How to remove bitterness from fresh cucumbers. How to get rid of bitterness in cucumbers before canning. Removing bitterness from cucumbers before preservation

Surely many gardeners have long learned to grow cucumbers without a bitter taste. But if a person is just starting out in plant growing, he definitely needs to know how to grow tasty, refreshing, slightly sweet cucumbers without an unpleasant taste.

If you do not carry out some agronomic techniques in a timely manner, as well as an irresponsible approach to the choice of varieties, instead of pleasure, you can get complete disappointment in the form of bitter vegetables that are practically unsuitable for consumption.

And if such fruits have already been grown, advice on how to remove bitterness from cucumbers will be quite useful.

The cause of bitterness in cucumbers is a substance called cucurbitacin C.

Recently, due to new research, attitudes towards this substance have changed noticeably.

It has been established that cucurbitacin actively protects the body from the formation of malignant tumors.

But, nevertheless, not everyone will risk consuming such vegetables, because the risk of poisoning is high, since the toxicity of this substance has also been confirmed long ago.

Cucurbitacin C is produced in cucumbers during times of stress. So why are cucumbers bitter:

  • Insufficient or irregular watering, leading to the death of tender horse shoots;
  • Use for cold water irrigation;
  • Cloudy, cool, rainy weather leading to waterlogging of the soil;
  • Sudden changes in temperature, which cucumber plants cannot tolerate;
  • Potassium-nitrogen starvation;
  • Twisting of the wicker, causing a decrease in water transport and nutrients to fruits;
  • Flaw solar lighting, causing a growth arrest due to a decrease in the formation of chlorophyll;
  • Exposure to intensely scorching sun, which also stunts plant growth;
  • Excess fertilizer.

What to do, how to remove bitterness

When the fruits have already been collected, it is quite possible to get rid of the unpleasant taste, and the following methods will help with this:

How to prevent bitterness

During the growth of cucumbers, it is important to control the appearance of bitterness in the fruits by mandatory adjustment of watering.

To prevent the appearance of bitterness, watering is carried out taking into account weather conditions - in hot weather The volume of water and the number of waterings are increased, carried out in the evening, and in cool weather the number of waterings is reduced.

Regular sufficient watering will prevent the appearance of bitterness in the fruits, so it is important to ensure that the soil does not dry out.

In the greenhouse, it is necessary to control the air humidity, periodically moistening it, as this can also cause the unpleasant bitter taste of cucumbers.

When collecting fruits, it is important to be careful and ensure that the plant’s vines do not twist.

Fertilizing should be done using potassium nitrate and complex fertilizers. It should be remembered that fertilizers can increase plant immunity and help avoid stressful situations, however, their excess can also negatively affect the plant. Therefore, when using a new fertilizer, it is advisable to test it on 1–2 bushes and see their condition. And only after making sure of its effectiveness apply it to other plants.

Varieties of cucumbers that do not taste bitter

IN different varieties The content of cucurbitacin in fruits may vary. It is believed that the more pronounced the taste in cucumbers, the more this substance it contains. The least amount of cucurbitacin is found in hybrid or.

The fruits of such plants are usually not bitter. Therefore, when using them, there will be no problem with how to remove bitterness from cucumbers.

In addition, the ovary appears better on them, this is especially true in greenhouses where there are no pollinating insects.

Therefore, to obtain a large and high-quality harvest, it is advisable to grow varieties marked F1, from the fruits of which it will always be possible to prepare delicious salad without unnecessary manipulations.

These varieties include: Gerasim F1, Garlyanda F1, Doka F1, Egoza F1, Mumu F1, Round Dance F1, Liliput F1, Zabiyaka F1 and many others.

Sometimes manufacturers immediately place information on the packaging stating that this variety of cucumbers is without bitterness.

So, to prevent cucumbers from becoming bitter, you need to use them mainly hybrid varieties, and when using regular varieties, provide them with sufficient watering warm water and plenty of food.

