Meadowsweet is a useful and beautiful herb. Meadowsweet, planting and care, growing meadowsweet

Meadowsweet (meadowsweet) is a perennial herbaceous plant, which belongs to the Pink family. In nature, it grows in temperate climates; meadowsweet can be found in meadows, river banks or lakes. It is harvested during the flowering period, dried and used for cooking medicinal decoctions and infusions. The meadowsweet plant can also be grown at home - it is characterized by long and abundant flowering.

Description of the plant

Meadowsweet combines more than 16 varieties, 4 of which are used in folk medicine. These are perennial plants that have a straight, strong stem and leaves of different shapes - they differ depending on the species. The meadowsweet grass in nature reproduces by seeds, grows quickly and forms thickets. Bushes can reach from 80 to 150 cm in height. Flowers form inflorescences, colored white or bright shades, appear in late spring and early summer.

Types of meadowsweet and their uses

Meadowsweet is grown as an ornamental plant to decorate gardens or flower beds. Only 4 varieties are suitable for medicinal purposes: vyazolistny, six-petalled, Kamchatka and palmate. Varieties of this herb are easily distinguished by the shape of the leaves, the size and color of the flowers.

Meadowsweet six-petalled (common)

Common meadowsweet is one of the most useful species. Mature plant does not exceed 60-80 cm in height, while it has a developed rhizome with tubers. It can be found in well-lit areas: in meadows and roadsides, and the grass can also grow on forest edges. Flowers form paniculate inflorescences with a white tint and a pronounced odor.

This type of meadowsweet is used for medicinal purposes. Infusions and decoctions are prepared from its root, leaves and dried flowers. Such remedies help with various pathologies:

  • chronic inflammatory diseases gastrointestinal tract;
  • diseases of the kidneys and urinary system (meadowsweet has a diuretic effect);
  • arthritis, arthrosis, joint pain of various origins;
  • a decoction of the rhizome - for washing wounds from bites of poisonous animals and insects.

Common meadowsweet is a rather rare species. However, it has the most pronounced medicinal properties and has found application in official medicine.


Meadowsweet is the most common variety. It is a tall herbaceous plant, can reach up to 150 cm. Its growing environment is natural conditions- forest thickets, banks of swamps and reservoirs. This species is also used in folk medicine and is included in official preparations. It has a pronounced anticonvulsant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect and can be used for a number of diseases:

  • disorders of the heart and blood vessels, especially hypertension;
  • nervous system disorders;
  • dermatological problems, including burns, ulcers, diaper rash and dermatitis of any origin;
  • any inflammatory pathologies of internal organs;
  • colds.

From the photo, meadowsweet can be easily distinguished from ordinary meadowsweet. This plant is larger, has a straight, strong stem and feathery leaves. The inflorescences have a white tint, but they are larger and more lush.

Meadowsweet Elegans

The meadowsweet variety Elegance is distinguished by its bright decorative inflorescences, painted in a purple hue. These are bushes of medium height (50-100 cm) with original palmate leaves. They grow quickly, so they can be used to create floral arrays or Meadowsweet can also be added to bouquets, but more often it is planted in open ground.

This variety is popular for home breeding for several reasons:

  • unpretentiousness to living conditions - plants tolerate temperature changes well and adapt to weather conditions;
  • duration of flowering - the period lasts throughout the summer;
  • the ability to endure winter open ground without shelter.

Photos of meadowsweet Elegance will be different. The shades of the flowers vary from soft pink to bright crimson, and the height of the plant also differs. This depends not only on the growing conditions, but also on the method of reproduction - individuals grown from seeds are smaller and weaker.

Variety Captivity

Meadowsweet Plena - these are low ornamental plants, which can reach up to 40 cm. They are popular in landscape design thanks to its spectacular appearance and ease of care. This variety adapts well both in the shade of trees or taller shrubs and in open areas. It is popular for decorating flower beds, creating lush floral arrays and low decorative borders.

At the end of May or beginning of June, flower stalks up to 15 cm in length appear on each bush. They bear lush white inflorescences, which consist of flowers about 1 cm in diameter. The flowering period lasts at least a month.

Red meadowsweet Venusta

Meadowsweet Venusta is one of the largest varieties. Mature bushes can reach up to 2.5 m in height and are distinguished by a particularly strong stem and developed rhizome. Flowers are collected in lush inflorescences and acquire color various shades pink. Meadowsweet begins to bloom in early summer, but retains its decorative appearance until the first frost due to the unusual shape of the leaves. They are large, five- or seven-lobed.

