Blessing of the house with holy water. How to consecrate an apartment at home yourself

The need for spiritual cleansing appears in every person - this is a natural craving to shed negativity everyday life and strengthen faith in God and His Works. It is natural for Orthodox believers to strive for purification not only spiritually, but also physically, so traditionally the priest from the temple performs holy rituals for the parishioners for the home.

But you can direct your own efforts towards this, especially if you feel inspired to do so. How to consecrate an apartment correctly - read below.

Consecration in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

The ritual is held on Thursdays; any Thursday will do, except the one on which one of the big ones falls. Orthodox holidays. Early in the morning, before 9-10 o'clock, go to the temple. You need to buy three candles there that you will take home.

Three more simple candles buy and place it at the image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

In front of the icon, make the banner of the cross three times and say: “Wonderworker Nicholas, bless me to cleanse the apartment and drive out demonic power from it. Amen.".

Upon returning home before noon, light the first candle and surround the entire perimeter of your home with its flame, not forgetting the bathroom, storage rooms and balcony. Sign the corners with the banner of the cross with a candle. How to consecrate an apartment yourself? For the ritual to work, it would be correct to clean the apartment the day before, on Wednesday. Wrap the used candle (cinder) in paper and throw it away, but not in the trash, but rather bury it somewhere in the park in the ground.

Use the second and third candles on the following Thursdays - a total of three weeks. Before cleaning the house in the morning, visit the temple again and pray in front of the image of the Wonderworker. The result is comfort and freshness in the home, relief from troubles and illnesses, and a blissful atmosphere in the home. This three-week ritual can be performed every year.

Signs of a “dirty” home

In addition to internal needs, you can understand that the apartment needs to be consecrated by the following signs:

  • your family complains about a strange feeling that within the walls of the house they “nowhere to put yourself”;
  • I don’t want to go home, it’s not comfortable;
  • there are frequent quarrels in the family;
  • you had guests, after which you felt unpleasant;
  • pets get sick, plants die;
  • you are disturbed by strange rustling and knocking noises, especially at night;
  • Equipment breaks down, light bulbs burn out, dishes break, taps leak;
  • the home is attacked by non-insect pests;
  • Things are constantly getting lost, there is no order.

If you have most of the listed points, this indirectly indicates the need to consecrate the apartment.

Holy water to help

Holy water, which can be brought from the temple on any day, is very good at driving out the unclean spirit from the house - churches prepare holy water in bottles for takeaway, its price is symbolic. You can also use the water that the priest consecrated in your hands on the holiday - bring a container of water with you and wait for the priest to walk around with the censer. Both options are fine.

Holy water is losing its miraculous properties, if she stays in the house for a long time, she is charged with the negativity of worldly life, "weathers". For powerful sanctification, fresh holy water is needed.
Before consecrating your apartment with holy water correctly, carry out physical cleaning: wash all floors and surfaces with plain water until it is clean, then free all furniture and objects from the layer of dust, no matter how thin it may seem to you, then arrange all things in to your places and remove unnecessary things from your eyes, wash the dishes and change all the bed linen, wash everything that is prepared for washing, dry it, put it back in its place. Ask all the inhabitants of the house to swim in advance, and wash yourself well so that the body is also clean. Physical training is completed.

Holding the vessel in your left hand, sprinkle holy water in front of you with your right, moving along the walls of the entire apartment. You should start from the eastern corner and move clockwise. Always read the Lord’s Prayer silently to yourself, or if you stumble or don’t remember it, repeat “In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

When you go through all the rooms and corners, spray each family member, pets, stove, dining table and bed. Do not ventilate the apartment for several hours, so that evil spirits do not immediately fly in from the street. The result will be a more beneficial mood, calmness and tranquility for each family member, and increased well-being. This cleaning can be done every month, before major holidays, important events or after scandals and troubles - definitely.

How to consecrate an apartment with 33 candles from Jerusalem

In Jer
Usalime is home to a great shrine - the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, in which believers from all over
the world, on pilgrimage or visiting holy places on business, can lay objects on the shrine of the Sepulcher. After this, the object becomes sacred and acquires miraculous qualities. Church candles that have been at this shrine are especially valued.

