What is the difference between a switch and a pass-through switch? What is the difference between a switch and a switch? How to connect a pass-through switch

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The pass-through switch is special kind electrical accessories, which is also often called backup or changeover.

The difference between a pass-through switch and a switch is that when using a switch, you can only close or open the circuit, while a walk-through switch is equipped with three contacts, as well as a switching mechanism. The changeover switch allows you to control one luminaire or a group of luminaires with different places.

Scope of application of pass-through switches

A pass-through lighting switch in an apartment or house can be used in different cases:

  • on the stairs. Switches are located on different floors - a person turns on the light downstairs, goes up and turns it off upstairs;
  • in the bedroom. One switch is located at the entrance, the other at the bed;
  • in a long corridor. Switches are installed at different ends of the corridor.

In addition, pass-through outdoor lighting switches are also used, which are mounted to illuminate paths, various entrances, etc.

Types of pass-through switch

Currently, there are several types of switches, both in appearance and in design. There is a single-key option and a two-key pass-through switch, the connection diagram of which is slightly different.

A pass-through two-key switch has six contacts and is, in fact, a connection of two single-key switches. It allows you to control several lamps and turn them on step by step.

There are also crossover switches that have four contacts and allow you to turn on the lamp from three places. In such a circuit for switching on a lighting device, you will need 2 pass-through switches and 1 cross switch.

Additionally, pass-through switches vary in appearance - there are pushbutton, rocker, rotary, and selector switches. specific type depends on the preferences and needs of the owners.

Currently, there are a large number of companies selling quality options, for example, a Legrand switch, the connection diagram of which does not differ from the switch diagrams of other brands.

How to design a pass-through switch?

When renovating an apartment or building a new house, you must immediately determine where the pass-through switches will be located. Since the switch connection diagram requires the use of more cables, it is necessary to think about this before starting electrical work.

It is also necessary to decide from how many places access to the luminaires is needed, and how many devices will be under its control. Once you have determined all the points, you will need a diagram pass-through switch, suitable for your plan.

How to connect a pass-through switch?

As mentioned above, the connection diagram for a pass-through switch with three and six contacts is slightly different. In addition, the design of a pass-through light switch depends on the number of points from which the light can be controlled.

Let's look at single-key electrical switches. Since pass-through switches switch from one circuit to another, it is necessary to provide power to the first pass-through switch, and the second switch will leave phase wire connecting to the wire from which the light bulb is powered, in distribution box. The switches are also connected to each other using a two-core cable. See the diagram for more details.

If you want to switch lights from several places, the following circuit will suit you. It is similar to the previous one. However, in this case, the switch must have two input contacts and two output contacts.

Connection diagram two-gang switches, also not much different from single-key ones. In essence, this circuit is a connection of two single-key switches and allows you to control two at once from two places lighting fixtures.

A switch and a switch are electrical devices that are designed to perform similar functions. However, these devices have fundamental differences from each other.

What is a switch

The switch is designed for electrical circuit interruption. With its help, lighting devices are controlled. Such products operate in on and off mode. Accordingly, they perform two functions - turning on the lighting or electrical device and turning it off. The simplest example of a product is a switch with one key, which can be found in any room that is illuminated by electric lighting devices.
Product closes an electrical circuit and is a means for controlling lighting.

What is a switch

Such devices are used for switching electrical circuit contacts. Their work is expressed in the transfer of contacts and the creation of a new electrical circuit. In appearance, the switch is very similar to a switch. However, these devices have different numbers of contacts.

So, a standard switch has three contacts, and a switch has six. In the on position, the device closes the first and second contacts. And when switched to the off position, the third and first contacts close. Thus, talking about the off position can be very conditional. The switch is always on.


