Full description of the rose of Jericho plant. Rose of Jericho flower at home (with photo) Rose of Jericho cleansing magical properties

The birthplace of the rose of Jericho is considered to be America, Mexico, the USA and South Africa. Essentially this is not indoor flower – it does not tolerate low humidity well. But if you want to grow it, you should adhere to some rules. Selaginella include epiphytes that can live on tree trunks.

The stems are covered with small leaves, and some species resemble shingles in appearance. Such plants are relatively not tall - they do not bloom, but spread along the ground like a carpet. However, if you want to create a greenhouse, you should take into account the possibility of growing such a guest.


There are such varieties of plants:

  • Martensi.
  • Jori or Yori.
  • Hooked.
  • Legless.
  • Kraus.
  • Emmel.

Selaginella martensa

The plant consists of erect branched shoots, the height of which is 30 cm. In their shape, they have many similarities with a fern. The leaf color is bright green with golden sporangia.

Jori or Yori

This plant variety is small in size. The laconic bushes have straight shoots, which are characterized by a light green color with a golden edge.

This type is especially popular because it is decorative and is characterized by inclusions white. Available for sale different varieties roses.


This variety is a representative of the genus, attracting gardeners with its unusual leaf color. According to scientists, this shade is not pigmentation. They are confident that a blue tint is obtained when shading. Despite what may be the reason for this coloration, the hooked rose of Jericho is still popular with many gardeners.


A stemless plant is considered low-growing. Its leaves are yellowish with a heart-shaped base. Indoor stalkless selaginella is found in hanging planters as hanging plant. Its homeland is North America, where the plant survives harsh winters under a layer of snow.


Selaginella Krausa or the golden variety is a plant presented as an original bush, 30 cm high. It has bright green leaves. This rose comes from South America, and it grows mainly in deciduous forests.


The plant is found in the wild in Ecuador. It prefers diffused light, so it is better to plant it on windows with western and eastern orientation.


Very original and unique. It is a relative of the fern plant that lives on the ground for many years.

In nature, the plant is found in Asia, South Africa, America. It is surprising in that due to the lack of moisture can curl up and wait out a period of drought.

Selaginella lepidophylla:


Below you can see the photo various types selaginella.

Care after purchase

How to care for selaginella? This flower will please only experienced flower growers who like to grow plants in difficult conditions.

The main difficulty is to create a comfortable humidity regime. Without proper care It is impossible to grow such a crop.

However, other than humidity, it does not need any difficult conditions and has no requirements for temperature conditions.


The rose of Jericho needs to be pruned when the plant ages and loses its beauty. In this case, you need to remove more than half of the shoots. As a result, shoots will begin to grow from dormant buds. You can also allow the plant to be pruned to give it a round shape.


In nature, Selaginella can grow under normal conditions or in waterlogged soil. She does a great job with full immersion into the water. The plant loves moisture and does not tolerate dampness or drying out.

It is not so easy to choose the optimal humidity mode. To provide the best maintenance to the plant, you need to take advantage of the properties of the root, dense system. Classic watering can be replaced with automatic ones, since this way the rose will independently choose the best degree of humidity.

It is important to select water for irrigation. You can use a soft one that has been left for about three days.


Selaginella should be planted in the form of a dry ball. brown. In this state it can be transported, especially during periods of drought. To plant, you need to put the ball in water and after a day the plant will fully open.


The attitude of roses towards transplants is negative, so it’s better to do this at least once every 2 years. The right time for this is spring. It is very easy to determine whether a plant needs replanting - you need to determine how full the pot is of roots. If it is completely full, it can be replanted.

An ancient club moss, or selaginella. Home care: watering, propagation, replanting.

Growing seeds at home

Small glass pots are suitable for growing seeds. You can also use a terrarium or tropical bottle. Do not forget about high-quality drainage.

Normal growth can be observed in moisture-retentive soil.

The substrate in which the seeds are planted consists of turf and peat.


Reproduction is carried out by spores or vegetatively, by dividing the bush. In the spring, when transplanting, the rhizomes are separated and planted in peat pots. The soil must be wetted and kept moist.