Traditionally, a bundle of 33 is placed on the altar of the Sepulcher paraffin candles. After the ritual, these candles are lit either as a whole bunch, or one at a time - as needed. Having such a bundle, you can use it for prayer, cleansing the house, and lighting it on holidays, excluding Christmas and funerals.

How to properly consecrate an apartment with a Jerusalem candle? If you do not have the opportunity to bring them yourself from Jerusalem, a bunch can be ordered online or purchased at a church store.

It is also considered natural to receive a bundle as a gift from friends or relatives. Prepare your home as described above by deep cleaning and physically purifying yourself. Set aside a day and spend it in such a way that this time can be called bright - do not solve work issues, do not quarrel, do not be sad and do not be distracted by material things.

Light one candle or the entire bunch in front of your home iconostasis. Read your favorite prayer or “Our Father” in front of the candle flame, cross yourself and, without turning away, move away from the burning candles. You can burn the candle to the end or extinguish it after a while, just do not blow out the flame, but use a cap or cup. In this case, the candle will remain sacred and can be reused.

Such an event can be held several times a year, especially in bright moments, as well as when there is great need, if one of the household members gets sick or other troubles approach the family hearth. As a result, your home will receive a blissful atmosphere, despondency, fears, and discomfort will dissipate.

Today the need for positive energy occurs in many families. What precedes a lack of bright emotions? Why is it necessary to cleanse your home of simple negativity or the interference of evil spirits? How to consecrate an apartment yourself, in short terms restore harmony in the soul and in the home?

Signs of energy pollution in an apartment

There are reasons why there is a need to consecrate a room. This:

If you agree with several points, then a consecration ritual should be performed in the near future. You can try on our own destroy traces of bad energy, restore peace and harmony in the family. This one is not at all complicated, but be sure to follow consistency in your actions.

The ritual is held on Thursdays, excluding those that fall on major holidays. In the morning before 9 o'clock, visit the temple, buy 6 candles. Three are intended for the home, and the remaining three must be placed in front of the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. First, you should make the sign of the cross and ask for mercy, saying: “Wonderworker Nicholas, bless us to cleanse the apartment, driving out demonic power from it. Amen".

Returning to the house, light the first candle before 12 noon. Saying “Our Father” go around all the rooms around the perimeter. Don’t forget to visit the balcony and consecrate the bathroom and pantry. When you reach the corner, make the sign of the cross in the air. Make sure the candle burns constantly. After the ritual, the cinder is wrapped in light paper and buried in the ground, for example in a park or on a personal plot.

The second candle will burn on the following Thursday, and the third - two weeks later. Before consecrating your home, go to the temple, pray and ask St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for help in a noble cause. The result of simple actions will be grace and peace. This cleansing can be done annually. It is advisable to clear the apartment of trash and dirt before the ritual.

Consecration with holy water

The unclean spirit is driven out by holy water. You can buy ready-packed water at the church or dedicate it at the temple when service is underway and the priest makes the rounds with the censer. Their strength is the same. But know that after standing in the house for some time, the sacred drink loses its healing properties, absorbing the negativity of worldly life. For consecration, fresh water from the temple is needed.

Before performing the ritual, put things in their places, wipe the furniture, remove dust, change the bed linen, wash the dishes and floors in the house. Buy and force the relatives living in the house to cleanse the body. Physical cleansing is very important. Bright thoughts will appear, nothing will distract you from the desire to overcome the evil that has settled in the apartment. When a candle burns, it will melt the negativity with its fire.

Moving clockwise, walk along the walls, sprinkling water around the room. Start from the east corner, holding the vessel in your left hand. The right one needs to sprinkle sacred water. Saying the Lord's Prayer to yourself, visit all the rooms. After the end of the consecration ceremony, sprinkle everyone living in the room: family members and pets.

Do not open windows after the ritual. Let the apartment be filled with sacred water and disperse evil spirits. Grace and peace will come after cleansing. The scandals will stop and peace will come. The flow of light energy will help family members resolve important issues. This ritual can be performed once a month or before a special event.

