Condensation on cold water pipes. The appearance of condensation on cold water pipes: causes and solutions. What to do if you notice fogging on pipes

A problem such as condensation on a pipe with cold water occurs very often, especially in the summer when it is hot. It occurs due to the temperature difference between the surface of the pipe and the surrounding air. As a result, small puddles may appear on the floor where the pipes pass. And the reason is not that communications, connections, etc. were damaged. The reason is ordinary condensation. Our article will tell you how to prevent its occurrence and effectively get rid of it.

Consequences of high humidity

Condensation is promoted by high humidity environment

The main reason that promotes condensation is increased environmental humidity. This is why this process is typical for toilets and bathrooms, basements, boiler rooms, laundry rooms, etc.

Surfaces damaged by condensation have an unsightly appearance. In addition, its appearance carries other dangers. One of them is corrosion, which over time destroys metal structures. Also, it loves constant humidity. mold, causing allergic and respiratory diseases. Both cannot be called something pleasant and useful.

Causes of condensation

The main reasons for the appearance of condensation product include:

  1. presence of a source of high humidity in the room;
  2. poor ventilation;
  3. poor thermal insulation of sewerage and water supply pipes.

The appearance of condensation on pipes cold water for the latter reasons it is understandable and explainable. What about sources of high humidity? This reason concerns:

  • external weather conditions and climate (prolonged rains, wet snow, humid climate zone, etc.);
  • geographical features terrain (presence of large bodies of water nearby, high humidity air in combination with rocky soil);
  • defects in buildings arising from violations of construction technology ( poor quality thermal insulation walls and floors, poor waterproofing of the foundation, lack of hoods and ventilation in the premises);
  • problems that arise during the operation of buildings and communications (basement flooding, accidents in the water supply system, clogging of ventilation ducts, local sources of water vapor in the form of hanging wet laundry and vapors from cooking food).

For whatever reason, droplets of water appear on your pipe, it must be dealt with.

Methods for dealing with condensation product

Ventilation device

A good protective option for pipes is mineral wool.

If there is high humidity in your room, you need to take the following actions.

  1. First, remove the source that causes it to increase. For example, hang wet laundry outside, on a balcony or in a well-ventilated room. Cover water containers with airtight lids.
  2. Secondly, make sure you have good ventilation. This could be a simple ventilation window with a grille, which will allow excess moisture to escape outside.

If you don’t know what to do to remove condensation from cold water pipes, try simple passive ventilation first. It is done as follows:

  • using a hammer drill or core drill, drill a hole in the wall in the form of a small “window”;
  • insert a ventilation grill over it and secure it using construction adhesive or self-tapping screws with dowels.

In the event that such a measure does not bring desired result, you will have to resort to active ventilation. It could be exhaust fan, which will be fixed to the exhaust opening. It has 2 modes - forced and manual. The first is used when the source of high humidity operates constantly. The second can be used when its effect is limited to a certain time. Such fans are sold in hardware stores, and you can install them yourself.

Note! For convenience, the fan can be equipped with a timer or humidity sensor, which will control its operating time.

Thermal insulation of pipes

The inner diameter of the pipe insulation must correspond to the outer diameter of the pipe

Now we’ll find out how to eliminate cold water condensation on a pipe when its surface temperature differs sharply from the ambient temperature. Forced ventilation in this case does not always help, and then it is necessary to protect the pipes using heat-insulating materials.

Currently, their range is quite diverse.

  1. Insulation material is often sold in the form of mats, which are mineral wool, on one side of which a heat-reflecting metal foil is fixed.
  2. The insulation can be in the form of tubes. The size of their internal diameter must coincide with the external diameter of the pipe that needs to be insulated. Such tubes are made from rubber, polystyrene, foam plastic and other materials.

If you chose the first option, then tightly wrap the entire pipeline with the material.

If you use a tubular version of the insulation, it should be cut along its entire length and then put on a dry pipe. It is important to achieve complete tightness of the protective shell by tightly fitting it to the riser. If this does not happen, then the water droplets will still moisturize metal structure, leading it to destruction. After this, the insulation placed on the pipe should be glued along the length of the cut using special tape or glue.

Pay attention! If even after thermal insulation of the pipes, the condensation product does not disappear, then you will have to waterproof the walls and floor. Such major renovation can only be trusted to specialists who know how to work with heat insulation, waterproofing and facing materials.