Many species of Selaginella need room temperature, which is 18-20 degrees. She does not tolerate drafts quite well.


Selaginella loves diffused light without the presence of sunlight. She also needs light shade and artificial light.

Benefits and harms

For many years, selaginella was used by the Indians and Chinese as a remedy to combat liver diseases. It was also used as a cleanser.

Indian medicine suggested the use of roses for problems with the menstrual cycle, as well as for the treatment of jaundice and diseases of the genitourinary system. She also useful in the treatment of cancer.

The plant contains components that interfere with the process of mutagenesis. During testing, the possibility of inhibiting and developing cancer was proven.

The plant has no harmful properties.

Diseases and pests

The biggest pest is the spider mite., the appearance of which can be observed when the air is too hot and dry. Other troubles may not be the cause better care behind the plant. Its leaves may have a brown color, which also indicates insufficient humidity.

Curling of leaves is observed when a flowerpot with a flower is in a draft. If the stems are very elongated, additional lighting is necessary.

What to do if the roots dry out?

Selaginella needs frequent spraying, but water should not accumulate on the rose leaves. There can be many reasons for dry roots:

  1. Dry lump of earth.
  2. Soil acidification due to excessive watering.
  3. Root rotting.
  4. Dry indoor air.

It is important to create a good microclimate so that the plant pleases you with its beauty for as long as possible.


Despite the whimsical nature of the rose of Jericho, The plant itself is very beautiful and rare. People who breed such plants will not have any difficulties - it is important to show a little patience and create comfortable conditions for growing and propagating selaginella.

Rose of Jericho is native to the Middle East. The botanical name is Anastatica jericho, which is derived from the ancient Greek words for “again” and “revitalized.” According to legend, the Virgin Mary saw this plant on her way to Egypt and blessed it with eternal life. Hence another name - Egyptian rose.

This herbaceous plant capable of growing in such harsh conditions where most plants die. How to grow the Rose of Jericho and how to care for it at home - later in this article.

Feature of the plant

The life cycle of this rose goes very quickly. It starts growing in the spring, quickly begins to bloom and set fruit. Her flowers are white, small, inconspicuous. Seeds are produced in pods.

The peculiarity of this plant is that when there is a lack of moisture, it gradually curls towards the center and dries up, hiding the fruits in the middle of the ball. Having turned into a tumbleweed, it begins to look for new habitats, taking with it the same balls along the way.

Rose of Jericho

They move like this until the rain stops them. After watering, the rose comes to life, straightens, and seeds spill out of it, which quickly germinate in a moist environment.

Also, during its movement across the territory, these grains fall out and germinate when favorable conditions along its entire route. Soon the seedlings produce white buds, which again set seeds that can remain viable for a long time.

Important! The dried Rose of Jericho does not come to life, but releases seeds from the ball, which germinate. They can germinate even while in the mother plant.

It is often confused with Silaginella lepidoptera, which does not bloom and reproduces by spores. It is she who awakens in humid conditions and goes to rest during drought. Those who have never seen what these balls look like when opened may confuse them. They can be distinguished by their root system:

  • Anastatic has a taproot;
  • in Silaginella it is fibrous.


At home, Anastatica does not feel very good, especially in winter, when radiators dry out the air greatly. She needs to provide high humidity. To do this, place the pot with the plant in a tray filled with expanded clay, pebbles, and sphagnum moss. The fillers are constantly moistened with water.

A good option would be to keep it in a florarium. Under these conditions, humidity will be constantly maintained at the level required by the bush, which is difficult to ensure in an open container.

Rose of Jericho in the florarium

Rose of Jericho - shade-tolerant plant, so it would be nice to feel on the windowsill of a north window. When growing it on south side houses or apartments, the windows are slightly shaded.

Anastatica comes from an arid climate and can grow in open areas only in the deserts of Asia and Africa. Climatic conditions with alternating winter and summer, dry air does not allow it to be grown in temperate latitudes.

