How to properly cut into a plastic water pipe. How to tap into a water supply system under pressure with your own hands? Using a special pressure device

Often, when additional plumbing equipment appears in a room or when it is necessary to extend the circuit to other rooms, it becomes necessary to expand the existing water supply system.

This article will tell you about the rules that must be followed when tapping into a water pipe.

The insertion into the pipeline of the central water supply system can only be started after permission from the relevant authorities.

The necessary documents are prepared in advance, before starting work. This is necessary so that there will be no financial and administrative liability in the future.

Coordination of work

First you need to get a plan of the site to determine what underground communications there are. After this, you need to submit an application for the need to connect to a centralized water supply system, it is submitted to Vodokanal. It is mandatory to have documents certifying the applicant’s right to own a house or land.

When connected Technical parameters must be taken into account:

  • exact insertion location;
  • diameter of the pipeline to be connected;
  • other information necessary when carrying out work.

You also need permission from the sanitary and epidemiological service. If all the documents are collected, then you can develop and sign a project and estimate for the work to be carried out. Installation of meters, as well as independent installation work without turning off the water supply, is strictly prohibited. There are relevant public or private organizations that have certificates and are engaged in carrying out these works.

Do not tap into the following types of pipes:

  • backbone networks with large diameter;
  • pipelines that are not connected to the sewer drain;

Features of the tie-in

The material from which the centralized pipeline consists determines how the insertion will be made into it. Less often it is cast iron, but more often it is metal-plastic, plastic or metal. When creating a hole, water will naturally flow out of the pipeline, but without this, of course, the insertion is impossible. So that everything works out correctly and in good quality you need to use specialized clamp systems.

The main rules of insertion:

  1. The diameter of the inner surface of the connected pipe must correspond to the diameter of the drill that will be used.
  2. The outer diameter of the pipe should be slightly smaller than the diameter of the hole into which it is inserted.

How the tap is made depends on the type of water supply. To prevent water from draining, special clamps and welding are often used. If there is no possibility of cutting the line, it is also necessary to use clamps. Welding is prohibited if the pipes are made of polyethylene.

At the end of the pipe being inserted there must be a thread for a root tap or coupling; if welding is used, it will be necessary to drain the water from the system.

The main tool for this work- this is a drill specially designed for this purpose, with the help of which a hole with the required diameter can be made in a pipeline with water inside. In order for the device to have good performance, you must follow safety precautions.

First you need to free the pipe from the insulation and clean the place where the tap is made. Then you need to install a flange that is connected to the main pipeline. Secure it with a clamp. Install a drill onto the valve that closes the flange. The clamp is not used when inserting into steel pipe, it uses a pipe welded in advance.

You need to check if there are any defects on the seam, after welding is completed. If they are present, for greater reliability it is necessary to weld again along the contour of this seam.

It is necessary to insert a cutter of the required diameter after the pipe (coupling) is ready, and make a hole for the pipe. The valve will block the flow of water in the pipe after the equipment is removed. Upon completion welding work, everything can be insulated and coated with a composition against corrosion. This is how work is done with metal and cast iron pipes.

For use in tapping work, there are several types of clamps:

  • Electric welded clamp saddle is used when working with plastic pipes. The kit includes a cutter of the required diameter. But to install it you will need a few more tools;
  • drilling - its design uses a rotary-bolt mechanism, which remains on the pipe as an adjusting or gate valve;
  • saddle - this type of clamp is used when working with plastic, metal, asbestos-cement pipes; the locking plate included in its design will block the flow of water;
  • clip - cannot be used when inserting a valve into a pipe under pressure. It is well suited for empty pipes because it is inexpensive and easy to use. Material composition: metal or plastic.

The insertion of polyethylene pipes is done with the first two types of clamps.

How to connect to the main pipeline

It is impossible to drain water from such a pipeline, therefore you need to do the following:

  1. First you will need to dig up the soil to the place where the insert will be made.
  2. Make a sidebar.
  3. Complete all work on assembling the circuit down to the plumbing elements.

