardants according to their productivity are divided into:

  • substances of group I. They transform ordinary timber into difficult-to-burn materials
  • substances of group II. They transform ordinary timber into flame retardant
  • substances of group III. These products do not guarantee fire protection for wooden structures.

Experts check the quality of fire prevention treatment according to appearance, when paints and coatings were used. The applied material should cover the treated surface in an even layer.

If surface impregnation was used, then the craftsman evaluates the quality of processing by the flammability of the chips. For this purpose, surfaces that are treated with a fire retardant compound are removed with a sharp knife, chips up to 1 mm thick. There should be no combustion as a result of igniting the chips.

Fire retardant composition for wood

Rules for applying fire retardants:

  • Do not coat wet timber with such compounds (humidity up to 20%)
  • It would be incorrect to coat surfaces that have already been painted with fire retardants.

Processing price wooden materials from fire depends on which method you use. Craftsmen use different impregnations, paints, and sprinkles. For maximum protection of lumber, it is worth using products for deep impregnation under pressure. However, this method can only be carried out at an enterprise. We can say that the most productive solution that even a novice craftsman can handle is surface impregnations and paints that make timber non-flammable.

Experts divide all protective drugs into: active and passive. Active drugs directly affect the combustion process (similar to a fire extinguisher), while passive drugs are used as preventive drugs. Perhaps one of the most important is constructive fire protection of timber, which is laid at the construction stage. In this case, the structures are lined with thermal insulation, plaster is applied to the surface using shotcrete, heat-reflecting screens are installed, and the cross-section of the structure’s components is increased.

The most popular types of processing of wooden structures are:

  • fire protection of attic (roof) compartments and the roof itself
  • protection of parts along escape routes
  • fire protection of boards and floorings
  • scaffolding protection
  • fire protection for wooden pallets and temporary structures.

The most common means of fire protection today are divided into:

  • impregnation against fire. ABOUT fireproof wood impregnation It is carried out by treating timber with a special water-based fire retardant solution. The advantage of this method is the low price of the solution itself, as well as the fairly high efficiency of bio-protection (no mold or fungi). This type of impregnation is characterized by a fairly long period of operation. Among the disadvantages: the appearance of traces of salt and the inability to use after the previous application of varnishes or paints
  • fire retardant varnish treatment. This method is used to process wood boards, chipboard, fibreboard, etc. This method is often used for processing parquet board. These funds are quite expensive. Possible varnish drips
  • fire protection with paints. In this case, no special skills are required. For work, it is fashionable to use a brush or roller. The only downside is the paint color. It is white and difficult to paint. At the same time, this paint is highly effective; it resists the action of open fire.

The best fire protection for wood

Let's look at the 5 most popular companies that produce paint and varnish materials to protect wood from fire:

Senezh (“Senezh-preparations”). The company sells two fire resistance products: SENEZH OGNEBIO and OGNEBIO PROF. The second remedy is almost twice as expensive as the first, but it also creates higher protection.

Neomid (“EXPERTECOLOGY-NEOCHIM”). These products have been available in construction stores for over 10 years. NEOMID products have all the documents that are responsible for high quality drugs

Pirilax (“NORTH”). The Izhevsk company NPO NORT produces six different fire-retardant impregnations (Pirilax+). They are suitable for interior and exterior work. The range is quite wide, but the price is higher than previous drugs

Woodmaster, Pyrex (“Rogneda”). NPP Rogneda is a large domestic manufacturer of paints and varnishes. The company produces three products: Woodmaster, Pirex and Ecodom

Olympus (Descartes). This company has been producing protective and decorative preparations for wood and stone since 1992. The company produces products: Fire-bioprotection group 1 and Fire-bioprotection group 2.

When choosing a product, you need to take a closer look at the products of popular companies, purchase in specialized stores or large construction markets.

Wood processing by fire

Yakisugi or "cedar simmering" is a Japanese technique for finishing wood using fire. This procedure makes it possible to reveal the structure of the raw material and provide it with protection from fire, rot and beetles. The service life of the resulting material increases to 80 years. Advantages of material processed in this way:

  • fire protection
  • protection against rot
  • protection against bugs and microorganisms
  • ease of the process
  • does not change the appearance and shade over time
  • service life is about 80 years.

Today for this procedure they use gas burner. To obtain the required result, resinous timber varieties are folded into a triangle, after which they are fired for 7-10 minutes. The duration of firing is directly related to the durability of the raw material and is determined by the type of timber, its moisture content, and thickness. Next, you need to extinguish the surface, clean it with iron brushes from ash and rinse with water. After this, the wood Japanese technology ready.

For firing, Japanese specialists use coniferous varieties because they contain a lot of resin. Cedar is considered the most valuable. As surprising as it may sound, charred wood burns very poorly. You can additionally impregnate the material with special oils, which will make the raw material even stronger and more durable.

