Review: how to install a hood in the kitchen - preparation and installation rules. How to install a hood in the kitchen - a master class for you How to install a built-in hood in the kitchen

Many people, when choosing a hood, doubt whether it is possible to install it themselves, or whether it is better to invite a specialist. This work is by no means difficult, and any person who has ever held a drill in his hands and knows at least something about electricity can handle it.

First, you need to choose a hood of the appropriate volume for your kitchen. To do this, you should calculate the cubic capacity of the room, that is, multiply the area by the height, and increase this number 10 times. As a result, you will get the bandwidth you need for your premises. The design of the hood can be absolutely anything: straight, domed, inclined, and it depends only on your preferences.

A direct hood is usually built into a cabinet, that is, attached to it. Convenient, does not take up much space, can be pulled out if necessary. The dome hood is made in the form of a fireplace, massive, suitable for large premises. Attached to the wall.

Inclined hood. The most innovative device. Wall mounted. Has a very presentable, modern look. It takes in air not through the grille, but through small holes, as a result of which there is no need to wash the honeycombs of the grille, which is very difficult to do. In addition, hoods are often equipped with neutralizers. They come in three types.

  • UV. The hood is equipped with ultraviolet lamps that purify the air. Such a neutralizer is completely safe, and the light from the lamps can be used as a backlight, however, the price of these lamps is not small, and they will need to be changed on average once every two years.
  • Chemical. They release substances that neutralize the odor. May cause allergies and require frequent replacement
  • Ionization. They work using the method of conventional ionizers, but they produce a higher discharge, which is harmful for a person who cooks near the stove because he is in constant electric field, with tension above standards.

Once you have decided on the type of hood and its capacity, it is worth looking at what operating principle you need.

If the house has ventilation, then it is better to choose a hood with an evacuation operating principle. That is, it takes air from the kitchen and, through ventilation, takes it outside.

If there is no ventilation in the house, then to avoid it, you can buy a hood with recirculation cleaning. It takes air from the kitchen, passes it through a series of filters and expels it back into the room.

Rules and requirements

The rules for installing hoods are the same, no matter which model you choose.

Since the hood is an electrical appliance in which fat and moisture accumulate, an electrical breakdown may occur through the housing. As a result, a person may receive an electric shock. To avoid this, you need to ground it when installing the hood.

If there is no ground loop in your house, you need to make one. Don't be afraid, you don't need to stretch the wire outside and bury it deep into the ground. But you shouldn’t attach it to pipes or radiators; this can lead to the same injuries as leaving the hood without grounding at all; in addition, the electric discharge along the risers can go to the neighbors, and this is even bigger trouble.

To organize a grounding loop, you just need to run a wire to your electrical panel, where there is a pipe from which a bundle of wires comes out. This is the solid neutral to which you need to connect the ground. If there are already any wires on it, do not disconnect them under any circumstances, just secure yours on top, remembering to clean them first. A three-core wire with a cross-section of 2.5 square meters is suitable for grounding. mm.

Another safety measure when installing a hood is the distance from it to hob. Since the surface above the hood becomes hot, steam comes out of the pans and oil splashes, there are standards for installing a hood above the stove.

The height from the electric stove to the hood should not be less than 70 cm, and with a gas stove this size increases to 80 cm.

Also for proper operation ventilation hoods in the kitchen, whether in an apartment or in a private house, must correspond, that is throughput should be higher than that of the hood, otherwise all the polluted air will return to your apartment, through other openings in the ventilation, or to your neighbors, which is also not good.

The mounting of the hood to the wall must also be reliable. Because when you cook, if the hood is installed incorrectly and poorly, it can fall on your head and cause injury. If the wall where the hood will be attached is made of plasterboard, it is necessary in advance, before starting repairs, to strengthen the place where the hood is attached with wooden blocks.

Required materials and tools

To install the hood with your own hands, you will need the following tool, which, in principle, is in any home:

  • pencil;
  • roulette;
  • drill or hammer drill;
  • jigsaw with a “clean cut” saw;
  • screwdriver

You will also have to purchase dowels, screws, corrugation or a plastic air duct to connect the hood to the ventilation.