Excavation work will require digging a pit 150x150 cm. The bottom of the excavated pit must be made approximately 50 centimeters below the pipe. You need to use shovels for this; an excavator can only dig to a depth of about 30 -50 cm from the pipe. If the insertion point is in the well, the work will be much easier.

When using a saddle clamp or a collapsible one, it is necessary to puncture the reinforcement. This method most common for plumbers with no experience, when the technology is similar to a tee on water pipe. The shut-off valve, which acts as a plug, is screwed onto the side outlet after a hole is made in the main.

If the pipeline is plastic, you can use a saddle-clip or saddle clamp.

In case of work with polymer materials best suited dismountable electric welded clamp. When installing it, its two parts must be mounted exactly at the insertion point, and then soldered to the pipe. The completed connection will be very tight and, importantly, durable.

When the tie-in is completed, the side pipe is diverted from the clamp valve to the meter located in the room.

Inspection well at the insertion site

The connection may become deformed for some reason, and immediate intervention becomes necessary. Therefore, the insertion location should is under the control of the owner of this site/premises. A caisson (well) is made above the site. The pit needs to be made deeper by 50 - 70 cm. Then fill it with gravel about 20 cm, put roofing felt and fill it with concrete about ten centimeters. It is also necessary to reinforce this layer - for this purpose a reinforcement grid is used.

Concrete hardens to the required degree in about three to four days. Then you need to build a block shaft over the concrete. It is made either square or round. A slab is placed on top of the shaft, it needs to be done round hole so that later you can make a hatch in it. The soil that remains after digging must be used to fill the outer part of the shaft, having previously lubricated it with an insulating compound.

Unlike inserting a water pipeline into a caisson, building a well and shaft requires a lot of time, effort and money. More difficulties arise when you need to get to the part of the main pipeline that is underground.

Connection to metal pipes

Using a saddle clamp with drilling, it will be much better to insert into a metal water pipe. There are several types of its design. It is necessary to clean the place where the pipe is inserted from all contamination and corrosion before installing this element. There is a shut-off valve on the top of the clamp, in addition to the usual semi-circle. It has a hole that you will need to drill through. The kit includes a corresponding drill bit. Bolts are used to attach the two parts of the clamp to the pipe.

Sealing rubber bands ensure the tightest contact between the pipeline and the clamp. You can start drilling the hole when the clamp is securely fastened; after drilling, it should be closed with a cap screw. The clamp will then be used as shut-off valves. There are clamps on sale into which the valve is screwed initially. The valve closes after removing the drill from the hole.

It is possible to install the machine on a metal clamp, which has in its design such elements as:

These elements are metal and connected to the device through rubber seals. A special coupling allows you to guide the drill.

Cast iron pipelines and working with them

To drill cast iron pipes under pressure, you need to use clamps with bimetallic crowns.

Some features of working with such pipes:

  • cast iron is a brittle metal and must be drilled carefully;
  • the anti-corrosion coating must be removed before work;
  • the crown on the clamp must not be overheated under any circumstances;
  • The equipment should only be allowed to operate at low speeds.

A collapsible type saddle is installed in place of the insertion after preliminary cleaning. This place needs to be sealed using rubber pads. The carbide bit with which the pipe will be drilled must be changed periodically throughout the process.

Insertion stages:

It is necessary to maintain a slope of the embedded pipe of two degrees towards the house.

Tapping into plastic pipelines

You need to know some of the subtleties of cutting into a plastic pipe. When using an electric welded saddle clamp, it is possible to carry out work on pipes of this kind without reducing the pressure. It is equipped with a drill and a heating coil and is made of heat-resistant plastic. For working with polymers, this achieves optimal temperature. It can be used on pipes with a pressure value of no more than 15.7 atmospheres. In terms of strength parameters and other properties, this clamp is similar to the polymer pipes. Its service life can reach up to fifty years, and it is also resistant to corrosion.

How to make a sidebar:

  1. Clean the surface of the pipe.
  2. Securely secure the clamp with bolts.
  3. Heat the spiral using a welding machine and weld the outlet.

