Psychology of fear. Khukhlaeva O. V. Fundamentals of psychological counseling and psychological correction

The concept of fear has been developed by many researchers and has different interpretations. In the modern dictionary of psychology, edited by V.V. Yurchuk, we see that “fear is an affectively sensual emotion that arises in circumstances of prevention – threat – fear for one’s social or biological existence in a subject.”

R.V. Ovcharova considers fear as an effective (emotionally acute) reflection in a person’s mind of a specific threat to his life and well-being.

Famous physiologist I.P. Pavlov interprets fear as “a manifestation of a natural reflex, a passive-defensive reaction with slight inhibition of the cerebral cortex. Fear is based on the instinct of self-preservation, has a protective reflex and is accompanied by certain physiological changes in higher nervous activity.”

Yu.A. Neymer, A.V. Petrovsky, M.G. Yaroshevsky consider fear as “an emotional state that arises in situations of threat to the biological or social existence of an individual and is aimed at the source of real and imaginary danger.”

V.I. Garbuzov says that the origin of fears in children is a rather complex problem. In the emergence of fears, the role of the instinct of self-preservation, which prescribes to beware of the unknown, plays a great role.

According to A.I. Zakharova, fear is an intensely expressed emotion. Fear is protective in nature and is accompanied by certain physiological changes in higher nervous activity. If we objectively consider the emotion of fear, then, despite its negative connotation, we can state the fact that fear performs various functions in a person’s life. Throughout the entire period of development of the human race, fear has accompanied people, manifesting itself in the fear of the dark, natural phenomena, fire. Fear acted as the organizer of people's struggle against the elements. Fear allows you to avoid danger, as it played and continues to play a protective role. Therefore A.I. Zakharov believes that fear can be considered as a natural accompaniment of human development.

A.I. Zakharov notes that fear can develop in a person at any age: in children from 1 to 3 years of age, night fears are not uncommon; in the 2nd year of life, fear of unexpected sounds, fear of loneliness, fear of pain (and associated fear medical workers). At 3-5 years old, children are characterized by fears of loneliness, darkness and confined spaces. From 5 to 7 years old, fear of death becomes the dominant factor. From 7 to 11 years old, children are most afraid of “not being someone who is well spoken of, respected, appreciated and understood.” Every child has certain fears.

According to A. Freud, 3. Freud, fear is an affective state of anticipation of some danger. Fear of a specific object is called fear, in pathological cases - phobia. Fears are the result of unmet desires and needs.

Understanding of danger, its awareness is formed in the process life experience and interpersonal relationships, when some stimuli that are indifferent to the child gradually acquire the character of threatening influences. Usually in these cases they talk about the appearance of a traumatic experience (fear, pain, illness, conflicts, etc.). Instilled childhood fears are much more common. Their source is the adults surrounding the child (parents, grandmothers, teachers of child care institutions), who involuntarily infect the child with fear, by being overly persistent and emphatically emotionally indicating the presence of danger. All this gives reason to talk about the conditioned reflex nature of fear, even if the child gets scared (shudders) at a sudden knock or noise, since the latter was once accompanied by an extremely unpleasant experience. Such a combination is imprinted in memory in the form of a certain emotional trace and is now not arbitrarily associated with any sudden sound impact.

In the very general view fear is conventionally classified into:

Situational (occurring in unusual situations)

Personally determined (predetermined by a person’s character by anxious suspiciousness).

Situational fear occurs in an unusual, extremely dangerous or shocking environment for the child. Personally determined fear is predetermined by a person’s character, for example, his tendency to experience anxiety, and can appear in a new environment or during contacts with unfamiliar people. Both fear and anxiety have a common emotional component in the form of feelings of excitement and anxiety, that is, they reflect the perception of a threat or lack of a sense of security.

Fear can be real and imaginary, acute and chronic. It is also customary to distinguish age-related fears, the appearance of which most often coincides with certain changes in the child’s life; in other words, age-related fears are a reflection personal development child.

In psychology and pedagogy, there are different classifications of fears. Yu.L. Neimer identifies 3 main types of fears: real, neurotic and free fear:

Real fear is a rational expression of the instinct of self-preservation as a normal reaction to the perception of external danger.

