Chrysanthemum Indian mixture growing from seeds. Description and types of flower

It’s hard to imagine that for more than two and a half thousand years people all over the world have been delighted with their magnificent chrysanthemum blossoms. The name of the flower is translated from Greek as “golden flower”. Indian chrysanthemum is widespread in our country among gardeners and indoor floriculture enthusiasts.


This is a fairly large perennial plant. Indian chrysanthemum in the garden grows up to 1.5 meters. It has simple stems and serrate-toothed leaves (dissected). The inflorescence is a basket in which the seeds ripen by December. Active flowering begins in September-November.

Under natural conditions, Indian chrysanthemum is distributed throughout Europe, the Middle East, the Caucasus and India. In open ground, these plants grow only in the southern regions. In terms of flowering duration, only orchids can compare with these magnificent flowers. But one of the advantages of chrysanthemums is the time of flowering - deep autumn, when the brightness of natural colors is already muted. These luxurious flowers attract increased attention from lovers and connoisseurs of natural beauty.

Large chrysanthemums began to be called Indian, since previously all oriental plants were called that way. To date, more than ten thousand varieties of Indian chrysanthemums have been bred. They all differ in the shape of leaves and flowers, color, and size. The large-flowered Indian chrysanthemum is particularly attractive, but is one of the most difficult plants for the novice gardener to grow. True, by applying the advice of experienced flower growers and preparing everything you need, you can grow magnificent flowers that will not only decorate the area, but will also become your pride. There are two methods for growing garden and indoor chrysanthemums.

Indian chrysanthemum: growing from seeds

If you decide to grow your own indoor chrysanthemum or decorate your garden with these flowers, you will need:

  • normal soil (with garden plot, for example) it is desirable that it contains an admixture of sand and peat; you can use a ready-made store-bought mixture for flowering plants;
  • several plastic cups or one large flat container;
  • watering can and water sprayer;
  • fluorescent lamp;
  • glass to create a microenvironment.

If you are going to sow seeds not in a store-bought mixture that has undergone all the necessary processing, then to prevent diseases, the soil should be calcined or frozen. Many experienced flower growers leave a bag of soil on the balcony for the winter, which freezes well. But you can use the freezer for this purpose.

Make small furrows in the soil and sow two or three seeds in them at a distance of ten centimeters from each other, this will make it easier to plant the seedlings after they germinate. Lightly sprinkle the seeds with soil (no more than one centimeter), moisten them with a little water from a spray bottle, and cover the container with glass. We leave it in this state in a well-lit place for seven days - this is exactly how long it will take for the first shoots to appear.

It is not easy to grow Indian chrysanthemums from seeds, but the process is very exciting. This plant is very light-loving. Within seven days after planting you will need a fluorescent lamp. But the air temperature should not be high - no more than +20 °C. The lamp can be abandoned in the only case - if the windows of the room where the plants are located face sunny side and the light hits them at least 6-8 hours a day. The Indian chrysanthemum remains in the primary container until complete rooting. The seeds usually grow into fairly strong seedlings that can be planted in a permanent pot or in the ground in the garden.


This type of plant propagation has its own rules:

  1. In the spring, cuttings about 20 centimeters long are planted in the soil for rooting.
  2. For better germination in the garden, they are covered plastic film on arcs, and in indoor floriculture they use a bag with holes for ventilation.
  3. The film should not come into contact with the cuttings.
  4. After the first shoots appear, the film is removed.
  5. It is advisable to feed the shoots with nitrogen fertilizers.
  6. Seedlings are grown until rooting, and after planting in open ground cover with film.

Indian chrysanthemum is a fairly hardy plant. It is cold-resistant, but very light-loving. In the central regions of Russia, chrysanthemum develops slowly in open ground, flowering does not last long, and its inflorescences are not too large. It is better to plant the plant in a flower bed in May.

Indoor Indian chrysanthemum: care at home

Indoor chrysanthemum needs loose, nutritious soil with neutral acidity. IN garden soil(4 parts) add the same amount of turf, 1 part humus and 1 part sand. In order for the plant to develop properly and bloom magnificently, the chrysanthemum is fed twice a month:

  • during the growth of deciduous mass, nitrogen fertilizers are used;
  • during the period of bud formation - phosphorus and potassium.

Indian for which is quite difficult for beginning flower growers, does not tolerate high temperatures. In order for it to delight with its flowering for a long time, it is necessary to constantly maintain the temperature no higher than +15 °C. IN summer time The pot with the plant is moved to a well-ventilated place, protected from direct sunlight, and in winter the chrysanthemum is stored at +5 °C. It should be taken into account that a lack of light will not benefit the flower - it simply will not bloom, so northern windows are not suitable for it.


