The birthplace of the Chinese rose indoor plant. Hibiscus plant - the birthplace of the flower, description of varieties. Types of hibiscus and their characteristics

Hibiscus - extraordinary beautiful plant with large flowers various shades from white to purple. Its large dark green leaves serve as an excellent background for the bright flowers. Undoubtedly, this plant is a decoration for any window sill and area. It creates comfort and enlivens the atmosphere. In Hawaii, it was nicknamed “the flower of beautiful women” and was even recognized as a national plant. And in Brazil, hibiscus is called “princess earrings.”

Hibiscus belongs to the subfamily Malmaceae, is an evergreen shrub and can reach a height of 4.5 meters in natural conditions. The bark of the shoots and trunk, as a rule, has a black or brownish tint. Small varieties are mainly grown indoors, only half a meter to two meters high.

Hibiscus blooms for a very short period of time: the flowers fade the very next day after opening, then new buds begin to form. Known more than 250 plant species. There are even varieties with variegated leaves, but their flowering is not as beautiful and spectacular as that of varieties with green leaves. This plant is quite hardy and tolerates lack of light, excess moisture, coolness, drought and lack of fertilizers.

The origin and homeland of the hibiscus plant is in southeast Asia. Although it is found in both Africa and America, forming lush thickets on wet floodplains. The homeland of hibiscus has found use for the flower not only for decorative purposes. Thus, young leaves and shoots are used as food as vegetables. They are included in salads, used in stewing meat, the seeds of the plant are fried and then added to soups, and even necklaces are made from fried seeds.

In medicine, they also found ways to use leaves, roots and fruits (for example, as compresses for ulcers and burns). IN food industry prepared from flowers purple paint. Black dye is used to dye hair. Pieces of dried hibiscus fruits are very popular in fruit teas. Marketing names of such tea: “Sudanese rose”, “Malm tea” or the well-known "Hibiscus". There is even a legend about the first use of the flower as tea.

One day a traveler got lost in the jungle and, exhausted, sat down to rest. He was very hungry and, making a fire, prayed to God to send him at least something. Suddenly, several red petals flew into the pot of water, and the water acquired a ruby ​​red hue. The traveler decided to try the resulting drink, since there was nothing to lose. And the tea turned out to be very tasty and aromatic, with a slight sourness. With each sip, the man’s strength returned and he was able to continue on his way. Having found a way out of the jungle, he took amazing flowers with him, and then distributed them to residents of neighboring villages who met on his way.

So the rumor about this wonderful tea spread throughout the world. Hibiscus tea really has beneficial properties. Thanks to it, the walls of blood vessels become stronger, it cleanses the body, removes harmful toxins, improves body conditions, lowers blood pressure, relieves pain during spasms, and has a beneficial effect on the liver and kidneys. Tea can be consumed both hot and cold, and in the first case it increases blood pressure, and in the second it lowers it. At the end of the 18th century, the plant first came to Europe, and some time later it was brought to Russia.

Swamp hibiscus

Swamp hibiscus is one of the most common malvaceae species. Its flower reaches 16 centimeters in diameter. The flower may be spotted with pink, purple or terracotta. This perennial unpretentious, frost-resistant and does not need frequent feeding, it just needs a little water.

Under natural conditions it grows in the tropics and subtropics, on well-drained, highly moist soils, which is why this type of plant was called swamp. Cultivated annual swamp hibiscus is grown in:

  • southern gardens of Europe;
  • central Russia;
  • in the Far East;
  • Yaroslavl region;
  • Southern Siberia.

Swamp hibiscus is an evergreen perennial with deciduous leaves. In a favorable environment it reaches a height of 2.5 meters, and the crown diameter is up to 1.8 m. For unfavorable conditions climatic conditions Compact varieties have been developed that can be grown in pots. The stem is usually straight, in adult plants it is woody. The leaves are simple in shape, dense green above, light below. It blooms from summer until the first autumn cold snap. The fruit capsule consists of five chambers that can open. They contain many pubescent or smooth seeds with a durable shell.

The benefits of growing swamp hibiscus in open ground can be attributed:

  • takes root in swampy areas where other plants die;
  • indifferent to nearby groundwater;
  • it grows calmly in a little shade, although flowering then becomes less abundant;
  • tolerates frost well;
  • After pruning it blooms even better.

Potted crops They are not inferior to their brothers in unpretentiousness. However, they require a little more attention. It is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • loose soil should be enriched with humus;
  • It is better to keep the soil moist;
  • do not place in direct sunlight, ideally dim lighting;
  • the temperature for potted varieties should be slightly higher than for those grown in open ground;
  • Maintain temperatures higher in summer than in winter;
  • In summer you can take it out onto the terrace or balcony.

Any hibiscus will enjoy removing spent flowers. This will promote abundant flowering and the flower will look better externally. But it’s better not to overdo it with fertilizer. A flower can live up to 20 years with proper care.

Planting rules and required care

Seeds are sown in the last two months of winter, punctured or slightly cut in advance for better germination. Prepared seeds are first soaked for a period of 12 hours to two days. The substrate is prepared from peat and sand in a ratio of 2:1. Sprinkle the seeds on top, pressing in slightly.

To create a greenhouse effect, cover with film or glass. The greenhouse is removed after the first seedlings appear. When the seedlings grow 3-5 leaves, they are picked. Plants that have grown by spring are planted in pots a couple of centimeters larger.

In the case of seedlings from cuttings, branches with three to four internodes are used. The sections are lubricated with a growth stimulator and placed in moist soil. late summer. A kind of greenhouse is built on top (from the same glass or film).

It is recommended to add charcoal to the soil; it promotes better preservation of roots and protects against diseases. In the spring you can add a little nitrogen fertilizers, and by the fall - fluoride and potassium fertilizers. Growing plants need to artificially extend daylight hours on short days.

Garden hybrid hibiscus“Chinese rose”, like the trifoliate, is a decoration for any flower corner. Looks like an evergreen shrub or tree with elongated leaves oval shape. The dark green, smooth leaves may have crinkled or serrated edges. The flowers, opening one at a time, look like a wide cup, reaching a diameter of 14 cm. The buds can be either simple or double, and the colors range from white to red, yellow, orange (depending on the variety). It is a pity that the flower fades after one or two days, but with proper attention, the Chinese rose can bloom for a long period

Many gardeners prefer vegetative propagation method, rather than seeds: it’s more reliable and simpler. However, in this regard, the Chinese rose does not cause problems at all. It grows well both from seeds and cuttings. It should be noted that the seeds of this plant can remain viable for six months.

At the end of February, before planting, the seeds are dipped in a solution with potassium permanganate for about half an hour (to disinfect), then, after rinsing thoroughly, they are soaked in a solution of a growth stimulator for a day. But they need to be lowered into the solution shallowly, otherwise the seeds will die from lack of oxygen. A day later, the seeds are wrapped in gauze for germination, periodically opening the gauze to ventilate.