Neurotic fear - various forms of “purposeless fear” of neurotics, arise due to the distraction of libido from normal use, or due to the failure of mental authorities.

Free fear is a general, indefinite timidity, ready to temporarily become attached to any opportunity that arises and expressed in a state of “fearful expectation”, pointless fear, not associated with any object that causes this fear.

R.V. Ovcharova identifies the following types of fears:



Fear of making a mistake

Fear of school

Age-related fears are noted in emotionally sensitive children as a reflection of the characteristics of their mental and personal development. They arise under the influence of the following factors: the presence of fears in parents, anxiety in relationships with the child, excessive protection of the child from dangers and isolation from communication with peers. A large number of prohibitions on the part of a parent of the same sex or complete provision of freedom to the child by parents of the other sex, as well as numerous unrealized threats from all adults in the family, lack of opportunity for role identification with parents of the same sex, mainly among boys. Conflict relationships between parents, mental trauma such as fear, psychological infection with fears in the process of communicating with peers and adults.

Neurotic fears are characterized by great emotional intensity and tension, long-term course or persistence, unfavorable influence on the formation of character and personality, relationship with other neurotic disorders and experiences, and avoidance of the object of fear. Neurotic fears can be the result of long-term and unresolved experiences. More often, children who are sensitive and experience emotional difficulties in relationships with their parents are afraid in this way; their self-image is distorted by emotional experiences in the family or conflict. These children cannot rely on adults for security, authority, and love. Children who have not acquired the necessary experience of communicating with adults and peers before school are not confident in themselves, are afraid of not meeting the expectations of adults, and are afraid of the teacher.

Some children are terrified of making a mistake when preparing their homework. This happens in cases where parents check them pedantically and are very dramatic about mistakes. Even if the parents do not punish the child, psychological punishment is still present.

In some cases, fear of school is caused by conflict with peers, fear of physical aggression on their part. Most often, such fears change their nature with age; they cause a child to feel powerless, unable to cope with his feelings, to control them.

By nature: natural, social, situational, personal.

According to the degree of reality: real and imaginary.

By degree of intensity: acute and chronic.

Despite the fact that fear is an intensely expressed emotion, one should distinguish between its usual, natural, or age-related nature, and pathological levels. Typically, fear is short-term, reversible, disappears with age, does not deeply affect a person’s value orientations, and does not significantly affect his character, behavior and relationships with people around him. Some forms of fear have a protective value, as they allow one to avoid contact with the object of fear.

Pathological fear is indicated by its extremely dramatic expressions (horror, emotional shock, shock) or a protracted, obsessive, difficult-to-reverse course, involuntariness, that is, a complete lack of control on the part of consciousness, as well as an unfavorable effect on the character, interpersonal relationships and a person’s adaptation to social life. reality.

The causes of fear can be events, conditions or situations that are the beginning of danger. Fear can have as its object a person or an object. Sometimes fear is not associated with anything specific; such fears are experienced as pointless. Fear can be caused by suffering, this is due to the fact that connections between these feelings were formed in childhood.

According to G. Eberlein, the presence of persistent fears in children indicates their inability to cope with their feelings, to control them, when children get scared, instead of acting, and cannot stop their feelings.

Thus, fear is a specific acute emotional state, a special sensory reaction that manifests itself in a dangerous situation. Fear has a conditional reflex character in the child’s psychological perception. Fear is conventionally classified into: situational (arising in unusual situations) and personality-based (predetermined by a person’s character by anxious suspiciousness). R.V. Ovcharova identifies the following types of fears in older children: preschool age: age-related, neurotic, fear of making a mistake, fear of school. The classification of fears by A.I. Zakharov can be considered the most complete.

As we grew up and gradually learned more and more about our surroundings, we became more familiar with the objects and phenomena that once frightened us and ceased to feel fear when confronted with them. We learned to cope with various unpleasant moments in our lives by choosing a way of behavior that would eliminate the discomfort or at least reduce it.