These devices differ in operating principle, so they are used in different situations. Among the most characteristic features switches and switches, it is necessary to highlight the following:

  1. The switch is characterized by the presence only two contacts. Its work is expressed in connecting and disconnecting an electrical circuit. This is how the light is turned on and off. Meanwhile, the switch has more advanced capabilities. It is capable of connecting and disconnecting an electrical circuit, that is, performing the functions of a switch. But in addition to this, the switch can also create a new electrical circuit. This is achieved due to the presence of three contacts.
  2. Switches are installed in the appropriate rooms and are used to turn on or off lighting fixtures that are located in the same room. At the same time, using switches, you can control the same lighting fixture from several places. An example is the control of lamps in a corridor. When entering the corridor, you can use the switch to turn on the light. And after walking along it and finding yourself at the end of the corridor, using another switch you can turn off the light.
  3. In order to be able to turn on or off lighting from three or even more various points, you should use the so-called pass-through switches. In this case, one single-key switch should be installed closer to the beginning and to the end of the electrical circuit. And between them you can install any number of transition switches.

So the switch is more functional product. It is great for cases where a fairly large space is illuminated. This could be a long corridor or several flights of stairs. Thanks to the capabilities of switches, it will be possible to control the operation of lighting fixtures along the entire electrical circuit from anywhere.

Moreover, such places can be determined by the customer himself, when performing electrical installation work. That is, it will be possible to create a simple, reliable and comfortable lighting control system. At the same time fundamental difference Switches and switches consist precisely in the number of contacts. This value and provides greater useful capabilities of switches.

What are the similarities

Despite serious differences, these devices have many and common features. Among them, the main ones should be indicated:

  • They are designed to control lighting and electrical devices.
  • These products have several types. They can be installed indoors and outdoors.
  • There are models with waterproof housings. They are the ones intended for street installation, as they are adapted to various weather conditions.

So the switch has more complex design and more useful features than a switch. At the same time, they are not inferior to switches in durability and design.

Switches in electrical engineering are used to turn off and turn on low voltage electrical circuits alternately. For example, pass-through switches are designed for convenient lighting control in different rooms, stairs, corridors. Such electrical switches are mounted between floors, near the doors of rooms with several entrances.

It is convenient to manage other premises as well as from home. Switches allow you to control the operation of lighting while being in another place, which creates certain convenience and comfort, and also saves energy.

A simple switch has a key with two positions and one pair of contacts to which conductors are connected. A switch, unlike a switch, has three or more contacts. One contact is common, the rest are changeover. Each of these contacts has wires connected to it. To control lighting from other locations, a multi-pin switch is needed. Electrical switches allow you to control the operation of any electrical devices, and not just lighting.

Operating principle

Electric switches work as follows. The meaning of their work is to transfer the main contact from one circuit to another. Most often on back side The switch housing shows a diagram of the wire connections.

One contact is common (1), the other two contacts are changeover (2 and 3). By using two of these switches and placing them in different places, you can implement the most popular and simple lighting control scheme from two different places.

Terminals 2 and 3 matching the designations with switches PV-1 and PV-2 are connected by conductors to each other. Input 1 from PV-1 is connected to the phase, and PV-2 is connected to the lighting fixtures. The other end of the lamp is connected to the neutral conductor of the network.

The functionality of the circuit is checked by turning on the switch. First, voltage is applied, and the lamp alternately lights up and goes out from the individual action of any of the switches. When the circuit of one of the switches is opened, the other line of the circuit is switched on.

Types and design features

For the right choice switch, it is necessary to determine the type of control movement of the handle, the tasks being solved, the connection diagram, and the properties of the connected circuits.

There are electric switches, divided into types according to the type of movement of the handle control:

  • Angular.
  • Push.
  • Rotary.
Corner switches such as toggle switches are manufactured according to two schemes:
  • With cut-in contacts (Figure “a”).
  • Rocker type (Figure “b”).

Both types of switches have two stable handle positions. When the handle (1) moves, the spring (2) is compressed, concentrating the compression energy. When in the position shown by the dotted line, the device is in unstable equilibrium.

A slight shift of the handle and the spring suddenly moves the moving contact (3) to a stable position. As a result, the moving contact is intermittently connected to the fixed contact (6).

According to the connection diagram, toggle switches with cut-in contacts are divided into:
  • Single-pole (Figure “a”).
  • Single-pole double (Figure “b”).
  • Bipolar in two positions (figure “c, d”).

The handles of these switches can be in two fixed positions. Switching schemes can be very different. Toggle switches are used to switch between AC and DC circuits. They are capable of withstanding circuit loads of up to 6 amperes. The resistance of their contacts is very low (0.02 Ohm).