If such measures cannot be implemented or they could not solve the problem, then install a moisture absorber or an air conditioner in the room that has an air dehumidification function. How to remove condensation from cold water pipes in this case? By regularly draining accumulated water and drying moisture-absorbing material.

Note! The most primitive moisture accumulator is an ordinary bandage, which is wound in the form of a tourniquet around a pipe. Its lower end is lowered into a jar where the water will drain. Silica gel bags, which will need to be dried periodically, are also suitable for this purpose.

The fight against condensation, although painstaking, is not very difficult. We hope everything works out for you! We wish you success!

Quite often condensation may appear on cold water pipes

Small drops of condensate form on pipelines and sewers in apartments and cottages all the time. This process is usually observed in the summer. Owners of houses and apartments often have a question about what to do if there is condensation on cold water pipes.

For many people, condensation in the home causes a lot of inconvenience. It will be useful to know what the causes of this phenomenon are and how to get rid of it.

The formation of condensation leads to the following problems:

  1. Accumulating and combining, water droplets end up on the floor surface and form large puddles there, which can flow even into neighboring apartments.
  2. The finish of the floor may suffer as a result, so that after a couple of years the coating will have to be changed.
  3. Harmless droplets greatly reduce the life of the plumbing system, because it is an aggressive environment for metal surface. Pipes become rusty, bent and, after a certain period, require major repairs.

The presence of condensate greatly damages the pipes

Also, drops on pipes in the toilet, bathroom or riser can cause a terrible damp smell. Because of this, fungus and mold appear. Bacteria also multiply faster in such conditions and cause illness.

Reasons for appearance on pipes in the toilet

On water pipes ah, condensation is formed due to the difference in temperature conditions of the surface of the pipeline and the air in the room. And if there is no ventilation in the room, or it does not work well, then mini-drops are sure to form. Pipes also sweat due to high humidity. Water actively settles on risers and pipes that carry cold water. Each room has its own reasons for the formation of droplets. Wet pipes in the bathroom become due to poor ventilation.

Condensation on pipes may appear due to high humidity

To understand that condensation appears on the pipes in the house, you can do the following:

  • Leave the toilet doors unlocked at night;
  • If you find damp pipes in the morning, you need to do something to fix the problem with your ventilation system.

Systematic leakage of water from the tank also provokes condensation. If water constantly flows in a small stream into the toilet, then the tank will be replenished with the coldest water.

Due to the fact that the water in the tank hardly heats up, moisture forms both on the toilet and on the pipeline.

This problem can be easily resolved by checking the serviceability of the toilet and repairing the release valve and the tap at the tank.

Condensation also forms if a pipe leaks.

What to do to solve the problem

Special cases made of foamed PE - energyflex - are in great demand today. This material is very elastic, so there will be no problems with installation on pipes. This is excellent protection against temperature “inconsistencies”.

You can remove condensate from the pipeline in the following ways:

  1. Ventilation system. We need to check the ventilation. If dirt and dust are found, you need to carefully rinse everything. After this, buy a special fan, which must be installed instead of the ventilation grille. IN specialized stores there are fans from different manufacturers. They can be of varying power, cost and design.
  2. New tank. In the bathroom, the problem of condensation can be solved by installing a double tank. Inside this model there is an additional plastic container, which is filled with cold water. External walls do not cool quickly, so condensation does not form. The disadvantage is the high price of the product, which is usually sold only together with the toilet.
  3. Natural ventilation. If the toilet or bathroom does not have high-quality ventilation system, you can organize life in the apartment so that everyone who washes must leave the door unlocked when leaving the bathroom.
  4. Thermal insulation of the pipeline. You can remove mini-drops on the piping system by thickening the walls. To eliminate the difference in temperature between the air and the pipeline, the pipe must be wrapped.

You can buy special insulation in stores. They are resistant to fire, characterized by high thermal insulation qualities, they are easy to work with, they are airtight and inexpensive.

Methods of protection against condensation

Another pipe and sealant will help remove condensation on the cold water pipeline. If you cannot purchase a unique insulating material, you can take a plastic pipe with a slightly larger diameter and sealant.

The plastic pipe is cut lengthwise and carefully placed on the water supply. Next, foam is poured into the interpipe space.