Believers from all over the world try to visit the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, place objects on the shrine of the Sepulcher, and then use them as protection from negativity. Candles are especially expensive. A bunch of 33 candles acquires miraculous power and, by lighting it on major holidays and on days of prayer, except for Christmas and funerals, you can drive away unwanted guests, troubles and tragic incidents from your home.

If it is not possible to visit holy places and purchase a bundle, use the services of the World Wide Web by ordering it online. The church shop also sells Jerusalem candles. When the candles get into the apartment, without hesitation, proceed to the consecration. Free the room and your own body from dirt, give up solving important issues for one day. Take time for the ritual, do not think about material problems. The day should be bright and clean.

Light a candle or a whole bunch in front of the iconostasis, “Our Father” and leave. Just don't turn around. Extinguish the candle at your discretion. It must be simmered with a cup or cap. If you want to blow, it will lose power. It can be reused as needed, when loved ones are sick or negativity accumulates and quarrels in the family become more frequent.

Candles dispel fear and uncertainty. The apartment creates a favorable atmosphere for activity and relaxation. Relationships in the family are normalized, there is warmth and understanding. Do not perform several rituals at the same time. Purposeful actions, bright thoughts and faith in God's word will bring more benefit.

Now you know how to consecrate an apartment yourself. Ask your priest for a blessing for cleansing and begin to expel evil spirits. Don't put off useful things for too long. The fresher the accumulated negativity, the easier it is to free the house from negative energy. Prayer will help and give strength to carry out the ritual.

To explain the meaning of why we consecrate an apartment, we need to understand what consecration is. Orthodox Christians call sanctification the rites that are introduced by the Church into the temple and personal life of a person, so that through these rites the blessing of God descends on his life, on all his activities and on the entire environment of his life.

The basis of the diverse church prayers is the desire to spiritualize human activity, to do it with God’s help and His blessing. We ask the Lord to direct our affairs in such a way that they are pleasing to Him and benefit our neighbors, the Church, the Fatherland and ourselves; bless our relationships with people so that peace and love prevail in them, etc. And therefore we ask that our home, things that belong to us, vegetables grown in our garden, water from the well, through the blessing of God that has descended on them, help us in this , defended, strengthened our strength.

The consecration of a house, the consecration of an apartment, the consecration of a car or any other thing is evidence, first of all, of our trust in God, our faith that nothing happens to us without His holy will.

The Church sanctifies everything necessary for human life with prayer and blessing. The Church sanctifies all nature and all the elements: water, air, fire and earth.

The life, health and well-being of people largely depend on the state of their natural and spiritual environment.

Disastrous consequences for people of environmental disasters associated with contamination and destruction surrounding nature, have not only visible, external, physical reasons, but also invisible, spiritual reasons.

Among the spiritual reasons underlying all natural phenomena, as well as social and state phenomena, such as revolutions, wars and various kinds of global restructuring, the Holy Church highlights primarily religiosity folk life. What is the degree of religiosity, what is the morality and behavior of people, such is the state of visible nature and the course of history. People sin, move away from God, perverting their moral order, and, as a result, it deteriorates in the world.

This first happened after the fall of our ancestors Adam and Eve, who violated the only commandment of God given to them. Man sinned, and as a result, the entire world created by God for man changed: destruction, illness, sorrow, corruption, and death entered the world. The Lord spoke to Adam and Eve after the Fall: “He said to the woman: I will multiply your sorrow... And to Adam he said: ...cursed is the ground because of you; in sorrow you will eat from it all the days of your life” (Gen. 3:16-17).

Righteous John of Kronstadt writes that the rites of consecration “are caused by the extreme need of nature itself or the nature of the elements and the need of the people themselves who live in the air and have an incessant need for water element", in fire and in earth. “All nature, all the elements are constantly desecrated and corrupted by human sins and dark and crafty spirits living in the air and giving rise to all sorts of pernicious trends and diseases in it. There is an urgent need for church sanctification and healing of these elements.”

Why is it so important to consecrate houses in our time?

