The better way to paint the imitation timber on the outside. Options for painting imitation timber inside the house. Next, how to process imitation timber when used externally

Imitation timber is a finishing material such as lining that creates the illusion that the house is built of wood. Sometimes painting imitation timber is a forced step. What products can be used for this?

There are several reasons why you should paint imitation timber:

  • wood catches fire easily, and some coatings increase fire resistance;
  • the material is susceptible to rotting, and the finishing will extend the life of the wood panels;
  • paints and varnishes protect against moisture and make wet cleaning possible;
  • painting walls allows you to update your interior design;

There are quite a few products used for painting imitation timber walls. The main thing is to choose the right products. It depends on the place where they are going to apply the paints and varnishes - directly indoors or on the facade.

It is important to choose the right materials for several reasons:

  1. External walls are subject to greater impact environment- ultraviolet radiation, moisture, frost and other factors. Accordingly, materials should have greater wear resistance.
  2. The main requirements for products for interior work are their safety and hypoallergenicity. After all, they are used even in children's rooms and bedrooms, so they must meet the hygienic requirements for such work

Some manufacturers offer already painted imitation timber. Choosing one finishing material, you can save yourself from unnecessary hassle.

Attention! One of the main criteria when choosing a coating is vapor permeability. Otherwise, the wood under its thickness may deteriorate and rot.

Prices for lining, imitation timber, block house

Lining, imitation timber, block house


Wood is a capricious material. It is susceptible to attacks by pests, microorganisms, and fungi. It is also a flammable material. To protect the finish from threatening factors, various protective impregnations are used:

  • antiseptics- effective against fungi, bugs, rotting;
  • flame retardants- prevent ignition or rapid spread of fire;
  • biopyrenes- combined preparations that reduce the fire hazard of the material and also protect against insects, mold, and mildew.

Many of them perform not only a preventive function, but also have coloring properties. After this product you can use finishing coat.

Attention! Manufacturers often supply the market with finishing timber that has been treated with similar substances at the factory. This information is usually indicated on the packaging.

Prices for glaze impregnation for wood

Glaze impregnation for wood

Video - Wood treatment with impregnations

Wood bleaches

Often, owners of a house finished with imitation timber are faced with a problem such as darkening of the surface. Bleach helps restore the original color of wood partially or completely. These products have a dual effect - they lighten and minimize the development of fungus. Bleach is based on chlorine and oxygen-containing agent.

When working with chlorine-based bleach, you must be careful, since the main active ingredient is quite aggressive alkali.

After treatment with bleaches, salt deposits remain. They must be washed off from the surface of the timber. Used for washing wood aqueous solution lemon or acetic acid in concentration 4% , which neutralize the effect of salts.

If this requirement is ignored, salt deposits begin to accumulate moisture, which leads to deterioration of the condition of the false beam. Another negative effect of using bleach incorrectly is damage to cellulose and lignin. The surface of the wood loosens, which causes adhesion to paints and other finishing materials to deteriorate.

Attention! When working with chlorine preparations, it is important to adhere to safety regulations. Otherwise, chlorine vapor poisoning is likely.

Ready-made wood bleaches available for sale:

  • Neomid 500 (chlorine-containing);
  • Senezh Effo(based on transfer agent, no chlorine);
  • Tikkurila Homeenpoisto (active substance - hypochlorite), the drug is used even for painted surfaces;
  • Sagus et al.

When working with bleaches, observe the following safety rules:

  • do not mix products, especially if they are based on different active ingredients;
  • in case of severe damage to the surface, use higher concentrations of agents;
  • Be sure to carefully read the instructions and strictly follow its requirements.

Natural flaxseed oil

This is one of the safest coatings for human health, which has long been used for treating wooden surfaces. Other advantages of the product include environmental friendliness and antiseptic protection. Linseed oil does not hide, but rather emphasizes the texture of the fake timber.

But the product also has disadvantages:

  • long drying time- up to 3 days for one layer;
  • the number of layers should be not less than 5–7;
  • poor polymerization;
  • darkening when exposed to direct sunlight.

