Birthday tasks for a fun company. Fantas for children's birthdays: creative, funny and educational

Everyone knows such games as “Salki” and “Gorelki” well, they love to play them, despite their venerable age. What is so attractive about the games that entertained our grandparents? Reached modern people I like the games because they can be played by almost everyone, both adults and children. In them important element is the independence of game actions from the number of players: two participants can play, or large group, the effect of the game will be equally positive. The rules of such ancient games are simple and accessible even to preschool children; they do not require labor-intensive preparation. That is why they have not lost their attractiveness and are easily passed on from generation to generation. The game of forfeits is one of these ancient pastimes and is still interesting to everyone who has ever taken part in it. Despite the simplicity of the actions, it develops imagination, attentiveness, promotes verbal communication, and teaches to obey the rules of a collective game.

What do you need to know about playing forfeits?

If you translate the name of the game into Russian, it becomes clear that it simultaneously contains rules: forfeit from German is a pledge (object), it is given under certain conditions, then redeemed. This game is good for its variations: you can play forfeits directly, or you can use them as an element of other entertainment. Depending on the choice of option, the following types of playing forfeits are distinguished:

  • Forfeits are like cards: participants write down an interesting task on cards for other players. The presenter collects them, mixes them and invites the players to take turns drawing one of them. The card is read and the player completes the task.
  • Forfeits in the form of lots: players take turns throwing a die with dots (dice). The one who has the smallest (or the largest) number of dots completes the task of one of the participants (the choice can be made through a children's counting rhyme).
  • Forfeits from the host: an item (deposit) is taken from each player in advance. Deposits are collected in a bag. The presenter should not see the players' forfeits. During the game, the presenter takes out each forfeit and gives funny tasks playing, prepared in advance. This version of the game is very interesting for children, but requires careful preparation: funny forfeits, funny tasks for children, funnier prizes.

How to play forfeits with preschoolers?

The game “forfeits for children” is an excellent way to entertain and amuse preschool children. It can diversify family leisure time, enrich children's holidays, for example, playing forfeits on a birthday, New Year. How to properly organize a game of forfeits with children? Parents would like to know that it can be used as:

  • an application to any other game where the rules provide for a fine in the form of a deposit for the player who made a mistake;
  • independent game of forfeits with entertaining tasks.

Such options dictate certain rules for preparing for entertainment.

  1. If in the first case it is enough for an adult (the presenter) to come up with funny tasks for redeeming forfeits, and for children - small items for collateral, then in the second - they jointly invent original assignments, which are the plot of the game.
  2. Forfeit entertainment will be interesting for both children and adults if the tasks are unexpected and funny. But you shouldn’t overdo it; you should pay attention to ensuring that gaming activities are safe and harmless for children.
  3. Engaging activities should be age appropriate for preschoolers to be able to cope with them. Then you won't lose interest in the game.
  4. The ethical side is also important for preschoolers, since at this age children can invent offensive nicknames, if the player finds himself in an awkward situation.
  5. When thinking through tasks for playing forfeits, you should remember that too long and protracted actions of some players can reduce or even lose interest in the game among other participants. Everything should be doable quickly, funny and not offensive!

The funniest tasks for redeeming forfeits

“Edible” tasks for children

They do not require special preparation; you can use holiday treats.

  1. Blindfolded, without helping yourself with your hands, take a piece of fruit from the dish with your mouth and guess what it is (apple, pear, kiwi, strawberry)?
  2. With caramels in your cheek, quickly say pure sayings, for example, “The tea saucers are about to break,” “The chick grabbed the candy,” “The crow missed the crow.”
  3. Eat a piece of lemon and not wince.
  4. Find the candy in the flour with your teeth.
  5. Make up a riddle about fruits or vegetables on the table, then give a treat to the participant who guessed the fastest.
  6. Make a funny face from pieces of fruits and vegetables (olives - eyes, strawberries - mouth, cucumber pieces - eyebrows, hair - parsley or dill).
  7. Introduce the birthday person as a small child, tie a bib and spoon-feed him yogurt.
  8. Come up with and show what you can drink water from if all the dishes suddenly disappear (from your palm, a paper bag).
  9. Without helping yourself with your hands, drink water from a plastic cup.
  10. Blindfolded, pour water from a small bottle into a plastic glass and drink it.
  11. Pour water from glass to glass and read a poem at the same time.
  12. Draw a kitten lapping up milk (soft ice cream) from a saucer.
  13. Draw a cockerel pecking at grains (small nuts, such as pine nuts).
  14. Using sweets (candied fruits, caramels, fruits) draw a picture of a fireworks display.
  15. Make a salad from pieces of fruit and serve to those present.
  16. Find the hidden fruit on the dish and eat it, for example:
  • The fruit looks like a tumbler and wears a yellow shirt (pear).
  • Blue shirt, yellow lining, take a bite - sweet (plum).
  • He came to us from hot countries, and his name is... (banana).
  • With orange skin, similar to a ball (orange).

