How to properly position the light in an apartment. What is lighting design? How to combine lamps in a studio apartment

Designer Ekaterina Malaya helped The Village figure out why lighting design is needed, what tiers and lighting scenarios are, and why, already at the electrical planning stage, you need to know exactly where your favorite figurine will stand.

Ekaterina Malaya


Even if you found the “same” shade for the walls, you spent money on wooden floors, brought a Moroccan carpet from a trip and ordered furniture from the latest collection of a successful brand in Milan, the result may be disappointing. All your six-month efforts can be crossed out by one single mistake - illiterate lighting. This happens when electrical wiring is installed at random at the planning stage. And not from a lack of diligence, but simply because they haven’t yet decided where the sofa will be, how long the dining table will be, and haven’t thought about accessories at all.

Rule one

Start electrical planning when a detailed furniture arrangement plan is ready

At least this is how you will do yours new home convenient for life. Switches are usually located at a distance of 15 centimeters from the edge of the doorway, on the side where the door handle is: you must be sure of the door opening pattern. For overhead lights in the bedroom, I always recommend a pass-through switch to my customers so that they can turn the same overhead light on or off both at the door and at the bed. This is also convenient for a long corridor leading from the hallway to the bedrooms. But try to avoid too many switches. If on the way from front door to get to the kitchen you will have to turn on the light more than twice, then the circuit is bad: you simply will not use it to its full potential.

Rule two

The light should be different

The space we live in is three-dimensional, and building lighting in tiers will help emphasize depth and volume, which is impossible to do with single source Sveta. Designers distinguish four tiers of lighting: upper (ceiling lamps, chandeliers, built-in spotlights), the first middle (wall lamps, sconces, floor lamps), the second middle (bedside lamps, lamps on low window sills and coffee tables) and lower (lights built into the plinth and floor, floor light sculptures).

The lower the light source, the more intimate the atmosphere it creates, and vice versa. With the overhead light on (even if it is a stunningly romantic chandelier with candles and crystal pendants), it is impossible to achieve the effect of a cozy room. The two lower levels of lighting are best suited for this purpose - candles in decorative fireplace or a real fire in the hearth also includes them.

Rule three

Don't insist on sconces

Wall lamps (first middle tier) are not currently used independently. 150 years ago these were candles on the wall that were easy to reach, while chandeliers were lit only on special occasions. In modern classic interiors The sconces remained by inertia, as an accessory. They turn on rarely, and always together with the chandelier. Many of my customers ask me to plan a sconce above the bed. But it's not functional. Ideal for the sleeping area is a combination of a lamp with soft diffused light on the bedside table and a small lamp with a flexible leg for reading, which can be mounted on the wall or at the head. This way you will be able to see the text clearly without tiring your eyes. The sconce only illuminates the wall or the top of your head.

Rule four

Think about unusual lamps in advance

Another type of wall lamps: located at the same height as classic sconces (140-170 centimeters from the floor), they look more like a sculpture or installation and can become a central element in the interior. It is better not to put off the appearance of such objects in the apartment until the last minute. This is the very stove from which you should dance, thinking over the covering of the walls, the configuration of the furniture and even the proportions of the room. If you just put a free cable on the wall so that you can later pick up something here for lighting dark corner, you will be disappointed: such lamps do not provide much more light than a night light, and they will most likely look inappropriate.

Rule five

Avoid mistakes when planning spot lighting

Built-in, or spotlights, came to us along with the European-quality renovation. Multi-level ceiling with halogen lamps was intended to replace the bourgeois chandelier. 20 years have passed, but many of us still have no idea that we can use this tool in any other way. It is useful to know that each spotlight has a specific beam width. If we place a series of narrow beam spotlights very close to the wall, we will create a rhythmic light pattern on the surface of the wall, built-in wardrobe or upholstered high headboard. In addition, this is the most effective way to emphasize an unusual texture - artificial stone, brickwork, relief tiles.

Built-in lamps can be fixed or rotating. The latter are especially useful for accent lighting of art objects or accessories. If you are going to place your grandfather's collectible sailboat on the console or mantelpiece, take care of a pair of spotlights built into the ceiling, the rays of which can be directed at the object crosswise, like spotlights on a stage. Beam width for accent lighting also plays a role big role. 40–50 degrees - optimal for backlighting large paintings. Small sculptures in such a stream of light will get lost and merge with the wall; they require a narrow beam 10 degrees wide.