The reliability of toggle switches can be expressed by the possible number of switchings, which reaches 10,000 times.


Such toggle switches small sizes They benefit in size and weight compared to other types of toggle switches.

Electric push switches

Electrical switches in the form of buttons are classified according to the type of control:
  • Regular. The circuit is open or closed only when pressed.
  • Sticky. The circuit closes when there is no pressing force. To open the circuit, you must press again.
  • Twin. The circuit is closed when one button is pressed, and opened when another button is pressed. The button device is made on the basis of toggle switches and microswitches. In addition to the basic ones, there are original devices.
Connection diagrams for regular and sticky buttons are divided into:
  • Single-pole inclusions (Figure “a”).
  • Switching off (Figure “b”).
  • On/off (Figure “c”).
  • Bipolar inclusions (Figure “d”).

Push switches are made with protection from dust and moisture, and without protection.

Rotary switches
Electrical switches

Among electrical rotary switches, the most popular are biscuit switches. With their help, you can simultaneously connect several electrical circuits connected to each other.

The biscuit switch device is designed in such a way that a metal ring (2) with a protrusion is rigidly connected to the switch axis (1). Total number contacts located at 30 degrees – 12 pieces. When the axis is rotated 330 degrees, the common output is switched with 11 different circuits that are connected to contacts (4).

There are some modifications of biscuit switches. For example, the ring can be cut. A protrusion is made on each part. When the axis rotates, two common terminals are synchronously connected to 5 different circuits.

In biscuits rotary switches, cut-in blade contacts are used, which are made of copper alloys (bronze, brass), coated with a layer of silver. Blade contact makes it possible to reduce the influence of manufacturing errors in the assembly and parts, increase its vibration resistance and reliability.

Wire switches are capable of switching electrical circuits with currents up to 3 amps and voltages up to 350 volts DC. For alternating current, the permissible voltage is no more than 300 volts. The reliability of such switches is up to 10,000 switchings.

Switches are installed by soldering, except for toggle switch types, which are connected to the circuit with screws. The main requirement for mechanical installation of switches is the requirement: do not change the position of the housing and the inside of the switch when applying control force. In this regard, when using a switch, it is necessary to use only those fastening methods that comply with technical specifications certain type of switch.

Light cross switch circuit

To mount switches in three locations, an auxiliary device with a crossover switching circuit is required. Such a device consists of two 1-key switches with internal jumpers, made in one housing.

The cross switch is mounted between 2 ordinary ones. It is used only in conjunction with them, and is distinguished by the presence of 4 terminals. To control lighting from 4 places, you need to add the same device to the circuit. The crossover switch is connected to the changeover contacts of the switches in such a way that a working lighting power supply circuit is formed.

Complex groups of contacts require a large number of conductors and connections. The best option there will be an assembly of several simple circuits, instead of one complex one, since they will work more reliably and are more convenient to use. All basic must be produced in . Twisting of wires is not allowed.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to control light from different places in the same room. This need is especially relevant in long corridors, on landings, in basements, and in large rooms.

To be able to independently turn on and off lighting devices from several points, you will need pass-through and cross switches. A pair of pass-through devices will provide the ability to control two remote points, and a cross switch will allow you to turn the light on and off from three or more places.

Operating principle

Below is a diagram for connecting intermediate switches, providing independent switching on and off of lights from two different places.

Zero is connected directly to the lighting device, the phase is connected through a pair of switches connected by a two-wire conductor. With two switches PV1 and PV2, the first and third contacts are closed, as a result the circuit is closed, and electricity flows into the lamp.

To open the chain, press the button of any switch, for example, PV1. As a result, the first and second contacts will close. When you press the PV2 switch button, the same thing happens. Thus, we obtain a lighting system that is independently controlled from different points.

Cross Switch Functions

To create multiple control points, the capabilities of pass-through switches are not enough. You will need to include a cross switch in the connection diagram. The switch is connected to the gap of the two-wire conductor - between the pass-through devices.

The connection diagram for two pass-through switches and one cross switch is shown in the figure below.

