How can you feed strawberries in the spring before they bloom? The key to a wonderful harvest is timely feeding of strawberries in the spring! What fertilizers to use in summer

Get good harvest You can grow strawberries in your summer cottage only if you follow the technology for growing it. Plants should be watered, weeded and hilled on time. Strawberries should also be replanted to a new location from time to time. And, of course, this crop should be fertilized periodically. In this article we’ll talk about what strawberries are fed after harvest, as well as in spring and summer.

What fertilizers to use

Strawberries respond well to absolutely any type of fertilizer, both mineral and organic. For example, wood ash is considered very useful for this plant. It simply contains a huge amount of different microelements. Sometimes strawberries are fed with purchased complex fertilizers. For example, the well-known nitroammophoska. It contains all the substances necessary for the good development of strawberries: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Sometimes plants are also fed with urea. This fertilizer does not burn the leaves and is inexpensive. However, it should be used carefully. In case of overdose, the plants will stop setting fruit.

The most commonly used organic fertilizers for strawberries are cow manure and bird droppings. These feedings experienced summer residents It is advised to use it as carefully as possible. The fact is that they may contain weed seeds. Such organic matter is used both in dry form and in the form of tinctures. Mullein is prepared in a proportion of 1x10, a solution of bird droppings - 1x20.

There is another answer to the question of what strawberries are fed with. Compost can be used for these purposes. But only well-rotted.

How many times per season should you feed?

During the growing season regular strawberries Fertilize at least three times. Young plants need fertilizing most of all during the growth period. Mature strawberries especially need nutrients during fruiting.

Feeding in the first year

Strawberries are fertilized taking into account, among other things, the age of planting. The first time it is fertilized is in September - when preparing the bed. In this case, phosphorus fertilizers and organic matter are added to the soil in the area allocated for this berry. It is not recommended to use nitrogen fertilizers for this crop in the first year of growth. Otherwise, all the plant’s energy will be devoted to the development of leaves, not berries. A good answer to the question of what to feed strawberries for a good harvest is a mixture of the following composition: 8-9 kg of humus, 80 g of superphosphate and 50 g of potassium salt. If it is used when planting next year, strawberries are not fertilized. But if desired, before fruiting, the bushes can be watered with a special solution of mullein. To prepare it, take two glasses of manure and one tablespoon of ammonium. All this is stirred in a bucket of water and the bed is watered in the amount of one liter per bush.

The second year after planting: how to fertilize in the spring

An excellent answer to the question of what to feed strawberries in the spring is primarily nitrogen or complex formulations. This could be, for example, urea. It is diluted in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. on a bucket of water and water the plants at the roots. Very often, instead of urea, nitroammophoska is used in the same proportion.

Also, sometimes gardeners use organic matter to support the growth of green mass of plants: mullein or chicken droppings. They are used in the amount of half a liter of solution for each plant.

Summer feeding

Next, let's look at what strawberries are fed during flowering and fruit set. During this period, plants require a lot of potassium. That's why best view They will be fed with wood ash. You can also use potassium nitrate or bird droppings. Ash is applied into the rows in the amount of one handful per bush. Often a solution is prepared from it. To do this, pour a glass of ash into hot water (1 liter). The resulting mixture is infused for 24 hours and poured into a bucket filled with heated water. Fertilizing is done at the rate of 1 liter per bush.

Potassium nitrate is used in an amount of 100 g per 10 m2. Bird droppings are bred as standard. They should be watered strictly at the root.

What do you feed strawberries in the fall?

After harvesting, the plants also need to be fertilized. Most often, at this time, ash is used in the same proportions as in the summer. You can add a little nitroammophoska to its solution - 2 tbsp. l.

An excellent answer to the question of what to feed strawberries in the fall is also urea. The use of this fertilizer promotes the formation of new flower buds. You can use manure or compost as mulch for strawberries before winter.

What you should know

Thus, we have found out what strawberries are fed with after harvest, in spring and summer. The technology described above is considered standard. In this way they feed strawberries planted on nutritious garden soils. However, many plots are located in areas with land that is not very suitable for growing garden crops. In this case, you just need to keep an eye on the plants. If a strawberry's leaves suddenly turn pale and it begins to bear fruit with very small berries, it means it lacks nitrogen. That is, it should be fed with manure or urea.

If the strawberries are too sour, you should apply some potassium fertilizer under the bushes. This could be, for example, wood ash or chicken droppings. If the leaves of the strawberry have acquired a reddish-brown tint, and its growth has slowed down, it is worth using phosphorus compounds.

How to fertilize correctly

So, now you know what you feed strawberries with. Next, let's look at how to do it correctly. When performing such an operation as feeding strawberries, you should definitely take into account the following:

  • Fertilizers can only be applied to clean beds. That is, the planting should be cleared of debris and all wilted leaves should be cut off from the plants.
  • You cannot use any chloride fertilizers to feed strawberries.
  • Liming the acidic soil under this crop is allowed only in the fall.
  • You can feed strawberries whenever you want. However, this should not be done more than once during the flowering period.
  • Urea, nitrophoska, etc. - this is what strawberries are fed with most often. Fertilizers are environmentally relatively harmless. However, their dosages must be followed exactly.
  • Chicken manure should only be used in solution. Being buried dry, the plants may stop bearing fruit.

Nettle infusion

The fertilizers described above are what strawberries are fed with most often. However, it can be used for this garden crops and other means. For example, recently many owners summer cottages They prefer to use this type of fertilizing for strawberries, such as nettle infusion. Prepare it as follows:

  • a bucket of chopped and mashed nettles is filled with heated water,
  • leave the solution to infuse for several days,
  • strain off the liquid.

The resulting infusion is used to treat plants for the first time in the spring - when a bush forms. It is also used to feed plants in the fall. As a result of using nettle infusion, very large and juicy berries grow on the bushes.

Thus, we have found out what strawberries are fed with after harvesting, during flowering and fruiting. The use of all the fertilizers described above can significantly increase the yield of this crop. You can use any of them. The most important thing is to follow the dosage and time of application.

To obtain high strawberry yields, it is necessary to follow a set of agrotechnical practices, including required deadlines and apply organic and mineral fertilizers in the required proportions. The further growth of the plant and its viability directly depend on how correctly strawberries are fertilized in spring and autumn.


When to start fertilizing strawberries in spring?

According to experts, the first feeding of strawberries should be done early spring, immediately after the end of winter and the melting of snow, as soon as warm weather sets in. Depending on the region, this could be April or May. In the southernmost regions of the country, you can feed strawberries as early as March. The application of fertilizers is aimed at accelerating the growth of young shoots and leaves, therefore the mixture should contain: required quantity basic building element plants - nitrogen.

How to fertilize in spring?

You can feed strawberries with organic, mineral or mixed fertilizers.

Organic fertilizers

The most commonly used:

  • manure;
  • chicken droppings;
  • humus;
  • weeds;
  • wood ash;
  • yeast.


A mixture of animal excrement and straw bedding from the places where they are kept. Since this fertilizer contains many weed seeds, it is permissible to use only rotted manure. The optimal composition for feeding strawberries: 400-500 grams of manure per bucket of water. A tablespoon of sodium sulfate or ammonium sulfate is also added there and the mixture is thoroughly mixed. From 0.5 to 1 liter is applied under each bush.

Chicken droppings

This is a highly concentrated fertilizer, so it should be applied no more than once a year, preferably in the spring. When applying, you must ensure that the solution does not get on the strawberry leaves. The solution itself is prepared at the rate of one part litter to 20 parts water. It is recommended to add humate “Baikal” - it reduces the specific odor of the solution. The mixture is infused for three days and 0.5 liters are added per bush.