If you plan to hide the ventilation sleeve, then you immediately need to buy a sheet of drywall, guides, putty, and paint.

Installation of an inclined or dome hood

In principle, the stages of installing a hood are not much different depending on whether it is domed or inclined. The work is not difficult and anyone can do it on their own. Let's consider everything in order and do not forget about the height of the hood above the hob.

Installation stages

If you purchased a hood for a recirculation air purification system, it does not require connection to the ventilation duct. We simply mount it on the wall above the hob. This is a good option for installation in a private house with no ventilation system, or in apartments where the kitchen is located far from the room’s ventilation system.

But if you are installing a hood with an evacuation ventilation system, first of all you need to organize ventilation system.

The most popular is the ventilation outlet through the wall. This can be done in three ways.

  • Natural outflow. This is ventilation, which works on the basis of the laws of physics; due to the difference in pressure and temperature, air is exchanged in the apartment through a draft.
  • Mechanical outflow. Here, forced air flow is used by a fan. Here the ventilation holes facing the street are much smaller than the first option.
  • Combined. Combines both methods. When weather conditions allow, ventilation is carried out naturally, but when there is no draft, the fan is turned on.

When the ventilation of the house is equipped, we proceed to installation.

  1. We make a return flapper valve that will not let air back into the kitchen.
  2. We mount the hood on the wall.
  3. We mount the check valve to the ventilation hole.
  4. We connect the hood and firecracker with a corrugated pipe.
  5. We close the air duct with a box.
  6. We connect the hood to electricity.
  7. Setting up touch controls.

Connection to ventilation

Initially, you need to install a check valve or, in common parlance, a firecracker. This is part of the ventilation system that will not allow air from it to return back into the apartment.

To do this, we make a box from a piece of tin with a hole size of 3/4 of the diameter of the air duct. Thus, we find that its cross-sectional area will be equal to the area of ​​the ventilation hole.

Then from thin aluminum 0.5 cm thick, we make a barrier. We attach it with a spring to the main body so that when the air returns from the ventilation system, the flow closes it, and when the air leaves the apartment, the flow can open it. To do this, we use a soft thin spring, the diameter of the wire from which it is made should not exceed 0.3 mm, its length 12 cm, width - no more than 0.5 cm. A hard spring will not be suitable for these purposes. The spring tension must be such that the door is forced open by hand and released, slowly returned to its place. You can see the details in the diagram.

If there is a cabinet installed above the hob where you plan to install the hood, then you must first cut a hole in the upper and lower walls for ventilation pipe. To do this, use a jigsaw to drill a corresponding slot in the bottom wall and shelf. In the upper part we make a square hole to install a box with a firecracker.

After everything preparatory work completed, we move on to assembling the structure.

Since the air duct is not included with the hoods, the best option there will be a corrugated pipe. It is easy to install (cut with ordinary scissors, bent by hand without any tools), and, in addition, it does not make noise or ring during operation, which cannot be said about a rigid box. It also has good aerodynamic properties.

First we insert the corrugation into the cabinet holes. Before pulling it out through the top, we form a square from the pipe. This is easy to do, just bend it with your hands. We cut the pipe a little at the top and bend it. Then we glue it to the edge of the box with silicone. After that we insert the box check valve into the hole ventilation duct and glue it to the cabinet.

After 30 minutes, when the silicone has dried, you can carefully fill the holes between the edge ventilation duct and check valve body. It is better to do this with a gun, since it can make the thickness of the jet minimal.

Next we screw the hood to the cabinet. To do this, use self-tapping screws and mounting holes to attach it to the bottom wall of the cabinet with a screwdriver. We put the corrugated pipe on the hood pipe and secure it with a clamp or simple soft wire. The connection should not be coated with silicone, as this will make cleaning the ventilation duct difficult, and a clamp is enough to ensure that the corrugation does not come off anywhere.

But a cabinet is not always installed above the hob. The reason for this may be fire safety, if the stove is gas, or simply the design of the hood is not suitable for installation in a cabinet. To do this, simply lay a corrugated pipe over the hood and install a firecracker in front of the entrance to the ventilation, the body of which is attached to the wall. The entire structure of the corrugation and check valve is covered with a ready-made plastic box or made from a sheet of plasterboard.