Indian chrysanthemum loves water, so it should be watered once every three days when it dries out top layer soil. If you miss the next watering, the open flowers and unopened buds will begin to fade. The plant should also not be flooded, so as not to provoke rotting of the roots. For irrigation, you must use water that has stood for two days.


The first pruning is carried out to form a bush - the chrysanthemum is cut two, and sometimes three times top part escape. This promotes the growth of lateral processes. The last pinching is carried out approximately two weeks before the buds bloom.

Another pruning of the bush must be done before placing the flower in a cool, dark and dry place on winter storage. The shoots are cut off, leaving ten centimeters of the stem.

Diseases and pests

Indian chrysanthemum is afraid of some pests. The most dangerous ones for her are red spider mites, chrysanthemum nematodes and aphids. If watered too much, the flower is damaged powdery mildew. In this case, it is necessary to treat the diseased plant with an insecticide.

Useful properties

Many varieties of chrysanthemums have medicinal properties, some of them are edible. Flower petals collected during the period when the plant blooms intensively are used as medicinal raw materials. They contain:

  • essential oils;
  • glycoside;
  • camphor;
  • vitamin A;
  • choline;
  • adenine

In addition, they contain eufualakone, which is the core of chamazulene. Chrysanthemum flowers are used for brewing. This herbal tea increases appetite. And essential oils have a beneficial effect on the subcortex of the brain. This effective remedy, which is used in complex therapy for Parkinson's disease. An infusion of the petals, prepared in a water bath, quickly relieves heat and fever.

Popular types

It would take a very long time to list all the varieties of Indian chrysanthemum. They are all magnificent in their own way. Most of these flowers are the result of troublesome breeding work. They are the embodiment of style and beauty, sophistication and originality, sophistication and extravagance. So, we invite you to get acquainted with some popular varieties.

Chrysanthemum "Aurora"

It is distinguished by flat orange inflorescences. The flowers reach ten centimeters in diameter. Flowering - from September to October. The plant is suitable for growing on personal plot, its height is about a meter.


White, pink, yellow, lilac, lemon or green flowers, up to 17 centimeters in diameter. The inflorescence is flat, thin and very fragile. Flowering continues throughout the fall.


The inflorescence is flat, having two-color petals: stripes of pink and white. The bush is small, blooms for a long time, suitable for indoor growing.


Little cute "sunflower". The petals are colored orange, lemon or yellow with a brown core. Blooms for a short time.


This variety is distinguished by double flowers and a variety of shades. Blooms long and profusely.

"Like Worth"

Magnificent chrysanthemum daisies. Flat and large orange inflorescences with a yellow stripe are collected around a green core. They are the embodiment of simplicity and originality.

"North Bye"

A variety that blooms for a very long time. The medium-sized inflorescences have a yellow-green center and bicolor yellow-white petals with a purple edge.

"Snow Elf"

Pompom snow-white terry chrysanthemum. The flowers do not exceed eight centimeters in diameter. Bush of medium height.

More than two and a half thousand years ago, the triumphal procession of chrysanthemums around the world began. Then one Chinese philosopher said: “If you want to be happy, grow chrysanthemums.”

. The height of the stem can reach 1.5 meters, but the average value is 80-100 centimeters. It dies off in winter. Belongs to the Asteraceae or Asteraceae family.

Translated from Greek, chrysanthemum is a golden flower.

Features of the plant:

  • The name is based on the characteristic color of the inflorescence - golden yellow in all types of chrysanthemums.
  • It has fairly simple stems, dissected leaves (serrate-toothed).
  • The inflorescence is a basket. The seeds ripen by December. Peak flowering occurs between September and November. However, flowering is possible from August to December.
  • The location of the plant is the entire territory of the Middle East, Europe, India, and the Caucasus. But Indian chrysanthemums grow in open ground only in the southern regions.
  • Otherwise, these beautiful flowers are grown using agricultural techniques in a protected place or as indoor plants.

Only orchids can compete with the duration of flowering of chrysanthemums. But chrysanthemums bloom at a time when the brightness of the colors is dulled - in the fall. This quality of chrysanthemums attracts attention. Large chrysanthemums were originally called “Indian”, since in those days it was customary to call all plants from the East that way.

Now more than 10 thousand varieties of Indian chrysanthemums have been bred. They have a variety of shapes, colors, and sizes.