Life has taught many of us that you can’t not only show your fear to others, but even admit it to yourself.

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Psychology of fear, a branch of psychology that is devoted to the study of fears and their impact on humans. Fear began to be studied quite a long time ago, even Arestotle and the Stoics wrote about fear, but they approached it rather from a philosophical position, fear is also studied by many religions, in particular, the church fathers paid a lot of attention to the problem of fear in their treatises. The science of psychology appeared at the end of the 19th century, from the same time pure psychological approach to this phenomenon.

IN modern psychology Quite a lot of attention is paid to the mechanisms of fear formation; this is a connection between physiological and psychological processes. Fear is internal state, which is caused by an upcoming real or perceived threat, he comes, unlike others, in anticipation of the situation. The emotion of fear occurs when a person is in a situation that he perceives as potentially dangerous to his peace of mind and biological or social existence. Fear is a signal, a warning about impending danger, imaginary or real, in principle it makes no difference, since our body acts the same way. Fear mainly appears in cases in which, in the opinion of the person experiencing it, the situation in which he is located cannot be resolved, and as a result, fear of one’s helplessness arises in front of this situation, object, or appears in front of something new, i.e. e. it is afraid of the unknown.

The emotion of fear

Psychologists note that the emotion of fear can have both positive and negative effects. The emotion of fear, from a psychological point of view, is negatively colored. One of the most powerful rhinestones, on which almost all others are based, is the fear of old age and death. In psychology, it is believed that negative emotions are emotions that are born on the basis of a negative infusion and a negative perception of the world. In addition to fear, these include: upset, irritation, guilt, shame, despair, anger, etc.. Negative emotions are not bad emotions, they are those emotions that a person strives to avoid, they can be useful and adequate. In small quantities they can even be attractive, for example, many people like to watch: horror thrillers. For some people they may also feel neutral. But it must be said that this is also due to the fact that in modern realities, the feeling of fear is somewhat disoriented; in ancient times it was more adequate to the situation. If you came to the edge of the abyss, you got scared and walked away, and if you saw a tiger, you got scared and ran away. Today people constantly experience stress and fear.

Sources of fear

Fear genes and psychological processes

Geneticists and psychologists have discovered that there is not only a connection between fear and psychological processes, but also genes. They found a link between mutations in certain genes that can weaken natural defenses against fearful stimuli. Because of this nervous system feels overly intense overload, leading to emotional disruptions and strong feelings that are expressed in phobias. Tina Lonsdorf, a practicing psychologist, noticed that overly anxious people who suffer from phobias and obsessive fears, I have a much stronger and faster reaction to stress stimuli, and the aftertaste resulting from a collision with an object of fear remains with them for quite a long time.

In addition, fear can be explained by genetic memory, generic ideas, and the collective unconscious (I put an equal sign between them here). The collective unconscious, according to C. Jung, is the result of all the experience accumulated throughout human history, the identification by humanity of the universal components of archetypal images. It is the result of the life of the race, is inherent in all people, and serves as the basis for the individual psyche, and is inherited. Archetypes constantly accompany humans and are sources for religion, mythology and art. They polish dark and creepy as well as positive images, they turn into symbols. The main purpose of the symbolic picture of the world, which is hidden in our subconscious, is to promote the greatest adaptation of a person to environment and society. But a person, of course, must have motivation for such behavior. Otherwise, any encrypted knowledge turns out to be absolutely useless for him. Our subconscious has such an algorithm.

Basic psychological characteristics, influence the speed of the reaction to fear, the strength of its manifestation in the body, the time through which it will pass. And also, on how a person will perceive fear. Fear depends on the person’s temperament and the accentuation of neuroticism. Accentuation of overly expressed character traits that are on the verge of the norm. Temperament is the individual psychological characteristics of a person. Temperament characterizes dynamic features mental activity, i.e., the speed of the reaction, its tempo, rhythm, and intensity. Therefore, people with inhibited temperament do not feel emotions in the full force of their manifestations, but in temperamental people, emotions go over the edge. And, accentuation can often tell you at what age and why certain fears may arise in a person.

