How to eat with iron deficiency anemia. Nutrition for anemia. Diet menu for iron deficiency anemia

(110 or less g/l).

Iron is involved in hematopoiesis, it is necessary for the formation of hemoglobin, the function of which is to carry oxygen. Therefore, when there is a deficiency of iron in the body, anemia or iron deficiency anemia occurs.

Basic rules of therapeutic nutrition for low hemoglobin

The goal of therapeutic nutrition for anemia is to provide the body with all nutrients, vitamins and microelements, in particular iron, which is necessary to increase hemoglobin levels. This diet increases the body's defenses, restores its functions and improves the patient's quality of life.

Diet for iron deficiency anemia is physiologically complete, its calorie content is high, and the content of proteins, microelements and vitamins is increased. Carbohydrates remain at the standard level, and the fat content is slightly reduced.

According to Pevzner's classification, the diet for iron deficiency anemia is treatment table No. 11. According to order No. 330 of the Ministry of Health Russian Federation in medical institutions, nutrition for this disease corresponds to a diet with high content protein (VPD).

  • proteins - 120g, of which at least 60% are proteins of animal origin;
  • fats - 80-90g, of which 30% vegetable fats;
  • carbohydrates - 300-350g;
  • vitamin A - 1 mg;
  • carotene - 8.5 mg;
  • vitamin B1 - 2 mg;
  • vitamin B6 - 4 mg;
  • nicotinic acid - 30 mg;
  • vitamin C - 200 mg;
  • sodium - 4g;
  • calcium - 1.4g;
  • magnesium - 0.6g;
  • phosphorus - 2.2g;
  • iron - 0.055g.

The energy value of the diet is 3000-3500 kilocalories per day.

Basic principles

  • diet;
    Meals should be fractional: from 4 to 6 times a day. Frequent eating in small quantities stimulates the patient's appetite (and with anemia it is usually weakened), allows maximum absorption of nutrients, vitamins and microelements, and also normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract, which is important if the patient has concomitant diseases. Fractional nutrition allows the body to better perceive dishes and foods that are high in calories.
  • treatment of the underlying disease;
    The main principle of treatment is the identification of disorders in the body that led to anemia and their correction. As is known, iron deficiency anemia is not an independent disease, but only one of the symptoms of a pathology. Therefore, following a diet will be ineffective without treating the underlying disease.
  • food temperature;
    The food temperature should be standard, as in other diets (15-60 degrees Celsius). Food that is too cold or hot irritates the organs gastrointestinal tract, which negatively affects digestion and, in particular, the absorption of iron.
  • culinary processing;
    Any culinary processing of products (stewing, steaming, boiling or baking) is allowed, except for frying. When frying, a large amount of fat is used, which is contraindicated in case of anemia; their oxidation products are formed, which negatively affect the human body as a whole, and especially the digestive tract.
  • preparation of dishes and serving;
    To stimulate the appetite of a patient with iron deficiency anemia, it is important to set the table beautifully and prepare tasty and appetizing-looking dishes.
  • alcohol;
    Alcohol intake in medical nutrition for iron deficiency anemia is excluded. Ethyl alcohol interferes with the absorption of iron and other trace elements and negatively affects liver function, where hemoglobin is destroyed and bilirubin is synthesized. And since during anemia the body also experiences a lack of hemoglobin, in the presence of an underlying disease this can lead to jaundice.
  • salt and liquid;
    Free fluid intake for anemia is within the limits physiological norm(2-2.5 liters). A decrease in drinking norm leads to blood thickening, which aggravates the hypoxic processes that occur with anemia. Table salt consumed in normal quantities - 8-12g, and with reduced gastric secretion for synthesis hydrochloric acid sodium chloride consumption increases to 15g.

Authorized Products

First of all, the diet for iron deficiency anemia should contain an increased amount of proteins, which increase the absorption of iron by the body and are necessary substances for the construction of hemoglobin.

Up to 2/3 of the protein consumed should be of animal origin.

It is important to more often introduce into the patient’s menu foods rich in microelements involved in hematopoiesis (iron, cobalt, zinc, manganese). The listed microelements are found in many cereals, meat products, vegetables and herbs.