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This question is far from new, but since gardeners have often been faced with it for more than one year, it makes sense to once again explain the reasons for the appearance of bitterness in cucumbers and the possibilities of preventing it.
An excess of the substance cucurbitacin (derived from the generic Latin name for cucumber), creating bitterness in fruits, occurs under various unfavorable weather conditions or gross violations of the rules of plant care during the growing period.
Presence in cucumbers of complex organic matter- glucosides, which include cucurbitacin, is due to a biological pattern. Under normal (optimal) conditions for the growth and development of plants, the formation and filling of their fruits, these substances do not manifest themselves in taste. But the more severe disturbances occur in the life of plants, the more likely the accumulation of bitterness in the fruits.
Scientists working with cucumber crops and vegetable growers usually do not pay much attention to the manifestation of bitterness in cucumbers. The whole matter is limited to references to the specified phenomenon and a listing of the microclimatic reasons for its occurrence - temperature and humidity, light, etc. This situation is partly justified by the fact that in production and experimental work the bitterness of cucumbers is extremely rare. In addition, it is characteristic of insect-pollinated cucumbers, and the main product in production is parthenocarpic (self-pollinating) cucumbers. Scientists pay little attention to the complaints and needs of gardeners, considering them small-scale and local. The paths and methods of formation of any complex organic substances in plants, including bitter ones, are so multidimensional that they cannot be traced in this article. But it is possible to trace the consequences of various disturbances on the physiological state of plants. Knowledge of the biology of cucumber culture, experience working with it and simply common sense suggest that the bitterness of fruits can be noticeable in three cases: a) with an increase in the content of the specified substance under the influence of one or more unfavorable factors directly; b) when these factors reduce the taste-forming substances in fruits (sugar, acid, carbohydrates, vitamins, etc.), or change their ratios for the worse; c) when both cases occur simultaneously.
Let's consider the consequences of some negative factors. Overdrying of the soil of cucumber ridges leads to instantaneous and massive death of root hairs that absorb water and mineral food. Less water carries less food. And the evaporation of moisture from the leaves does not decrease. The leaf becomes dehydrated to the point of wilting. The photosynthetic work of the leaf decreases sharply, and withered leaves- freezes. The outflow of organic substances from leaves to fruits and roots is stopped. The fruit does not fill, its ripening is delayed.
When the soil is waterlogged, the roots suffer from a lack of oxygen. If there is too much moisture in the soil, plants cannot use it. The same thing happens with an excess of food elements. Further, the disorder of plant functions follows the same chain. At lower limits of soil and air temperatures required for development, plant growth stops. This also entails a stop in the growth of fruits or the formation of them with low commercial qualities, including bitterness.
High air temperatures during the daytime, caused by excess solar radiation or lack of ventilation, cause plants to intensively absorb and evaporate water and damage leaves. This also does not contribute to the formation of fruits within the time period characteristic of the variety.
Adverse effects on cucumber plants directly affect the quality of the fruit through a slowdown in their growth. This, in turn, can lead to changes in the accumulation of nitrates in fruits and a decrease in the accumulation of dry matter and vitamins. During periods of such influences, it is necessary to remove unripe fruits.
With regard to varieties that are more susceptible to fruit bitterness, it is advisable to test yourself by replacing one variety with another that is similar in fruit. If the fruits of a new variety with the same care do not
they will taste bitter, the previous variety will be to blame; if the bitterness appears again, the gardener is to blame for not knowing how to create the proper growing conditions. You can get rid of bitterness by removing a third or a quarter of the cucumber fruit adjacent to the stalk (bitterness is more common here) and peeling the peel. The instructions on the seed packet or variety lists may state that the fruit of this variety not subject to bitterness. Such seeds should be purchased by those who have developed bitter cucumbers.
Folk remedies for getting rid of fruit bitterness include techniques such as treating seeds in honey, milk, spraying plants with skim milk, etc.
In conclusion, I would like to quote the words of one northern amateur gardener. Participating in a newspaper discussion about ways to rid cucumber fruits of bitterness, he said: “If you follow four rules, the cucumber will not be bitter.
First: no shading - more light.
Second: less nitrogen.
Third: keep the cucumber on the vine for no more than 12 days from the moment of pollination.
Fourth: timely watering. It is necessary. And the cucumbers will be sweet.