Red meadowsweet is wild plant. It can be found everywhere: in the forest-steppe zone, on the banks of rivers and reservoirs. In landscape design, these flowers are popular when creating hedges and landscaping adjoining plots and recreation areas.

Bushes can be planted both in open areas and in the shade of trees and in mixed plantings with larger plants. However, severe darkening can lead to loss of flowering.

Growing at home

Meadowsweet can be found in natural conditions. For medicinal purposes, it is collected during the flowering period, and it is also sold in pharmacies in dried, crushed form. Most often grown at home decorative varieties. They quickly take root and do not require daily care or shelter during the cold season.

There are two ways to propagate meadowsweet: by seeds and division. The first method is simpler; just collect the seeds and plant them in late autumn. They need stratification (they must withstand winter temperature changes), so spring planting is not suitable for them. More reliable way- this is cuttings. Areas of rhizomes or shoots with 2-3 vegetative buds are suitable for planting. They can simply be placed in the ground at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other. The procedure is carried out in September or April.

Meadowsweet is an unpretentious plant. It can grow and bloom in the shade or in the open sun and even tolerate short periods of drought. However, there are several rules that will help you achieve the maximum rapid growth and lush flowering bushes:

  • maintain constant soil moisture in the flowerbed;
  • periodically loosen the soil;
  • weeds are removed for decorative purposes - meadowsweet quickly displaces foreign crops;
  • bushes can be replanted at least once every 5 years;
  • Neutral or slightly acidic soils are best.

Meadowsweet has one peculiarity - its rhizome grows upward. If you do not periodically add new soil under the bush, it may end up in the open sun.

Photos of meadowsweet, planting and caring for which is not difficult even for beginners, will differ. Thanks to the wide variety of varieties, you can choose shorter or taller varieties with flowers different shades. These plants are more suitable for growing in open ground and landscaping areas, but they can also be grown for cutting. In bouquets they harmonize with other flowers, complement pastel colors and dilute brighter shades.

Meadowsweet (meadowsweet) is more than 15 varieties of wild herbs. They are used for decorative and medicinal purposes, collected in natural conditions or grown at home. The plants look spectacular thanks to large, bright inflorescences and unusually shaped leaves. This is a non-standard solution for decorating flower beds, lawns or prefabricated bouquets.

Meadowsweet in the garden - video

It is also known to many as meadowsweet. In nature there are a large number of species and varieties of meadowsweet.

In this article we will look at its most common types.

Common (Filipendula vulgaris)

This species can be found in the mountains, steppe and forest-steppe zones. Often found in the mountainous parts of Spain, Northern Turkey, Iran, and North-West Africa. The height of this species is 40-60 cm, in rare cases it reaches 1 m. They have a diameter of about 1 cm and have white or cream color, inflorescence approximately 15 cm in length.
Flowering occurs in – lasting from 25 to 30 days. After flowering, the decorative effect remains. A special feature of the common meadowsweet is its unpretentiousness to moisture; it can easily grow in sunny areas. Common meadowsweet contains an essential oil that is often used for flavoring and beer.
Its roots are edible and rich in starch. In medicine, they are used to make medicinal raw materials and are used to treat the gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract, and kidneys.

This is a low-toxic plant, but not everyone can use it.

Important! Common meadowsweet has the most pronounced astringent, diuretic, and hemostatic properties, therefore this type of plant is most often used in scientific medicine.

This plant is popular among people because of its.

Elm leaf (Filipendula ulmaria)

This species is most often found in Asia Minor and Central Asia, Western Europe, in the Caucasus. The meadowsweet plant is quite tall and can reach up to 160 cm in height. The decorative effect lasts from 20 to 25 days, has a cream or white. It blooms from mid-June to mid-July, with 7-8 inflorescences on one plant.

After flowering, it completely loses its decorative effect. It is not afraid of the cold and feels good down to -35 degrees. It requires moisture, but will grow well in sunny areas.

It has 5 forms: "Aurea", "Variegata", "Aureovariegata", "Rosea", "Plena".

  • "Aurea". It has yellow-green and golden leaves because of which it is popular among. To prolong the life of rosettes of basal leaves, it is recommended to remove flowering shoots as they form.

  • "Variegata". Often used as a colorful decorative foliage plant. It has a dense inflorescence, which consists of small cream-colored flowers. Prefers places, does not tolerate dry and poor soil, grows quite quickly.