All contacts are in a closed state. Current flows through the conductors (indicated in red). When you press the button of any of the three switches, the chain opens. Pressing a key on another device causes the circuit to close and electricity to flow through the blue wires.

For four control points, the circuit shown in the figure below is used. The circuit uses two pass-through and two crossover switches.

To control the light, not only keys are suitable, but also motion or clap sensors. However, such devices, despite their convenience, are not without drawbacks:

  • high prices;
  • not very high reliability;
  • false positives.

Types of switches

There are two types of crossover switches: rocker and rotary.


Devices of this type are the most common. Switches break one circuit and close another. Standard devices work with only one circuit.

Externally different types switches have the following characteristics:

  • single-key cross switch has 2 contacts;
  • pass-through - 3 contacts;
  • cross - 4 contacts.

The devices are equipped with one, two or three keys. Three-key and two-key cross switches are used to independently control multiple chains.

Rotary cross

Switches of this type are not so widespread. They are used to control light in industrial and warehouse buildings, to organize street lighting. Less commonly, rotary cross devices are used in residential premises. Closing and opening of contacts is carried out by moving the lever.

Overhead and built-in

Based on the installation method, switches are usually divided into two types - built-in and surface-mounted. Built-in models are installed at the stage of building construction or during the process of replacing box parts. Conductors are laid in wall channels or fixed to the walls. After this, the wires are covered with a layer of plaster or other finishing material.

Overhead devices are fixed to the wall. In this case, there is no need for special channels. Surface-mounted switches are not very convenient as they are susceptible to contamination. However, overhead models fit well into modern interiors.

Crossover Device Characteristics

Available for sale wide range electrical devices for light control - both Russian and foreign companies. Differences between switches different manufacturers mainly consist of pricing policy.

As an example, here are the technical data of a double crossover switch:

  1. Voltage - 220 Volts.
  2. Current strength - 10 Amperes.
  3. Construction materials - polycarbonate, plastic, thermoplastic.
  4. The protection class differs depending on the model. Some devices come with high level protection from moisture.

Installation instructions

Installation work is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. We lay and fix a two-core wire for connecting pass-through switches.
  2. We leave a small loop in the area where the cross switch is mounted, but do not cut the wire.
  3. We mount the switches in the desired places.
  4. We bring the ends of the conductors to the pass-through devices - two-wire, zero or phase.
  5. We test the network for the ability to control from two points.
  6. Turn off the power supply to the network.
  7. At the installation site of the crossover device, I will cut the two-core cable. We put a cross switch in the gap.
  8. We supply power.
  9. We check the network for operability with three control points.

For a cross-pass switch installed indoors, any insulated two-core cable with a cross-section appropriate for the load is suitable. Double insulated conductors are used for street lighting.

Today we will look at an interesting topic, we will figure out what types of switches and switches there are, what they are, and what they are used with. There are a lot of switches, among which there are absolutely incredible types. There are single-key, two-key and even three-key switches, walk-through switches, touch switches and generally a great variety of design options. There are also many options for design, color, shape and other factors that influence appearance switch. They also come in open and hidden wiring, but first things first.

The first thing we'll talk about today is the difference between a switch and a switch. If we talk in simple language, the switch either turns on or off, the switch switches accordingly. If a little more scientifically, then in the switch there is switching of the phase passing through it to the lamp. A switch switches two circuits between each other. If it has a pass-through design, it can switch three circuits between each other. But this is a huge rarity, so we won’t talk about it today. That is, by pressing the switch, the light turns on, and the phase is connected inside. If you press it again, the light will go out, as the phase will open. If we click on the switch, then our light comes on. Now let’s imagine for a second that we are in the corridor at this moment, although no, it’s better in the bedroom. It’s more pleasant to think about the bedroom, and in general it’s a magical place. So, we have a very large bedroom, and there is a switch at the entrance...