These words contain not only the wisdom of an experienced person, but also the main condition for agricultural technology for cultivating cucumber crops.
E. Feofilov,
Honored Agronomist of Russia
Material from the weekly newspaper "GARDENER"

Surely you have repeatedly wondered why cucumbers are bitter? Many people mistakenly believe that bitter cucumbers are harmful to health, but this is not true. Moreover, the bitterness in cucumbers is healing, it has choleretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-cancer properties.

Why are cucumbers bitter?

Who hasn't come across a bitter cucumber! It’s quite an unpleasant surprise when something so tender suddenly begins to “bite” with bitterness.

The presence of bitterness in cucumbers is due to special substances - cucurbitacins, which are produced in response to stressful conditions (too hot or cold weather).

It is now known that the bitterness of cucumbers is a hereditary phenomenon. There is a group of genes responsible for the production of cucurbitacins. In some European countries Special varieties of cucumbers have already been bred, devoid of these genes, which will never taste bitter.

Reader Questions

Hello! I am 32 years old and started to get better at the age of 30 18 October 2013, 17:25 Hello! I am 32 years old and started to get better at the age of 30. As a result, I gained 14 kg (weight 74 kg with height 165) I really want to lose 10 kilos by summer. I understand that I need to work on myself and watch my diet. Sometimes I eat in moderation, but during periods such an appetite appears, I can’t suppress it, I want it all the time I can eat even if I’m not hungry. What can I do? Maybe I should exclude some foods from my diet? I will be very grateful!

Is it dangerous to eat bitter cucumbers?

Many people mistakenly believe that bitter cucumbers are poisonous. However, the bitterness contained in cucumber is in no way harmful to health. They can be safely eaten. Another thing is that it is tasteless, and in order to eat such a cucumber, you need to have patience and endurance.

If they are, then the bitterness will almost completely go away and you won’t feel it.

What are the benefits of bitter cucumbers?

You will be surprised, but bitter cucumbers are good for your health. As you know, bitterness stimulates the gallbladder, promoting the outflow of bile. IN Everyday life We rarely eat bitter foods, but bitters are healthy.

Recent studies in Germany have shown that bitter-tasting cucumbers promote weight loss. According to scientists, this effect from bitter cucumbers was most likely achieved due to the content of saponins and special lipids that lower blood sugar levels.

The glycoside cucurbitacin contained in bitter cucumbers is considered one of the most bitter substances. It has already been proven that cucurbitacins help suppress growth pathological cells and fabrics. Thus, these substances are considered as potential anticancer agents. In addition, cucurbitacins have been found to have analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.

In China, bitter cucumbers are specially grown to prepare medicines based on them.

Every gardener strives to get a high-quality harvest, but sometimes things may not go according to plan. Even with good care Cucumber fruits have a bitter taste. Do you know what this might be connected with? If you are also perplexed by this problem, then study the information below about the reasons why cucumbers grow bitter.

Why do bitter cucumbers grow?

It is impossible to distinguish bitter fruits externally. They have the same rich color and aroma. An unpleasant taste is felt when a person has already tasted the cucumber. Because of this, you can ruin any dish with just one ingredient. There is a way out - cutting off the peel, but inside it there are those very useful microelements that are so necessary for humans. All that remains is to determine the reason why cucumbers are bitter and eliminate it.

The manifestation of this taste is a consequence of the high content of a special substance called cucurbitacin in the fruits. There is a lot of it in greens, which protects unripe cucumbers from pests. Cucurbitacin is present in all types of these vegetables, but when its concentration increases, an unpleasant taste begins to be felt. The reason why cucumbers are bitter can even be a sudden change in weather conditions or damage to the plant's vines. Common factors that provoke this phenomenon are:

  • insufficient humidity inside the greenhouse;
  • cold water when watering;
  • low content of potassium and nitrogen in the soil;
  • excess sun rays;
  • lack or excess of ground moisture;
  • using seeds from the back of the cucumber;
  • lack of regular watering.

Greenhouse varieties of cucumbers

This type of vegetable can be considered capricious. Its homeland is the tropical forests of India, where the fruits are located under other plants. It turns out that cucumbers should not be placed in direct sunlight to grow. Gardeners try to place greenhouses or beds exactly where there will be more of them. This is wrong, because cucumber fruits do not like dry, hot weather. Although they are also not intended for nighttime drops in temperature. As a result of exposure to such changes, the vegetable is exposed to stress, and responds to it by producing cucurbitacin.

As for the reasons why cucumbers become bitter in a greenhouse, there are several specific ones:

  1. Damage and entanglement of plant vines. In greenhouse conditions, they are limited by the frame of the building, which is why they cannot grow freely. In addition, the crop is often harvested carelessly, which also leads to damage to the vines.
  2. Too much sun entering through the greenhouse walls. In this case, it is recommended to whiten them with chalk.
  3. Ventilation of buildings under conditions of different humidity and temperature inside and outside.
  4. Insufficient level humidity in the greenhouse. To eliminate this drawback, it is recommended to moisten the paths and walls of the building.
  5. Incorrect temperature in different periods cucumber growth. During fruiting it should be above 28 degrees, and at initial stage– above 18 at night and 20 during the day.
  6. Lack of nutrition from the soil. Cucumbers require different microelements in combination. It should include potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus. A deficiency or excess of one of them is the reason why cucumbers in the greenhouse are bitter.

The same factors as those listed above can provoke the appearance of bitterness in cucumbers outside the greenhouse. Along with them, there are several characteristic reasons for the occurrence of such a taste:

  1. sunlight which cucumbers are in open ground are obtained in excess, so more often than greenhouse varieties they acquire bitterness.
  2. Uneven watering or unheated water. Typical for dacha plantings, when gardeners visit future harvest rare visits.
  3. Temperature changes. Heat during the day and cold at night have a stronger effect on open cucumbers, rather than greenhouse ones.
  4. Sowing seeds in low beds. These soil layers are more susceptible to temperature changes and are less warmed up.
  5. The location of the beds near raspberries, blackberries, and strawberries. These plants are considered aggressors that take all useful substances from the soil along with water.

Why do homemade cucumbers taste bitter?

Another special reason why cucumbers begin to taste bitter is their variety. Scientists have found that some species are more prone to producing cucurbitacin even with the slightest change environment. These varieties include Muromsky, Vyaznikovsky, Nezhinsky. To correct this situation, breeders bred special types cucumbers They are called hybrids. Due to the content of special genes, they are able to resist the production of cucurbitacin. Their availability can be identified by the markings on the packaging. Although more often the reasons why cucumbers are bitter are the factors described below.

Lack of moisture

Cucumbers are stenobiont plants that are accustomed to relatively stable environmental conditions. The slightest deviations of this important factor, like humidity, from the “golden mean”, causes a bad reaction in them in the form of increased production of cucurbitacin. Like a wild Indian tropical vine, it is accustomed to moderately moist, warm and loose soil.

Excess water

Excess liquid when watering acts like a lack of moisture, and the cucumber acquires a bitter taste. The reason for this also lies in the historical roots of the plant, which is accustomed to moderate conditions. tropical forest India. If it's the rainy season in your area, be aware that bitterness is caused by excess soil moisture. To avoid excess water, it is recommended to water the cucumbers once every 2 weeks at the initial stage of growth and daily when the flowering period has already begun.

Improper watering

Non-compliance with watering rules includes not only the amount of water described in the previous paragraph. The temperature of the liquid also affects cucumbers. The water should not be too cold, because this vegetable does not like sudden changes. Only warm, settled liquid is suitable for watering cucumbers. This should be done in good weather, because in the rain, watering will lead to an excess of moisture.

Lack of fertilizers for cucumbers

The last reason why fresh cucumbers are bitter is the lack of nutrients in the soil. Cucumbers grow very quickly, and in large quantities, as a result of which microelements may be lacking. For this reason, gardeners should carefully consider fertilizing the soil with fertilizers. The main thing is not to use fresh manure. It contains too much nitrogen, and this will lead to bitterness. Fertilizers are applied only according to instructions, but regularly, i.e. no less often and no more often, because an excess of nutrients also has a negative effect.

Why are lightly salted cucumbers bitter?

If, even under ideal conditions of agricultural technology, the cucumbers in the preparation give off bitterness, then it is possible that you have chosen a variety with high content Cucurbitacin. Among these are:

  • Vyaznikovsky;
  • Muromsky;
  • Unworn;
  • Donskoy;
  • Nezhensky.

Video: why cucumbers are bitter