A common mistake is using spot illumination flat LED lamps. The light source must be located in the recess, otherwise it will draw attention not to the object, but to itself, and, even worse, simply blind the eyes. The same rule is true for illuminating the work surface in the kitchen, especially if the kitchen is combined with the dining room. The eyes of a person sitting at the table are below the level of the lighting mounted under the wall kitchen cabinets. And if the lamps are not recessed into the bottom of the cabinets, the bright light hits the eyes and causes discomfort. Therefore, high-quality modern kitchens have a thickened bottom with built-in lighting. If your budget does not allow you to spend money on such a model, at the kitchen planning stage do not forget to add a special baseboard for the upper cabinets and install the lighting strictly behind it.

Rule six


If the capabilities of built-in lamps are constantly used in interiors on the ceiling tier, then the lower tier is completely undeservedly ignored, while integrating a spotlight into the floor is no more difficult. Such lamps are often waterproof and equipped with diffusers. Taking into account the fact that rare repairs are done without leveling the floor, the required centimeters for the lamp from the ceiling to the surface flooring there will always be, and as a result you get additional volume and depth of the room. If you are the lucky owner of deep window sills, build a couple of miniature spotlights into each of them near the slopes. So, firstly, you will emphasize the beauty architectural feature your apartment, and secondly, get another soft light source on the middle tier.

Rule seven

Be careful when choosing light for your bathroom

Light in the bathroom is often undeservedly left unattended. But he is capable of changing a room beyond recognition. Apply tiered lighting, build in LED strip into the recess in the bath screen (you will get the effect of a “floating bath”) and under the sink, frame the ledge with the wall-hung toilet and the doorway with lamps built into the floor. Use moisture-proof bidirectional lamps in a wet area: the sheaves of light will make your mosaic on the wall sparkle.

The mirror area deserves special attention. Remember that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection, and use this rule to get the most out of your face. A common mistake is to place a wall lamp on a leg above the mirror, the bright light of which is directed downwards. Your reflection in such lighting will appear 15 years older, your complexion will look lifeless, deep folds will appear on it, and bags will appear under your eyes. The same thing will happen to the face as to textured wall, which was emphasized with built-in lamps: its relief will be greatly enhanced due to hard shadows. Choose a rotating lamp and direct the beam or use diffused circular lighting of the mirror. A good alternative would be two wall lamp on both sides of the mirror: their cross light will remove unnecessary shadows.

Rule eight

Don't overdo it with light in the kitchen

It is commonly believed that there is no such thing as too much light in the kitchen. As a rule, proponents of this principle place a large number of light bulbs on the ceiling, creating a grid of spotlights. Nothing but harsh shadows, unnatural faces and an operating room atmosphere can be achieved this way. Meanwhile, the main thing in the kitchen is illumination of the work area and proper lighting dining table, which determines the atmosphere and duration of family dinners.

The lamp above the table must have a long suspension. If it is located above 150 centimeters from the floor, then, again, it casts shadows on faces and does not illuminate the table enough. Choose a lamp with a wide lampshade made of dense material: the ideal shape for a round and square table is a large inverted bowl. The dimensions of the table must be known in advance, otherwise you will not be able to avoid moving the lamp. And the suspended ceiling in the dining area gives no room for error at all.

You can complement the lighting scheme in the kitchen with built-in lighting on the lower tier: for example, install an LED strip in the bottom of the lower cabinets or spotlights in the kitchen plinth.

Rule nine

The most important thing is lighting scenarios

Evening with family, children's birthday, home party, work from home, romantic dinner- it is obvious that in different situations you will need different lights. For large apartments and complex circuits perfect solution- installation of the system smart home", which will control not only lighting, but also sound system, electric curtains and warm floors. The lighting scenario in this case is programmable and can be changed according to your wishes.

If you need to think through inclusion groups once and for all lighting fixtures and place them on switches, guided by imaginary situations. If you go to the toilet at night, you don't need bright light at all. This means that one key should turn on all the soft lighting - the lower tier, the illumination of niches, and the second key, on which the flood light is turned on, you will use while cleaning or in the morning to wake up.