Pay attention! IN flower shops Silaginella squamofolia is often sold under the guise of Rose of Jericho. It is she who, when coming to life, produces new shoots: she does not reproduce by seeds, since she does not have them.

Planting and caring for the rose of Jericho

How does Anastatica plant and propagate in room conditions? To do this, follow these steps:

  • Warm, settled water is poured into a shallow pan;
  • the dried ball is laid out with the roots down;
  • when it opens, green shoots begin to grow from the core due to the seeds hidden in the depths of the ball.

The entire plant can be planted in a pot filled with soil consisting of sand and pebbles, or the plants can be separated into individual containers. Periodically, the bush can be fed complex fertilizer, much more diluted with water than for other plantings.

Planting the Rose of Jericho

The optimal temperature for keeping roses is +20°C. The location should be slightly shaded. Several times a day it must be sprayed with warm, settled water. Watering is done as the substrate dries.

In dry air conditions, the planting may be attacked spider mite. To get rid of it, the bush is washed soap solution. If kept in a humid environment for too long, it can become infected with a fungal disease. To get rid of it, rose of jericho sprayed with fungicide.

The bush needs to be given a period of rest: stop watering and spraying. Special requirements The rose does not require wintering. You can store it in any dry place.

Silaginella squamofolia

Because the store sometimes sells silaginella squamofolia under the name Rose of Jericho.

It is displayed for sale in the same way as anastatica, rolled up into a ball. When placed in a humid environment, silaginella opens up and the leaves gradually turn green, with a beautiful emerald hue. It can be grown in soil with the addition of sand, sphagnum moss and peat.

Silaginella squamofolia

In nature it grows up to 10 cm in height, at home even less. Its diameter is about 40 cm. Silaginella has delicate leaves, giving it a fluffy appearance. It has this appearance during the rainy season; in hot weather the branches curl into a ball.

Pay attention! The process of resurrecting a flower from a dry lump into a luxurious plant occurs within 24 hours.

Silaginella reproduces by dividing the bush, cuttings, and spores. Seed propagation is impossible because it does not have seeds. It grows quickly and reproduces easily. The shoots contain cell sap, which keeps the bush alive even after drying out. It is rich in oils and vitamins.

Symbolism and virtues of the rose

Silaginella squamosal is a symbol of longevity and resurrection.

  • This is a long-lived flower, so it can be inherited as a symbol of the family.
  • It is customary to give it on the day of the Resurrection of the Lord, as a reminder that after death the resurrection of the soul will come.
  • The dried ball is given to each other by lovers, placed inside the ring. When the flower opens, the rings are taken out.
  • When placing a rose inside a cabinet, it will repel moths.
  • The bush thins out the light aroma of meadow herbs, so it is used as a natural air freshener.
  • Disinfects the air from harmful microorganisms and absorbs tobacco smoke.
  • The mechanism of opening and closing branches may be interesting for children.

Additional information! In the story “The Rose of Jericho” I. Bunin talks about a legend that says that the name of the flower was given by the Monk Savva when he was in the Judean desert.

The bush does not come to life in the literal sense of the word; dried shoots do not become green again, as flower catalogs sometimes promise. When placed in a humid environment, they open, and the seeds remaining inside begin to turn green. But even the process of opening and closing branches is interesting to observe.

Resurrection plant Rose of Jericho, Selaginella Lepidoma, Selaginella Lepidophylla, Rose of Jericho.

This plant can remain alive without water for up to 50 years.

It needs very little water. Without water, selaginella curls into a tight ball, but unfolds and grows after watering. The process can be repeated endlessly.

Comes from:

The Chihuahuan Desert, which straddles the US-Mexico border.


Selaginella lepidophylla is a desert, perennial, shade-loving plant that has existed for about 290 million years. Dry persists for decades, so it can be passed on from generation to generation. Sometimes a gift, such as a ring or necklace, is placed in the open Rose of Jericho and then allowed to close. As soon as the rose is placed in water, it reveals its secret.

At home:

Place the rose in a bowl, pour in some water and witness the magnificent natural miracle of the awakening of Jericho. Within an hour it will turn green, and its shade will depend on the water temperature.