Amateur flower growers, passionate about this wonderful plant, cultivate Indian chrysanthemums using the mother bushes. They are stored at low temperatures without hypothermia in specially designated places: basements, insulated greenhouses, greenhouses.

However, it is very difficult for an amateur to grow gorgeous Indian chrysanthemums with large flowers on his own in the garden. But, if you apply the advice of experienced flower growers, having prepared everything necessary for this, then you will be able to make your dream come true. There are 2 methods for germinating chrysanthemums.

When growing flowers from seeds, you must adhere to some rules:

  • Indian chrysanthemum is planted in open ground only as seedlings.
  • The seeds are first packed in damp cloth and film.
  • Store in the refrigerator at +5 degrees for several days.
  • Wet seeds are planted in the soil in rows.
  • The soil in the box should always be moist.
  • The seeds are slammed into the ground, but not sprinkled, thereby providing access to light.
  • Cover the trays or boxes with the planted seeds with film, periodically ventilating them.
  • After seed germination, the film is removed and the soil is loosened.
  • Into the ground outdoors seedlings are planted after the onset of warm days.
  • The distance between bushes should be at least 50 centimeters.
  • Soil is necessary.
  • Flowers must have full access to light.
  • After flowering ends, the stems are cut at a height of 10-20 centimeters, placed in boxes with moistened sand.
  • Store during the winter at a temperature of +2 - +5 degrees without irrigation.

When growing Indian chrysanthemum cuttings there are rules:

  • Cuttings up to 20 centimeters long are brought into the soil for rooting in the spring.
  • For the shoots to germinate, they are covered with a film on the arches.
  • Ventilate periodically.
  • The film should not come into contact with the planted cuttings.
  • After chrysanthemums germinate, the film is removed.
  • The cuttings and the leaves that have sprouted on them should not touch.
  • It is advisable to feed the shoots with nitrogen fertilizers.

There is also a way to germinate Indian chrysanthemums using cuttings.

The difference is that before the flowers are planted in the ground, they are germinated in pots until they are completely rooted. And after planting, they are not covered with polyethylene.

In general, the Indian chrysanthemum is a hardy plant. These varieties are drought and cold resistant. But the plant does not tolerate darkness, it is light-loving. Prefers fertile lands. In the conditions of the middle zone in open space, the Indian chrysanthemum develops slowly, blooms for a short time, and has small inflorescences. The best time for planting in a flower bed is May. The plant is afraid of certain pests.

Among the most dangerous for chrysanthemums are aphids, chrysanthemum nematodes and red spider mites.

At poor care and strong watering, the flower can. In such cases, isolation of the diseased plant and treatment with an insecticide is required.

You can grow in one flowerbed different varieties Indian chrysanthemum, which will make the composition bright and original. The main thing in the composition is correct selection chrysanthemums

The culture of growing these beautiful flowers has a centuries-old tradition. These flowers, including many species of Indian chrysanthemums, have been cultivated since 550 BC. In Europe, chrysanthemums gained their authority in the 17th century.

These flowers have long been an object of worship. They are depicted on coins and state symbols. Chrysanthemums are mentioned in poems and songs. Many varieties of this plant are used as medicinal raw materials, some are edible.

Flower petals are used as medicinal raw materials during their intensive flowering period.

  • Essential oil.
  • Camphor.
  • Glycoside.
  • Choline.
  • Vitamin A.
  • Adenine.

The composition contains eufualakone, which is the core of chamazulene. Chrysanthemum flowers are brewed as tea to stimulate the appetite. A essential oil The plant has a beneficial effect on the subcortical areas of the human brain in the fight against Parkinson's disease. An infusion of chrysanthemum petals, prepared in a water bath, perfectly relieves heat and soothes fever.

Poultices made from fresh Indian chrysanthemum leaves are an excellent remedy for migraines.

The most popular among gardeners are the following varieties of Indian chrysanthemum:

  • Aurora. It has flat orange inflorescences. The flowers are flat, with a diameter of up to 10 centimeters. Blooms from September to October. It can grow up to 1 meter in height.
  • Altgold. It has a dense double inflorescence of golden yellow color and flat shape. Flowering period: from August to October. The stem is low.
  • Primavera. The flower is pale pink, hemisphere, diameter up to 10 centimeters. The plant is tall. Blooms from September to October.
  • Snow elf. Pompom chrysanthemum, white, terry. Flowers with a diameter of 5 to 8 centimeters. Medium height plant. Blooms in autumn.
  • Anastasia. Flower color: white, yellow, pink, lilac, green or lemon. The diameter of the inflorescence is huge - up to 17 centimeters. Flat inflorescence, fragile and delicate. Blooms all autumn.
  • Artist. Flat inflorescence with two-color petals: stripes of white and pink color. A small bush with a long flowering period.
  • Vimini. This is a small "sunflower". Petals are yellow, orange and lemon in color with a brown center. Has a short flowering period.
  • Tsiya. The flowers are medium-sized with dark burgundy petals with a white border and a green center. The bushes are low.
  • North Bay. For a long time flowering variety. Medium-sized inflorescences with a yellow-green core and bicolor petals. The petals are yellow-white with a purple stripe.
  • Like Worth. These are chrysanthemum daisies. Large flat inflorescences of orange color with a yellow stripe are collected around a green center. They combine unusualness and simplicity.
  • Carnival. This variety is distinguished by a variety of colors and double flowers. It blooms for a very long time.

It would take a long time to list all the varieties of Indian chrysanthemum. They are all magnificent in their bloom. Most of these flowers are the result of breeding work. These are thousands of hybrids. Once you fall in love with these beautiful flowers, you can’t stop loving them.

They embody style and beauty, sophistication and originality, sophistication and extravagance.

More information can be found in the video.

Syn: small-flowered chrysanthemum, Indian dendranthemum, small-flowered dendranthemum, Indian goldenflower,

Indian chrysanthemum is a perennial ornamental, beautifully flowering herbaceous plant 0.5-1 m high, dying off in the winter. Widely used in folk medicine countries of the East. In decorative floriculture, the Indian chrysanthemum laid the foundation for a large variety of varieties of small-flowered hybrid chrysanthemums.

Ask the experts a question

Flower formula

Indian chrysanthemum flower formula: *Х5 or 0Л5Т5П1.

In medicine

Indian chrysanthemum is not a pharmacopoeial plant and is not used in official medicine, but is widely used in folk medicine eastern countries as an anti-inflammatory, mild sedative, antispasmodic.

Contraindications and side effects

The main contraindication to the use of Indian chrysanthemum is individual intolerance. The flowers of the plant have a rather pronounced aroma, which can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, use the plant for medicinal purposes during pregnancy, lactation or during childhood undesirable.

In cooking

In Japan, they make a very healthy and pleasant-tasting drink from a mixture of leaves and flowers of two types of chrysanthemums: Indian and Chinese. Wine is also infused on the petals of the plant - this gives the drink an additional floral aroma. In Japanese restaurants, delicate colorful dishes are prepared from delicate chrysanthemum petals.

In China, chrysanthemum flowers are used to prepare delicious dessert, reminiscent of a delicate cake. The flowers are breaded in a mixture of beaten eggs and flour, then briefly dipped in boiling oil. After the excess oil has drained off, sprinkle the flowers with sugar and serve.

Chrysanthemum flower tea is a very famous drink. It has a rather pleasant taste, the drink improves liver function, removes toxins and has a positive effect on vision. Also, this tea contains virtually no calories, so it is good to use in dietary nutrition.

In cosmetology

Chrysanthemum has unique property skin rejuvenation. The plant has a delicate aroma, tones and nourishes the skin, retains moisture in the cells of the epidermis, smooths out fine wrinkles, helps smooth the skin, relieves mild swelling and irritation, and has a calming effect on the skin. Chrysanthemum infusion is very useful for rinsing hair for shine. For the production of cosmetics, extract and essential oil obtained from chrysanthemum flowers are most often used.

In gardening

Best place for planting Indian chrysanthemum - a sunny hill with loose, moisture-permeable soil, rich in nutrients.

Indian chrysanthemums They are most often propagated by cuttings from shoots that form from mother plants.

Chrysanthemum cuttings can be planted both in spring (May-early June) and in autumn (2 weeks before the first frost). It is best to plant in rainy or cloudy weather. You cannot plant cuttings in the heat - the young seedling will not withstand the scorching sun. After planting the cuttings, you need to do the first pinching - remove the growing point. And after 3 weeks, pinch the top of the shoot.

Sometimes chrysanthemums are planted by seeds. Best time for sowing chrysanthemum seeds in the ground - May. Small holes are prepared for planting; 3-4 seeds are sown in each hole. The distance between the holes should be at least 25 cm. When growing Indian chrysanthemum from seeds, it is important to maintain the moisture of the top layer of soil.

To prevent the soil from drying out, you need to cover it with a film, not forgetting to ventilate it sometimes. Water very carefully, preferably spraying. After seed germination, remove the film. Picking chrysanthemums is done after the appearance of the third pair of leaves. Young seedlings are not frost-resistant, so they are planted in the ground only after the onset of constant warmth.

