Alcoholic cocktails. Cocktail: recipes for alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks

An alcoholic cocktail is a drink that combines several ingredients, one of which is alcohol. Mixing liquids and adding spices and fruits to them creates a new drink. The composition of cocktails can vary greatly. Most of them use ice, which is worth paying attention to special attention. For its preparation, either weakly mineralized or simply clean water. It should not contain impurities and be transparent.

There are several versions of the appearance of cocktails. The most romantic one dates back to 1770. Then the owner of a bar near New York lost his favorite rooster. The owner announced that he would give his daughter as a wife to the one who finds this bird. After some time, a military officer brought the rooster, but the bird did not have a tail. The owner was forced to announce to all the bar regulars about the upcoming wedding. My daughter, who worked in the same establishment, began stirring all the drinks out of excitement. Visitors liked the new product so much that it was nicknamed “cock tail” from the phrase “cock tail”.

Another legend dates back to the 15th century. They say that during French province Charente was already mixing wines and spirits. The resulting mixture was called coquetelle (cocktail), which was later transformed into the word “cocktail”. The third story says that the first such drink appeared in England. And its very name came from the vocabulary of a horse racing fan. This is what he called the purebred horses whose tails stuck out like roosters. These horses with mixed blood were nicknamed cock tail.

They say that the cocktails were very revered by French officers, who drank them right next to their enemy colonists. And this happened during the American War of Independence. But such drinks gained true fame in the 1920s in America. Cocktails were illegal, and therefore an even more beloved and valued alcoholic drink. Cocktails resisted Prohibition from 1919 to 1933. They were prepared to hide the taste of alcohol.

Be that as it may, today it is impossible to imagine a cocktail without some strong and unusual drink in its composition. It can be assumed that gin was first used for these purposes. It then had a strong sweetish taste, which should have been hidden in a mixture with other drinks. The recipes for those cocktails that have come down to us date back to the second half of the 19th century. These were Martini, Daiquiri and Manhattan. Classic drinks that are still popular today were invented in the 1920s.

Bloody Mary and Side Car appeared in Paris, and Americano and Negroni appeared in Italy. At that time, the cocktails were called American Drinks, as they were especially popular among Americans looking for entertainment outside their country. Today, with the advent of new liqueurs, aromas and exotic fruits, the fashion for cocktails is returning. We will tell you below about the most famous drinks of this kind.

Mojito. This masculine word comes from the Spanish Mojito. The cocktail is created on the basis of white rum with the addition of mint leaves. There are two types of mojito - non-alcoholic and low-alcohol. This drink appeared in Cuba, but gained popularity in America in the 1980s. There are several theories explaining its name. It is believed that the word may have come from a diminutive form of the Spanish Mojo. This is the name given to the sauce in Cuba and the Caribbean, which contains lemon juice, pepper, garlic, herbs and vegetable oil. Another version says that mojito is a modified "mohadito", which means "slightly wet". The modern cocktail consists of five ingredients - rum, lime, sugar, soda and mint. This combination of sweet and refreshing citrus with mint, coupled with rum, masked the strength of the alcohol, which cannot leave you indifferent. This is how the cocktail became one of the most popular summer drinks. Some hotels in Havana also add Angostura to it. The non-alcoholic version of the mojito uses water and brown cane sugar instead of white rum. The cocktail is prepared like this: add sugar to lime juice, tear mint leaves and place it all in a tall glass. Ice is then added and rum and soda are poured on top. It should be noted that the mojito, the world's most popular cocktail, can have many variations. Some people like to add strawberries, while others like to add fruit juices.

Cocktail" Blue Lagoon". This drink gives the person drinking it originality and individuality. After all, that’s exactly what the cocktail itself is. The first thing that catches your eye is its unique blue color. It’s interesting that this exotic cocktail was not invented in Hawaii, but on the other side of the world - in the bar of the Zanzibar club in London. This drink is full of flavors. It is mentioned as fresh, summer and dairy. "Blue Lagoon" is served in a large glass with umbrellas and straws. Thanks to the drink, an exotic atmosphere is immediately created around. To prepare, you will need Bacardi rum, Curaçao blue liqueur, pineapple and lemon juice, and sugar syrup with ice. To serve the cocktail, pineapple pieces, mint leaves and cocktail cherries are used. Liquids must be mixed with ice in a special portioned container. Then the cocktail is decorated with the listed elements and a straw is added.

Cocktail "Cosmopolitan". This cosmopolitan cocktail lives up to its name as it is popular all over the world. He can often be seen in films and TV series, at parties. One of the legends of its creation says that the drink was invented specifically for vodka with lemon flavor "Absolute Citron". The cocktail was supposed to support a famous brand. Although they say that it was actually invented by bartender Cheryl Cook from the town of South Beach in Florida. Although there was talk about the popularity of “Cosmopolitan” in gay bars back in the 70s, she herself claimed in her interviews that she created such a cocktail in 1985. Cook said she was amazed by the number of people who order martinis just to show off with a glass in their hands. This is how the idea was born to create a drink that would be both tasty and visually attract attention. In the original recipe, to prepare the cocktail you need the same “Absolut Citron” vodka, “Triple Sec” orange liqueur, a little “Rose’s” lemon juice, and to create pink color you should add a little cranberry. Another important figure in the history of the cocktail was Toby Cizzini from Manhattan. Based on Cheryl Cook's vague recipe descriptions, he made his own version of Cosmopolitan. Only instead of orange liqueur, Toby used Cointreau liqueur, as well as freshly squeezed lime juice. It is this version that has become the generally accepted standard approved by the International Bartenders Association. The cocktail quickly became popular in gay clubs; it was considered a classic specifically for sexual minorities. But with the release of Sex and the City in 1998, everything changed. In the film "Cosmopolitan" appeared quite often, as the favorite drink of the main characters. This cocktail is served in large glasses, martinits. To decorate it, use a slice of lemon or lime.

