Liquid Mullein: instructions for use, how to prepare (recipe), how to dilute dry infusion, how to use, proportions. What is mullein and how to prepare it How to water cucumbers with mullein

Mullein is one of the most popular and effective fertilizers today; it is used by many gardeners and gardeners, as it is universal and suitable for almost all plants and trees. It contains all the necessary macro- and microelements, for example:

  • iron,
  • sulfur,
  • nitrogen,
  • potassium.

Therefore, it is also called complete fertilizer. Also present in small quantities are cobalt, zinc, copper, boron, molybdenum and magnesium.

The popularity of this fertilizer lies in its use for garden crops due to the fact that when mullein gets into the soil, after a short period of time it begins to mineralize, like any mineral fertilizer.

The basic components of this fertilizer are cow manure and water, but for greater efficiency and to increase the content of phosphorus and potassium, in some cases superphosphate and wood ash are added. At correct use When prepared, this fertilizer will be perfectly absorbed by plants and will not only fertilize them, but also help protect them from diseases.

To prepare mullein infusion you will need:

  • an empty bucket or similar container for mixing and storage,
  • fresh cow dung,
  • irrigation water.

It is necessary to fill the bucket with 1 part of manure and 5 parts of water, then mix the mixture well, cover with a lid and leave to infuse for 7-10 days. Once a day, the resulting slurry must be mixed until smooth. After a week of settling, the infusion will slightly change its color and become lighter, and large particles of cow manure will gradually sink to the bottom. The successful completion of the fermentation process will be indicated by bubbles that appear on the surface of the contents of the bucket.

Before using mullein infusion, you need to once again dilute the liquid obtained after fermentation with water, about half.

Despite the fact that mullein is a fertilizer with a high content of various useful elements, it contains relatively little phosphorus. To correct this and increase the efficiency of feeding, superphosphate is added to the infusion.

For this purpose for 10l ready solution mullein you will need:

  • 100 g superphosphate;
  • 500 g wood ash.

The resulting mixture must be stirred and infused for an hour. To prevent ammonium carbonate from evaporating from the finished mullein, the fertilizer should be kept under a tight lid. This way the solution will not lose its beneficial properties.

What plants are suitable for this fertilizer?

Mullein will be most effective for plants that consume the majority of nutrients from the soil. For example:

  • all kinds of cabbage,
  • onion,
  • cucumbers,
  • pumpkin,
  • tomatoes,
  • beet,
  • spinach,
  • pepper.

It is also suitable for feeding garden trees. However, watering radishes, peas, radishes and kohlrabi with mullein is strictly contraindicated!

How to use

The infusion is used to water plants, which significantly improves the quality of the fruit. Plants that have pale, thin, weakened stems need feeding first.

You cannot store the finished fertilizer, as it quickly loses all its beneficial properties. Once it has settled, dilute it and water it.

When fertilizing the soil, you must follow certain rules:

  1. Watering with mullein infusion should be carried out along grooves and furrows that need to be dug near each plant sprout.
  2. After it is absorbed into the soil, the dug groove must be immediately covered with earth.
  3. Avoid watering plants from above, on leaves and stems.
  4. Water the beds at the rate of 10 liters per 1 sq.m.
  5. You should not feed and fertilize the soil very often.

Cucumbers need to be fertilized every 10 days; tomatoes need watering during development, i.e. When:

  • greenery begins to grow,
  • color appears
  • an ovary is formed.

One seedling will require approximately half a liter of solution.

Onion plants should be fertilized around May-June, when leaf growth is weak.

For zucchini: the first feeding should be done before and the second during flowering.

When using mullein infusion for watering bushes and trees, watering should be done around the trunk, approximately along the perimeter of the tree crown. You can pour the slurry into the grooves around the tree.

Feeding of old perennial trees should be done before mid-summer.

Remember not to throw fresh manure into planted beds! This is fraught with burns to the root system of plants and the development of a number of diseases due to the content in the fertilizer. large number microorganisms.

This article presents brief information on the use of organic fertilizers such as cattle manure or mullein. Questions about the use of fertilizer at home and in the field will be revealed, the meaning of mullein, its composition and properties, how to properly prepare the solution.