There is also a switch by the bed. Why, you ask? The answer is actually simple. By turning on the light with one switch at the entrance, you can turn it off from the bed with another without getting out of bed. Again, nothing is clear? I'll explain. The switches are connected to each other by two wires through which a phase can be closed. Accordingly, there are two ways through which the circuit can be connected. And there are two points at which you can close or open the circuit. How does this work? You ask. It's actually simple, the switch doesn't open anything, it just switches between the two wires that connect them. So it turns out that in one position the switch connects a wire that is connected by another switch into a circuit, and the light comes on. And while lying on the bed, you switch the current to another wire that is not connected on the other side and the light goes out. Here is such a complex simple scheme.

Another important fact is that there are switches, and there are pass-through switches. Do you want me to tell you a terrible secret? Are you sure you want it? It's the same thing. Yes, yes, you heard right. A pass-through switch and a switch are the same thing, and even have exactly the same wiring diagram.

Let's now talk about what types of switches there are. There are, as we have already told you, single-key, two-key and three-key switches. And with them everything is very clear. Depending on the number of keys, several lamps can be connected to it. Or, for example, you can turn on the chandelier in three stages. There are also switches with a slide switch, remember those used to be on old lamps? Or, for example, switches that need to be pulled by a string, remember?

Next, newfangled ways to turn on the light stand apart. There are switches that react to the light in the room or to movement, and some switches also react to noise. Correctly, such switch options are called sensors. But this is more likely for entrances, places public use, rarely does anyone use them in an apartment. Imagine you are watching TV in a room in which there is a switch with a motion sensor, for example, it turns out that you need to constantly move. And therefore, such methods of controlling light are not popular in apartments and private houses, but they are incredibly popular in housing and communal services, as they save energy.

Next, it is fashionable to include touch switches among the newfangled switches. This is a switch that closes or opens the network when touched. The design is actually not complicated. This switch consists of a touch panel that, when pressed, signals a special semiconductor circuit to close the circuit, and it closes it. The same thing happens when turning off only in the opposite direction.

Another very interesting switch is the remote control switch. Such switches are now making leaps and bounds towards their popularity. For remote control With such a switch, your apple or green robot will have to get a special application. By logging into this application from the other side of the planet, you can control the switching on of the lights and, in general, absolutely any processes in the house. Such systems are called smart home, but that's a completely different story. There are more simple options, these are switches with a control panel. That is, there is a switch built into the wall, but there are no buttons on it, how is that possible? And here it is. The buttons are on the remote control, which is in your hand, and from it you control the switch. Lately, chandeliers with remote control have been gaining popularity.

Another switch option is a dimmer. A dimmer is a device that is installed instead of a switch, in the same exact socket box. But this is not a simple device, but a magical one. Joke. The dimmer actually regulates the power supplied to the lamp, thereby allowing you to adjust the brightness of the lamps. Can you imagine having your own sunrise and sunset in your room? And if you have children and they love to put on theatrical performances at home, then you can light these performances almost professionally.

You should carefully consider the choice of dimmer. You should not buy cheap dimmers, as they either will not adjust the brightness, but not only that, they can also damage the lamps. Another important fact is that not all lamps are suitable for dimmer. There are either Ilyich light bulbs or special energy-saving and LED ones. But even special fluorescent lamps are not recommended for use with a dimmer, as this shortens their service life. Plus, such lamps are rare, difficult to find, and they cost “like a cast-iron bridge,” forgive me for such a comparison. It's much better to buy right away led lamps and forget about replacing them for many years. The main thing when buying is to pay attention to the lamp box; it must be compatible with a dimmer.

The last thing we'll talk about today is switch design. It is worth noting that in most cases we buy switches specifically for the apartment, and there is hidden wiring. So, all of the above switches have a hidden installation method. But don’t despair, any switch can be found for open mounting, although if push-button versions for open wiring are available in every store, then you will have to look for others.

A switch for hidden wiring, as a rule, consists of two parts - the mechanism itself and the frame. Also, some switches have the ability to be backlit. Some switches have it already built-in, but sometimes it is sold separately, it’s worth paying attention to. Such switches, as you already know, cannot be used with energy-saving lamps.

The result is a great variety of switch options. If we add to this that most manufacturers have both frames and mechanisms for hidden wiring of all colors and shapes of the rainbow. Some manufacturers produce the same variety of switches for open wiring. Here's the whirlpool for you. See you again!