It is a mixture of soil with rotted and decomposed manure. It is considered the best organic fertilizer for strawberries; it is used during planting of bushes in the form of a mixture poured into the holes.

Milk and dairy products

Milk itself, even in diluted form, is a folk remedy for controlling strawberry pests - mites. Fermented milk products contain nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur necessary for plants. In addition, they slightly acidify the soil (strawberries prefer moderately acidic soils). The mixture is prepared as follows: 1 part fermented milk product is mixed with 3 parts water. Can be used in combination with manure or ash.


Plucked weeds are flooded for a week warm water. The solution is then used to water the plants. It is not only a fertilizer that increases the productivity of strawberry bushes, but also insecticide, repelling insect pests. The solution obtained by boiling nettles in water is considered especially valuable.

Wood ash

Can be used dry - scattered between rows before watering. But more effective way- mix 200 grams of ash per liter hot water for extraction of useful substances.

This concentrated solution is added with water to the volume of the bucket and 1 liter is added under the bush. A mixture of potassium permanganate (3 g), half a teaspoon is also often used boric acid, a tablespoon of urea and half a glass of ash per 10 liters of water.


Many gardeners consider them the best fertilizer for strawberries, since they contain a large set of microelements, as well as proteins and amino acids. In addition, yeast, like dairy products, acidifies the soil. According to some studies, after yeast feeding, nutrients enter the plants within two months, and the volume and weight of the berries increase significantly.

There are many ways to prepare yeast fertilizer:

  1. Dilute 200 g of yeast in 0.5 liters of warm water, and after half an hour add this mixture to a bucket of water. Watering is carried out at the rate of 1 liter per square meter strawberry patch.
  2. Prepare the starter from yeast, sugar and water, and after it begins to ferment, dilute it with water at the rate of half a liter of starter in a bucket. Apply 0.5 liters to each bush.

Yeast can be replaced with bread.

To do this:

  1. Dry bread remains (except moldy ones) are placed in a bucket up to 2/3 volume, and then filled with warm, non-chlorinated water.
  2. After 6-10 days, the resulting starter is diluted at the rate of one part to three parts water and applied under the strawberry bushes at a rate of 0.5 - 1 liter.

Mineral compositions

Mineral fertilizers, depending on the main one active substance, are divided into three types:

  1. Nitrogen fertilizers. Indispensable as a source of nitrogen - the main material for the synthesis of tissues of terrestrial parts of the plant. The size and even the taste of future berries depend on the supply of nitrogen. The main nitrogen fertilizers are urea (urea) and ammonium nitrate.
  2. Phosphorus fertilizers. They are used to accelerate flowering and fruiting, strengthen the immunity of plants, and their resistance to adverse weather conditions. Superphosphate is considered the best fertilizer in this group.
  3. Potash fertilizers. Improves the absorption of carbon dioxide, which, along with nitrogen, serves as the main building material organic molecules. A lack of potassium leads to a deterioration in the taste of berries and plant diseases. The most well-known potassium fertilizers are potassium sulfate and potassium chloride.

Potassium sulfate Urea (urea) Ammonium nitrate Superphosphate

Mineral fertilizers are applied in significantly smaller quantities than organic fertilizers. The usual ratio is a tablespoon of fertilizer per bucket of water. Apply in an amount of 0.5 liters for each bush.


In practice, most often it is not simple mineral fertilizers that are used, but mixed or complex ones. Such compositions contain all the basic minerals, necessary for the growth and fruiting of strawberries.

Most Popular mixed fertilizers for strawberries:

  1. Nitroammophoska. Contains three components necessary for the normal functioning of plants - potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus. To apply under a bush, 0.5 liters of a solution of 1 tablespoon of fertilizer per 10 liters of water is enough.
  2. Ammofoska. It includes three main components, but in addition to them, the fertilizer contains magnesium and sulfur - substances that are also beneficial to plants. However, the nitrogen content here is lower, so for spring feeding of strawberries, a mixture of ammophoska and ammonium nitrate in a 2:1 ratio is used, which is diluted and applied in the same way as nitrophoska.

Complex fertilizer "Ryazanochka"

Another increasingly popular composition for feeding berry crops is the “fertilizer of the third millennium” - Kemira Lux. This is a Finnish development, which in Russia is made from pure ingredients under license.

Finally, the “Master” complex, produced by the Italian company Valagro, is well known. In particular, for the first spring feeding, a mix is ​​recommended: urea plus Master 17.6.18, rich in nitrogen and potassium, which relieve stress in strawberries after wintering.

But the best results are obtained by a combination of organic and mineral fertilizers. Expert recommendations: for 8 kg of organic you need to add 30 g of mineral.

Rules for feeding strawberries in spring

Spring feeding has its own nuances related to the age of the plants. Strawberries planted in winter require completely different care than those that have already taken root and bear fruit.

Young plants

Strawberries planted before the onset of winter can generally do without “vitamin supplements” in the spring, since fertilizers have already been applied during planting. But you can add a little nutrients. To do this, prepare a mixture of 500 g of manure in a bucket of water and a tablespoon of sodium sulfate. Watering rate is liter per bush.

Mature bushes

The soil under the bushes, which grow and bear fruit for several years, is depleted, so spring feeding is extremely important for mature strawberries.

  1. Mix one part manure with five parts water and add two tablespoons of superphosphate and half a glass of ash to this mixture.
  2. Combine thirty drops of iodine tincture, a teaspoon of boric acid and a glass of ash in a bucket of water.

There is no general agreement on whether to carry out a second summer feeding after harvest. Some gardeners believe that such fertilizing is necessary, because at this time new roots and fruit buds for the berries are formed next year and nutrients will not interfere with strawberries.

Fertilizers applied during this period mainly contain potassium and microelements.

  • for a bucket of water - a tablespoon of nitrophoska and a teaspoon of potassium sulfate;
  • two tablespoons of potassium nitrate per 10 liters of water;
  • half a glass of ash per bucket of water.

On video: first fertilizing of strawberries in spring. Filmed by the Edokoff channel.

When to feed strawberries in the fall?

The last feeding of strawberries is carried out in the fall, when the plants begin to prepare for winter. It is believed that autumn fertilization can increase next year's harvest by a third. The optimal feeding period is the second half of September, in sunny weather.

Some varieties of berries require later feeding - in October, and sometimes in November. General requirement: if in September nutrients are applied mainly in liquid form, then in October-November - in solid form.

Rules for feeding strawberries in autumn

The most commonly used organic fertilizers in the fall are:

  • mullein;
  • humus;
  • chicken droppings.

This is due to the fact that organic matter will not lose its properties during wintering. useful properties, but on the contrary, it will improve them due to decomposition processes.

It is allowed to use manure in the form aqueous solution, and spreading it dry on row spacings, it is important to take into account a number of nuances:

  1. To prevent fertilizer from getting on the plants, since concentrated manure kills strawberries.
  2. The use of undiluted chicken manure is strictly prohibited.
  3. You can add ash to the mullein solution. It can also be scattered dry between the beds at the rate of 150 g per square meter.

Fertilizing strawberries under a bush

Another type of biofertilizer is mowed grass, which is placed between the rows and sprinkled with soil. In spring it turns into excellent herbal humus.

If there are no organic fertilizers, then you can use mineral ones: potassium and phosphorus.

The most effective are:

  1. Potassium salts. Diluted in a ratio of 20 g per bucket of water, superphosphate - 10 g per bucket. Watering is carried out only between the rows. Contact of the solution with strawberry leaves is strictly unacceptable.
  2. A mixture of nitrophoska with potassium fertilizer. Two tablespoons of nitrophoska and 20 g of potassium chloride per bucket of water can be poured under each bush in the amount of 1 liter. Two days after applying fertilizer, you need to mulch the soil with sawdust, leaves or peat.