Linseed oil is most suitable for interior decoration on structural elements that are not subject to abrasion - for example, on ceilings. This type of coating is especially suitable for valuable wood species, since it preserves its properties to the maximum.

Natural drying oil

The product is hemp or linseed oil that has undergone heat treatment with chemical additives (oil drier) that accelerate polymerization. Drying oil does not have some of the disadvantages of raw flaxseed oil. It has a shorter drying time - 24 hours, is not absorbed so quickly, does not change color.

But products based on vegetable oils have a common disadvantage - absence of a hard film on the surface, which would protect against scratching and abrasion.

Humidity is important when applying the product. For wood this figure should be at least 15–18% , for the air in the room where work is carried out - up to 80%. If the timber is made of oily wood, then the working surface is first degreased with white spirit. The oil is applied with a brush or lint-free cloth. Excess oil is removed after half an hour using a lint-free rag.

Important! When applying the coating, it is important to ensure that the oil is distributed evenly. Otherwise, dark spots may form on the panels.

The oil can be given shades by adding a coloring pigment. The coating is not durable. Once every 2–3 years it needs to be restored.


Wax paints are another product that is widely used for decoration. wood panels, including false beams. They are made from natural wax or its artificial substitutes based on petroleum products - paraffin, ceresin.

Wax paints are applied to the surface without a primer. Use a brush or cloth for this. Usually to achieve required thickness coating requires two treatments.

When using wax paints, a pronounced film does not form on the coating. The surface turns out matte, the difference from “bare” wood is sometimes almost invisible. Wax-paints are presented for both interior and exterior use. They may contain a color that radically changes the color of the finishing material.

Advantages of wax paints:

  • formation of a thin protective layer;
  • closing wood pores;
  • silky, matte shine;
  • protection from dirt and moisture;
  • antistatic effect;
  • possibility of restoration of worn parts.

Reference. To emphasize the structure of the wood and make it more expressive, some manufacturers recommend using oils as a finishing coat.

Popular products in this category:

  • Tikkurila Nostalgia;
  • Adler Legno-Wachs;
  • Watco satin wax and others.

How to make wax with your own hands - step-by-step instructions

You can prepare such a coating for wood at home. To do this you will need:

  • beeswax or carnauba wax - 1 part;
  • linseed oil - 1 part;
  • rosin - 5% of the total mass.

Sequence of actions:

Step 1. Grind the wax and rosin.

Step 2. Place the wax on water bath and wait until the substance melts.

Step 3. Add to the container without removing from heat. vegetable oil and rosin.

Step 4. Mix until smooth.

The finished mixture is poured into a convenient container. If the product is not used immediately, then place it in dark place and store no longer than 6 months.

Reference. The more oil in the composition, the more liquid the coating. Coloring pigments can be added to the composition.

Stain (stain)

This product penetrates deeply into the wood structure, thereby emphasizing its pattern. Unlike drying oil, it does not form a film, so the pores of the natural material remain open. Therefore, the surface at the second stage is usually coated with varnishes. There are two types of stains - water-based and organic. These products are available in liquid or powder form. The disadvantage of stain is that it does not hide surface defects. At the same time, it allows you to even out the color of the wood.

Prices for different types of stains


Azure is a coating that is increasingly used when working with wood materials. This too transparent material, leaving the texture of the false beam open to the eye. It is an analogue of varnish, but with less covering power.

Advantages of azures:

  • allows the wood to breathe, so the moisture accumulated inside easily evaporates;
  • the coating can be quickly and easily restored;
  • Doesn't peel off like some paints.

There are azures on water based and solvent-based, transparent or colored. Some manufacturers include biocides- substances that prevent the formation of mold and mildew.

It is noteworthy that products without biocides better protect wood from dampness and ultraviolet radiation. However, in this case, it is better to additionally use special antifungal impregnations.

Table 1. Types of glaze based on coating thickness.