"Inedible" tasks

They require special preparation for the game.

  1. Draw a portrait of one of the participants.
  2. Draw a self-portrait.
  3. Draw an object with a pencil held in your teeth: a snowman, a Christmas tree, an apple, a candy.
  4. Draw and color simultaneously with both hands some figure: a square, an oval, a bunny made of two circles and ovals, a kitten, a daisy.
  5. Fold some object out of paper as quickly as possible: an airplane, a boat, a bow.
  6. Blindfolded, draw a pet, for example: cat, goat, dog.
  7. With your eyes closed, determine by touch what object the leader put in his hand.
  8. Find in the magic bag by touch an object according to the description, for example, oval, smooth, with pimples (cucumber); fluffy, with ears, whiskers (kitten).
  9. Play a “tease” game: repeat all the movements and grimaces of the other participant in a mirror image.
  10. Dance with a full glass of water in your hand.
  11. Without helping yourself with your hands, move any small toy with your nose to a certain goal (flag, cube).
  12. Jump from wall to wall with a balloon held between your knees.
  13. Climb under the table and pretend to be a dog guarding the house.
  14. Remember as many polite words as possible.
  15. Change shoes from your left foot to your right, and walk like this with a beautiful gait.
  16. Puff out your cheeks and sit like that for a while, trying not to laugh at the jokes of those present.

Creative tasks for forfeits

A thorough preparation of props, music and artistic expression is required.

Playing forfeits for children will become their favorite entertainment if parents show creativity, interest in preparing for the entertainment and take an active part in the gaming activities themselves.

Good luck with your creative quest to organize. holidays!

Birthday forfeits for adults and children are an exciting and interesting game. To conduct it, you definitely need a leader. He removes one item from each participant. It could be anything: a bracelet, a wallet, earrings, even a sock. The object must be small so that these forfeits can be folded into a small hat or some kind of vessel that looks like a hat. Fanta's game will become.

Now the presenter turns away, and the players take turns taking out forfeits. The presenter, without looking at what item was taken out, says what the owner of this item should do. According to the rules of the game, the item cannot be returned until the task is completed. And tasks, by the way, can be long-lasting. To make the game fun and eventful, tasks for forfeits must be thought up in advance. We offer a selection of such tasks.

Birthday forfeits for fun company adults at the table:
You need to draw a mustache on yourself using any material at hand and not wash it off during the evening;
You should move a penny with your nose so that it falls from the table into the glass placed for this purpose;
You need to imitate the sounds of a flying airplane and run around the house, pronouncing them loudly;
Each player must be given a paper medal. Moreover, the merits for which the medal is awarded must be real. For example, the kindest, the most hot-tempered, etc.
You need to put on your pajamas and walk in them to the nearest store, buy a pack of salt there. If passersby ask questions along the way, then you can only answer them: “That’s how it should be”;
You need to drink all the alcohol that is in the glasses at the moment;
Standing on your hands, of course, can be done with support. Then approach the loving couple at the table in this position and wish her happiness, good luck and all the best;
Show, without using language, what you do every day at work;
Go out onto the balcony or just lean out the window and shout ten times with all your might: “People, I love you very much”;
Pretend to be a foreigner for 15 minutes, be sure to make a toast in any other language;
Open and eat the banana without using your hands;
Go to your neighbors and bring them a glass of salt or a bucket of water;
Sincerely confess three of your sins from the past. You have to kneel;
Turn to the neighbor on your left and portray a scene as if he were to marry you;