According to the teachings of the holy fathers of the Church, the unclean spirit, the devil, the prince of darkness and hell, the spirit of malice, the enemy of the human race, dominates the air until the second coming of Christ. The Slavic word air has several meanings. This is the atmosphere of the earth in which we physically exist; this includes the airwaves, which today are more crowded than ever with radio waves, television, cellular and radio signals; this, finally, is what modern pagans and Jews call the astral plane - the area of ​​spiritual visions and contacts, in which, like nowhere else, the devil resides and dominates with legions of unclean spirits.

Television, press and radio broadcasting, anti-Christian in spirit, corrupting the Russian people today worse than any wine and vodka, have become the main sources of spiritual food for the Russian people. Today, in almost every home, a “blue icon” of the devil is placed in a red corner - a television, in front of which the population of Russia spends hours on end, as if in a narcotic sleep, hypnotized and programmed for self-destruction and extinction.

Through the ether and astral plane, our houses, apartments, cars were filled with countless legions of demons: spirits of aggression, anger, revenge, shameless passion. People are no longer able to understand how their family and life well-being is being destroyed with the help of thoroughly developed technologies of destruction traditional system values, ethics, morality. Few people today are able to connect the disobedience of children, their addiction to alcohol and drugs, the endless divorces of young and middle-aged married couples with the presence in their home of a real enemy - a television, a radio, a tabloid newspaper, which skillfully undermine the morality of society, the family, through the implanted poison of vulgarity and debauchery. a cult of pleasure that leads more and more souls to destruction.

Therefore, today the grace of God, given through the rites of consecration, in particular, through the consecration of our homes, is especially necessary for us to help us protect, consciously protect ourselves from the viruses of sinful temptation and spiritual decay that penetrate our homes.

Will the consecration of the house itself save us?

Saint Theophan the Recluse writes: “All grace coming from God through the holy cross, holy icons, holy water, relics, consecrated bread (artos, antidor, prosphora) and others, including holy communion The Body and Blood of Christ has power only for those who are worthy of this grace through prayers of repentance, repentance, humility, service to people, works of mercy and the manifestation of other Christian virtues. But if they are not there, then this grace will not save, it does not act automatically, like a talisman, and is useless for the wicked and imaginary Christians (without virtues).”

The same can be said about the consecration of a home. A house dominated by empty, idle pastime is like a house with luminous windows during a night raid by enemy aircraft. Modern television, press and radio broadcasting, in a completely diabolical way, under the guise of entertainment and pleasure, alienate us from our Heavenly Father, from the One in Whose hand is our entire earthly life and the life of the next century. Therefore, no sanctification will make sense and will not have a beneficial effect on our lives if, in particular, the demons of television and radio broadcasting reign supreme in the air of our apartments and houses. In moments of misfortune that befall us, in order to appease the district judge and prosecutor, on whom our fate or the fate of our loved ones who have violated the criminal law depends, we are ready to sacrifice our last money and much more, and in breaking the law of God, do we really think that if We will continue to irritate the Lord with our unbelief and amusements with demons, then He will be merciful to us? No. The libertine and blasphemer, by his deviation from God and from His commandments, commits the most doomsday- remains without God alone with the devil and his servants, who only need his soul, or rather, its fall and death.

Let us remember that the consecration of a house is both its protection from all disasters, and a blessing for good deeds and for the protection of our home from everything evil that is contrary to God; blessing so that we do not leave God and try to direct our lives not according to the laws that he introduces into human life enemy of the human race, but according to the Law of God.

Ceremony of consecration of a new house

The entire world created by God lives and moves according to the Law of God. Therefore, without God’s blessing and help, nothing truly valuable, important, good, or useful can be done. The Savior Himself said in the Gospel: “Without Me you can do nothing” (John 15:5).

And the prophet David says: “Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain; unless the Lord guards the city, the watchman watches in vain” (Ps. 126:1).
Our ancestors knew about this. “Without God there is no way,” says the Russian proverb. They often prayerfully turned to God, calling for blessings on every endeavor. Therefore, from ancient times, the homes of Christians were consecrated with prayer songs and sacred rites.

The Orthodox Church consecrates new houses following the example of the consecration of the temples of God. Even at the beginning of the construction of a house, a cross is laid at its foundation, and holy icons are installed in the house itself as signs (signs) of the gracious presence of the Lord and the saints in the Christian home. In the home of a Christian, the Church allows all types of its worship to be performed with the exception of the Divine Liturgy and the sacrament of the priesthood. She does not forbid bringing into every Christian home, in certain cases, the most holy and all-sanctifying Body and life-giving Blood of Christ.