This method will protect against condensation and will last for quite a long time, and will not create interference if repairs are required. Attention! Instead of plastic pipe many use corrugated pipe made of metal. You can also pour sealant inside.

Sealant will help get rid of condensation on pipes

There are several other ways to protect against condensation:

  1. Rags. Another solution is to use rags (bandages or any cotton material) and epoxy putty. Before working on insulating the pipeline, it must be thoroughly cleaned of rust with sandpaper and then degreased special means and treat with a corrosion converter. Then you need to apply the first layer of putty, which is immediately “bandaged” with cloth. When this coating becomes hard, another layer of epoxy material must be applied.
  2. Isollat ​​and other similar materials. When it comes to insulating a cold water pipeline, the universal thermal insulation material Izollat ​​is a great help. This is a thermal paint in the form of a water-based emulsion. After drying, the composition hardens and becomes a polymer with excellent thermal insulation properties. It is not difficult to paint a pipeline with Izollat. It is necessary to thoroughly clean with sandpaper and degrease the surface of the pipeline. Apply one layer of insulating compound and wait until it dries. Next you need to take silicone varnish for finishing coating and give the pipeline a glossy finish.
  3. Moisture absorbers. In modern hypermarkets you can find excellent household appliances- moisture absorbers. They can handle condensation without any problems. The design of the absorbers is simple: in plastic box absorbent material is placed. It will not only help remove annoying drops on the pipeline, but also eliminate excess moisture in the house.
  4. A split system will also help eliminate water droplets on the pipeline network in the house. This is a more expensive option, but some people use it too. Installation of climate controlled equipment will create favorable microclimate indoors. Available on the market large selection air conditioners, both economy and premium. Installation of equipment should be carried out by professionals.

What to do when there is constant condensation on the water supply? When you notice drops of water on the pipes of your apartment, don’t ignore them in the hope that everything will correct itself. This problem needs to be dealt with. Try one of the methods above and negative consequences can be avoided.

Droplets of condensation on cold water pipes are a common occurrence, especially in summer when the air heats up to high temperatures. Drops collect in streams and often form puddles on the floor near the water supply pipe. What to do if condensation appears on the pipes, how to get rid of it, prevent pipeline corrosion, and eliminate fungus that arises from moisture?

Why does condensation form on water supply pipes in the house?

During renovation of the premises, especially with constant high humidity It’s worth taking care of communications in advance. Condensation on pipes, both metal and plastic, can occur for the following reasons:

  1. Plumbing leakage as a result incorrect installation, or in the process of wear.
  2. Poor ventilation, improperly organized humid air extraction system. Blockages in the ventilation system will lead to excess moisture on the surfaces of the room.
  3. Leak in plumbing system, neighbors' toilet cisterns.
  4. A sharp change in temperature in a room where condensation collects. The situation is especially deplorable in the summer, when there is literally water on the surface of the pipeline.
  5. Distribution configurations for cold and hot water supply. If they are not thermally insulated, but are located close to each other, the formation of condensation is inevitable (that’s why it’s so important).

How to deal with and get rid of condensation on cold water pipes

If moisture accumulates on the riser, perhaps the neighbors have a faucet or other plumbing fixtures. This can be checked at night, when characteristic sounds are heard in the silence. flowing water. A problem with ventilation is observed when windows are locked, especially those equipped with metal-plastic bags. It's easy to check the system's operation.

It is enough to take a sheet of paper, apply it to the hood, blocking the windows, then do the same with the doors open. If there is no ventilation, the visual effect is obvious.

If moisture concentrates on the apartment's distribution pipes, the reasons may be the following. Faulty plumbing fixtures directly in the apartment may be to blame. The second reason is poor air circulation, especially in rooms with constant high humidity.

If the cold water supply pipe leading to the plumbing gets wet, the fault is the faucet, shower mixer, or the inlet valve of the toilet tank. When the riser constantly gets wet, you need to look for the problem of the water pipes of the neighbors above. If the ventilation is clogged, it is worth checking the air circulation in it.