In front of the mirror say ten times: “Oh, how good I am.” The phrase must be pronounced each time new way;
Drink a glass of any alcohol without using your hands;
For guests to depict a pig in a pigsty. At the same time, crawl on the floor and be sure to grunt;
Shouts to put out the candle. You cannot blow on a candle, you only need to use your voice or the power of thought;
Sing any children's song, and during pauses tap your stomach to the beat;
Show stripper. Then show a stripper who got drunk;
You can ask a person to show any animal. Most good options there is a penguin, a fur seal, a snake, a bear;
Take three eggs and juggle them. Of course, there is a high probability that the eggs will fall and break. So, you will need to clean up after yourself - this is also the task of this phantom;
Give each guest a compliment;
Say something nice about each guest;
Name three qualities of each guest that most appeal to the participant;
Feed each guest at the table from a spoon;
Give any of the guests a hand massage;
Take a hairdryer, comb and gel to give yourself an unusual hairstyle;
Predict the future for each guest. Not just like that, but pretend to be a real professional astrologer;
Reveal the secret of who you wanted to be as a child;
Just tell a joke, but make sure it makes the guests laugh;
The presenter selects three participants whom the owner of the forfeit must hug, kiss and shake hands with;
Draw a portrait of a neighbor on the left or right;
Confess your love to any girl, but do not use words;
Put balloon between two forfeits. Make them hug so tightly that the balloon bursts;

During children's parties and parties, young guests can be entertained with outdoor games and competitions. Forfeits will also cheer up and bring pleasure to children.
The fun will definitely be successful if the tasks are compiled taking into account the age and interests of the children, in a manner that is respectful to them.

Forfeits for children, tasks from 5 to 8 years

Entertain preschool and junior children school age forfeits will help. Fun and easy tasks can be like this.

1. Look at your neighbor and describe him with a blindfold.
2. Finely chopped fruits should be eaten from the plate without using your hands.
3. Read the written tongue twister.
4. Find the hidden object in the room using the “hot or cold” game.
5. Draw some animal.
6. Five words are written on the card, you need to come up with a fairy tale with them.
7. Laugh without interruption for more than one minute.
8. Participate in a fashion show, the details for which must be ready.
9. Draw a portrait of one of the players with your foot.
10.Two people participate, one tells a short poem or fairy tale, the other shows it.
11. Eat a cake that is lying on a chair without your hands.
12. Stand on one leg and jump on it.
13. Come up with several decrees on behalf of the President and read them with expression.
14. Draw a snowman who melts under the sun.
15. Jump around the table like a frog and croak.
16. Feed several children with a spoon.

Tasks for children, tasks for 8-12 years old

Pre-teen children participate with great interest in competitions and games. Forfeits for guys can be like this.

1. The player must juggle three balls, which can be replaced with round fruits for fun.
2. Act in a creative role and, with the help of other participants, depict sculptures.
3. Read a well-known children's song in rap style, using the appropriate dance moves.
4. Tell us about yourself in two minutes. You need to have time to talk about the past week, write down your daily routine. Then do this in reverse chronological order, that is, end with a description of the events of the past week.
5. You need to act as a screenwriter, write a short story for a film with the participation of other players.
6. This phantom will get the role of a choreographer. You need to invent a simple dance, teach it to others and dance it with all the guys to musical accompaniment.
7. Show how women do makeup for 5 minutes. All accessories are imaginary.
8. Give each participant in the game a compliment, noting good trait character.
9. Invent a fairy tale plot using five given verbs and nouns.
10. Depict the scene “getting up in the morning and getting ready for school.”
11. Cooking task. You can make a salad from fruits that everyone should try and appreciate.
12. Feed a blindfolded friend non-messy food, such as an apple slice.
13. Name ten cities or countries that begin with the same letter. This must be done in a minute.
14. Quickly say the names of everyone who is present, vice versa.
15. Pop the balloon without hands, holding it with your feet.
16. Put on some clothes for babies, wings, and dance the dance of little swans.
17. Draw a crayfish standing backwards. So you need to walk around the entire room or apartment, you cannot turn around. If the participant turns around, then he goes through the path again until he succeeds.
18. This forfeit is performed by two participants. One shows pantomime, the other repeats his movements and facial expressions.
19. Draw Siamese twins. To do this, two children stand close to each other and hold the other’s waist with one hand. Afterwards they walk around the room and feed each other.
20. Fant must sing a modern song, the words in this task are replaced by the voices of animals, for example, “meow-meow”, “me-me-me”.
21. This player must perform the skit alone. The plot is based on a simple children's fairy tale, all the characters of which are portrayed and voiced by a phantom.
22. Play the role of a chicken that has hatched from an egg, show its first steps.
23. Walk around the room with your eyes closed as a tightrope walker does.
24. Act as a journalist who interviews a present adult on the topic of his childhood. Ask him a few questions.
25. Fant gets the role of Princess Nesmeyana. All the children will make the player laugh, who must last a couple of minutes without laughing.
26. Eat lemon slices, telling them what a sweet and incredibly tasty fruit it is (if the child does not have allergies).