  • "Aureovariegata". It has quite bright golden-yellow stains, which are achieved by the presence of bright sunlight, so the most beautiful flowers This species is found in sunny areas.

    • "Rosea", or pink meadowsweet. The rarest species of meadowsweet. It belongs to the garden form and has pink flowers.

    • "Plena". It has a very tall growth, which can reach 1.5 m. When flowering, it is covered with numerous double white flowers.

    Steppe (Filipendula stepposa)

    Subspecies of meadowsweet. Grows in floodplain meadows and meadow steppes. Most often found in Hungary, Austria and Northern Kazakhstan. It has dense inflorescences and creamy white flowers. Distinctive feature is that during flowering it has completely the basal rosette of leaves is preserved. Its height is approximately the same as that of the beautiful meadowsweet, which rarely reaches 1 m.

    Palmate (Filipendula palmata)

    This species is most often found in the Russian Far East and Eastern Siberia. Height is about one meter. It has many small white flowers that form an inflorescence about 25 cm long.
    Unlike other types of meadowsweet, it has long rhizomes that grow by 10-20 centimeters every year, which contributes to its rapid growth. It has long, palmate leaves that resemble a palm, which is where it gets its name.

    Red (Filipendula rubra)

    Red meadowsweet is also called “Queen of the Prairies.” It grows in the east North America. Very tall plant, height can reach 2.5 meters. It has large leaves and a dense inflorescence of small pink flowers. Loves moisture and light, does not like heavy shading, under which it may stop blooming. It has decorative crimson-colored fruits and dark pink (“Magnifica”) or red flowers (“Venusta”). Has excellent frost resistance.

    Did you know?Our ancestors dug a well in the place where the meadowsweet grew - there definitely had to be water there.

    Kamchatka (Filipendula camtschatica)

    Shelomaynik grows on the Kuril Islands, Kamchatka, and northern Japan. Likes slightly acidic and neutral soil. It has basal leaves about 30 cm long, while the width can reach 40 cm. The plant itself is quite tall and can reach 3 meters in height. It has excellent frost resistance and can tolerate frost down to -40 degrees. Blooms from July to August.

    Purple (Filipendula purpurea)

    Purple meadowsweet is of hybrid origin. Most often found in Japan. This type of meadowsweet is quite short and has a height of 0.5 m to 1 m. The flowers are purple and dark pink. Flowering occurs from late June to August. A famous variety of this meadowsweet is "Elegance".

    Narrow-lobed (Filipendula angustiloba)

    It is found most often in the north of China, in Primorye, the Amur region and the Far East. It has beautiful leaves with a thin dissection, which have a white-tomentose droop.

    Important! Meadowsweet root contains salicylic acid derivatives, which form the basis of aspirin. Therefore, meadowsweet-based drugs are used as painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.

    Naked (Filipendula glaberrima)

    This type of meadowsweet is also called Korean. It grows in floodplain meadows and the banks of forest rivers. Often found on the Kuril Islands, the Korean Peninsula and Hokkaido Island in Japan. This species is relatively short and reaches a maximum of 1.5 meters in height. Flower buds pink color, when blooming they become.

    Multipaired (Filipendula multijuga)

    Grows in Central and Southern Japan. There are two forms of this meadowsweet: alpine and forest. The alpine form is rather short, its height does not exceed 30 cm, and is found in the highlands. The forest form can be found along the banks of streams. The height of this form ranges from 50 to 80 centimeters. She has a very beautiful leaves and blooms brightly pink flowers.

    Western (Filipendula occidentalis)

    It is also called the “Queen of the Forest”. This species is found in North America under forest canopy and along rocky shores. This plant rarely exceeds 1 m in height. It has the largest snow-white flowers with a diameter of 1 to 1.5 cm.

    Kiraishiensis (Filipendula kiraishiensis)

    One of the rarest species of meadowsweet. It grows only in the northern part of the island of Taiwan in the mountains. This is a very miniature plant with a height of 20-30 centimeters. It has small white or pink flowers. It differs from other species of meadowsweet in its polygamy. You can find plants with male and female flowers at the same time.

    Meadowsweet or meadowsweet (official name filipendula - lat. Filipendula) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Rosaceae family. IN wildlife found in temperate climates throughout the Northern Hemisphere, preferring river banks and the edges of swamps. Gardeners are very fond of this plant due to its spectacular fragrant inflorescences, ease of care and the presence of medicinal properties.

    The root system is tuberous. The stems are strong, erect, reaching a maximum height of 1 m. On long petioles, finger-like leaf plates are alternately attached; they are soft to the touch, rich green in color, and the veins add decorativeness.

    When does meadowsweet bloom?

    Flowering of meadowsweet begins in May and lasts almost until the end of summer. Airy, fragrant caps rise above the surface of the bush. The paniculate inflorescence consists of many small flowers of snow-white color or various shades of pink. They seem lacy and weightless. Fill the garden with a vanilla-honey aroma that attracts bees and butterflies. On the contrary, it drives away annoying flies, horseflies, and mosquitoes - another plus in growing a plant.

    Aromatic tea is prepared from meadowsweet (meadowsweet) flowers; used for flu, colds, and nervous disorders.

    Selecting a site for planting meadowsweet

    Meadowsweet is light-loving, but the scorching rays of the sun can cause harm. Choose a slightly shaded area or a place where the sun will not shine during the midday hours. It may not bloom in full shade.

    Light, moisture-absorbing soils with good drainage are best. Grow in normal garden soil neutral reaction. Heavy clay soil dilute with sand. If the soil reaction is acidic, it must be neutralized (add ash or garden lime). Add compost or humus to the depleted soil for digging.

    Vegetative propagation of meadowsweet

    Meadowsweet is usually propagated by cuttings of rhizomes. Do this in spring (April) or fall (September).

    Dig up the bush, carefully divide the rhizome into parts (each should have 2-3 growth buds), treat the cut areas with a fungicide.

    Dig up the area and make holes. Place the roots horizontally, deepen them into the soil by 5-8 cm, the growth points should be directed upwards. Keep a distance of 40-50 cm between individual plants.

    With this method of propagation, plants begin to bloom much earlier.

    Growing meadowsweet from seeds

    Meadowsweet seeds can be purchased at a specialized retail outlet or collected independently (they will remain viable for up to 6 years).

    Sowing meadowsweet in the ground

    It is preferable to sow before winter so that the seeds go through the process of natural stratification and germinate successfully.

    Choose a shaded location. Before sowing, dig up the area, remove weeds, and moisten the soil well. Make furrows, sow the seeds, deepening them by 4-5 cm. There is no point in thickening the plantings - for normal development a distance of about 40 cm will be required. Shoots will appear in mid-April-early May. The sprouts develop slowly: by the end of autumn they will have about 5 leaf blades. In this state they spend the winter under snow cover. Next spring they can be transplanted if desired.

    When creating favorable conditions expect flowering in the 2-3rd year of life.

    Seeds can be sown in spring. To improve germination, treatment with a growth stimulant (Novosil, Zircon) will be required. Follow the same agricultural practices.

    Growing meadowsweet seedlings at home

    Meadowsweet can be sown as seedlings at home. Stratification is first carried out: the seeds are placed in damp sand and kept closed in a bag in the vegetable section of the refrigerator for two weeks.

    • Sowing begins at the end of February - beginning of March; you can sow until the beginning of April.
    • Seeds are sown in common containers or individual cups. You can use universal soil for seedlings.
    • Planting depth is 1 cm. The distance between seeds is 5-7 cm.
    • The crops are watered with a spray bottle and covered with a bag until shoots appear.
    • As soon as the first shoots appear, the shelter must be removed.
    • Place the seedlings on a western or eastern window with bright, diffused light.
    • Water moderately, not allowing the soil to dry out.
    • Grown plants are planted in separate containers and grown until planted in the ground.

    Meadowsweet seedlings photo

    Two weeks before landing on permanent place Meadowsweet seedlings are taken outside and hardened, leaving them for a short time at first, and at the end for a full day. Bushes are planted at a distance of 40-50 cm.

    How to care for meadowsweet

    This beautiful plant is unpretentious in care. To enjoy lush flowering, you should water, occasionally feed, and prune.

    Watering and loosening the soil

    Meadowsweet will tolerate short-term drought calmly. But still the culture is moisture-loving. Water regularly, quite abundantly, do not allow waterlogging. Meadowsweet is often planted near artificial reservoirs. The exception is the common meadowsweet. It tolerates drought and heat well, but humidity can be harmful.

    Periodically loosen the soil and remove weeds.

    Feeding and pruning

    If the soil was fed before planting, apply complex mineral fertilizer once during the growing season.

    Perform formative pruning as needed.

    Rejuvenation (dividing the bush) is carried out once every 5-6 years.

    Diseases and pests

    Meadowsweet is resistant to diseases and pests.

    Species specimens can occasionally strike powdery mildew, rust. For decorative varieties, a rare case is ramularia (leaf blades become covered with greenish spots that dry out over time). Treat with a fungicidal agent (for example, Fundazol).

    Among the pests, aphids and tubeworms should be noted. Treatment with an insecticide will help get rid of them. To combat aphids, you can use wood ash, spraying with infusion of onion or garlic.


    The plant is quite frost-resistant. In the conditions of the middle zone, meadowsweet successfully winters without shelter.

    With the onset of autumn, cut the stems, leaving a height of about 5-10 cm. In northern regions or if a snowless, harsh winter is expected, it would not be a bad idea to mulch with a layer (about 10 cm thick) of compost or peat.

    Types and varieties of meadowsweet with photos and names

    There are 10 species of meadowsweet (meadowsweet), most of them are grown in gardens, and varieties have also been bred.

    Common meadowsweet Filipendula vulgaris or six-petalled Filipendula hexapetala

    The height of the plant is about 80 cm. The leaf blades are pinnate - reminiscent of fern fronds. In June, loose paniculate inflorescences appear, consisting of creamy-white flowers. Flowering lasts about 1 month. In the natural environment it is found in forest edges and meadows, which determines its drought resistance and ability to grow under bright sunlight.


    • Pleno - the height of the bush is 40-50 cm. The flowers are double, cream-colored.
    • Grandiflora - limited to a height of 40-60 cm. Large-flowered variety(corolla diameter up to 1 cm), the color of the inflorescences is cream.
    • Flora Pleno - reaches a height of 40 cm, snow-white, double flowers.

    Meadowsweet Filipendula ulmaria

    Meadowsweet meadowsweet photo Filipendula ulmaria ‘Flore Pleno’

    A very popular species in gardening. The natural habitat is the banks of rivers, streams, wetlands, and damp ravines. Provide similar conditions. Loose bushes can reach a height of 1.5 m. During flowering, they fill the garden with freshness and honey aroma. Cream flowers bloom in the second half of June, pleasing for about 25-30 days. Possible re-blooming in August.

    Meadowsweet feels good both in a sunny area and in shade. Moisture-loving, frost-resistant. It can grow weeds in the area, quickly taking over the adjacent space. Grow near ponds, looks great in a flat rock garden, and is undoubtedly appropriate in a flower bed among other flowering plants.

    Popular garden forms:

    Meadowsweet Aurea Filipendula ulmaria ‘Aurea’ photo

    • Flora Pleno - white, double inflorescences.
    • Rosea - has beautiful pink flowers.
    • Aurea is a variegated form (the leaves are covered with spots and stripes of a creamy-yellow hue). The bush is compact, up to half a meter high.

    Kamchatka meadowsweet Filipendula camtschatica or shelomaynik

    Endemic (has a limited habitat - found only in Kamchatka). In their natural habitat they form large thickets in which bears rest. The height of the bush reaches 3 m, the leaf blades grow up to 30 cm long. Bears happily eat young, succulent shoots and leaves. All parts of the plant are edible for humans. Flowering occurs in July. The inflorescences are snow-white. Place for growing: sunny or slightly shaded moist area.

    Meadowsweet Filipendula palmata

    Unlike other species, it has long underground rhizomes. Originally from Far East. The height of the plant is slightly more than 1 m. The basal leaves are heart-shaped, attached on long petioles, the underside is a lighter shade, pubescent. Stem leaves are palmately divided. Snow-white inflorescences bloom in late June and early July, the panicle reaches a length of 25 cm.

    The species is moisture-loving. Plant near bodies of water, it looks great against the background of the lawn.

    Red meadowsweet or red meadowsweet Filipendula rubra

    A very viable species native to North America. In the natural environment it reaches a height of 2.5, in the area it grows up to 1.5 m. Abundant flowering falls in July-August. The inflorescences are large, red-pink in color. After flowering, crimson-colored fruits appear - the impression of continuous flowering is created. They are used to make winter bouquets.

    Characteristics of the plant for cultivation: light- and moisture-loving, frost-resistant (without shelter it can withstand temperatures down to -35 °C). The most in a simple way reproduction is the separation of rhizomes with growth buds. Even if you leave the plants piled up in a heap, remaining after weeding, they are able to send out shoots. It will be necessary to limit the growth of red meadowsweet, since it can choke out other crops.

    It is better to plant in small groups - single plants are more vulnerable to strong gusts of wind.

    Grow garden form Albo-plena, which has double inflorescences of a frame shade, atypical for the species.

    Varieties of red meadowsweet:

    Red meadowsweet Filipendula rubra ‘Venusta’ photo

    • Magnifica - inflorescences of a dark pink hue.
    • Venusta - has large inflorescences of bright red color.
    • Pygmy– low-growing variety, reaching a height of 30 cm.

    Purple meadowsweet or purple meadowsweet Filipendula purpurea

    Purple meadowsweet Filipendula purpurea ‘Elegans’ photo

    Originally from Japan, it is still rare in our gardens. Flowering starts in the first half of summer. The color is dark pink (purple).

    Garden forms:

    • Nana is a compact bush about 30 cm high, with pink inflorescences.
    • Elegance - has modified stamens, red flowers.

    Meadowsweet in landscape design

    Meadowsweet or meadowsweet is used in solo and group plantings.

    Airy inflorescences of unobtrusive shades can “dilute” too much bright flower bed. Can be placed in the center of a flower bed, surrounded by low-growing flowers. Group planting in the background gives the impression of a white or pinkish misty haze.

    Tall varieties are used to create hedges and zoning an area (you can separate a sandbox or gazebo). Low-growing plants are good for border plantings and for edging flower beds.

    Combine different varieties of meadowsweet. Plant in mixborders.

    Plant along the perimeter of a fence or house, decorate garden path– touching inflorescences look elegant and solemn.

    Suitable partners: lilies, Caucasian scabiosa, peonies, point loosestrife. You can create a picturesque fence in a duet with hydrangea. Pairs well with marigolds and various host varieties.

    Due to the moisture-loving nature of meadowsweet, it is used to frame artificial ponds. A spectacle of incredible beauty: a weightless blooming cloud reflected in the water surface.


    Our ancestors believed that the plant was able to protect people from evil spirits and the evil eye. To do this, pieces of the stem or rhizome were placed under the pillow.

    Medicinal properties of meadowsweet and contraindications for use

    For medicinal purposes, raw meadowsweet, meadowsweet and Kamchatka meadowsweet are used. All parts of the plant are suitable for this. They are rich in vitamin C, tannins, phenolic compounds, salicylic and phenolcarboxylic acids, flavonoids, essential oils, glycosides, starch. The following preparations are made: infusions, tinctures, decoctions, ointments.

    It has a powerful antiviral and antibacterial effect, which makes it suitable for use against influenza, acute respiratory infections, and herpes. Relieves rheumatic joint pain and headaches of various nature. Antidiabetic and anti-inflammatory effects are noted.

    An infusion of the herb with inflorescences is taken for diseases of the heart, kidneys and bladder, for diarrhea, suffocation, as a diuretic, diaphoretic, anthelmintic. An infusion of a more saturated concentration has an antioxidant effect - it is taken for alcohol intoxication and even for snake bites.

    As an antiseptic, the decoction is used to wash ulcers, boils, ulcers, wounds, and for various skin diseases.

    The decoction is used to speed up the hair growth process.

    You should consult your doctor before using any medications.

    There are contraindications: pregnancy, childhood(up to 12 years old), chronic constipation, poor blood clotting, hypotension (low blood pressure), thrombocytopathy, individual intolerance.

    The genus Meadowsweet includes more than 10 species, distributed in temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Meadowsweet has its own history in culture, biological features, healing properties.

    Nowadays, interest in meadowsweet is growing, but, unfortunately, rare species are difficult to obtain. It is much easier with varieties; they can be purchased at nurseries.


    Grows in Siberia, the Caucasus, Western Europe, Central Asia, Asia Minor. Under natural conditions, it forms large thickets in meadows near small rivers.

    Meadowsweet - tall, perennial, 1.5 m in height. Meadowsweet has thick rhizomes bearing countless buds from which flower shoots grow. Stems with large pinnately dissected foliage.

    The inflorescence of this meadowsweet is dense, consisting of cream or white flowers, and remains decorative for 25 days. Since about 8 inflorescences develop on this one plant, the flowering time extends until the end of July.

    The fruits are spirally twisted and ripen in September. The double flowers of the meadowsweet do not bear fruit, and as a result, the inflorescence loses all its decorative effect after flowering. Meadowsweet grows well in sunny places, as well as in partial shade, but is very demanding on humidity.

    Meadowsweet looks good in groups on the lawn. Varieties available:

    Meadowsweet Aurea-with yellow-green foliage.

    Meadowsweet Rosea- with pink flowers. Very rare to find in culture.

    Meadowsweet "Plena"("Plena") - a beautiful variety with white, double, multiple flowers. The only disadvantages include its high height, 1.7 m, and exposed shoots. But this can easily be corrected by planting meadowsweet in the background.

    Meadowsweet "Aureovariegata"("Aureovariegata") – unusual shape with golden-yellowish streaks on the foliage. Despite the colorful appearance, for this variety, you need to carefully select the environment in order to increase decorative effect. Bright colors are only possible on open areas.

    Red meadowsweet

    Under natural conditions it grows in North America.

    A powerful herbaceous perennial that forms large groups. The plant is 2.3 m in height. Stems with large leaves. A dense inflorescence of tiny pink flowers. Flowering occurs in August.

    The plant is light-loving and demanding of soil moisture. Grows and blooms well in open areas and in partial shade. If there is too much shade, it may stop blooming. The fruits of red meadowsweet, painted crimson, are also decorative.

    There are varieties with white, dark pink flowers, and a low-growing variety 30 cm tall.

    Common meadowsweet or six-petaled meadowsweet

    Under natural conditions it is found in the forest-steppe zone. Common meadowsweet grows in steppes and meadows.

    Plant 100 cm tall. The flowering stems have a basal rosette of pinnately dissected leaves into small segments. The stem foliage is similar, but smaller. Dark root tubers form on the roots. The flowers of the common meadowsweet are large, cream or white, with pink buds.

    Flowering occurs in May, 25 days. Six-petalled meadowsweet does not lose its decorative effect even after flowering. Meadowsweet is an unpretentious plant, undemanding to moisture, grows well in open areas.

    Six-petalled meadowsweet has the following forms: double - a bush with dissected segments, which is rare in our country; large-flowered - with creamy yellow flowers.

    Planting meadowsweet: meadowsweet is planted in the fall at a depth of no more than 5 cm. Rhizomes are placed horizontally. Meadowsweet plants are unpretentious. They prefer light loamy soils, fertile soils. There is no need to over-moisten the soil during autumn planting. Good watering they need it in the summer. The soil should not be dry.

    You need to carefully monitor the plants planted on open place. Insufficient watering can lead to wilting of inflorescences and leaves.

    Flowering shoots need to be pruned in July, after flowering has ended.

    All meadowsweet plants are winter-hardy in Russia middle lane and do not require preparation for winter.

    Reproduction of meadowsweet

    Meadowsweet reproduces by seeds and vegetatively. For vegetative propagation, the rhizomes are cut into small pieces 5 cm long. They are planted in the soil or kept in a cool place in winter, in sawdust or in damp sand.

    Meadowsweet or meadowsweet is a medicinal, ornamental foliage and ornamental flowering plant, considered a herb, as it is a genus of herbaceous perennials. There are about a dozen species and grow everywhere in the European part of Russia. Meadowsweet looks very impressive due to its decorative panicle, which can be various forms and colors.

    Depending on the variety, you can find meadowsweet with a panicle of white, cream, pink and greenish shades. The shape of the panicles is loose, dense and medium density, it also depends on the plant variety. The height of meadowsweet varies from half a meter to 3 meters.

    In the photo, red meadowsweet (Filipendula rubra).

    Types and varieties Meadowsweet, also known as meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria) is a large plant, up to one and a half meters high, the creamy-white dense inflorescence is the most decorative. Characteristic feature This type has a sweet honey aroma.

    Red meadowsweet Venusta(Filipendula rubra Venusta) - distinguished by the pink and creamy pink color of the inflorescences; small flowers in openwork panicles in dense plantings create a powerful decorative “pink haze” effect. This composition will look advantageous as a separate planting.

    Common meadowsweet(Filipendula vulgaris) is more often used as medicinal plant than decorative. In terms of its aesthetic qualities, the common meadowsweet is inferior to others, more decorative types and plant varieties. This species has a variety - Kaome, it is distinguished by a pinkish-purple hue of panicles and a short length - up to 50 cm.

    Meadowsweet six-petalled(filipendula hexapetala gilib) can often be found in forests, clearings and other places in the wild. This species also does not have any special decorative value. Medicinal powders, tinctures and other traditional medicines are made from the rhizomes of six-petalled meadowsweet.