Pina Colada. They even write songs about this fiery, sexy cocktail. Sweet drink originally from the Caribbean islands. Its name literally means “filtered pineapple.” Once upon a time, this was the name given to fresh pineapple juice that was served strained (colada). Over time, sugar and rum began to be added to the juice. As a result, in the middle of the 20th century, a recipe for the Pina Colada cocktail appeared in one of the bars in Puerto Rico. Everyone loved the drink so quickly that it became famous, and the whole country began to be proud of it. Today, the main ingredients of this cocktail are rum, pineapple juice and coconut liqueur. Mix these ingredients in a blender, add ice and pour into a glass. They are topped with whipped cream and decorated with fruit. Some bartenders also add Baileys liqueur to Pina Colada, which only adds to the exoticism.

Cocktail "Daiquiri". Currently, this name hides a whole group of cocktails, but there is only one original recipe. The classic drink was created in the town of Daiquiri at the beginning of the last century. There, in eastern Cuba, engineer Pagliucci decided to drink something unusual. However, his friend Jennings Cox only had rum, lime, sugar and ice. By mixing these ingredients in a shaker, the men got a new, pleasant cocktail. They decided to name it after the place where it was made - Daiquiri. For one serving, 40 ml of white rum, 20 ml of lime juice and 7 ml of sugar syrup are enough.

Cocktail "Margarita". This famous cocktail often appears in movies. Margarita is made with tequila and is one of the best summer cocktails. As is usually the case with new cocktails, this one has several origin stories. In general, almost half of the towns in South and Central America are fighting for the right to be called the birthplace of the drink. One of the legends says that “Margarita” was first prepared in 1938 by bartender Carlos Herrera for the aspiring actress Margarita King in one of the bars in Tijuana. The visitor was so amazed by her beauty that the bartender decided to do something unusual for her sake. Another version says that in 1948, Tommy Hilton, the owner of a chain of hotels of the same name, became the first to try an amazing cocktail at a villa in Acapulco. The mistress of the house was Margarita Seims. Guests at her home were served a tequila-based drink at the reception. Tommy liked the cocktail so much that soon it was on the menu of every bar in his hotels. The third legend tells about the love of the manager of the Crespo Hotel, Danny Negrete, for the girl Margarita. She visited her chosen one at night. It was for her that he came up with a new drink, mixing tequila, lemon juice and Cointreau. In the classic recipe, these components should be used in proportions of 2:2:1. The cocktail is prepared in a shaker with crushed ice or in a blender with plenty of frozen water. Margarita should be served in a wide special glass. This drink can be decorated with salt or sugar to taste.

Cocktail "B52". This cocktail is unusual, because it consists of three layers of liqueurs at once. If the drink is prepared correctly, then coffee liqueur (for example, Kahlua), Baileys and Marie Brizard Grand Orange liqueurs do not mix, and the boundary between them is clearly visible. And in this case, there are several stories about the origin of such a cocktail. They say that it was first created at the Alice bar in Malibu. New drink got its name in honor of the American bomber Boeing B-52 Strotofortress. Another legend attributes the honor of creating the cocktail to the Keg steakhouse bar in Calgary. However, of these versions, the one that is directly related to a military aircraft looks more logical. The fact is that it was at this time that this ultra-long-range strategic missile-carrying bomber was created, which has been in combat service since 1955. And a simple glance at a glass of a truly professionally prepared cocktail gives associations with an exploding nuclear bomb. But it was precisely for its transportation that the very B-52 bomber was designed. To prepare liqueur in the form of uniform and not torn layers, you must first pour one part of the coffee liqueur into a shot glass, then slowly and carefully pour the cream liqueur over the back of a spoon. Orange liqueur is also carefully poured on top (Cointreau is suitable for this role). If everything is done correctly, a three-layer B-52 cocktail will be formed. Often, when it is already ready, it is also set on fire. In this case, the B-52 cocktail must be drunk very quickly through a straw before it has time to melt. The taste of the drink in this case is no different from the classic recipe, but it all looks much more impressive, attracting the attention of others. The “pilot” starts drinking the cocktail cold from the very bottom, gradually the liquid becomes warmer, and at the very end it becomes completely hot. This is how the effect of rapid takeoff and turn is achieved. The good thing about this cocktail is that its judicious use guarantees a “soft landing.” In just a few minutes you will be able to look at the the world around us with sober eyes. There is also a cocktail option in which the layers are mixed and served over ice.