Tasks for children, tasks for 13-14 years old

The following tasks are suitable for both teenagers and adults.

1. Depict your hobby with pantomime.
2. You need to look at yourself in the mirror and with a calm expression say the phrase “Today I look the most beautiful of all!” several times.
3. The player hides behind a chair and shouts “I’m fine” 5 times.
4. Hold your nose and tell everyone what a pleasant and beautiful voice the phantom has.
5. Listen to a compliment from everyone present.
6. Come up with affectionate nicknames for the five participants.
7. Give yourself compliments in front of the mirror for two minutes; you can’t laugh yourself.
8. Show with gestures the profession that needs to be guessed.
9. Make a threatening face and approach someone with the words “Ah, there you are!”
10. Be in the role of a mirror for everyone who comes to look into it.
11. Lean out the window and shout “People, how I love you!”
12. Read a few tongue twisters.
13. Invent astrological forecast to several participants.
14. Draw a self-portrait with a blindfold.
15. You need to sell an item from the environment by first advertising it.
16. Show different emotions that those present guess.
17. Depict a man walking on hot coals.
18. Answer friends’ questions without saying “yes,” “no,” or “I don’t know” for at least three minutes.
19. Be a living sculpture made by other players.
20. Pinch the ball so that it bursts.
21. Come up with a funny plot for a joint photograph, funny arrangement of each person in the composition.
22. Fold the newspaper into a square with your left hand.
23. Draw a boiling kettle.

Surely everyone wants all the holidays to be fun. After all, no one wants a birthday or any other holiday to turn into a boring gathering. To avoid this, you need to prepare entertainment program. It can be different board games, competitions. Nowadays the game forfeits is quite popular. You can buy ready-made cards for the game, find ready-made tasks on the Internet, or don’t bother and just write tasks yourself that are more suitable for your company.

If you don’t have much imagination, there are quite a lot on the Internet interesting tasks for playing forfeits. The only problem is that after a few holidays the tasks will end, so here is a fresh batch of new tasks for playing forfeits.

Until the next move swear, you can do without swearing, but use it instead swear words any one word, for example - general, etc...

Dance tango with a broom or mop, or, if outdoors, with a twig or bush.

Fulfill any wish of the birthday boy or hostess of the evening.

Until the next move, confess your love to every piece of food you put in your mouth and every sip.

Take a bright lipstick and apply it on the lips of any guest, while you need to hold the lipstick in your mouth and apply it without using your hands.

Until the next move, laugh unexpectedly loudly.

Drink any drink (preferably alcoholic) from a saucer, while doing all this you need to drink and meow.

Draw a word in the air with your butt.

Take some water into your mouth and sit there until the next move.

Draw animals with your eyes closed, and the rest will have to guess.

Tie a potato to your belt with a long thread, place a small ball on the floor and push the ball with the potato until the finish line.

Say the alphabet with your mouth open.

Say a toast or congratulations to the birthday person (depending on the holiday) with your mouth open.

Take a staged group photo, pretend that someone is a fisherman, someone is a fish, someone is a boat, someone is the sea, and so on.

Two people must put on as many things as possible while blindfolded.

Place two people opposite each other and place an egg between them. You tell the participants that they must blow on the egg to make it roll towards their opponent. Then you blindfold the participants, remove the egg, and replace it with a plate of flour.

Put a pillow on your head in a triangle and run the agreed distance, while shouting “I am Napoleon, don’t touch me.”

Do a slow dance with a chair.

Climb a tree and pretend to be a cuckoo until the next move.

Make yourself clothes from leaves and run a distance chosen by other participants. At the same time, you need to shout loudly “I am a forest nymph.”

Go confess your love to the tree, loudly and with feelings.

Draw a coat of arms on paper that symbolizes your friendship and hang it up.

During the other participants’ turn, shout “that’s good” and praise them.