Warm, humid and acidic environment - perfect place for germination. You can cover the seeds with a film with holes, thereby providing air access and retaining heat and humidity. After three days, the first shoots may appear. They should be moved into a deep container (for example, half-liter plastic cups) so that the root can grow freely and straight.

Seedlings require diffused bright sunlight and moderate watering. Without the sun, a Chinese rose may not bloom at all. To prevent the plant from getting sick "black leg", you can pour a little foundationazole solution. IN warm time year, it is recommended to take the flower out into the open, but make sure that there are no drafts. In summer it is better to keep the temperature at 18-25 degrees, and in winter about fifteen. If the temperature is lower, the plant will begin to shed its leaves.

At elevated temperatures, they can be sprayed with water, the main thing is not to touch the flowers: they can become stained and fly off. When watering, it is recommended to use settled water at room temperature. To determine whether it is time to water the plant, look at how many centimeters the plant is dry. top layer land. If more than 2-3, then it’s time to water.

Feed organic fertilizers Chinese rose is only available during a certain period: from April to September, every two weeks. And potassium-phosphorus can be fed in winter, but only if the hibiscus is blooming.

Hibiscus - very beautiful useful flower and quite easy to care for. There are many varieties of it, everyone will find a variety to their liking. And despite some negative signs associated with this plant, many grow it in their flower beds.

Hibiscus belongs to the best flowers for growing at home. Its main advantages are:

  • exotic look;
  • moderate requirements for living conditions;
  • bright flowers.

Thanks to this, he began to enjoy great popularity. However, in his homeland many different signs and beliefs are associated with him. In particular, the Chinese claim that hibiscus is the flower of death.

Feature of the plant

Hibiscus, growing in natural conditions, is an evergreen shrub that reaches a height of 4.5 m. The bark of the shoots and trunk has a black or brownish tint. In apartments, they mainly grow Chinese rose (or hibiscus), the care of which is quite simple. At the same time, the tree has a height of only 50 cm to 2 m. People love this plant very much for its unpretentiousness and beautiful appearance.

Luxurious flowers are quite short-lived. Literally the next day after they bloom, they begin to fade, but instead new buds begin to bloom.

Hibiscus is interesting to gardeners not only for its flowers, but also for its variegated leaves. There are also quite original variegated varieties, but their flowering is not so luxurious. This plant is relatively hardy, as it can easily tolerate lack of light, excessive amounts of water, cold, lack of moisture and fertilizers. However, all this has a negative effect on the plant. It will not bloom, but it will not die.

Homeland of the flower

Southern China is considered the birthplace of hibiscus, for this reason it is called the Chinese rose. In addition, the plant is quite common in Polynesia and Western India. Africa and America can also be considered the homeland of hibiscus, since some species grow on this continent. In Malaysia, the flower is considered national, as its buds represent the feminine principle.

At the end of the 18th century, the flower was first brought to Europe, and a little later to Russia, where it immediately fell in love with many gardeners for its special beauty. If you organize the right growing conditions, this flower will delight you with its abundant flowering for six months.

The hibiscus plant is very popular not only in its homeland, but also in many other countries. On the islands Pacific Ocean it serves as a decoration for the hairstyles of local girls. This flower is one of the national plants of Malaysia.

In its homeland, hibiscus belongs to the element of Fire. According to Feng Shui, the flower helps strengthen marriage and establish business. Blooming hibiscus helps fill the home with special energy and cope with stress and depression.

Until recently, a natural dye was made from hibiscus flowers in China, its leaves and stems were used to make ropes and ropes, and medicinal properties mentioned in traditional medicine treatises.

Hibiscus has gained great popularity due to its useful qualities. In India, there is a legend about the origin of hibiscus tea. Exhausted by the long journey, the traveler lit a fire, put a pot of water and began to pray to the gods for help. After this, flowers fell into the water, turning it a ruby-bloody color. The wanderer was not afraid to drink this unusual drink and felt how his strength gradually began to return.

Leaving the area, the traveler took with him several wonderful flowers. He distributed them to the residents of the villages he passed through, talking about the extraordinary qualities of this drink. Many years have passed, but the fame of hibiscus tea has spread throughout the world.

Many people wonder whether it is possible to keep a Chinese rose at home. There are a variety of signs regarding this plant. Some believe that the flower brings misfortune to a person and his home, while others say that it helps to improve family relationships and improve the microclimate.

In China there is a belief that hibiscus is the flower of death. Recently, it has been believed that the Chinese rose can attract death into the house. It is believed that if a plant suddenly begins to bloom, then one of those living in the house will soon die. If a flower begins to abruptly shed its leaves, then someone living will become seriously ill or a misfortune will occur in the family. However, this opinion is completely wrong; on the contrary, the plant is considered healing and is used to treat many diseases.

Hibiscus varieties

In the homeland of hibiscus, many species of this plant grow, the most popular of which is considered to be hibiscus. Studies of the flower have confirmed that it is a real storehouse of nutrients and vitamins. Perhaps this is what makes it popular, and every country is trying to appropriate its origin for itself.

In Sudan, this plant has been grown on huge plantations for several centuries. In the natural environment, its height can reach 5 m, and when home growing- no more than 2 m. It is worth noting that the indoor plant is unsuitable for making tea, but decorative qualities he has no equal. Other types of hibiscus can be distinguished:

  • musky;
  • blue hibiscus;
  • linden;
  • yellow terry;
  • Hawaiian;
  • variegated;
  • royal.

Musk hibiscus is one of the most interesting varieties. Unlike hibiscus, which is familiar to many, you cannot make tea from it. But it is believed that its aroma can increase potency. This blooming hibiscus looks very beautiful and elegant. Among its main features are the following:

  • plant height no more than 2 m;
  • leaves are wide, densely covered with hairs;
  • seed pods are covered with hairs;
  • flowers are rich yellow.

The seeds of this plant are widely used for the manufacture of perfumes and various cosmetics. The oil of this plant helps normalize digestion, relieve itching and remove bad breath.

Blue hibiscus will help add some exoticism to the interior of your home. This variety has fairly large flowers of expressive blue, somewhat lowered. Looks very nice blue flower, growing together with other types of hibiscus.

The most unusual member of the family is considered to be the linden hibiscus, which is a tree that, depending on where it grows, can reach approximately 7 m in height. It got its name due to its resemblance to a linden tree. Spreading branches with large leaves and chameleon flowers. During the day they yellow, and at night they change their hue to red. It is quite possible to use the flowers of this variety for medicinal purposes, namely:

  • copes well with bronchitis;
  • helps in the treatment of tonsillitis;
  • heals wounds and abscesses.

If you grow hibiscus from seeds, you can develop other varieties, even terry ones. Terry varieties are found quite often, regardless of varietal affiliation.

