Homemade bread oven Buy, recipe. DIY gas and electric baking ovens (photos, prices) Drawings of an oven for baking bread

Modern wood-burning ovens for baking bread combine centuries-old baking traditions and at the same time meet all requirements for safety, aesthetics and ease of use. These designs are presented on the market in a wide range, both for bakeries and for home use.


Operating principle and device

Any oven for baking bread is first heated, and then the bread preparations are loaded into it. Modern stoves have a design similar to “antique” stoves; they produce the same fragrant and delicious bread, as in brick hearth ovens. And all thanks to the system that is implemented in modern designs:

Operating principle of an industrial stove

The operating principle of a wood-fired bakery is based on a unique valve system, which allows you to maintain a high temperature for baking, even after the fire has finished. Many modern designs equipped with control panels, which allows you to control the entire bread production process.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Compared to other designs, a wood-burning bread oven has a number of advantages that set it apart from others:

  1. Savings - firebox wood material much more profitable than operating electric bakeries;
  2. There is no need for specialized ventilation systems;
  3. The firebox can be heated with any type of wood: poplar, beech, spruce, birch, bamboo and charcoal;
  4. Due to the fact that the stove does not emit smoke into the room, it can be used for any purpose: installed in a supermarket or at a fair, placed in a home kitchen, used in churches and monasteries;
  5. Assembly and operation do not require specialists with specialized skills;
  6. Any baked goods cooked in a wood-burning oven have a unique aroma, taste, and color;
  7. A wood-burning bread oven is cheaper than its electric counterparts.

Bread from the oven

Expert opinion

Nikolay Davydov

Stove maker with 15 years of experience

But, like any product, such designs have their drawbacks. The main thing is the size of the system, since ovens of this type implement a method of preparing bread consistent with centuries-old traditions; designs of this type have large dimensions. Of course, there are compact variations, but they have less comfortable operating conditions and are not able to work like old-fashioned bakeries.

Selection criteria

Models of bakeries of this type have certain varieties. According to customer requests, manufacturers offer a choice of modular and ready-made designs. A ready-made wood-fired baking oven is a system that does not require assembly; you can cook baked goods in it immediately after purchase.

The modular system, in turn, is represented by the stove in disassembled form; such structures also need to be assembled. But they have their own dignity - modular systems usually compact and easy to use. There are built-in models and designs with various complex shapes.

Wood-fired bread baking ovens are also classified according to ease of use, aesthetics and functionality. Some models involve cooking not only bread, but also pizza, pies or other dishes in the system.

Wood-burning brick oven for bread

Another selection criterion is the material from which the system is made. You can purchase it as metal structure from various types steel, and a brick baking oven on wood. It all depends on the color of the room and ideas for implementing the system.

How to choose?

A modern wood-burning oven for baking bread must have certain properties that can be used either at home or in a bakery setting. So, for example, why buy a large oven for your home if you won't use it every day to cook hundreds of loaves of bread.

And at the same time, small-sized stoves for the home will not be able to withstand enormous loads. Another criterion is the design of the furnace and its cost; all this should be taken into account when purchasing a system for a particular application. Let's figure out which models are suitable in this or that case.

For bakery

For small bakeries, the market offers a wide range of different ovens capable of producing several loaves at a time, doing it quickly and according to tradition. They are larger in size than models for private use and are usually monolithic:

For home use there is no need for systems capable of producing several loaves of bread at a time, which is why home bakeries are smaller in size and cheaper than their counterparts for large bakeries.

For home

Typically, a home wood-burning oven for baking bread using wood has an attractive appearance and small in size, but it can only hold a small amount of bread at a time, only about 3-5 kilograms. The average price of such systems is 290,000 rubles. The high cost is due to the complexity of the design of the valve system - wood-burning ovens use the same methods for preparing baked goods as in traditional ovens.

The most popular models of wood-burning bread makers for the home:

Separately, it is worth highlighting the wood-burning ovens, which are similar in design to the Pompeii ovens - you can not only cook bread in them, but also pizza. In addition, their cost on average is less than two hundred thousand rubles.

Operating rules

There are several operating rules that you can use to protect yourself and at the same time extend the life of the stove:

  • Periodically you need to clean the structure from ash and soot, using special brushes or a brush for this purpose. When cleaning, you should use specialized protective glasses and gloves.
  • Children should not be allowed near the stove;
  • When lighting the stove, try not to be near it, especially during the first one - boiling water may be released from the combustion tube;
  • Do not allow the system to be operated without baked goods loaded into it, as the oven in this case may become very hot, which will lead to an emergency;
  • Periodically check whether the combustion tubes are installed correctly, adjust them at least once a week;
  • Modern designs of wood-fired bakeries have many indicators - keep an eye on them while working with the stove, then no problems with accidents will arise;
  • Bake bread wearing a protective suit and gloves to avoid burning your skin.


If you want to make delicious and aromatic bread, then conventional electronic bread makers will not be able to provide products with a pleasant smell and a beautiful crust.

Only a wood-burning oven for making bread can help you realize your desire to prepare aromatic bread according to ancient traditions. Follow the operating rules specified in the instructions for the system and you will get very tasty bread.

But we should not forget about the dough - in order to get a pleasant taste of the baked goods, it is very important to prepare the dough itself correctly. If you were unable to prepare the dough correctly, then good bread it won’t work, the dough will simply burn or the workpiece will dry out at high temperatures inside the system.

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For a long time, the heating stove has served in the house not only as a source of heat, but also as a multifunctional device. Brick ovens are valued for preparing amazing dishes at home, including bread and other baked goods. Technologies are moving forward, so building a similar structure in your own private home or country house is not very difficult, so that fresh homemade bread will always be on the table.

Types of brick bread ovens

Electrical devices

Bread ovens are conventionally divided into several types depending on the structure and additional characteristics. It is believed that this type of design is the most cost-effective and convenient to use. Using electric ovens at home is convenient, and the cooking process does not take much time; the operating principle is the same as that of a multicooker. Must select the desired program and pour the ingredients into the bowl, pick it up after a certain period of time finished product.

Wood burning devices

This type is especially relevant for areas where there are problems with the supply of electricity and all cooking and heating occurs due to structures whose combustion is carried out by supplying firewood. A wood-burning baking oven has the following positive aspects:

  • provides a unique taste and aroma of freshly baked sourdough bread;
  • the ability to bake buns and bread in large batches;
  • other dishes are also prepared in bread ovens;
  • dimensions wood-burning construction, as a rule, are not very large, so it can be built in any convenient place.

Brick devices

Bread bakes very quickly in such a building.

Is ideal option For country houses and dachas. Brick kilns allow you to bake different types of bread in just half an hour. After completing the process of cooking bread products in a well-melted structure for another 8 hours, you can prepare many other dishes, such as jams, desserts, etc.

General construction rules

The process of building an oven for making bread is not particularly difficult, but all stages are performed sequentially. On initial stage construction, it is important for the future owner of the stove to outline the overall dimensions of the building, the combustion door, and also decide on bread chamber, with its volumes and capacity. Second important step- build an ordering scheme. Depending on how the masonry is laid, the appearance and performance of the furnace will depend. The order is described in detail in diagrams, which are not difficult to find, much less understand the structure of the work from the drawings.

An important part in the construction of a furnace is the calculation of the consumption of materials used.

Which brick to choose?

The quality of a bread oven largely depends on the materials used for the job. All types of bricks have their own characteristics, which are taken into account when laying. It is important to purchase materials taking into account the battle; the reserve volume is about 5-7%. The main types of bricks used in construction are listed in the table:

NameCharacteristicApplication in furnace construction
LodeThe product differs in quality, correct forms products and a wide palette of colorsUsed for laying out the outer part
VitebskHas smooth edges and fits to sizePlaced on a thin seam during the construction of stoves
PipeBefore using this material, it is recommended to pre-soak it in water.Used for the construction of chimney surfaces
Resistant to internal and external factors
FacingIt is lightweight, which is especially important when lifting material onto the roof of a buildingMost often used for laying pipes above the roof level

Masonry: stages

Foundation and order

The ordering of the structure occurs after the high-quality laying of the foundation.

The bell oven for bread is built on solid foundation so that in the future the structure does not warp or crack. The parameters of the depth, width and length of the base of the building depend, first of all, on the size of the future furnace. It is better to lay the foundation during the construction of the building, otherwise the complexity of the construction work increases several times. Construction stages:

  1. A pit is dug into which crushed stone and sand are poured; after compacting the mixture, cement mortar is poured.
  2. Next, the laying is carried out, all rows must be as even as possible, any deviations are leveled using a building level. Only solid bricks are used.
  3. At this stage, it is important not to miss the moment with dressing the stitches. To prevent the destruction of the structure groundwater, a layer of roofing felt is first laid until it dries completely, only after that the brick ordering is performed.

A bakery oven is an essential element of any bakery production. Questions about how they differ from a regular oven, in what temperature range they operate and what type of connection they have, we will consider in this article.

General functionality of bread ovens

From an operational point of view, ovens for making bread should:

  • be spacious in order to bake as many products as possible at the same time;
  • have high chambers, since most of the tin bread grows upward;
  • have autonomous upper and lower heating elements to regulate the baking process;
  • have a steaming option, which will protect the top crust of bread or buns from cracks;
  • have a minimum temperature of 300 o C (baking ovens are used to implement a huge number of recipes for baked goods, and most of them are cooked at this heat).

All ovens listed below meet these requirements.

Electric bakery ovens made by Voskhod, Russia

In Russia, the most popular baking equipment is the products of the Saratov brand “Voskhod”. This is understandable - for a frankly low price you can get a stove that copes with the task no worse than its expensive analogues. Model range:

  1. 500, external design - galvanized steel. It consists of three autonomous chambers, each of which is equipped with two baking trays measuring 70 x 46 cm and has a steam option. The height of the working chamber allows you to bake classic loaves in the L7 shape. The upper and lower heating elements in each chamber are adjusted separately, which allows you to adjust the baking crust from below and from above. The oven can hold 70 loaves or 40 loaves at a time. Connection type - 380 V. Power - 19.2 kW. The average price in Russia is 44,000 rubles.
  2. Bakery oven KhPE 750/500.11. A complete analogue of the 500 model, except that it has one level rather than three. Thus, all characteristics and indicators must be divided by 3. The average price in Russia is 23,000 rubles.
  3. KhPE 750/1-S oven. Also a complete analogue of its predecessor at level 1. The main difference is that model 750/1-C has a heat-resistant glass insert in the door, which allows you to monitor the baking process without opening the chamber and without disturbing the created microclimate. The average price in Russia is 32,000 rubles.

All of these models are powered by electricity. What about those who cannot afford 3 phases or simply have a weak heart that does not allow them to see terrible electricity bills? Read below.

Gas bakery ovens made by Voskhod, Russia

Here the scale is already different - gas baking equipment is a rotary oven - a structure the size of a cabinet into which a trolley with baking sheets is rolled, on which dough pieces are laid out. During the heat treatment of products, the trolley rotates around its axis to achieve evenly baked products. So, gas stove "Monsoon-Rotor 55-01". Its characteristics:

  • the ability to simultaneously bake 90 loaves in the L7 mold, or 108 loaves, or 250 buns;
  • 18 working levels measuring 600 x 450mm;
  • temperature range - from 100 to 300 o C;
  • - 2.4 kW;
  • 101 baking programs;
  • digital control;
  • visualization of forward and reverse timers;
  • display of the current situation in text and graphic form.

Such equipment today costs about 620,000 rubles. And about 10% of the cost will have to be given to representatives of the Saratov plant for the initial launch - otherwise they will take it off their own account. Indeed, this is not a baking oven for you.

Convection baking oven EKSI, Italy

Compact and elegant solution from Italy is represented by the E104 P VAP model, which has the following characteristics:

  • capacity - 10 baking sheets measuring 600x400 mm;
  • power - 14.2 kW;
  • connection type - 380 V;
  • presence of a baking timer for 1 hour;
  • manual and programmable control of the percentage of moisture in the enclosed space of the chamber;
  • "convection" mode;
  • "convection + steam" mode;
  • execution - stainless steel.

Such an electric baking oven will cost 210,000 rubles.

Compact option for a store - UNOX equipment, Italy

For those who plan to bake a small number of products for sale, we recommend taking a very small oven from the legendary UNOX brand. It will not provide you with products that you could sell to other points, but it will give you the opportunity to pamper your customers with always fresh baked goods that have a wonderful aroma that will attract new visitors. So, the model is UNOX XF 023 Anna. Specifications:

  • 4 baking trays measuring 460x330 mm;
  • connection type - 220 V;
  • control type - electromechanical;
  • temperature regime - from 30 to 260 o C;
  • power - 3 kW.

The average price in Russia is 34,000 rubles, taking into account the current euro exchange rate.

Bakery ovens from MIWE, Germany

German brand MIWE - Impeccable gas ones that will cost its owner 2,000,000 rubles, but will last forever and then some. So, the characteristics:

  • 16 baking sheets measuring 58x78 cm;
  • energy saving system (up to 30%);
  • powerful boiler steam generator located on back wall ovens;
  • additional gas channel for the firebox;
  • Lifetime warranty on heat exchanger.

Such a gas baking oven is designed for continuous production, that is, with proper demand, it will pay for itself quickly enough.

Additional equipment

For the full functioning of the bakery production, it is recommended to purchase the following equipment:

  • Proofing cabinet. Used to ensure comfortable rising of yeast preparations before baking.
  • Dough sheeter. Necessary for the formation of bagels and other piece products.
  • Dough divider. Needed where bread baking is in production.

Exclusive products made in small bakeries are becoming increasingly popular.
Bakeries with wood-burning ovens also fall into this category. Natural bread self made sourdough, so-called from a wood-burning oven, is considered a delicacy in Europe, and costs three times more than usual.
Products baked in such bakeries have a unique taste and aroma and are an environmentally friendly product.

A wood-burning bread oven can operate on wood or pellets (fuel granules obtained from peat, wood waste),
The combustion system is made of durable fire bricks, which withstands high temperatures. The fire directly heats the fireclay coating and stone, which in turn transfer heat to the baked product.

Heating of this type is very economical; uniform heating and the baking process occur due to the rational passage of hot gases.
IN traditional ovens this is accompanied by high energy consumption.

Manufacturers of baking equipment have begun producing wood-burning ovens. Now on the market there is a choice of such furnaces, different in volume and price.
The prices below are approximate to give you an idea of ​​the prices.

Wood-burning ovens WERZ (Germany) from 12 to 40 kg of bread 14.800 -18 000 EUR

Italy, PEVA wood stove 5,000 -16,000 EUR

Türkiye, Enkomak MTO 80 wood-fired bread oven 37,700 EUR

Russia, baking oven KhPK-50M2, cradle 8 000 EUR

The bread maker can be used both in stationary and mobile versions.

What is unique about the oven is that the circular movement of the cradles with bread forms inside the baking chamber guarantees uniform baking of baked goods.

Russia, wood-burning baking ovens “RP-1” “RP-2” 1 500 - 2 500 EUR

An oven for baking homemade bread is often built under a canopy on the street, but, if desired, it can also be built in the house by connecting it to a common smoke exhaust duct.


She has small sizes, is inferior in functionality to a traditional Russian oven, but the warm and fragrant bread from it is much tastier than from an electric bread maker or gas-powered oven. And, if you also make the firebox door transparent from fire-resistant glass, you will be able to observe the fire in the hearth without fearing for the safety of your home and your family.

About the future design

The design of the oven for baking bread consists of the following parts:

  • hearth (bottom or floor of the stove);
  • vault (dome);
  • entrance arch;
  • chimney.

The device is installed on a special stand, which in turn rests on a foundation slab. The chimney pipe is located at the front of the structure. This position of the chimney helps to simultaneously heat the bread during baking from all sides.

This is explained by the fact that, under the influence of draft, the flames rise to the arch of the dome, envelop and heat the entire inner surface stoves.

Photo of a wood-burning oven for bread

Unlike a Russian stove, this device has a less thick layer of masonry (12 cm), so it heats up faster. Bread can be baked within 45 - 60 minutes after the start of the combustion process.


To build an oven for baking bread with your own hands with a diameter of up to 110 cm you will need:

    fireclay bricks - 260 - 300 pcs.;

    cinder block measuring 20x20x40 cm for laying a podium under the device;

    fatty clay and sand or ready-made fire-resistant masonry mortar Mortar “SHA-28”;

    reinforcing steel with a diameter of 10-12 mm;

    cement M50;

    basalt mineral wool slabs 5 cm thick;

    expanded clay - it can be replaced with perlite or silicate-calcium slab;

    OSB or moisture-resistant plywood;

    crushed stone and sand;

    pipe with a diameter of 100 - 130 mm from stainless steel or ceramic;

    boards for formwork;

    waterproofing material- polyethylene or roofing felt.


The set of tools must be prepared in advance and consist of:

    tile cutter;


    containers for preparing mortar and concrete;

  • electric drill with a mixer attachment;


    mallet hammer;

    rubber hammer;

  • clamps;

    tape measure, plumb line and building level.

Scheme and dimensions

Its cost directly depends on the size of the device. The smaller its dimensions, the less building materials are consumed and cash. However, there are certain sizing standards that, if changed, may reduce the efficiency of the furnace.

The most optimal size is considered to be a furnace with an internal diameter from 80 mm to 110 cm. The width of the arch at the entrance should correspond in size to the height of the dome, and its height should be 0.6 radius.

Diagram of a wood-burning oven for baking bread

Schematic view of the stove

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions

The process of constructing a stove consists of several stages:

    foundation design devices;

    erection of a stand;

    pouring the base slab under the stove;

    masonry of the furnace itself;

    installation of a thermal insulation layer on the surface of the dome;

    facing works.

Before you start laying the foundation, you need to choose a place for construction. Then dig a hole measuring 140x140 cm and 50 cm deep, level and compact the bottom. Next, you need to pour a sand-gravel cushion or crushed stone 30 cm thick with layer-by-layer compaction and watering.

After this, a layer of roofing material is laid.

The next step will be the installation of formwork from boards. The formwork will be only half buried, and its upper part will rise above the surface of the earth.

To knit a reinforced frame, reinforcement bars or factory-made reinforcing mesh with a cell size of 10x10 cm are used. The inside walls of the box are covered for waterproofing plastic film. Concrete is poured 5 - 8 mm above the box and the upper plane of the foundation is leveled using a plaster rule.

When the concrete has set, the formwork can be dismantled.

Further construction is carried out in the following sequence:

    cinder blocks are laid in four rows, forming a U-shaped structure 80 cm high. The blocks of this building material are hollow. To increase strength, you can insert pieces of reinforcement into them and fill them with concrete mixture;

    Construction of the pedestal

    the arch is formed from brick as follows: 8 pieces of brick are placed on the sides on the mortar, then a semicircular template is installed and bricks are laid out for the vault of the arch;

    a reinforced layer is made on top of the podium concrete slab 10 cm thick. Use as the bottom of the formwork moisture resistant plywood or OSB, the walls of the box are formed from boards 20 cm wide. Reinforcement mesh you need to raise it above the bottom of the formwork by 4-5 cm using pieces of brick. The process of pouring concrete mortar is the same as when installing a foundation slab;

    Formwork and reinforcement

    After the concrete has gained its initial strength, thermal insulation is installed. To do this, a silicate-calcium slab is laid dry on top of the base slab. Then the bottom of the furnace, the outer edge of the dome and the base for the entrance are laid out of fire-resistant brick. It is advisable to schematically depict the position of all elements on paper, as well as number each detail. Then mark the contour of the hearth, cut off the excess parts of the brick and heat-insulating board using a tile cutter;

    the remaining unfilled part of the formwork also needs to be filled with a cement-sand mixture;

    after the solution has hardened, the formwork boards of the base slab are dismantled;

    then the hearth elements are placed using mortar. The perimeter walls of the hearth must be protected from heat loss using basalt wool cut into strips;

    now formwork is installed around the perimeter of the base slab and poured into it concrete mortar, so that a single plane is formed on top with the upper surface of the hearth. The formwork can be removed in approximately 8 - 10 days;

    To create a dome you will need a template. As a template, you can use a strip mounted on a hinge mechanism in the center of a plywood circle. You can tighten the limiting corner to the rail using a clamp;

    Template for masonry

    then a metal axis is installed in the center of the circle. A piece of plywood is attached to it, one edge of which follows the internal contour of the arch. This sector can be moved in a circle to the part of the dome that will be laid out at the moment;

    Start of masonry

    then lay the first row of fireclay bricks, cut in half;

    from the 2nd to the 5th row they continue to form a dome from halves of bricks, while inside Hemisphere bricks are laid end-to-end, and on the back side there should be small angle. This distance is filled with mortar;

    Continuation of masonry

    simultaneously with the construction of the dome walls, they form entrance opening in the oven;

    from the 6th to the 8th rows are laid out from the third part of the bricks. On the outside of the structure, wooden wedges are inserted into the seams to prevent distortion in the masonry. At the same stage, a semicircular vault of the arch is formed;

    Completion of masonry

    for laying subsequent rows, the brick is cut into smaller segments. For the crown, you can buy a ready-made disk made of fireclay bricks. At the installation site of the chimney there should be a hole of a size corresponding to the cross-section of the prepared pipe;

    Chimney pipe installation

    before installing thermal insulation, the stove is dried, firing small portions of fuel for a week;

    to level the outer surface of the dome, it must be coated with a layer of mortar 2 - 3 cm thick;

    waterproofing material - foil - is laid on top;

    a reinforcing mesh is attached to the top of the foil;

    coat the structure with a 5-7 cm layer of mortar consisting of 5 parts perlite and 1 part Portland cement;

    Now the dome can be covered ceramic tiles for outdoor work (optional).

    Some examples ready-made structures in the photo:

    Features of operation

    Before baking bread, the oven is heated for 2.5-3 hours, and then the ash residues and ashes are swept out of it. Another thirty minutes should be spent on uniform distribution of heat throughout the dome. You can then check the temperature using a bimetallic thermometer and begin cooking the product.

    The lining layer of fireclay bricks with a porous structure is able to quickly absorb moisture and release it evenly during cooking, so baked goods from such an oven have a unique aroma.


    The construction of such a furnace is not a quick task and requires considerable effort. However, lovers of fresh homemade baked goods ready to work hard and build such a stove. In addition, the design is so original form can become a real decoration of the local area.

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