    Elegant meadowsweet(Filipendula elegans) is a very promising species in landscape design. The panicles are dense purple-pink inflorescences, about 1.5 - 2 meters high.

    Pink meadowsweet(Filipendula rosea) creates the effect spring garden due to its soft pink color.

    Meadowsweet captivity(Filipendula plena) - a variety with snow-white double inflorescences. Due to its terry nature and large panicles, the effect of a “snow cap” is created in dense plantings.

    Red Umbrella variety(Filipendula Red Umbrella) is not only an ornamental flowering plant, but also an ornamental foliage plant. Leaves of this variety They have a palmate shape and a serrated leaf edge. The light green leaves are very effectively set off by a brown center and veins. The flowers are collected in loose pink tall panicles.

    Purple meadowsweet(Filipendula x purpurea) - a low plant up to 1 meter in height with dark pink, purple panicles. There is also a form of purple meadowsweet - elegans, distinguished by white flowers with pronounced red stamens.

    Shelomaynik, or Kamchatka meadowsweet (Filipendula camtschatica) is distinguished by its greatest height, up to 3 meters, the leaves are very large, up to 40 cm in diameter. The inflorescence is cream or white. Looks good in a group with other decorative varieties.

    Meadowsweet Venusta(Filipendula rubra Venusta) is a thick lush bush with huge pink inflorescences, up to 2.5 meters high. It is a very decorative and promising species. The Magnifica form has darker, purple flowers.

    Meadowsweet Variegata(Filipendula ulmaria Variegata), also variegated, is distinguished by the decorative coloring of its leaves; on the dark green plates in the central part there is a light beige insert in the form of strokes and spots.

    Planting and propagation

    Meadowsweet can be propagated in 2 ways: vegetative and seed.

    The fastest and effective way- vegetative. It is simple and does not require any special skills. Vegetative propagation options include:

    • Cuttings.
    • Dividing the bush.
    • Root tubers.

    Cuttings for meadowsweet are used both green and woody. Green cuttings They are produced in the spring, and lignified cuttings are harvested in winter or autumn.

    To propagate the plant by dividing the bush and root tubers, you need to choose the right time, this is either autumn - September-October, or late March - early April.

    A part of the plant is separated from the young bush; the rhizome must have at least 2-3 dormant buds. landing pit it is necessary to prepare: loosen the soil around it and, if necessary, spill water. Planting a plant in a hole must be done at the level of the root collar.

    Reproduction by seed is labor-intensive and requires certain skills, general process looks like this: the seeds are planted in open ground before winter, this necessary condition, since the seeds of this plant require mandatory stratification. They germinate the same year, but if you do not maintain constant soil moisture, you cannot expect good germination.

    All decorative varieties of meadowsweet, like other plants, must be planted on well lit sunny place, since if there is insufficient lighting, all decorative varietal features degrade and disappear

    In the photo there are two varieties of meadowsweet

    Filipendula rubra "Venusta Magnifica"

    "Queen of the Prairie"


    Meadowsweet is considered a fairly unpretentious plant and responds well to mineral fertilizers, loves timely watering, but can exist for some time without it. Does not tolerate acidic soils.

    To feed meadowsweet it is better to use complex mineral fertilizers. Potash fertilizers will have a beneficial effect on the overall stability of the plant and increase its decorative qualities.

    Filipendula rubra, Queen of the Prairie variety

    Application in landscape design

    Meadowsweet has found wide application in landscape design.

    All types and varieties of meadowsweet decorate decorative ponds: it can be used as a single planting on the shore decorative pond or plant a small clump lengthwise.

    This plant is widely used in mixborders, planting it in the background or in the center of the composition, from tall varieties meadowsweet, decorative green walls are created; after flowering, a powerful visual effect is produced by the two-color leaves of the varietal meadowsweet.

    Meadowsweet will create a harmonious decorative composition with plants such as:

    • various ferns,
    • daylilies and lilies,
    • astilbe,
    • different varieties host,
    • hydrangea: paniculata, tree-like,
    • Dicentra is magnificent,
    • irises: Siberian, warty,
    • tobacco: forest, fragrant,
    • With various types carnation,peonies and clematis thickets.

    Medicinal properties

    Meadowsweet is widely used in folk medicine; all parts of the plant are used. It has a positive effect on the digestive, reproductive, and cardiovascular systems, and is effective in the treatment of influenza, ARVI, colds and neuralgic diseases.

    Common meadowsweet has another name - queen clove, due to the similar effect of these plants, which can treat infertility.