Royal hibiscus is a flower with soft waves, its petals are painted in a spiral. And his palette is characterized by the fact that it combines several different shades at once.

Growing conditions

In its homeland, the hibiscus plant belongs to decorative flowers that are grown in flower beds or even entire plantations. However, it is quite possible to grow it at home, the main thing is to organize optimal conditions for its growth. Many people say that this is a very beautiful plant, as you can see by looking at a photo of a hibiscus. Care at home is not too difficult, the most important thing is to create optimal conditions.

One of the most basic requirements concerns lighting. The plant is light-loving, but prefers diffused and bright light. If the lighting is not good enough, it will be impossible to achieve flowering, but direct sunlight can burn the leaves. When grown in room conditions The flower pot should be placed on well-lit windows. In winter, it is necessary to additionally create artificial lighting, since if there is not enough light, the shoots will sharply elongate, become weak and thin, which will have a bad effect on the appearance of the flower.

The optimal air temperature for growing hibiscus will be twenty to twenty-five degrees. In winter, you need to make sure that the ambient temperature does not fall below 10 degrees, as the plant will shed its leaves. When the air is dry and hot, the foliage becomes too sensitive to spraying, which is why it should be done in the early morning or immediately after sunset.

Under properly organized growing conditions, the plant looks simply luxurious, which is clearly visible in the photo of the hibiscus. Caring for it at home means proper watering. The mode is chosen depending on what species the plant belongs to. For shrubs and trees, watering should be moderate, that is, so that the surface of the soil in the pot has time to dry out a little, but for herbaceous and marshy species the soil should be well moistened all the time.

The plant practically does not need additional air humidification and tolerates even severe dryness well. However, periodically the crown with glossy leaves should be rinsed with warm water.

Red hibiscus quite calmly tolerates even severe pruning, which allows you to create a beautiful voluminous crown and slightly stop the excessive growth of shoots. It should be carried out in spring or autumn, even before the formation of flower buds.

During the flowering period, it is necessary to fertilize with complex fertilizers intended for flowering indoor plants. Nutrient mixtures that do not contain nitrogen work well. In winter, the plant does not need fertilizing.

Transplanting a plant

During the first 5 years of growth, the Chinese rose requires daily replanting, and adult plants are replanted every 3-4 years as the root system grows. The soil should consist of leaf, humus and turf soil. You need to add sand to the soil. Transplantation is carried out in early spring.

Before replanting, you need to trim off part of the root system. The branches of the plant require pruning, so immediately after replanting they need to be shortened by about a third. All this will allow you to form a beautiful crown, which will certainly delight you with abundant flowering. After transplantation, the plant should be moved to a bright place and watered well.

How does reproduction occur?

Planting hibiscus can be done by seeds or cuttings, so growing the plant yourself will not be difficult. Many people prefer to propagate flowers by cuttings.

To do this, you need to cut a small branch from the very top of an adult plant. It is desirable that the cuttings have 2-3 leaves. Then you need to prepare the soil mixture by mixing peat and sand in equal parts. You need to choose a small pot, but deep, since the root system develops very quickly.

Be sure to use drainage, which is placed on the bottom of the pot in a layer of 2 cm, then fill a third of the pot with soil, place the cutting and add the remaining soil. In order for the plant to take root faster, it should be covered. glass jar, thereby creating a greenhouse effect.

The planted cuttings need to be watered every 3-4 days, simply adding water to the pan. The flower will independently determine how much liquid it needs. As soon as at least 1 leaf appears on the plant, the jar can be removed.

The cuttings can be rooted in another way. To do this, you need to cut a twig, place it in a container with purified water, after adding a product to the water that promotes the rapid formation of roots. After many dense roots appear, you can transplant the flower into the ground.

Possible difficulties of cultivation

There may be some difficulties with growing the plant. If buds form on a hibiscus, but do not open, but fall off, this means that it does not have enough nutrients, the soil is very dry, there is not enough good watering, as well as low air temperature.

Many people are interested in why hibiscus turns yellow and leaves quickly fall off. This may occur due to the fact that the irrigation water contains a lot of calcium and chlorine, plus not enough iron and nitrogen. In addition, the leaves begin to turn yellow when overcooled, excessive watering, dry indoor air.

If there is insufficient lighting, dark pink spots may form on the leaves. When the soil is overcooled, the root system begins to die, and when there is a lack of moisture, the leaves droop, begin to wither and dry out. All this must be taken into account when growing a plant so that it pleases with its lush foliage and bright flowering.


They develop mainly as a result of improper care. Yellowing of leaves without falling off may be due to chlorosis. This disease occurs as a result of watering the plant with very hard water. The falling of the lower leaves may be associated with diseases of the root system that develop as a result of the latter being in waterlogged soil.

To prevent the occurrence of flower disease, it must be provided with proper care. It is worth noting that there are no special dangerous diseases Hibiscus is not threatened at all.

Flower pests

Hibiscus can be attacked by various pests, so caring for Chinese roses must be special. This plant is often affected spider mite, representing small insect, which is difficult to detect. This red spider is located mainly on the lower part of the leaves and entangles them with a web. It is especially dangerous for hibiscus, which grows on outdoors or in a room that is too dry. At the very first signs of spider mite damage, you need to treat the flower with soapy water or use special products.

Aphids are often found, settling on unopened buds and young shoots. This insect reproduces very quickly, so it is important to take timely measures to eliminate it. If a plant is infested with aphids, it should be sprayed with a sulfate-containing solution.

Hibiscus ( lat. Hibiscus)- an extensive genus of plants in the family Malvaceae (Malvaceae). According to various sources, it includes from 150 to 300 species. Wild and cultivated plants with beautiful flowers.

Hibiscus- evergreen or deciduous plants, trees, shrubs or herbaceous plants, pubescent or glabrous. The leaves are alternate, on petioles. The flowers of most species are large, graceful, with brightly colored corollas, located in the upper part of the shoot, of various colors; subcalyx leaves including 3, or many of them.

The color range of hibiscus has thousands of colors and their combinations, including all colors except blue and black. Some species have a flower size of 5 centimeters - others reach up to 30 cm. The hibiscus fruit is in the form of a box, divided into 5 leaves, containing many seeds, covered with fluff or fibers, or smooth.

The hibiscus bush lives for 20 years or more, and lends itself well to shaping: at the end of winter, the stems are pruned to increase branching.

At favorable conditions an adult plant reaches up to three meters in height.

Distributed hibiscus in the Old and New Worlds, in the subtropics and tropics (Indonesia, South China, the islands of Haiti, Fiji, Sumatra, Java, Sri Lanka). They are bred by gardeners in harsh continental climates.

There are 2 species found in the CIS:

- in the southeastern region of Transcaucasia;

Hibiscus trifoliata or northern (Hibiscus trionum) Synonym: Hibiscus ternatus- reaching the south of Ukraine and spreading further into Western Europe. Therefore, in the temperate zone, in the open air, they are successful only in areas with the mildest winters, for example, on the southern coast of Crimea. In southern Germany they do not tolerate the local climate particularly well. Also not particularly good, but good enough for seeds to ripen, these plants grow in southeast Kazakhstan.

The most common type is , with large flowers, up to 12 cm wide, pink with purple or carmine spots at the base of the corolla.
Many hibiscus have long been bred in gardens and greenhouses as ornamental plants that provide beautiful hedges, and for the grace of their flowers. It is an attractive indoor plant. Requires warmth, a lot of light and space. With proper pruning and watering it can bloom all year round.

The most common type in our indoor and greenhouse culture is the so-called Chinese rose( Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) . This is a shrub with large, pure double red flowers, which is considered to be native to the Malay Archipelago. In the tropics it is grown in gardens everywhere.

Originating in Asia and the Pacific Islands, the hibiscus is the national flower of Malaysia. Interest in hibiscus arose in the early twentieth century in Hawaii. The American Hibiscus Society was founded in 1950.

Hibiscus species

obtained from crossing three North American species - Red hibiscus (Hibiscus coccineus) , Pink hibiscus (Hibiscus moscheutos) And Hibiscus militaris . Hybrid hibiscus are herbaceous perennials, with very large, bright, spectacular flowers. They are propagated in the spring (with the onset of stable warm weather, when the buds on the root collars begin to swell) by dividing bushes, green cuttings and grafting. These ornamental plants are good for large flower arrays, mixed borders, parterres, boulevards, edges, banks of reservoirs; they are planted in clearings in parks and among rare bushes in the southern regions of Russia.

Chinese hibiscus , or Chinese rose (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) grows in East Asia and the Pacific Islands. Introduced into Europe at the end of the 17th century. About 500 varieties are known. A very decorative evergreen shrub, the height of which (in its homeland) reaches 3 m. In cultural conditions, it is a very well-known greenhouse and indoor plant. The leaves are dark green, glossy above, oval or ovate-elongated, serrated along the edge. Blooms from early spring to late autumn. The flowers are large (12-16 cm in diameter), simple, semi-double, of various colors - from fiery and orange-red to pink and yellow, depending on the variety.

Some varieties:

Anita Buis- flowers are simple, yellow-orange.
Florida- the flowers are large (up to 14 cm in diameter), orange-red.
Hamburg- the flowers are large, double, carmine red.
Rosa- semi-double and double flowers, salmon-pink.

. Synonym: Hibiscus Chinese varieties dissected petal (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis var. schizopetalus). Homeland - Central Africa. A shrub with thin shoots and shiny green leaves. Red-orange flowers with a diameter of 5 cm with bent petals, deep and uneven fringe. Greenhouse and indoor plant.

comes from China, India. Its original exotic flower- symbol of the island of Haiti. They decorate themselves with it local residents and numerous tourists. In some provinces of India, red and pink flowers are woven into wedding wreaths.

. Dense, erect, robust annual or short-lived perennial with a woody base, 0.6 – 1.5 cm tall and 1 m wide.
Produces long-stemmed, broadly oval, single- or 3-5-petalled, pinkish-red, medium green leaves, 30 cm long.
The flowers are solitary, axillary, funnel-shaped, yellow, pink or red-purple, 6-10 cm in diameter with a bright purple center. Flowering from June to September.

Homeland - Hawaiian Islands. evergreen shrub up to 5m high. Erect branched trunk. Oval whole leaves. White, five-petaled, fragrant flowers with red splashes.

Shrub or small tree. The leaves are elliptical, glossy, concave, medium green. The flowers are single, large, bright red, 5-petaled.

. Homeland - Australia. Evergreen shrub up to 2.5 m tall. An erect trunk with thorny branches. Rounded, sometimes deeply lobed, leaves. Large yellow five-petal flowers with a crimson center, 10 cm in diameter.

Homeland: Australia, Pacific Islands. Evergreen shrub up to 3 m tall. An erect, rigid trunk with an openly textured crown. Long-petiolate, heart-shaped, rounded leaves, 7 cm in diameter, with unevenly dissected edges. Yellow five-petaled flowers, crimson at the base, are collected in drooping apical inflorescences.

Homeland - Australia. Evergreen shrub up to 2.5 m tall. Erect thin branched trunk. Three-segmented leaves, 5 cm long, with roughly dissected edges. Purple or pink five-petal flowers with a darkly colored center.

Homeland - Jamaica. Evergreen tree up to 25 m tall.
An erect, branching trunk with fibrous bark and a densely textured, rounded crown.
Oval rounded leaves, 20 cm long. Yellow, becoming orange and then red, open five-petaled flowers, 12 cm in diameter.

Hibiscus edible or Okra (Hibiscus esculentus). Okra- an annual herbaceous plant with a height of 30-40 cm (dwarf varieties) to 2 m (tall forms). The stem of okra is thick, branched, woody, covered with coarse hairs.

The leaves are also pubescent: long-petioled, light or dark green, rather large, five-seven-lobed. The flowers are single, large, bisexual, yellowish-cream in color, located in the axils of the leaves on short pubescent pedicels. In the axils of the leaves, fruits are formed in the form of 4–8-sided pods (they are called capsules), which contain seeds.

As a vegetable spice plant, it is grown in the southern regions. In temperate climates, okra can be grown in greenhouses and greenhouses.

The fruit of okra is finger-shaped, from 6 to 30 cm long. Only young (3-6 days old) green ovaries are eaten; overripe dark brown fruits are completely tasteless. Okra fruits are eaten both fresh (they are put in salads), and boiled, stewed, fried. In addition, they are dried, frozen, and canned.

Unripe okra pods along with seeds are used as a seasoning in soups and sauces, which are enriched with a pleasant taste and acquire a viscous consistency. Unripe grains (round, dark green or olive) can easily replace green peas, and gombo coffee is prepared from ripe and roasted ones.

Dense, wide bush. The leaves are palmately lobed, elliptical, of medium density. The flowers are funnel-tubular with 5 dark pink petals overlapping each other.

Homeland - Australia. Evergreen shrub up to 3 m tall. An erect, smooth trunk with stiff, thorny branches and an openly textured crown. Entire elliptical or 3 deep lobed leaves. Five-petaled white flowers with a dark purple base.

Homeland - Australia. Evergreen shrub up to 2 m tall. An erect, pubescent trunk with an openly textured crown. 3-5 lobed leaves with wavy edges. Large, pale purple, five-petaled flowers.

Hawaiian Islands. Evergreen tree up to 7 m tall. An erect, branched trunk with an openly textured crown. Oval leaves, 7 cm long, with roughly cut edges. Bright red open flowers, 4 cm in diameter.

Perennial up to 150-200 cm tall with shoots that die off in the winter. The flowers are large, 10-15 cm in diameter, milky white.

Homeland - China. Deciduous shrub up to 3 m tall. Erect branched trunk. The leaves are large, oval-pointed, lobed. White, turning pink, double or single flowers, 10 cm in diameter.

Homeland - Australia. Evergreen shrub up to 2 m tall. Erect branched trunk. Grayish-green heart-shaped leaves, 9 cm long. Yellow flowers with a red center, 9 cm in diameter.

Hibiscus sabdariffa or Rosella (Hibiscus sabdariffa) . Homeland - North Africa. Evergreen shrub up to 4 m tall. Erect branched trunk. Oval leaves with dissected edges. Drooping red or orange flowers, 12 cm in diameter, with curved petals. Pieces of its dry fruit are an indispensable component of hibiscus fruit teas.

Bush. The leaves are ovate, coarsely toothed from the middle to the tip along the edge, almost heart-shaped at the base, matte green, dense, slightly curled inward along the edge. The flowers are funnel-shaped, large, bright yellow, 5-petaled. Petals inside at the base with bright red-brown spots.

Homeland - Australia. Evergreen shrub up to 6 m tall. Elegant velvety trunk with an open textured crown. Broadly oval/heart-shaped, 3-5 lobed leaves, up to 18 cm long. Five-petaled pink flowers with a crimson base, 16 cm in diameter.

Homeland - Australia and Southeast Asia. Evergreen tree up to 9 m tall. An erect, short trunk with smooth gray bark and a wide-spreading crown. Light green round or heart-shaped leaves, up to 12 cm long. Yellow flowers with a dark pink center, 12 m in diameter.

herbaceous plant originally from Northern and Central Africa. Currently, the plant is widespread in all areas of irrigated agriculture, where it is found in cotton crops, row crops, pastures and wastelands. It also grows in steppe and forest-steppe regions of the European part of Russia. Prefers loose sandy soils, warmth and moisture. The root is taproot, the stem is straight, branched, 20-80 cm high. The leaves are alternate, tripartite, petiolate, pubescent. The flowers are pale yellow with a purple center and are up to 4 cm in diameter. They open in the morning for only a few hours, and in the afternoon they close. Nevertheless, the flowering period of this plant lasts more than a month, since new buds are formed in the axil of each leaf. If you create suitable conditions flowers will appear every day.

After the corolla falls off, a swollen fruit forms on the peduncle. It is a five- or multi-seeded hairy black capsule with kidney-shaped or oval-heart-shaped dark seeds. Weight of 1000 seeds is 3-4 g. Maximum fertility is up to 15 thousand seeds, which germinate from a depth of up to 5 cm. The development cycle from seedling to the first fruits is 60-70 days. Seeds spill out of the boxes and litter the soil. The germination rate of freshly shed seeds is low. The minimum germination temperature is 5-6 °C. Cotyledons are 7-9 mm long, 6-8 mm wide, rounded. The viability of seeds lasts up to 5-7 years.

In places with warm climates, hibiscus begins to grow like a weed.

Dried shoots with unusual fruits good in dry bouquets. There are several varietal forms on sale. They are sown in March for seedlings or in May in open ground. The soil should be loose and nutritious.

Hibiscus care

Lighting. Hibiscus prefers diffused light, without direct sunlight.

The optimal placement in summer is a window with a western or eastern orientation. On windows with a southern orientation in spring and summer, place the plant away from the window or create diffused light with translucent fabric or paper (gauze, tulle, tracing paper). If you follow the rules of care, it can even grow well on north-facing windows.

On warm summer days it can be taken out into the open air (balcony, garden), but should be protected from sunlight, precipitation and drafts. If you do not have the opportunity to place the plant outdoors in the summer, you should regularly ventilate the room.

In winter, they provide good lighting; shading is not required. You can create additional lighting using fluorescent lamps, placing them above the plant at a distance of 50-60 cm, for at least 8 hours a day. In the autumn-winter period, it is also necessary to ventilate the room, but drafts should be avoided.

If there is insufficient lighting, the plant may bloom sparingly or not at all.

Temperature. In spring and summer, hibiscus prefers a temperature of 18-22°C. In autumn, the temperature gradually decreases to 16-18°C. In winter they are kept at a temperature of 14-16°C, with good lighting. At temperatures of 10°C and below, the plant may shed its leaves.

Watering. During the growing season and flowering period, hibiscus is watered abundantly as the top layer of the substrate dries. In the autumn-winter period, water moderately, two or three times after the top layer of the substrate has dried. When the plant is kept (in winter) at temperatures below 14°C, the soil is kept moderately moist.

When watering, do not allow the substrate to dry out or become excessively waterlogged. The water from the pan is poured out after half an hour. Water with soft and well-settled water.

Air humidity. Air humidity does not play a significant role, but it is advisable to spray the plants. This procedure is also preventative measure against .

During flowering, especially on clear, warm days, hibiscus is sprayed with warm, soft, settled water. In the autumn-winter period, you can spray the plants with warm water from time to time.

Fertilizer. In the spring-summer period, regular (once a month) fertilizing with nitrogen-containing mineral fertilizers is useful (this stimulates long flowering). You can feed it with special complex fertilizers for flowering indoor plants every 3 weeks. You can use “Rainbow”, “Ideal”, etc. Very useful after watering clean water feed once a month with a fermented solution of bird droppings (1 part solution to 20 parts water) or liquid mullein(1 part infusion to 12 parts water). By mid-August, the amount of nitrogen in fertilizing is reduced. In winter, only phosphorus-potassium fertilizer is applied in half the dose once a month, or (if the content is almost dry in cool conditions) it is not fertilized. Fertilizers are applied after watering.

Transfer. At the end of April - beginning of May, adult plants are transferred to large pots (once every three to four years). If the soil is not sour and there are no pests in it, you can simply replace the top 5 cm layer of soil with fresh nutritious soil. As soon as the flower reaches maximum dimensions in your conditions, do not replant it, but carefully remove it from the pot and replace part of the soil. The soil used is close to neutral (pH about 6), light, and nutritious. It can be prepared from 4 parts turf, 3 parts leaf, one part each of humus soil and sand. Pieces of charcoal are added to the mixture. Unrotted manure and dry mullein should not be used. A mixture of turf, humus soil and sand (2:1:1) may also be suitable. You can add a little peat and bone meal. Good drainage is needed, as the plant does not tolerate stagnant water very well.

Features of cultivation. Hibiscus - bonsai. Hibiscus are cultivated as large or small bushy or standard plants, different crown shapes of which can be obtained by timely and correct pruning.

To increase the decorativeness of the crown and stimulate development large number young shoots that form flowers (hibiscus flower buds are formed on the current year's shoots), after replanting (for young ones) or replacing the top layer of soil (for adults), the plant must be pruned to a bud approximately 15 cm from the base. When new shoots begin to form, you need to remove the weak ones and leave the healthiest ones.

To delay flowering until autumn or winter, plants should be replanted and pruned in May. Before this, they should be at rest with very moderate watering. In July they prune again. As a result, flower buds are formed only in early autumn. The resulting cuttings of twigs can be used for propagation.

Hibiscus is able to grow from the root. This property is convenient for those gardeners who have a shortage of light and space in their apartment, and because of which there is nowhere to put an extra flower pot in the winter. In autumn, watering the plants is gradually reduced to a minimum and the leaves are allowed to fall, and then the stems are cut, leaving stumps of 7-8 centimeters. In this state, the hibiscus will overwinter in a cool place (10-12°C) - to prevent the roots from drying out, the soil of the hibiscus is slightly moistened from time to time, and after three to four months the plant will produce fresh shoots. From now on, it needs to be exposed to light and watered, not forgetting to pinch the young shoots, as they grow very quickly.

Reproduction. Propagated by seeds and cuttings.

Seeds sown from mid-January to mid-March. Before planting, they are soaked for 12 hours in epin. Sow in a mixture of peat and sand. The bowl is covered with glass and the temperature is maintained at 25-27°C. Using a mini-greenhouse or bottom heating promotes better seed germination. Spray and ventilate periodically. When the seedlings have formed two or three leaves, they are planted in pots of the appropriate size. Seedlings bloom and bear fruit at 3-4 years of age.

Easy to Propagate Hibiscus cuttings. They are cut in June-August from the tops of young growth with 2-3 internodes. The sections are treated with growth stimulants. Cuttings take root well after 25-30 days in indoor greenhouses with soil heated to 22-25°C (a mixture of peat and sand or clean sand) or in pots covered with a glass jar, or in water. After the roots appear, they are planted in 7-10 cm pots with soil mixture from humus (2 parts), leaf and turf soil and sand (1 part each), watered with warm water. It is good to add horn shavings and bone meal to the mixture.

To form a bush, smaller shoots are pinched. Young plants grow very quickly, so they may need to be transplanted into a larger pot within a few months after rooting. In the future, they need to be replanted annually in fresh fertile soil. Transplantation is carried out in early spring before flowering. Before this, it is useful to prune the plant, this stimulates abundant branching and flowering. The branches are cut to two-thirds or half their length. At good lighting and abundant watering, flowering plants can be obtained in 1 year.

Possible difficulties

Buds appear on the plant, but do not open and soon fall off– the plant lacks nutrients; watering is not abundant enough, the soil dries out too much; low air temperature.

The lower leaves fall off, new ones grow yellowish– chlorosis of the leaves has occurred due to the increased content of chlorine and calcium in the irrigation water, while there is a lack of nitrogen and iron (it is necessary to settle the water for irrigation and add iron chelate to it according to the instructions); root disease from hypothermia with abundant watering and low temperature; too dry indoor air combined with high temperature and insufficient spraying.

Lack of flowers in the presence of lush, numerous foliage– the plant is overfed with fertilizers with a high nitrogen content; keeping in an insufficiently bright place; insufficient watering during the active growing season; winter maintenance at a fairly high temperature.

Lack of lighting combined with excess nutrition can cause the appearance of dirty pink spots on the leaves.

From the cold soil The roots of the plant may dry out.

In case of lack of moisture leaves droop and become limp.


Useful properties of hibiscus

In the past, some types of hibiscus were used to make perfumes, while others were used for food.

At this time, they are of great economic importance Hibiscus hemp , or Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus) , gives excellent spinning material, for which it is bred in all tropical countries. From flowers rosella (Hibiscus sabdariffa) They produce a drink called Hibiscus, which has a sour taste and a beautiful rich red color. Dried flower cups are used for tea. A drink made from hibiscus perfectly quenches thirst and has beneficial properties.

Chinese hibiscus It cleans and improves the air in the room well, and also has a very life-giving effect on weak plants - next to it, sick plants come to life, become stronger and grow.

Hibiscus (hibiscus) tea- completely different in both appearance and taste from the traditional one. Bright red in color, quite sour, this drink has an unusual taste, and when diluted it resembles raspberry compote. It is very popular in Europe and America.

Hibiscus has many names and epithets. It is also called "drink of the pharaohs", "Kandahar", "Sudanese rose", "red rose", "red sorrel", "okra", "kenaf", "rose of Sharon", "mallow of Venice". It is the national Egyptian drink.

Hibiscus tea is very healthy! The substances that cause its red color - anthocyanins, have a pronounced P-vitamin activity, they strengthen the walls of blood vessels, regulate their permeability and blood pressure; when hot, tea increases it, and when cold it decreases. Has antispasmodic and diuretic effects. Helps improve general condition.

The flavonoids contained in hibiscus, quercetin, enhance the effect of anthocyanins and help cleanse the body. Unnecessary metabolic products are removed from the body. Bile production is stimulated and liver protection from adverse effects is increased, metabolism improves. Kills some pathogens and can be used as an anthelmintic.

Citric acid gives the drink a pleasant taste; it is refreshing in the heat and at elevated temperatures.

Hibiscus does not contain oxalic acid, so it is safe for kidney patients. It contains little ascorbic acid (vitamin C), but its effect is mutually enhanced by flavonoids and anthocyanins.”

Important! The hibiscus drink should not be boiled; with prolonged heating, the coloring matter decomposes and the drink becomes dirty gray.

An interesting feature of the finished drink is that when hot it increases blood pressure, and when cold it lowers it.

It is also useful to eat the cups soaked during brewing; they are a valuable food product: they contain from 7.5 to 9.5% protein, which contains 13 amino acids, of which 6 are essential. They also contain polysaccharides, including pectin (2.4%), which contribute to the release of toxins and heavy metals from the intestines.

Hibiscus can be consumed with or without sugar. The taste and aftertaste of the drink very much depend on how strong it is brewed.

The hibiscus tonic drink used to restore vital energy improves metabolism in the body, has a sedative (calming) effect, bactericidal (kills germs) effect, cleanses the liver, cleanses and improves the genitourinary system, has a beneficial effect on the activity of the pancreas, regulates the stomach, especially in individuals with gastritis and colitis, and has preventive properties against influenza.

Hibiscus may be especially popular among hypertensive patients because it normalizes blood pressure and strengthens the walls of blood vessels, counteracting the increase in cholesterol in the blood.

Hibiscus does a good job of cleansing the body of alcohol intoxication (poisoning), acting in this regard even better than the well-known cucumber or cabbage pickle.

A major global medical company, Watt & Breyer-Brandwijk, noted a decrease in the intensity of the alcoholic effect in chickens after the internal administration of Hibiscus extract and came to the conclusion that Hibiscus extract reduces the degree of absorption of alcohol in the blood! This should be taken into account by people who drink alcohol.

Experiments have also shown that a drink made from Hibiscus helps cure infertility in men and women. For example, after six months of using the infusion by infertile women, due to improper ovarian function, 70 out of 100 women were able to give birth.

Hibiscus can be recommended as a multivitamin table drink, containing almost all vitamins in proportions useful for the human body.

Citric acid gives the drink a pleasant taste; it is refreshing in the heat and at elevated temperatures. The action of ascorbic acid and the action of flavonoids and anthocyanins in hibiscus are mutually enhanced. Unlike sorrel and other plants with sour greens, hibiscus contains almost no oxalic acid, which is involved in the formation of kidney stones, so it is also safe for kidney patients.

The cups soaked during brewing remain somewhat harsh, and eating them is not very pleasant, although healthy. They themselves are quite a valuable food product: they contain from 7.5 to 9.5% protein, which includes 13 amino acids, of which 6 are essential. The polysaccharides contained in the calyxes, including pectin (2.4%), help remove toxins and heavy metals from the intestines. They are used as additives in salads, vinaigrettes, and first courses to give them piquancy and a bright, lasting ruby ​​color, as well as as an original component for meat and fish dishes.

Preparing the hibiscus drink "

Boil 2 teaspoons per glass of water for 3 - 5 minutes. At the same time, the water turns bright red and acquires a characteristic refined sweetish-sour taste. It is recommended to add sugar to the drink. Moreover, hibiscus petals softened in water also do not lose their original sweet and sour taste, and therefore they can be eaten as an excellent vitamin supplement, which, thanks to high content vitamin C, protects the body from viral infections.

Iced tea: hibiscus inflorescences are placed in cold water and brought to a boil, then sugar is added; Serve very cold or even with ice.

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Tags: hibiscus, hibiscus, Chinese rose, hibiscus care, photo of hibiscus, hibiscus, garden hibiscus, hibiscus flowers, Chinese rose care, hibiscus flower, hibiscus propagation, Syrian hibiscus, hybrid hibiscus, hibiscus hybridus, red hibiscus, hibiscus coccineus, pink hibiscus, hibiscus moscheutos, holly hibiscus, hibiscus militaris, dissected hibiscus, hibiscus schizopetalus , hibiscus tea, Chinese hibiscus, hibiscus rosa-sinensis, herbaceous hibiscus, indoor hibiscus, hibiscus seeds, hibiscus diseases, pruning hibiscus, hibiscus care, hibiscus growing, hibiscus from seeds, hibiscus plant, hibiscus properties, swamp hibiscus, hibiscus leaves turn yellow, varieties of hibiscus, indoor flowers hibiscus, hibiscus transplant, hibiscus does not bloom, hibiscus garden care, hibiscus species, hibiscus flower photo, hibiscus pests, hibiscus bonsai, hibiscus, making a hibiscus drink, hibiscus drink, hibiscus drink

Southern China is considered the birthplace of Hibiscus variablea, where it has been widely used for centuries folk medicine, as well as in the manufacture of natural dye, ropes and ropes. In medieval China, flowering hibiscus acquired cult status, being “responsible” for strengthening marriages and prospering business.

At the end of the 18th century, hibiscus variable first appeared in Europe, and a little later - in Russia. The flower began to quickly gain popularity around the world, thanks to its relative unpretentiousness and impressive appearance.

As indoor plant Hibiscus has been cultivated since 1831.


Under natural conditions, Hibiscus Variable has a height of about 3-4m. Annual growth is 35 cm in height, 35-40 cm in width.

  • The crown is umbrella-shaped.
  • An erect, branched trunk, the leaves are located on long thin petioles, drooping almost vertically with age.
  • The leaves are large, velvety (about 25x25 cm), dark green, maple-shaped, with jagged edges.
  • Flowers can be from 5 to 30 centimeters in diameter.
  • Hibiscus fruits are small capsules that split into five leaves. Inside are fibrous or fluffy seeds.

At home, hibiscus has a height of 50 cm to 3 meters. Great for creating bonsai.

Photo of a flower

Here you can see a photo of hibiscus:

Geography of habitat

Hibiscus mutabilis grows with great difficulty in cold climates(most often as a houseplant).

In open ground it grows freely in tropical regions of China and Asia, America, Brazil, Africa, and the Middle East.

Interesting fact! Hibiscus Variable (crazy rose) got its name because of its petals, which gradually change color from pale cream to purple during flowering.

Growing at home


In the summer months, the optimal temperature for hibiscus is 20–22° C.


The plant needs high humidity air and abundant watering. The water should be settled and at room temperature. Watering too frequently is detrimental to hibiscus. Each subsequent watering is carried out only after the top layer of soil becomes dry.


Hibiscus prefers diffused sunlight and warmth. The plant is quite shade-tolerant, but with a lack of light it develops worse and blooms little. IN summer time It is useful to take it out onto the balcony or terrace, taking care to protect it from drafts.

Soil composition

  • The soil is turf, leaf, pine.
  • Humus.
  • Sand.
  • Peat.
  • Some charcoal.

The soil must be loose and drainage is necessary.

Acidity – as close to neutral as possible.


An important step in caring for hibiscus is timely and correct pruning of the plant. It is carried out after flowering has ended., early spring or autumn.

It is dangerous to prune at the end of spring - hibiscus may not bloom in the summer.

The first step is to decide on the desired size and plant shape. Depending on the tastes of the owner or the design of the room, it can be a small neat tree or a spreading flowering shrub.

To form a tree:

  1. Remove the lateral shoots of the second generation, leaving a few central shoots.
  2. Carefully shorten the upper part by several buds.

To form a bush:

  • On the contrary, cut off the central branch, which will allow the lateral shoots to gradually develop into full-fledged stems.
  • Leave a few lower buds, remove the central part.


Hibiscus needs feeding once every 2-3 weeks.

  1. In spring, the plant needs fertilizers with nitrogen and sodium (alternately), as at this time it is preparing for active growth.
  2. During the flowering period, water-soluble mineral fertilizers containing phosphorus, iron, potassium, copper, manganese, magnesium, etc.

Suitable pot

The container is selected individually for each hibiscus, focusing on its condition and appearance. If the plant does not bloom on time, it may need to be transplanted into a larger container.

A hibiscus pot should have a tray where water reserves accumulate, allowing the flower to easily wait for the next watering.


Young hibiscus are replanted once a year. An adult plant (after 3 years) can be replanted once every 2-3 years.

Regular transplants are carried out with great caution, by transshipment method to protect root system from mechanical damage.

  1. For 2-3 days before transplanting, water the soil generously to make it easier to remove the earthen ball from the previous pot.
  2. Remove the plant from the pot along with the soil. Do not destroy the earthen ball, visually inspecting the condition of the roots and the degree of soil development.
  3. Remove only the substrate that is not absorbed by the root system (top layer).
  4. Fill in its place with fresh soil and compact it manually.
  5. For the first time (until the roots become stronger and the substrate is compacted enough), you can install a support.
  6. After transplanting, it is better to water the hibiscus through a tray to speed up the development of new soil by the plant’s root system.