Since ancient times, special prayer rites have existed for the blessing and consecration of a Christian home and hearth. At the beginning of the construction of a house, a small consecration of water is performed and prayers “for the foundation of the house” contained in the Trebnik are read. The rite of consecration of a new house is also set out in the Trebnik. To this rite, when consecrating a house, prayers “About the temple, cold from evil spirits” and the prayer “Over the cave” can be added. The first prayer, as the name suggests, is of an incantatory nature; it is used during the consecration of those houses “that suffer the intrigues and misfortunes of evil spirits” (New Tablet). The second prayer is read to consecrate the hearth - the most important part of the Christian home, associated with the preparation of meals.

Before the consecration of a new house, a small blessing of water is performed, or the priest comes to the house, bringing holy water with him. A table covered with a clean tablecloth is supplied to the house in advance; a vessel with holy water and a small vessel with ordinary, unconsecrated oil are placed on it ( vegetable oil), the Gospel and the cross are placed and candles are lit in candlesticks.

On each of the four walls a cross is depicted in advance - to commemorate the cover and firm fencing, deliverance and preservation by the power of the cross from all evil and misfortune, from enemies visible and invisible.

After the exclamation “Blessed is our God...” and the usual initial prayers, the 90th Psalm “Living in the help of the Most High...” is read, in which the Church encourages future residents, saying that they will live in their new home under the shelter of the God of heaven and that in the shadow They will not be afraid of the Almighty, neither the horrors in the night, nor the arrows flying during the day. “No evil will befall you, and no plague will come near your dwelling,” exclaims the prophet (Ps. 90:10).
Then a troparion (a short church hymn) is sung, which says that once the Savior, having entered the house of Zacchaeus, granted salvation to him and all his household. So now, together with the servants of Christ in new home Angels of God enter. The Church asks the Lord to give peace to this house and to graciously bless it, saving and enlightening all who are going to live in it.

Turning to the east, the priest says: “Let us pray to the Lord,” “Lord, have mercy,” they answer him, and he reads a prayer similar in content to the troparion sung before this. He prays to the Savior, who deigned to enter the house of Zacchaeus and granted salvation to his entire house, to bless the newly built dwelling and save those who will live in it from all evil, abundantly giving them all the blessings of the Lord for their benefit.

In the next secret prayer (that is, a prayer read not aloud, but silently), the priest asks the Lord to grant salvation to the house, as He brought it to the house of Zacchaeus, to bless this house, as He once blessed the house of Laban with the coming of Jacob to it. , the house of Pentephry - by the arrival of Joseph into it, Abeddar - by the bringing of the ark into his house. (These events are narrated in the Bible, in the book of Genesis, chapter 30, verses 2-30; chapter 39, verses 1-5 and in the 2nd book of Kings, chapter 6, verses 10-12.) He prays to the Savior to send blessings down to the future inhabitants of the new house from the heights of His dwelling, to protect them with the fear of God, to protect them “from those who resist” and to multiply “all that is good in this house.” At the end of the prayer, the priest proclaims: “For it is Yours to have mercy and save us, O our God, and to You we send glory, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the ages of ages.” Those present respond: “Amen.”

At this point in the rite, the prayer “Over the cave” can be added to it. In it, the priest calls for help to protect the home from enemies visible and invisible - Angels, guardians of Christians, and all the saints of God, including the Hieromartyr Cyprian, whom demons once served in the art of magical intrigues and who, having believed in Christ, began to rebel against them and defeat them ().

Then the priest crosses the oil three times in the name of the Most Holy Trinity and reads a prayer over the oil, in which he asks God to send the Most Holy Spirit onto the oil and consecrate it, so that it will be for the consecration of this place and the house built on this place to drive away “all resistant and satanic forces.” slander."