During long-term cultivation for wintering, the bushes are dug up, the stems are cut at a height of 20 cm, and placed in boxes. The roots are sprinkled with damp sand and the boxes are placed in the cellar at a temperature of +2°C.

Chrysanthemum tolerates the dry air of city apartments quite well, so it also grows successfully in pots. Such chrysanthemums are replanted every year, in the spring, using a soil mixture of turf and leaf soil, compost and sand (4:2:2:1).


Indian chrysanthemum (lat. Chrysanthemum indicum L.) - a type of perennial herbaceous plants Chrysanthemum genus (Latin Chrysanthemum) of the Aster family (Latin Asteraceae) or Compositae (Latin Compositae).

Botanical description

The rhizome of Indian chrysanthemum is thick and branched. The stem is erect or creeping at the base, up to 1 meter tall. Leaves are ovate or ovate-oval, sparsely pubescent, 6-7 cm long and 1-2.5 cm wide, pinnate or slightly dissected; the leaves growing at the top of the stem are small. The flowers are pink, white or yellow, collected in inflorescences - baskets up to 2.5-5 cm in diameter. A significant part of the middle tubular flowers are transformed into reed flowers. The fruits are oblong achenes.


A wild species of chrysanthemum was found in China, in places with a subtropical climate and high humidity. Wild chrysanthemums grew here and in the bamboo forests near the rice fields. Now the wild Indian chrysanthemum is distributed throughout almost the entire territory of China.

Chrysanthemum is grown as a beautifully flowering, decorative foliage plant in the south of the European part of Russia, in many provinces of China, as well as in Japan, India and most countries of Europe, Asia and America.

This flower grows on grassy mountain slopes, in bushes, along river banks and in other damp places.

Regions of distribution on the map of Russia.

Procurement of raw materials

Dried inflorescences (“flowers”) are collected as medicinal raw materials of Indian chrysanthemum.

Raw materials are harvested during the most intense flowering of the plant. collected flowers are treated with sulfur, then moisture is removed from them by squeezing and dried in the sun. Chrysanthemum flowers for making tea drinks are not subject to such processing. They are collected by hand and then dried in the most natural conditions possible.

Chemical composition

Indian chrysanthemum inflorescences contain gandelin chrysanthelid, chrysanthemol, chrysanthemiol, indicumenone, chrysanthenon, cis-spirenol ester, trans-spirenol ester, angeloincumambrine B, angeloylayadin, arteglasin A, acacia, luteolin, luteolin-7-O-β-D-glucoside, cetin -O-β-D-glucoside, chrysanthemine, chrysanthemumaxanthin, daucosterol, coumambrine A, acacetin, acacetin-7-O-β-D-galactopyranoside, 1-O-behenoylglycerol, palmitic, ursolic and linoleic acids, b-sitosterol, lupeol , octacosanol, etc.

Also found in the plant are essential oils, dl-camphor and chrysanthemum glycoside, which, upon hydrolysis, breaks down into glucose and cyanide. Found were stachydrine, adenine, choline, vitamin A, and the lactone compound eufualactone, which is the main core of chamazulene.

Pharmacological properties

Indian chrysanthemum contains a huge spectrum minerals, necessary for the normal functioning of the human body, especially the nervous system: potassium, magnesium, selenium, zinc. It also contains vitamins, especially vitamin C.

Essential oil has the greatest therapeutic effect, which strengthens the human immune system, increases the body's defenses and has a beneficial effect on nervous system, helps with sleep disorders.

Chrysanthemum infusion reduces high blood pressure.

The alcoholic extract of this plant helps fight hemolytic streptococci, Staphylococcus aureus, and meningococcus; it has the effect of a natural antibiotic.

Chrysanthemum tea also has many beneficial properties. It contains no caffeine and has a calming effect. Substances contained in tea help regulate cholesterol levels and lower blood pressure. A drink made from chrysanthemums facilitates digestion, especially after eating heavy fatty and fried foods.

In China, a drink made from chrysanthemums is included in the treatment of colds. It reduces fever, relieves cough, and has antiviral and antibacterial properties. Tea also removes toxins, cleanses the blood and improves blood circulation. Tea made from dry chrysanthemum petals helps maintain calcium levels.

Use in folk medicine

In Chinese folk medicine, chrysanthemum leaves are used to treat migraines, dried flowers are used to improve appetite, and petals are used as an aromatic agent that has an anti-inflammatory and mild sedative effect.

