Yucca palm signs. What indoor plants can cause trouble and why should they not be kept at home? Folk signs for negative flowers

All the beauty of decorative deciduous plants, naturally, is in leaf platinums. Sizes, colors, shapes... They are varied and beautiful, each in their own way. Decorative foliage plants have many fans. Most often, the flowering of these plants is of no value.

Yucca - indoor flower

When growing such beauties, you should remember that the plants remain straight and do not lean toward the light source; after each watering, the flower pot must be turned a quarter turn.

I also read about this advice. If the plant sheds its leaves or its leaves have faded, then you need to take the pot in your hands several times a day and shake it for 5-10 seconds. What does this give - nothing was written. What do you think will benefit the plant from this?

Yucca is one of the most popular and unpretentious indoor plants for growing in apartments. This popular plant is imported from Guatemala. The stem of the plant is cut into pieces, planted in flower pots and supplied to flower shops.

There are more than 40 species of yucca flower. Under natural conditions, the size of some specimens can reach 14 meters. In Guatemala, filamentous yucca is used to make ropes, which are especially strong, and paper.

Reproduction of yucca at home

These steps should be followed if you want to propagate yucca at home

- cut the stem of a houseplant yucca into several parts. Each fragment should be no more than 10 cm.

- omit bottom part fragment into a root growth stimulator, shake off the excess.

— we plant the fragments in pots with prepared soil (peat and sand).

— cover the pots with film so that it does not touch the plants. We make several holes in the film for ventilation.

— the required temperature for rooting is 22 0 C. The greenhouse cannot be rearranged so as not to damage the roots.

- after 3-4 weeks, leaves should appear on young plants. Then you will need to remove the film.

- young shoots are transplanted into pots with regular soil mixture.

Features of care indoor flower yucca

Yellowing plant leaves are a sign of lack of light. Yucca should be moved to a more suitable place. Yellowing leaves should be removed regularly. They are great place.

The houseplant yucca requires watering when it dries out. top layer soil by 2 cm.

Feed the indoor yucca flower in the summer - once every two weeks. Yucca is replanted in the spring. IN big pot it is enough to replace the top layer of soil.

An excellent prevention against spider mite is regular spraying of the leaves.

Yucca stem

In summer, the plant can be taken outside to a sunny place. Optimal temperature in winter for yucca – 10 0 C.

You can buy a houseplant yucca all year round V specialized stores. You should not choose a swaying specimen of a plant or one that sits precariously in the ground. The leaves of the plant should be free of spots and signs of damage.

According to folk superstitions, the indoor yucca flower brings health, happiness and success in business. By the way,also guarantees happiness in the home.

Every owner knows how to use ordinary indoor plants to improve the interior of a home, create comfort and peace, while remembering the signs.

In addition, house plants improve the mood and atmosphere, ionize the air, and give special freshness to the space. Geraniums, cacti, mother-in-law's tongue, orchids, pike tail - many beautiful plants are not at all difficult to care for, and you don't have to spend money on them. Why not have several flowerpots?

However, there is no need to rush; there are many superstitions about flowers. Floriculture is a complex science, and it’s not only about botany, but also about the esoteric aspect of the issue.

Flowers are also living beings of a certain kind. Each type carries its own unique energy and affects one or another area of ​​a person’s daily and personal life.

You should choose plants for the house where you live wisely, guided, among other things, by folk signs. It’s worth knowing which plants you can keep at home, and which flowers you can’t or don’t want. Some of their types have a negative impact on space and on the person living in this space.

Signs and superstitions in the world of flowers

Don’t rush to get scared - in fact, everything is quite simple. It’s worth remembering some types of plants, looking at their photos on the Internet and knowing that you can’t have them, it’s better to choose others.

It happens that a person suddenly, for no reason, begins to feel unwell, a headache or dizziness appears, insomnia or depression begins. This may be a reaction to an inappropriate flower with negative energy. It's better not to take risks and study the signs before making green friends.

Flowers perceive the surrounding energy field incredibly powerfully. And they can not only negatively influence a person, taking away his energy, but also take away negativity and cleanse space.