After reading the prayer, the priest sprinkles the entire house with holy water (sprinkles each room on all four sides), praying: “By sprinkling this sacred water, may all evil demonic action be put to flight.” Then he anoints the 4 main walls of the house in a cross pattern (in those places where the cross was previously inscribed) with holy oil, saying the words: “This house is blessed by the anointing of this holy oil, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen.”

Candles are lit in front of each cross inscribed on the walls, giving honor to the Honest One. Life-giving Cross The Lord, “who is a shield, a weapon against the devil and a sign of victory over him, ... a seal so that the “destroying angel” (Ex. 12:23) will not touch us and ... the tree of eternal life.

The stichera, which the choir sings, contains a prayer to the Lord to bless this house, fill it with earthly blessings and save its future inhabitants “from every evil of the situation” and grant them an abundance of heavenly and earthly blessings.

Then the priest reads the Gospel (Luke 19:1-10), which tells about the Savior’s visit to the house of the publican (tax collector) Zacchaeus, who, although he was a sinful man, wanted to see the Lord so much that he climbed a tree. In response to the murmurs of those who said that Jesus entered the house sinful man, Christ said about Zacchaeus and about his house: “Now salvation has come to this house, because he also is a son of Abraham; for the Son of Man came to seek and to save that which was lost.” The Church offers this passage from the Gospel to the residents of a new Christian home, joyfully proclaiming that now salvation has come to their home and that the Lord always comes to the home of those who long to see Him.

Then Psalm 100 is read, which contains instructions on how to behave in a new home. Reflecting on the blameless way, King David says: “I will walk in the integrity of my heart in the midst of my house” (Ps. 100:2).

After the reading of the psalm, a litany is said. In it, in addition to the usual petitions, there are also petitions for the blessing of the house. All those present pray to the Lord of our life to send a Guardian Angel, a guardian of the new home, preserving everyone “who wants to live piously in it,” from all evil and instructing them to do virtues, to fulfill the commandments of Christ. They also ask that the Lord save them all from hunger and all deadly wounds and grant them health and long life.


Orthodoxy is rich in traditions. The consecration of a home is one of the most important and obligatory rites. This ritual protects against dark forces and is a symbol of the Lord's blessing and involvement in the church. Moving or completing renovations is often associated with the tradition of consecrating a home. The priest may advise performing this ritual if people are being persecuted serious illnesses, family problems, or if small children live in the apartment.

What you need to light your home

According to Orthodox tradition, the rite of consecration of a home must be performed exclusively by a priest. Therefore, if you need to bless your apartment, invite the priest from the temple to do this. Usually for this rite the priest has with him censer, oil and holy water. But to avoid problems with their absence, it is better to purchase everything you need in advance. Candles can be bought at any church store. The water is blessed once a year, on the day of the Epiphany. You can take it from any source. Most often, water is drawn from an ice hole for lighting. Usually people who follow Orthodox traditions have holy water, so if it is not available, turn to them.
Stages of the ritual

When doing it yourself you need to:

have a blessing for the ceremony;
clean the home;
prepare a red corner with an icon and a lamp.

If it is not possible to invite the priest to the lighting ceremony, you can do it yourself; the church allows this for a layman. But before that, it is advisable to receive a blessing from a spiritual mentor. If there is no mentor, the priest in the church can bless you to light your home. Before the ceremony, the home must be properly cleaned, the floors washed, and ventilated. If your apartment does not have a red corner, which represents the location of the icon or iconostasis opposite the entrance, then at least for the duration of the lighting, place the icon and lamp there. The lighting ceremony is traditionally held on Sunday.

To do this, dip three fingers into the bowl, which should preferably be new. The fingers should be folded into three fingers, as if you want to cross yourself. The room is sprinkled with holy water. This is done clockwise, starting from the red corner. The prayer “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit” is read. Also during the ceremony you can read the ninetieth psalm. After finishing the ceremony in each room, it is necessary to end it with the Sign of the Cross front door.

Wedding is a sacred sacrament, and can only be performed by people who are sincere both with their partner and with themselves. You cannot perform this ritual only for the sake of preserving traditions or paying tribute to fashion. ...

From our article you will learn how to independently perform the ceremony of consecrating your home, car and workplace with holy water.

