Cool fortune telling by a gypsy for her anniversary. Funny, comic predictions for corporate events “New Year's lottery”. Themed gypsy fortune telling for the anniversary

You can use ready-made texts (written on postcards, etc.)

1. Happiness will come to your home,
This year will be generous.

2. Fun, joy and smiles
Playing the violin will give you.

3. You need to get a dacha,
So as not to weave intrigues.

4. Get yourself a dog -
You will avoid intrigue and fighting.

5. Don’t spare your legs -
Hit the goal more often.

6. Do exercises in the morning -
You will not be exposed to colds and winds.

7. Don't go to karaoke
Watch your figure:
You're on the verge of risk -
Don't ruin your registration.

8. I'll tell you a secret:
Charging will increase strength,
Not the Internet.

9. You will study “excellently”
If you behave yourself.

10. A surprise awaits you:
Going on a cruise this summer.

11. A package is waiting for you -
There will be some mushrooms in it.

12. Don’t go to the forest tomorrow -
The snow had completely disappeared there.

13. Tomorrow you go to the river -
You will meet the prince along the way.

14. You’re looking in the wrong place, friend:
It's dangerous there - don't go.

15. Let the tree stand until March -
Protects the house from the wolf.

16. You memorize carols -
They are better than doctors.

17. Do a round dance more often -
Pies all year round will be sweeter.

18. They will bring you gifts,
But they require rewards.

19. Don’t forget to congratulate everyone -
Then you won't miss out on success.

20. Don’t spend the night on the Internet –
You won't meet an earthly prince there.

21. Eat more carrots -
You will be healthy and agile!

22. “Don’t sit on the stove” -
The tears will be hot.

23. Develop your mind in your studies -
You will be a moneybag in life.

24. A traveler knocks on the house -
Give silver.

25. If there is someone in mind,
Smile and he will notice.

26. Two roads ahead -
Don't go along the curve:
There will be no happiness there -
Just cold, bad weather.

27. If you meet a young man -
Give him some cold meat
If his mother -
Give her some porridge!

28. There are many stars in the sky,
But go your own way:
Don't strive for where heaven is -
You will be overwhelmed with grief.

29. Have a good heart -
Don’t you dare whitewash your enemies.

30. You will achieve a lot,
If you hum.

31. Don’t throw your boots to the wind:
The groom-to-be won't notice him.
Stand by the road yourself and shout:
- My feet are frozen!
The betrothed will come and take you to the registry office.

32. In the year of the Goat, don’t be a goat -
The house will be a full cup.

33. When the sheep gives a fur coat,
The wolf will not become kinder
The goat will not become anyone.

34. When the Year of the Sheep comes,
A handsome fellow will come.

If you are shy,
You will love him forever.

He will take your hand,
And he will lead you through life.

You will be in happiness
It’s been like that for a hundred and twenty-five years.

35. Buy mittens,
Sprinkle with holy water,
Put grains of wheat in them -
Believe: soon your son will be born.

36. Look out the window at midnight:
If the sky is filled with stars - there are three guys
They dream about you in their dreams.

The sky is in the fog, in the clouds -
One, but the best and in verse
Will send you a message -
IN eternal love confession.

37. When you meet a car,
Look what color the tires are.

When they're darker than night
Take a shorter route home.

When they are already in the snow,
Wait for the offer -
Just not a word about me.

38. Tell fortunes in the snow:
If it sticks to your mittens, throw it away.
Why do you need Velcro?
You're a beautiful thing.

39. Draw a circle at midnight -
A beloved friend will appear in a dream.
If you don't leave your place -
You will be his bride forever.

40. Take these three flowers:
You will have a son and a daughter.

41. Coffee grounds prophesies paradise for you.

42. If family is dear to you,
Hang goat horns above the entrance.

43. In order not to confuse a mug with a hoof,
You just need to shave in the morning.

44. So that your legs support you on their own,
Don't go with the goat to Uncle Vanya.

45. So that the red maiden will marry you,
The stubborn asshole should disappear from you.

46. ​​So that the little ones will follow you to the ends of the world,
Work hard, don't be an asshole yourself.

47. Milka loves, Milka waits,
When a dear friend brings her a ring.

48. A road awaits your family to the Black Sea,
Don’t let your wife do a lot of shopping:
Just five swimsuits -
It will float without you.

49. If you buy boots for your daughter,
For my wife - a hat, for my granddaughters - handkerchiefs,
You'll be happy all year long
Full of strength and without hassle.