The middle tier in the living room is conveniently connected to one switch. Have you ever noticed how American movie characters come home and turn on all the table lamps and floor lamps with one click? This is the so-called evening script lighting, ideal in a situation where you have returned after a long working day and you dream of one thing - to throw yourself on the sofa. But you should not group lamps solely according to the principle of tiers. Don’t be afraid to show your imagination: for example, a soft evening scenario for a corridor may include lower lighting and an illuminated wall niche at a dead end. All this is your script and your dramaturgy.

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The beauty and comfort of the interior largely depends on its proper lighting. Any design project begins with the stage of selecting lighting fixtures and working out their location, since in the process of decorating the apartment it will be difficult to correct these details.

The concept of “lighting design” is much more complex and multifaceted than it might seem at first glance. It should highlight the advantages of the room in a favorable light and hide its shortcomings, make it cozy and comfortable, and emphasize the individuality of the owner.

Lighting design is usually divided into three components, each of which has a special role in creating stylish and harmonious interior lighting.

  • The overall design is the background from which you should start when working out the location of other light sources.
  • Lighting architecture is divided into internal, external and interior. Determines the overall style, makes the lighting design more individual and expressive.
  • Lighting design is everything that can be swapped and moved. The most flexible element of lighting, expressing the individuality of the owner.

Usually, a competent project includes all three elements, because only their skillful combination can create an interesting and stylish interior.

Beautiful design depends largely on lighting

Lighting design needs to be thought through carefully

Using light you can highlight or hide interior elements

There are several types of lighting, each of which has its own functions and implementation rules:

Correctly selected lighting can change the interior beyond recognition

There are several types of lighting

The influence of lighting on emotional state

Not only the appearance of your apartment, but also the mental and emotional state of its inhabitants depends on the choice of lamps. Scientists have found that the lighting that affects us has many properties that can be both beneficial and harmful.

    Yellow light is a classic option that people are unlikely to ever give up. This color creates a cozy atmosphere and is good for the eyes.

    Due to white lighting, human performance increases. But if the sharpness of such light is too high, fatigue occurs quickly.

    Red energizes and invigorates, increases blood pressure.

    Orange color provokes an improvement in appetite and an increase in heart rate.

    The blue light has a relaxing effect and lowers blood pressure.

    Green lighting is used in bedrooms and children's rooms. It is soothing and relaxing and very comfortable on the eyes.

    Violet and blue light are not used for living spaces and rooms with long stays. These colors are depressing and irritating.

Blue light will help you relax

Each color has its own effect on a person

Emotional state may depend on lighting

How to regulate natural light

When passing through glass and reflecting from mirrors natural light becomes too harsh and harsh. You can smooth out this light effect with the help of translucent and openwork barriers - tulle and organza. By scattering light, they make natural lighting smooth and comfortable.

Another way to control the light flow from windows is vertical blinds. They make it less rigid, and at a certain turn they give it the necessary direction. With their help, the level of illumination in the room can be adjusted with just a few hand movements.

Light can highlight necessary items in the interior

In some cases, you can do without natural light.

Principles of artificial lighting

The illumination of any space is subject to many sanitary and hygienic requirements, determined by various GOSTs and standards. You can study them long and hard, but it will be more convenient to familiarize yourself with only the most important of them.

All values ​​in this table are only the necessary minimum; no standards establish upper limit values.

The concepts of KEO and UGR are not familiar to every reader. Let's try to figure out what it is and how they differ from each other.

In the bedroom you can do without strong light sources. A few lamps will be enough

For each design, lighting should be selected individually

There are certain standards for lighting different rooms.


Daylight coefficient is the ratio of natural light to total light. The parameter determines the proportion of natural light entering the space of the room. Let's give a simple example.

Let us measure the illumination in the middle of the living room, and it was 300 lux. Let's go out to open balcony adjacent to this room, and measure the light level there. Let's say it was 500 lux. Then KEO will be calculated as 300/500=0.6. Comparing this indicator with the table value, we come to the conclusion that the light corresponds to the norm.


The discomfort coefficient is determined international standards and serves as an indicator of the hardness of light. It is measured in the range from 1 to 100 and is determined by the polarization, coherence and spectrum of the light flux.

Speaking in simple words, this value shows how soft and favorable the light in the room is for the human eye.

Lighting can highlight some objects in the interior

If the room has a lot of natural light, you can get by with a chandelier

Basic rules

Having understood the standards, it is worth talking about the basic rules, which are no longer responsible for the absence of harm to human health, but for the harmonious aesthetic design of the interior.

