Combined curtains for the hall. How to choose the right curtains for the hall

If you divide the rooms of the apartment into classes, then the hall undoubtedly belongs to the executive class. Its design should immediately tell the guest about the owner of the apartment: his wealth, commitment to a certain way of life, awareness of modern fashion trends in design and so on. The curtains in the hall should fully correspond to this room.

First of all, they have a largely decorative value, because the person entering the hall does not care how well they perform their practical purpose, adjustment natural light rooms. Although some modern design styles suggest curtains that are quite modest in their artistic appearance, even in a room such as a hall. Of course, all this will depend on you, and it is up to you to decide which curtains to hang in main room your apartment, and this article will help you.

Curtains and style

Curtains must match the interior design style of the room, otherwise you may not see harmony in it - how can you see something that is not there? Therefore, strictly observe this relationship. You will learn below about what this relationship is and how it is expressed in individual styles.

High-tech style

Curtains of this style will, first of all, be of interest to young people. Original beauty, unusual look The older generation will not be left unattended either. A specific description of curtains in this style is somewhat difficult, because the design of windows and the fabrics used are constantly changing. This is especially noticeable on the fabrics used, made according to modern technologies(laser processing, insertion of metal threads, etc.). All this gives scope for new design solutions.

The first sign of high-tech style curtains is the complete absence of drapery. The contours of the curtains should be clear and simple, the fabric should look smooth.

IN color scheme curtains are dominated by light shades of gray and blue, but the presence of other colors is not prohibited. Most often the color is gold or silver.

Contrasting combinations of black with white or gold are also typical for high-tech curtains.

High-tech curtains are characterized by a combination of materials of different textures or colors. They combine the seemingly incompatible. This feature of curtains will allow you to achieve excellent results in the design of the hall in the most popular modern style hi-tech.

Classic style

When choosing a classic style, you must keep in mind that it was originally conceived for nobles and wealthy people. The room in a classic style is filled with an atmosphere of warmth and comfort, which is very suitable for a room where friendly and business meetings take place.

Curtains contribute a significant amount of warmth and comfort when decorating the windows of a room. At the same time, they give the hall severity and solemnity.

To make heavy curtains, materials such as heavy silk, brocade, and jacquard are used. For curtains, light fabrics are most often used - tulle, organza, veil. It is possible to use other modern fabrics, but the main thing is to preserve the shape and features characteristic of curtains in a classic style.

A distinctive feature of classic style curtains is their smooth outlines.

The presence of lambrequins in the design of curtains is mandatory. They will help hide the curtain rod and add decor to its design.

At the same time, a wonderful addition to lambrequins is such a decorative element as de jabot, which is an oblique piece of fabric hanging from the side of the lambrequin, trimmed with fringe at the bottom and folded.

Curtains in the classic style are characterized by such a decoration technique as swag - an artistically assembled piece of fabric, one or both ends of which hang down.

Eastern style

Popular in modern design interior Curtains in this style are characterized by bright colors and brave design solutions. In the hall, decorated in oriental style, exoticism and individuality reign, accentuated in the curtains.

For the manufacture of curtains, heavy curtain fabric with a floral pattern or monograms.

Some curtain models use shiny fabric.

For curtains hung on windows, a veil with flowers embroidered on it and other decorations typical of the oriental style looks great.

Since an oriental-style room is distinguished by luxury and sophistication, curtains should fully emphasize this with their shape and decor.

Curtains in the colors of the room

The color harmony in the room should be absolute. Nothing is more noticeable than its complete absence. Therefore, the choice of curtain color should be approached carefully in order to create a harmony of color, and not its semblance.

It is possible to use curtains with contrasting colors. This will allow you to get the optimal effect from them. If dark curtains They look excellent during the day, but in the evening the same cannot be said about them. And the contrast of dark and light will help smooth out this drawback.

Individuality of curtains - rule No. 1

One of the design rules is to respect the individuality of each room. When it comes to the question of what curtains to hang in the hall, this rule must be strictly observed. Agree that curtains with characters from children's fairy tales or teenage themes are unlikely to harmonize with the idea of ​​​​designing a hall as a room for celebrations and meetings with friends. Curtains must match the status of the room.