50. Health - sea, energy - watts,
You will be strong and rich all year.

51. There is a chest on the mountain,
The sound flows from it:
A simple sage sits there
With a white long beard:

"If you find the chest,
You will find happiness immediately.
You will be healthy, rich,
There will be peace and harmony in the family.”

52. Your dream will definitely come true:
Don't be a sheep - and your friends won't let you stumble.

53. The Year of the Goat is not easy,
But hide your horns -
To butt heads means to be left without your loved one.

54. Don’t look at life with fear,
After all, fairy tales happen in life.

55. Do not exchange a goat for a donkey:
Life will not be better than it was.

56. Buy a folk sundress -
The whole deception will be revealed.

57. Call the one who is waiting
All negativity will go away.

58. Hello, come to Russian Radio,
The foreigner will write you an answer.

59. Sakhalin is a dream for Nin:
Your groom is there, and not alone.

60. Go to Kamchatka -
On volcanoes you will get recharged:
You will be strong and beautiful
For his woman - the most beloved.

61. Our dear Sochi is waiting for you,
From there the path to love is shorter.

62. Give me an orange -
You'll never be alone.

63. Do you want a son or daughter,
Put a bold dot on alcohol.

64. Don’t expect a mink coat as a gift,
Otherwise you will eat bread crusts.

65. A cruise awaits you,
Photo session and prize.

66. You will be all in chocolate -
You don't need to eat a lot of chocolate.

67. Eat more cabbage, my friend -
Your pocket won't be empty.

68. Blue wear it more often -
The love will be real.

69. Eat cabbage all year round –
People will love you.

70. Don’t let the goat near the cabbage -
Life will be bright and skillful.

71. If you are a single guy,
Don't smoke, just sing songs.

72. Take care of your braid,
Don't answer stupid questions.

73. You will be smarter and more beautiful,
If you love oatmeal.

74. Eat cabbage and carrots -
You will be strong and agile.

75. Give a gift to a friend –
You will become his wife.

76. A hornless goat prophesies for you the road to hot countries:
Don't believe this - run away.

If he kneels down, he will be lucky on a reindeer team.
If he gives you flowers, you will be on first-name terms with his mother.
If he gives you a ring, your heart will beat.

77. Like cheese, you will roll around in oil -
Don't forget that it's only for swimming.

78. You will be sweet as pie
And beautiful, like an ancient god.
Just don't forget one thing:
Don't be a goat in your family.

79. You are endlessly lucky in life,
A dear friend is waiting for you around the corner.

80. Don’t count your years –
You will remain young forever.

81. Beauty saves the world –
If only your idol doesn't become a goat.

82. A rich people will come to you,
Will give you a beard made of cotton wool.

83. A decent crowd has gathered here,
But be careful: the goat is cute.

84. Cabbages will bring you a bag -
Don't be shocked by this:
It is necessary to chop the greens,
IN glass jar It’s better to keep it anyway.

85. Today the mirrors will say,
That you are cuter than you were.
And tomorrow? There would be no sadness -
We removed all the mirrors from our eyes.

86. What eyes! How he sings!
Beautiful nose, beautiful mouth,
But beware - this is how it will lead,
Only the devil can understand him.

87. Handsome in heart and soul,
By spring, believe me, he will be with you.

88. Don’t go to the left, my friend,
You won't find happiness ahead.

89. You will buy a car by spring,
Smile - don’t make a face at us.

90. Wait for a car as a gift
And a bag of shoe polish.

91. You will definitely win at the Olympics,
Just prepare diligently.

92. A business trip awaits you,
A barrel of honey and a sweatshirt.

93. Guests are waiting for you, my friend.
Grind their bones.

94. Don’t get into debt,
Eat less pies.

95. A journey awaits you and a plane ticket,
Sea, palm trees and romance, if this is not a hoax.

96. A friend will come to ask for forgiveness -
Put all the treats on the table!

97. Your health will be fine,
A very cute gift is waiting for you!

98. If you are not lazy,
You can achieve success.

99. You will shine with your beauty,
Just please, don’t be timid.

100. You will have a great New Year,
You will provide your family with bread.

101. You will relax at sea,
You will forget everything about your problems.

102. You will conquer Moscow with your mind,
You will receive the prize in the Kremlin itself.

103. Your road will be smooth,
Everything will be fine in your studies.

104. Worldwide glory awaits you -
Just be gentler in your disposition.

105. You are already rich in soul,
Don't rush to run somewhere:
You will get everything, everything will come -
Happiness is nearby, it is waiting.