    Lighting design must be coordinated with the color of the interior.

    The flow of light visually stretches the room, lengthening it in the direction of its direction.

    Bright rooms are illuminated evenly, made in dark colors– each zone separately.

    IN work area ideal light is white.

    It is better to highlight light objects with colored light, and for bright details choose bright local lighting.

    Saturated shadows and lack of light in certain areas are best avoided.

The flow of light visually stretches the room, lengthening it in the direction of its direction

In the bedroom you can get by with a chandelier and several lamps

The lighting solution must be combined with the interior of the room

Pros and cons of chandeliers

The most common type of lamps that is used in the interior of any room and style are pendant and ceiling chandeliers. They use different types lamps, they differ in style and design, but the most important parameter when choosing, this is the material from which the chandelier is made.


    Strength, durability

    Easy to clean

    Due to its large mass, the chandelier requires a more durable attachment to the ceiling

    High cost

    Variety of shapes and colors

    No deformation

    Easy to clean


    Environmental friendliness

    Harmonious combination with wooden furniture

    Requirement for care

    Moisture resistant

    Exposure to light



    Luxurious presentable look

    Creating a play of light

    High cost


    Minimum cost


    Has the property of fading in light



    Reasonable price



    Fire resistance

Chandeliers definitely look quite stylish and play up the overall stylistic idea of ​​the interior, creating an atmosphere of warmth and comfort around them, but they also have disadvantages:

  • Difficult installation.
  • Difficulty in cleaning. In order to clean the chandelier well, you will first have to unscrew the shades and then screw them into place.
  • High cost compared to conventional lamps.
  • Not suitable for rooms with low ceiling.
  • Markedness. Decorative chandeliers located under the ceiling collect a lot of dust due to the abundance of hanging elements.

Despite their beauty, they are very difficult to install and maintain.

Chandeliers always look very stylish

Pros and cons of lamps

The latest generation of lamps, which are extremely popular, are LED or LED lamps. Their success in the market is due to the many advantages of such lighting:

    Durability. Service life more than 50 thousand hours.

    Energy saving.


    High efficiency.

    Ability to change the color, brightness and temperature of lighting.

    Compact and flexible modules that allow you to implement many design ideas.


    Environmental friendliness.

    Safety. Such lamps have an extremely low risk of fire.

Regarding the cons LED lighting it is worth saying the following:

    The high cost may scare you at first, but it is fully compensated by the long service life and cost-effectiveness of such devices.

    An LED driver is required to provide power to the device.

    LEDs tend to lose brightness and their light becomes dimmer.

    Replacing a burnt-out LED can be problematic.

Using lamps you can highlight specific areas

LED lamps are very popular at the moment.

Sometimes lamps are used as a decorative element

Street lighting

External lighting of the house is carried out for decorative, security or functional purposes.

It is customary to pay special attention to functional lighting in the project, since it is responsible for safe movement in the yard. The main objects are garden paths, steps and porches, and the most popular solution is small lamps with short legs. They will fit perfectly into any landscape design and will not take up much space, but dark time days will do the job perfectly.

Advice for the most economical owners is to use lamps on solar powered, their selection is also huge.

To save money, you can use solar-powered lamps

External lighting of the house is carried out for decorative, security or functional purposes

Decorative lighting is designed to use light to highlight the most attractive features of your garden. It can be installed near a fountain, pond, recreation area or garden sculpture.

Properly organized interior lighting design can work real miracles, transforming space, changing the direction of light flow and having a beneficial effect on the human psyche. The main thing in the pursuit of stylish and modern project interior - follow the lighting rules and do not forget about your own comfort and health.

Hello to all our readers! Today I want to touch on a very important topic - artificial lighting of the apartment.

The importance of lighting in the interior is difficult to overestimate: you can spend a long time choosing the right shade of blue for the living room or the right shade of blue for the nursery, but if the lighting is incorrect, all your efforts will go to waste - the room will look flat and dull, sky blue will turn dirty gray, valuable square meters will be “eaten” by dark corners.

Particular attention should be paid to lighting if you have - the right light can make a room visually much more spacious.

By Catherine Davis

There are 4 types of lighting in total, and it is desirable that each of them be present in your interior in one way or another. It is the combination of these types of lighting of different intensities at different levels that will help you create a comfortable and stylish space for life.