If your room has access to a balcony, loggia or terrace, and you want to decorate it with curtains, then in this case, design experts recommend using curtains made of light, translucent fabric, as in window opening, and door. Curtains made of thick fabric will not be entirely appropriate, since the very presence of a balcony implies the possibility of a wide view of the outside space without leaving the hall. Hardly heavy curtains will provide such an overview. In this case you can use combined curtains, consisting of thick and translucent curtains.

Lambrequins, perhaps, in this case will not be entirely appropriate. But if you like curtains with a lambrequin, then you will have to take into account that perhaps such curtains will create inconvenience when opening balcony door. It turns out that curtains with a lambrequin are contraindicated in this case? No, the solution lies in the asymmetrical shape of the lambrequin - it should not interfere with the opening of the door. Or use a lambrequin, modest in size and pretentiousness.

In some cases, using different fabrics will help you express your liking for them and your vision in matters of design. But here you still need to choose fabrics of compatible colors.

The individuality of curtains may well be determined by the characteristics of the window. Windows do not always have rectangular shapearched windows are also popular and demand individual approach. This individuality is best expressed by curtains, the design of which will be consistent with the window opening. As a general rule, curtains on windows other than rectangular windows should not hide their feature.

In conclusion

Curtains in the hall are a key accent in the design of its interior, requiring an appropriate attitude. Keep this in mind when you want to wash them. You should know the following rules for caring for curtains:

  1. washing is performed in the gentle operating mode of the washing machine
  2. To avoid mutual coloration, do not wash at the same time with other items and curtains of other types. Curtains made of different fabrics will have to be excluded from these restrictions, in the hope that they will not end up being the same color after washing.
  3. Curtains are not wrung out after washing; water is removed by shaking them off, after which they are hung out to dry.
  4. ironing of curtains is done in a slightly damp state, while velvet curtains are ironed along the pile with the obligatory use of thin fabric to protect the curtains from possible scorching
  5. lambrequin made on adhesive based, it is strictly forbidden to wash. Starting to wash beautiful thing, you will get a beautiful rag!
  6. If you are not sure of the positive results of your curtain care, it is better to seek advice from specialists or entrust this work to a dry cleaning salon.

If after reading this article you have not received answers to some of your questions, then additional information O modern curtains, their features and design can be found on our website and.

  • Principles of fabric selection
  • What should you consider when choosing?
  • How to influence the size of the room?

In the process of arranging a home, a lot of effort goes into decorating the living room. This room serves as a gathering place for the whole family and invited guests. It is important that it is light, spacious and comfortable. Special attention It's worth paying attention to the windows. for the hall, so that they visually make the room more spacious, enrich it and evoke only positive emotions? This question first arises during the organization of the situation. The owners must decide which curtains will be in harmony with the wallpaper and furniture. But there are a number of rules and principles according to which it is recommended to make a purchase. After all, curtains for the hall are intended not only to provide pleasant lighting. They have become an integral part of the interior and can decorate any apartment.

When choosing curtains for the living room, please note that they should be in the same style as the room. This applies to color, pattern, shape and fabric.

Principles of fabric selection

How to choose curtains for the hall among the variety of fabrics, colors and other details? It is worth remembering that the final stage of creating an environment is the design of curtains for the hall. After you have decided on the color of the walls, styling, hung the chandelier and lamps, installed everything plasterboard partitions Having given the room certain dimensions, the matter remains in the curtains. Main role The material from which they are made plays a role here. In the living room the atmosphere is more solemn than, for example, in the bedroom. Therefore, expensive and durable materials are suitable for the hall:

  • silk;
  • velor products;
  • satin curtains;
  • atlas;
  • plush;
  • velvet.

To add lightness to the interior of your room, suitable airy fabrics: voile, chintz, organza or jacquard.

The canvases are made in a variety of techniques. They can be shiny or matte. When making curtains for the hall, you can find printed designs and collages.