When choosing a green pet, you need to pay attention special attention on your well-being and perception - if you don’t like the flower, you don’t need to buy it and bring it into the house. Choose only those plants that give you optimism and joy that you enjoy contemplating. Among the dangerous plants, the following signs are distinguished:

  • Ferns.
  • Lilies.
  • Ivy.
  • Cacti and succulents.
  • Lilac.
  • Dieffenbachia.
  • Mother-in-law's tongue.
  • Pike tail.

Such plants have a lot of features that are worth considering in more detail.

Dangerous flowers

It would seem that a flower is a harmless creature, what is dangerous about it? But the simplest and most inconspicuous plant can ruin your health and psyche, deprive you of sleep and even personal happiness, so take the signs moderately seriously!

1. You can’t keep ferns at home - they are “vampires”, they suck out a person’s life. vital energy, he weakens and feels a loss of strength, laziness, apathy. Avoid all types of ferns - these are completely unsuitable plants for the home.

2. Lilies are beautiful, but no matter how pleasant they are to the eye, they cannot be kept at home, especially where you sleep. Firstly, these are flowers, which, like ferns, are “vampires” and take away strength.

Secondly, lilies, unlike most representatives of the flora kingdom, absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide. If there are lilies at home, especially in the bedroom, the next morning it will not be easy for you to get out of bed and force yourself to act actively. There will be a bad mood and loss of strength.

3. Ivy and any climbing plants absolutely cannot be kept in a residential area. They have aggressive masculine energy, which does not have a favorable effect on the space.

Men will feel uncomfortable in the house - and the man will try to leave the house and disappear somewhere. These are not just signs, you can easily verify or ask housewives who have cozy home there is ivy - they will confirm.

Also, ivies and vines are vampires and suck vitality, optimism and mental health. But keeping them in the yard, outside the house is useful! This is not only aesthetically pleasing, which can be fairly judged by different photos, but also favorable - negative energy does not go inside the home. I testify to the signs: ivy is a reliable protector.

4. Many people love cacti, but it is believed that young girls and women should not keep them in their rooms. Whatever types of cacti and succulents you like, it’s best to keep them in the kitchen, but they definitely don’t belong in the bedroom. Ancient signs say that such a plant destroys a woman’s happiness and negatively affects a girl’s personal life.

5. Lilacs have no place in a living space. Yes, it smells great and is very beautiful to look at, but do not bring lilac branches into the house - it is a “dark” plant that attracts bad energies and negativity.

If you really like the look of blooming lilacs, put it on your monitor beautiful photo this bush, or hang a poster. It is not recommended to plant lilacs even in the courtyard of a private house - it destroys harmony and peace in the family.

6. Dieffenbachia should not be kept in the house. How beautiful and leaves are more unusual This plant, in any photo you can see what color and noble shape they have.

They conquer many - but, alas, the plant is not only poisonous, it also takes away the health and strength of the occupants of the premises. The only exception is that Dieffenbachia can be kept in a large room, open on two or more sides - in the corridor, hall, vestibule.

7. The mother-in-law's tongue plant is very insidious. It is considered negative for a woman’s home, especially the bedroom - mother-in-law’s tongue has negative energy and takes away feminine power.

In addition, the insidious mother-in-law’s tongue prevents a girl from getting married and seems to “drive” men out of the room, this has been noticed by many girls. It’s better not to have mother-in-law’s tongue in your house – there are plenty of other beautiful plants.

8. Sansevieria, or pike tail, is also a dangerous plant. Its leaves really resemble the tail of a fish, it is beautiful, but be careful - this plant is dangerous for family life, its energy is destructive. This is a shame - the pike tail blooms beautifully and exudes a pleasant aroma, but according to signs, it promotes loneliness.

You should choose indoor flowers wisely, trust your taste and intuition. It is best to choose plants that, if there are signs, are the most pleasant and good. These are hyacinths, camellias, roses, geraniums and many others.

Flowers can not only please the eye and give pleasure, but also positively influence the energy of space, purify the air and even improve fate and life. The main thing is not to be rash in your choice, and to be more observant.

If suddenly, after purchasing a flower, any negative changes begin to appear, pay attention to this and try to remove the flower from the house. If everything goes well, there is no doubt that the home “resident” is not suitable for you.

Be careful and take your time, and let your green friends bring you only joy and happiness!
Author: Vasilina Serova

Everyone knows that plants have the ability to absorb carbon dioxide and fill the air with oxygen, but some are frightened by the fact that at night flowers, on the contrary, release some of the carbon dioxide.
But there is nothing to worry about here, because carbon dioxide is released in small quantities, which is not at all dangerous for humans. In addition to the fact that indoor plants saturate the air with oxygen, some of them have bactericidal properties.
Indoor plants bring coziness to the home and often become elements of room decor, and correctly selected flowers have a calming, relaxing effect, which is important when decorating a bedroom.
But this does not mean that the bedroom needs to be furnished with different types of flowers in large quantities. No, the bedroom is a place to relax, where it should be clean, fresh air, and also an atmosphere of comfort and harmony reigns. Therefore, indoor plants for the bedroom must be chosen quite carefully and carefully. Indoor plants that can be placed in the bedroom
The most common, affordable and unpretentious, but useful plant for the bedroom is chlorophytum, which neutralizes formaldehyde contained in furniture coatings, and also perfectly moisturizes and purifies the air from harmful microorganisms and tobacco smoke.
Among the unpretentious ones that fit perfectly into any bedroom interior are succulents, in particular aloe, which suppresses the content of toxic substances (up to 90% formaldehyde), young plants, echeveria, and kalanchoe. By the way, Kalanchoe pleases with its abundant and bright flowering, relieves depression, and releases a significant amount of oxygen at night.

Video: Harmony in everything. Feng Shui bedroom. What should not be in the bedroom

Spathiphyllum has an excellent effect on healthy and restful sleep, reduces the content of harmful impurities in the air that penetrate through the window, and is distinguished by simple but elegant white flowers.
Royal begonia does not require care, neutralizes harmful microbes, and its aroma relieves depression. Flowers of various colors are also valuable.
Geranium ozonizes the air, kills microbes, relieves internal tension, repels mosquitoes, and helps you fall asleep quickly. But it should be remembered that in some people, geranium can cause an allergic reaction. Regarding unpleasant odor, then it is felt if you are near the plant or touch it.
Flowering plants that provide aesthetic pleasure include Saintpaulia, hippeastrum, amaryllis, and clivia, which do not irritate the eye and do not smell.
It is acceptable to place indoor plants in the bedroom that have a spicy but not very irritating aroma, for example lavender, jasmine, rosemary, laurel, which have a beneficial effect on sleep, which is important for people suffering from insomnia. But should not be placed in the bedroom different types fragrant flowers, it is better to choose one, otherwise mixed odors will have an irritating effect and lead to headaches. It is not recommended to place the listed indoor flowers in the bedroom if their aroma is initially not pleasant, or if you have allergies or asthma. One or two small pots, placed away from the bed, are enough for their aroma to be felt in the air.

Video: Signs of an unfavorable bedroom according to Feng Shui

Climbing plants look impressive if they have good green mass. You can select a small section of the wall, install a wooden lattice and guide the lashes of ivy, rhodochiton, thumbergia, and passionflower along it. Ampelous indoor plants can also decorate the bedroom.
Large indoor plants in the bedroom are appropriate, but not all, but for example some types of palm trees, ficus, dracaena, shefflera, which look elegant. You should not place indoor plants with large leaves in the bedroom, such as monstera, as well as other giant flowers that can have a depressing effect on humans. Such flowers clutter up the room, do not allow you to relax, have an effect that results in nightmares at night, and it can be difficult to wake up in the morning. Maybe the plants themselves have nothing to do with it, but on a psychological level they act depressingly due to large sizes, large leaves, aerial roots. Recommendations for decorating a bedroom with plants
You don’t need to fill the entire bedroom with flowers, just a few pots on the windowsill, one or two outdoor plants in the corner of the room or by the door, a couple of small pots on a shelf or table.
A large number of plants in the bedroom has an irritating effect, and also requires care and watering. A overwatering leads to the appearance of fungal diseases, which in turn have an impact negative impact on a person’s condition, for example, can cause allergies.
You should not place plants too close to the bed, and also decorate the bedroom with cacti, especially large ones with spines, intended for placement on the floor. Cacti in the bedroom will not cause harm if they are placed in a safe place, but there are situations when, waking up in the middle of the night and being half asleep, you can trip on a cactus or get caught on the thorns (if the pot is located near a door, window, bed).
In order for indoor flowers in the bedroom to absorb chemical emissions, you should regularly wipe the leaves from dust.

Indoor plants create an individual atmosphere in any home, unique to that home. They make your home cozy and warm, and caring for house plants is a pleasure. No one will probably argue that these are living organisms that affect human health and psyche.
But there are harmful indoor plants that can be dangerous to human and animal health. The juices of many of them irritate the mucous membranes, cause swelling, vomiting and damage the skin. This is especially true for cats who love to eat fresh greens if they are always at home. Pet owners are well aware that their green window sill can be damaged by their pets, but animals can also suffer themselves if they swallow a stem or leaf poisonous flower. What plants are the most harmful?

Dangerous neighbors

As for energy, the advice to get rid of stunted and diseased plants in a timely manner is psychologically justified. Few people will feel better at the sight of a dying plant. If for some reason it was not possible to keep it healthy and strong, then the most the best way out will give the plant to someone who will properly put it in order.

However, the biggest threat is posed by non-diseased indoor flowers - from a safety point of view, plants whose leaves and fruits contain toxic substances should not be kept at home. Even if gardeners take every precaution, these indoor “pets” are dangerous for small children and pets who do not have a developed sense of danger.

Danger of the Araceae family

The sap of many representatives of Araceae is poisonous. It is contained in the green parts of the plant. Swelling occurs when swallowed oral cavity, in case of contact with the eyes - corneal diseases and conjunctivitis.

This family includes the following popular indoor flowers:

  • (dollar tree);
  • zantedeschia (calla lily);
  • monstera;
  • syngonium;
  • spathiphyllum (female happiness).
  • beautiful plant With decorative leaves, at the site of cutting or breaking of stems and leaves, it secretes a milky sap that can cause skin irritation or a burn to the retina. If a large amount of juice gets into the mouth, a severe burn of the mucous membranes appears.

Poinsettia, akalifa, codiaum, philodendron, calla euphorbia have similar properties. Their juice irritates the skin and mucous membranes of the mouth and eyes, and if it enters the intestines, it causes nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. Hyacinth, clivia, etc. are especially poisonous in this regard.
It is dangerous for cats - if they swallow part of the leaf, a burning sensation and blisters will appear in the mouth. The vine sap contains poison that causes diarrhea. Dieffenbachia poisoning poses a risk of suffocation. Plants harmful to human health are often valued for their beneficial properties and are kept at home as medicines. For example, alocasia juice is used in folk medicine: Its tincture is believed to be effective against cancer.

Kutrovye - dangerous beauties

Poisonous milky sap is found in attractive plants of the Kutrovaceae family. It can cause great harm and for a pet, and to man. Substances contained in allamanda, catharanthus, pachypodium and rauwolfia can be fatal. One of the representatives, adenium obese, is gaining popularity among gardeners due to the unusual thickened shape of the stem - caudex. These indoor plants are considered home decorations. Their flowers are very beautiful: over the past few years, breeders have developed an incredible number of varieties with a variety of colors, single and double petals.

Mandevilla, or Dipladenia, is the dream of many amateur gardeners, which can become the highlight of any collection. But its juice contains substances that, when ingested, cause disorders of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. For small animals, such as cats, this is certain death. Oleanders are very attractive and dangerous plants which are often kept at home. They are called the “suicide flower”: just one leaf ingested is enough to cause irreversible consequences.
  • Oleander - decorative flowering plant, which releases an aroma during flowering that can make you faint. The juice of the stems and leaves of oleander can cause blindness due to a burn to the mucous membrane of the eye.

The danger of bulbous plants

Almost all bulbous plants, in particular the Amaryllis family, are poisonous. The Amaryllis family can cause harm to birds and other pets; cat lovers especially need to be careful. This applies to eucharis, clivia, hemanthus, poultry plant and garden members of the family. The green parts and scales of the bulbs contain cavities with mucus, which flows out if they are damaged. Clivia can cause paralysis.
The poultry plant has a very hot juice, which, however, is also used for medicinal purposes. Some people grow it at home specifically to prepare tinctures for pain in the spine.

Nightshades - bright and dangerous

Nightshades, whose berries are very attractive to birds (and children), contain alkaloids that cause nausea, drowsiness and vomiting. This is nightshade, indoor decorative peppers, brugmansia, browallia - they are often at home with flower growers. Datura also belongs to this family. The ancient Romans used harmful berries nightshades in order to prepare poisonous substances for their enemies. Frequent guests of summer flower beds - petunia, fragrant tobacco - are no less dangerous; all parts of these flowers are poisonous.

The nightshade family includes potatoes. He's quitting poisonous berries, which were previously poisoned by people who did not know that they needed to eat root vegetables. Useful plants, often present in many people's homes on dining table: tomatoes, eggplant, peppers also belong to this family. The juices of the fruits contain solanine, an alkaloid that can cause insomnia, dizziness, diarrhea and cardiovascular diseases. nervous system. The result of contact with poisonous parts of the plant can be muscle numbness, dysfunction of the thyroid gland, chronic joint pain, and impaired calcium absorption.
  • Nightshade, brunfelsia, brovallia, clivia - their attractive fruits and berries are so poisonous that, once in the body, they cause drowsiness and dilated pupils, abdominal pain and vomiting.
  • Primrose, cyclamen- are contraindicated for those who suffer from allergies; such people immediately develop allergic dermatitis, inflammation of the skin.

Euphorbiaceae - a harmful family

The Euphorbiaceae family is no less dangerous. Children, birds and animals, especially cats, should not be allowed to come into contact with it. White-veined euphorbia is very similar to a palm tree in appearance - it often lives in the homes of amateur gardeners, as it is shade-tolerant plant, does not require special care and reproduces easily. Euphorbia Milya is also popular, some varieties of which have very decorative flowers.

- an attractive plant with colorful leaves unusual shape- also refers to euphorbias. Other members of the family common in indoor floriculture are jatropha and acalypha. Their resin and juices contain poisons that cause severe poisoning, which is accompanied by vomiting and disorders of nervous regulation. Upon contact with them, non-healing ulcers, burns and inflammation appear on the mucous membranes.

Conifers and Araliaceae

Coniferous indoor plants are rare guests at home, except perhaps in the form of bonsai. But it is worth remembering that they can be dangerous. Some representatives contain poisons that irritate the mucous membrane and gastrointestinal tract, depress the heart muscle and can cause respiratory arrest. For example, yew was known for similar properties in ancient times: it could be used to poison enemies if you served them wine in a goblet made from this tree.

The fruits and seeds of plants of the Araliaceae family contain toxic substances that cause disorders of the nervous system. Its indoor representatives are often found at home and arouse curiosity among cats:
  • aucuba japonica,
  • pelargonium,
  • polyscias,
  • fatsia,
  • fatshedera,
  • Sheffler.

Very intensely toxic compounds are released during plant care (watering, spraying, propagation).

If you decide to grow these indoor plants in your apartment, remember first aid measures.

  • The skin where the poisonous juice comes into contact should be washed with soap and water.
  • If poisonous juice gets into your mouth, take absorbents (activated carbon) and induce vomiting.
  • Rinse the affected mucous membrane of the eye running water about 20 minutes, then consult an ophthalmologist.
  • If children, pets are poisoned, or if adults show signs of impaired nervous or cardiac activity, consult a doctor immediately.

Knowing which house plants cannot be kept at home, you can anticipate many unpleasant situations related to the health of family members.

Houseplants harmful to cats

For cats that live at home, there is a problem: how to find greens for themselves, which are a source of vitamins and a means of cleansing the intestines. That’s why they often nibble indoor plants, not paying attention to whether they are harmful or beneficial. Some owners believe that pets should figure out for themselves which flowers they can eat, but this is a misconception. These animals are very fond of the hard leaves of dracaena, which can scratch their palate and cause swelling of the larynx. They often gnaw ficus trees containing poisonous milky sap. The most dangerous for cats are adeniums, oleanders, dieffenbachias and monsteras, ingestion of whose leaves can be fatal.

Indoor plants, if there is an animal or a child at home who does not understand what he puts in his mouth, must be chosen especially carefully. Cacti are very dangerous for animals, which for some reason often attract cats. The spines get stuck in the sky, and it is very difficult to remove them without causing additional injury to the animal.

If this does happen, you need to put a piece of food in your pet’s mouth. butter and be sure to take it to the vet.

Even a very beautiful and, at first glance, harmless flower, such as pelargonium, can cause a severe allergic reaction. Medicinal plant, which is found in almost every home, can be irritating to the skin and intestines.

Harmful houseplants are not as dangerous if they are kept out of reach. Therefore, if there are animals in the house, especially cats, and it is impossible to get rid of the flower, it is better to move them away so that the animal cannot reach it. You can hang them from the ceiling in a special flowerpot.

Signs and superstitions

Whether or not to believe folk superstitions about which flowers cannot be grown at home is a personal matter for everyone. A simple law works here: if you believe in these superstitions, they will come true; if you are indifferent to signs, the troubles they predict will bypass you.

Here are some superstitions associated with indoor plants.

  • Do not keep vines or ampelous types of indoor plants at home - the men in the family will not linger. Dangerous in this regard are such “husbands” as: scindapsus, tradescantia, zebrina, ivy, raphidophora, rheo, rhoicissus, campelia.
  • Palm trees given by someone, and not grown with one’s own hands, will bring great grief to the house.
  • Cacti attract drunkenness into the family. There is another sign about them - a girl living in a house where cacti grow is doomed to remain an old maid.
  • , ferns, philodendrons are energy vampires, they deprive the inhabitants of their strength, sucking the life out of them. Why did the beautiful monstera fall into such disgrace? Maybe because of the name, or maybe because of its tentacle-like aerial roots.
  • Geranium is a plant for lonely people. This superstition apparently arose due to the love of pensioner grandmothers for this flower, that is, the cause was confused with the effect.

Despite these superstitions, there are a huge number of examples of families growing cacti, vines, and geraniums living very happily.

Indoor floriculture according to Feng Shui

The popular eastern teaching of Feng Shui can offer some advice on what flowers should not be placed in an apartment or other human home.

  • You cannot keep indoor “pets” at home that cause antipathy in the owners, otherwise they will radiate negative energy around.
  • The same statement applies to sick and drying plants.
  • Cacti or similar succulents with spines and hard leaves should not be placed in rest areas or in the bedroom.
  • Any flower arrangement using bonsai symbolizes restriction of development, therefore, according to Feng Shui, it is undesirable to have such transmitters of negative information in a person’s home.
  • In addition to cacti, yucca, sansevieria, or “pike tail”, echmea, neoregelia, and orchid have heavy energy. Being in the same space with them for a large amount of time can cause not only headaches, but also problems in the family and at work.

Let's look into the bedroom

In no room of a house or apartment does a person need positive energy and clean air like in the bedroom. Not only a good rest from daily worries, but also health and intimate relationships depends on what kind of indoor plants he is going to keep and grow there.

It is not advisable to place plants with a large mass of leaves in the bedroom: monstera, ficus, fern. IN dark time days, they will intensively absorb oxygen, which the inhabitants of the house already need. Flowers with strong aromas (lilies, orchids, hydrangea), as well as those that emit toxic fumes: oleander, and many others listed above, are also inappropriate in the bedroom. Even geranium can cause headaches if kept in the bedroom on a south-facing windowsill.

If family members suffer from asthma or allergies, it is better to avoid plants in the bedroom altogether. Constantly wet ground V flower pots, spores of some plants, mold fungi, possibly present in a humid environment, do not have the best effect on the well-being of such patients.

  • tall plants with spreading leaves;
  • tough and prickly cacti and succulents;
  • drying and diseased specimens.

What flowers does Feng Shui recommend to keep in the bedroom? These are soft and delicate specimens with thin leaves, citrus fruits, miniature varieties of ficus, violets, aloe.

The requirements for flowers in a children's bedroom are the same, only enhanced by safety measures. You cannot put there:

  • poisonous varieties of indoor flowers;
  • specimens with a strong odor;
  • cacti, milkweed and succulents;
  • lianas and hanging plants;
  • flowers that intensely emit carbon dioxide, with large leaves;
  • allergens.

When purchasing or growing indoor flowers, you need to pay attention to their properties: safety, absence of allergic hazard in the form of fungi, mold, spores. It is strictly forbidden to keep poisonous specimens in a house where there are children. Green decorations are especially carefully selected to be placed in the bedroom or children's room. If folk signs and superstitions seem worthy of attention, then you should choose flowers based on them. Regardless of where flowers are placed to decorate the premises - in the kitchen, living room or bedroom - there is always large selection plants that do not pose a threat to health and energy balance.

Superstitions and signs associated with indoor plants have been known for a long time. Most often, such signs associated with indoor flowers, are related to long-known house plants, but species that have recently appeared on the market have not yet acquired superstitions. Very often, statements regarding the usefulness or harmfulness of flowers are very contradictory. However, they are told and retold, confirming scary stories that happened to “friends of acquaintances”:
“If a given flower dries quickly, it means it was not given from the heart!”
As if people don't know how low quality plants are sometimes found in flower shops. And these flowers, of course, can dry out quickly, especially if the gift was chosen by friends who have little knowledge of floriculture.
“If a gifted flower dries quickly, it means it warded off illness or trouble!”

Why did the indoor plants that have been growing in the house for a long time not react to your problems in any way earlier, but the newcomer turned out to be so caring - he immediately took it and took it away?! Or maybe it dried out only because they brought it in the cold, or no one knew how to properly care for it, how not to dry out? As you understand, everything can be explained... But the assertion of some that “stolen flowers take root better” is generally very harmful and dangerous for any flowers, since it has destroyed many beautiful plants that have become victims of those who like to tear off cuttings without the permission of the owners.

"Dangerous" plants

You can hear that ivy in the house brings misfortune and drives a man out of the house. A Ancient Greece and in Rome, on the contrary, ivy symbolized fidelity and a successful marriage. It was also believed that a sprig of ivy placed on the chest of a young woman preserved her beauty. In the East and in our time, ivy is considered a symbol of perseverance, a source of energy and vitality.

In pre-war times, ficus was in every home and was considered a symbol of family well-being. But after the war, the attitude towards it changed - they began to call it a widow’s plant, and they were not advised to keep it in the house.

One of the most “dangerous” indoor plants is considered to be Monstera, a large, fast-growing vine with perforated leaves. Some say it “absorbs energy and can even suffocate you at night!” But in China, on the contrary, they consider monstera a symbol of longevity and veneration of elderly and respected people; it is given as a gift for birthdays, anniversaries and special family events. And who is right!?

In some places they say that bringing a fern into the house means bringing trouble into the house, while in other places, on the contrary, they believe that ferns protect the house from all evil spirits. And if the fern has dried up, you need to take a closer look at your surroundings: the plant has warded off damage.

According to some, the most “terrible” plants are “muzhegons”, that is, plants that drive a man out of the house. Usually they fall into the category of “husband busters” unpretentious plants- scindapsus, cissus, hoya, tradescantia. But no one thought about the fact that the relationship between a man and a woman simply changes over time, and this is a natural law of nature! People break up - for many this is a source of difficult experiences, and house plant At the same time, it does not dry up from sadness, but continues to grow and develop. How can it do this!? That's the culprit! But exactly the same plants grow in families where peace and harmony reign! And in general, what is the connection between indoor flowers and marital relationships?!

Surprisingly, even the violet (Saintpaulia) fell into the category of “dangerous” indoor plants. There is a belief that she somehow “gives girls away as unloved ones and drives them out of the house,” as well as an almost completely opposite statement that “she keeps girls at home and drives away suitors.” It’s not clear how all this happens at the same time for such a delicate and small plant.

Useful plants

Most of the signs are associated with something so familiar to everyone “ money tree"(crassula). This plant is grown to keep money in the house. According to legend, you need to plant it in a red pot, and put several large coins at the bottom. How more leaves- the more money... Well, we will be glad if this actually happens!

It is believed that the cactus protects against radiation from monitors... Whether they help or not is an open question, but the fact that “prickly green friends” will not hurt is for sure!

Spathiphyllum is called “women’s happiness.” Many people believe that when the white flags of its flowers bloom, happiness and prosperity with a loved one comes to the house. And since spathiphyllum blooms almost all year round, it is a very useful plant in the house, especially if you believe in these good omens! Believing or not believing all “flower” superstitions is everyone’s personal choice. But don’t rush to throw your favorite houseplants into the trash just because someone told you about bad omens related to house flowers. Just think that before anyone told you about the “bad temperament” of your green pets, they were a joy in your home. Think about how they grow in apartments and offices in many countries, bringing joy to people and good mood, no matter what signs and superstitions are associated with them.
Let them always grow in your home beautiful flowers, and let them bring you and your home only benefit, good luck and happiness!