Young bushes

When planting young plants in winter, it is important to choose one nutritional mixture so that there is no need for spring feeding. The optimal mixture is humus, potassium chloride and superphosphate.

Mature bushes

Here you can carry out autumn fertilizing twice:

  • at the beginning of September;
  • at the end of October.

Entered for the first time complex fertilizer, for example, Kemira autumn or Master 17.6.18 with urea. The second time - dry manure or humus, potassium humate or superphosphate. Using liquid fertilizers during this period may cause plant roots to freeze and die.

Strawberries are grown by almost everyone who has at least some land plot. But for many gardeners it does not produce good yields. Then the area becomes overgrown so that it is almost impossible to find small berries on it. Dry plants cover almost the entire territory. And it happens that there are berries, but they are completely tasteless. How to care for strawberries so that they delight you with a high yield?

Caring for strawberries in spring

Some gardeners protect strawberry plantings from frost for the winter. the shelter is removed. They rake out everything unnecessary. Then a layer of earth several centimeters thick is removed from the area. This is usually last year's mulch. Along with it, various pests and fungi are destroyed. If this is difficult to do, then you need to dig the area shallowly, trying not to damage the roots of the plants. Strawberry bushes are cleaned of dried leaves and removed dead plants. If there are few of them, then you can plant new ones instead. But this needs to be done as early as possible so that the strawberries take root before the heat sets in.

under the film

Some gardeners cover strawberry beds plastic film. Some make something like a greenhouse and hide the entire area under one film. Others prepare shelter from arcs for each row separately. The strawberries under it develop and bloom much faster.

Plant nutrition

Strawberries are fertilized in early spring, immediately after the snow melts. The area is fertilized with nitroammophos, infusion of chicken manure or mullein, and ash. It is important that the fertilizers contain a large amount of nitrogen, which the plant, weakened by the cold, so needs. The presence of this element in sufficient quantity makes it possible to grow berries large and sweet. You can water the strawberries in early spring with an iodine solution (30 drops per bucket of water). A glass of ash is also added there, previously filled with boiling water and strained.

There is a dispute between gardeners about the timing of applying organic fertilizers. Some apply manure in winter. This feeding of strawberries in the early spring in the snow is useful because by the time of the growing season and fruit ripening, the manure will have rotted away. Phosphorus, potassium, and other beneficial substances contained in humus will affect the plants. Others are against this, since manure, if it gets on a strawberry rosette, can burn it. But if you bring it in in the fall or during a period when there is no snow, you can place it between the bushes.

Feeding strawberries with chicken manure in early spring will be more effective if it is applied in the snow. It is very concentrated and direct hit may do more harm than good. But, brought in through the snow, it decomposes and loses its aggressive properties. This makes caring for strawberries in early spring easier.

Young strawberries planted this year are not fertilized. After all, it is planted in specially prepared soil, and it does not need extra loads during the rooting period. If you had to replant older bushes, they must be supported with fertilizers.

Feeding strawberries in early spring with small doses of fertilizer is made difficult by the fact that it is difficult to distribute evenly throughout the area. To do this, the substance must be mixed with sand or dust. It will be distributed evenly, individual particles will not stick together.

Recently, baker's yeast has been increasingly used to fertilize plants, including strawberries. More than half of their composition is proteins. Lots of amino acids, minerals, trace elements. Fertilizing strawberries in early spring with yeast stimulates the growth of the above-ground parts and roots and strengthens the plants. There are many recipes for watering plants and for foliar feeding. The simplest one: stir 200 grams of yeast in a small amount of warm water and bring to 10 liters.

They are used together with bread and grass. To do this, pour a bucket of chopped grass, half a kilo of dry bread and yeast into a large barrel (70 liters). The composition, infused for a couple of days, is used to water strawberries. Some gardeners, however, believe that using yeast only has a short-term effect and then the soil will become rocky.

Fertilizing strawberries in early spring with urea (a tablespoon per bucket of water), half a glass of ash with the addition of potassium permanganate and (two grams each) gives good result. It not only fertilizes the soil, but also disinfects the roots.

You can buy ready-made ones, such as Kemira. It must be added strictly following the instructions. Otherwise, instead of large, juicy berries, you will get small and tasteless ones.

Strawberries bloom in May, so they are not fertilized during this period.

Foliar feeding

The first strawberries in early spring are carried out when three leaves appear.

Strawberries do not tolerate chemical fertilizers very well. You can take carbamide (urea). But be sure to reduce the dose by half.

The second time the plant is treated with urea before flowering. But you need to take into account that the smell of the drug is unpleasant for bees. If it does not have time to weather, insects will weakly pollinate the plants. You can add some fungicide to the urea.

Fertilizer overdose

Gardeners often add more fertilizer to get a better harvest. But there is no need to exceed the standards specified in the instructions for the drug. By appearance strawberries, you can determine that they were overfed. If the strawberry leaves turn from green to dark brown, then the soil has received too much fertilizer. If the leaves are covered with brown dots, then the bushes were sprayed with a too concentrated solution. To eliminate the consequences, the area is watered clean water, plants are protected from sunlight.

When using insecticides, they often do not pay attention to the fact that they already contain fertilizers. Therefore, there is no need to add them additionally.

Preparing the soil for planting

Every four years the strawberries are moved to a different location. The site is freed from various infections and fungi for six years. Only after this time has passed can strawberries be grown on it again.

Before planting strawberries, carefully prepare the soil. The beds on which it will grow are covered with a layer of peat or humus and dug up with soil.

Soil care

The soil is loosened in the spring to a depth of five centimeters. This activates the roots of the plants. If the area is not mulched, then you need to loosen the soil after each rain, watering, and fertilization. You can fill the area with moss or sawdust, preferably stale.

Mulching the area will save you from applying herbicides and will make it easier to care for your plants.

Disease and pest control

To prevent infection of berries with gray rot, the bushes are sprayed before flowering (a tablespoon of the drug per bucket of water).

To combat powdery mildew use (potassium permanganate) or sulfaride solution.

Bushes infected with a nematode are immediately visible in the garden bed. They have twisted leaves, thickened tendrils, and deformed flowers. To get rid of this pest, use the drug "Nemabakt". One of the folk remedies is planting marigolds on the plot. Their phytoncides prevent pests from reproducing.

Weevil - little bug red with a long black nose. He lays eggs in the bud. As a result, it will not turn into a berry, since the worm that comes out of the egg gnaws the bud from the inside. Strawberries are treated against weevils with Fitoverm. He winters under strawberry bushes. Therefore, cleaning in the spring top layer soil, you remove some of the weevils from the site.

Top dressing garden strawberries in the spring - this is a primary agrotechnical technique designed to increase the collection of fragrant fruits. By properly fertilizing a reviving plant, you can support the bushes at the moment of awakening after winter, help them develop better, and lay more new buds. Top dressing garden strawberries during this period it is carried out according to certain rules.

Why is it important to fertilize strawberries in spring?

After the snow has melted and the soil has dried, the strawberry beds are subjected to a thorough spring cleaning. Work is carried out with each bush:

  • last year's leaves and tendrils are removed with sharp scissors;
  • the soil near the roots is loosened so that air can flow to them;
  • each root is spilled with 0.15 liters of hot solution of potassium permanganate at a temperature of +55...+60 o C (2 liters of boiling water are mixed with 3 liters of well water and 1 teaspoon of potassium permanganate is dissolved) to destroy harmful microorganisms.

After 2–3 days, they begin early spring feeding with organic and mineral compounds. Fertilizing strawberries is one of the most important procedures affecting yield.