Long Island cocktail. This easy-to-make and strong cocktail was invented during Prohibition in America. The Long Island Ice-tea Cocktail quickly gained popularity in bars, because in appearance it resembled a peaceful glass of iced tea. It was difficult for outside visitors to understand that a tea-like drink with lemon was in fact an explosive, intoxicating mixture, and so tasty too! As happens with other cocktails, the exact date of the appearance of the drink and its history are still unknown, becoming surrounded by legends. According to one of them, it was not invented at all during Prohibition, but it happened in the late 1970s. The cocktail was invented by bartender Rosebud Butt. In any case, the cocktail is not a banal mixture of vodka and cola, but a much more complex, but no less strong drink. Although, according to the canons of bartending, a cocktail should have no more than five ingredients, the Long Island is the only recognized exception. The composition includes equal proportions of 14 ml of triple sec, white rum, gin, vodka tequila, 28 ml of tea, as well as cola and a slice of lemon. Strong liquids should be mixed in a Collins or Highball glass and added ice. Then stir the mixture and add cola. Order such a cocktail on a cold evening and then you can be stuck in the bar for a long time. The cocktail is also noted for its considerable volume, which only prolongs the pleasure.

Cocktail "Sex on the Beach". This popular cocktail, just by its name, evokes dreams of relaxation, the sea, and love. The drink contains vodka, peach liqueur (schnaps), cranberry and orange juice. This cocktail is officially recognized by the International Bartenders Association (IBA). To prepare, take 2 parts of vodka, both juices and one part of peach liqueur. Mix all this in a shaker and pour into a highball glass filled with ice. After this, the cocktail is decorated with a slice of orange. This drink should be drunk through a straw. Sometimes pineapple juice is also added to Sex on the Beach. It happens that a cocktail is poured not into a highball glass, but into a hurricane. The drink is sometimes decorated with a cherry and a slice of lime.

Cocktail "Cuba Libre". This Cuban cocktail has already conquered the whole world. It appeared during the Spanish-American War. One day, a group of American soldiers who were on leave at that moment entered one of the bars in Havana. One of them, feeling homesick, ordered rum and cola, ice and a slice of lemon. He liked this cocktail so much that it aroused keen interest among his colleagues. The soldiers asked the bartenders to prepare the same drink for them. Then the fun began, in the midst of which one of the soldiers made a toast in honor of the freedom the island had received: “Por Cuba Libre!” The crowd responded with "Cubra libre!" To prepare the cocktail, squeeze lime juice into a Collins glass and add ice, then add rum and cola and stir.

Bloody Mary cocktail. This drink is the most famous among cocktails, invariably occupying the first place in popularity ratings. Meanwhile, many myths and secrets hover around Bloody Mary. They say that this cocktail was adored by such famous personalities as Ernest Hemingway and Scott Fitzgerald. A world fame"Bloody Mary" came to New York, it was glorified by bartender Fernand Petiot, who worked at the St. Regis. In 1920, he decided to experiment by adding Tabasco sauce to an alcoholic drink. According to legend, Fernand came up with the name “Red Snapper” for the new drink, naming it in honor of the fish. However, one of the visitors renamed the cocktail in his own way, calling it “Bloody Mary”. The successful name quickly stuck to the drink. According to another legend, on the contrary, Petiot initially called his cocktail “Bloody Mary”, but the administration of the King Col bar tried to name it after the fish, “Red Snapper”. There is another version of the name of the drink. They say there was a bar in Chicago called the Bucket of Blood, where she frequented beautiful girl Mary, after whom the cocktail was named. Initially, the drink was extremely primitive, it included vodka and tomato juice. But 15 years after its invention, seasonings and spices began to be added to Bloody Mary. Vodka should be 2 times less than tomato juice. All this is poured into a highball glass and ice is added, and then stirred. Salt and pepper can be added to taste. For those who like spicier drinks, you can even add hot red pepper. There is another version of Bloody Mary, where tequila is used along with vodka. It is mixed with horseradish, Worcestershire sauce and Tabasco, lemon and tomato juice. If desired, you can also add Dijon mustard, sherry and clam brine. First, add ice to the highball glass, followed by the liquid ingredients. Top it all with tomato juice. The cocktail is mixed by pouring from one glass to another. For those who prefer non-alcoholic drinks, there is a version of Bloody Mary without vodka at all. At the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the legendary cocktail in 2008, the granddaughter of the creator made a toast in his honor. In New York, December 1 was even declared Bloody Mary Day. In honor of the anniversary, city bars offered the cocktail at a price dating back to 1933 - 99 cents.

Average alcoholic cocktails contain 18-23 degrees of alcohol, they are easy to drink without causing discomfort. But there are extreme drinks with an alcohol content of more than 40%, after three or four servings of which even the most experienced and persistent fighters “give up.” When compiling the rating, drinks were assessed by alcohol content, taste, and availability of ingredients.

All proposed cocktails are prepared using the “Build” method – chilled components are poured one by one into a glass (shot glass) and mixed. The simplest technology, ideal for home use. Drink in one gulp!

1. “Urine analysis” (57.5%)


  • Bacardi 151 – 50 ml;
  • tequila – 50 ml.

After a few servings, most tasters begin to urinate involuntarily, hence the name of the cocktail. Serve hot to enhance the effect!

2. “River of Blood” (53.3%)


  • Stroh 80 (Austrian spiced rum) – 30 ml;
  • silver tequila – 30 ml;
  • vodka – 30 ml.

A red cocktail that resembles blood. It's relatively easy to drink, but quickly knocks you off your feet.

3. “Green Vesper” (47.5%)


  • vodka – 30 ml;
  • gin – 40 ml;
  • absinthe – 15 ml.

Second to the vodka martini, James Bond's favorite cocktail is enhanced with absinthe. Two or three servings will quickly loosen the tongue of any target.

4. "Dead German" (42.5%)


  • Jagermeister (Jagermeister) – 50 ml;
  • Rumple Minze (mint schnapps) – 50 ml.