We all know that our thoughts, with a strong desire, can materialize into reality. The most unpleasant thing is that this applies to both our dreams and our worries. It has long been proven that if a person is afraid of some disease, then sooner or later he will develop it. In addition, anger, envy and swearing have a negative effect on a person.

If there is a lot of negative energy in the house in which a family lives, then it will inevitably begin to poison people’s lives. That is why it is extremely important to clear the space around you of negativity several times a year. You can perform the cleansing ritual using Epiphany water and a church candle.

How to clean an apartment or house from negativity with a candle and holy water yourself?

Cleansing the living space with a candle flame
  • As already mentioned at the beginning of our article, negative energy can destroy the well-being of the strongest family, so if you begin to notice that the cat has stopped coming into the house or your hair has begun to fade for no reason indoor flowers, then it’s time to cleanse your home of negativity. It is best to use water blessed for the Epiphany for these purposes.
  • It is believed that she is the one who is able to remove all the negativity present in the house, thereby returning peace and well-being to the household. But in order for the ritual to really help you, you need to properly prepare for it. To begin with, you must clean the apartment as thoroughly as possible. Throw out all old things from your home, remove dust from all surfaces, change all bedding if possible, hang clean towels in the bathroom and wash the floors.
  • Pay special attention to the front door. It also needs to be washed thoroughly, and then immediately sprinkled with holy water. This way you will seal the entrance to your home and prevent bad energy from entering it. After this, go to the bath, swim and change into clean clothes. Then stand in front of the icons, cross yourself and read the Lord’s Prayer. When this is finished, proceed directly to the cleansing ritual.
  • Light a candle and slowly walk through all the rooms of your house. If during the cleansing process you see that in some place the flame is behaving very restlessly, stop there and cross it three times church candle. If after this the flame fluctuates greatly, repeat the procedure again. Usually after the second time the negative energy disappears. Yes, and if during cleansing someone starts knocking on your door, do not answer and do not let the person come into the house. It is likely that this is the person who is harming you and your family.
  • After the whole house has been walked around, take Epiphany water and, using wheat ears, sprinkle all the walls of the house, special attention paying attention to the corners. Be sure to open all the cabinets and bedside tables and also baptize them with holy water. After this is finished, kneel again in front of the icons and ask the Almighty for grace.

How to properly sanctify and clean an office, office, workplace, or any room?

Rules for blessing an office
  • As a rule, there is always a lot of negative energy in a person’s workplace. After all, no matter how friendly the team is, all people come to work in different moods. Most often, they bring home problems and troubles with them. All this negativity tends to accumulate and begin to cause discord between colleagues. For this reason, it will be better if you try to consecrate your office, workplace or even the office where you work.
  • But remember, carry out this ritual also needed in clean room. Therefore, either ask the maintenance staff to clean up in advance, or do the cleaning together with your colleagues. The last option will be preferable for you, since with such actions you will begin to leave positive energy in the room even without cleansing. When everything is cleaned, take the holy water, and starting from the east side of the room, move through all the rooms of the office.
  • Spray walls, furniture and ceilings with water, not forgetting to additionally place crosses on windows and doors. This whole process should be accompanied by the Lord's Prayer or simply a sincere request for a blessing. When the consecration ceremony is completed, close all doors tightly and wait for the holy water to dry completely. While this process continues, your workplace will continue to be filled with good energy without your participation.
  • Yes, if you want the effect of this ritual to not go away, then don’t be lazy and perform it once a month. To do this, just stock up church water and keep it in glass containers, if possible also consecrated. This way the water will not lose its life-giving properties for as long as possible.

How to properly sanctify and clean a store for a good trade in holy water?

Consecration of the store by the priest
  • If you want your business to flourish, then be sure to consecrate the store premises in which goods will be sold. It is advisable to do this before opening. This way you will not only rid the room of negative energy, but also create a blockage to the entry of negativity. So, the first thing you should do is put all the goods on the shelves. All things should be neatly laid out (down to the smallest leaf), empty boxes should be thrown away, and the floors should be washed.
  • Pay special attention to the floors. If you want people who come to not leave you their negativity, then take some well water, dilute salt in it and add a couple of drops of Epiphany water, and wash the entire floor surface with the resulting solution. When the floors are washed, take holy water and walk around the room in a circle, placing crosses of holy liquid on all surfaces, including the product.
  • After this, light the church candle, place it in the center of the room and wait until it burns out completely. While the candle is burning, read the Our Father or pray to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Ask that no one distracts you at this moment; you should focus solely on prayer and your desire to be a successful person.
  • Once the candle melts, collect the remains and throw them out of the store. Then take dry sage and wormwood and, also walking in a circle, fumigate the entire room with them. This will help enhance the effect of holy water and prevent negative energy from entering your store from the street.