The purpose of fertilizing is to ensure rapid growth of the above-ground part of the plant, to form many new ovaries, and to replenish depleted soil with nutrients. If you do everything correctly in optimal timing, By the right recipe, you can lay the foundation for a rich harvest of sweet, nutritious, healthy berries. Feeding is carried out according to the principle: underfeed - lose part of the strawberry harvest; overfeed - provoke active growth of leaves to the detriment of fruit development or death of the plant.

Fertilizer application scheme for any type of garden strawberries

Experienced summer residents adhere to practice-tested optimal scheme feeding strawberries with fertilizers in the spring.

Table: fertilization by year

Every 4 years, the planting of garden strawberries is renewed, and the feeding scheme is repeated taking into account the year in which new bushes are grown.

Rules for spring fertilizing of strawberries

In certain climatic zones of Russia, the start time of work in the spring is strawberry plantations different:

  • in the south - early March;
  • in the central regions - late March, early April;
  • in northern latitudes - mid-April.

You can neither rush nor be late with deadlines. The same applies to doses: lack and excess of fertilizers has a bad effect on the condition and development of strawberry bushes. Spring feeding has 2 goals:

  • increasing the productivity of strawberry plot;
  • increasing the size of berries and improving their taste.

Video: first feeding of strawberries/organic farming

Foliar feeding

In the spring, they not only feed the strawberry root system, but also the bush itself. For spraying, choose a cloudy, windless day when there is no precipitation. The main goal of foliar feeding is to strengthen the ground part of the bushes and accelerate the growth of leaves and buds to promote the formation of strong ovaries.

Outside root feeding carried out on a day without precipitation

The best effect is achieved by spraying plants with a solution containing various microelements, which are absorbed directly into the leaves.

  • manganese potassium - 3 g;
  • boric acid - 2 g;
  • iodine - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • complex fertilizer used during planting - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • warm water - 10 l.

Strawberry leaves are wetted with this solution using a hand sprayer or an ordinary watering can. You need to wash the leaves on both sides until they get very wet, in the amount of 1 liter per bush. Particular care must be taken to wet bottom part leaf, since it most actively absorbs the nutrient solution.

The same mixture is fed to strawberries a second time in the spring, before flowering. With the appearance of the first buds, the amount of useful substances is reduced by 2 times and 2 g of potassium sulfate is added to the solution.

Another composition used as fertilizer consists of the following ingredients:

  • water - 10 l;
  • potassium permanganate - 3 g;
  • boric acid - 0.5 tsp;
  • urea - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • ash - 0.5 cups.

Each bush requires 1 liter of this solution.

To combat diseases and harmful insects, fungicides and insecticides are added to foliar feeding of strawberries. For these purposes, summer residents advise using:

  • Caesar;
  • Taurus;
  • Fitosporin;
  • Strawberry Rescuer;
  • Aktofit and other drugs.

Video: fertilizing strawberries in spring for a large harvest

Fertilizing young bushes

Last year's garden strawberries, planted in fertilized soil, during spring work do not feed so as not to exceed the dosage. But there won’t be much harm if, on poor soils, the roots of the berry plant are watered with a solution of mullein or chicken droppings (0.5 liters of concentrated organic matter per bucket of water) with the addition of 1 tbsp. l. sodium sulfate. Apply 1 liter of this mixture to each bush.

Young strawberry bushes can be fertilized with a solution of mullein or chicken droppings

Feeding adult strawberries

Unlike young plants, adult garden strawberries are fed regularly, as the soil becomes depleted. A berry plant that produces crops in a row for several years needs three feedings a day in April-May:

During the first feeding, organic matter is used: rotted chicken or cow manure. Humus is scattered in small quantities under the roots of each bush, then mulched with a 2-3 cm layer of soil. In addition, a solution of 1 liter of concentrated liquid cow manure per bucket of water would also be useful. The bush itself is doused with this mixture, that is, foliar feeding is carried out.

Yeast contains many useful substances: proteins, amino acids, micro- and macroelements. Fertilizing them accelerates the growth of the above-ground part of strawberries, and root system strengthens the soil. To prepare the solution you will need:

  1. Dilute 200 g of bread yeast in 0.5 liters of water.
  2. Let stand for 20 minutes to obtain a homogeneous mixture.
  3. Combine with a bucket of water.
Each bush should be watered generously with the prepared solution.

Which fertilizers to choose to increase yield

Summer residents grow two types of garden strawberries:
  • Disposable varieties that produce one harvest per season. They begin to bear fruit in last days May or the first days of June, which lasts 15–20 days. During these 2–3 weeks strawberry beds produce a bountiful harvest of aromatic berries.
  • Remontant varieties, which are distinguished by the ripening of fruits several times during the spring-summer period, and they ripen in a short period of time in pronounced waves.
The choice of the type of fertilizer, the required dose, and the timing of application is made taking into account the strawberry’s belonging to a particular variety. Incorrect use of compositions for feeding bushes will reduce yields and lengthen the ripening time of berries.
The combination of components should preserve the health of the plant, ensure abundant yield, and protect against various diseases and harmful insects. Mineral fertilizers for garden strawberries provide them with phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium and magnesium. Sulfates and saltpeter are used to supply the soil with nitrogen, urea is used to produce the required dose of potassium. Organic matter improves the structure of the soil, enriches it with chemical elements in an easily digestible form, and increases the height of the fertile layer.

Mineral types of fertilizers for feeding strawberries

There are two types of mineral fertilizers:
  • With a highly mobile composition that contains potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen and magnesium. These elements are absorbed by strawberries in the shortest possible time, both by the roots and by the leaves and buds of the bushes.
  • With a low-mobility composition containing boron, iron, manganese and copper. These elements are absorbed more slowly by the ground part and root system, so the effect of their use does not appear as quickly.

Garden strawberries need nitrogen to grow leaves and buds. It has a positive effect on rapid development and fruiting. Nitrogen deficiency can be identified by the color of the leaves, which will have a pale appearance.

The most common nitrogen mineral fertilizer for feeding strawberries in the spring is urea (urea). Its overdose does not threaten the life of the berry bush, but has a negative effect on the sugar content of the fruit. Prepare a solution with urea as follows: 1 tbsp. l. fertilizer is diluted in 10 liters of water. 0.5 liters of the composition is poured under each plant root.

When the first inflorescences of strawberries appear, they need potassium. The taste and juiciness of the berries depends on its presence in the soil. Sources of the substance are mineral supplements in the form of potassium sulfate and potassium magnesium. Mineral fertilizers, which include sulfur, protect strawberry bushes from diseases and pests. Roots need phosphorus for development and growth, so summer residents use superphosphate and ammophosphate.

Photo gallery: mineral fertilizers for strawberries

Calimagnesia supplies strawberries with potassium
Urea is considered the most popular mineral fertilizer
Superphosphate provides plants with phosphorus
Ammophoska contains phosphorus
Potassium sulfate provides the plant with potassium

Organic fertilizers

These include natural substances that are produced by living organisms. Summer residents most often use cow manure, chicken manure, ash and compost on strawberry plantations. Slurry made from fresh mullein, rich in nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium, is especially valued.

To prepare it, a bucket of fresh cow pats is diluted with 4 buckets of water. The container is closed and left in the sun for 2-3 days for fermentation. This process is necessary to decompose uric acid, which burns the roots of strawberry bushes.

Some types of organic fertilizers

Chicken manure is used with caution, since its composition is similar to mineral fertilizers. It is not used in its fresh state.

The soil between the bushes is treated with a solution of chicken manure; the liquid should not get on the green parts of the plant.