All these competitions are best used with a circle of friends and can even be done while slightly tipsy. This may benefit some individuals, then you will not feel embarrassed and the holiday will be very fun. And if you film the performance of the competitions, you will watch these fun moments for a long time.

Birthday forfeits are a fun and interesting game. In this version, a presenter will be required to conduct the game “Fanta”. He takes one thing, an accessory, from the participants. It could be anything: a bracelet, a wallet, a ring, earrings, even a sock. The item must be small so that these forfeits can be folded into a small hat or bag.

Birthday forfeits for adults

Rules for playing forfeits

A phant (German: pledge, pledge) is something that a player lost, gave to the presenter, and then must be redeemed by completing a task.

“Whose forfeit, what should he do?”, “What should this forfeit do?” - the presenter asks the driver, and he comes up with the next task.

Fanta can be collected in different ways: just go around the circle, taking one thing from each of those present (watch, phone, ring, cufflink, belt, hairpin, etc.), and then give the owners of the things tasks to redeem them; you can play several games in advance, the losers will have to pay a forfeit in order to stay in the game; when asking riddles: if the player does not guess correctly, he pays forfeit.

There are a lot of options - it all depends on your imagination, mood, desire and company.

Now the presenter turns away, and the players take turns taking out forfeits. The presenter, without looking at what item was taken out, says what the owner of this item should do. According to the rules of the game, the item cannot be returned until the task is completed. And tasks, by the way, can be long-lasting. To make the game fun and eventful, tasks for forfeits must be thought up in advance. We offer a selection of such tasks.