A favorite strong cocktail in Germany, after it the Germans “die” until the morning.

5. “Three Wise Men” (40%)


  • Jim Beam – 30 ml;
  • Johnnie Walker – 30 ml;
  • Jack Daniels – 30 ml.

Another name is “three best friend men". Sometimes a fourth “sage” (girlfriend) is added to the composition - Jose Cuervo golden tequila.

6. "Gorgeous Bob" (40%)


  • Aftershock liqueur – 30 ml;
  • whiskey – 30 ml;
  • golden tequila – 30 ml.

According to legend, the recipe was invented by a simple guy Bob, after tasting his friends shouted to him in a drunken stupor: “Great!”

7. "Death at Noon" (32.5%)


  • absinthe – 30 ml;
  • champagne (10%) – 50 ml.

Original green complemented by a mild taste. Due to the carbon dioxide in champagne, intoxication occurs very quickly. Best option to quickly “get drunk and forget.”

8. "Headhunter" (29%)


  • Bacardi 151 – 40 ml;
  • strong dark beer – 75 ml.

Rum and beer, aka “Cuban ruff,” quickly takes away your mind. After a few servings, even regular bar visitors lose their heads.

We present to your attention new unique recipes for the most original and unusual cocktails, the ideological basis of which is the plots of popular films and virtual characters. You haven't tried cocktails like these before. But now you can make them yourself at home!

1. Metroid

Cocktail ingredients: apple and coconut rum, sprite, a mixture of kiwi and strawberry juices.

Cocktail history: Metroid looks and tastes fantastic! It is not surprising that this marvelous drink with three strawberries floating in a green liquid was named after the cult computer game created by Nintendo.

2. “God of War” or “Kratos”

Cocktail ingredients: The cocktail has the same explosive power as its video game namesake. This is because its ingredients include vanilla and strawberry rum, amaretto, Everclear energy drink, strawberry syrup and milk.

Cocktail history: The character for whom this drink is named, the computer hero Kratos, first appeared in the video game God of War, released in 2005. He won the attention of a huge number of fans of fighting and winning in the virtual space.

3. "Street Fighter"

Cocktail ingredients: jasmine tea with vodka, lychee liqueur, Blue Curacao and Chinese iced tea Chun Li.

Cocktail history: This cocktail is as beautiful and dangerous as the multi-platform fighting video game from which it takes its name.

4. Doctor Who

Cocktail history: The cocktail received its name in honor of the cult British science fiction television series of the BBC about the mysterious alien time traveler known as "The Doctor". Together with his companions, he explores time and space, simultaneously solving various problems and restoring justice.

Cocktail ingredients: There are two recipes for the cocktail: one is based on Blue Curacao, blueberry vodka, Sprite and rum, and the second differs only in that Midori liqueur is added instead of vodka. But in any case, both of these original cocktails are delicious and mysterious, just like the image of Doctor Who itself.

5. "Giggling Yoda"

Cocktail history: That was the name of one of the main characters of Star Wars, the wisest and most powerful Jedi of his time. Be sure to try this intergalactic cocktail called "Giggling Yoda"!

Cocktail ingredients: The drink contains fresh fruit, ginger ale and vodka, and appearance Ideally, it should be indistinguishable from the muddy waters of the Dagobah swamp from the movie saga.

6. "Vampire's Kiss"

Cocktail history: Castlevania is a series of video games created by Konami, where the player is immersed in an atmosphere of gothic, horror and mysticism. This is a whole kingdom of vampires, werewolves and other evil spirits. The cocktail in the style of this dark world is called “Vampire's Kiss” and it tastes as intoxicatingly seductive as the kiss of an otherworldly creature under the cover of darkness.

Cocktail ingredients: It contains red wine and passion fruit liqueur.

7. "Tick"

Cocktail history: The cocktail got its name from the American television animated series “The Tick,” where popular comic books about superheroes and supervillains are ridiculed and parodied. The main character Tik is dressed in a latex uniform blue, and on his head are two blue antennas. In the drink, this was visualized as two blue sticks of chewy licorice Twizzlers paired with blue Tick Blueberry lemonade.

Cocktail ingredients: In addition to the unusual appearance and original taste, the combination of blueberry soda lemonade with liqueur and vodka also creates a delicious aroma.

8. "Trail of Blood"

Cocktail ingredients: Despite the terrifying appearance of this cocktail, it tastes surprisingly pleasant, because it contains peach schnapps, cranberry juice and vodka.

Cocktail history: It takes its name from the American television series by Showtime, based on the novel “Dexter’s Slumbering Demon” by Jeffrey Lindsay. The series follows Dexter Morgan, a fictional serial killer who works as a forensic blood spatter expert for the Miami police.

9. "Dirt Block"

Cocktail history: Mine Craft is a computer game where the world consists entirely of blocks (landscape, objects, mobs, player), hence the name for the spectacular cocktail.

Cocktail ingredients: It contains vanilla Kahlua, amaretto, milk chocolate and cookie crumbs. It is best served in square, clear glasses to preserve the cubic effect.

10. "Portal"

Cocktail history: Portal computer game in the first-person puzzle genre, the events of which take place in the Portal Nature Research Laboratory, and the player is a girl named Chell, who is undergoing tests inside the Laboratory.

Cocktail ingredients: The cocktail, named after the game, contains lemonade, limoncello and Everclear energy drink.