Consumption of vitamins (group B, folic and nicotinic acid, vitamin C) should increase by 1.5-2 times. Ascorbic acid helps iron to be absorbed, and the other listed vitamins take part in hematopoiesis. Vitamins are found in large quantities in vegetables, fruits and berries.

Calcium is necessary for the skeletal system; in addition, it regulates the functioning of the cardiovascular system and takes part in blood clotting. You can get calcium from dairy products, but it makes sense to take into account that taking dairy and protein products is incompatible, since calcium makes it difficult to absorb iron.

The list of foods for iron deficiency anemia is quite extensive; almost everything is recommended for the patient, unless there are specific restrictions for taking certain dishes:

  • any bread, but preferably bran bread (a source of B vitamins);
  • rich broths and soups made from them (contain extractive substances that stimulate appetite);
  • lean meats, beef tongue, veal, beef, pork liver (mainly) and beef, kidneys - a source of iron;
  • fresh vegetable salads, seasoned vegetable oil- sources of vitamins;
  • jellied fish or tongue;
  • canned fish, any fish;
  • lean poultry;
  • cereals, especially buckwheat, barley, oatmeal - a source of iron;
  • red and black caviar, any seafood;
  • any milk and lactic acid products, including cottage cheese and cheese;
  • smoked meats (in the absence of contraindications);
  • any greens in large quantities - source folic acid;
  • sauces: milk, egg, sour cream, tomato;
  • spices in acceptable quantities (they contain many trace elements, moreover, they stimulate the appetite);
  • eggs in any form;
  • honey - a source of microelements, jam, sugar, any sweets;
  • currants, gooseberries, raspberries, strawberries, wild strawberries (lots of vitamin C);
  • any fruit, especially apricots and peaches;
  • butter and vegetable oils in dishes in moderation (easily digestible fats);
  • juices, preferably with pulp, rosehip decoction, weak tea, decoction of wheat and oatmeal;
  • any side dishes;
  • legumes
Animal products Products of plant origin
Name Content
Name Content
Cheese made from skim milk 37 Beans 72
Pork liver 29,7 Hazelnuts 51
Swiss cheese 19 Tahini halva 50,1
Brewer's yeast 18 Oatmeal 45
Beef liver 9 Fresh mushrooms 35
Beef kidneys 7 Sunflower halva 33,2
Heart 6,3 Millet groats 31
Yolk 6 Poppy 24
Beef tongue 5 Peas 20
Rabbit (meat) 4,5 Sea kale 16
Turkey meat 4 Dried apples 15
Mutton 3,1 Dried pear 13
Veal 2,9 Prunes 13
Beef 2,8 Dried apricots 12
Chicken meat 2,5 Cocoa 11
Mackerel 2,5 Dried apricots 11
Chicken egg 2,5 Rose hip 11
Carp 2,2 Buckwheat 8
Sausages 1,9 Blueberry 8
Chum salmon caviar 1,8 Oatmeal 6
Sausage 1,7 Dried mushrooms 5,5
Chicken 1,6 Almond 5
Pork 1,6 Oatmeal 4,3
Burbot 1,4 Dogwood 4,1
Pasta 1,2 Peach 4,1
Sea fish 1,2 Apricots 4
Honey 1,1 Nectarine 4
Atlantic herring. 1 Wheat groats 3,9
Breast milk 0,7 Wheat flour 3,3
Cod 0,6 Spinach 3,3
Cottage cheese 0,4 Buckwheat flour 3,2
Egg white 0,2 Raisin 3
Cow's milk 0,1 Dried apricots 2,6
Cream 0,1 Apples with red skin 2,5
Butter 0,1 Pear 2,3
Plum 2,3
Prunes 2,1
Black currant 2,1
Apples are fresh. 2
Cherry plum 1,9
Raspberry 1,8
parsley 1,8
Cherries 1,8
Semolina 1,6
Gooseberry 1,6
Raspberry 1,6
White bread 1,5
Cauliflower 1,5
Cherry 1,4
Beet 1,4
Rice 1,3
Cabbage 1,2
Fried potatoes 1,2
Carrot 1,1
Melon 1
Corn 1
cucumbers 0,9
Grenades 0,8
Boiled potatoes 0,8
Carrot 0,8
Pumpkin 0,8
Strawberry 0,7
Banana 0,6
Grape 0,6
Cranberry 0,6
Lemon 0,6
Tomatoes 0,6
Rhubarb 0,6
Salad 0,6
Orange 0,4
Cowberry 0,4
Zucchini 0,4
Mandarin 0,4
Pineapple 0,3

Prohibited Products

The list of prohibited foods in the diet for iron deficiency anemia is not so long.