Mullein contains all the macronutrients that are necessary for the normal development and growth of plants and soil. These elements include potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. In this case, nitrogen is in organic form. In addition to these three elements, fertilizer will depend entirely on what the cows were fed and how many vitamins they received from food.

Designed to fertilize the soil, enriching it with important elements. All this is necessary for the normal growth of plants and various fruit and field crops.

Every person needs food that contains vitamins and different elements. For normal development and growth. Plants also need their vitamins to function well and benefit people.

There is also synthetic mullein, that is, in packages, in case there is no cattle. This fertilizer is called cattle compost.

Mechanism of action

This fertilizer is produced in three consistencies:

  1. Litter
  2. Without bedding
  3. Liquid

Litter implies a mixture of straw, hay, peat with cattle manure. It is used as bedding. Peat, in turn, serves as a source of ammonium nitrogen, which is absorbed by plants.

The best and most important elements in soil fertilization are:

  • Potassium
  • Phosphorus

Litter-free consistency is a suspension that contains a sufficient amount of ammonium nitrogen. It is this consistency that will enrich the soil many times more than litter, since it contains about 60% nitrogen.

Liquid manure also contains large amounts of potassium and nitrogen, necessary to improve soil quality before planting. This consistency should be diluted.

The mechanism of action of the fertilizer is the proliferation of microorganisms, because those elements nourish and give energy to the soil. The physical and chemical properties of the soil improve. The structure of the earth is created, which promotes the formation of lumps. The clumps are stable and the plant will grow harmoniously.

Before applying it, it must be kept for at least six months. Then enter using the technology:

  1. Direct flow (farm-field)
  2. Transshipment (farm-burt-field)
  3. Two-phase

Depending on the area to which the fertilizing will be applied, its amount will be different. Solid fertilizer per area for sowing field plants should be 1 ton. As for liquid manure, it is applied using two technologies:

  • Direct flow(for transportation distance up to 3 km)
  • Reloading(for transportation distance more than 3 km)

The condition for preserving the nutrients of liquid mullein is their rapid incorporation into the soil by tillage units.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Disadvantage The only thing is that not everyone has the opportunity to own cattle, whose excrement is useful for crop production, but there are even commercial fertilizers for this.

Advantages– obtaining milk + fertilizing the garden for sowing various plants and field crops, high efficiency, low cost, protection from diseases and pests.

Instructions for use

Proper preparation of the working solution

Liquid consistency fertilizer is prepared in a ratio of 1:10. 1 bucket of cow dung and 5 buckets of water are poured into the container. Stir and leave for about 3 days. Also add approximately 500 grams of wood ash, 100 grams of phosphate.

Before applying, you need to water the soil with water.

Timing and method of treating plants with the drug

It is advisable to apply liquid fertilizer into the furrows. For fruit crops they are made wider and deeper. Mullein is added about 4 g per each square meter. Mineral ones are used in a dosage of 9/20/4 ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate and potassium, respectively. These minerals are the basis for fertilizing, and mullein is a top dressing. Their use must be comprehensive.

Thus, fertilizing is done in advance before adding mineral water, depending on the variety and variety of crop.

Safety precautions when working with fertilizer

This section will concern purchased mullein, as it contains substances that will burn the plants.

Feeding with synthetic mullein should be done in the fall, because the root system of seedlings is weak and can be destroyed.

Compatibility with other tools

As mentioned above, after fertilizing the soil, mineral water is added. When it comes to synthetic products, mullein can interact with:

  • Wood ash
  • Eggshell

Since ash is a source of potassium and phosphorus, it is added simultaneously with mullein.

The shells are crushed and soaked warm water, infusing the mixture in the dark for about three days. After this, water the soil with seedlings.

First aid for poisoning

In case of mullein poisoning as a vapor, the victim should be taken to clean air and warm up. If you feel itching, wash your skin with laundry soap. If there is pain in the eyes, then you need to rinse the eye with tea. You should consult a doctor for any poisoning.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Mullein should be stored in some kind of pits or separate piles. The most important factor is not allowing the mullein to warm up to 60 degrees.