There are also kitchens so equipped that the hole natural ventilation located away from the hob. In this case, you will have to pull the air duct along the ceiling to this hole. In this case, you need to remember that the throughput of such a pipe decreases by 10% with each turn of the corrugation. In addition, a corrugated sleeve stretched across the entire kitchen does not look very good, so it is better to think about the placement of the stove in advance, or, if this issue cannot be resolved, decorate it with a box.

Another feature of mounting to a vent is that there must be a gap between the ceiling and exhaust structure, since during operation of the hood all structures vibrate, as a result the ceiling may be damaged.

Now you need to connect the hood to electricity. To do this, you need to think in advance how to do this, and bring the wiring under the structure of the headset and apron to the top. If the hood has a regular plug, then we simply mount the socket, insert the plug into it and everything works.

But there are hoods for which you need to connect to the wiring yourself. In this case, it is necessary to install an automatic machine. It must be installed at an electrical circuit break, and all exposed wires must be insulated.

And don't forget to connect the ground. Install the grate on the hood. All that remains is to configure touch controls, if your device has one.

The method of installing this device will depend on its operating mode, of which there are 2 in total:

    Retraction mode

    Recirculation mode

The installation of a hood, which operates in exhaust mode, includes the outlet of the air duct into the ventilation system. To do this, it is very important to choose the right diameter of the air duct - it should not exceed the permissible parameters of 120-150 mm.

Advice! When installing the air duct, it does not need to be bent or extended, as all this significantly increases the loss of power: each turn reduces power by as much as 10%.

When choosing an air duct, you need to give preference to those that have smooth surface, because corrugated rigid pipes “sound” too loudly during equipment operation.

Installing a hood with a carbon filter does not require venting, because all the air that enters it is cleaned and returned to the room. Installation of such a hood is quite simple, but the filters will have to be changed periodically.

No less important is how exactly the hood will be attached, it depends on its type.

Types of hoods

Hoods are:

    Hanging - fixed above the stove under the cabinet

    Built-in - fixed in a special cabinet without a bottom

    Wall-mounted - mounted on the wall

    Corner - fixed in the corner of the room

    Island - fixed directly to the ceiling anywhere in the room

What tools will you need?

To install kitchen hood You will need the following tools and materials:

    Corrugation and a pair of clamps for fastening it

    Grille for ventilation duct



    Hacksaw for cutting metal

    Construction level


    Roulette (for marking).

Installation of the hood usually begins with the most difficult thing - connecting the hood to the ventilation shaft. And it would be best not to punch another hole by enlarging the window ventilation shaft, and install an additional box with a special valve that will prevent air from returning back into the room.

Here is its schematic view:

How does it all work? If the valve is closed (the valve is the red line), the air simply exits through the ventilation hole, and if the hood starts and the fan starts working, then it changes its position and closes one of the windows, and ventilation in this case is carried out using the hood itself.

The main task of this entire system is to prevent the occurrence reverse thrust and the possibility of natural ventilation if the hood is turned off.

To construct the mechanism, you will need a spring and an aluminum or plastic sheet to construct the valve.

Of all the possible types of air ducts, it is better to choose those made of plastic or aluminum.

Plastic pipes are very light and do not create noise when the hood is operating; moreover, there is no need to hide them, they fit perfectly into the design of the room and do not disfigure it.

Aluminum corrugated pipes also do not make noise during operation, but have a not very attractive appearance, so many people puzzle over how to hide the corrugation from the hood. One of the best ways It is considered to be installed in a plasterboard ceiling.

Before you begin installation

Before installation, you need to find out all the points regarding connecting the hood to electricity. At the same time, it is extremely important to comply with all electrical safety standards, because during operation the hood will constantly be exposed to drops of fat, moisture, and so on, which is why its housing requires mandatory grounding to remove voltage.

To connect the hood you need 3 wires: phase, neutral and ground. It is necessary to provide the equipment with grounding. This can be done using a ground loop (if available) by simply connecting the wire to the appropriate terminal.