Fats are limited, especially refractory fats that inhibit hematopoiesis, so you should refrain from eating fatty meat, poultry, fish oil, lard, and you should also not include lamb and beef fats in the menu.

Marinades should be excluded: they destroy red blood cells and stimulate the functioning of the gallbladder and pancreas.

The need to follow a diet

A diet for anemia must be followed, as it eliminates lethargy, weakness, dyspepsia, changes in taste and loss of appetite. In addition, a diet enriched with iron and other microelements, vitamins and proteins can improve appearance, eliminate brittle nails, dry hair, pale skin.

Consequences of not following the diet

The consequences of iron deficiency anemia include progression of the disease. Very low hemoglobin can cause:

  • myodystrophy;
  • atrophy of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, genital organs and respiratory system.

In addition, low hemoglobin levels affect the cardiovascular system and lead to the development of pathological conditions. We should not forget about the weakening of the immune system, which is fraught with the occurrence of various infectious diseases.

People have a huge number of ways to correct iron deficiency through nutrition. Some people recommend eating apples studded with nails. Other advisers insist on the need to consume kilograms of beef liver. Still others swear by the effectiveness of whitewashing. Let's figure out whether it is possible to increase the level of reduced hemoglobin in iron deficiency anemia with the help of food and how best to do this.

The role of adequate nutrition in the fight against iron deficiency anemia is extremely important, if only because a lack of iron in food can itself cause this disease. Scrupulous statisticians have calculated that in some regions of the world up to 20% of people suffer from a deficiency of this valuable microelement. Moreover, it is associated with dietary errors.

Iron-rich foods

If there is a lack of iron in the body, it is recommended to eat meat.

It would seem that everything is quite simple, you just need to increase the proportion of foods with a large amount of iron in the diet of such patients. There are quite a lot of them on our table:

  • meat by-products (pork, veal, beef liver, lungs, kidneys);
  • meat;
  • beans;
  • soy flour;
  • sesame;
  • chickpeas;
  • pistachios;
  • egg yolk;
  • blood and liver sausages;
  • chanterelles;
  • porcini mushrooms;
  • dried fruits;
  • spinach;
  • oysters;
  • mussels;
  • buckwheat and oatmeal;
  • cocoa, etc.

However, no matter what deposits of this wonderful microelement are hidden in the product, no more than 10% of dietary iron can be absorbed by the intestines. In case of severe deficiency, when all depots are exhausted, absorption can increase up to 20%. Therefore, even with the most balanced diet, the maximum daily amount of iron that can get from food into a person’s bloodstream does not exceed 2 g. Consequently, therapeutic nutrition alone (without concomitant intake of iron supplements) is unlikely to be able to seriously cope with iron deficiency anemia. However, it is a component of a treatment strategy and an effective preventive measure.
Iron is absorbed differently from different foods. That which is found in food of animal origin is absorbed more easily and in larger quantities (up to 22% of what was originally contained in the products). This is especially true for organic heme iron; it comes as part of myoglobin or hemoglobin (components of muscles and blood), because it is not affected by any additional factors or diet composition. But soluble chelated iron (in the form of ions) from fruits, herbs, legumes, and cereals is absorbed in a much smaller volume (1–3%), since its absorption is associated with many other nutrients and acid production of the stomach.

What and how affects the absorption of dietary iron

Orange juice improves iron absorption.