Basic types of lighting

  1. Basic
  2. Working
  3. Accent
  4. Decorative

Basic (main, diffuse) lighting

Performs the main function: evenly fills the room with light. When you enter your apartment and feel for the switch, you turn on the basic lighting. This light should be as neutral as possible, not attracting attention. Fluorescent lamps should not be used for these purposes in order to avoid the feeling of a hospital ward. Lamps that provide warm, natural light will make not only individual objects in your apartment more attractive, but also you =)

As a rule, the main lighting includes built-in ceiling lights, chandeliers, sconces and floor lamps - anything that provides diffused light reflected from the ceiling and walls.

This is a brighter, concentrated light on a separate zone, used to perform specific tasks.

Working lighting is especially needed: separate lamps are needed above the sink, stove and work surface. As a rule, this issue is solved by lighting built into kitchen cabinets.

In addition to the kitchen, special work lighting should be present:

– in (to take a critical look at yourself before leaving the house)

– in (so that your husband doesn’t get hurt by the razor, and you do perfect makeup and hair)

– above the dining table (it creates comfortable atmosphere conducive to communication)

– above an armchair or sofa where you read or do needlework

- and, of course, in and in the nursery, where your child is preparing for classes.

Table lamps cope with the tasks of this type of lighting, pendant lamps and floor lamps.

By Minas Kosmidis

Proper work lighting is essential not only for your comfort while working, but also for your health.

Accent (spot) lighting

Spot lighting highlights individual areas and objects in the room. As a rule, it is used to attract attention to decorative elements: paintings, photographs, sculptures. You can highlight the steps in your home or the beautiful china in your kitchen cabinet. Often lighting is used in niches where vases or family photos are placed.

By RAD Design Inc

For these purposes, hidden built-in lamps and soffits or wall sconces are most often used, casting light on the emphasized object.

Such light makes the room lively and dynamic and is important for creating a cozy atmosphere in the apartment.

It does not carry a special functional load, but is a separate decorative item. This includes candles, beautiful decorative lamps made of aged metal or multi-colored glass. Such lighting is not mandatory; it, like spot lighting, serves rather to create the desired mood in your apartment.

One of the most common mistakes is using one type of lighting for all purposes. As a result, even when purchasing expensive furniture and materials, you end up with a boring and non-functional interior. And vice versa: by correctly combining all types of lighting, creating a play of shadows and reflections, you create with your own hands a stylish and original design that hides flaws and emphasizes the advantages of your apartment.

I will return to this important topic more than once and will specifically focus on choosing the right lighting in and in the kitchen. Stay tuned - subscribe to our blog updates by email and on social networks!

No matter how good the renovation done in a house or apartment is, it won’t look right without the right lighting.

Local lighting, in turn, is divided into:

  • A worker that focuses on a specific area and is intended to perform any specific tasks in it - cooking, reading, working at a desk.
  • Spot, which is designed to draw attention to certain accessories, details of room furnishings, objects of art. Spot lighting is often used for decoration. local area– for illuminating fountains, trees, flower beds and even the facade of a house.

is not only to shine only when it is dark, but also that it is able to change our perception of space, changing the proportions of rooms, hiding some flaws in the interior, dividing the room into functional zones.

Coloring the light in different colors, you can influence the human psyche by changing his mood. For example, green light has calming properties. Blue and blue are also calming, but they make the surrounding objects look unpleasant, so they should not be used to illuminate the kitchen or bathroom. Light red shades lift the mood and promote concentration, but dark red light causes anxiety.

At the moment there are many most different sources artificial light, which can be divided into the following groups:

  • Regular incandescent lamps. As it turned out, they are still the most comfortable for the human eye, but only 10% of their power is spent on lighting, the remaining 90% is converted into thermal energy.
  • Halogen lamps are more often used for zone illumination, as they emit a directed beam of light.
  • Fluorescent lamps practically do not heat the room, but are rarely used for residential purposes, as they emit a fairly well-audible hum. They are more economical than incandescent lamps.
  • practically do not heat up at all. Their advantages include the fact that they do not emit ultraviolet or infrared rays. They are tens of times more durable than conventional lamps, but their light output is lower. Therefore, they are used for night lighting or decorative lighting.

To the very modern species artificial lighting This includes fiber optic systems and duralight light cords. LEDs are used to create light cords. Usually they are not used as main lighting, but are used only for decorative lighting. Moreover, they can be used not only inside the house, but also

An optical fiber can only emit light from its end cuts. Usually this type of lighting is used together, which allows you to create different lighting effects.