Due to the fact that the supply of wood on our planet is limited, today the issue of increasing its durability and resistance to various influences is extremely relevant. And, of course, the most evil enemy wood is fire. It is worth noting that preparations for protecting wood from fire cannot fully protect lumber, but they enable timber to better and longer resist the destructive effects of flame.

Any structures built from wood need protection from fire. To date, there is no protection that can completely prevent the combustion of the material. At the same time, on construction market You can find substances that impede the combustion of wood. They contain fire retardants, which allow you to gain time to put out a fire. They protect the wood from the effects of flame for a long time. There are several types of such fire retardant compounds, which differ in the chemical and physical processes that occur when the material is exposed to fire. In addition to fire retardants, some formulations contain antiseptics that can resist rotting of the material and the formation of mold on wood. This composition is called “Fire and bioprotection of wood”.

How to choose fire protection for wood

Compositions with three different protective properties are commercially available:

  • Melting material. When exposed to fire, wood forms protective film, blocking the access of oxygen to the material. This significantly slows down the combustion process.
  • Blistering of the material. When the protective substance comes into contact with the flame, the process of foaming the material begins, due to which the access of fire to the surface of the wood is completely blocked.
  • Decomposition of the protective substance. During this process, gases are released that are unable to support combustion. They prevent the penetration of oxygen into the wood, thereby protecting the material from exposure to flame for a certain time.

Fire-retardant impregnations are divided into water-soluble and organic-soluble. The former are more in demand, as they are environmentally friendly and easy to use.
An important point when choosing impregnation, the efficiency group is considered. Fire protection for wood is available only in two groups I and II. They are chosen depending on desired result. The second group is considered a highly flammable substance. Wood impregnated with such a substance after exposure to fire should lose no more than 25% of its mass. To ensure not only that the material is difficult to ignite, but also difficult to burn, impregnation of the first group is used with a maximum weight loss of up to 8%. It is used for residential buildings.
Let's consider several brands of fire protection for wood:

Fire protection "Senezh"

This protection is intended for wooden structures and structures.

Impregnation can be used both indoors and outdoors. outdoors without exposure to precipitation. Maximum term fire protection is 5 years.

Bioprotection Senezh can prevent the formation of mold and bugs for 20 years. Impregnation of group l is consumed within 600 g/m2, and group ll - 300 g/m2.

Fire protection "Olympus"

Impregnation Olympus of the first group is used in interior and exterior work. The maximum validity period of the substance is 7 years. Bioprotection is valid for 10 years. Material consumption is within 550 g/m2.

Impregnation of the second group is less effective and is able to retain its fire-retardant properties for 5 years and bioprotective properties for up to 10 years.

The substance consumption is 500 g/m2. This substance, after coating, gives the wood a reddish tint.

Fire protection "Pirilax"

Pirilax impregnation differs from the previous two in that it contains preservatives that prevent premature aging and cracking of wood. The material also has two degrees of protection. The duration of fire protection depends on climatic influences. External walls that are not exposed to precipitation will be protected from fire for 5 years. Indoors, the fire-bioprotection effect of wood will last up to 12 years. Material consumption, depending on the desired result, will vary from 100 to 400 g/m2.

Wood, with all its advantages when used as a raw material for building materials, has a couple of serious disadvantages: it burns well and is just as easily attacked by insects and fungi. It is not surprising that owners of private houses are interested in finding compounds that improve the fire-retardant properties of wood. We will try to help with the choice and present in one place recommendations and reviews on the use of certain compositions, and also answer the main question: how to choose better fire protection for wood?

What is fire protection for wood?

There are about five hundred fires in Russia alone every day, millions of rubles are spent on eliminating the consequences. Just think: it burns out in about half an hour! And it’s good if the damage is measured only in money. Is it worth explaining why wood processing special compounds give so much great value. Usually two are combined in one product useful qualities: protection from fire, as well as damage from microorganisms and insects - fire retardants and antiseptics in one bottle!

A small educational program. Fire retardants are substances that serve to prevent fire and subsequent combustion of wood and other combustible materials. Without going into the mechanism of their operation, we will stipulate that they can act in different ways: 1) when heated, they release carbon dioxide, thereby forming a non-flammable “cushion” covering a layer of wood; 2) when heated, form a fireproof swelling layer on the surface of the treated material; 3) at the processing stage, the fire-bioprotection solution clogs the pores of the top layer of wood, and, being a non-flammable component, literally reduces the percentage of combustible composition in the surface layer of the material. - substances that work against microbes, rot, mold, etc., and even against insects, for which wood is a tasty morsel. It so happened that to optimize the process and process the same critical structures, it is quite possible to use a 2 in 1 solution. This is what led to the wide popularity of fire-bioprotective compounds for wood.