Nutritionists know very well that by combining different products you can enhance or, conversely, weaken the absorption of chelated iron from them. Thus, the absorption of this valuable mineral from foods of plant origin increases when combined with meat products (pork, chicken, beef) or fish. After all, heme iron enhances the absorption of inorganic non-heme iron.
In addition, the absorption of non-heme dietary iron is stimulated by citric, lactic, succinic, malic and, of course, ascorbic acids. Therefore, the use of fruits (especially rosehip decoction, berries and fruits, cabbage, beets, turnips) is recommended. They increase the absorption of iron from bread, cereals, and eggs.
Such patients are often prescribed honey. The fructose it contains helps increase intestinal absorption of iron. It is better to prefer dark varieties of honey: they contain 4 times more iron than light honey.
Negative influence Iron absorption is affected by products containing factors that slow down its full absorption:

  • wheat bran, nuts, grains (due to the high content of phytates and other plant fibers);
  • (due to calcium);
  • strong tea (due to tannins);
  • sorrel, spinach, dogwood, rhubarb, persimmon, blueberry, quince, chokeberry(due to tannins and oxalic acid);
  • coffee, red wine (due to polyphenols);
  • any food that is too fatty.

Fortified products

If you have a lack of iron, you can try to include in your diet not only traditional, but also foods enriched with this macronutrient. When making them, metal is added to the flour. iron powder. Then special enriched bread is baked. Ferric sulfate (ferrous and oxide), glycerophosphate and ferrous gluconate are also added to the products. They are used to enrich sugar, milk, grains, salt, fruit juices, minced meat, confectionery (for example, marmalade), baby formula.

Products that enhance hematopoiesis

If a patient is diagnosed with anemia associated with iron deficiency, then with the help of food, together with the replacement of macronutrients, it is possible to influence the activity of hematopoiesis. After all, it also depends on other minerals. needed:

  • copper (its sources include legumes, grains, liver, beef, strawberries, cranberries, mushrooms, horseradish, watermelon, black currants);
  • (it is detected in beef, yeast, meat by-products, Dutch cheese, legumes, eggs, mushrooms, cereals);
  • manganese (leafy greens, legumes, cereals, pumpkin, beets, raspberries, cranberries, black currants are shown);
  • cobalt (fish, milk, meat by-products, cereals, legumes, nuts, gooseberries, apricots, pears, cherries, black currants, beets, raspberries are rich in it).

I. V. Shilina, pediatrician, presents a presentation on the topic “Iron deficiency anemia in children. Nutrition for anemia":

obzornoe tv, video on the topic “Diet for iron deficiency anemia and other types”:

Pathology, characteristic feature which is a drop in the level of hemoglobin in the blood, is called iron deficiency anemia. The disease affects the elderly, children and women. A diet for iron deficiency anemia helps eliminate microelement deficiency in the body and improve well-being.

Main symptoms of the disease

Representatives of the fair half of humanity often suffer from this disease. This is due to its physiological nature - every month the female body loses blood during menstruation, as well as during labor. Anemia often develops in those who practice an unbalanced diet. Doctors do not recommend trying to lose excess weight at the expense of health.

The development of iron deficiency anemia is dangerous for internal organs, especially for the central nervous system. Pathology can provoke hypoxia - a reduced oxygen content in cells, as a result of which nerve cells die and are not restored, and mental activity is impaired.

Often, patients do not associate poor health with anemia. Pathology can be determined by the following signs:

  • increased fatigue;
  • weakness of muscle tone;
  • decreased physical activity;
  • constant desire to go to bed;
  • increased heart rate;
  • splitting/brittleness of nails;
  • hair thinning;
  • pale skin;
  • periodic occurrence of dizziness;
  • shortness of breath when walking;
  • irritability.

Reasons for the development of pathology

The main cause of the disease is an acute lack of iron in the body. It is this microelement that controls the synthesis of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen throughout the tissues and cells of the body. Treatment for iron deficiency anemia is considered effective. folk remedies and medications. Correctly selected nutrition for anemia significantly speeds up recovery.

The main reasons for the development of the disease are:

  • low protein diets;
  • chronic bleeding (heavy or prolonged menstruation, uterine bleeding);
  • uncontrolled use of antibiotics;
  • chronic infectious diseases which cause vitamin B12 deficiency in the body;
  • pregnancy;
  • helminthiasis;
  • inflammation in the intestines;
  • intoxication and long-term use of antibacterial drugs.