How to eliminate condensation and insulate pipes

There are several ways to deal with the problem:

  1. Check the hood, remove debris and cobwebs, then buy a compact fan and install it instead of the ventilation grille. Manufacturers offer wide range similar devices, different in price and power.
  2. Insulate the water supply system with special insulating tubes with a cut, which are available in construction supermarkets. They are made from energyflex, polyethylene foam, the ends are secured with permanent metallized tape. This method is the simplest and fastest, but the pipeline must be thoroughly dried before insulating.
  3. The following method will provide complete isolation. First, the pipe is sanded, then the surface is wiped with acetone, then with a rust converter. After drying the pipeline, it is covered with epoxy putty and quickly wrapped with strips of fabric in 2-3 layers, the edges of the fabric are fixed with a clamp and wire. Then epoxy putty is applied again, after drying, the surface is sanded and coated with paint.

Methods for protecting metal pipelines

If condensation on metal cold water supply pipes is not eliminated, corrosion will eventually cover them. What can you do in this case:

  1. First, the surface of the pipes is cleaned of rust, then dried, covered with drying oil and oil paint.
  2. You can use carbolate, a pasty mass, to seal cracks in floors and walls. The composition is applied to the surface in a 5-mm layer, left to harden for 24 hours. After this, it is sanded with fine-grained sandpaper and painted with oil paint.
  3. You can use protective primers consisting of zinc dust diluted with drying oil and epoxy varnishes. They cover the surface of the pipe, then paint it with paints and enamels.
  4. The pipeline in the toilet can be coated with a composition based on drying oil, red lead in a ratio of 20:80 or primer compositions such as GF-031, FL-03K, FL-053, GF-021.

If we are talking about a bathroom, oil-resistant enamels are used to paint hot pipelines and heated towel rails; for cold ones, any enamels or paints are used.

How else can you deal with condensation?

The following way to fix the problem is good. It is necessary to put a corrugation on the pipeline with a diameter larger than that of the pipe, then fill the cavity between the surfaces polyurethane foam. If puddles form on the floor where condensation accumulates, a sleeve made of pipes several diameters larger than the wiring itself will help get rid of them. The system is simple, and it will not interfere with repairs or replacement of the pipeline in the future.

Moisture absorbers sold in supermarkets household appliances is a great way to deal with the problem. They are a plastic box with an absorbent tablet placed inside. The absorber will not only get rid of condensation on the pipe, but will also eliminate moisture in the entire room.

A more expensive option is to install an air conditioner with climate control, which will ensure optimal level humidity.

It is advisable to waterproof the floor of a bathtub or toilet, which will help cope with the problem of condensation on pipes and surfaces. If this method of repair is not feasible, you should open the windows and the bathroom doors wide open after taking a hot shower or bath. The circulation of cool air will quickly eliminate accumulated condensation and help effectively deal with moisture on the pipes.

Based on practical experience in dealing with condensate on pipes, experts advise the following:

  1. Yuri Rogov, a plumber, recommends buying Corrugated, a special composition sold in specialized stores. It is applied to the surface of the pipe, after which a strong elastic film is formed on it, preventing the formation of moisture.
  2. Andrey Kazantsev, production site foreman, advises purchasing liquid thermal insulation, which is applied like paint to the dried, cleaned surface of the pipeline. According to him, this method is better than thermoflex and other insulating materials.
  3. If ventilation, plumbing, and water supply are working properly, the cause of condensation accumulation may be the temperature difference between the pipe and the air. Mechanic Nikolai Korotkov advises insulation in this case. To do this, you will need long, hollow inside polyethylene foam covers, or Merylon, which are sold in hardware stores. They are put on the pipeline and secured at the bottom with wire and a clamp.

You can get rid of fogging in the cold water supply pipeline in various ways. Which one to choose should be determined after analyzing the situation.

If you have the tools and experience, you can do plumbing work yourself, or alternatively, seek help from specialists. Read also the material about and you will be interested in the material about.

While I lived in the South, and even on the top floor, I did not know about such a problem as sweating cold water pipes. But now, after moving, I am faced with this problem.

It turns out that a sweating cold water pipe can produce a puddle with a total volume of up to 5-7 liters of water per day. This is completely unpleasant and unnecessary. What to do?! Let's find out!

The pipes are sweating, what to do? The answer is simple

Indeed, the answer is simple, but the solution must be complex and may have several options. Let's determine the reasons why pipes sweat, and then we'll talk about methods and materials that can be used to eliminate this problem. By the way, please note that perhaps due to old age, micro-holes have appeared in the pipes through which water leaks. but if there are no leaks, then read on.