Often a clamp with a pre-built shut-off valve and cutter is used. The insertion is carried out as follows: a coupling is first attached to the pipeline, after which, when everything has cooled down, a hole is made and closed using a shut-off valve.

City highway? To do this, you do not need to turn off the water, but you must obtain permission from the water utility.

The work is performed without the use of welding. But it is not excluded as another way of inserting.

An installation well must be constructed at the connection point to the main line. If you are given permission without its device, then you will have to make a tie-in in the nearest operating well. Before this, you need to prepare a trench and a pipe for laying a water supply to the house.

How to cut into a water pipe without welding? A saddle clamp or saddle is used for this. Such a connection can withstand pressures of up to 16 atm.

What is a saddle

A clamp for tapping into a water supply system under pressure resembles a coupling consisting of two halves, on one of which there is a pipe or flange for tapping.

The tightness of the connection is ensured by the gasket. It can be made in the form of a ring bordering a mortise hole. A similar product is usually made for a plastic pipeline.

The second type of gasket is a sealing layer that covers the entire inner surface clamp for inserting into the water supply. This model is intended for metal, cast iron and asbestos-cement mains, but is also found in plastic structures(). The material used is ethylene-propylene rubber.

Universal saddles are also produced, the basis of which is a metal strip resembling a car clamp.

The cost of saddle clamps starts from 70 rubles.

There are products with additional elements that make it easier to insert into an existing water supply system:

  • with built-in cutter and side outlet to the shut-off valve;
  • with a sealed end of the pipe.

Clamps with a heating coil are also available for plastic. They are sold at prices starting from 1 thousand rubles and require welding machine, which is even more expensive: from 70 thousand rubles. The connection is made using electrodiffusion welding.

There are saddles made in the form of three-piece couplings for insertion into large-diameter water pipes.

Saddle attachment

The clamp halves are tightened together with two, four or six bolts paired with nuts. Twisting is carried out evenly, without distortions.

The selected section of the pipeline is cleaned of dirt to ensure a tight fit of the gasket. On iron pipe rust is removed (). Then a saddle is attached for insertion into the water supply.

Sometimes the bolts from the kit can be so long that it is difficult to join the two halves of the clamp. This is checked before insertion and, if necessary, longer bolts are purchased from the store. It is better to buy them paired with nuts, because foreign standards may not correspond to our sizes. This happens with Turkish goods.

If there are any doubts about the tightness of the clamp or the quality of the Turkish gasket, then a sealing paste is used, which is applied thin layer for compaction.

Tapping process

Depending on the manufacturing option, the saddle and additional elements may be various ways insets.

Simple Method

How to cut into a plastic water pipe? The technology that is used for both plastic and metal or other pipeline materials will now be described. Every owner of a private home can use it. It does not require the purchase of expensive products.

A ball stop valve is attached to the clamp pipe, through which a drill fixed in the drill is inserted. The tap must be open. Otherwise he is in danger of being damaged.

A hole is made in the pipe. First, a core is made at the drilling site.

Work carefully when cutting into cast iron pipe water supply She's fragile. Therefore, they drill it at low speeds, without pressing hard on the drill.

To protect against water pressure, use trimmed plastic bottle along with a plug into which the drill is screwed.

The work is done by two people. The assistant stands near the outlet. As the water rushes out, he disconnects the drill's plug from the electricity. At this moment, the driller pulls the drill out of the saddle and closes the tap.

Then the home water line is installed (). It can be connected to the crane in different ways.

Basic connection methods:

  1. Threaded.
  2. Using compression fittings.
  3. Glue.
  4. Using soldering.

It depends on the pipe material.

Application of built-in cutter and safety valve

For tapping into water pipes under pressure, saddles are sold, in the nozzle of which there is a built-in cutter with a hex key groove. To rotate the cutter, an attachment attached to a wrench or drill is inserted into the groove.

At the end of the pipe there is a sealing device through which the nozzle is inserted.

The trick is that the pipe is closed with a spring-loaded valve. But as soon as you press on it with the nozzle, it opens, giving passage to the cutter.

In addition, there is a rubber ring around the circumference of the pipe, enclosing the nozzle. Often this design is used when inserting a water supply into a polyethylene pipe.