The trace element in the body is absorbed by no more than 15%. They get iron from plant and animal foods. Treatment of pathology is carried out using medicines which are prescribed by the attending physician. Diet is also important in therapy; it eliminates iron deficiency and resumes the production of components that form red blood cells in the blood.

Principles of creating a dietary menu

Proper nutrition is aimed at replenishing the supply of nutrients and microelements. Basic principles of diet for iron deficiency anemia:

  • increasing protein intake;
  • choosing foods high in iron;
  • foods with plenty of vitamin C and B vitamins.

Nutritionists recommend treating anemia with proper nutrition. When creating a menu, preference is given to products with minimal fat content. The amount of carbohydrates in the selected dishes does not matter. Adults who want to lose weight should give preference to foods with complex carbohydrates– they need to stop using white sugar, replacing it with natural honey.

The diet for anemia should consist of legumes and grains. This food is high in iron. To absorb the maximum amount of microelement, it is necessary to include foods with a high content of vitamin C in your daily menu.

Pros and cons of dietary nutrition

The advantages of the treatment table are:

  • possibility of feeding for a long time;
  • ease of maintaining a diet;
  • normalization of metabolism in the body;
  • lack of strict restrictions;
  • stimulation of the immune system;
  • strengthening the body.

The disadvantages include a ban in the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, an increase in the load on the kidneys as a result of consuming large amounts of protein foods.

List of permitted and prohibited products

When creating a diet for iron deficiency anemia, it is worth including ingredients with a high iron content. Big role Stomach acidity plays a role in dieting – a low level leads to disruption of the digestion process. Taking this into account, before starting treatment, the acid level in the stomach should be adjusted.

When compiling a diet, the principle of food consumption from most to least is taken into account. The following are considered useful for anemia:

  • chicken eggs;
  • turkey;
  • seafood and fish;
  • fruits and vegetables;
  • chicken;
  • liver;
  • green;
  • homemade berry fruit drinks and compotes;
  • nuts (except cashews and peanuts);
  • legumes;
  • vegetable oil – olive or sunflower.

The following should be excluded from the diet of patients with anemia:

  • fatty meats;
  • beef fat/lard;
  • chocolate;
  • sausage;
  • basil, parsley;
  • peas;
  • beans;
  • cocoa, coffee;
  • peanuts and cashews.

Approximate diet

The table shows a menu for three days, which can be used by elderly and adult people suffering from iron deficiency in the body.

Eating First day Second day Third day
breakfast buckwheat porridge with pork liver, stewed with onions; herbal infusion green tea, oatmeal porridge with dried fruits and banana wheat porridge with prunes, rosehip tea and a sandwich with butter
lunch green tea, pancakes with stewed cabbage yolk chicken egg, green apple, bread with butter rice biscuits, beet salad with prunes
dinner mushroom broth soup, baked lean fish with lentils, fresh vegetables and orange pureed pumpkin soup, wheat porridge and liver stewed with sour cream, fresh orange juice chicken soup with white cabbage, vegetable salad, seasoned with vegetable oil, tangerines
afternoon tea omelette with vegetable salad, homemade compote rosehip decoction, hemotogen cottage cheese with added prunes, fresh apple and carrot
dinner oatmeal with water and blueberries, baked green apple with honey stew with rabbit meat and zucchini, cucumber salad and red cabbage, freshly squeezed apple juice beef heart or liver with mushrooms, boiled potatoes and peach/apricot juice
before bed kefir mint tea with dry cookies pear

Duration of diet for anemia

Nutrition that helps increase hemoglobin in the blood is designed for long-term use. A diet for iron deficiency anemia is prescribed by a doctor. Any specialist will tell you what to restore optimal level iron in the body is not easy, it is a long process.

Patients undergo regular blood tests when the microelement level is normalized diet table is cancelled. The eating habits that are developed during treatment can be used in the future.

One of the popular methods of treating anemia is table No. 11, it includes dishes enriched with animal protein. For a varied diet, patients are allowed to include ingredients of plant and animal origin in their diet.

Consequences of non-compliance with dietary principles

If a patient, whom the attending physician has recommended to follow a diet, begins to neglect the advice of a specialist, then the pathological process begins to progress. Low level hemoglobin causes the development of atrophy of the mucous membranes of the digestive and respiratory systems. Untreated anemia leads to muscular dystrophy.