ViewCoating thickness, micronsPlace of application
Thin layerUp to 20 micronsDoes not form a film, but only nourishes. Place of application: plank sheathing, fences, and other elements subject to deformation. The coating needs frequent renewal to fully protect the wood from adverse conditions.
Medium layer20–60 µmSuitable for elements with moderate deformation
Thick layerFrom 60 micronsDoes not penetrate deeply, but forms a film on the surface, reminiscent varnish coating. Used for doors, windows, and other structural elements that are not deformed

Attention! Glaze should not be used if the air temperature below 12 °C.


The difference between this type of coating and the others is hard protective film, which protects the material from moisture penetration. But, unlike other types of varnishes, this product is water-based and contains acrylic. Therefore, the product is often used for interior work, since it does not emit unpleasant odor. Clean water is used for dilution.

The product may contain a coloring pigment, giving the base even more attractive. In this case, the wood texture is visible through the coating. At the same time, the coating protects the material from rotting, fungi, and mold. The paint dries quickly, so several layers can be applied within 24 hours.

One of the few disadvantages is high speed performance of work. If painting is carried out slowly, spots may appear due to uneven application of the coating.

The following manufacturers of paints and varnishes have such products

  • Rolax;
  • Tricolor;
  • "Rogneda" and others.

Acrylic coatings

Acrylic paints are actively used in European countries. They are also water based and dissolve in water. That's enough durable coatings, which include:

  • plasticizers- give elasticity to the product, do not crack;
  • hardeners- accelerate the process of film formation;
  • matting components- eliminate glossy shine.

The advantages of such acrylic coatings include:

  • environmental safety;
  • no unpleasant odor;
  • vapor permeability;
  • resistance to burnout;
  • rich color palette;
  • protection from moisture.

The coating dries out in 5–30 hours.

Acrylate paints are used for both exterior and interior work. Painting is carried out every 3–4 years. This type of coatings is contained in the following brand lines:

  • « Drevoplast";
  • "Extra";
  • "Yaroslavl colors";
  • Pinotex ultra;
  • Tikkurila Pika-Teho;
  • Dufa.

Latex paints

Latex paints They are also water-soluble and contain rubber (latex). The coating forms a durable film on the surface, but at the same time allows air to pass through, thereby extending the service life of the timber. They do not emit a strong odor, so they are used both indoors and on building facades. One of the significant advantages of the product is quick drying (from 20 minutes). Latex paints are also notable for the fact that they can be applied even to completely smooth plastic.

Despite the versatility of coatings, it is important to pay attention to which part structural element they are designed because the concentration of rubber in the composition depends on it. Thus, it is least found in paints for ceilings, most in products for walls, and the highest percentage is in products for facades.

Read more about it in our separate article.

How to paint wood correctly

When performing painting work, it is important to fulfill certain requirements. In this case, the coating will be of high quality and durable.

The old surface is first cleaned of old coatings and cleaned with sandpaper, and then the dust is thoroughly removed.

Before application decorative covering surfaces are treated with fire retardants and antiseptics, protecting the surface of the false timber from fungus and mold. If mold has already formed, bleach is used first.

When using several products at the same time - for example, stain and varnish, you need to make sure that they are compatible. Otherwise the finish will be damaged. You also need to wait until the previous layer dries.

Before use paint and varnish material It's better to use primers. Typically, the manufacturer specifies this requirement in the instructions for the paintwork, and also makes recommendations as to which product is best suited. This not only improves adhesion to the surface of the timber, but also reduces material consumption.

Painting is carried out at air temperature not lower than 5 °C. If work is carried out outdoors, there should be no precipitation. The surface of the false beam should be dry.

Prices for paint sprayers

Spray gun

Video - How to paint wood with high quality

Painting imitation timber is easy even for a beginner. The main thing is to use the chosen coating correctly.

So, how painted imitation timber is produced, how to order painting of panels, and what the cost of painting imitation timber will be, we will tell you in this article.

Often, painting imitation timber indoors is done after installation. This is fundamentally wrong. Let's look at this example:

  • installation of panels, area approximately 100 m2, imitation material, execution - team of carpenters. So, the installation was completed in a short time, well done guys, they did their best.