An infusion or extract is prepared from the droppings. The nutrient solution is watered between the rows of strawberry bushes, and not the roots themselves. To prepare the infusion, chicken manure and clean water are mixed in equal proportions with a wooden stick. Then the container is closed and placed in a dark place so that fermentation is not strong. Otherwise, the solution will be too concentrated. In a week ready mixture used for feeding, heavily diluted with water (1 liter of infusion per 30–50 liters of liquid). Water the soil with the prepared solution at a distance of 10–15 cm from the bushes, having first thoroughly moistened the roots with water from a watering can.

Wood ash in pure form scattered between rows

Wood ash extract is an affordable type of organic matter. It is used in the spring to feed roots, leaves, and shoots. strawberry bush. The nutrients contained in the ash make the berries sweeter and more shelf-stable. In dry form, it is scattered between rows (65 g per linear meter) before watering or rain.

Strawberry bushes are treated with serum

Fermented milk products (whey, kefir and others) are a valuable source of nutrients for strawberries, which love slightly acidic soil. This type of organic matter is used alone or in a mixture with mullein, bird droppings, and humus.

Infusion of nettle and others weeds also serves as fertilizer

An infusion of nettle, lupine, and weeds, used in the spring, has a beneficial effect on the formation of strawberry bushes. It is prepared as follows:

  1. Plants are crushed.
  2. Fill with warm water.
  3. Insist for a week.
  4. The water is filtered and used to irrigate the bushes.

Complex fertilizing

In early spring, ready-made fertilizer formulations are used to fertilize strawberries:

  • GUMI-K;
  • Humat+7;
  • Hello;
  • Fusco;
  • OMU Universal and other store-bought organomineral mixtures.

Specialized stores have large selection ready-made complex mixtures that are used to feed strawberry bushes in the spring

Each summer resident himself determines the need to use one or another fertilizer for strawberries in the spring, taking into account the structure and composition of the soil, previously used fertilizers, and the condition of the berry bushes after wintering. But there are general rules that should be followed. Oversaturation of garden strawberries with fertilizers will lead to rapid growth of leaves, but there will not be a rich harvest of fruit. An excess of microelements will not only cause the active development of the above-ground part, but will also cause the appearance of various diseases, since internal processes will be disrupted and the protective functions of strawberries will decrease.

Fertilizing strawberries in spring

A good strawberry harvest depends on many factors: weather conditions, variety, comprehensive care.

Despite the importance of the listed elements, the yield depends to the greatest extent on whether the strawberries were fertilized correctly in the spring.

Only by growing in soil rich in minerals and trace elements can plants form large and tasty berries and give the summer resident a good harvest.

Features of the procedure

Immediately after the soil dries, the dried leaves and tendrils are torn off, last year's mulch is removed and the soil is loosened.

The next point of care in the spring is feeding strawberries, which stimulates the crop to rapid growth and increases productivity.

In addition, timely application of nutrient fluids increases resistance to diseases and pests, which is very important in warm, rainy weather.

Strawberries planted last year, during planting of which fertilizers were applied, are not fed in the spring. Plants older than two years old need the addition of minerals and microelements, since they have already drawn the nutrients added during planting from the soil.

: when to feed strawberriesin the spring.

What types of fertilizers are there, their specifics

There are two types of fertilizing: root and foliar. Let's look at each of them in more detail.


Root feeding involves applying fertilizer under the strawberry stem or at some distance from it. They use simple and complex mineral mixtures, organic matter, and folk remedies.

Fertilizers for strawberries, which are applied directly under the root, are carefully sprinkled with a layer of soil two centimeters thick. If nutrients are scattered between rows, the digging depth is 8-10 cm.


You can fertilize strawberries in the spring for a good harvest not only by the root method, but also by the leaf method. As a result of spraying the aboveground part with nutrient solutions, the plant grows faster and the ligature increases.

Foliar feeding of strawberries in spring is carried out:

  • mineralhighly mobile fertilizers(this group includes easily absorbed mixtures based on nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium);
  • low mobility(and these include slowly absorbed products consisting of iron, copper and boron).

In order to increase the absorption of the latter, it is necessary to spray very carefully so that the composition completely covers the entire above-ground part. It is important to spray on a dry, windless evening or cloudy day.

For the prevention of diseases and suppression of insect attacks Foliar feeding of strawberries is combined with fungicides and insecticides. Among gardeners, the drugs Zircon, Strawberry Rescuer, Fitosporin, Actofit have gained great popularity.

Opponents of industrial products for spraying use folk remedies: iodine solution, copper sulfate and lime, potassium permanganate, sulfur.

How and what to feed strawberries

Many summer residents and avid gardeners, before starting gardening, try to figure out how and how best to feed strawberries in the spring.

As with many other crops, mineral and organic fertilizers are used to feed strawberries in the specified dose.

Below we will talk about each of them in more detail.

: scheme for fertilizing strawberries in spring - what fertilizers to use?

Mineral fertilizers

Such fertilizers can be single-component or complex.

If in order to fully feed strawberries in the spring with simple fertilizers it is necessary to apply several mixtures, then as a result of using complex ones - in addition to nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, minor elements such as boron, copper, calcium, iron and others also enter the soil.

Fertilizers are produced in the form of liquid and powder, and are intended for root and foliar feeding. Among the abundance of products experienced gardeners The following are distinguished: Mortar, Hera, Ryazanochka, NutriFight, Kemira, Ammophos, Nitroammofoska.

Worth knowing! The culture does not like chlorine, so potassium and ammonium chloride, as well as other products with a high content of the element, cannot be used.

Fertilizing strawberries with urea in the spring is carried out in the second half of April, when the temperature rises to +16 C. At a lower temperature, it cannot absorb nitrogen. It is also important to remember: in order to effectively feed strawberries with urea, you need to properly prepare the solution.

To prepare the solution, add one tablespoon of urea to a bucket of water. Half a liter of the resulting product is poured under one bush.

Minerals should only be used in doses recommended by the manufacturer. If you add a more concentrated solution, the berries will become unfit for consumption.


Organics allow you to feed strawberries in the spring, so to speak, “without chemicals.” It has several significant advantages: safety, environmental friendliness, accessibility.

So, immediately after the soil dries out in the spring, under strawberries are fertilized with a solution of chicken manure.

Litter promotes aeration and water permeability of the soil, fills it with useful substances and makes it looser.

Due to the impressive content of macro- and microelements, such feeding is carried out once every 2-3 years.

To prepare the solution, organic matter is poured into a bucket and filled with water in a ratio of 1:2. The product is thoroughly stirred until a homogeneous consistency is obtained, half a liter is taken and diluted in a bucket of water. The solution is added at a distance of 6-10 cm from the bush.

You can fertilize strawberries with chicken manure only once a year.. With frequent addition of nitrogen-containing organic matter, nitrates accumulate in the berries.

Important! Do not overfeed the crop with organic matter, especially chicken manure, which contains a lot of acid and urea. As a result of an excess of organic matter, the roots burn and this leads to death.

: feeding strawberries in spring with chicken droppings.

Mineral-organic fertilizers show high efficiency, as they bring together all best properties. As soon as the leaves begin to bloom, adult plants are fed with the following means:

  • Add one tablespoon of ammonium sulfate and 0.5 liters of manure to a bucket of water. 1 liter of solution is poured under one bush.
  • Half a glass of wood ash, a tablespoon of urea, 3 g of potassium permanganate, half a teaspoon of boric acid are poured into a bucket of water and mixed. Half a liter is enough for feeding.

Among folk remedies, feeding strawberries with yeast, sour milk, and bread is very popular. Due to the presence of a large number of minerals and amino acids, the plant grows quickly and rarely gets sick.