Iron deficiency in the body contributes to the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Lack of microelements for a long time causes a weakening of the immune system and, as a consequence, the occurrence of various infectious pathological processes.

Simple dishes to replenish iron deficiency

When preparing a diet for a month or a week, you should focus on the list of prohibited and permitted components.

  • 1 medium carrot;
  • 1 beet;
  • 1 small green apple;
  • 0.5 tbsp. chopped white cabbage;
  • 1 medium onion;
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of olive oil;
  • 0.5 tbsp. water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. chopped green onions;
  • salt (to taste).


  1. Wash the beets, carrots and apples, peel and cut into strips.
  2. Mix vegetables and apple in a saucepan, add salt, onion and olive oil.
  3. Place the container on the fire and bring the water to a boil.
  4. Remove from stove. Cool to room temperature.
  5. Place the caviar in a bowl and garnish with green onions.

Tomato tulips

To prepare you will need:

  • 150 g cottage cheese;
  • 5 medium tomatoes;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of milk;
  • 1 medium onion;
  • 1 pod of sweet pepper;
  • salt and herbs (to taste).


  1. Wash the tomatoes, make small cuts crosswise, remove the pulp.
  2. Beat the tomato pulp with milk and cottage cheese until the consistency of sour cream.
  3. Grind the onion, herbs, and sweet pepper.
  4. Mix all ingredients, add salt.
  5. Stuff the tomatoes with the mixture.

Traditional medicine in the fight against anemia

To effectively replenish iron stores, it is not necessary to use traditional methods treatment. You can consult with your doctor and find out about the possibility of using folk remedies.

The following recipes are most popular in the fight against iron deficiency in the body:

  1. Take beets, radishes and carrots. Squeeze juice from each vegetable separately. Pour an equal amount of juice from the three ingredients into a glass container. It is better to take a dark glass bottle. Coat the neck of the container with dough, leaving a small hole for the liquid to evaporate. Place the bottle in an oven heated to 60 degrees. Simmer for 3 hours. Let cool completely. Pour the resulting product into prepared containers and store in the refrigerator. Take 1 tablespoon three times a day. The folk remedy is consumed 15 minutes before meals. Course duration – 3 months. Visible results appear after the first 7 days of taking the folk remedy.
  2. Fresh carrots are extremely useful for anemia. Every morning you need to wash and peel the carrots. Then grate the vegetable on a medium grater. Take 100 grams of carrots, add 2 tablespoons of high-fat sour cream. In severe stages of the disease, it is recommended to include such a salad in the diet in the morning and evening. Course duration – 3 months. Even after treatment is completed, you should not give up eating salad. It is good for preventing the development of iron deficiency in the body. The folk remedy is equally useful for children and adults.
  3. At the initial stage of the disease, treatment with watermelon is recommended. The berry is consumed in season. You can eat unlimited quantities of watermelon every day. 2 kilograms of healthy treats is the minimum portion per day. In this case, the weight is calculated taking into account the peel. The patient's condition will improve on the fifth day of such therapy. The duration of treatment is limited to the end of the melon season.

Nutritionists and doctors suggest various ways therapy. The principles of proper and balanced nutrition should be adhered to after treatment. A well-designed menu will help to avoid a deficiency of useful microelements and prevent the occurrence and development of pathological processes.

The video shows a dish that is useful for patients with anemia:

Iron deficiency occurs when there is a lack of iron intake from food and/or increased loss during bleeding. The high-risk group includes children and adolescents due to accelerated growth and high energy needs, pregnant and nursing mothers. Dietary causes of anemia include:

  • unbalanced diet - exclusion of meat and lack of plant sources of iron, excess coffee, tea, cocoa, milk and flour products, animal fat, which inhibit iron absorption;
  • monotonous diets lacking protein;
  • starvation;
  • replacement of breastfeeding with formula, especially in premature infants, untimely complementary feeding;
  • lack of vitamins, especially ascorbic acid from citrus fruits, fruits, berries and vegetables, folic acid, B12.

Therefore, when constructing a diet, not only the amount of iron in foods is taken into account, but also their compatibility, the supply of protein, microelements, and nutritional adequacy.