The most powerful emotional experience is the fear of death. Its root cause is the desire for self-realization, self-realization of the individual. This means that a person always tries to feel his existence as emotionally vividly as possible, strive to be proactive, active and free. Only such a life rich in impressions can give a person a sense of his reality and the fullness of life. With the instinct to “be” it is clear - the collective unconscious wants to be embodied in a person.


Fear is a survival tactic that is inherent to the human species. You're all familiar with the fight-or-flight response, a condition in which the body mobilizes to eliminate a threat. This is where fear originates. And even in modern world We are more likely to face emotional dangers than physical ones; the body and brain do not know the difference between them.

When you feel fear, the body begins to produce the stress hormone, cortisol, as well as adrenaline. At this point, the body's fight or flight abilities increase. Nowadays, this reaction can be triggered by everyday worries, which essentially change the brain's architecture, as well as impulse control. That is, despite the fact that fear is intended to help a person, in our time it rather hinders.

Additionally, if fear is obsessive and all-encompassing, it can lead to serious problems with and psyche. Therefore, a modern person simply must understand the psychology of fear, as well as learn to manage and mitigate it.

Fear- this is an internal state caused by a threatened or anticipated disaster. From a point of view, it is considered a negative emotion.

In this article we will also look at one emotion similar to fear - anxiety. Anxiety is a negatively colored emotion that expresses a feeling of uncertainty and difficult misgivings. During anxiety, a person mobilizes all his mental energy in order to deal with a potentially dangerous situation that is not certain to occur.

To put it simply, when experiencing anxiety, a person rummages through his memory and finds examples of dangerous events there. And then projects them into the near future.

The more frequent and intense the anxiety, the greater the damage to the body. Moreover, both physiology and psyche suffer, phobias and neuroses appear, and panic attacks are possible.

Despite the fact that fear and anxiety are still different emotions, they are closely related and can be “treated” with the same or similar methods.

Signs of fear

During fear, a huge number of changes occur in human physiology compared to the normal state:

  • Cortisol, adrenaline and norepinephrine are released.
  • The sympathetic nervous system is activated.
  • The pain threshold, reaction speed, muscle strength, and endurance increase.
  • Heartbeat and breathing rate increase.
  • Sweating and blood pressure increase.
  • Taper blood vessels throughout the body.
  • Digestion slows down or stops completely.
  • The pupils dilate.
  • Sugar levels rise.
  • Instant reflexes are accelerated.
  • Tunnel vision appears.

All these reactions of the body are characteristic of the instinct of self-preservation - perhaps the most powerful instinct of all existing. They also have negative consequences: general exhaustion of the body, thirst, trembling in the body. The more often you experience fear, stress, anxiety and worry, the more likely your immune system is to be suppressed, which consequently leads to illness.

It is important to understand that fear is absolutely normal condition. However, if you experience it every day, and for small reasons, now is the time.

Human fears

According to Professor Yuri Shcherbatykh, all fears are divided into three groups: biological, social and existential. Biological includes everything that poses a threat to life: fear of pain, fire, heights, predators, natural phenomena (volcanic eruption, lightning, thunderstorms), terrorism. Such fears are justified, except for those that are phobias.

Social fears include everything that can spoil social status a person and lower his self-esteem: fear of losing his job, fear of public speaking, responsibility, social contacts, success, failure and mistakes, grades, rejection by the team, loneliness.

Existential fears include everything that has to do with issues of life, death and human existence: fear of death, the future, time, open and closed space, the meaninglessness of human existence.

Often various specialists trying to compile the ten most popular human fears. The ratings vary, but the most common are:

  1. Fear of death
  2. Fear of loneliness
  3. Fear of public speaking
  4. Fear of failure
  5. Fear of terrorism
  6. Fear of nuclear war
  7. Fear of spiders
  8. Fear of Rejection
  9. Fear of the dark
  10. Fear of heights

What conclusion can you draw from looking at this list? Many items are related to irrational experiences, be it public speaking or height. You may also be afraid of a nuclear war, but this also makes no sense: you can only worry about the problem and prepare for it if it does happen.