But what to do if there is no grounding in the apartment? In this case, you will have to connect the wire to a dead neutral. To do this, you need to open the electrical panel with the meters and find there a pipe with all the wires or a special bus, as in the picture:

On it you need to find a pin on which the neutral wires are already located. You will need to throw your wire over them and tighten the washer. After this, the wire is routed to the kitchen, and the hood itself is connected through an automatic separator.

Before you begin installing the equipment, you need to start making a firecracker box. It is made in accordance with the diagram (figure above), or you can go more in a simple way and purchase an anti-return valve. The entire structure will be installed in front of the ventilation hole in the wall.

After this, you can prepare the cabinet. To do this, you need to mark its lower wall and, in accordance with the marks, drill a hole there for the hood. If the cabinet has shelves, then you will also need to drill round or square holes in them for the air duct.

The upper wall of the cabinet should be drilled in the shape of a square and with some margin (3-5 mm) for a clapper box.

When the cabinet is ready, you can begin connecting the air duct. To do this, you need to pull it through everything drilled holes, cut the pipe and bend its edges outward. After this, the cabinet can be hung on the wall.

Important! All joints of the air duct must be treated with sealant so that the hood does not subsequently lose its power.

The air duct stretched in the cabinet is connected to the ventilation duct through an anti-return duct. The firecracker is attached to the cabinet using silicone.

After the main elements are connected, you can fix the hood body itself in the cabinet. It is screwed onto screws or dowels. The corrugation is attached to it using a clamp.

If you need to secure not a corrugation, but a plastic air duct, then you just need to connect all the components correctly:

Installation height of the hood above the stove

Very important factor What needs to be taken into account before installing the hood is its height above the hob surface. This parameter will depend on the type of tile itself:

    If you need to install air purification equipment above an electric stove, then the distance between them should not be less than 70 cm.

    For a gas stove this parameter is 80 cm.

Compliance with these parameters allows you to ensure effective cleaning air in the kitchen. If the height between the stove and the hood is less than 70-80 cm, then the heated air emanating from the hob can affect the performance of the device and damage its important elements.

If the device is mounted not in a cabinet, but directly on the wall, you can use the built-in fasteners or build a U-shaped frame from the corners. This frame will serve reliable support for the hood body.

In some cases, ordinary dowels are not suitable for fastening, this is quite common problem for those whose gas stove pipes interfere with normal fastening. To solve the problem you need to use long self-tapping screws. At one end they have a thread with a nut to which the device body can be screwed.

How to connect the hood to the mains

The final stage is connecting the hood to the electrical network. This is done in two ways:

    Through a socket

    Through a safety circuit breaker

It is very important to remember about grounding, which was already mentioned in the article above. Thanks to it, you can remove the voltage from the housing and the hood fan.

Once everything is ready, you can decorate the hood with a decorative hood and protective air ducts and feel free to enjoy all the benefits of this equipment.

Installing a kitchen hood is a fairly simple procedure, especially if you follow all electrical safety rules and have necessary tools and materials. And the only thing that will then be required is to clean the equipment from grease and soot 2 times a year to prevent fire.

Installing a hood over a gas stove - video

A video that will help you understand in more detail the installation of the hood and the selection necessary elements for installation:

Nowadays it is almost difficult to find a kitchen that does not have a hood. She's playing main role in this room, namely, it removes odors from cooked dishes beyond its boundaries, eliminates soot and heat, and keeps the furniture in its original form for many years. The majority of craftsmen who want to install such a mechanism at home are interested in the question: how to install it correctly and how to vent the hood into the ventilation? You can find out more about this below. But first it is worth remembering that before carrying out the main work you should choose the most suitable option this device.

Without an exhaust hood, food odors from the kitchen will spread throughout the apartment.

Types of hoods

Modern hoods have differences in design. There are options for desktop, wall-mounted, built-in and island devices. Wall mechanisms There are rectangular and round configurations, covering the plane of the entire slab. It's hard not to notice her when you get into the room. Designs of this type should be combined with the overall appearance of the entire room. Built-in options are mounted in cabinets, they are practically invisible, which gives grounds for choosing a model of any plan.

A tabletop hood does not require installation; you can simply place it near the stove and plug it into the network.

Tabletop hoods are located near the stove or cooking surface. They are ideal for rooms with small areas. Island mechanisms are placed in the ceiling area, in the middle of the kitchen. They are perfect for slabs that stand separately from the set.