It's worth learning about daylighting. If you are not a fan of monotony and want to reproduce the illusion of movement, then organza with an iridescent effect will be ideal. There is an option when aluminum threads are added to it. When the lights in the hall are turned on, they are able to visually modify the fabric surface. There are also fibers from rubber, which provides a feeling of volume. Taffeta will be light and chic at the same time. Lace tulle looks great if you stick to the baroque style. Nowadays, images of cities and different designs. They will appeal to fans of the exotic.

The following advantages and disadvantages of individual types are highlighted:

  1. You can buy batik as curtains for the hall, but its disadvantage is its fragility and fragility, for example, when washed.
  2. Bulky and fleecy fabrics collect dust.
  3. The bad thing about organza is that the curtains fall apart during processing.
  4. If cotton comes into contact with water, it loses its attractiveness. appearance. Its combination with viscose is quite acceptable.
  5. Natural varieties of fabric are completely safe for health, but do not always have a beautiful design.
  6. Silk and velvet items require special lining to maintain a pleasing shape.

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What should you consider when choosing?

Beautiful curtain design is not the most important thing. It is important to take into account the parameters of the room so as not to make a mistake or be deceived when choosing a design. Keep in mind the length and width of the window, the distance from the ceiling to the floor. If you don’t want it to always be sunny, although the windows of the hall face south, you need to artificially darken them. But such a shadow is not entirely suitable for a building oriented to the north.

Nowadays, the design of curtains for the hall is determined primarily by convenience. This means that it should be dark at night and light during the day. Therefore, the night curtains are located on the sides to make them convenient to slide in and out, and the tulle protects from excess sun. Based on practical considerations, the design of curtains for the hall is best done in this traditional manner. But it is possible to assemble thick curtains at the top in the French style.

Of decisive importance is color scheme curtains for the hall. There are some rules here:

Curtains with lambrequins are not always used in the hall, but only in spacious rooms. IN small hall the lambrequins will look sloppy.

  1. Try to ensure that the shade does not contrast with the furniture, with the exception of options with only 2 opposite tones.
  2. Ideally, the curtains are only half a tone different from the walls.
  3. Select them in accordance with the most massive piece of furniture. Then the gaze will fall on 2 things and immediately capture the harmony.
  4. The design of curtains in pastel colors instills a feeling of stability, peace and comfort. They are identified with the color white, which is a symbol of purity.
  5. You can independently join the process of designing curtains by making edging for them. Follow the principle of matching with any item in the room.
  6. When creating drapery using additional pieces, remember that there should be something of the same color in the decoration of the hall.
  7. A correctly selected curtain design that harmoniously combines with everything else will help eliminate the disadvantages in the interior. They should be bright.
  8. Accessories made in advance and selected in the style of curtains can complement the idea.
  9. An interesting find is the combination of two color schemes. The first one repeats the furniture decoration, and the second one brings a touch of freshness and novelty to the curtains for the hall.
  • Subtleties of choosing curtains for the hall
  • Curtains for different environments
  • What curtains can you make yourself?

The hall is the face of the entire home. Many housewives create the interior of the hall with special care. Curtains for the hall can help in this matter, making the atmosphere cozy and comfortable. Curtains in common room You can hang completely different ones. Before choosing curtains for the hall, you should decide on the style of the decor, take into account the dimensions of the room and personal preferences. An important factor is the competent selection of fabric for a particular type of curtain.

Curtains for the hall should be harmoniously combined with the interior of the room.

Subtleties of choosing curtains for the hall

When looking for suitable curtains for the hall or making them yourself, you should take into account which side of the world the windows face. For example, if the latter are located with north side, then the room will always be gloomy. Therefore, when windows are placed in the north, the optimal fabric for curtains will be organza.

When the color scheme of the entire interior allows, it makes sense to choose a fabric with a yellowish tint or any shades warm colors, which will add the missing sensations from natural light. If the windows are large and there is sufficient light transmission through them, it is possible to hang curtains for the hall in a translucent or semi-translucent version (nylon, tulle).

Materials with vertical stripes or a pattern, and more widely - with a horizontal ornament. Japanese curtain designs are used for the same purposes (to increase height), since they are rectangular and stretch upward.

Don’t forget about textile care window decor: curtains for the hall should be conveniently removed from the curtain rod, easy to wash and iron. Overly bulky and complexly arranged draperies will have to be dry-cleaned. When this option is not problematic, then you can consider it.