Recipes for the most effective mixtures with these beneficial ingredients:

  • 200 g of yeast are kneaded in 0.5 liters of warm water and left for twenty minutes. Then pour it into a bucket and add 9 liters of water. Each plant is watered abundantly.
  • In order to feed strawberries with dry yeast, you need to prepare a nutrient mixture. Pour a bag of baking substance and two tablespoons of sugar into a bucket. In order for the substance to dissolve faster, it is recommended to stir it in a glass of warm sweet water. After the granules have melted, the liquid is poured into a bucket and left for 2 hours. Just like urea, fertilizing strawberries with yeast in spring should be done only at temperatures above +15 C.
  • To balance the acidity of the soil in small beds, the crop is sprayed or watered at a distance of 10 cm from the root with diluted sour milk (1:2). Such a solution not only increases the acidity of the soil, but also fills it with phosphorus, potassium, and sulfur. As a result of milk spraying, productivity increases and resistance to diseases and pests increases.
  • For the second feeding, rye bread is used. It is prepared like this: half fill 10 liters of water with small pieces of bread and fill the container to the top with water. Cover the bucket with a lid and place it in a dark place for 6 days. The concentrate is diluted twice with water and poured in half a liter.
  • Immediately after opening, feed with wood ash tincture. To prepare the fertilizer, pour 1 cup of powder into 1 liter of water and leave for 24 hours. The ash liquid is poured into a bucket, after which the missing water is added. Product consumption – 1 liter per 1 sq. m of plantings.

: how to feed strawberries in the spring with yeast during flowering.

Often, summer residents who want to get the maximum of tasty and sweet berries are interested in what is the best way to fertilize strawberries in the spring for better harvest. The best fertilizer to improve productivity is horse or cow manure or chicken manure.

The first time the strawberry soil should be fertilized with manure or droppings a month before planting, based on the calculation - 1 bucket of humus per 1 square meter. m. beds.

During the growing season, feed with slurry (1:5). For feeding 1 sq. m of plantings will use 10 liters of solution.

Feeding scheme

Strawberries should be fertilized in the spring according to a certain scheme, so it is extremely important to know when and at what time to fertilize the plant.

First feeding of strawberries in the spring it is applied immediately after clearing the bed of organic debris and loosening the soil. Fertilize with one of the following solutions:

  1. Two hundred grams of bird droppings are stirred in a bucket of water, then the container is covered with a lid and left for a day. To prevent the leaves from being burned by the concentrate, the finished mixture is poured between the rows.
  2. Place 300 g of mullein on a bucket of water and leave for 48 hours. A tablespoon of ammonium sulfate is added to the concentrate. Apply 0.5 liters of solution under one bush.
  3. 50 g of mullein and a tablespoon of nitroammophoska are poured into a bucket and filled with water. Consumption per bush - 0.5 liters.
  4. Ammonium nitrate and ammonium phosphate are mixed in a ratio of 1:2. For feeding sq. m of berry plantings, 15 g of the mixture will be consumed.
  5. 25 g of urea is added to 10 liters of water. Apply 0.5 liters of solution to one plant.

Second feeding of strawberries in the spring it is carried out during the formation of ovaries or the filling of berries. The following mixtures are used:

  1. The bucket is filled a quarter full with manure and the missing water is added. The mixture, left for 3 days, is diluted from a ratio of 1:4. For watering one square. m., on average, ten liters of slurry will be consumed.
  2. For ten liters of water add 5 g of boric acid, 1-2 tbsp. l. iodine, a glass of wood ash. Consumption per bush - 0.5 liters.
  3. Pour tbsp into a bucket of water. l. potassium sulfate, two tbsp. l. nitrophoska and mix thoroughly.
  4. A kilogram of pressed yeast is kneaded, poured into a bucket of water and left for a day. Then the yeast liquid is diluted by half with water and added to the plants, 500 ml per bush.

Important! It is important to apply all types of fertilizers in recommended doses. In case of overfeeding with organic matter, the roots are burned, mineral mixtures- the above-ground part is actively growing to the detriment of the fruits.

Features of feeding adult and young bushes

Strawberries planted last year do not need fertilizing in the spring if a sufficient amount of organic and mineral fertilizers were added to the soil during planting.

If doubts arise about the correctness of last year’s feeding, then you need to know how to feed young strawberries in the spring.

Young strawberries are fed with a solution of chickenlitter(0.5 liters/10 liters of water) or sodium sulfate solution(one tablespoon/10 liters). One liter of product is applied.

Unlike one-year-old plants, mature strawberries need regular feeding, as the land becomes poor over time. Of course, you can save yourself the extra hassle and not feed strawberries in the spring, but you shouldn’t expect a good harvest from weak crops either.

If the berry is grown in order to obtain a good harvest, then the crop older than two years is fertilized several times: the first - after the appearance of 2-3 true leaves, the second - while setting the berries.

Upon reaching 2 and 4 years of age, strawberries are fed in the spring with organic and mineral fertilizers. For the 3rd year after planting, only the latter are used.

Popular mistakes

It is human nature to make mistakes even in the most simple things, let alone spring fertilizing of strawberries, which should be carried out at certain times and in correct sequence. By familiarizing yourself with the misconceptions presented below, you can protect yourself from repeating them in your own practice.

  • Insufficient or excessive amounts of fertilizer are applied.
  • Root fertilizers in the form of organic solutions are applied under the stem, touching the leaves.
  • Strawberries are fertilized in the spring with nitrogenous substances, when the temperature is below +15 C.

Feeding strawberries in the spring for a good harvest is quite simple, the main thing is to know exactly what and follow all the instructions. And then the result will meet even the wildest expectations. And remember, in this matter you should stick to the golden mean, otherwise the berries may grow small and tasteless.


How to feed strawberries in spring for a good harvest

In the wild, strawberries bear fruit abundantly, but not regularly.

To increase the yield in home garden beds or vegetable gardens, you need to properly care for the plant, in particular, introduce complementary foods or fertilizing.

At different stages of strawberry development, certain fertilizers are required, but the most important period is the spring, when the planting of the future crop is underway.

As soon as the snow melts and the soil begins to dry out a little, it’s time to prepare the beds for the new season. Timely introduction of fertilizing will help the plant wake up faster after winter, form new buds.

Unfortunately, not every site has fertile soil, and on devastated land it is unlikely that it will be possible to get a large juicy berry. Not only the soil is enriched with nutrients; the bushes are sprayed directly with nitrogen compounds.

Work should begin by cleaning the beds.

In autumn, in order to protect the crop from frost and precipitation, an insulating layer of dry leaves or straw was created.

After wintering, the peculiar fur coat needs to be removed and the soil around each bush should be loosened.

In this case, you should properly care for it before the strawberries begin to bloom - remove all weeds and old roots found in the ground.

After cleaning the shelter, it is necessary to remove dry strawberry leaves

From the bush dry leaves need to be cut off, diseased brown tops.

It is also worth checking the condition of the strawberry neck after winter; the growing point should be slightly above the ground (4-5 mm).

Burying the neck into the soil is fraught with rotting of the root system.

Lure should not be introduced randomly without respecting proportions. An insufficient amount of fertilizer will be ineffective, and an excess will provoke the growth of twigs and greenery. The berries will ripen later than usual, reaching minimum parameters.

Stages of proper fertilizing

In total, there are 3 main stages of introducing fertilizers:

  • after wintering at the beginning of the season– the procedure is aimed at early stimulation of the growth of young shoots and first leaves (April-early May);
  • feed at the end of the fruiting period– treatment or watering promotes the formation of new roots, the formation of flower buds that will be able to bear fruit in the next season (July);
  • autumn bait, carried out in mid-September, is needed to prepare the crop (especially young shoots) for wintering.

Remontant varieties should be fed with extreme caution.