11. "Blade"

Cocktail history:“Blade” is an action movie with elements of a horror film, in which the main character, half-human, half-vampire Blade, takes revenge on ordinary vampires for the death of his mother, who was bitten by them during pregnancy. He is armed with a titanium alloy sword, a submachine gun with silver bullets and has all the abilities of a vampire - superhuman strength, speed, agility and durability. But at the same time, he is not afraid of light, garlic, silver, and although he has a thirst for blood, he copes with it with a special serum.

Cocktail ingredients: The composition of such a serum, that is, the Blade cocktail of the same name, includes Blue Curacao, Bacardi 151, tequila and the energy drink Everclear, which, of course, is tastier and much more pleasant than blood.

12. "The Nightmare Before Christmas"

Cocktail history: The cocktail got its name in honor of the American musical film of the same name about a resident of the town of Halloween who accidentally finds a portal to the town of Christmas and, in order to dispel the annual monotony, decides to celebrate this new holiday according to his old traditions.

Cocktail ingredients: The drink includes pumpkin or toffee pudding (your choice), rum and whipped cream.

13. Modern Warfare

Cocktail history: Modern Warfare, as you know, is a popular computer game, the plot of which is connected with modern military operations of the US and British intelligence services, as well as regular units. The action itself takes place on the territory of virtual Russia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and the Middle East. The cocktail itself is unlikely to make you want to unleash hostilities around you, except perhaps to compete for another serving.

Cocktail ingredients: The drink contains limoncello, crème de menth, Jagermeister, Baileys, energy drink and black vodka.

Useful tips

What cocktail do you prefer? What would you order, say, in a nice hotel bar or at a cocktail party where your eyes run wildrange of drinks ?

Stop choosing at random or asking the bartender to prepare something “to suit your taste”! After reading this material, you will be able to order exactly the cocktail that you want.harmonizes with your zodiac sign .

Perhaps other recipes may seem exotic and little-known - but this is only at first glance. This short educational program on certain ingredients will help youbetter knowledge of cocktails .

If you are a regular at cocktail parties (or perhaps a sommelier or professional bartender), this article will help you choose a cocktail based on your zodiac sign. Some Ingredientscan be replaced with others , more familiar or accessible. However, if you want to taste the taste of drinks made according to original recipes, use original components.

Choose favorite cocktail according to your zodiac sign! (all recipes included).

Read also:


Spicy Paloma cocktail Paloma)

The hot-tempered, proud and self-confident Aries simply needs to challenge someone sometimes. If you belong to this zodiac sign, we suggest you take care of your own environment and throw challenge yourself, after trying this cocktail, which contains a medium-hot chili pepper called jalapeno.


60 grams of tequila

90 grams of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice

30 grams of lime juice





Add tequila, grapefruit juice and lime juice to a shaker with ice. Shake until the mixture cools. Then pour the mixture into a collins (one of the long drink glasses) with the rim sprinkled with salt. Serve with lime wedges and jalapeño slices.

Did you know that:

Jalapeño pepper can normalize blood pressure by thinning the blood. In addition, the components of pepper help remove so-called bad cholesterol from the body. If you consume jalapenos regularly (not necessarily in cocktails!), you will maintain sharp vision for a long time, as well as healthy skin and hair.

Simple recipes for alcoholic cocktails with photos


Cocktail"Jimlet" (Classic Gin Gimlet)

Prudent sensualists Taurus, prone to prudence and sometimes stinginess, should offer the Jimlet cocktail (essentially a classic gimlet): sweet, predictable, consisting of simple and accessible ingredients (gin is sometimes replaced with vodka, but the “correct” Jimlet "is made specifically on the basis of gin).


30 grams of gin

20 grams of lime juice

15 grams of sugar syrup



Combine all ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice until mixture is chilled. Decant your cocktail glass in the compartment. Serve with lime wedges.

Did you know that:

The famous “gimlet” was drunk by sailors of the British Royal Navy at the end of the 19th century on the recommendation of a certain Thomas Gimlett, a military surgeon, who insisted on consuming this drink as a preventative against scurvy. Apparently, just lime juice, which contains quite a sufficient amount of vitamin C, was not so interesting for the sailors to drink...


Cocktail “The Sorbellini”

The “Sorbellini” cocktail (essentially sparkling wine with fruit sorbet) is what a true Gemini needs, who is distinguished not only by ease of perception and love of art, but also, unfortunately, by some frivolity, superficiality and, to be honest, a kind of frivolity.


Italian Prosecco wine (or any dry sparkling wine)

Frozen fruit sorbet


Add a teaspoon of sobret to a champagne glass and then fill it with sparkling wine.

Did you know that:

The name of the cocktail is, apparently, a play on words, which we owe to the name of the rather mysterious Italian sculptor Quintilian Corbellini (the author of the incredibly “lively” and playful sculpture called “Girl” (pictured), located in Winter Garden Vorontsov Palace in Crimea). After a glass of this cocktail, one of the bases of which is the famous sparkling wine Prosecco, produced in the regions of Venice and Friuli - Venezia Giulia, you will be in a playful mood, lightness and airiness will appear.


Cocktail"Oldrum"(The Rum Old-Fashioned)

Cancers are often famous for their waywardness, suspicion, and capriciousness. At the same time, they are ambitious, very attached to their home and very impressionable. It makes sense to offer such people the “Ancient Rum” cocktail: firstly, they will be flattered by the name of the drink being so decorous and “smelling” of home; secondly, some Cancers may be impressed by the extraordinary taste and beneficial properties of one of the ingredients of the cocktail - agnistura.