106. You will receive a bag of dollars,
Don't put it in the bank:
There will be shock there.
Bring it to me -
I'll save everything
I’ll return only the photo “Nude” later

107. You will be rich beyond measure:
You will immediately meet a couple of Rais.

Marry to live in paradise
I’ll sing a song about my mother-in-law.

It’s good if the group of Gypsies is large and of different ages, with tambourines and rattles in their hands. They can manipulate their scarves and shawls, making a “circle-dance” out of them, enclosing fortune tellers in it, and a “gate”, allowing the public into them. You can connect a theater group - a “gypsy” with a costumed “bear” performing various commands. It will be great if two or three guitarists perform gypsy songs live.


Gypsy 1 (with fake cards),

Gypsy 2(with a large clay pot), Gypsy 3(with a chest),

Gypsy 4(with a huge wallet).

A group of Gypsies dance to the tune of Gypsy songs and pester the public, offering to tell fortunes.

Gypsy 1. Ay, chavale, young, blue-eyed, don’t look around, look at us. We feel in our gut that you want to know your destiny! Gild the pen, our precious one, we’ll spread out the cards like a fan - we’ll tell the whole truth, we won’t hide anything. The wolf is fed by the legs, and the gypsies are fed by cards!

Gypsy 4 (holds up a huge wallet)

Gypsy 1 Put some money in the gypsy wallet - as much as you don’t mind - and draw one card of any kind... Make sure you don’t go wrong!

The fortuneteller pulls out a card, Gypsy 1 explains its meaning. The cards are comic (several are included), so you can predict anything. Gypsy 2 steps forward, interrupting her.

Gypsy 2 . Ay, you are our diamond, brilliant, try your luck again -

Tell fortunes using the gypsy “prophetic pot”...

Show me the money! Round money - Gypsy dark-skinned.

The gypsy will tell you everything as it is about your fate - she won’t lie, the money won’t be wasted!

Gypsy 4 (extends the open and now empty wallet again):

Gypsy 2 Money right hand you quit

A left hand put it in the pot.

There's a lot in it, but don't take it all,

And choose one for yourself!

Objects are placed in a pot covered with a scarf. The fortuneteller, without looking, takes out an object from under the scarf, Gypsy 2 explains its meaning.


The ring means an imminent wedding, a change in your personal life.

A handkerchief means separation; disappointments are possible soon.

Flower - to success and prosperity in business, to popularity with the opposite sex.

Candy - to tempting offers, to an easy and sweet life.

A crust of bread - to life's trials, financial difficulties.

Button - to big family, to add to the family.

Coin - to profit, wealth, unexpected inheritance, the appearance of a financial patron.

Bird feather - for quick news, unexpected news, news.

The key is to a new house, apartment, housewarming, change of residence.

Horseshoe - to complete happiness in life.

A sliver - to good health.

Braid or ribbon - for a long journey, a long trip.

A bell - to quick joy, great fun.

Bob or beans - to family well-being, mutual understanding in the family, love of relatives.

After fortune telling, the removed item is returned to the pot. Gypsy 3 steps forward, interrupting Gypsy 2.

Gypsy 3. Oh, you are our yakhont, pearly, look:

Here is an old chest with the black hand of an old gypsy inside!

If you are brave at heart,

That hand will tell you fortunes for your good deed.

The most important thing is

So that you give Gypsy some paper money...

Gypsy 4 (puts out the empty wallet again):

Gypsy 3 And there will be copper money -

The gypsy will become harmful.

Throw some money

Open the chest carefully!

The fortuneteller opens the chest, there are notes with predictions rolled into tubes.

Take any scroll, but don’t overdo it,

Don't wake up the old gypsy's black hand!

At the moment when the fortuneteller takes the note, Gypsy 3 through back wall, decorated with black fringe, sticks through the “old gypsy’s hand” and covers his hand.
The hand is a rubber glove stuffed with a sealant with scraps of wool and nails glued on. Then the fortuneteller is asked to read the removed note out loud.


Beware of casual relationships, it can cause a big problem.

Refuse offers to go out at someone else's expense. Remember: free cheese- only in a mousetrap. They will calculate with interest!

The event you are planning will not succeed. If you want to be happy, change your plans!

Soon you will become the object of adoration, but do not give yourself entirely to feelings, they may be false!

You may lose something very important, be careful!

In the near future you will experience undoubted success in all financial matters.

With a little effort on your part, this year it is possible to change your place of work to another with better conditions.