It's decided. The guys are handy and will paint it themselves. Next comes the customer’s choice of paint and painting of the imitation timber inside the house begins...

Rest assured, you will not be satisfied with the quality of the surface being painted. Why?

  • It is very difficult to pre-sand the wall;
  • If sanding is done, the appearance of the coating will still not be ideal. It is IMPOSSIBLE to sand the chamfered areas on the wall; painting imitation timber in these places will raise the wood pile and this will significantly damage the visual effect;
  • the same can be said about intermediate sanding; it is technically impossible to do it efficiently on a wall;
  • the product, after a short period of time (for example, after turning on the heating) will slightly change its geometry, this is a natural process, even for a painted imitation of timber, and at the joints the color of the wood will be visible, which could not have been covered by a coating layer.

So, knowing these BUTs, it is better to make a choice in the direction of painting imitation timber in the workshop of a company specializing in this. Moreover, buy finished product with delivery it may be even cheaper than workers performing the same operations at your site. This purchase will please you with its high quality:

  • preliminary grinding, including chamfer grinding;
  • applying adhesive primer;
  • intermediate grinding;
  • applying the required thickness of paintwork materials in microdistricts.

The price of painting imitation timber for installation outside the house will be more expensive than for work carried out indoors. The cost varies due to the fact that to protect the façade from an aggressive environment, it is necessary to use more expensive coatings with a large dry residue.

Sometimes customers need two-tone painting timber imitation panels. In the LesoBirzha online store, each product is equipped with a choice of colors according to the Ral, Teknomix, Woodex catalogs. The colors are available in both opaque and glazing (translucent) colours.

Sale of painted products, imitation timber, lining and others finishing panels with delivery throughout Moscow and the region - this is our strong point. You can order the service by calling the numbers in the section. Completion period is no more than 14 days. Brand guarantee up to 5 years.

All photos from the article

In this day and age of options exterior finishing there are many houses. People who like to feel closer to nature often choose imitation timber for cladding their home both outside and inside. Externally, such a house will not differ from a completely wooden one, but painting imitation timber indoors and outdoors has a number of features.

What is imitation timber

This term usually means ordinary clapboard; after covering the outside of the house, an outside observer gets the impression that the house is made of timber. It can be used for cladding like.

All that is needed for this is to secure the sheathing bars to the walls and then proceed to the sheathing. The price of lining is not that high, so it is a great way to elevate an ordinary home.

Pay attention! It would be logical to combine the cladding of the house with imitation timber with insulation. You just need to secure it thermal insulation material on the wall, place on top of it vapor barrier membrane and counter lathing.

As a rule, lining is made of pine, larch, cedar, spruce and other fairly hard woods. The texture of the board is not always pleasing to the eye, especially in the case of pine, at the stage applying paint and varnish this shortcoming can be easily eliminated.

Manufacturers these days produce dozens of different ones. So you can choose any option:

  • The easiest option is to paint it with opaque paint (after priming the base). In this case, any paint will do; if you plan to treat the outside, then you need to choose the type of paint for exterior work (it is resistant to UV rays, and it tolerates temperature changes better);

This is a technologically advanced profiled lumber intended for cladding walls on the facade or inside the house. It is usually considered as an alternative to eurolining or compared when choosing with imitation logs (blockhouse). It also has a very accurate, repeatable geometry and an initially well-thought-out section; it goes through the stage of chamber drying of the workpieces and high-quality planing/milling of surfaces. This is the case here reliable connection“tenon and groove”, ventilation grooves on the back surface and, of course, stylish appearance finished cladding.

In Moscow, imitation timber is mainly made from spruce or pine. And to order, they will cut you material from oak, beech or linden... however, it will cost a little differently. Products made from pine needles normally serve for decades, they are beautiful in themselves, although the boards can be tinted to match something more “solid”. Whatever type of wood is used to make imitation timber, the sheathing must be processed.

Do I need an antiseptic?

There is no doubt that wooden cladding with imitation timber used outdoors needs protection from biological damage. On the façade there is always an increased danger of the material becoming wet, and this is the first step to the appearance of mold, rot, fungi, algae, mosses... After all, water is a breeding ground for pests of all types. And wood-boring insects on the street have a greater chance of settling into our false wall.