When the drilling is finished (there will be a slight knocking out of water from under the nozzle), the cutter is unscrewed until it touches the valve. A plug is placed on top. It is more anti-vandal than sealing.

On the side of the pipe there is an outlet with a shut-off ball valve. Water access opens to it after unscrewing the cutter. But it must be closed and opens only after the installation of the home pipeline.

More ways

Water utility workers use to tap into metal pipe no welding, massive sealing device. It looks like a pipe with gaskets that fits onto the saddle pipe.

A fastening unit is mounted on a clamp or on a main pipe and the device is attached to it with three to four long bolts.

This design is completely sealed and does not allow a drop of water to pass through. That's why a pressure gauge is provided here. When the hole is made, it will show a pressure surge on the device.

You can also connect to a steel pipeline by welding a pipe to it. Then you won't need a saddle. But what matters here is the insertion of pipe into pipe depending on the diameter. This method is logical to use with a large cross-section of the main pipeline.

After welding, further installation is carried out similarly to the methods described above. Basic steps - installation ball valve on a pipe, drilling a hole, connecting a home water supply. In this case, you need to think about the option of protecting power tools from jets of water.

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Video about tapping into a water supply system under pressure.

There are often cases when there is a need to expand the water supply system in order to be able to install plumbing equipment. This may also be due to the need to install an additional circuit. In any case, such actions must be correlated not only with safety precautions, but also with a certain procedure for carrying out work. In this article you will learn how to cut into a water pipe.

The characteristics of the main water supply system are the following: such a pipeline is laid on the main streets, pipes with a diameter of 100 to 2000 mm are used. To perform a tie-in, you need to contact one of two possible options execution of this task:

  • welding– the thread necessary for installing the tap is welded, which is used to connect the pipe going to a specific house;
  • patch clamp– used when there is no possibility of blocking the flow of water.

The depth of the highway determines the insertion location. If the main pipe is at a decent depth, then the insertion is made in its upper part, and otherwise - with a tap to the side. Let's take a closer look at the options mentioned.

Welding method

When using this method, it is advisable to first turn off the water supply and then proceed to the direct tapping. To do this, you will need to burn a hole in accordance with the diameter of the thread, which then needs to be welded.

However, the process of such work does not always look exactly like this. In some cases, tapping into a water pipe is carried out without shutting off the water supply. This can be explained by the elementary lack of shut-off valves or by the fact that such fittings exist, but they are old, which does not allow them to be used for their intended purpose. In practice, the following set of actions is assumed:

  • the insertion location is selected, where the thread is welded;
  • then the full bore valve is screwed on;
  • a hole is drilled through an installed tap, ensuring that the hammer drill is protected from water by a rubber or cardboard screen;
  • At the end of the previous process, the drill bit is sharply pulled out and the tap is closed.

Drilling should be done at high speeds, as this reduces the likelihood that the drill will jam. This insertion method is problematic, due to high pressure water in the main water supply. If the pressure exceeds 5 atm, then it is necessary to refuse to carry out such work independently. In this case, you should turn to specialized organizations rather than take the initiative.

Overhead clamp

The option of using an overhead clamp if it is necessary to insert into the main line is quite suitable when working with pipes made of different materials: steel, polypropylene, polyethylene, etc.

In practice, such a sidebar has the following procedure:

In the same way, tapping into a water pipe is made without turning off the water, but only if the pressure does not exceed 5 atm. To a greater extent this method Suitable when working with polyethylene pipes - a simpler drilling process. When the material used to make the pipe and clamp is metal, there is no need to fix the clamp. As for polyethylene pipe, then this is not the case, which is explained by the presence of a large linear expansion of this product. This forces the use of epoxy glue to seat the clamp.

Insertion on a secondary section of the water pipeline

So-called secondary pipelines branch off from any central highway, supplying water to neighboring streets. The pipes of such distributions are predominantly polyethylene; they have a smaller diameter - on average 50 mm. Typically, taps are installed at branch points of secondary pipelines, closing which simplifies the work of inserting pipes, which is available in two ways.