Birthday forfeits for a fun group of adults

All evening call the hero of the occasion YOUR HIGHNESS
After each toast, shout loudly TRAM PAM PAM or CHA CHA
Speak in poetry all evening
You need to draw a mustache on yourself using any material at hand and not wash it off during the evening;
Pretend to be a rocket and say in a squeaky voice: “Houston, we have problems!”
You should move a penny with your nose so that it falls from the table into the glass placed for this purpose;
Go out into the street in pajamas or a nightgown, go to the store, buy salt, and answer all the seller’s questions: “That’s how it should be.” An accompanying person can go with the participant so that the first one does not cheat.
On your knees, reveal five of your shortcomings to those present.
You need to imitate the sounds of a flying airplane and run around the house, pronouncing them loudly;
Each player must be given a paper medal. Moreover, the merits for which the medal is awarded must be real. For example, the kindest, the most hot-tempered, etc.
Take a special photo that will capture all the guests. The “photographer” will need to arrange all the guests, give them unusual poses and everything in the same spirit.
You need to put on your pajamas and walk in them to the nearest store, buy a pack of salt there. If passersby ask questions along the way, then you can only answer them: “That’s how it should be”;
You need to drink all the alcohol that is in the glasses at the moment;
Standing on your hands, of course, can be done with support. Then approach the loving couple at the table in this position and wish her happiness, good luck and all the best;
Show, without using language, what you do every day at work;
Go out onto the balcony or just lean out the window and shout ten times with all your might: “People, I love you very much”;
Pretend to be a foreigner for 15 minutes, be sure to make a toast in any other language;
Have a drink at the Brudershaft with the guest on the left.
Pretend to be a horoscope compiler and tell each of the other participants what awaits them over the next week.
Open and eat the banana without using your hands;
Go to your neighbors and bring them a glass of salt or a bucket of water;
Sincerely confess three of your sins from the past. You have to kneel;
Turn to the neighbor on your left and portray a scene as if he were to marry you;
In front of the mirror say ten times: “Oh, how good I am.” The phrase must be pronounced in a new way each time;
Drink a glass of any alcohol without using your hands;
For guests to depict a pig in a pigsty. At the same time, crawl on the floor and be sure to grunt;
Shouts to put out the candle. You cannot blow on a candle, you only need to use your voice or the power of thought;
Sing any children's song, and during pauses tap your stomach to the beat;
Show stripper. Then show a stripper who got drunk;
You can ask a person to show any animal. The most successful options here are penguin, fur seal, snake, bear;
Take three eggs and juggle them. Of course, there is a high probability that the eggs will fall and break. So, you will need to clean up after yourself - this is also the task of this phantom;
Give each guest a compliment;
Say something nice about each guest;
Name three qualities of each guest that most appeal to the participant;
Feed each guest at the table from a spoon;
Give any of the guests a hand massage;
Take a hairdryer, comb and gel to give yourself an unusual hairstyle;
Predict the future for each guest. Not just like that, but pretend to be a real professional astrologer;
Reveal the secret of who you wanted to be as a child;
Just tell a joke, but make sure it makes the guests laugh;
The presenter selects three participants whom the owner of the forfeit must hug, kiss and shake hands with;
Draw a portrait of a neighbor on the left or right;
Confess your love to any girl, but do not use words;
Place a balloon between two forfeits. Make them hug so tightly that the balloon bursts;
Show without words what you like to do in your free time
Looking in the mirror and without laughing, say enthusiastically 5 times the phrase: “I look the best today!”
Try to bite yourself on the elbow, saying: “The elbow is close, but you won’t bite!”
Pantomime a champagne bottle opening
Go up to 5 other participants, shake their hands and say: “I am the king. Very nice, I am the king!”
Hide behind the back of a chair and shout loudly 3 times: “I’m completely fine!”
Choose any of those present and confess your love to him in an original way
Sing any song as if you are very drunk
Hold your nose with your hand and say the phrase: “I have the most pleasant voice in the world!”
You are lucky - the whole company is taking the rap for you: everyone comes up to you and expresses their admiration or pays a compliment
Say in a sexy voice: “Are you sad and lonely? Then call me...” Then it is no less tempting to dictate your phone number
“Saddle” a chair and “jump” on it, shouting at the same time: “You can’t be late for adventure!”
Come up with affectionate nicknames for 7 players (for example, “cutie”, “handsome”...)
Looking in the mirror, compliment yourself for a minute, without laughing.
Depict any profession so that the other players can guess
Be a “mirror” for a few minutes (copy the facial expressions and movements of everyone who wants to look in the “mirror”)
For a minute, stroke yourself on the head and stomach at the same time, but in different directions.
Approach any of the players, make a scary face and say: “Well, here we are!”
Explain how to make scrambled eggs without saying a word
Say the phrase: “I like to dance” in different intonations (joyful, sad, indifferent, surprised, languid)
Sing any song while holding your nose with your hand
Talk about elephants for 1 minute
Stand on a chair and talk about your life in five sentences
Make a toast in the “Chinese” way
Read any children's poem with a Caucasian accent
Say 3 tongue twisters quickly
Show guests how to eat a banana erotically
Pretend to be an astrologer and predict any 2 players' futures
Fall to your knees and repent of your three most significant sins
Choose any two players and, together with them, depict the dance of the African tribe Mumba-Yumba
Bow to five players in different ways without repeating yourself
Tell everyone: “I’m sad, don’t disturb me!” and sit for 1 minute with a sad expression on your face (other players need to try to make you laugh)
Draw your portrait with your eyes closed
Portray a capricious lady who demands her husband to buy her a diamond ring
Portray a capricious husband who is unhappy with dinner
Freeze in a certain pose, depicting a sculpture. You need to stand without moving for several minutes. Other players can approach and change the pose of the “sculpture”.
Take any item and try to sell it to one of the players, praising and advertising its useful qualities
Play a journalist: approach any of the players and interview him by asking ten tricky questions
Take an unusual group photo: arrange the participants, choose the surroundings
Depict scales using pantomime
Sing the song “Two Cheerful Geese” while blowing kisses to everyone
Call someone you know and ask to be allowed to spend the night
Depict famous person for other players to guess
Draw a man in a dentist's chair
Make a comic self-presentation: tell other players why they should be friends with you (marry you, marry you, etc.)
Draw any 5 emotions on your face so that other players can guess them
“Pretend” to be a stranger for 10 minutes and speak only in “gibberish” language
Show accelerated movements how a woman puts on a makeover (does makeup, tries on outfits, etc.)
Depict the gait of a man walking barefoot across hot coals
Talk like a robot for three minutes, asking questions to other participants in the game
Depict a chicken that unexpectedly laid an egg
Without opening your lips, say the proverb: “He who laughs last laughs best.”
Within three minutes, quickly answer questions from other players, but you cannot say “yes”, “no”, “I don’t know”