In the near future, outbursts of anger are coming from your boss. Be alert and be able to adequately repel undeserved attacks!

There is a possibility of becoming the subject of unpleasant gossip, try to behave more carefully, then perhaps you will be able to avoid this.

Try to become friends with the person you are avoiding. Soon he will be able to help you in your difficult situation.

Your living conditions may change.

The wind of distant wanderings awaits you.

Your marital status may soon change.

Your frank confessions to your friends will play a bad joke on you.

You are hiding a secret that is tormenting you. Isn't it time to open up to your loved ones?

The long-awaited promotion is just a stone's throw away from you, put in a little effort!

You will be able to make ends meet, and from now on you will confidently stay afloat.

You have taken one wrong step. Hurry up to fix it, otherwise you will lose the most precious thing you have!

Unexpected wealth awaits you, but don’t lose your head, don’t forget about your loved ones!

Stop throwing dust in the eyes of others, show them your true essence. You are not as bad as you think you are.

In the near future you will become the owner of a new property.

Something that you do not expect will happen, but if you approach the issue wisely, then everything will work out in your favor.

In your destiny, everything depends only on you. Be a little more persistent, go towards your intended goal, and everything will work out!

Soon you will have a very influential patron.

In the near future you will meet a new interesting acquaintance.

Wait for the good news, everything will change for the better soon.

Start paying more attention to yourself, love yourself, you absolutely need this.

Avoid heavy meals and fun companies: it’s time to listen to your health, otherwise it will be too late!

Do not lend money: there is a chance that it will not come back to you.

Hurry up on vacation, go to the sea, this year an extraordinary holiday romance awaits you with a continuation that will depend only on you!

New unexpected expenses await you.

By the end of the year, a new source of financial well-being will appear.

Be careful, don’t play with fire, your intentions threaten you with big troubles!

Gypsy 4. Ay, blue-winged dove, don’t trust the gypsies...

And especially... young gypsies!

Together. Live, dear, according to your conscience!

If you're attending a costume event and the theme allows you to dress up as a gypsy, consider yourself lucky. The image of a gypsy is very advantageous, because it allows you to sing, dance, and tell fortunes by hand. This bright image is quite easy to implement and it will undoubtedly be remembered by all guests; you will shine in it.


To recreate the appearance of a gypsy, it is enough to find a couple of bright scarves, skirts, massive earrings and jewelry, a fan, and a deck of cards. You can also use a black wig with long thick hair; it would be appropriate to add a bright flower to your hairstyle. Makeup in this look should be catchy - scarlet lipstick, black arrows on the eyes, bright shadows.

An important attribute of a gypsy is a large number of colorful skirts of different lengths, one on top of the other, and the hem of each skirt should be visible. For skirts, you can wear a jacket with lush frills and bare shoulders. Additionally, you can hold cards, a fan or a guitar in your hands if you are proficient in this instrument.


If, according to the program, you have to perform, then there are many options for your image - “gypsy girl with an exit,” singing a song or fortune telling.

If you have settled on dance, then on the Internet you will find a lot for yourself useful material According to his performance, “gypsy girl with an exit” consists of two contrasting parts - slow and fast, which accelerates as the dance progresses.

To perform a song, you can choose from a huge number of options, for example, in the film “Cruel Romance” several famous gypsy songs are presented. The songs of the robbers from the cartoon “The Musicians of Bremen” are also popular. You can surprise everyone if you perform not the original song, but a remake of it with words suitable for the event. If the required text is not available on the Internet, then you can order the text for a rework of the song on this site.

Funny fortune telling

The image of a gypsy at an anniversary or corporate party allows you to communicate with almost everyone present under the pretext of fortune telling. Your congratulatory speech can also be framed in the form of predictions.

There are several options - you can “tell fortunes” by hand, on cards, or simply invite those present to try their luck by pulling the prediction out of the bag.

The main thing is to prepare humorous wishes in advance that will amuse, but in no case will offend those present. Predictions can be either in prose or in poetry; the same Internet will come to the rescue. You can see options for New Year's predictions in verse below.

If you haven’t found suitable poems on the Internet or among the options presented below, and want to make unique poetic predictions, then it would be logical to order poems.

Predictions or wishes can be written on small strips of paper, rolled up and placed in a bag from which guests will take them out. The second option is a deck of cards, on the front side of which you will paste wishes, and those present, again, will draw them out.

Options for New Year's predictions in verse

Good luck awaits you in the New Year
A lot of money, and in addition -
Growth on the career ladder,
And in everything your number is number one!