It should be noted that similar protection will also be required in the case of wall cladding in rooms with high humidity.

The question remains: is it worth impregnating the walls with an antiseptic after installing the imitation timber, or is it better to treat the material before fixing it in place, when it is possible to protect:

  • The front surface
  • Castle elements,
  • The back surface
  • The ends (in fact, this is the most vulnerable part),
  • Wooden frame made from edged timber.

In the provisions of the currently valid GOST 8242-88, we are told that not all profiled parts made of solid wood are subject to mandatory antiseptic treatment. Bioprotection requires treating the back surface of only the window sill board and only the floor board. And where protective and decorative treatment is present, biosecurity is not required according to this standard.

In principle, you can limit yourself to following just such instructions, especially when it comes to cladding walls inside a building. However, it is still better to treat the façade material with some kind of non-washable compound. For example, you can use antiseptic "Nortex®"-Lux. What if suddenly wooden surfaces already have some traces of infection, it makes sense to treat them with a “treating” agent, for example, “Nortex®”-Doctor.

Is it necessary to treat imitation timber with a fire retardant?

Statistics say that a large number of fires in the private sector occur due to fires of cottages from the facade (burning grass, welding work etc.). It is clear that it would be better to somehow reduce the flammability wooden planks imitation timber.

Fortunately, we do not need to purchase any special materials for this and do not need to do double work to protect the wood. This became possible thanks to the availability on sale of complex multicomponent compositions that can work as an antiseptic and at the same time as a fire retardant. A striking example similar universal products maybe a line of biopyrenes from the NORT company. You can choose from the following list:

This manufacturer has a unique complex, which consists of the fire retardant “Pirilax”-K45 and the protective and decorative composition “Krasula”. In general, it is worth noting that when combining substances in complexes and complex compositions a synergy effect is often observed - that is, the mutual enhancement of the unique operating properties of each component.

Protective and decorative products for imitation timber

On the street, the need to use protective and decorative treatments is not discussed at all. This is where you need to buy the most “powerful” and most durable product. Apply it at least 2 layers, and even better - three times (but always look at the manufacturer’s recommendations in this regard).

Indoors, well-planed boards can be left in their original form, of course. But we must not forget that precipitation is not the only harmful factor. Wood can fade and age rapidly (even with loss of surface strength) when exposed to ultraviolet radiation. Wooden cladding in rooms can get dirty, and simply become moistened, swell and crack from the water vapor that people generate in the process of life.

Another thing is that no one forces you to “glaze” natural wood non-breathable multiple layers of varnish or enamel. There are excellent gentle compositions that will leave us with the texture and even the natural color of imitation timber, and will not change the tactile sensations from contact with wood paneling. At the same time, they will save you from UV rays, dirt and water, and at the same time help you cope with various biological lesions.

This is how, for example, the famous “KRASULA®” works, which does not form a film and is suitable for protecting the facade and for work inside the house. A variation of this product is “KRASULA® aqua”, which is perfect for processing imitation timber inexpensively in the bathroom or kitchen.

If imitation timber is sewn into a bathhouse/sauna, then you should buy a special model “KRASULA® for bathhouses and saunas”, which can easily withstand high temperatures, not afraid high humidity, gives the skin the ability to repel dirt, soap solution, soot...

Protective and decorative compositions such as Krasula are distinguished by the fact that they help to tint imitation timber, for example, to resemble oak wood, dark walnut, mahogany, pears. There is a colorless version, there is also a composition that is lightly colored white, which is very fashionable now.

What characteristics of painting materials should you pay attention to?

  • Possibility to use outdoors.
  • Can be used indoors (environmentally safe).
  • How it holds high temperatures (relevant for steam rooms).
  • Does it provide protection against fire and biological damage?
  • What materials does it combine with?
  • How many layers should be applied?
  • How long does it take to renew the coating?
  • What materials is the product designed to process ( permissible humidity lumber, is there damage or is our surface completely healthy...).
  • Does it form a film (glossy, matte surface...).
  • Does the level of vapor permeability of wood change?
  • Is there a coloring effect, can it be tinted?
  • How long does it take for the layer to dry, at what temperatures can it be applied.
  • What application methods are acceptable?