Winter care

  • Good diffused lighting for at least eight hours a day (fluorescent lamps can be used).
  • Temperature is about 14–16 °C.
  • Watering once a week.
  • The soil does not need to be fertilized, but if the condition of the plant requires it, it is recommended to use phosphorus-potassium fertilizer once a month.


Hibiscus can be propagated by seeds or cuttings.


Favorable time - from February to April and from July to September.

  1. Green and semi-lignified cuttings with 2-3 internodes are cut from the tops of the youngest growth.
  2. Cuttings take root well after 20-30 days either in water or in pots under a glass jar.
  3. When roots appear, the sprouts are transplanted into pots (it is recommended to add bone meal to the soil).
  4. The pots are installed on the sunny side. It is better to water with a sprayer (so as not to erode the soil).


Favorable time for sowing is from mid-January to April.

  1. Soak Hibiscus Variata seeds for 12 hours before planting.
  2. Moisten the soil, add mineral fertilizers.
  3. Do not sow the seeds of the Variable Hibiscus plant too thickly.
  4. Cover the pot from above plastic bag to create a greenhouse effect with a temperature of 15° C.

It happens that when passing by a neighbor’s property, you can see small bushes strewn with flowers from early summer to late autumn. This - Syrian hibiscus, or, as we also call it - Chinese rose.

You always want to grow a stunningly beautiful plant in your garden. But often it seems that cultivating such charm will require enormous effort. In fact, this is not at all true - hibiscus is very easy to grow and care for. I'll tell you completely simple rules for planting, caring for and propagating Chinese roses.

Features of the plant

There are a great many types and varieties of Syrian hibiscus. You can choose a plant with a color that will fit perfectly into your landscape. Hibiscus flowers can be double or regular - five-petaled. Both species are very beautiful and bloom equally profusely. I have both double and regular hibiscus growing in my garden. They are united by the color lilac.

Hibiscus is most often grown in warm regions of our country. But even in mid-latitudes it will grow and delight its owners with gorgeous blooms. The shrub has a fairly large reserve of resistance to frost, it can easily withstand temperatures down to 20 degrees. However, in the middle zone of our homeland it is best to provide the bush with good shelter. In late autumn, you need to pour a layer of fallen leaves (10-15 centimeters) under it. The hibiscus itself should be wrapped in two layers of agrofibre.

If the temperature in your city in winter drops below twenty degrees, it’s okay. You just need to grow hibiscus at home, or dig it up for the winter and move it to a shelter (basement, room, closed veranda). Then this beautiful plant will definitely please you beautiful flowering for next year.

My grandmother raised this exotic Syrian visitor in a remote Siberian village. I don't know where she got it planting material, but I remember the tree in a huge pan for as long as I can remember. Her hibiscus bloomed with beautiful orange flowers all the time. I am still looking for a similar seedling. I haven’t found it yet, but I don’t lose hope. Nowadays there is such a variety that you can find anything. My grandmother took the Chinese rose outside in June, and in September it was returned home again, where it continued to bloom successfully.

Planting Syrian hibiscus

In order for you to get a healthy and beautiful plant, you need to plant it correctly. And here it is important to follow several rules.

  1. The Chinese rose comes from the Mediterranean, so in our conditions it prefers places with a lot of sun. However a little partial shade in the first or second half of the day will not harm him at all. I know from myself that on our very small plots it is almost impossible to find a piece of land constantly illuminated by the sun. My hibiscus is in the shade until lunchtime.
  2. He likes loose, not very acidic soil.. Before planting, we did this: in a large container (for us it’s a container left over after planting a large thuja) we mixed humus, sand and one shovel. The proportions were not respected. There is never too much humus; hibiscus likes humus. The rest of the volume was added by the earth from the dug hole.
  3. Excavated landing hole you need to add water and wait until it is completely absorbed. Drainage must be poured into the bottom of the hole.. Hibiscus is one of the plants that does not like water stagnation in the roots. For drainage I use what I have on hand ( broken brick, crushed stone, expanded clay, sand and gravel mixture). You need to pour about five centimeters.
  4. The question often arises: should the seedling be buried or planted higher? Hibiscus can be buried. In areas with cool climates it must be planted deeper. A depth of up to five centimeters above the root collar is permissible.

After landing water the seedling using at least ten liters of water. The next day, lightly loosen the top layer and add drainage under the plant. It could be bark decorative crushed stone or just grass that you pulled out from your plot. I use a beveled one for this purpose. lawn grass, which my neighbors generously share with me.

If there is no rain, the seedling needs to be watered every other day for about five to ten days to give the plant time to adapt to new conditions and prevent the root system from drying out.

Hibiscus care

Hibiscus is very unpretentious and undemanding plant. His It is enough to water once a week, if the weather is dry and hot. If there is good drainage underneath, watering can be reduced to once every ten days. It’s good if it is possible to organize drip irrigation, then the ground under the hibiscus will always be moist. Once every two weeks I carry out a sprinkling procedure for my plants to water the leaves.

You can't overwater hibiscus. It tolerates dry soil more easily than waterlogging.

Chinese rose needs pruning. It needs to be done once a year. In warm regions, the plant should be pruned in the fall, while in cold regions, this should be done in early spring. The fact is that hibiscus flowers bloom on branches that have grown since spring, that is, on the shoots of the current year.

I leave about one-third of each branch on my hibiscus plants. In the spring, many new branches grow on them, which delight me with flowering from June to October.

The hibiscus flower has a very short life - about one day. But due to the huge number of new buds, its flowering is not interrupted for almost a single day. This creates slight difficulties for those who grow hibiscus in the southern regions of our country. Seeds ripen in faded flowers and actively germinate when they fall on the soil. To prevent chaotic growth of the plant, you need to regularly collect fallen flowers.

Hibiscus does not need special feeding. For my plants, the grass I put underneath them is sufficient. It gradually rots and feeds ornamental trees. For more luxuriant flowering in the summer, once or twice a month, I feed them with phosphorus fertilizers. In the fall, I definitely give potassium fertilizer so that my hibiscus can more easily withstand the cold.

From pests most often hibiscus are pestered by whitefly. At first, having listened to a lot of adherents of healthy gardening, I endlessly prepared all sorts of potions according to the recipes of my neighbor grandmothers and the Internet. But all these infusions helped little. In the end, I switched to insecticides, which are offered in great abundance by garden stores. This had an effect, and my hibiscus are always free from pests.

The main thing is not to treat the plant with the same preparation twice in a row. It is necessary to change the composition of the poison so that insects cannot adapt to it.

By following these simple rules for plant care, you will become the owner of a beautiful shrub, which will always be the envy of your neighbors and a reason to rejoice and admire its beauty - for you.

Putintseva Svetlana Nikolaevna, Russia, Krasnodar, photo by the author.