  1. A 2 meter long trench is dug along the pipeline. This implementation of the problem is used mainly in relation to small diameter pipes (up to 50 mm).
  2. The pipe is being cut.
  3. A tee is mounted on the pipe, which can be welded if the pipe is metal, or simply fastened with union nuts if it is polyethylene, for example.


  1. An overhead clamp is installed, factory samples of which are equipped with the threads necessary for installing the taps.
  2. The tap is screwed on.
  3. A hole is drilled, which is done directly through the tap. This can be done without shutting off the water supply, since secondary pipelines are characterized by low pressure pressure.

If possible, it is necessary to install a well in the place where the insertion is made. For this concrete will do a ring or a used brick as a base, followed by closing the structure with a lid with a built-in hatch.

Insertion into a metal water pipe

When working with a metal pipeline, it is advisable to use a saddle clamp, which has several varieties. Immediately before installing the clamp, the pipe must be put in order, that is, it must be cleaned of dirt and rust, if any. The design of the saddle clamp involves two semicircular parts, a bolted connection and a shut-off valve that has a hole that is designed for drilling.

The tight fit of the clamp to the water supply is ensured by special rubber seals guaranteeing the tightness of such a connection.

Procedure for tapping into the pipeline:

  • secure the clamp to the surface of the pipe;
  • drill a hole;
  • install the plug in the form of a screw intended for this purpose.

It is also possible to use a clamp supplemented with a valve. Here the procedure is the same: a hole is made, the drill is removed and the valve is closed.

Along with this, there is a tapping machine, consisting of a handle, a locking bolt, a drill mounted on a shaft, and a flushing tap. All these elements are located inside a metal case, attached to a clamp using a rubber seal. The use of this device makes it possible to make comfortable insertion into pipes.

Insertion into cast iron water supply

Drilling of cast iron pipes, which are part of a pipeline that pumps water under pressure, is carried out using special clamps. These products differ in some design features and the use of bimetallic crowns. Such an insertion should take into account certain nuances:

  • cast iron is fragile, so when drilling it is necessary to apply a small degree of pressure;
  • Before carrying out work, the layer applied to prevent corrosion should be removed from the pipe;
  • drilling should be done at low speeds;
  • Excessive heating of the crowns should not be allowed.

When the compacted layer is removed, it is necessary to install a collapsible saddle where the insertion is supposed to be carried out. In this case, it is necessary to seal the joint with rubber pads. The drilling process itself is carried out using a carbide bit.

Tapping into a cast iron pipe is based on the following steps:

When cutting into a cast iron pipe, remember that the saddle pipe must be installed so that its slope towards the house is 2 degrees.

The saddle clamp makes it possible to insert into the water supply system from plastic pipes without reducing pressure. Such a clamp is made from appropriate plastic, and its equipment includes a drilling mechanism and a heating coil. To ensure welding accuracy, there is a special bar code printed on the clamp body. This tapping method is used for pipelines operating at pressures up to 1.6 MPa.

The service life of a saddle clamp can be up to 50 years, as it is resistant to corrosion.

Before inserting, the pipe is thoroughly cleaned, and then a clamp is attached to it, which has terminals that allow you to connect a welding machine, which makes it possible to weld the bend by heating the spiral. A saddle equipped with a cutter and valve is also used:

Installing a pipe to a water pipe using welding is a job for professionals. In this case, you can independently install saddles on pipes made of cast iron and polymers, if the water supply is first turned off. When tapping into a water pipe under pressure is made, existing safety rules governing this type of work should be followed.

Permitting documents

Plumbing connection to own plot does not imply any receipt permitting documents. In this case, it is quite enough to make appropriate changes to the water supply system plan. The situation is completely different if you want to make a connection into a centralized water supply pipe. If you do this on your own initiative without obtaining permission from the competent authorities, this may lead to penalties against you. Such actions must be carried out only legally.

Also, such work requires a certain amount of care, since damage to the water supply system can cause a serious accident, which will lead to the need for restoration work, the cost of which, as well as fines, will have to be paid by the person responsible for the event. Tapping into the main highway for the purpose of organizing a diversion must be consistent with precautions at each stage of the work.