The nature of the installation work is directly dependent on the type of product purchased. That's why it's so important to choose the right option. Modern hoods come in three types: combined type, exhaust and recirculation.

The classic version of such a device is represented by a product that discharges air masses into the ventilation hole. Here we can talk about the exhaustive nature of her work. As air passes through the filters designated in the system, it is filtered and returned back. This is a type of recycling plan. The first option is represented by a conventional hood, the second by an air purifier. There is not much difference between them. Moreover, the main part modern systems is represented by combined varieties of similar devices. They can operate in any of the above modes. When choosing the appropriate option, you should proceed from the characteristics of the kitchen and the current situation.

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Surface preparation

The distance from the stove to the hood should not be less than 65 cm.

Before you put the hood in place, you need to decide on its location. Here you should check the quality of the walls. For installation of this system, preference is given to strong and solid wall, made from good stuff. Ideal option Will it be concrete or brick? It is also worth taking care of the appropriate fasteners; they must fit the chosen base. Right installed hood must be located above the stove at a certain level.

Thus, the permissible height of the device above an electric stove is 65 cm, above a gas surface - 75 cm. The lower limits must be carefully observed, otherwise the device will fail and melt as a result of heating. The upper limits should be adjusted to the height of the owner. We should not forget about the width of the structure, which must be equal to the indicators of a gas stove, 50-60 cm. After choosing a suitable device, you can begin installation work. A hood installed in accordance with all the rules will delight you with safety and a long period of flawless operation.

The over-slab hood must be connected to the ventilation.

Devices of this type do not need to be connected to a ventilation shaft, because they are not capable of moving air masses outside the room. The effectiveness of their activities depends on quality work filters. Due to this circumstance, it is necessary to promptly replace the installed filters approximately 2 times a year.

Installing such an exhaust system is not difficult. To do this, hang it on the wall and connect it to electricity, first marking the mounting points and drilling holes with a drill.

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Air duct installation: features

To keep the air in the kitchen clean, hood ventilation is necessary. It is very important to correctly install the air duct, which can be plastic, aluminum, or made on a semi-rigid base. The first type is much more reliable and costs much more than the other option.

Installing a plastic duct is much more difficult. For such purposes, you should acquire adapters, a ventilation grille, and horizontal and vertical bends in the “L” configuration. You can’t do without special gearboxes that provide a connection of round diameter to rectangular shapes. They perform the function of an air duct with an exhaust outlet.

The kit contains quite a large number of elements that help to carry out installation work any level of difficulty. It will not be easy for a novice master to carry out such actions, but such structures are designed for an indefinite period of use and make virtually no noise during operation.

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Corrugation installation: nuances

If the ventilation is located directly above the stove, the process of connecting it to the hood is done through an adapter. In this case, an air duct is installed. Having chosen a smooth base of a square or round configuration, you should take care of acquiring a connecting elbow. It will help get rid of corners. You also need an adapter that is attached to the hood and to the ventilation hole itself. The connecting elements are treated with sealant - the result is a rather attractive and neat structure. It can be placed under the ceiling, without the need for additional decorating elements.

The desire to install an air duct in a closet allows you to use corrugation. This inexpensive material, with which there are no installation difficulties. There is no need to use adapters here; the corrugation itself bends perfectly, bending around corner areas. Before installing it, it needs to be straightened. Manipulations of this kind can reduce the amount of noise produced during the operation of the mechanism. To choose the right size corrugated pipe, it is important to take into account the diameter of the outlet located on the hood. The corrugation is installed using a clamp on the device, and on the ventilation - with a grille.

Advice. Over time, soot, soot and grease accumulate in the air duct, which must be cleaned regularly. This should be done approximately 2 times a year. You can resort to completely replacing it, because otherwise, air movement will be hampered and there will be a risk of fire.

Of course, it is not difficult to place the corrugation in the ventilation, but it will not look presentable and will not stand out for its excellent performance indicators, like, for example, plastic samples. It is not very attractive from the point of view of external indicators.

The corrugation does not decorate the room at all, striking the eye as a bright spot.