How to properly sanctify and clean a car with holy water?

Blessing of the car
  • Since we live in a very rapidly developing world, a car is not a luxury for us, but a means of transportation that helps us cope with all tasks and problems as quickly as possible. Due to the fact that we spend a lot of time stuck in traffic jams, the car gradually becomes filled with anger and irritation of drivers and their passengers.
  • Therefore, if you do not want all this negativity to begin to affect you, then be sure to clean and consecrate your machine. There are two ways to bless your car. If you don’t know how to do this correctly, then just go to the church you go to with your family, make a small donation to the temple and ask the priest to perform the necessary ritual.
  • In this case, you will need to open all the windows, doors and hood and wait until the holy person does everything according to church rules. If you want to do everything yourself, then buy three small icons from the church, for example, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Mother of God and Jesus Christ. Bring them home, tune in to the right mood and, taking holy water with you, go off to perform the ceremony.
  • It is best to do it on Sunday after morning service. Sit inside the car, attach the purchased icons and start reading the Lord's Prayer. While reading, spray the seats, steering wheel, mirrors and all panels with water. When everything inside is consecrated, do the same steps outside. Then go back inside the car and, without sprinkling, simply pray in front of the icons.
  • Yes, and don’t forget to always have God’s blessing with you, never swear in the car or park it in the wrong places. If negative energy is present in your car at least occasionally, the effect of the rite of consecration and purification will disappear very quickly.

How to sprinkle corners in an apartment, house, or room with holy water for cleansing?

Recommendations for cleaning corners with holy water
  • Holy water has a positive effect only if it is used correctly. She doesn't like anger, envy and yelling. All this has a very negative effect on its structure, gradually turning it into an ordinary liquid. Therefore, if you want it to really clean the premises, then at least in the place where it stands, try to maintain a peaceful atmosphere. You need to start cleaning the corners in your home from the red corner. First, put yourself and your thoughts in order.
  • Then kneel in front of the icons, bend as low as possible and ask them for help. If you wish, you can read the prayer to the “Life-Giving Cross.” Then pour the holy water into a clean porcelain bowl, and scooping some liquid from it, sprinkle the icons. While doing this, say the following words: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. After that, proceed clockwise to the next corner. Stand opposite him and, having completely calmed down, begin to sprinkle the corner in a cross shape.
  • Start sprinkling from the lowest point, gradually moving upward. Once you're done with that corner, move on to the next one and clean it using the same method as the previous one. When you return to the red corner, kneel again and read the prayer to the Holy Martyr Basil. Then leave the room and let the holy water perform its divine miracle.

Prayer for the consecration of an apartment, house, car with holy water

Prayer #1

Prayer #2

Prayer #3
  • We all know that Christian prayer can work miracles. Therefore, if you want to enhance the effect of holy water, then accompany the process of consecrating an apartment or house with a specific prayer. This will help you protect yourself as best as possible from evil looks, words and actions. You can read such prayers either directly over the water or while you sprinkle it on the walls.
  • When you do this, it doesn’t matter at all, the main thing is that at this moment your thoughts are pure and your soul is tuned to dialogue with God. In addition, always remember that at home, as well as in church, a woman should read prayers with her head covered. Therefore, before you begin the ceremony, be sure to tie a scarf on your head and put on pectoral cross. As soon as you are ready, begin to say the words of the prayer in a low voice.
  • Do not rush under any circumstances, do everything without unnecessary fuss and without the slightest doubt. Try to ensure that all your words are pronounced clearly enough and, most importantly, sincerely. You need to read prayers over water at least 3 times. There is an opinion that this is the only way God can hear the request of the one asking.