Why do cold water pipes sweat?

The answer to this question lies in the physics textbook for grade 7, it seems. Condensation on pipes occurs as a result of a large temperature difference between the cold water pipe and the air temperature. Thus, moisture from the air condenses into more cold surface water. The more moisture in the air and the colder the pipe, the more condensation there will be.

Of course, if the water in the pipe does not move (that is, no one uses it in the whole house), then the temperature of the pipe will approach room temperature and the amount of condensate may be reduced to zero. But everything in the house time goes by water analysis, so the pipe is cold all the time.

That is, there are two reasons: air humidity and low temperature cold water supply pipes.

Now we have figured out why the cold water pipe sweats and we will fight this disease.

To prevent cold water pipes from sweating

  • It is necessary to insulate the pipes as much as possible
  • Find water leaks in your neighbors (a plumber from the management company will help you with this)
  • Improve indoor ventilation

The most important and simplest measure is the thermal insulation of the pipe. How can we insulate our cold water pipe? Firstly, I’ll immediately make a reservation that it doesn’t matter what material it is made of - metal, carbon fiber, polypropylene, metal plastic, gold, silver... your pipes are made, without thermal insulation they will sweat!

Thermal insulation of cold water pipes

The simplest option is to wrap thermal insulation material:

  • Thermal insulation flex
  • K-Flex ST
  • Thermal insulation for pipes made of foamed polyethylene
  • Thermal insulation cylinder
  • Thermal insulation "Energoflex"

This list can be continued for a long time, but the point is to wrap the pipe with heat-insulating material from floor to ceiling or from start to finish in several layers. Minimum thickness The thermal insulation layer should ultimately be at least 3 centimeters, and preferably five.

It is very important that the thermal insulation fits tightly to the pipe and is securely wrapped with tape. In places where aesthetics are required, you can wrap it with tape with metal foil.

The disadvantage of this method is that it is difficult to wrap the pipe tightly and completely on bends, as well as on shut-off valves! It is also not always possible to do such a trick in hard-to-reach places.

Insulating (heat-insulating) paint for pipes to prevent them from “sweating”

In this case, you can use a more expensive but convenient method.

There are paints for thermal insulation of surfaces and pipes, among others. To insulate a cold water pipe, you need to wipe it free of moisture and apply 4-5 layers of heat-insulating paint to the pipe. Each layer must dry, after which the condensation on the pipe is wiped off again and the next layer is applied.

The third method can be combined, that is, first paint the pipes with heat-insulating paint, and then cover them with foam heat insulator.

As I already said, Both metal and plastic pipes (polypropylene, metal-plastic) sweat, so all types of pipes need to be coated.

But! Before applying thermal insulation to a pipe, you must carefully check whether there is a micro-hole somewhere in the pipe from which water is oozing drop by drop. Especially often, such a trick lies in metal pipes. If condensation forms over the years, then metal pipe rots at an amazing rate, resulting in micro-holes and micro-leaks. Therefore, be careful so that you don’t have to redo it later! Most often, such micro-holes form in places near the floor or ceiling (in these places the most favorable conditions for corrosion of metal pipes).

After proper insulation of condensate pipes, you can say goodbye. And if you did it wrong or there is a leak in the pipe, then there will be less condensation, but it will not disappear.

My advice to everyone, do not skimp on thermal insulation. It’s better to get confused once than to suffer every day from dampness (which is harmful to health), mold, odors and just constant puddles..

Among the problems of modern home equipment is the problem of condensation on cold pipe quite often become one of the causes of deeper problem situations, from banal pipe breaks to destruction structural elements buildings. When considering the situation of condensation formation on cold water pipes, you must first of all understand that in many ways the situation is not critical, because this phenomenon is largely a consequence of physical processes, which means that if there is an explanation for this phenomenon, then there are ways to eliminate condensate on cold water supply pipes. water.

What does dew point mean?

Before starting to answer the question of how to get rid of condensation, it would be correct to find an explanation for this phenomenon in order to more clearly understand the cause and possible methods fight him. A fairly simple explanation of why cold water pipes sweat can be represented in the following form - the air in any room has its own temperature; in addition to the temperature indicator, the air is characterized by such an indicator as the presence of water vapor in it, when cooled, water droplets are formed. The temperature of cold water supply to a room with a normal room temperature of +22-23 C is much lower, about + 15-16 C, and if this is +10-12 C. And as a result, water vapor from the air condenses on the cold surface, thus forming drops of water.