Therefore, we must first of all realize that in the modern world we are frightened by our own thoughts and imagination, and not by reality.

How to get rid of fear and anxiety

Regulate your breathing

Yes, you've heard a lot, and we've written a lot about deep breathing, which will help you relax and reduce anxiety and anxiety.

Rapid breathing is the first trigger that triggers alarming symptoms. Thus, by controlling it, you can get rid of fear.

If you intentionally exhale longer than you inhale, the body should calm down. So if you start to feel afraid:

  • Focus on your breathing.
  • Inhale (count to seven).
  • Exhale (count to eleven).

If you do this for a minute or so, you will be surprised how quickly you calm down. This technique is called “7/11 breathing,” but, of course, these numbers are very arbitrary: the main thing is that the exhalation is longer than the inhalation.

Take control of your imagination

Fear, anxiety and worry arise when we imagine the worst. The function of imagination is to be able to “look” into the future and plan it. However, there is also side effect: a person sometimes learns to think only about negative possible events.

An uncontrolled imagination is a breeding ground for fear and can ruin your life. Anxiety arises as a reaction to negative thoughts; every event is viewed as potentially dangerous.

Use the AWARE technique

AWARE stands for:

  • Accept (recognition)
  • Watch
  • Act
  • Repeat
  • Expect (expecting the best)

So if you're scared, do the following:

  • Accept the fear or anxiety. Don't try to fight them.
  • Watch the fear. You shouldn’t draw any conclusions, just try to understand what’s happening to your psyche and body.
  • Act as if everything is normal. Continue talking and acting as if nothing happened. This sends a powerful signal to your subconscious that its overreaction is not really necessary because nothing out of the ordinary is happening. Be the fireman who arrives at the address, sees that there is no fire and returns back.
  • Repeat the steps above if necessary.
  • Expect better. One of the greatest feelings is realizing that you can control fear much more than you thought possible.

As the name of the technique suggests (translated as “Awareness”), it helps to bring oneself into a conscious state.

Play Tetris

Oxford professor Emily Holmes found that playing a repetitive, attention-consuming game like Tetris reduces what's called emotional memory weight. That is, you will stop connecting the past with a likely negative future.

Why does this work? The part of your brain responsible for emotional coding is too busy watching the falling blocks and trying to figure out where to put the awkward Z structure.

Of course, you can play any similar game: puzzles, LEGO, logic problems, even Minecraft. But don't think that bloody shooters will do.

Let's just say: when you're playing, there's simply no time or energy for worry and fear. As Dale Carnegie said: “Always be busy.”

Take a course in NLP

It will help you find out how your psyche and mind work. There are techniques that teach a person to change their perception, use framing, and also work with their conditions.

The following techniques are very effective:

  • Stimulus-response concept.
  • Anchoring.
  • Associations and dissociations.

You can learn about all this in our free course.


If you want to challenge your fears and delve deeper into the topic, check out the following books.

  • “The Psychology of Fear” Evgeny Ilyin.
  • “The Psychology of Fear: A Popular Encyclopedia” Yuri Shcherbatykh.
  • “How to overcome fear. 12 demons on the path to freedom, happiness, creativity" Olga Solomatina.
  • “Pill for fear” Andrey Kurpatov.

We wish you good luck!

Each of us has experienced fear in life, sometimes it helped us, protecting us from various kinds of dangers, and sometimes it acted treacherously when it seemed necessary to show courage, but we chickened out and allowed fear to control our actions. But in any case, our fear is not our enemy, and in this article I will tell you a lot of interesting things about fear that you, dear readers, may have never heard or read about it. Fear, as we all know, is an innate basic emotion that signals a person about real or possible danger, and if you are a completely healthy person, if everything is normal with your psyche, you should simply experience fear - this is your defense mechanism. But fear must be classified, brought to a conscious level and managed competently, because this is information, the same as, say, a feeling of discomfort, and this information needs to be processed, like any other information.