As for the shelf life of both mineral and organic water, it does not exceed 3 years. Dry synthetic fertilizers are stored for several years, and raw ones for about 9 months.

In conclusion, it can be noted that mullein is used for almost all vegetable, fruit crops, root crops, tubers and fruit trees. If you use a fertilizer or product correctly, without missing out on nuances, following the system of use, then no shortcomings or bad outcomes can be expected.

Mullein is one of the best organic fertilizers used for feeding garden crops. Once in the soil, it, like other organic matter, gradually mineralizes in it and provides nutrition to plants throughout the season.

Mullein is often called liquid cow manure without a straw or sawdust base - slurry. In fact, they are not exactly the same thing. Slurry is a widespread organic fertilizer that contains almost all the basic nutrients and most microelements. Mullein – fermented aqueous solution cow dung. The biggest disadvantage of fresh slurry is that it may contain pathogens of various plant diseases. They die during fermentation, so mullein is a much safer, but no less useful fertilizer.

Mullein is prepared from cow dung. To do this, place one part of fresh manure in a sufficiently large container and fill it with five parts of water. Mix well, cover with a lid and leave to ferment for 1 - 2 weeks. Every 2 - 3 days the mixture must be opened and stirred. The beginning of fermentation is signaled by bubbles appearing on the surface of the mixture. Within a week, the color of the solution changes - it becomes noticeably lighter, and solid particles begin to settle to the bottom.

Before use, the fertilizer must be diluted at least twice. And to enrich with phosphorus and potassium, you can add superphosphate - 100 grams per 10 liters of solution, and wood ash - 500 grams.

The chemical composition of mullein greatly depends on the food that was given to the animals. But in any case, this is a fertilizer that contains the most nitrogen and potassium. It contains much less phosphorus. Nutrients from mullein are easily absorbed by plants. Under the influence of microorganisms, the urea contained in mullein turns into ammonium carbonate, from which ammonia gas is easily released and evaporates into the surrounding air. Therefore, when making mullein and subsequent storage, it must be kept in a container tightly closed with a lid.

Those plants that are strong and medium consumers of nutrients respond especially well to feeding with mullein: cauliflower, white cabbage and red cabbage, broccoli, Chinese cabbage, onions, celery, chard, cucumbers, tomatoes. Pumpkin mulleins are the most popular: zucchini, pumpkins, zucchini, and squash. It will also be useful for red beets, head lettuce, spinach, peppers and eggplants.

Mullein fertilizer has little effect on radishes, peas, radishes, beans and kohlrabi. Therefore, the feasibility of its use for these crops is highly questionable.

Cucumbers can be fed with mullein every ten days. To do this, take 10 liters of water per liter of mullein, and with the beginning of flowering, add superphosphate and potassium sulfate.

For tomatoes, mullein is best used in initial period development, when there is a rapid increase in green mass, as well as flowering and formation of ovaries. Approximately half a liter of diluted mullein is used per plant.

To feed trees, take a bucket of mullein per square meter trunk circle. Most often, a groove is dug around the tree, up to 10 cm deep and located in a circle equal to the perimeter of the crown. A diluted solution of mullein is poured into it, and then leveled. Instead of a ditch, you can make a series of small holes around the tree, pour fertilizer into them, let them soak in and bury them.

But when feeding perennials, especially trees, you need to be quite careful. When applying mullein in the second half of summer and, especially, in autumn, the nitrogen component of this fertilizer will contribute to the rapid growth of wood and green mass of the entire plant. As a result, the natural aging and fall of leaves is delayed - this phenomenon causes great harm to all perennials. The rapidly growing wood of both ornamental and fruit trees does not have time to ripen and prepare for wintering. This means inevitable freezing of young branches during the cold season. Of course, the tree will not die completely, but recovery for the next season will be long and difficult.

Mullein is a very good environmentally friendly organic fertilizer, the importance of which is difficult to overestimate. But it must be used, like all other means, in a timely manner and in moderation, otherwise the results obtained may be very far from expected.