A long journey awaits you
To the country where there is a lot of sun,
Sea, stones and sand,
And my favorite voice!

Drive and a sea of ​​sports await you,
And good job
Believe it if you want, or not,
You will find the answer to everything!

In the magical year ahead
Love and happiness awaits you,
Addition in everything
And a big cozy house!

Big changes are coming
In the year ahead,
Excellent mood
Beat the blues!

Forget about the word "rest"
Hard work awaits you!
But also in terms of income
You'll be super-duper cool!

You're sixteen
Do you remember your childhood dream?
And having finally fulfilled
You'll be super great!

Great new things await
In the year ahead,
Change of scenery
And a palace on the shore!

Salary increase
Santa Claus hid it in a bag,
And Snegurochka is a devil
She will dance deftly for you!

On New Year's Day you will change your horse
Your iron
And you will have time to walk on it
Lots of interesting things!

Vacation awaits you by the sea
And a pleasant surprise soon!
And with shock work
You will deserve gratitude!

Gypsy - Fortune Teller

During the feast, a gypsy woman appears in the hall, accompanied by an accordion player (guitarist). First he sings to the tune of the gypsy girl:

I am a cheerful fortune teller
I'm not asking for a lot of money
I know the whole truth about you
I'll tell you for a chervonets!

Eh, once again, once again,
Many, many more times!

I escaped from the camp
My father is chasing me
Out of me out of naughty
Wants to make jellied meat!

Eh, once again, once again,
Many, many more times!

If I were a bride
Such a groom has
Right on this very spot
I would taste sin with him!

Eh, once again, once again,
Many, many more times!

Let me tell you fortune, people,
Let me lay out the cards,
Give me a hard coin
I'll tell you the whole truth!

The gypsy tries for money, or maybe she just “tells fortunes” by the guests’ hands. It would be best if the predictions were somehow connected with real events in the guest’s life, with his work, hobbies, etc. But they can also be general, for example, like this:
Well, handsome, gild your pen and I’ll tell you what will happen tomorrow! Oh, I see, I see everything! You'll have a hangover tomorrow!
Wow, dear, you’ll feel bad tomorrow, you’ll have to go to work!
And for you, I know exactly what will happen tomorrow! Sunday! (If today is Saturday.)
Oh, my little rich man, in five minutes you’ll have to dance as a gypsy girl, and tomorrow you’ll have to wash your pants!
I see everything, I know everything, in the morning you’ll run for beer, in the evening you’ll run after girls!
Oh, my dear, they’ll have their eyes on you today, I know for sure. Then there’s the heart, the liver, the tongue, and on top there’s something long and thin... hard to see... ah, a herring!
You will sing so that your neighbor will cry. The rest will fall asleep!
You will sleep, curly, sweetly, you will sleep softly, until the cake is pulled out from under you!
Today they will give you two bags of happiness, one with salad, the other with vinaigrette!
There will be friends around you tonight. Friends are faithful, devoted. Tell me what to call them? - Sharik, Bobik and Polkan!
Endless distances, unknown distances await you. You'll spend half a day thinking about it before you realize where you woke up!
Great happiness awaits you tomorrow, you will find a wallet with money, the one you will lose today.
Various diseases are waiting for you, young one, contagious diseases. No, not because the lines are bad, but because your hands are dirty!
Get ready for a big battle! Have you eaten red caviar? Pink salmon will come for revenge!
A great loss awaits you. You'll lose your tie. You'll search all night, and you'll find it in the morning. On the neighbor's belt.
Wow, what a heavy blow awaits you!.. In the morning, when you step on the scales
They will show you a funny comedy on TV, funny, erotic. It's called Today's Wedding.
Tomorrow morning, beauty, you will be a star, a berry, a pussy, a fish, and if you give me beer, you will become a wife again.
Do you like to watch horror films in the morning? And tomorrow you will have to, when you see yourself in the mirror!
Oh, flowers, beauty, you love them!.. They will give you tomorrow. So much that you'll be sneezing until the evening!

Message quote Props: skirts, scarves, cards with wishes (you can photoshop them so that the jacks, kings and queens have the faces of the birthday boy and his relatives) find free programs by photoshop. WITH reverse side print cards fortune telling - wishes. You can take regular cards and stick wishes on the back side. And wishes can be cut out from newspapers - horoscopes. We photoshopped it and printed it on a color photocopier (4 cards per A4 sheet, and printed fortune telling on the back, then cut it and laminated it, so we got real cards and a memory for the hero of the day.)

Music from the film "Tabor Goes to Heaven" "Nane Tsoha" is playing
A gypsy woman comes out dancing.

The gypsy woman approaches the guests:

Good afternoon romale. I am the gypsy Aza,
I came here directly to you by order.
On the table, oh, piles, oops, oops, piles.
That one is hers, and that one is yours, and this one is mine.

I wanted to tell you what an obsession this is,
I can tell your fortune for a fee.
Gild my pen, just don’t be scared,
You won't find a better Aza, don't even try.
Who here wants to be enlightened?
about luck and love,
Come to us one by one,
just have the money ready!

He takes out cards and offers to choose the one that is looking at him.
Card meanings:

The queen loves you -
beauty queen,
Don't skimp on gifts
buy flowers more often!

"You've been thinking for a long time, girlfriend.
Who to marry down the aisle with:
At seventy-four years old
you will finally get married!

To your health, Romala,
we're a little jealous -
I see how at my grandson's wedding
you are dancing hopaka!

Your husband will become an oligarch,
will take you everywhere -
But he will turn into an engineer,
if you cut!

You have a rich admirer
will call you to nature -
He has 6 acres in his garden
and the beetle is gnawing on the potatoes!

You will receive an inheritance
seventh cousins ​​-
House in Paris, villa in Nice
and some islands!

Your husband is a secret overseas prince,
to disenchant him,
When the children are all asleep,
you need to kiss hard!

Giving birth to eight children a year?
This is impossible!
Oh, you're not married!
Be careful!

I see queen of spades
is interested in you!
Selling his apartment
to buy you a Mercedes!

Your boss at work
wink with his right eye.
But don't even think about answering
he will file a report on you!

Unexpected gift
Fate has in store for you:
What from now on after drinking
your head will be clear!

Your health line
will take you far!
We would look for the end
Only my wife will kill us!

You have vision problems
may soon await:
Don't see troubles
Don't notice fools!

You will find treasure in the apartment,
it's in the wall where the wardrobe is.
Well, if you don’t find it -
update your interior!

They say love is mutual
everyone is obedient to age!
Every year now I fall in love
You'll be a hundred years old!

You have my soul, soon there will be grandchildren,
It will be fun then, and there will be no boredom.

And I’ll tell you this, smile, dear,
After all, with your smile you are very beautiful.

And I look into your eyes, I see luck in them,
Because this time, it can't be different.

Tomorrow morning, beauty, you will be a star,
pussy, fish, and if you give me beer, you’ll become a wife again.

Wow, what a heavy blow awaits you!....
In the morning, when you step on the scale.....

A big loss awaits you......You will lose your tie.
You'll search all night, and you'll find it in the morning... On your neighbor's belt.

Get ready for a big battle! Have you eaten red caviar?
Pink salmon will come for revenge!

Great happiness awaits you tomorrow, you will find a wallet with money,
The one you will lose today.

Endless distances, unknown distances are waiting for you.
You'll spend half a day thinking about it before you realize where you woke up!

There will be friends around you today. Friends are faithful, devoted.
Tell me what to call them? Sharik, Bobik and Polkan.

Today they will give you two bags of happiness,
one with salad, the other with vinaigrette!

You will sleep, curly, you will sleep sweetly, softly,
Until they pull the cake out from under you!

You will sing so that your neighbor will cry.
And everyone else will fall asleep!

Oh, my dear, they’ll have their eyes on you today,
I know for sure. Then also the heart, liver, tongue,
and on top there is something long and thin.........hard to see.
.....ahhh herring!

I see everything, I know everything, in the morning you will run for beer,
in the evening - for the girls!

And you know exactly what will happen tomorrow
- Monday (if today is Sunday)

Wow, darling, it will be bad for will have to go to work

Well, handsome, gild your pen, I’ll tell you what will happen tomorrow!
Oh, I see, I see everything! You'll have a hangover tomorrow!

Be careful tomorrow.........
and make sure you don’t fall asleep on your neighbor’s plate.....

There are three lines on the hand with lily petals,
This is you, and this is him, and this is the two of you!

Our life is changeable, everything in it is changeable,
But luck awaits you and love will come to you.

(fortune telling for the hero of the day)
The house, I see, the cup is full,
It's almost overflowing!
So that our fortune telling comes true,
pour it for us quickly!

When the gypsy told fortunes to everyone, she said:
Guests welcome, and now I ask you to dance a gypsy girl with me.
A gypsy incendiary song sounds.