Baths with the addition of chrysanthemum petals have a beneficial effect not only on the skin, but also on the psychological state, strengthen weakened immunity and stimulate appetite. An aromatic bath of chrysanthemum petals improves vitality, has a calming effect on the nervous system and allows you to relax as much as possible.

Chrysanthemum is used by folk healers to treat eye diseases, the flowers are used externally to treat boils, scrofula, deep abscesses, eczema and itchy skin.

Flowers and leaves of chrysanthemums in many countries were used to treat malaria, alcoholism, migraines, stomach diseases, inflammation of the throat and cervix, hypertension, and the roots were used as a laxative.

To treat a severe runny nose or decreased sense of smell, chrysanthemum flower petals soaked in oil are placed under the nose.

Chrysanthemum is used for exacerbation of chronic bronchitis and pulmonary tuberculosis. Chrysanthemum honey is also effective against these diseases (it is obtained by infusing the petals with honey).

Chrysanthemum will be useful for joint diseases: arthrosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis. To improve the patient's condition with these diseases, baths with flower petals, as well as compresses from chrysanthemum honey, are recommended. It is recommended to apply compresses of petals soaked in vegetable oil to the joints. For osteochondrosis, rubbing the spine with an infusion of chrysanthemum flowers helps.

Chrysanthemum tea with linden has a positive effect on the condition of a person suffering from kidney disease. The drink has diuretic properties and perfectly cleanses the body.

Chrysanthemum in the form of a decoction helps normalize myocardial function and reduces “bad” cholesterol. The plant helps with hypertension. To reduce the pressure, the petals are first kept in vegetable oil, and then applied to the wrists, wrapped in wax paper. To relieve headaches, chrysanthemum oil infused with flower petals is prepared. It is used for light massage of the temples.

In Indian folk medicine, chrysanthemum is used to treat gonorrhea and migraine.

Historical background

The name "chrysanthemum" comes from the Greek words: "chrysos" - "golden" and anthemis - "flower". That is why Carl Linnaeus named the chrysanthemum - “Chrysanthemum”.

The chrysanthemum became one of the main symbols of Japan a long time ago, back in the 12th century - it was then that the image of the flower appeared on the blade of the emperor reigning at that time. Already from the VIII-XII centuries. Clothes and utensils were decorated with images of chrysanthemums. Only in 1871 was the image of the chrysanthemum declared sacred and allowed to be used only by persons belonging to the imperial house. beautiful flower was placed on the national flag, on coins and on the highest Japanese order, the name of which has not changed to this day: the Order of the Chrysanthemum. The stylized image of the sixteen-petalled imperial golden chrysanthemum is still the unofficial coat of arms of Japan.

Chrysanthemum in Japanese is called "kiku" ("sun") and is denoted by the same hieroglyph. According to legend, the Japanese themselves, the Yamato, come from the Sun and therefore bear the proud name “people of the sun.”

One of the most beloved holidays in Japan, the Chrysanthemum Festival, is also associated with the chrysanthemum. This romantic holiday, which takes place during the chrysanthemum blossoms, has been celebrated for a long time. On this day in ancient times, the Japanese decorated blooming chrysanthemums their homes, and among the nobility there was a custom of riding on boats decorated with flowers. Competitions were held for the best poets of Japan to write poems dedicated to the chrysanthemum, the hero of the occasion.

The chrysanthemum was first brought to Europe from Japan to England back in 1676 by the Dutch traveler Reede, but the flower was practically not noticed by anyone. Therefore, the date of appearance of the chrysanthemum in Europe is considered to be 1789, when Captain Pierre Blanchard brought it to Marseille. And only 40 years later, in 1829, the gardener Berne from Toulouse began to breed chrysanthemums from seeds, and only after obtaining several new beautifully colored varieties, other gardeners followed his example. And in the 50s. In the 19th century, about 300 new varieties of chrysanthemums were developed, differing not only in color, but also in the shape of the flowers.


    Alekseyuk E.F.: Korean chrysanthemum: cultivation and new varieties. Newspaper Ural Gardener, No. 51, 2012

    Nedoluzhko A. I. Chrysanthemums for Primorye / Moskalyuk T. A. - Vladivostok: BSI FEB RAS, 2004. - 51 p.

    A.I. Schröter, B.G. Valentinov, E.M. Naumova

  1. Directory “Natural raw materials of Chinese medicine” (in 3 volumes), volume I, Moscow, 2004.

People who like to decorate their home or yard are always interested in growing something new, pleasing to the eye - they want this plant to stand out with its shape, leaves, flowers, colors, and so on. And the plant, which will be discussed further, is unusual and beautiful - it is the Indian chrysanthemum.