Remontant varieties of strawberries are very susceptible to bait, so it is recommended to fertilize with nutrients at intervals of a week.

Organic fertilizers are considered the most affordable, especially if the farm has cows and chickens. Enriching the soil with organic matter compensates for nutrient deficiencies for 2-3 years.

In addition, the use of mullein or bird droppings improves the soil structure and increases air permeability, which is important for the vegetative process of strawberries.

Mineral fertilizers

Among the popular mineral fertilizers used to process or water strawberries:

  • urea;
  • saltpeter and sulfates;
  • complex preparations (Azofoska, Stimovit, Agricola, etc.).

Urea Nitrate Azofoska

The advantages of this group of baits are:

  • awakening activation plants after hibernation;
  • increasing productivity;
  • balanced composition;
  • low consumption;
  • acceleration of the period of fruit ripening;
  • improvement of taste and safety;
  • protection of plants from pests and fungal infections.

When using medications it is recommended strictly observe proportions when diluting the working solution or powdering the area. An excessive amount of the reagent leads to burning of the crop and its death. Other disadvantages include: high cost, regularity of use.

It is worth giving preference to mineral chemistry in cases where strawberries are grown on an industrial scale.

Mineral fertilizers should be used for industrial strawberry cultivation

There have been long-term debates among gardeners regarding the benefits of fertilizers: synthetic and organic. The best possible solution is complex use or sequential use. Then the crop will receive useful microelements, and the berries will be juicy and sweet.

Folk remedy - using sour milk

You can get a good strawberry harvest, according to reviews from experienced gardeners on slightly acidic soils. To balance the acid open ground You can add sour milk to it.

This popular type of fertilizer is a foliar fertilizer, so spraying or pouring the working solution should be done at a distance 7-10 cm from the bush.

Mixable dairy product with water in arbitrary proportions (depending on the level of soil acidity), but more often 1:2.

You need to feed at the beginning of the season with repetitions: after harvesting and in mid-September.

Benefits of using fermented milk products:

  • enrichment of soil with potassium, sulfur, calcium, phosphorus and other microelements;
  • increase in yield and fruiting period;
  • growth activation culture;
  • increasing resistance to attacks by ticks, aphids and the development of various diseases.

Sour milk

The disadvantage of the method is considered consumption of fermented milk product and the costs for it. Such fertilizing is justified only in small beds, when it is necessary to fertilize several bushes.

Chicken manure solution

Chicken manure is a fast-acting organic fertilizer that promotes the awakening of beneficial microorganisms in the soil.

Timely feeding improves the quality and quantity of fruits, so it should be introduced at the beginning of the season after the soil has warmed up and dried (April - mid-May).

Benefits of organics:

  • improving the soil structure by increasing the level of humus;
  • rich composition, including micro and macroelements;
  • increase in yield and fruiting period.

Chicken droppings

Chicken manure is introduced Once every 2-3 years, which is an undeniable advantage of the product over other fertilizers.

The disadvantage of this method is the specific smell when watering and compliance with proportions. An overabundance of the product may cause the plant to dry out.

Preparation of bait consists of the following steps:

  • pouring settled water into the droppings (to dissolve);
  • diluting half a liter of the resulting concentrate in a bucket of water.

It is not the plant itself that should be watered or sprayed with the solution, but stepping back 5-10 cm from it. One bucket can feed up to 25 bushes.

Wood ash

The composition of wood ash includes a large number of micronutrients necessary for plants to develop and grow. It includes: potassium, phosphorus, iron, sulfur and other substances.

Wood ash

The availability of fertilizer is the main advantage, because you can get a gray powder by burning branches cut in the garden. Main - do not use painted wood.

Benefits of wood fertilizer:

  • activates growth strawberries;
  • makes the soil nutritious, improves its structure;
  • increases the fruiting period and productivity;
  • improves the taste of berries.

The disadvantage of this method is that the ash cannot be combined with urea, manure, saltpeter. In such a tandem, the fertilizer loses its properties.

The principle of application is simple, just add the dry powder into the grooves made along the beds (150 grams per linear meter).

For better absorption of nutrients by the soil, it is recommended to mix ash with peat.

One of the options for fertilizers for strawberries involves the use of yeast. It should be noted that this technology is also suitable for other crops, for example, tomatoes, potatoes, tomatoes.

The solution is prepared quickly and simply: a kilogram pack is diluted in 5 liters of water.

The result is a concentrated composition, which must be dissolved again with liquid before processing (0.5 yeast mixture per 10 liters of water).

About half a liter of solution will be needed for 10 strawberry bushes. It should be poured right under the bush.

If you only have dry yeast in bags in the kitchen, then the bait is prepared in the following proportions: one sachet per bucket of water plus 2 tablespoons of sugar.

It is better to first dilute the yeast in a glass of warm water with the addition of granulated sugar, and after complete dissolution, add it to a bucket of water.

After 2 hours the product will be ready for consumption.

Advantages of yeast fertilizers:

  • rich nutritional composition (zinc, iodine, nitrogen, iron, phosphorus, etc.);
  • growth activation;
  • increasing the fruiting period;
  • promotes rapid adaptation of the crop to a new place after transplantation;
  • strengthens roots;
  • improving soil quality by creating a favorable environment for the proliferation of beneficial microorganisms.

Yeast will help strawberries adapt after transplantation

The use of yeast increases the endurance of plants, prevents pest attacks and infections with various diseases.

It is effective to use this technology only in warm weather, when low temperatures the fermentation process is suspended. This is the disadvantage of the yeast method.

To choose the right fertilizer for spring fertilizing of strawberries, you need to take into account the composition of the soil and its degree of fertility.

If difficulties arise with the definition, it is better to use complex preparations rich in nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and other useful microelements.

Then a good planting harvest is guaranteed!


What to feed and how to care for strawberries in spring?

Fertilizing strawberries in the spring is an important link on the path to the future harvest. It will support the plant after winter, help the bush recover faster and form new buds. But you need to feed the plant on time and correctly. How and what to feed strawberries in spring?

Spring activities for caring for strawberries begin immediately after the snow has melted and the soil has dried out a little. If work was carried out to cover the beds in the fall, then after the frost has subsided they must be removed.

Plant new seedlings in their place, but do it as early as possible so that the new bushes take root before the onset of hot days.

Lightly loosen the beds without damaging the root system.

The mulch layer should also be updated. Sawdust, pine needles or wood ash are suitable for this. Mulching will help prevent the appearance of some pests in the beds, for example, slugs.

Pay attention! It is better to burn dry grass and trimmed leaves to get rid of last year’s pests and diseases.

What else is included in spring care?

Caring for strawberries in the spring requires the application of pest control agents. Even if all plant debris is completely removed, diseases can arise from spores remaining in the soil, and pests can spread from infected plants that surround strawberry bushes.

Modern drugs make it possible to destroy diseases without inhibiting the plant. Most diseases are caused by fungi.

Has a good antifungal effect Bordeaux mixture, it can be used in small areas.

Take care in advance about the availability of drugs that will fight plant mites and harmful insects. Early spraying with insecticides such as Actofit and Actellik will save the crop.

How else to care for strawberries in spring? Of course, provide it with proper watering. The first spring watering should be done on top of loosened soil. This way you will maintain soil moisture and eliminate the problem of drip moisture in the soil.

Advice! Strawberries are an unpretentious crop and grow in different soils, but at the same time they are able to retain water. Do not overwater the plant.

You can check the intensity of watering in the following way: squeeze a little soil in your fist. If it sticks a little to your palms without crumbling, everything is fine.

If it crumbles and falls apart, watering needs to be increased.

What and how to feed strawberries?