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​) chlorosis and other diseases. The popular belief that watering plants with tea or coffee stimulates plant growth is deeply mistaken. Just as little effective vegetable oil, which, when applied to the leaves, only clogs the pores, thereby disrupting the breathing process.​
​bird droppings​

​accelerate abundant and long flowering plants and have a positive effect on the formation of flower buds.​

​If the roots of the plant have only entwined the earthen ball, but have not formed felt, then you should apply replanting of the plant or mineral or organic fertilizing.​

​But excess copper is also extremely harmful to the plant.​

With a lack of magnesium, the leaves turn pale, interveinal chlorosis is possible, flowering is delayed, and plant growth slows down.

​If there is an excess, the plant grows vigorously.​

Mullein (fertilizer): application, composition, how to prepare



​Nitrogen - essential element promoting active plant nutrition;​

  • ​Mullein is the most popular fertilizer among summer residents and gardeners. It can be used to feed almost any plant. With its help, you can significantly increase the yield of various vegetable and fruit crops. It is also used for ornamental plants.​
  • - very capricious plants, but very responsive to proper care, i.e. for food and fertilizers.​
  • However, referring to the experiences of authoritative Michurin residents (M.P. Arkadyev, K.V. Solovyov, etc.), I can offer the following home methods of fertilization:

​gives an even greater effect than feeding with mullein. Bird droppings are superior in nutritional value to mullein and are odorless. Before use, bird droppings are diluted with water to a slightly cloudy greenish tint. A high concentration solution can destroy the plant.​


Litter mullein

​Potash fertilizers​

  • Fertilizer watering is best done in the evening. Only healthy plants can be fertilized during the period of growth and flowering. During the dormant period and when the growth of some plants stops at the end of summer and autumn, the plant is not fertilized. You should also not fertilize unrooted or diseased plants.​
  • ​Molybdenum​

Mullein without litter






Feeding indoor plants with fertilizers

​Potassium is a necessary element during flowering and fruit set; Phosphorus – promotes the active emergence of young shoots and ovaries;

Of course, mullein is a fertilizer that needs to be used correctly. Under no circumstances should fresh manure be added to beds where any plants are already growing or will soon be planted. The fact is that, when decomposing, such mullein releases a lot of heat. As a result, you can simply burn the roots of the plants. Fresh manure can be applied to the soil only before winter. In a few months (before spring) it will have time to rot a little.​

​All summer residents and gardeners are familiar with the mullein fertilizer made from bark manure; it is with the help of mullein that you can fertilize any vegetable and garden plants, but before fertilizing roses with mullein, it is better, of course, to make an infusion. Dilute fresh manure with 1 to 5 parts of water, then close it tightly and leave to ferment for 1 - 2 weeks, periodically opening and stirring.​ ​Feeding with sugar.​​Although most plants get by with regular complete fertilizers, there are still species that require special fertilizers.​

Basic elements of soil nutrition for plants.

​promote plant growth. Together with phosphate fertilizer, potassium has good influence on abundant flowering plants and flower color. For flowering plants potash fertilizer most often used during the initiation and development of flower buds and the appearance of buds. Some other plants in which leaf and flower buds appear from the same axil cannot tolerate this fertilizer during the period when camellia buds appear.

​Fast-growing plants are fertilized more often, slow-growing plants - less often, tub plants are also fertilized rarely. Do not apply fertilizer when the earthen ball is dry. You need to first moisten it well and then apply fertilizing water.

With a lack of molybdenum, spots appear on the leaves, the edges of the leaves curl, and the flowers fall off. With a lack of iron, the formation of chlorophyll stops, the leaves become light yellow (chlorosis). ​Potassium helps the plant absorb carbon dioxide from the air. To potassium mineral fertilizers include potassium chloride, potassium sulfate, 40% potassium salt, etc. ​fertilizers for plants.​
​Magnesium – helps increase plant productivity,​ ​Only properly prepared fertilizer is poured into the beds. Mullein is first kept in heaps for at least 2-3 months. First you need to pour a layer of peat on the ground. Then a layer of mullein is laid on it, then again peat, etc. It turns out a kind of " layer cake". The approximate thickness of each layer is 20 cm. Instead of peat, it is allowed to use ordinary soil.​ ​It is this solution that can be used to feed roses; this infusion contains all the necessary microelements for the nutrition and development of roses.​ ​For a pot with a diameter of 10 cm, 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar. Sand is poured onto the surface of the earth before watering once a week. You can use it in solution - 2 teaspoons per glass of water, once a week. Cacti especially respond to feeding with sugar.
Azaleas, camellias ​Over-fertilized plants become fattened, bloom later, and underdeveloped buds die off. Cut flowers from overfertilized plants do not hold up well in water. Nowadays fertilizers are produced in the form of insoluble powders and granules, tablets and sticks, as well as liquid fertilizers. The label must contain an indication of the percentage composition of this fertilizer and instructions for use. Powders and granules are widely used in gardening for open ground. In indoor floriculture, it is better to use tablets or sticks that are immersed in the soil. But there are significant drawbacks. Firstly, the nutrients are concentrated in one place, and secondly, if necessary, for example, with the onset of a dormant period, this fertilizer is difficult to remove from the soil. Therefore, liquid fertilizers are the most effective. The concentration of fertilizer watering should be low, especially at the beginning of plant growth. More frequent watering with a weak solution has the best effect.​ ​For most indoor flowering plants, it is recommended to apply complete mineral fertilizer at least twice - during budding or the formation of flower buds.​
​Seed treatment in microelement solutions​ ​Boron​ ​Potassium is especially necessary for flowers; if there is a lack of potassium, flowers do not form or they are very small. With a lack of phosphorus and potassium, the leaves turn yellow at the edges and begin to gradually fall off, plant growth is sharply delayed. Characteristic sign potassium starvation - a light border over the entire surface of the leaf. In addition, with a lack of potassium, plants are more easily susceptible to fungal diseases.​
Nutrients are found in the soil in the form of minerals and organic compounds. Plants obtain nutrients from the soil in dissolved form through root system. However, it is possible to provide plants with nutrients to a certain extent through leaves (foliar feeding).​ ​as well as calcium, zinc, etc.​ The top of the pile is covered with a layer of soil. This way you can avoid the appearance of unpleasant odors, as well as the loss of some nutrients.​
​I personally grow roses myself - but I prefer to do without organic fertilizers, that is, manure.​ ​Feeding with castor oil.​ ​and some other plants prefer acidic soil. Special fertilizers are produced for them, containing, in the optimal ratio, primarily nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, as well as all the necessary microelements.​
​Even now, when you can buy almost any fertilizer in the store, many owners indoor flowers Fertilize the plants with organic fertilizers brought from the dacha or garden. Organic fertilizers improve physical properties soil, increase its ability to absorb moisture, reduce soil acidity, improve its aeration.​ ​Plants during dormancy or at the end of the growth period before dormancy,​
​Feeding of plants through the soil and through the leaves during the period of plant growth and development;​ ​Boron< необходим растениям для нормальной жизнедеятельности точек роста, т.е. самых молодых частей растения.​ ​Sera​
​SubstanceIn excess​ ​Cattle manure mixed with straw, hay or peat from the bedding of these animals.​ ​Mullein is a fairly strong fertilizer. Therefore, even in its rotted form, it must be used carefully. Dry fertilizer is applied to the soil mainly only in the spring, when preparing beds. Rotted manure is scattered on the surface of the soil in a 3 cm layer for tomatoes, peppers and cabbage and a 2 cm layer for cucumbers and zucchini, and then dug into half a shovel. Dry mullein is sometimes used in the summer as mulch (after watering and loosening the beds).​
​Before planting seedlings, the roots of roses must be dipped in a prepared special mixture of fertilizers.​ ​Pour a teaspoon of castor oil into a liter of water and shake well. Fertilize during flowering and fruiting. ​Epiphytic bromeliads and tillandsias​ ​Humus​
​A newly transplanted plant and a newly purchased plant (feed no earlier than 2 weeks later),​ ​Introduction of microelements into a mixture of organic-mineral fertilizers.​

Ways to use microelements:

  • With a lack of boron, the apical buds die and rot, and young plants die.
  • ​Sulfur is necessary for normal plant growth and development. Special sulfur fertilizers are not applied to the soil, since sulfur is contained in both manure and superphosphate, which are applied to the soil.​
  • ​Nitrogen​

​Peat as bedding - this type of manure has a high concentration of ammonia nitrogen, which plants absorb better than regular nitrogen.​

Signs of excess minerals are as follows:

  • ​Do not use it in this way only for carrots. If you fertilize the bed under it with manure, it will grow “shaggy”. A slightly different fertilizer is prepared for this crop - liquid mullein. In the summer, when the plants are already planted, other crops are also fed this way. To get this type of fertilizer, you will need some kind of large container. It is filled halfway with manure, and then topped up to the very top of the container. warm water, cover with a lid.​
  • But first, rose seedlings are pruned so that 3-4 shoots remain with two or three buds on each shoot. The roots of roses should be trimmed to 15–20 cm.​
  • Some craftsmen fertilize flowers
  • Absorb water and nutrients through their leaves. Therefore, a fertilizer solution for these species must be available for the uptake of nutrients by leaf scales and fibers. For these plants, it is better to use liquid fertilizer that does not contain any salts, as they clog the pores on the leaves. It is best to purchase a fertilizer mixture for hydroponic crops at the store. The nutrient solution is either poured into a rosette of leaves, or the plant is sprayed with it, or the entire plant is immersed in it.​

When to fertilize.

- (rotted manure) is an extremely valuable fertilizer. Infusion is used as a fertilizing watering

​Sick plants, when the cause of the disease state has not been established, Plants with damaged root systems ( root rot, if the plant was heavily flooded, etc.),​

​It should be noted that the excess minerals has an adverse effect on plants.​


​With a lack of sulfur, the leaves become light, and the growth and development of the plant stops.​

  • Nitrogen is part of the complex compounds from which protein is built - the basis of living matter. Nitrogen is also part of chlorophyll, which plays an important role in plant photosynthesis. To feed plants with nitrogen, nitrogen mineral fertilizers (ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate) and organic fertilizers(manure or slurry).​
  • ​Bedding made of straw and hay - manure is enriched with a sufficient amount of potassium and phosphorus. These elements are necessary for development, full growth, and provide resistance to changes in air temperature.​
  • ​This mixture is left for 1-2 weeks to ferment. During this time, it is thoroughly mixed several times. The result is liquid mullein - an unusually effective fertilizer. For watering, the resulting composition must be diluted. Take 3-4 buckets of water per bucket of such concentrated slurry and water the beds at the rate of 10 liters per square meter. If the soil is wet, the solution can be made a little stronger.​
  • ​And now we dip the roots of the roses into the fertilizer solution, which is prepared like this

What fertilizers are there:

​milk, meat​

​Cacti​​mullein​ ​Cacti are not recommended to be fed with organic fertilizers.​ Drooping leaves; ​Manganese increases the assimilation of carbon dioxide in plants, i.e. plays big role in photosynthesis.​​Calcium​

​Nitrogen is especially necessary for the leaves; with a lack of nitrogen, the leaves become pale green, plant growth is delayed, and the leaves become smaller.​

​Solution medium density consistency, there are no foreign impurities of peat or hay. This fertilizer contains an average of 50-70% ammonia nitrogen. This solution is used to prepare liquid mullein, which is used as a top dressing for fruit trees, garden trees and garden crops. In autumn, dry mullein is crushed and scattered over the entire area at the rate of 4 kg per square meter. Potatoes are most often fertilized with mullein using a slightly different method. When planting, simply throw a handful of fertilizer into each hole. This will be quite enough.​ ​Put a shovel of clay and a shovel of mullein into a bucket, add water to 3/4 of the volume, stir everything thoroughly.​ ​or​​from steppe zones and deserts grow slowly. Therefore, they need a small amount of nitrogen. If you feed the cactus with manure water or azalea fertilizer, the accelerated growth will cause the plant's skin to burst and the plant may die. (1 part manure to 10 parts water). Manure fertilizer does not contain enough phosphorus, so you can add superphosphate to it at the rate of 12-15g per bucket of fertilizer. There are plants, for example​ ​Plants require different periods growth and development of various fertilizers.​

​White crust on the surface of the soil and the outer wall of the ceramic pot (in areas with soft water);​ ​With a lack of manganese, plants have few leaves.​​Calcium is also very necessary for plants. If there is a lot of magnesium and little calcium in the solution, then magnesium is harmful to the plant.​

Special fertilizers.

​Excess nitrogen - the leaves become dark green, flowering (and ripening of fruits in lemon, orange, etc.) is delayed.​

​Liquid fertilizer, which is often used for periodic feeding of plants, pre-diluted with water. To prepare a concentrated infusion from slurry, it should be placed in a fermentation container, this process lasts about two weeks. At the end of fermentation, prepare a working solution. To do this, the concentrated liquid is diluted with water (1:2). This fertilizer is poured under the roots of plants; in order to increase the effect, you can add superphosphate to the solution (per 10 l - 50 g of substance). Mullein is a universal fertilizer. If you have the opportunity to use it in your garden, you should definitely do so. In any case, manure is preferable to mineral chemical fertilizers. Roses should be properly fed with azofoska 5 grams, nitrophoska 8 gamma or complex fertilizer 10 grams per bush at the age of 3 to 6 years. Roses will bloom more luxuriantly if you add half a glass of dry chicken manure and ash. All this is added to the soil.​ ​with fish water​​​There are so-called home remedies for feeding plants; if you are not a professional gardener or botanist, then it is better not to experiment, otherwise you will do much more harm to the plant than good.​ ​asparagus​

Homemade fertilizers.

​Nitrogen fertilizers​

​Dry brown spots on leaves, dry edges of leaves; ​Copper​​Lack of calcium weakens root growth, stem tips and young leaves die. Calcium is especially necessary for cacti with large or multiple spines.​


​Mullein - fertilizer is used according to certain rules. It is not recommended to use fresh manure to fertilize the soil immediately before planting, as it can harm the plants. The decomposition of manure in the soil is accompanied by increased temperature. For this reason, mullein is applied to the soil in the fall before cultivation - 4 kg per 1 sq.m.; Mullein is a fertilizer that is used by many experienced gardeners and gardeners. Mullein is a natural universal remedy that is suitable for almost all types of plants: vegetables, flowers and garden trees, due to the fact that it enriches the soil with unique nutrients.​​It is possible, like almost all plants, but you need to do it in correct timing and maintain proportions. Mullein is a fertilizer rich in nitrogen and microelements. Nitrogen promotes plant growth and the formation of additional shoots. But mullein can also be burned. In addition, if you feed with nitrogen fertilizers at the end of summer and autumn, the roses will not be well prepared for wintering and may freeze.​ ​and have good results, but this is as they say - "the need for invention is cunning." Instead of being perverted, it’s easier to buy fertilizer, and what to do with it is written there.​

​For example, watering plants with water infused with eggshells, causes plants that are susceptible to calcium and magnesium salts (​​, which are very fond of fertilizing with mullein. When transplanting them, it is best to smear the walls of the pot with cow pats and then fill them with soil.​ ​promote increased growth of stems and lush foliage. With an excess of nitrogen, plants they become fattened, the growing season is lengthened, and the beginning of flowering is delayed, and the plant becomes more easily susceptible to fungal diseases.​ ​In summer, plant growth stops, and in winter you can see weak, elongated stems.​​Copper is involved in redox processes in plants, increases plant resistance to fungal diseases.​

Is it possible to fertilize roses with mullein?



A k s i n y a

​Phosphorus is part of the so-called nucleoproteins - the main component of the cell nucleus. Phosphorus mineral fertilizers include superphosphate, phosphate rock, etc. Regular feeding of indoor plants with fertilizers should become a routine procedure for you, since many so-called plant diseases are caused by improper care. The most important thing to do is to stop using fertilizers. garden plants, since the calcium carbonates they contain can cause indoor plants significant harm.​