There are more than 10 thousand species of Indian chrysanthemums in modern floriculture. They different colors, size, shape.


Growing Indian chrysanthemum is not difficult, most often it occurs.

Important! To create a beautiful lush bush With many flowers, the plant constantly needs to be pinched.


Chrysanthemum requires moderate air humidity, about 70-75%, during the period before flowering - 60-65%.


The crop grows well on any fertile, well-fertilized soil. Neutral is more suitable.


Chrysanthemum loves water very much, but it should be moderate. You can water it 1-2 times a week, and not necessarily at the root, you can, but not often.

Important! Under no circumstances should you overwater the plant - this may cause it to rot.

Top dressing

Like any other, our plant needs feeding. Before planting, it should be well fertilized; later, fertilizing is best done in stages.

When the leaves grow, you need to feed them. When buds appear, use

Translated from Greek, the word “chrysanthemum” means “golden flower”. In total, more than 10 thousand varieties of this species are known, each of which has its own unique characteristics (shape, color, size, etc.). The cultivation of these flowers began in China more than 2000 years ago. In Europe, chrysanthemum gained popularity in the 17th century, and 100 years later they began to engage in artificial cultivation of the crop.

Chrysanthemum indica, or Indian mixture, is perennial plant, belongs to the Aster family (Asteraceae). The species is distinguished by a surprisingly long flowering period (1-2 months without loss of attractiveness), which begins in the fall, when the summer colors gradually fade. This quality gives chrysanthemums even greater value.

For your information! At first everything large species chrysanthemums were called Indian.

Features of the flower

Flowers of this species have long earned special authority; for example, a chrysanthemum is depicted on the obverse of the Chinese 1 yuan coin. Often the image of this plant is found in artistic and musical works. Chrysanthemums are also made from living plants. self made which are very popular among buyers. Many varieties, including Indian chrysanthemum, serve as ingredients (in the form of flower petals) for cooking medicines. Some varieties of the plant can also be eaten.

They contain substances such as:

  • vitamin A;
  • glycoside;
  • choline;
  • adenine;
  • essential oil;
  • eufualacon.

Chrysanthemum flowers are used to make tea, which awakens the appetite. Essential oil has a beneficial effect on the brain, which is very useful for Parkinson's disease. An infusion prepared from chrysanthemum flowers has a powerful antipyretic effect. Compresses based on the leaves of the flower will help eliminate migraine attacks.

Characteristics of the species

In nature this type chrysanthemums are found in the Caucasus, the Middle East and India. The culture is much less widespread in European countries.

Indian chrysanthemum is hardy, drought-resistant and winter-hardy. The plant does not tolerate shade, as it is one of the light-loving crops.

Important! Climate Middle zone not the best for this species. Under these conditions, the flower grows slowly, is characterized by short flowering, and has very small inflorescences.

Golden flower is actively used in landscape design. The beautiful Indian chrysanthemum will look great in any flower bed or flower bed. In one place you can grow several varieties of this species at once. In this case, the composition will look brighter and more original. The main thing in a floral ensemble is harmony and a sense of proportion.

Bush chrysanthemum in landscape design

Pay attention! Chrysanthemum Indicum Mix is ​​perfect for growing at home.

The maximum height of the stem is 1.5 m, with the average value varying from 80 to 100 cm. The stems are branched, the leaves have a dissected shape. The flowering period occurs in August-November or September-December. This or that variety depends on the climate. The seeds ripen by December.

The flowers consist of many small petals of golden yellow color (there are other color options) and resemble a basket in shape. The bud is present on every branch of the chrysanthemum, which is why the bush looks especially beautiful during intensive flowering.

Important! Chrysanthemum is grown in garden and summer cottages, in courtyards, flower beds and lawns. The culture grows well indoors.

Varieties of Indian chrysanthemum

Among the most famous varieties of Indian chrysanthemum are the following:

  • Anastasia. Flowers can have different colors: from white, pink and yellow to lilac, green and lemon. Flat double inflorescences reach 17 cm in diameter. The petals have their own appearance resemble rays. The inflorescence itself is located at the top of a strong stem 17 cm long. The variety received its name in honor of Princess Anastasia, the daughter of Nicholas II.
  • Aurora. Flat double inflorescences are colored orange. The upper side of the flowers is red, the lower side is yellow. The diameter of the latter is 7-10 cm. The height of the chrysanthemum reaches 1 m. Strong shoots are few in number.
  • Snow elf. The flowers are double, white, 5-8 cm in diameter. Plant height is 50-70 cm.
  • Carnival. Differs in diversity color palette and long flowering period.
  • Tsiya. The flowers are dark burgundy, the petals are edged with white. The bushes are low, the flowers are medium sized.
  • Artist. Stripes of white and pink stretch along the petals.
  • North Bay. Main feature- petals are yellow-white with a purple stripe.
  • Like Worth. The flowers resemble daisies in appearance. This variety is very unusual and therefore has great decorative value. Along the edges of the orange petals, gathered around a green center, are yellow stripes.
  • Altgold. It is characterized by a flat, bright yellow inflorescence and a low stem. Blooms from August to October.
  • Vimini. Outwardly similar to a sunflower. Flowers can be yellow, lemon, or orange. The core of the flower is brown. It has a short flowering period.
  • Cleopatra. Blooms profusely for a long time. The flowers are bright, sunny shades. The variety is distinguished by its compact bush shape.

All these and other varieties of Indian chrysanthemum are unique and magnificent in their own way. Most of them are the result of artificial selection.

Planting and care

Plants with large flowers can be quite difficult to grow on your own. However, if you follow the recommendations of experienced flower growers, it seems quite possible to grow all kinds of varieties of this type of chrysanthemum.

There are two ways to grow them:

  • from seeds;
  • cuttings.

Indian chrysanthemum seeds

Growing varieties of chrysanthemum Indian mixture from seeds requires compliance with the following rules:

  • Since many are interested in the question of whether the Indicum Mix chrysanthemum can grow in open ground, it is worth noting that yes, it can, but only seedlings are planted in open ground.
  • Before placing the seeds in the soil, they are wrapped in a damp cloth and stored in this form for several days. The temperature must be at least 5°C.
  • Wet seeds are planted in the soil.
  • The soil in the container should also be moist.
  • The seed material is not covered with soil to ensure penetration of sunlight.
  • The boxes with planted seeds are covered with film, ventilated from time to time.
  • As soon as they germinate, the film is removed and the soil is loosened.
  • Seedlings are placed in open ground after warm weather sets in.
  • The bushes should be located at a distance of 50 cm from each other.
  • The soil requires regular loosening and watering.
  • Flowers need full access to light.
  • At the end of the flowering period, the stems are cut off, leaving 10-20 cm. Then the plants are placed in containers with moistened sand and stored during the winter at a temperature of 2-5°C.

When growing Indian chrysanthemum using the second method, you must follow the following recommendations:

  • The length of the cuttings should be at least 20 cm. In the spring they are rooted into the ground.
  • The seedlings are covered with film with the possibility of regular ventilation. Cellophane should not come into contact with the cuttings.
  • As soon as the flowers sprout, the film is removed.
  • The shoots should be fed with nitrogen-containing fertilizers.

Another method of propagation by cuttings is that the flowers are first germinated in pots until they are completely rooted and only then planted in the ground and covered with film.

Important! The best time to plant Indian Chrysanthemum is May.

Both at home and in the garden, caring for the Mix chrysanthemum involves regular watering, fertilizing, pruning and other necessary measures. The variety does not tolerate high temperatures. For normal growth and long flowering the temperature must be maintained at 10-15°C. In summer, the pot with the plant is placed in a dark, well-ventilated place, and in winter it is stored at 5°C.

Chrysanthemum Mix does not tolerate direct sunlight, therefore it is best to place the flower near the eastern or western windows.

The plant loves moisture, so it needs to be watered once every 3 days. To prevent the flower from rotting, you should not water it too much. It is allowed to moisten the soil with tap water, but before doing this it must stand for 2 days. Periodically, the chrysanthemum is sprayed with clean water.

Chrysanthemum Mix

The first pruning is necessary for correct formation bush. To do this, pinch the chrysanthemum a couple of times, which stimulates the growth of side shoots. Last time The tops are cut off 2 weeks before flowering. Next trim, in which all shoots are removed to a level of 10 cm, is carried out before placing the plant in a dark, dry, ventilated place for the winter.

Diseases and pests

Like any other plant, this species is susceptible to diseases and pests. Among the latter, the greatest threat is posed by:

  • nematodes;
  • spider mites (feed on plant cell sap);

Pay attention! With frequent watering and poor care, the flower can be affected by powdery mildew. To combat the disease, an effective remedy is used - an insecticide, which is used to treat the diseased plant. Also, the chrysanthemum needs to be isolated from other plants at this time.

Indian chrysanthemum is perfect for growing by both beginners and experienced flower growers. Flowers embody original beauty and unique style. If you care for the plant correctly, following the recommendations listed in the article, the chrysanthemum will delight you with its lush and bright flowering for a long time.