The plastic system has a more noble appearance, it design features allow you to install it on top of cabinets so that it remains almost invisible. A corrugated duct almost always makes sounds during operation. To reduce such unpleasant moments, preference should be given to materials of short length. As a result, sound vibrations will be minimized and the operation of the hood will improve. Sharp bends in the pipe should be avoided here.

A hood installed in the kitchen will provide maximum performance if the connecting channel for air exhaust is quite large. As a result, the masses will quickly go into the hole, and the effectiveness of such a device will be very high.

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You should not resort to deliberately reducing the diameter of the air duct. If such a need arises, you should use an adapter, reducing the dimensions to a minimum. Ventilation located near the hood, on the same side, is very convenient. This option involves defining the system in top part kitchen cabinets. The location of such a channel on the other side provides the basis for laying the air duct along the ceiling. It can be disguised with special boxes in which it is easily installed. Matched to the color of the ceiling and walls, it will be almost invisible.

Ventilation through the attic or other rooms helps pre-cool the air. On separate areas Condensation may occur. Over time, the traction force will decrease and mold will appear. Therefore, such a system should be finished with thermal insulation materials.

If you want to ensure maximum clean air in the kitchen without fumes, grease and odors, then you will need high-quality hood. You should choose this device based on design and performance, but installing a kitchen hood is no less important. By the way, doing everything yourself is not particularly difficult.

Features of installing kitchen hoods

Installation of a hood in the kitchen is carried out according to different principles depending on the type of construction:

  1. If the equipment can operate in recirculation and exhaust modes, then installation involves connecting the air duct to an external ventilation system. Here you should correctly calculate the diameter of the air duct (it should be in the range of 120-150 mm). The air duct is not narrowed, if possible, not bent or lengthened - this will help minimize power losses. A square or round air duct is installed - but preferably smooth and not corrugated, otherwise the noise effect from the hood operating in the kitchen will significantly increase.

  1. There are hoods that operate only in recirculation mode. Their main element is a carbon filter. Such a device is not connected to the ventilation shaft. The air entering the structure is purified when passing through a carbon filter, after which it is again “thrown out” into the room. The carbon filter is purchased separately. It is easy to connect this type of device correctly, although its performance will be lower than that of a universal design.

Methods for correctly installing a hood will vary depending on whether it is mounted or wall-mounted.

Tools and materials needed for work

Installing a kitchen hood with your own hands will require special components and tools. Some of them will be included with the purchased equipment, while some (such as a mount or a carbon filter) will have to be purchased separately.

For installation you will need:

  • Corrugation, which allows air with contaminants to be discharged directly into the ventilation duct;
  • Grille for the ventilation shaft - so that the place where the corrugation was installed looks aesthetically pleasing;
  • Corrugation fastening (clamps) – 2 clamps.

Also, installing a hood in the kitchen will require the following tools:

  • Screwdriver or drill, hammer drill;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Tape measure and pencil for marking;
  • Level;
  • Metal hacksaw for corrugation.

We carry out installation of the hood - stages of work

Before you begin installation, you need to calculate at what height to hang the hood. The actual DIY installation process involves several steps:

  1. Secure the hood mount to the wall.
  2. Connect the device to the air duct system (or place a carbon filter inside).
  3. Make an electrical connection.

There are two main nuances of attaching the hood to the wall:

  • The device must be installed with maximum reliability;
  • The distance from the stove to the hood must be correctly determined.

What height should a kitchen hood be installed? It depends on both its type and the type of hob:

  • If the model is installed for electric stove, the distance at which you need to hang the device is at least 70 cm;
  • For kitchen hood with minimum height is 80 cm.

Some craftsmen who prefer to do the installation themselves claim that for both gas and electric stoves optimal distance– exactly 700 mm. Indeed, such a height is considered sufficient for a kitchen hood (even a recirculating one, which includes a carbon filter) to effectively purify the air in the work area.

However, it is worth understanding that more heated air will rise from the gas stove - the product’s power may not be enough, the filter or other structural elements may be damaged. It turns out that by maintaining the minimum permissible distance, you risk the performance of the device, and if you decide to mount the device at an increased height from the stove, you can significantly lose power.

