Air thermal curtain with water heater. Choosing a water-heated thermal curtain for a warehouse. Criteria for choosing a thermal curtain

Water thermal curtains produced by the Teplomash company are modern compact equipment with a water heat source, which is installed above door and gate openings to provide mixing and shutter protection of openings. Thermal curtains with a water heat source are designed for effective protection premises from cold street air. In addition, they can significantly reduce heating costs, since the curtains cut off and heat cold air from the street, and the mixing curtains only heat the cold street air before serving it indoors.

Design features and advantages of water curtains

Air curtains "Teplomash" are fully factory-ready products. Almost all Teplomash air curtains can be installed both horizontally and vertically. Curtains are produced in different lengths, but if the door or gateway is wider or higher than the length of the curtain, you can put several curtains in a row.

The water horizontal thermal curtain is fixed on a durable ceiling structure threaded rods or on the wall - using the included brackets. To ensure maximum performance, it is essential to ensure correct location curtains in relation to the doorway. Obstacles in the path of air flow from the curtain significantly reduce its efficiency.

A water-heated thermal curtain installed vertically on one or both sides of the doorway is attached using standard brackets directly to the wall or to the floor on a special bracket.

Thanks to the application hot water as a coolant, a water thermal curtain on front door is economical. In addition, the curtain allows:

  • keep the front door open, which is important for shops;
  • create an air barrier that prevents cold street air;
  • heat cold air from the street before supplying it to the room;
  • have a beneficial effect on human health, protecting the opening from the penetration of dust and insects;
  • keep cool in hot weather in air-conditioned rooms by protecting the opening with a flow of cold air without heating.

Water thermal curtains from the manufacturer

At the Teplomash company you can inexpensively buy water thermal curtains from the manufacturer. We have 25 years of experience in the design and production of air curtains and can guarantee the supply of reliable and energy efficient equipment fully meeting the requirements of the project. Teplomash clients are provided with:

  • optimal price for water thermal curtains;
  • two-year warranty;
  • warranty and post-warranty repairs;
  • consultations on the selection, installation and maintenance of Teplomash equipment.

You can place an order or clarify the technical characteristics of specific models of water thermal curtains by contacting our managers.

Thermal curtains are designed to clearly separate air zones in which it is necessary different temperatures, using a narrowly directed air flow. Such installations are used in various rooms to create and maintain conditions of climatic comfort.

Depending on the energy source used to heat the coolant, there are separating devices of the following types:

  • water;
  • electric.

Water thermal curtains are climatic devices that create a narrow high-speed air flow to separate two different temperature regions. Installation thermal device above the door or window block provides the creation of a powerful air barrier that maintains the required temperature in the room when windows or doors are opened.

Heated water from central or autonomous water supply served in water thermal curtains as a source of thermal energy. Given optimal temperature heated water is set by a special regulator. Climatic household appliance has additional function, which provides effective ventilation without heating using a built-in single-phase electric motor with a speed controller.

It is not pleasant that cold air penetrates into a warm room, cooling it, because in this case it turns out that the street is heated. Not only does this create uncomfortable conditions, but it also has a noticeable impact on your health and wallet. This problem can be overcome with the help of a thermal curtain, which is a reliable barrier between indoor and outdoor air.

They differ in the heat source, that is, such equipment can be electric or water. A water thermal curtain is economical to use, since the heating element is hot water. However, this type of device, like the other, has excellent advantages, due to which it is becoming increasingly popular:

  1. Protecting the building from heat loss.
  2. Protection from cold air, which, thanks to the curtain, cannot penetrate into the room.
  3. Creating a barrier that prevents exhaust gases, dust and insects from entering from the street.
  4. Leveling the temperature gradient.
  5. Protection from drafts, which has a positive effect on health.
  6. Additional heating of the room.
  7. Ability to keep the door open.
  8. The ability to create coolness in hot weather.
  9. Cost-effectiveness due to both less heat loss and the fact that the energy source is not electricity, but water.

Operating principle and installation

The principle of operation is quite simple: powerful fan creates a high-speed air flow that forms an “invisible barrier”, thanks to such a system warm air cannot leave the room, and cold cannot enter it. The heat source of the water curtain is hot water. It turns out that for the water type of device to work, central heating is needed.

Installing such equipment, of course, is difficult, but this cannot be compared with the fact that the operating costs are low and the power is very high. The scope of application of water curtains mostly extends to industrial buildings that have large open openings. The device is indispensable in restaurants, shops and warehouses, that is, those in places where doors open very often due to a large flow of people.