60 grams of black or aged rum

8 drops Angostura (Venezuelan alcoholic drink, bitter)

1 cube refined sugar



Place a sugar cube in the bottom of an Old Fashioned glass and then add 8 drops of Angostura. Pour in just a little rum to dissolve the sugar and mix it with the bitters. Then add two ice cubes and pour in the remaining rum. Stir with a bar spoon. Serve with an orange zest or slice strung onto the rim of the glass, which is then dropped into the drink.

Did you know that:

The label of Angostura bitter (similar to a tincture or balm), which is about 45% ABV, is larger than the bottle itself—only the neck of the bottle is visible because of the paper. According to one version, this is due to the fact that the tincture was originally used as a medicine, and it is this appearance of the product that is more reminiscent of a bottle of medicine. According to another, more amusing version, the blame for this falls on the employees of the company that produced the tincture back in the middle of the 19th century: allegedly, they got something wrong with the sizes when ordering a large number of labels, and having received the last ones, they decided not to change anything .

The most alcoholic cocktail


Cocktail"Bluelagoon"(The Blue Lagoon)

Many Leos are vain and stubborn, although they prefer to hide these not so positive traits under the guise of such generosity “from above”. They love pomp and often choose eye-catching clothes or bright decorations themselves. That is why not a single Leo (and especially a Lioness woman) can resist the Blue Lagoon cocktail, which is extraordinary in color and taste.


45 grams of Bacardi rum ( Bacardi Tangerine)

10 grams Blue Curacao liqueur

45 grams pineapple juice

45 grams soda


Mix all ingredients with ice in a large glass. Before serving, carefully stir the drink with a bar spoon.

Did you know that:

The name of one of the cocktail ingredients, Blue Curacao liqueur, comes (according to some sources) from the word “cura”, which is translated from Spanish as “healing”. Allegedly, it was thanks to bitter oranges that part of the crew of one of the Spanish sailors was cured of scurvy, because of which their captain landed the sailors on one of the Caribbean islands at the turn of the 15th-16th centuries (in fact, leaving them to die).

Recipes for homemade alcoholic cocktails


Elder-Peary Sangria Cocktail (Elder-Peary) Sangria)

Quite down-to-earth (in the sense of practicality and efficiency), the picky and indecisive sign of Virgo is in no hurry to open up to new people. And those who were born under this sign do not at all need alcohol for liberation, which, as you know, expands not only blood vessels, but also the circle of friends. Therefore, a typical Virgo may be suspicious of your proposal to share, figuratively speaking, a cup of strong drink. But the offered glass of a light and refreshing cocktail “Elderberry-Pear Sangria” will be accepted with gratitude.


Bottle of dry white wine

280 grams of Saint-Germain liqueur

230 grams of pear nectar




In a large enough container, combine white wine, liqueur, pear nectar, finely chopped pear and blackberries. Refrigerate for two to three hours. Serve in a wine glass with ice. Alternatively, add a little soda to the glass before serving.

Did you know that:

Sangria, generally speaking, is a red wine drink that translates from Spanish as “blood” (sangria). The basis of our cocktail is a liqueur with the aroma of elderberry blossoms St-Germain. This is a completely modern drink that has nothing to do with France, or the Count of Saint-Germain, or even Saint Herman of Paris. The liqueur was first introduced to the general public in 2007 by Coopers Spirit Co., based in New York, after which it won popularity for 4 years. gold medal as part of the world famous international tasting competition Monde Selection.


Cocktail “The Endless Summer”

“Be Cointreauversial” - it was under this slogan that in 2001 the French company Remy Cointreau introduced its Cointreau liqueur, which is an important ingredient in this cocktail. There is a play on words here, based on English word“controversial”, which can be translated as “ambiguous”, or also as “scandalous”. This is precisely what is sometimes lacking for representatives of the sign of Libra, who often demonstrate a lack of energy and mental weakness, demanding recognition from the outside world.


40 grams of tequila

15 grams of French Cointreau liqueur

15 grams of blackcurrant liqueur Creme de Cassis

40 grams of freshly squeezed orange juice

15 grams lime juice


Shake all ingredients in a shaker with ice until chilled. Then the entire contents are poured into an old fashion glass. The drink can be served.

Did you know that:

First promotional video Cointreau company, dedicated to the promotion of Cointreau liqueur, was released back in 1898! The face of the company was the famous character of the French folk fair theater Pierrot. Now the face of the company is the French actress, top model, and simply beautiful Laetitia Casta, known to most of our viewers from the movie “Asterix and Obelix vs. Caesar.”

Delicious alcoholic cocktails at home: recipes


Cocktail “Pistachio Shot”hio Shot)

Some jokers say that they drink for the smell, but they already have enough of their stupidity. Without in any way trying to offend the representatives of the Scorpio sign, it is worth noting that these are people who are distinguished by incredible rigidity, intransigence, and sometimes selfishness and isolation, reaching the point of fanaticism. So is it worth trying to surprise such people with strong drinks? Offer Scorpio a sweet and tasty Pistachio Shot cocktail, and you will see that this callous person can be soft and accommodating (at least when drinking this drink!). By the way, the name of this cocktail does not entirely reflect its contents; apparently, it was named so because the best appetizer for it would be fried pistachios.