7 simple rules you need to know when choosing

  1. There are no miracles. The tree will catch fire sooner or later – it’s a matter of time. But sometimes the minutes count, on which someone’s life depends. The facts are that those not treated with flame retardants wooden buildings burn faster than processed ones.
  2. 1 or 2 group. There are three groups in total, but only the first two are important for protection; in short, then: group 2 - retardation of flammability, group 1 - retardation of flammability and combustion. Those. The first group allows you to take fire protection seriously and provide the highest possible protection.
  3. The price is determined by consumption. The problem is that the packaging and concentrations of solutions can vary significantly, hence the difference in the consumption of the composition for treating 1 square meter. meters of surface. Don’t be lazy and estimate how much it will cost you to achieve the first or second group of protection when treated with one or another composition - don’t just compare the cost of the packages.
  4. Specific properties. When choosing fire protection for wood processing, it is necessary to consider whether the structure will subsequently be exposed to moisture or change temperature conditions, will it be hidden from view finishing materials or it is planned to apply decorative layers over the treated parts. Because there are compositions that are resistant to external influences, some with dyes (to control work) and transparent ones - depend on the working conditions.
  5. Everything is subject to time. The effectiveness of protection decreases over time. The usual period is up to 5-20 years, after which it is necessary to carry out treatment again. But the gap can be seriously shortened if the operating conditions of the structure are violated: exposure to moisture, freezing of structures, etc. Here it is necessary to make a small digression and explain the validity period of the protective properties of the “chemistry” we are considering. You need to understand that under normal operating conditions of the treated sample (in a dry place, protected from precipitation), flame retardants of the same nature will be equally effective. And often the average coating life declared by the seller is just another attempt to increase the cost of their products.
  6. About the composition. Usually they write vaguely: “ aqueous solution target components”, “flame retardant salts, biocidal additives”, etc. It is simply not possible to find out what exactly is inside a jar, canister or bag by studying the label. As a rule, nothing innovative, so we recommend watching the video at the end of this chapter.
  7. Manufacturers. There are many of them and they have a hard time due to great competition. Hence the abundance of products of different packaging, with different names and other marketing tricks. From our experience, we can say that fire bioprotection is being prepared by everyone today. Therefore, it is better to trust trusted manufacturers, and at the first doubt, ask for a certificate of conformity.

As promised, we invite you to watch an educational video, especially relevant in difficult times of crisis. It presents one of the fire protection options for wood, which includes boric acid and sodium carbonate. A liter of such impregnation will cost about 10 rubles, and its effectiveness will be no worse than the ready-made solutions sold.

This is one of the most popular options homemade mixtures. If desired, you can find other solutions on specialized forums, for example, based on potassium carbonate (potash), etc. The essence remains the same.

TOP 5 manufacturers of fire-bioprotective compounds for wood

What have we done? We took the 5 most popular companies involved in the production of paint and varnish products and examined the compositions they offered with the protective properties that interested us. Two goals were pursued: to clearly show the difference in characteristics between individual brands and to calculate the unit cost of processing one square meter, For example, wooden wall. For the calculation, we took the cost based on the most popular packaging with a weight close to the minimum possible.


Products manufactured under the brand appeared on the Russian market more than 10 years ago. During this time, its popularity has reached unprecedented heights, and therefore fire-bioprotective compounds for wood from this manufacturer are in great demand in the CIS. At the time of writing, the company’s catalog included 4 products for protecting wooden structures from fire and biological effects. Their characteristics are summarized in the table below.

Basic technical specifications fire-bioprotective compounds NEOMID
Comparison criterion/Product name NEOMID 450 (impregnation) NEOMID 450-1 (impregnation) NEOMID 001 SuperProff (impregnation) NEOMID 040 Professional (paint)
Purpose to protect wooden structures from ignition and flame spread Provides protection against ignition, burning and flame propagation
bioprotection: against mold, rot, insect damage
Average fire protection period up to 7 years
Average biosecurity period up to 10 years
Fire retardant efficiency group II I or II I
Surface treatment control No red No matte finish, tinted
Consumption, g/sq. meter 400 250 (I gr.) or 150 (II gr.) 600 (I gr.) or 500 (II gr.) 250
Packaging, kg 5, 10, 20, 30, 200 5, 10, 30, 200 1, 5, 30 25, 60, 150
Approximate price* 340 rub. for 5 kg. 660 rub. for 5 kg. 1030 rub. for 5 kg 6000 rub. for 25 kg.

* – indicated approximately for comparison with other products

We calculate: when processing a square with NEOMID 450 - 27.2 rubles. (II gr.); NEOMID 450-1 – 33 rub. (I gr.), 19, rub. (II gr.); NEOMID 001 SuperProff – 123.6 rub. (I gr.), 103 rub. (II gr.); NEOMID 040 Professional – 60 rub. (I gr.).

In the video below you can see a short advertising review from the manufacturer of the fire retardant-antiseptic Neomid 450. A little about what the composition is, how it works and how to apply it. The houses will subsequently be set on fire and the effectiveness of using a fire-retardant composition will be demonstrated.

NEOMID products have all the necessary certificates, which guarantees their high quality. The choice is up to the buyer, since there is plenty to choose from.