Every homeowner wants to update the appearance of their home. You can give your home a beautiful appearance by painting the walls. Houses finished with siding or stone do not need painting. And this is rather their disadvantage, since the appearance of such a house can only be changed by changing the decoration. Sameness gets boring and boring.

It’s a completely different matter if the house is sheathed with imitation timber. Painting imitation timber is one of mandatory conditions such finishing. This is where the questions arise: how and with what to paint imitation timber? How often should the painting be repainted? This article will be useful to those who are going to paint imitation timber inside and outside the house.

Our choice of coating will be directly related to the types of paints. They are:

  • transparent;
  • opaque.

Transparent coatings

Transparent coatings do not change the appearance of the wood. This includes: aqualaks, impregnations, glazes, etc. They can be seen in action in numerous photos on the Internet. This variety, in addition to preserving the appearance of wood, also has vapor permeability. Panels with such a coating will not retain moisture, and this will prevent them from rotting. In this group, I especially want to mention drying oil, which is accessible to everyone. But it darkens over time and must be cleaned off before repainting.

Opaque coatings

This type covers the panels and decorates them, changing the appearance. These coatings include: acrylic and water-dispersion paints, enamels, etc. When repainting with this type of composition, you need to clean off old layer completely and process special composition, for example drying oil. And only after that apply a new layer. When choosing paint to imitate timber, it is important to make sure that it is resistant to fire and environmentally friendly. Look at it not only in the photo, but also in action with an example.

You can choose coatings to imitate timber based on factory-finished painted panels. You can clearly see in the photo this or that coloring in action. By purchasing already painted panels, you benefit from the following:

  1. Appearance finishing. Factory panels are professionally painted and have an even, durable paint texture.
  2. Finishing at any time of the year. Such panels are protected from harmful effects environment.
  3. The factory painting process takes place in a shorter time. 150-200 6 meter panels can be painted in 2-3 days. Manually the same amount of work will take 2-3 weeks.

Analysis of prices for paints and varnishes

The characteristics of the prices of coatings of various production are presented in the form of a table:

Manufacturers Type of coating produced Price
Zobel (German manufacturer) Antiseptic From 150 rubles for 2 liters
Primer From 170 rubles for 2 liters
Paint (water based) From 550 rubles for 5 liters
Varnish (water based) From 1100 rubles per liter
Osmo (German manufacturer) Antiseptic From 350 rubles per liter
Primer From 270 rubles per liter
Paint (water based) From 580 rubles for 3 liters
Varnish (water based) From 1500 rubles per liter
Tikkurila (Finnish production) Antiseptic From 150 rubles for 2 liters
Primer From 90 rubles for 2 liters
Paint (water based) From 290 rubles for 5 liters
Varnish (water based) From 3800 for 5 liters
Thermika (Russia, Moscow) Paints (water based) From 250 rubles for 5 liters
Paints (oil based) From 150 rubles for 2 liters
Finncolor (Russia, subsidiary of Tikkurila) Antiseptic From 170 rubles for 2 liters
Primer From 200 rubles for 2 liters
Paint (water based) From 370 rubles for 5 liters
Varnish (water based) From 4800 rubles for 5 liters

Features of painting imitation timber

Painting the facade of the house and interior spaces differs in its intended purpose. The facade is painted to protect it from the harmful effects of the sun, water, wind, and temperature changes. And only the secondary function of such a coating is decorative. Interior painting is primarily a decorative function, but it also has its own subtleties. For example, for rooms with high humidity protection must be primary.

The process of interior and exterior painting differs in the number of layers applied. The interior finish is coated in two layers, and the exterior in three. The paint should protect the wood from destruction as much as possible. Effective in such qualities deep impregnations. They impregnate the entire wood structure of the panel and protect it from rot and fungus.