15 grams of Baileys liqueur

8 grams of Creme de Menthe menthol liqueur

40 grams of chocolate liqueur Crème de Cacao


Pre-chill all ingredients in the freezer. Then you need to add them to the shaker without ice. Shake the shaker thoroughly and forcefully. Pour into a shot glass (basically a regular shot glass). The drink is ready.

Did you know that:

A glass for shots (that is, for cocktails and/or spirits drunk in one gulp), which we usually call a shot glass or glass, has an incredible number of variations that differ in the capacity of the glassware, its shape, glass thickness, transparency, the presence of a stem and even material. And the very first stacks (still wooden) appeared, according to some historians, back in the 1st century AD.


Minty Fresh cocktail

Sagittarius is characterized by excessive physical activity, which often leads to a feeling of mental anxiety. At the same time, they are very sociable and friendly people. They will surely like the “Mint Freshness” cocktail: mint will help relieve tension, and sparkling wine will allow others to enjoy even more open and sincere communication from Sagittarius.


55 grams of Brazilian Cachaça rum

2-3 mint leaves

4 grams lime juice

2 teaspoons ultrafine sugar

Spanish sparkling wine Cava Brut


Add mint leaves, sugar and lime juice to a cocktail shaker. Shake, then add ice and Cachaça rum. Shake until mixture cools. Pour into a champagne glass, then top the mixture with Cava Brut until the glass is full.

Did you know that:

Brazilian Cachaça rum is the national drink of this country, whose leadership at the legislative level decided to recognize the name cachaça as commercial. In fact, the name "cachaça" now has the same status and rights in the world as the name "champagne".


Cocktail “The Old Pal”

Grouchy, capricious and sometimes reserved Capricorns are quite difficult to please. Trying to force something exotic on them means risking the displeasure of a representative of this sign. A cocktail recipe for Capricorn should be simple and consist of well-known and popular drinks - exactly the same as the “Old Buddy” drink.


40 grams of rye whiskey

20 grams dry vermouth

20 grams of Campari bitter liqueur



Add whiskey, vermouth and Campari to a cocktail mixing glass. Stir with a bar spoon, then pour into a coupe cocktail glass. Serve garnished with a lemon wedge or zest.

Did you know that:

The bar spoon, which is constantly mentioned in this article, is not such a simple tool as it might seem at first glance. This element of bar equipment has been considered indispensable by generations of bartenders. The length of the spoon handle should allow it to reach the bottom of the longest glass, so you can find a tool with a length of 50 cm. The end of the spoon handle is also functional, since it is equipped with special device various shapes(usually a disk) and small in size: thanks to the spiral shape of the handle, the spoon is suitable for preparing layered cocktails; but if the cocktail is prepared in a small container, then it is the end of the handle that comes to the rescue, which also acts as a plane separating the layers of the drink.


Cocktail"CherrybourbonSmash"(Cherry Bourbon Smash)

Aquarians, who are prone to spontaneous and unpredictable actions, should not be offered anything strong that hits the head. The best cocktail for a representative of this sign is the Cherry Bourbon Smash long drink. A leisurely conversation over a glass of Smash will put Aquarius in a good-natured mood, opening best features his character, one of which is friendliness and sociability.


40 grams bourbon

15 grams of lemon juice

2-3 maraschino (cocktail) cherries

Carbonated soft drink "Dr. Pepper"


Place cherries in a cocktail shaker, add lemon juice and bourbon. Then add ice and blend until contents are chilled. Pour into an Old Fashioned glass (whisky glass). Before serving, add ice and top up the glass with Dr. Pepper.

Did you know that:

Cocktail cherries are, in fact, ordinary cherries candied in a special way, which are also used as ingredients and decorations for desserts. This cherry owes its unusual translucent appearance and specific taste to a half percent solution of quicklime and a one percent solution of sulfur dioxide, in which it is soaked for one to one and a half months. Then sodium chlorite comes into play, which is used to bleach the berries after removing the seeds. But even this is not the end of the process: the cherry spends up to a day and a half in water, and then is sent for two weeks to a solution of sodium bisulfate, which thickens the berry. And only after that it ends up in sugar syrup. Here is such a “simple” recipe...


Martinique cocktail ( TheMartinique)

Pisces are not fools to drink. In addition, when it comes to drinking, they are practically omnivorous, although they prefer a high degree. And this despite the fact that the strong drink causes strong alcohol intoxication– not the best “fellow traveler” for Pisces’ increased impressionability and mood swings. Offer the representative of this zodiac sign a Martinique cocktail - it is quite exotic, and it has enough strength.


55 grams of French liqueur Chambord

30 grams of vodka

15 grams of lemon juice

Mango juice


Mix all ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice until the contents are chilled. Serve the cocktail in a martini glass.

Did you know that:

On the Internet you can find a large number of Martinique recipes, which differ significantly from each other not only in ingredients, but also in terms of preparation. Some are sure that this cocktail simply must include a martini, or that the drink is so called because of the martini glass in which it is served. By and large, a martini glass is just a variation of the canonical cone-shaped cocktail glass, and the glassware is not at all to blame for the name of this cocktail. Martinique is the name of one of the most popular island resorts in the Caribbean. In numerous bars, restaurants and drinking establishments of the resort, each bartender prepares his own “Martinique”, that is, his own cocktail, which, in his opinion, is the very autochthonous drink of the island (although it is possible that somewhere there is “that one” the very” recipe for the “same” “Martinique”).