The Rose of Jericho also has practical usefulness.

When wet, it absorbs tobacco smoke, humidifies and improves the air. Dry, destroys pests in the place where it is stored (for example, moths in a closet).

In nature:

It usually grows on rocks or dry soil in deserts. Under such conditions, most other plants will die, while the Rose of Jericho survives and manages to grow. When the soil is dry, the plant cannot store water, such as cacti. In this case, the stems are formed into a ball to retain some moisture in the center.

All metabolic functions are reduced to a minimum, and the Rose of Jericho appears to be a dry and dead tuber.

In fact, this plant can remain in this state for up to 50 years. When the rains begin, its cells are moistened, the plant straightens its stems and opens in full. Her metabolism increases and she regains her height.


Pour 1 cm of water into the thicket and place Selaginella in it;

The temperature of the water will determine the intensity and shade of the green color; In 60-90 minutes it will bloom;

Add water daily so that the roots are completely submerged;

Do not keep the Rose of Jericho in water for more than seven days at a time, otherwise it will rot;

After this period of being in water, the plant needs a period without water; To do this, remove the plant from the water and keep it dry for at least 2 weeks. If your Rose becomes infected with mold, buy a fungicide, dissolve a few drops in half a liter of water, and spray the resulting solution on the Rose of Jericho.

Rose of Jericho does not require:

- Fertilizers
- You can safely go on vacation and not worry about the fate of the plant
- Planting in the ground and appropriate feeding with fertilizers, transplants, etc...
- Rose of Jericho is a very interesting flower for children
- Interesting element for interior decoration

Place the rose in a bowl, pour in some water and witness a magnificent natural miracle, the awakening of Jericho. Within an hour it will turn green, and its shade will depend on the water temperature.

One of the most interesting plants grown in our homes is the rose of Jericho. This plant has an unusual, rare property - when there is not enough water, it shrinks and curls towards the center, gradually drying out. After the plant is watered, it begins to bloom again, and its shoots turn green. Due to this property, the plant is often called “Hand of Mary”. The Jericho rose flower is one of the unusual inhabitants of the flower garden at home; it allows you to decorate rooms with different conditions of humidity and ambient temperature. You can learn how to care for the rose of Jericho at home on this page. In the meantime, we suggest you take a look amazing photos flower:

Her bushes grow on the territory North America and Asia, whose desert areas are ideal conditions for the development of this plant. In these areas, precipitation is unlikely and periods of drought last for many months. In the process of growth, the Rose of Jericho adapts to such conditions, and, like a curiosity of nature, has spread almost throughout the world. It is advisable to use the rose of Jericho in an aquarium to decorate an artificial pond.

You can learn how to care for the rose of Jericho at home from specialized literature. The following is advice from experts and general recommendations, which will help beginning flower growers cultivate this crop at home. Dry plant samples can be purchased at gardening stores. Such specimens, as a rule, have the shape of a small gray-brown ball rolled inward. This shape protects the plant from excessive evaporation, allowing it to survive long periods without water. For the bush to come to life, you need to put it in a plate and pour boiled water over it. After boiling, water must be cooled to room temperature. Watering warm water accelerates the process of plant development. Do not forget that only the roots of the plant need to be wetted in water. The gradual development of the plant can then be observed in real time. The shoots become light green and gradually darken.

After two months, the specimen is already fully developed, and its rosette reaches 25 centimeters in diameter. After a week we stop watering. The plant will gradually dry out and curl up into a ball. After 2-3 weeks it will take the form of a dry sample. We can carry out the process of revival and drying repeatedly, each time observing the miraculous resurrection of the flower.

The Rose of Jericho can remain without water for many months. An interesting fact is that miraculous revival occurs only in dead plants. The bush is dead and there is no point in planting it in a garden bed or pot.