It is better to leave shortened curtains for the hall for the kitchen, unless, of course, the characteristics of the room leave no other choice. Although roller or Roman curtains can be short, they take on a secondary role on the living room windows, and the dominant role is given to airy semi-translucent fabric.

The ideal curtains for the living room are those that bring joy to all family members present in the house. Those who love ruffles and folds, lace and scallops can consider French or Austrian models as an option. Romantics will certainly appreciate Italian or London varieties of curtains. Ascetics and adherents of minimalist interior design will love Japanese and Roman curtains.

The curtains are attached to the cornices. The latter can act as ceiling (in one, two, or three rows) or wall (tube made of metal, wood, plastic). Eyelets are often used when hanging canvases. The curtain with them looks restrained, but dignified.

Curtains for the hall are decorated with bandeaus and lambrequins. Lambrequin is a drapery material hung over the top of the entire structure. Bando is a lambrequin, rigidly fixed, cut straight or figured, decorated with appliqué and trim.

It is better to decorate small living rooms with light curtains made of lightweight materials. In a small room with curtains with large patterns in dark color And a large number drapery will not be easy to locate.

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Curtains for different environments

Which curtains to choose for an opening with a balcony?

Choosing curtains for window openings, combined with an exit to the balcony, the degree of motor activity of the canvases in relation to the cornice should be taken into account. Sliding the curtains along the guides should not cause difficulties in moving them. It is not permissible here to hang massive lambrequins with overhanging edges lower than upper part doorway. Such a design will make it difficult to open the door or completely impossible. For adherents of minimalism, vertically sliding blinds are suitable.

The design of the door on the balcony will largely determine the choice of design and model of curtains for the balcony group. For French window A Japanese motif would be acceptable, emphasizing the advantages of the window shape and allowing it to be opened unhindered.

Which curtains to choose for a classic hall?

Classic curtains for the living room should be harmoniously combined with the interior design of the room.

There is no need to doubt which draperies to choose for the hall if the room has a clear style design. Classic goes well with heavy curtains made of dark fabrics (tapestry, satin, velvet). The first curtain can be made from voile, tulle, organza, fine mesh with embroidery and decorations. Classic curtains The decor on the walls should echo. Large flowers, stripes, and a monochromatic pattern are appropriate for wallpaper. The color of the fabric is chosen somewhat richer than the furniture upholstery. Select fabrics in the same color or with contrasting shades.

Curtain combinations can be considered pairs of colors: blue and yellow, black and white, green and purple. Classic style allows the use of decorations: tassels, fringes, monumental tiebacks, etc.

What products to choose for a room with country decoration?

For country style, choosing curtains is not much of a hassle. Mainly for rooms with a similar style direction they consider natural materials, complemented by lambrequins or eyelets. The main thing is to make a competent combination of color and quality of fabric. You should consider how well the composition matches the decor of the walls and the entire furnishings in the living room. Pastel colors, small patterns, tie-backs made of similar fabric are the features of curtains for a room in a country style.

Therefore, when selecting curtains, it makes sense to focus on how compositionally they will combine with lightweight curtains and other elements, as well as how much they can complement or emphasize the style direction in the room.

What curtains are suitable for art deco?

At the moment, the art deco style is quite popular. And many ready-made curtains in stores can be found sewn exactly in accordance with this style. Stylish canvases have an intricate pattern and texture. The external quality of such synthetic materials is almost no different from that of velor, leather and silk.

Art Deco style jewelry and materials have a golden and silver shine. Curtains are decorated with long tassels, beads, and rhinestones.

How to design curtains for small windows?

The main rule to follow is not to overdo it. Complexly arranged lambrequins will not be able to fit into the limited window space, but will deprive them of the necessary amount of natural light through them.

The best option would be lightweight curtains. For a disproportionate window opening, it makes sense to attach curtains to a rod whose width is slightly larger than that of the window. In a similar way, it will be possible to correct the disharmony in the location of the window opening in the room.

For small windows it is possible to provide modern models shortened curtains (length to the window sill), since oblong products will only emphasize the narrowness of the opening.