At the same time, such a relatively simple explanation does not reveal one of the features of the problem, why water vapor condensation does not always appear on a cold pipe. The phenomenon of condensation on cold water pipes largely depends on the humidity of the air and its saturation with water vapor. Complex formulas for finding the dew point to determine a specific indicator of surface temperature and air humidity show that the greater the saturation of air with moisture, the smaller the surface temperature difference for condensation to form. For example, at an air temperature of +23 C and a humidity of 60%, condensation will form at a water supply surface temperature of +14.8 C, and already at 90% at +21.3 C.

Condensation in the room - the main causes

According to the requirements of the documents, defining temperature regime in the premises of a residential building with centralized heating the temperature should be within +20-23 C, supply temperature hot water within +65-75 C. But the temperature of the cold water supply is much lower, and although it is not regulated, it is clear that the difference even between how warm the air is and what the temperature of the cold water is is quite sufficient for the formation of condensate drops.

Formation of condensation on pipes

For planning modern premises Most often, the usual layout of communications is practiced - one pipeline is made for the bathroom, toilet, and kitchen. If the layout of the apartment provides for a separate location of the bathroom and kitchen, then the problem of how to remove condensate from the cold pipes will have to be solved at several entry points, but for all these rooms, first of all, you should pay attention to:

  • location and length of cold water main pipelines (risers) in the room;
  • the presence and operability of the ventilation system of the room;
  • design features of both the bathroom premises and other rooms through which the pipeline passes.

And for apartment buildings, and for private houses cold water is done taking into account the most rational use materials and location of devices connected to the water supply - boiler, hot water boiler, bathtub, shower cabin, toilet, sink, washing machine. In view of this, the length of the cold water pipeline is chosen to be minimal. At the same time, only cold water supply is used to connect many devices, as a result of which the surface area on which condensation forms increases significantly.

In addition, you need to pay attention to the fact that in different rooms drops on pipes and hoses form unevenly, in some they appear more often, in others less often. For example, condensation on the cold water pipe in the toilet, especially if it apartment building then on the main pipeline it will be present almost always, and on the hose going to the boiler or sink only occasionally, and then only at the time when the water supply passes through it.

One more important point The reason why pipes get wet is due to the presence of room ventilation, and not formal, but actually working, with real air circulation. This is very important in order to quickly get rid of condensation on a cold pipe in the kitchen or bathroom, because in these rooms there is most often a huge amount of water vapor.

Thus, the main reasons for the occurrence of condensation on cold water pipes are:

  • temperature difference between cold water and ambient air;
  • lack of room ventilation;
  • incorrectly carried out laying of pipelines.

Methods and methods for eliminating condensation on pipes

To eliminate the problem of condensation on cold pipes, you should carefully study the problem areas, because in each specific case this is a somewhat unique situation. Today, to successfully solve this problem, one should take a comprehensive approach, especially since today there is a whole arsenal of methods that allow you to get rid of condensate on cold water pipes.

The main methods are:

  • natural ventilation device;
  • installation of a forced ventilation system;
  • applying liquid thermal insulation Corundum;
  • installation of thermal insulation of water pipes.

In many ways, a regular ventilation grill will tell you why the pipes in the toilet sweat. Most often, the problem of dew on the pipes in the toilet can be solved by cleaning vent– just remove the grate and remove all debris from the channel. Improving air circulation will reduce humidity and condensation.

For rooms in which they are installed metal-plastic windows and where natural ventilation does not give the expected effect, it is recommended to install in ventilation duct flow fan, thus ensuring forced removal of air from the room.

For the main riser, the most in an efficient way Cold water pipes will be insulated with a special heat-insulating sleeve. To do this, it is enough to cut a heat-insulating sleeve of a suitable diameter, wrap it around the main pipe and secure it with tape. Below is a video on how to insulate pipes from sweating :-)

To get rid of condensation on the pipe, you can use liquid thermal insulation Corundum, which prevents the formation of moisture.

The next way to insulate cold water pipes from condensate is to apply liquid thermal insulation on the pipe. Special composition applied with a regular brush to the surface of the pipe, which, after hardening, forms a layer of thermal insulation.