Fertilizing strawberries should be timely and in the right doses. If there is an excess of nutrients, the plant will begin to rapidly grow foliage, and the color and fruits will be late and weak.

Fertilizing young and adult bushes

Young bushes that were planted last year do not need to be fertilized in the spring.

The maximum that can be done in this case is to feed it with a weak solution of chicken droppings or cow manure.

To do this, dissolve half a liter of chicken droppings or cow manure and 1 tbsp in a bucket of water. a spoonful of sodium sulfate.

Water each plant with the mixture - 1 liter for each bush.

Adult strawberry bushes need to be fertilized: after 2-3 years, the soil in the beds becomes less fertile, and the plant lacks nutrients.

To reap a rich harvest of strawberries, you need to feed them 3 times:

  1. Right after winter.
  2. Before flowering or during flowering.
  3. During fruit formation.

Fertilizer is applied for the first time in the second half of April (when exactly depends on the region). During this period the best remedy To feed the strawberries there will be organic fertilizers: chicken droppings or mullein.

Use the solution or scatter it dry under the roots of the bushes, covering the top with 2-3 cm of soil. Yeast and other organic fertilizers are an excellent remedy (see recipes below). They contain proteins, amino acids and minerals.

The second fertilizing should be done before or during strawberry flowering. Mineral fertilizers are suitable for this, which will affect the taste and size of the berries.

They will be large, beautiful and sweet. Specialized stores offer many types of mineral fertilizers.

Attention! Mineral fertilizers must be used strictly according to the instructions contained on the packaging. A large dosage will harm the plant.

An excellent remedy for the third feeding is an infusion of weeds and herbal plants, for example, an infusion of nettle.

This feeding is harmless to plants and people; it will not negatively affect the taste of the berries, but will help increase their quantity and also protect the plants from some harmful insects.

How to feed strawberries immediately after winter?

The first feeding of strawberries is carried out in early spring, until flowers and buds have formed.

Fertilize your bushes with good, rich mullein made from fresh cow pats.

To do this, dilute 1 liter of fermented liquid mullein in 10 liters of water. Half a liter of solution will be enough for one bush.

The second feeding option is urea (carbamide). Dilute 2 tbsp. spoons of urea in 10 liters of water and pour 0.5 liters of the resulting solution under each bush.

Advice! Fertilize after rain, when the ground is still wet. This way the mullein will be better absorbed into the soil. Otherwise, the crust will not allow the fertilizer to be absorbed.

Mullein is rich in nitrogen and phosphorus. Nitrogen is needed for plant growth, and phosphorus is needed for the formation of ovaries.

How to feed strawberries before flowering?

Before flowering, use mineral fertilizers, for example, Horus (12 g per 10 l of water), or Topaz (6 ml per 10 l of water). After 2 weeks, repeat the treatment. These drugs will prevent all possible diseases and spots.

You can also use foliar fertilizer "Plantafol", "Brexil mix", "Megafol" or "Growth concentrate" in the same ratio (20 g per 10 l). Add Boroplus (10-15 ml) to the selected preparation, which will help the formation of the ovary, and treat the bushes.

Feeding during flowering

During flowering, prepare the following fertilizer:

Pour 1 cup of wood ash into a container and pour 2 liters of boiling water. Stir, let it brew for 2 hours, and then add 3 g of potassium permanganate and boric acid, as well as 1 tbsp. spoon of iodine. Dissolve the mixture in 10 liters of water and pour it over the flowering strawberries (1 glass for each bush).

Attention! Use rainwater or settled water, but in no case chlorinated.

Foliar feeding

When fertilizing in spring, you need to fertilize not only the root system, but also the bush itself. Strawberries are sprayed with organic matter or nitrogen-containing solutions, which promotes active growth of the bush and an increase in ovary. When sprayed, beneficial substances are immediately absorbed into the foliage.

Pay attention! Apply foliar feeding in the evening, in dry and windless weather.

You can spray plants with mineral fertilizers. They come in 2 types:

  • highly mobile;
  • low mobility.

The former include phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and nitrogen. They instantly get into the roots, foliage, and buds. Low mobility fertilizers - iron, copper, boron, manganese - act more slowly. They need to be sprayed very carefully so that droplets of the solution fall on the ovaries.


To treat young strawberry bushes with iodine you will need 2 components:

  • potassium iodide;
  • potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate).

To prepare the solution, take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of iodine and a few granules of potassium permanganate, mix with 10 liters of water.

This solution will help against beetles, pests, gray rot and the appearance of spots on the leaves.

It is better to water the bushes with iodine solution after first showering the bushes with wood ash. Such an integrated approach will give more effective results.

Boric acid

Fertilizing with boric acid requires preliminary care of strawberries. First, you need to loosen the soil 10 cm with a garden fork. For greater effect from the fertilizer, it is recommended to sprinkle the rows with straw, then pour in nettle infusion.

Only after this, treat the bushes with a mixture of boric acid in a ratio of 10 g per 30 liters of water. It will help form good ovaries, so it is suitable for feeding strawberries before flowering. Afterwards, it is advisable to treat it against pests - mites and weevils - with insecticidal preparations.

One of the most popular folk remedies for feeding bush berries is nettle infusion.

What does it give? Nettle contains a large number of microelements, due to which sufficient chlorophyll is formed in strawberry leaves.

After feeding, the bushes become more resistant and stronger for fruiting.

To prepare the infusion, collect the nettles before they form seeds. Fill a container (plastic or enamel, not metal), packing the grass stems tightly. Fill the container filled with nettles with water and place in a sunny place for 7-15 days.

Every morning, stir the nettle infusion, which will be considered ready after the formation of foam and characteristic unpleasant odor. Strain the infusion and dilute 1 liter of concentrate in 10 liters of water. Use as a root dressing, adding 1 liter of solution to each strawberry bush.

Gardeners began to introduce yeast fertilizing relatively recently and the results were impressive. In spring, such fertilizer will enhance vegetative growth, and in summer it will support fruiting activity. For 10 strawberry bushes, 5 liters of yeast solution is enough.

Any yeast is suitable for its preparation. It is convenient to dilute them in a plastic bottle, since the solution will need to be shaken well.

If you are using dry yeast, then take a 100-gram packet and dissolve the contents in 2 liters of warm water, add 2-3 tbsp. spoons of sugar. With the lid tightly closed, shake the bottle well.

If using regular yeast, adhere to the following ratio: 1 kg of yeast per 5 liters of water.

Then pour the yeast solution into a 200-liter barrel or add half a liter of the prepared yeast solution each time to a 10-liter watering can. Water the strawberry bushes with it at the root (0.5 l).

To prepare a solution of chicken manure, take semi-liquid fresh chicken manure, place it in a bucket of warm water (1:15), stir thoroughly.

Important! There is no need to infuse the solution; use it immediately so that all useful substances (for example, nitrogen) do not have time to evaporate. Water from a watering can around the bush, trying not to get on the leaves.

After feeding with chicken manure, strawberries begin to bear fruit well, the berries become beautiful, sweet and juicy.


Wood ash - beautiful potash fertilizer. In addition to potassium, ash contains phosphorus, magnesium and calcium. As a fertilizer, it can be used both in dry form and in the form of a solution.

To prepare the solution, take a 10-liter bucket of water and 1 kg (about 2 liter jars) ash.

Dissolve and leave for a day, stirring occasionally. All necessary elements the ash will turn into water, and the solution will be ready in 24 hours.

To water strawberries, dilute 1 liter of concentrate in 10 liters of water.

When using dry, sprinkle the ash under the bushes. During watering, all the necessary components will penetrate into the ground.

So, feeding strawberries in the spring is the key to an excellent harvest in the future. Conduct it competently, following the recommendations given above in the article.