Installation is usually done above the door. Installation above the opening means that the curtain is horizontal, and on the side of the opening it is vertical. It must be remembered that the vertical curtain must be at least ¾ of the height of the opening that needs to be protected. That's the only difference of this type devices from horizontal.

Main element

The main design element is radial fan, which is necessary to create the necessary air flow. Such a turbine must be single and located along the entire length of the device. It helps create an even flow. The engine is mounted on the side of it.

However, manufacturers often decide to place the engine in the center, with small turbines on its sides. The reason for this arrangement of elements is the difficulty of manufacturing a turbine with a length exceeding 800 mm. How effective is this installation method? Of course, such a simplified curtain will cost less, but there will be a “dip” in the central part of the air flow, which significantly reduces the protective properties. In addition, the heating elements will be blown unevenly, and this leads to their earlier failure.

How is the water curtain controlled?

The water thermal curtain is accompanied by at least two switches, one of which must turn on the fan, and the other must turn on the heating elements. Heating power regulators that have two or three stages can also be installed. Fans can be two-speed. The air curtain may have a thermostat that turns off the device or heating elements when the set temperature is reached.

There is a built-in and wired control panel, it all depends on the chosen model. However, the built-in type is used on curtains that have small size, which are installed for windows and doors. This is explained by the fact that the ability to reach the buttons depends on the distance. Accordingly, for water curtains it is more rational to use remote controls that can be installed in the right place.

Sometimes a limit switch is used, which is convenient because it turns on the device only when open gate. It turns out that the switch starts working when the doors or gates are opened. Its use is very convenient in warehouses and hangars.

Curtain selection

To choose from air curtain the following factors influence:

  1. Device length.
  2. Power.
  3. Performance.
  4. Installation type.
  5. Control method.

We have already discussed the last two factors, now we will talk about the other three.

  1. Performance. The air flow speed and installation height depend on it. For example, let's take a doorway whose width is about one meter and height is about two meters. In this case, the “pumping” of the curtain should be from 700 to 900 cubic meters per hour With this performance, the air flow speed will be about 8 meters per second at the outlet of the device, and about 2 meters per second at floor level. Of course, the price of such devices is not small, so devices with lower performance are used to protect small openings. Since water curtains are used more for industrial buildings, you cannot save on this factor, otherwise the efficiency will be minimal.
  2. Power is also an important factor, given that the equipment can heat the air in the room, although this factor is not at all necessary. For example, let's take a building at 10 square meters, which is not heated, and the ceiling height is about three meters. The power required under such conditions is 1 kW. However, in this case the building must be permanent, that is, the ceiling and walls must have good thermal insulation. You should not choose a device with high power for well-heated places or even a device without a heating function. It is worth mentioning the peculiarity of the heating function: the air coming out of the curtain will never be hot, even if the power is maximum, it will only be warm. There is an explanation for this: the heating elements have high speed blowing
  3. Length. It can range from 600 to 2000 millimeters. Lengths from 800 to 1000 millimeters are very popular; such devices are installed above a standard opening, so they are not suitable for industrial facilities where water curtains are often used. How to correctly calculate the length in this case? It should be the same as the width of the opening or slightly larger. This is important to ensure that the air flow completely covers the opening and prevents cold air from entering the room.

All this information will help you choose the right one water curtain, since it plays an important role in creating comfortable conditions. The installation of such equipment will indicate that caring for people is an integral part of any organization.

, General Climate , Tropic , Ballu , Sonniger Guard , Meteor .

An economical option for climate control equipment are water thermal curtains. They protect the room from the cold, heat it and prevent penetration from external environment unwanted particles. The central heating element is heating system with hot water.

Air water curtains are installed in residential buildings and are installed in non-residential premises. The equipment can be located:

  • Above the doorway,
  • Above the window
  • On the sides of internal ceilings and passages.


The water thermal curtain is divided into the following models:

  • With horizontal (vertical) installation. Such curtains are used for gates. To cover the entire opening area, it is recommended to install vertical models. They create a directional lateral air flow,
  • Ceiling. To hide risers, channels and the equipment itself, products that are built into suspended ceiling,
  • Special design. Created in the form of a segmented body. Such models are suspended from the ceiling or installed vertically on the floor.

The Teplovent store sells products from such manufacturers as:


The equipment items are:

  • heating element,
  • Nozzle,
  • Electric motor,
  • Fan.

Functions heating element performs a two-pass heat exchanger. It is created from copper pipes, which are equipped with plate-like aluminum fins. Through the pipes that come out of the housing, water is supplied to the heat exchanger.