Could you imagine having to constantly order the same cocktail at a bar? Of course, we all have our favorite drinks, but fortunately no one has this problem. The fact is that cocktails constantly replace each other - some gain popularity, while others are forgotten and disappear. This year Drinks International magazine presented new rating best-selling cocktails in the world. It is based on a survey conducted among 108 best bars planet, and includes 25 drinks.

25. "Caipirinha"

The Caipirinha gained popularity at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro and has since risen from 47th place to 25th. The cocktail recipe has several options. The “Caipirinha” made from cachaça, cane sugar and lime is especially loved by bar regulars. The cocktail is traditionally served in low, wide glasses.

24. "Tom Collins"

By now, this alcoholic drink with gin, lemon juice, sugar and sparkling water has a whole “family”: “Pedro Collins” with rum, “Pepito Collins” with tequila, “Colonel Collins” with bourbon and “Captain Collins” with Canadian whiskey. The most important thing in making every cocktail is to garnish it with a good lemon.

23. "Gin and Fizz"

Gin Fizz is a classic and fairly simple drink. It is prepared with gin, lime or lemon, sugar and sparkling water.

22. "Aperol spritz"

This refreshing Italian aperitif is perfect for hot weather. Aperol spritz is made from prosecco or white wine, Aperol and soda.

21. "Rum Old Fashioned"

This is a version of the classic Old Fashioned cocktail that has taken on a life of its own. According to the survey results, every 5th bar included Old Fashioned Rum in the list of top sellers. Be sure to try it in a version with falernum, as well as white and dark rum.

20. "Zombie"

Drinks International called this cocktail "the drink of the living dead." Zombie is made from rum, apricot liqueur, lime and pineapple juice. The drink is served garnished with a sprig of mint in large glasses.

19. "Penicillin"

Don't be put off by the name of the cocktail, Penicillin actually tastes amazing. The drink contains whiskey, lime juice, honey-ginger syrup and candied ginger.

18. Pisco sour

Pisco sour was popular in San Francisco in the 30s, in New York in the 60s, and is now a huge success all over the world. This timeless Peruvian cocktail is made with pisco, simple syrup, lime juice, egg white and Angostura bitters.

17. "Aviation"

In 2017, Aviation moved up one position compared to last year. The cocktail is an improved version of the Tom Collins. It consists of gin, maraschino liqueur, violet liqueur and lemon juice.

16. "Gimlet"

The recipe for this cocktail is constantly changing. Nowadays it is made from gin and lime cordial, with the ingredients mixed in a ratio of 75:25.

15. "Espresso Martini"

"Espresso Martini" refers to dessert cocktails. It is made from espresso coffee, vodka and coffee liqueur. The drink is served in martini glasses with one or two coffee beans.

14. "Darkness and Storm"

This is Bermuda's most popular cocktail. On the islands, "Darkness and Storm" is traditionally prepared with dark rum, ginger beer and lime.

13. "Boulevardier"

For last year"Boulevardier" rose 15 positions. The cocktail is based on the famous Negroni, but instead of gin, American whiskey is added to it.

12. "Bloody Mary"

You may love it or hate it, but it was one of the top 10 drinks in a quarter of the bars surveyed. "Bloody Mary" is especially good with vodka, freshly squeezed lemon and tomato juices, spices and celery.

11. "Mai Tai"

This modern classics with curacao liqueur, rum, orchad milk syrup and lime juice. The cocktail is served in tall glasses with a straw and garnished with a sprig of mint, a slice of pineapple and lime zest.

10. "Sazerac"

The Sazerac is one of the oldest American cocktails. It is made with whiskey, bitters and sugar, and served in Old Fashioned glasses, which are pre-rinsed with absinthe.

9. "Mojito"

This Cuban cocktail made the top 10 in more than a third of the bars surveyed by Drinks International. A Mojito is made with rum, lime juice, sparkling water, brown cane sugar, fresh mint and ice.

8. "Moscow Mule"

"Moscow Mule" is the "vodka" answer to "Darkness and Storm". It consists of vodka, lime, ginger and sparkling water. The cocktail is usually served in a copper mug.

7. "Margarita"

The margarita remains in 7th place, despite the fact that 40 percent of bars do not serve it cold, as required classic version drink There are many varieties of the cocktail, but the most successful is the version with tequila, fresh lime juice and agave syrup.

6. "Dry Martini"

The “dry martini” has long been a classic. The traditional version of the cocktail is made from gin and vermouth. The drink is usually garnished with olives and lemon zest.

5. Whiskey sour

This cocktail (main photo) consists of bourbon, lemon juice and a teaspoon of sugar. Sometimes it is supplemented with egg white.

4. "Manhattan"

Over the past year, "Manhattan" has lost one position in the ranking, however, it is still incredibly popular. Most often, this aperitif is prepared with spicy rye whiskey, bitters and sweet vermouth. Bulleit, Rittenhouse and Maker's Mark whiskeys are also added to the drink.

3. Daiquiri

Daiquiri is one of the most famous cocktails in the world. To get this drink, bartenders mix lime juice with light rum and sugar syrup, and then beat the ingredients with a shaker.

2. Negroni

Negroni is a popular Italian aperitif made from Campari liqueur, sweet vermouth and gin. According to Drinks International, it is the second most ordered cocktail in the world.

1. "Old Fashioned"

This drink has literally stood the test of time. Created in 1881, it still remains at the peak of popularity and is not going to lose ground. Traditionally, an Old Fashioned is made with a sugar cube, Angostura bitters, ice and bourbon. Garnish the aperitif with orange and cherry.