What to include in your diet

In case of anemia, meat is a source of heme iron and is usually absorbed faster. If there is an excess of it in the diet, especially when consuming fatty varieties (lamb, duck, pork), patients are not immune from an insufficient amount of hemoglobin and red blood cells in the blood. It has also been proven that offal, including liver, does not have such high value, since they contain iron in the form of ferritin, which makes it difficult to process.

Products necessary for patients with anemia include:

  • protein of eggs, fish, cottage cheese not exceeding 5% fat content and fermented milk drinks (up to 3%);
  • fresh fruits and berries, juices with the addition of carrots and beets;
  • leafy greens;
  • nuts;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • cereals, especially buckwheat and oatmeal;
  • legumes;
  • dried fruits;
  • bee products.

What products are prohibited

Undesirable food components, in addition to fatty meat, are:

  • all spicy and fatty dishes, ready-made sauces;
  • smoked sausage;
  • confectionery, especially with butter cream;
  • margarine, lard, lard;
  • bran, sorrel, rhubarb, spinach, asparagus.

It is important to differentiate between the consumption of foods containing iron and milk, egg yolk, tea and coffee.

Table of iron rich foods

When determining value for dietary nutrition It is important to know which vegetables and fruits increase hemoglobin in the blood.

Even with relatively low iron levels, it is in optimal combination with vitamins, which facilitates its absorption. Good source can also be cereals, legumes, nuts

Beef meat contains 2.7 mg, and chicken meat 1.6 mg of this mineral. There is about 1 mg of iron in fish, and up to 5 mg in seafood.

Medicinal properties of products and recipes

When creating a menu, you can use the recipes below.

Chocolate for anemia

It contains a large amount of iron, bitter varieties normalize blood pressure, are rich in B vitamins, potassium and calcium, and antioxidants. Chocolate improves body tone, memory, cerebral blood flow, protects against stress, and improves emotional background. Dairy and artificial flavors are not recommended. If you are overweight, you need to take into account the high calorie content. Safe daily dose – up to 30 g.

Chocolate oatmeal

For this dish you need the following ingredients:

  • oat flakes - 4 tablespoons,
  • water – 200 ml,
  • banana - 1 piece,
  • chocolate – 10 g.

Pour the flakes into boiling water and after 5 minutes turn off the heat and leave covered for 15 minutes. Mash half a banana until puree and mix with hot porridge, and cut the rest into slices for decoration. Grate the chocolate and add to the porridge. Instead, you can use a level teaspoon of cocoa. It is useful to add nuts or sprinkle sesame seeds into this porridge.

Bee bread for anemia

Is natural source vitamins B and C, quickly improves blood composition, especially useful for children. It is important to make sure there are no allergies to bee products. For treatment, 20 g of bee bread is mixed with a tablespoon of honey and dissolved on an empty stomach once a day. The course lasts at least 20 days.

Walnuts for anemia

Contains omega 3-6-9 unsaturated acids, vitamins, microelements. To increase the hemoglobin content in the blood, it is not recommended to expose them to heat treatment. You need to eat about 20-40 g of nucleoli per day.

For a healthy side dish you will need the following products:

  • young green beans– 500 g,
  • onion - 1 head,
  • garlic – 1 clove,
  • cilantro - a bunch,
  • sunflower seeds – 20 g,
  • nuts – 50 g,
  • salt to taste,
  • lemon juice - tablespoon,
  • olive oil - a tablespoon.

Finely chop the onion and simmer in a frying pan. Throw the beans into boiling water, cook for 7 minutes and pour over cold water (better ice water). Place in a frying pan over low heat, cook for 5 minutes. Finely chop the cilantro and mix in a blender with the seeds, walnut, garlic. Add to the beans and let sit, covered, for 20 minutes, sprinkle with lemon juice.

Beetroot for anemia recipe

For very delicious dessert With medicinal properties with low hemoglobin you will need half a glass of beetroot and blackcurrant juice, a teaspoon of agar-agar. Add algae powder to the juice mixture and let it sit for at least 25 minutes. Bring to a boil over low heat and pour into molds. Place in the refrigerator to harden.

Find out how to treat anemia with folk remedies from the video: