A message about the history of the Eiffel Tower. Where is the Eiffel Tower? Size and history of the great structure

A few days before Hitler was due to visit occupied Paris, the elevator in the Eiffel Tower broke down. The breakdown turned out to be so serious that the engineers were unable to repair the lift during the war. The Fuhrer was not able to visit the top of the largest building in France. The elevator started working only when Paris was liberated from the Nazi invaders - literally a few hours later. That is why the French say that although Hitler managed to conquer France, he still could not capture the Eiffel Tower.

If you look closely at the map of Paris, the capital of France, in order to find out where the Eiffel Tower is located, you will see that it is located in the western part of the city, on the Champs de Mars, on the left bank of the Seine, not far from the Jena Bridge, which connects the Quai Branly with the opposite shore. Find out exactly where the Eiffel Tower is located on geographical map world, you can use the following coordinates: 48° 51′ 29″ N. la., 2° 17′ 40″ e. d.

Now the silhouette of the Eiffel Tower is a symbol of Paris, but once upon a time, from the first days of its existence, it caused a mixed reaction among both the French and guests of the city. While tourists admired its weight, size and unusual design, many Parisians were categorically against its presence in the capital and repeatedly demanded that the authorities dismantle this grandiose structure.

From planned demolition (weight iron structure attracted more than one company in the field of metallurgy) The Eiffel Tower was saved only because the era of radio frequency waves had arrived - and it was this structure that was best suited for installing radio antennas.

The idea of ​​creating a tower

The history of the Eiffel Tower began when the French decided to organize a world exhibition dedicated to the centenary of the French Revolution, which occurred in 1789. To this end, a competition was announced throughout the country, the purpose of which was to select the best engineering and architectural projects that could be presented at the planned event and that could demonstrate technical advances France over the last decade.

Among the competition entries, most of the proposals were similar to each other and were a variation of the Eiffel Tower, which the judges decided to choose. Interesting fact: although Gustave Eiffel is considered to be the author of the project, in reality the idea was submitted by his collaborators - Emile Nouguier and Maurice Koechlen. Their version had to be modified somewhat, since the Parisians, who preferred more refined architecture, found it too “dry”.

It was decided bottom part cover the structures with stone, and on the ground floor connect the supports and the tower platform with arches, which would also serve as the entrance to the exhibition. He came up with the idea to arrange glassed halls on all three tiers of the structure, and give the top of the structure a rounded shape and decorate it with various decorative elements.


Interesting fact: half of the money for the construction of the Eiffel Tower was allocated by Gustave Eiffel himself (the rest of the amount was contributed by three French banks). For this, an agreement was signed with him, according to which the future structure was leased to the engineer for a quarter of a century, and compensation was also provided, which was supposed to cover 25% of his expenses.

The tower paid for itself even before the exhibition closed (during the six months of its operation, more than 2 million people came to see the structure, unprecedented at that time), so it further exploitation brought Eiffel a lot of money.

The creation of the Eiffel Tower took very little time: two years, two months and five days. Interesting fact: only three hundred workers were involved in the construction, and not a single death was recorded, which at that time was a kind of achievement.

Such a rapid pace of construction is primarily explained by high-quality drawings, which indicated the absolutely accurate dimensions of all metal parts (and their number exceeded 18 thousand). When assembling the tower, completely finished parts were used with holes made, two thirds of which had pre-installed rivets.

An important role was played by the fact that the weight of the parts did not exceed three tons - this greatly facilitated their lifting to the top.

The construction involved cranes, which, after the tower had significantly exceeded their height, lifted the parts to their maximum level, from where they fell into mobile cranes that moved upward along rails that were laid for elevators.

Just two years after the start construction work The Eiffel Tower was built and its chief engineer On March 31, 1989, the flag of France was hoisted over the structure - and the opening of the Eiffel Tower took place. That same evening, it shone with multi-colored lights: a lighthouse was installed on top of the structure, glowing in the colors of the French flag, two searchlights and about 10 thousand gas lamps (they were later replaced by 125 thousand electric light bulbs).

Nowadays, the Eiffel Tower is “dressed” at night in a golden robe, which sometimes changes its color depending on the events taking place.

What does the symbol of France look like?

The size of the Eiffel Tower amazed Parisians even before the completion of construction work - no one in the world had ever seen such a structure. What a grandiose structure appeared in front of them is evidenced by the following facts: it was much taller than all existing structures at that time: the Cheops pyramid had a height of 146 meters, Cologne and Ulm Cathedrals - 156 and 161 meters, respectively (a building of higher dimensions was erected only in 1930 - it was the New York Chrysler Building with a height of 319 m).

Immediately after completion of construction, the height of the Eiffel Tower was about three hundred meters (in our time, thanks to the antenna installed on its top, the height of the Eiffel Tower in the spire is 324 m). You can climb the tower to the second floor by steps - there are 1,792 of them in total - or by elevator. From the second to the third - only on the lift. Anyone who decides to climb so high will definitely not regret it: the view from the Eiffel Tower is magnificent - all of Paris is at your fingertips.

The Eiffel Tower in Paris shocked contemporaries with its unusual shape for the capital, and therefore the project was repeatedly subjected to merciless criticism.

The designer claimed that this particular configuration is the best option in order to successfully withstand the force of the wind (as time has shown, he was right: even the strongest hurricane, which swept through the capital at a speed of 180 km/h, deflected the top of the tower by only 12 cm). There is no doubt that in appearance the Eiffel Tower somewhat resembles an elongated pyramid, the weight of which is many tons.

Below, at the same distance from each other, there are four square columns, the length of each side of such a column is 129.3 meters and they all go up under small angle with an inclination towards each other. These columns, at a level of 57 m, connect a vault decorated with arches, on which the first tier measuring 65 by 65 m is installed (a restaurant is located here). It is interesting that under this floor, on all sides, the names of seventy-two of the most famous French designers and scientists are stamped, as well as everyone who took a significant part in the construction of the tower.

From the first platform, at a slight angle, four more columns rise towards each other, which come together at a height of 115 m, and the size of the second floor is half as large - 35 by 35 meters (there is a restaurant here, and previously there were also tanks with intended for elevator with machine oil). The four columns located on the second tier also go up at an angle, coming closer until, at a height of 190 m, they converge into one column, on which, at a level of 276 m, a third floor of 16.5 by 16.5 meters is installed (an astronomical and meteorological observatory and physics room).

A lighthouse was installed above the third floor, the light from which can be seen at a distance of 10 km, which is why the Eiffel Tower looks indescribably beautiful at night, as it shines with blue, white and red light - the colors of the national flag of France. Three hundred meters from the ground above the lighthouse, a very small platform was installed - 1.4 by 1.4 meters, on which there is now a twenty-meter spire.

As for the mass of the structure, its weight is 7.3 thousand tons (the weight of the total mass of the structure is 10.1 thousand tons). An interesting fact: over all the years of its existence, the Eiffel Tower was sold by particularly successful entrepreneurs about two dozen times (the weight of the metal of the world-famous structure attracted more than one buyer). For example, in 1925, the Eiffel Tower was sold twice for scrap metal by the swindler Victor Lusting.

The same thing was done thirty-five years later by the Englishman David Sams, interesting fact is that he was able to documentally prove to a reputable Dutch company that the Parisian authorities instructed him to do the dismantling. As a result, he was arrested and put in prison, but the money did not return to the company.

The Eiffel Tower is the most famous tower in the world, named after its creator, Gustave Alexandre Eiffel. It was built in 1889 in Paris. Its height exceeds 300 meters. There are few people in the world who cannot recognize the characteristic design of this building. For the French, this tower became a national symbol.

Over the entire history of the Eiffel Tower, about 240 million people visited it, making it a leader among tourist attractions. The tower was originally planned as a temporary structure, as an entrance arch to the Paris World Exhibition, which took place in 1889. After 20 years, the tower was going to be dismantled, however, the presence of radio communication antennas installed on its top played a decisive role in its fate, and it has survived to this day.

In addition to Eiffel, engineers Maurice Ququelin, Emile Nougier, and architect Stéphane Sauvestre also took part in the design of the Eiffel Tower. It was their project that was chosen as the winner among 700 competitive entries. During the construction of the tower, a lot of innovations and innovations were used. Thus, for the first time, studies were carried out on the properties and bedding of soils, caissons and compressed air were used to build the foundation for the tower, jacks weighing 800 tons were used to adjust the angles of inclination and position of the tower, and special high-rise cranes were used during installation. The construction of the tower also prompted the creation of new equipment and technology.

However, the Eiffel Tower took just over two years to build. It took the builders about a year and a half to lay the foundation, and another 8 months to assemble the structure itself. The tower consists of eighteen thousand metal parts, which are connected to each other by 2.5 million rivets.

The tower is also famous for the fact that for the first time in the construction of high-rise structures, metal was used in large quantities. The height of the tower, including the spire, was 313 meters, and it was the tallest structure until 1931. And in 1957, a television tower was installed on top of the tower, thus increasing its height to 320 meters!

If we connect the supports of the Eiffel Tower with lines, we get a square with a side of 123 meters. The lower tier of the building has the shape of a truncated pyramid, and the lattice structures of the supports form four large and beautiful arches.

The internal structure of the tower is divided into several “floors”: platforms and platforms. The lowest platform is at an altitude of 58 meters, the second rises above the ground by 115 meters. Afterwards there are intermediate platforms, their height is 196 and 276 meters above the ground, and above them at an altitude of 300 meters the 3rd platform is already located.

Currently, the height of the Eiffel Tower reaches 326 meters. At its top there is a viewing terrace, so beloved by tourists, which allows you to explore the surrounding area within a radius of 90 km. The uppermost platform of the tower is small, just over one and a half meters in diameter, and is used to service the lighthouse installed on it.

Over the more than century-long history of the creation of the Eiffel Tower, people have used it for various purposes. It was an observatory, a physical laboratory, and a wireless telegraph. With the development of radio and television, antennas were installed on it to broadcast programs. You can get to the 3rd tier in different ways: by elevator or on foot, counting 1710 steps.

The tower is made very stable and rigid. Even very strong winds shake its top by only 10-12 cm. But the sun has more strong influence to the Eiffel Tower. Due to uneven heating, the top may deviate from its nominal position by 18 cm. Even the flood of 1910 did not affect the stability of the structure.

At the end of the 20th century, the Eiffel Tower was reconstructed. Old metal structures were replaced with new, stronger and lighter ones.

Whether you're lucky enough to have visited Paris, or you're just dreaming of getting there, chances are you're aware of the French capital's most beloved landmark: the Eiffel Tower.

The Eiffel Tower (La Tour Eiffel in French) was the main exhibit of the Paris and World Exhibition in 1889. It was built in honor of the centenary of the French Revolution, and was intended to demonstrate the industrial prowess of France throughout the world.

The French engineer Gustave Eiffel is usually credited with designing the tower, which bears his name. Actually it's two less famous person– Maurice Koechlin and Emil Nougir, who came up with the original drawings for the monument.

They were chief engineers for the Compagnie de Etablissements Eiffel, Gustave Eiffel's engineering firm. Together with Gustave and the French architect Stephen Sauvestry, the engineers submitted their plan to a competition that was to be the centerpiece of the 1889 fair in Paris.

The Eiffel company won the design, and construction of the tower began in July 1887. But not everyone was happy with the idea of ​​a giant metal monument that would stand in the city center. When construction of the tower began on , a group of three hundred artists, sculptors, writers and architects sent an appeal to the head of the Paris Exhibition, begging him to stop the construction of an “unnecessary tower” that would “stand over Paris” like a “black big chimney" But the protests of the Paris community fell on deaf ears. Construction of the tower was completed in just two years, on March 31, 1889.

Eiffel Tower construction process

Each of the 18,000 parts used to build the tower was designed specifically for the project and prepared at the Eiffel factory on the outskirts of Paris. The structure consists of four huge wrought iron arches set on stone piers.

The construction of the tower required 2.5 million assembled rivets and 7,500 tons of cast iron. In order to protect the tower from external factors, workers painted every inch, a feat that required 65 tons of paint. Since then, the tower has been repainted 18 times.

Facts you didn't know about the Eiffel Tower:

– Gustave Eiffel used wrought iron latticework to build the tower. To demonstrate that metal can be as strong as stone, but lighter.

– Gustave Eiffel also created the internal frame for the Statue of Liberty.

– The total cost of the construction of the Eiffel Tower was 7,799,502.41 French gold francs in 1889.

– The Eiffel Tower is 1,063 feet (324 meters) tall, including the antennas at the top. Without antenna it is 984 feet (300 m).

– At that time, it was the tallest structure until the Chrysler Building was built in New York in 1930.

– The tower sways slightly in the wind, but the sun affects the tower more. As which side of the tower heats up in the sun, the top moves can vary by 7 inches (18 centimeters).

– The weight of the tower is about 10,000 tons.

– There are about 5 billion lights on the Eiffel Tower.

– The French came up with a nickname for their tower – La Dame de Fer (The Iron Lady).

– One tower elevator travels a total distance of 64,001 miles (103,000 km) per year.

Using the tower

When the Compagnie Des Etablissements Eiffel won the tender to begin construction of the tower on the Champ de Mars, it was understood that the structure was temporary and would be removed after 20 years. But Gustave Eiffel was not interested in his favorite project being dismantled after a couple of decades, and so he began making a tower an indispensable tool for society.

Just a few days after its opening, Eiffel installed a meteorological laboratory on the third floor of the tower. He offered to use the laboratory to scientists for their research on the entire gravity of electricity. Ultimately, it was the enormous tower, not the laboratory, that saved it from extinction.

In 1910, Paris accepted the Eiffel concession, due to the self-interest of this structure, as a wireless telegraph transmission. The French military used the tower to maintain communications in Atlantic Ocean and interception of enemy data during the First World War. Today the tower includes more than 120 antennas for both radio and television signals throughout the capital and beyond.

Tower today

The Eiffel Tower is still a major element of the city's urban landscape. More than 8 million tourists visit this iconic building every year. Since its opening in 1889, 260 million citizens from all over the world have come to see this architectural marvel when in Paris.

She has something to offer you. The three platforms at the tower are home to two restaurants, several buffets, a banquet hall, a champagne bar and many souvenir shops. Excursion tours Available for children and tourist groups.

The tower is open to the public all year round. From June to September – the tower remains open even after midnight. Prices vary, but visitors can expect to pay between $14 (11 euros) and $20 (15.5 euros) per person. The ticket includes access to the tower's three public elevators and 704 stairs. Tickets, including discounted ones, can be ordered online or at the ticket office near the tower.

Practical information

Location: Champ de Mars, 5 Avenue Anatole France, 75007 Paris, France.

Opening hours: Sunday – Thursday from 9:30 to 23:00. Friday, Saturday from 9:30 to 00-00.


By metro, stops Bir-Hakeim (3 minutes, line 6), Trocadero (5 minutes, line 9), École militaire (5 minutes, line 8);

RER trains: Champs de mars stop (1 minute walk);

By car: If you want to come to the Eiffel Tower by car, we recommend that you park in any of the underground car parks closest to the Eiffel Tower. Good choice is the Quai Branly car park, located less than 300 meters from the tower!

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Nowadays no one can imagine Paris without the Eiffel Tower, and most Parisians, if they didn’t fall in love with it, at least managed to come to terms with it. But this was not always the case - after its construction, it caused strong dissatisfaction among many townspeople, who found it extremely awkward. Hugo and Maupassant, for example, repeatedly insisted that the tower should be removed from the streets of Paris.

Initially, the structure was planned to be dismantled in 1909, 20 years after its construction - but after stunning commercial success, the tower received “eternal registration.”

However, most tourists always admire the Eiffel Tower. Even after 120 years, it remains the tallest building in Paris and the fifth tallest in all of France. Despite its majestic dimensions, its total weight does not exceed 10 thousand tons, it exerts pressure behind the ground equal to the pressure of a person sitting on a chair, and if all the metal of the tower is melted into a single block, it will occupy an area of ​​25 by 5 m and will be only 6 cm in height! However, in our time, the construction of a similar structure would require three times less metal - technology does not stand still.

France will be the only country to have a 300-meter flagpole!

Gustave Eiffel

The most patriotic Parisian

During the German occupation, Hitler visited Paris and wanted to climb the Eiffel Tower. However, the Fuhrer’s wish did not come true: the elevator broke down just in time, and Hitler left with nothing. After such an embarrassment, the Germans spent 4 years trying to repair the ill-fated lift. In vain - the German craftsmen could not figure out the mechanism, and the French just shrugged their shoulders - there are no spare parts! However, in 1944, literally a few hours after the liberation of Paris, the elevator miraculously started working and has been working without interruption to this day.

"Eiffel Brown"

It is curious that the Eiffel Tower is probably the only building in the world that has its own patented color - Eiffel Brown, which gives the tower a bronze tint. Before that, she changed several colors - she was yellow, red-brown, and ocher. Recently, the tower has been repainted every 7 years, and in total this procedure was carried out 19 times. Each painting requires about 60 tons of paint (as well as about 1.5 thousand brushes and 2 hectares of protective mesh), so over time the tower still continues to gain weight. And not only in weight - due to new antennas, its height is gradually increasing: today it is 324 m, and this is far from the limit.

In fact, the Eiffel Tower is not at all monochromatic, as it might seem at first. She turns three different shades bronze - from the darkest on the first level to lighter on the third. This is done so that the tower looks more harmonious against the sky.

Everyone can buy a piece of the Eiffel Tower, and we are not talking about souvenirs with its image, but about the original itself - since the time of Gustave Eiffel, the “Iron Lady” has belonged to a private company, and its shares are traded on the stock exchange.

8 Paris attractions you can visit for free:

The unique metal structure, created by the outstanding architect and engineer Gustave Eiffel, is a symbol the most beautiful capital in the world. A large number of tourists visit Paris every year just to see this miracle. You can admire not only the grandiose structure itself, but also the stunning views of the city. The tower has three levels, each of which provides the visitor with a stunning panorama. Everyone knows where the Eiffel Tower is located, but not everyone knows the history of the creation of the grandiose structure. In this article we will look at the main symbol of Paris.

History of the tower

To design the world exhibition in Paris, the city leadership decided to create a landmark and grandiose object. He was supposed to amaze the foreigners who came to the exhibition. The famous engineer was entrusted with developing and creating the object, who was initially confused, but then presented the city authorities with an unusual project for a high tower. It was approved, and Gustave Eiffel took up its implementation.

In what year was the Eiffel Tower built?

First time seeing unusual design, many people wonder how old the Eiffel Tower is. It was created in 1889 and was intended to decorate the entrance to a grandiose exhibition. This event was dedicated to the centenary french revolution and carefully planned. Having received permission to build a unique structure, Gustave Eiffel began creating the tower. More than eight million francs were allocated for construction; with this money it was possible to build a small city. According to an agreement with the chief architect, the dismantling of the structure was to occur two decades after the opening of the exhibition. Considering the year in which the Eiffel Tower was built, it was supposed to be dismantled in 1909, but due to the endless flow of tourists, it was decided to leave the structure.

How was the main symbol of Paris created?

Construction of the main object of the Paris exhibition lasted about two years. Three hundred workers assembled the structure according to superbly designed drawings. Metal parts were made in advance, the weight of each of them was within three tons, which greatly facilitated the task of lifting and fastening the parts. More than two million metal rivets were produced; holes for them were made in advance in prepared parts.

Lifting elements metal structure was carried out using special cranes. After the height of the structure exceeded the size of the equipment, the chief designer developed special cranes that moved along rails intended for elevators. Given the information about how many meters the Eiffel Tower is, serious work safety measures were required, and great attention was paid to this. There were no tragic deaths or serious accidents during construction, which was a great achievement considering the scale of the work.

After the opening of the exhibition, the tower was a huge success - thousands of people were eager to see the bold project. However, the creative elite of Paris had a completely different attitude towards the architectural masterpiece. A large number of complaints were sent to the city administration. Writers, poets and artists feared that the giant metal tower would disrupt the city's unique style. The architecture of the capital took shape over centuries, and the iron giant, visible from every corner of Paris, definitely violated it.

Height of the Eiffel Tower in meters

The genius Eiffel created a tower 300 meters high. The structure received its name in honor of its creator, but the engineer himself called it a “three-hundred-meter tower.” After construction, a spire antenna was installed on top of the structure. The height of the tower together with the spire is 324 meters. The design diagram is as follows:

● four columns of the tower stand on concrete foundation, rising upward, they are intertwined into a single high column;

● at a height of 57 meters there is the first floor, which is a large platform that can accommodate several thousand people. IN winter time On the ground floor there is an ice skating rink, which is very popular. This level also houses a great restaurant, a museum and even a small cinema;

● the four columns finally connect at 115 meters, forming a second floor with an area slightly smaller than the first. On this level there is a restaurant with excellent French cuisine, historical gallery and observation deck with panoramic windows;

● the height of the Eiffel Tower in meters is amazing, but the maximum accessible to visitors is 276 meters. It is on it that the last, third floor is located, capable of accommodating several hundred people. The observation deck at this level offers breathtaking views. Also on this floor there is a champagne bar and the office of the chief designer.

Over the years, the color of the tower changed, the structure was painted either yellow or brick color. Recent years the building is painted in brown tint, which is practically indistinguishable from the color of bronze.

The mass of the metal giant is about 10,000 tons. The tower is well fortified and practically does not suffer from the wind. Eiffel understood well that when erecting his fantastic structure, first of all, it was necessary to ensure its stability and resistance to wind loads. Precise mathematical calculations made it possible to design the ideal shape of the object.

The tower is currently open to the public. Anyone can buy a ticket and admire the dizzying views of the beautiful city.

Where is the Eiffel Tower in Paris?

The structure is located in the central part of Paris, on the Champ de Mars, opposite the magnificent structure is the Jena Bridge. Walking through the center of the capital, you just need to raise your eyes and you will see the symbol of France, after that you just need to move in the right direction.

There are several metro stations near the tower, many bus routes stop at the main attraction, in addition, there is a pier nearby for stopping pleasure boats and boats, and there are also parking areas for cars and bicycles.

Once in the beautiful capital of France, you won’t have to ask where the Eiffel Tower is located in Paris, because the magnificent structure can be seen from almost every corner of the city. IN dark time day, it is also impossible to miss the unique design, since the tower is illuminated by several thousand light bulbs.

Paris, where the Eiffel Tower is located, is rightfully proud of its main attraction. Magnificent views, wonderful restaurants and breathtaking heights - all this awaits you when you visit the grandiose structure. For many years, the tower was the tallest architectural masterpiece in the world. This magnificent wonder of the world leaves an unforgettable impression. Once you visit the bar on the third floor of the tower, enjoying excellent champagne and wine, you will definitely want to come back here again.