Further work on installing a hood in the kitchen with your own hands is as follows:

  1. The kitchen hood must be hung on the wall. Here it is very important to correctly calculate the height above the slab and carry out the markings. The device must be mounted along a special axis corresponding to the center of the hob. It is better if the selected hood has eccentric fasteners - it allows you to adjust the nuances of the location of the equipment above the stove within 5 mm.
  2. You need to install the hood and connect it to the air duct system. The position of the device should be calculated in such a way that the length of the boxes is minimal. The air duct is installed to a ventilation duct designed to remove air from the room. You can install the air duct into the ventilation duct using a special sleeve. The resulting connection is compressed with clamps and lubricated with silicone for a tight seal.
  3. It is impossible to solve the question of how to install a hood in the kitchen without an electrical connection. The power of the device, as a rule, is low - this means that there is no need for a special calculation of the wire cross-section or installation of a separate circuit breaker. It is advisable to provide a wire in the kitchen right away and hide it in the wall. If this was not done, then you will have to hang the socket outside and connect the wire, hiding it in the external ventilation duct.

Features of installing a built-in hood

Installing a built-in hood with your own hands is quite possible, although it has its own characteristics. Here you also need to correctly calculate the height above the stove, but the main nuance is how the device is attached.

The built-in model in the kitchen does not need to be hung on the wall - it is fixed in kitchen furniture, in a cabinet with a specially designed hidden cavity. By the way, recirculating hoods can be connected in the same way - their power will be quite enough for small kitchen spaces.

After the equipment is fully connected, its functionality is checked. The final stage is installation protective casing, hiding the air ducts. After this, you can enjoy clean air.

Some people prefer not to waste time installing the hood with their own hands or simply do not have the necessary skills, others do not have the right tool or simply lack the desire to study physical work. But there are always craftsmen who do all the housework or try to do it themselves. In practice, installing a hood is very light work, and you can even do it alone without an assistant.

General requirements

A hood, like a stove, is a must in the kitchen

First you need to make sure that you have chosen a suitable hood. Its width should be the same as the width of the gas or hob. The power of the hood must correspond to the area of ​​the kitchen, since if the performance is insufficient, the hood will not be able to clean the air from combustion products and unpleasant odors. In addition, it is important to consider the correct one.

Depending on the type of hood, you should prepare in advance the place where it will be installed. If this dome hood– there must be a place above the stove for it when . For a built-in hood, you must order a cabinet in advance. They are usually made in furniture stores to order, for this it is enough to provide furniture assemblers with instructions for the hood: they indicate detailed dimensions Your model, focusing on which the cabinet will be made. These parameters are not important for you.

In some cases in furniture company You may be asked to leave the hood while the cabinet is being manufactured and assembled. If there is such an opportunity, agree. This way the master can try it on right away ready-made wardrobe and in case of misunderstandings or if a mistake was made when creating such a cabinet (which is very rare among professionals), everything can be corrected on the spot, saving time.

Modern hoods are very stylish

If you have to install a regular wall-mounted hood, it is enough to leave only free space for it, but there is an option not to leave the hood open, but to make a special cabinet for it. Unlike the cabinet for a built-in hood, this element of furniture will be more of a decorative character. The photo shows that the lower horizontal line of the cabinet is missing, since your hood will be placed in this niche, which is empty for now.

Dome hood is one of the most powerful

The dome hood is mounted according to the same principle - the whole process can be seen in the video:

In this material, the master uses an additional block, since in this particular case the gas pipe interferes with it.

It’s more difficult with non-standard hoods: in these cases, the process itself will be special. This system is attached to the ceiling using dowels and special fasteners.

The main difficulty in installation lies in the installation of the air duct: it will have to be routed along the ceiling, fixing it at certain intervals. It is advisable that the exhaust path be as straight as possible, without bends or corners: this may affect the performance of the hood.

If the room is small, you can get by.

Samsung hood review and installation:

  • Having measured distance from the hood to the ventilation shaft, stretch the corrugation to the required length;
  • Secure one end of the corrugation at the base of the hood outlet;
  • Laying the corrugation along wall cabinets to vent do not damage the corrugation: in fact, it is just a very thick foil, so it is very easy to wrinkle or tear it if handled carelessly;
  • Insert the end into the grille hole.