Being an emotion, fear is simply experienced by most people, just like joy, resentment, surprise and a number of other emotions that stimulate our psyche, but nothing more. When you don’t know or don’t understand something, this is unconscious fear, it controls you, because in this case you act emotionally, that is, relying on instincts - on basic, innate information. And when we act instinctively, we do not always act effectively; more often, even on the contrary, our actions are erroneous, because human instincts contain simple and elementary algorithms of action, which are not always and not always appropriate; it is impossible to react to different types threats are the same. There are several types of fear, both real and unreal, that is, phobias, but in this article I will not analyze all these fears; it is much more effective to look at the essence of this emotional urge of our body.

Those of you who read me regularly know that I profess a somewhat unconventional type of psychology, to a greater extent in any case, namely, I help my readers bring everything to a conscious level, and I myself also do this with you, I realize by to the best of my ability, more and more life moments. So with fear you and I will perform a similar operation, we will recognize it, therefore we will analyze its essence, and there will be absolutely no difference in what each of us fears to a greater or lesser extent. You and I don’t need to fight our fear, we don’t need to overcome, ignore, and generally try to exclude it from our lives, understand, friends, everything that nature has put in us, we need everything, but we must learn to use everything we have competently in your arsenal.

And for this, nature gave us the most important thing - our head, or rather the gray matter that is located in it, and even though, according to statistics, ninety-nine percent of people live an unconscious life, I will try to do the impossible from a psychological point of view - turn to the conscious part of every person . Help me with this, try to understand everything I write, then not only fears, but nothing in life in general will bother you. And so, we have found out that fear is a very important signal for our safety and survival, therefore, we must listen to it as carefully as possible, and carefully analyze all the information coming to us from this alarm. The primary form of fear is a signal, the secondary is our subconscious, instinct-based reaction, but the third form of fear is its conscious analysis, and this is not common to many people, because you need to think about the essence of fear, understand what it wants from you and what should be done.

After all, who knows, what if you really are in danger, who knows what is in this darkness, risk, friends, is for stupid people, smart people minimize risk, listening to their anxieties and fears. All you need in this case is to turn on the light, if possible, and make sure that nothing threatens you, clarify the situation for yourself, then natural instincts will recede and the mind will take control of the situation. Of course, turning on the light, but in life we ​​have to clarify a lot of things, it doesn’t always work out, we don’t know everything, we’re not adapted to everything, and we don’t always know how we should react correctly. Well, this is why you need to study, friends, learn more, undergo special training that will teach you to react competently in various kinds of dangerous and unusual situations.

You need this for a quick and correct reaction, so that a pre-prepared algorithm of actions will help you cope with many possible situations. But since in this case it is impossible to provide for absolutely everything to control and competently use the feeling of fear, we should turn on our heads and start thinking about our fear, trying to calculate the algorithm of actions that we need to competently respond to such a warning. The only drawback in such an analysis is the time it takes to carry it out, because it is one thing to realize some kind of phobia of yours and, having disassembled it piece by piece, get rid of it, and quite another thing to react quickly and correctly in a situation where a split second can decide everything . That is why we, as intelligent beings, according to our evolutionary and intellectual development, have moved away to a greater extent from focusing solely on natural instincts and are more focused on learning.

What are the general problems with storing large amounts of information in our heads, it is still limitless for us, another thing is that it is not always easy to use the data that is stored in our heads, but I assure you that in critical situations, the brain itself will find it and use it them to calculate our actions. Natural instinct will not replace the capabilities of intelligence; otherwise, man would never have risen above the animal world and would hardly have been able to survive as a rational being in any case. You understand where our fear comes from - it comes from those very times when we knew little at all about this world, when we did not actively use our brains enough and relied mainly on instincts. However, despite the time in which we live today, when there are plenty of sources of information and the opportunity to study all the main points for yourself that can cause fear in you, so many people are afraid of everything, many literally live in constant fear.