The cost of tapping into a water supply system

The price tag for a polymer clamp is 100–250 rubles. In this case, a fitting installed on a pipe with a diameter of 32 mm will cost 100 rubles, and for 75 mm fittings – 250 rubles.

The cost of a stainless steel clamp, complemented by a flange outlet, is 9–10.5 thousand rubles. The delivery set of this equipment includes a rubber gasket and 6 studs that provide the ability to fix the staples.

Electric welded saddles produced by the Italian company Eurostandard Spa, having a diameter of 40–250 mm, can be purchased for 25–80 euros. As for the cost of work, the average price tag for services of this type ranges from 2 thousand to 2.5 thousand rubles.

There are several ways to insert an individual outlet into existing centralized communications. It all depends on how far away the collector well is, if we are talking about tapping outside an apartment or house. Such work requires permission. When it becomes necessary to connect an additional outlet inside the apartment, no approvals are needed.

Work on inserting into a plastic water pipe, into a steel or cast iron pipeline is entrusted to water utility specialists or a qualified contractor (with the knowledge of the water supply organization).

Independent insertion even into a plastic water pipe public use prohibited by law. It is illegal to insert additionally into centralized water supply bypassing metering devices.

Pay attention! Start planning for individual tie-in centralized system follows with official permission. Independent connection is punishable by material and administrative penalties.

You should apply for the appropriate permit from the department to which the required pipeline belongs. In the case of water supply, this is the city water utility or an organization that maintains water communications in a village or town. To obtain permission to tap into a pipe, you must have documents for land plot and home.

The permit for tapping into a centralized pipe will contain:

  • exact data on the insertion location;
  • indication of the diameter of the pipeline and outlet;
  • additional information depending on the purpose of the work.

After receiving permission, you should contact the SES. After this, the insertion project is prepared and registered, and a work estimate is drawn up.

Scheme of connection to a centralized water supply system

If there is a collector well in the area where your house or plot is located, then tapping is carried out (if permitted) in this well. If it is located far away, then access to the pipe is carried out through an additional well.

To do this:

  • in the place indicated by the project, they dig a square hole measuring 1.5\1.5 meters;
  • from the pit, towards the house, they dig a trench for future drainage;
  • Upon completion of all work, an additional well with a lid is built above the insertion point for access to the connection point.

Do you have plastic communication systems in your private home and do they require modernization or repair? It’s not difficult to install plastic yourself, thanks to the features of this material, right? But how can you cut into a plastic pipe if it is under pressure? And is it possible to do this yourself?

We will give you answers to your questions. Here we consider several ways to organize a diversion from an existing highway. Inset options are provided detailed description process and supplemented with photos, which will allow you to understand the intricacies of the technology for installing cheap and durable plastic pipes.

There are different types of plastic pipelines. Some are used to supply water, others to drain it.

There are public highways, and there are personal intra-house and intra-apartment networks. And each option has its own nuances of performing the work.

For insertion into a street pipe central water supply or village sewerage requires permission from the owner of the networks to carry out such unauthorized installation work forbidden

In order to crash into the general centralized system and not get into trouble with the law, it is necessary to undergo preliminary approvals. It is best to delegate the signing of all the necessary papers and the insertion work itself to a specialized organization. This will make life a lot easier.

But no one is stopping you from cutting into a plastic pipeline inside an apartment or private house. This can be done almost anywhere. You just need to comply basic rules and do not overload the system with an abundance of plumbing devices.

The water pressure in the water supply must be sufficient for all appliances and all users. A sewer pipe is capable of accepting only the volume of wastewater for which it was originally designed.

There are several types of plastic pipes:

  • "PP"– polypropylene;
  • "PE"– polyethylene (most often HDPE);
  • "PVC» – polyvinyl chloride;
  • "PEX"– made of cross-linked polyethylene;
  • "REH-AL-REH"– metal-plastic.

The differences relate to the methods of connecting them to fittings and to each other in cases where insertion is carried out additional element into an existing pipeline.