Tasks for forfeits in verse

The hero of the day has traveled a wonderful path,
You can talk about this in the book.
Come up with a title for your memoirs
Which he could write.
Not a complicated phantom, you should know
About this, don’t go to a fortune teller,
And now name five things,
Necessary for fishing
Now you must show
How flexible are you?
Your fantasy is to dance with a chair
Funny and erotic.
Perhaps this role is for you
A little unusual
Your fant - sing a ditty now
Of course, more decently
Your forfeit is quite simple at first glance,
But it will arouse general interest -
Tell us the height of the hero of the day,
And also guess its weight.
You're lucky, you got a simple phantom -
You must stand on your right leg,
And holding my left leg with my hand,
Raise a toast in honor of our hero of the day.
You must drink without reserve
A glass for the birthday girl,
I'll let everyone line up in order
And dance the cancan together
Your phantom is to become a conductor for a short time,
Quickly organize all the guests,
So that, according to the order of the hero of the day, in chorus
Sing all table songs.
Your forfeit: in the art of achievement
Show your guests to everyone,
Standing in the center of the hall, with an expression
Tell a poem!
As a sign of friendship and mutual respect
To your neighbor or neighbor,
Pour wine and loudly with expression,
Read everything that is on the label.
Your phantom is successful, let’s say in secret -
Organize a model show,
And comment on the show at the same time,
And recruit fashion models from the guests.
You need to compose a composition
From fruits on the table "He and She"
Add your own explanations to it
And announce who it’s dedicated to.
You should applaud
For the hero of the day, in her honor
Come up with a fax from the President
In her name and read it.
Ability to read words backwards
It allows you to demonstrate your forfeit.
You are the name and patronymic of the hostess of the celebration.
They should say it the other way around.
Such a responsibility, except for you,
No one else can do it.
Your forfeit - on behalf of the guests now
Say “Thank you” to the hostess of the celebration
To make it more fun,
Sing us a song quickly!
We make a promise
What will we sing along to you?
Your finest hour has come!
Please dance for us
Fiery and brave
Sultry tango... with a mop!
Charge everyone with positivity,
Something to make me laugh,
So that we can have fun
May you laugh heartily!
This is a sleight of hand task.
Be bold, praise and honor to you!
Candy with a knife and fork
Be able to unwrap it and eat it!
Amuse the honest people:
Tell us a joke
To laugh until you drop.
If you remember more, we’ll be glad!
To your surprise
I got a simple phantom:
For us without delay
Open the champagne!
Here's a test of accuracy!
(The audience held its breath.)
Throw that tea bag
So that it gets into the mug!
The phantom is simple: made from different products
Make a sandwich (light snack)
So that he looks great,
And it tasted great!
Try to entertain us a little,
Amuse your friends and girlfriends
And eat a banana without a fork, without a spoon,
Without a knife and without using hands.
You got this phantom:
Take a photo of all guests.
But with one simple nuance -
To make it funnier!
Cool, very cool
Just a minute
Jump on one leg
Clapping your hands!
Any animal you want
Picture it without words.
The one who guesses
Medal award.
You are very lucky.
Rejoice, my dear:
Pulling out a surprise ticket,
You get a prize right away!
Who doesn't like compliments?
The world doesn't know anyone like him.
Give everyone a compliment
Fanta drops out.
Dance of the little ducklings
Make the audience happy.
Get the kids to dance -
Dance until you drop!
All names have been forgotten
Fairy tales that are kind and funny.
Complete one task -
Help us remember them!
You need to do sports!
There is a task for you:
You can try really hard
And sit down a dozen times?
Cunning Sorcerer
He hid his treasure here.
Find him quickly
Show it to the guys!
There are many holidays in the world
And the children are delighted with them.
Don't play the silent game
Call them quickly!
You are a physical education teacher.
You'll teach the lesson now.
For health and figure:
Squats, running, jumping!
Tell us a riddle.
Even three would be better.
Let's solve it in order,
Let's stretch our brains.
You have the right
Choose a pair for yourself.
Dance with her
For the eyes.
Take a piece of paper
And turn it into a toy.
And then give it to your mom
As a sign of your great love!
In many fairy tales and poems
There are cats.
We would like to ask you:
Which ones do you know?
Your voice is wonderful
We want to listen.
Sing a song, my friend.
Make our ears happy!
Choose a client for yourself.
Style his hair.
Turn on your imagination
Don't break the comb.
You have a task, my friend:
Darling, remember your poem,
And you tell it to us -
Playfully, loudly, from the heart!
Favorite story
Remember right now.
We really want to know
Why are you fascinated by him?