Its connection to the heating network is realized using flexible corrugated pipes. IN winter period hot water may be turned off. Therefore, the devices provide water drainage. The water thermal curtain, if installed correctly, is free from corrosion. Its body is made of special materials. The insulation of internal elements is also made from special materials.

Operating principle

The equipment uses air flow, which is warmed by thermal energy coming from the heat exchanger. Electricity is consumed only to rotate the fan and comes from a 220 V network.

The blowing of thermal curtains and heating (partial, maximum) depend on the operation of the fan. The water heat curtain is controlled using a remote control.


You can contact us to choose the right thermal curtain parameters. To resolve any questions you may have, you can contact our consultants via online chat or call our manager at the phone number listed on our portal.

One of the main types climate control technology, providing a reduction in heat loss of the building, a water thermal curtain capable of operating in the presence of a network central heating or hot water supply.

Installations of this type are successfully used when it is not possible to install electrical units in residential and domestic premises, production workshops, office and shopping centers.

Operating principle of a water heat curtain

Modern air thermal curtains, water ones, are an improved heater that ensures the creation of a cut-off flow in door and window openings different sections. The air flow is created using ventilation unit, which may have different design. The cut-off curtain is heated when air passes through a water heater, which is connected to the hot water supply network.

This design has a number of advantages compared to traditional electric heaters:

The use of thermal curtains in various modes not only prevents cold air from entering the room in winter. When the coolant is turned off, it works effectively even in the summer heat; in addition, such devices prevent insects and small animals from entering the serviced premises.

Classification of water thermal curtains

Experts classify thermal water curtains according to a variety of technical characteristics. Moreover, each modification is most effective only for protecting premises under certain conditions.

According to thermal power, they are distinguished:

  • Household (local) thermal curtains, which can be used for installation on openings of small cross-section. Most often, such installations can be found on the windows of stalls, small retail outlets, cash register They are also used as window curtains in residential premises.
  • A medium-power thermal curtain is effective for opening heights of up to 3 meters. This category includes most of the modifications used to protect entrances to shopping and office complexes.
  • To protect the opening at a height of up to 7 meters, powerful thermal curtains are used. Most often they can be found in production and warehouses, logistics centers.
  • For large openings, heavy-duty curtains are used. Basically, such devices are produced according to individual orders based on specially developed projects for energy supply of buildings.

According to the installation method, horizontal and vertical thermal water curtains are distinguished. Most often, horizontal modifications are used, which are mounted above the doorway. The use of several such units makes it possible to protect even very wide openings. When installing vertical curtains, they are mounted on one or two sides of the entrance, and their height must cover at least 2/3 of the opening.

In some cases, built-in curtains are used, placed behind suspended structures ceiling. In this case, only the air supply decorative grilles remain visible.

The most popular brands of thermal water curtains

Products from both domestic and Western manufacturers are widely represented on the market. The most popular products are from the following brands:

Domestic water thermal curtain "Teplomash"- most famous in Russia trademark. This manufacturer is one of the few that has launched the production of curtains for openings with a height of 12 meters or more.

The company's products are reliable and easy to operate (automated systems are used to simplify the selection of the required operating mode).

The advantages also include the affordable cost of Teplomash thermal curtains. Thus, a unit for an opening up to 15 meters can be purchased for 80-100 thousand rubles, and small household models for 15-20 thousand rubles.

Swedish water thermal curtain Frico belongs to a rather expensive price segment.

The average cost of a model with a capacity of 800-900 cubic meters of air per hour is about 140-150 thousand rubles.

Experts include traditional Swedish quality and excellent design among the advantages of this brand’s equipment. These curtains are widely used for installation in shopping and entertainment centers.

International production holding Ballu produces a significant amount of climate control equipment and heating units. The corporation's production facilities are located in countries Eastern Europe and Asia.

Features minimal energy consumption. The company produces equipment for protecting openings of various sizes.

The average cost is about 20-30 thousand rubles. The product line also includes units that meet more stringent design requirements, although their cost significantly exceeds 100 thousand rubles.

Basic rules for installing water heat curtains

To install thermal curtains, you must use only standard mounting brackets provided by the manufacturer. In this case, it is necessary to maintain a distance from the ceiling or side wall of at least 30 cm. Failure to comply with this requirement may lead to a decrease in the efficiency of the unit due to difficult air intake from the unit.

When installing horizontal curtains, it is necessary to select a set that covers the entire width of the opening, otherwise certain areas of dips in the created drip will be observed.