It is necessary to understand that if you paint imitation timber with opaque paint once, this will need to be repeated once every 2-3 years. Since such paints change their texture over time.

The painting process is simple, but labor-intensive. If you do not have enough time, then it is better to delegate this work to professionals. The price is usually calculated per square area work surface. Let's try to calculate how much it will cost to paint a wall and buy ready-made painted material in the form of a table:

Painting imitation timber on site Factory painting of imitation timber
Impregnation of panels with antiseptics – from 70 rub./m2 Imitation timber (brushed, painted larch (28Х135Х3-6 m) – from 1250 rub./m2
Application of a protective layer, primer - from 75 rub./m2 Imitation timber for interior decoration larch, brushed, painted (20x135x3-6 m) – from 1100 rub./m2
Brushing, pine / larch – from 150 / 200 rub./m2 Imitation timber for exterior finishing Angara pine, brushed, painted (34x160x3-6 m) - from 1000 rub./m2
Price for material (primer, antiseptic, varnish) – from 150 rubles/m2
Price for a panel of imitation timber - from 750 rubles (Larch grade AB, 28Х135Х3-4 m)
Complex processing (brushing + painting), pine / larch - from 400 / 450 rub./m2 Imitation timber for exterior finishing Angarsk pine, brushed, painted (20x135x3-6 m) - from 800 rub./m2
Total: from 1125 rub./m2 (pine)

As you can see from the table, the price for factory-painted material and the price for painting with the help of specialists are approximately the same. Is it worth spending so much of your time then? Although if you paint it yourself, you can save a lot.

The main stages of painting imitation timber

All work on painting imitation timber can be divided into main stages:

  1. Antiseptic impregnation of the working surface (ХМ 11, ХМББ).
  2. Application of a protective layer (pinatex and pinatex with UV protection).
  3. Final layer (varnish or paint).

This option may not be the most economical, but this coating will last for many years.

Experts advise painting the panels before attaching them to the wall. This way you can paint over all the grooves that are not available in the already monolithic finish. The panels will dry out, especially interior decoration, and the seams will come apart. Unpainted areas will become visible.

It is good to coat the panels with Texturil or wood primer. And only then apply the base layer. You may find a proposal to use iron brush so that the composition penetrates more deeply into the wood. This method is also called “brushing”. Using this method, the soft layer is removed from the imitation and the wood becomes more textured. This option is also discussed when wood needs to be visually aged. This option is shown in the photo in this article. The method is quite complex and difficult to do without special training and knowledge. We'll talk about classic version coloring.

Impregnations and paints are applied to the facade using a paint sprayer or a brush and roller. It is better to apply the coating indoors with a brush or roller. But it will be difficult to paint the joints and grooves with a roller. Before applying each layer, the previous one must dry. It is better to apply paint and varnish to the facade in 3 layers. On the walls and ceiling inside the house in 2 layers.

10 rules to follow when painting imitation timber

  1. Choose colors carefully. Look at the photos and consult with experts.
  2. Plan all your actions. Before purchasing covering material to imitate timber, make a careful calculation of the material. Once purchased, do a test painting on a piece of panel.
  3. When painting, take quality tools. Remember, a bad tool can fail even when working with high-quality and expensive paint.
  4. Wear protective clothing and a mask when working with non-water-based paints.
  5. When painting walls, ceilings, and facades, make sure that splashes do not get on the environment.
  6. Preparing the surface for the main painting should be done with the same care as the main work.
  7. Before painting, carefully read the instructions for use and make sure that all points are clear to you.
  8. Don't try to do the job quickly by applying a thick layer of paint. This will lead to unevenness and a sloppy appearance of the walls and façade.
  9. It is better to paint in warm time at temperatures from +10 degrees. Humidity should be no more than 10-15%.
  10. All tools must be washed and dried before each subsequent staining.

By observing all these conditions, you can get beautiful, evenly painted walls finished with imitation timber. Painting imitation timber looks especially advantageous in painted building complexes. For example, a house and a bathhouse, a garage and a gazebo, painted in the same style, etc.