Varieties of the Jericho rose and the legends surrounding it

The most famous and widespread varieties of rose of Jericho are: Anastastica Jerichontica and Asteriscus dwarf. Both species and the rose known to gardeners and florists are united only by the name. They come from completely different types and childbirth. Look at the photos below for examples of similar varieties:

The legends and folk tales surrounding it are interesting. There are many stories surrounding the plant about its wonderful properties. Most of them, unfortunately, are rumors and lies. The plant does not treat any disease and is not a miracle cure. Water from under the plant also has no medicinal properties. Stories about the rejuvenating properties of water are one big fairy tale. The only peculiarity is the fact that the plant purifies the air from pollution and cigarette smoke. This feature is found in many potted flowers.

Rose of Jericho is a very interesting plant. It gives special pleasure to children who can observe its development. This plant is excellent and original gift, which recipients can use for months or even years.

Lastly, enjoy this time-lapse video of the blooming process of this amazing plant.

Rose of Jericho is sometimes mistakenly called several different plants, but in reality this name refers to only one flowering plant- Anastatica of Jericho. While, for example, Selaginella squamosal is so called for its ability to recover in growth after drying. And this property is characteristic of many, especially non-flowering plants, which include Selaginella lepidoptera, since it is a clubmoss. But let's talk about it in order...

Rose of Jericho (Anastatica hierochuntica) is a low-growing annual herbaceous plant with a woody stem base. As soon as the leaves fall off, its branches shrink tightly when dry, resulting in a spherical formation. These balls of dried stems are often torn from the roots by the wind and roll across deserts and steppes for many kilometers. At the same time, ripened seeds are dispersed. That is why anastatics is also called tumbleweed. If you put a rose of Jericho rolled into a ball in a plate or bowl with water, then the moistened branches straighten again.

Of course, there is no question of caring for a dead plant. Nevertheless, the mechanism of opening branches, based on physical laws, may be of some interest to children. True, the plant does not become green, as catalogs of companies selling plants by mail often report. However, the balls open up in any case as soon as they enter a humid environment. The wetted branches straighten, and the plant seems to come to life, resembling a blooming rose. This process can be repeated as desired.

Selaginella, or Selaginella (Selaginella) is a genus of herbaceous spore plants from the department of lycophytes, which includes over 300 species, most of which grow in the tropics and have a varied form: these are bryophytes and turf selaginella, climbing and climbing... About 25 species of Selaginella bred as ornamental and indoor plants(Selaginella apoda = Aelaginella apoda, Selaginella Krausa = Selaginella Kraussiana, Selaginella martensi = Selaginella Martensii, Selaginella lepidophylla = Selaginella lepidophylla, etc.), and the species Selaginella moellendorffii, which has one of the shortest genomes among higher plants(about 100 megabases), used in scientific research as a model organism. These are very ancient plants that have lived on planet Earth for more than 290 million years...

Selaginella squamofolia is a unique plant that has the ability to “resurrect” and comes back to life again after decades of being found in a completely dried state! To do this, simply place a seemingly dead ball of dry foliage in water, which will turn into a bright evergreen in a matter of hours!

Selaginella lepidoptera is native to the Chihuahuan Desert, which lies in the vastness of northern Mexico, New Mexico, and the state of Texas. Here this plant, being in a state of deep “sleep”, is able to wait for years for rains that are rare in those parts. And after rain, its leaves quickly come to life, acquiring a green color, and the plant actively lives and reproduces for some time. But, in the absence of new rains and moisture, after some time, it goes to rest again.

It should be noted that attempts to deprive this plant of a period of drought inevitably lead to its death. And when cultivating it indoors (greenhouse) it also makes no sense to plant it in fertile soil, and, even more so, feed with fertilizers.

Selaginella lepidophylla (Selaginella lepidophylla) in culture is a small ornamental plant up to a maximum height of 10-15 cm and a width of about 30-35 cm. Leaves (shoots) are long and branched, complexly scaly. They creep along the ground from the center of the plant. During periods of drought, the leaf stalks of Selaginella lepidoptera, as they dry out, curl into a ball with a diameter of about 10 cm and then gradually dry out almost completely. Selaginella can remain in this inactive state for several months or more, and its lifespan at home usually extends to several years.