You yourself understand that such a life is unacceptable for modern man, you and I are not cockroaches, so that at the first niggle we will run away in all directions, there is always an answer to everything. There is always the most correct reaction to any external, obvious and potential threat, according to which our fear simply turns on our computer and forces us to look for a more appropriate response to the current situation. He either looks for it from pre-stored scenarios of our behavior, or begins to calculate the maximum correct option, according to which our actions will be as adequate as possible to the threat that our fear signals to us. However, explaining the situation that we have today, I would like to draw your attention, dear readers, to the fact that despite such a unique opportunity to learn and know more that each of us has today, few people do it. Everything that surrounds us is mostly aimed at preventing you and me from thinking too much and too deeply. Look at how many things in our lives are created for pleasure, that is, to stimulate emotions, but not for mental development. This, of course, is not a deliberate deception of people, as I think, but only a desire to please them in the best possible way, for the sake of commercial gain. And yet, addiction to one way of life or another begins from an early age, so a certain programming of society, albeit in an indirect way, still takes place.

A person who does not know, a person who does not think, will experience fear in its raw, unconscious form. And this is a great way to manage it, because smart person it is impossible to intimidate; he will analyze any threat addressed to him and find a worthy response. While a person who is illiterate, does not think, lives only by emotions and relies solely on instincts, will only flee or submit to force in vain, which is even worse in reality. This is your fear, friends, which you don’t like, it’s raw, it’s not thought through by you, it’s a signal, and it requires us to make a decision. And if you don’t have this solution, if you’re not looking for it, you have no choice but to use the basic set of behavior options that Mother Nature has laid in you. So it turns out that many people have to overcome fear and fight it, simply turning off the alarm system that is so important for a person, using many different methods, including psychological pumping, and stupidly exposing themselves to a completely unnecessary threat.

It’s like turning off the feeling of pain, after which we simply won’t receive signals about it, and therefore won’t control the state of our body, which can suffer enormous damage. Analgesia is the name of a disease in which a person does not feel pain, that is, he is inferior biological organism, deprived of a very important natural signaling device, so let's call it. But when a person does not feel fear, I propose to call this, without using any scientific terminology, idiocy, and this is very much in my opinion dangerous disease. Moreover, by nature, it is rare for anyone not to experience fear in natural conditions. After all, this is a way to protect against threats. But as they are raised in a certain way, people stop being afraid of what they should be afraid of. A person’s psyche can be restructured in such a way that he will no longer experience fear, thus losing his immunity to danger. A person will risk his life, he will even be ready to sacrifice it for the sake of some cause in which he sees meaning. However, this meaning may not be there. The main meaning of our life, if we look at this issue from the point of view of nature, is survival and reproduction. And death, caused by a person’s lack of fear of obvious danger, precisely contradicts this meaning.

Remember the kamikazes who, as it seemed to them, were dying for great goal. Or suicide bombers, they also lack the fear of senseless death. This is a clear example of how the absence of fear ruins a life that could have been lived much more worthily and interestingly, but, alas, stupidity and lack of intellectual development ruined a person. I am telling you all this so that, dear readers, you can fall in love with your fear and feel complete thanks to it. It is important that you have this feeling, but I will teach you how to use it. Of course, within the framework of one article, it is impossible to consider all the details of understanding your fear; if it were so easy to bring everything to a conscious level, then the majority would not be people living unconsciously, but people like Buddha, who know almost everything and understand almost everything. And yet, if you carefully read this article, if you delved into everything that I tried to convey to you regarding the nature of fear and its purpose, then you will definitely look at it differently. You can’t deny anything in this world, much less deny everything that relates to our essence, and the people to whom I was able to explain this changed their lives radically.

In particular, those of my clients with whom I worked long and hard on problems related to their fears did not stop being afraid of everything that they were afraid of. Instead, they learned to use fear signals, respond intelligently to them, and use them to their advantage. Is it worth saying in this case that these people fell in love with their fear, since it protected them from many dangers and helped them accept the right decision V different situations. Well, in those cases when it is false, you can always bypass its influence through conscious action.

People who want to understand fear and use it as effectively as possible will get the most out of this article. Because fear is not a topic that you can simply ignore. It needs to be properly understood. I want you, dear friends, to look at fear as broadly as possible and accept the point of view that fear is our friend and ally, and not an enemy that must be fought. Listen to your fear and try to understand it, so that the information it conveys to you passes not only through your emotional sphere, but also through your consciousness.