How to choose the required number of lamps

In order to create a comfortable level of lighting in the house, it is necessary to correctly select the power of the lamps and their number.

There is a simple way to determine the number of devices: for every 5 sq. m of room should have 60 - 75 kW of lighting power (one or several in total). Knowing the area of ​​the room and the power of the selected devices, it is easy to select their number.

If you resort to the help of specialists in resolving this issue, they will amount to detailed diagram, where everything will be taken into account possible options connections of each lighting device, as well as groups of devices. You will also receive recommendations for installing monitoring and control devices for lighting devices.

Effects that can be achieved with light

With the help of light you can solve many indoor problems. There are several ways to change a room using purely lighting effects:

    1. If the room seems narrow, then it can be visually “expanded” using the built-in light. To do this, lamps are placed under the ceiling along the perimeter of the room, directing the light flux down along the walls. At the same time, the surfaces of the walls visually “move apart”. To do this, use lamps with a neutral or cold light spectrum.
      If the room seems short, then it can be visually “lengthened” by using cold spectrum lamps on one of the walls. Conversely, you can “shorten” a room by illuminating the farthest wall with warm light sources.
      If the room has a low ceiling, then it can be “raised” by installing stained glass windows on the ceiling, behind which halogen or fluorescent lamps should be located. This is the illusion of daylight falling through a high ceiling. This technique is often used in cramped and dark rooms without windows, such as a bathroom, hallway, or kitchen. To create such a ceiling, you can use a wide variety of glass: transparent, milky, corrugated, colored.

  • Lighting based on the play of shadows.
    To create this effect, a variety of room decor elements are used that have a complex, intricate shape. It could be a tree root complex shape, bouquet of dried flowers. By illuminating them with directional light, you can fill the room with intricate shadows.
    Often, to create the desired effect, they are equipped with a function for adjusting the light intensity. By changing the intensity, you can create unusual lighting effects at different times of the day.

  • Lighting is used to decorate various niches, wardrobes, and work surfaces.
    A very unusual effect is produced by lighting placed behind translucent glass cabinet doors. It can be built in from the sides, bottom or top. Thus, the cabinet turns into a kind of lamp, illuminating the room with unusual diffused light.
    Backlighting is also used for architectural illumination of niches and their contents, beautiful stucco moldings and other room design elements.

Sometimes, with the help of lighting, attention is focused on individual paintings, vases, and sculptures. This allows you to almost completely hide the background and focus your gaze on the main detail of the room.

It must be remembered that the hidden is directed only at surfaces that do not have flaws, since all defects will be clearly visible.

Few people are lucky enough to have a window in their hallway. Usually this is a completely dark room, illuminated by light coming from neighboring rooms and lamps.

The role of the hallway seems to be completely utilitarian - to serve as a storage place for shoes and outerwear, allowing its owners to dress and preen themselves before going out. But, nevertheless, it depends on the prevailing situation in it. general impression about the apartment. And if it’s just a dark corner, then no amount of splendor in the rooms can compensate for the discomfort that reigns there. Therefore, the lighting of the hallway should be given the same attention as the lighting of all other rooms.

Since the hallway almost always has a large mirror in which we look at ourselves before going outside, the lighting needs to be organized so that the space is illuminated evenly and no deep shadows arise. To do this, it is best to use diffused light, which is provided by a good diffuser. A good option there will be a large lampshade, shaped like a plate, located as close as possible to the ceiling.

If the apartment is small and it seems that the ceiling in the dark corridor is “pressing”, then for lighting you can use lamps placed behind the decorative cornice, aimed at the ceiling. This will visually “raise” it.

There is a layout in which the corridor is made very long, but narrow, which does not decorate it at all. In such a situation, you can place several lamps along one wall. Moreover, this should be a wall with a maximum length. The light needs to be directed to another wall. This option covers the entire hallway and at the same time visually expands it.

A large mirror can be additionally illuminated using small local lamps. The lighting will be most successful if you place them in the upper half of the mirror - on top and on the sides.

All family members spend a lot of time in the kitchen, so it is very important to organize proper lighting. This is also important because the housewife spends a lot of time here preparing food.

If the kitchen is small, then it is not necessary to hang a central ceiling lamp; it is quite enough to illuminate the eating area and work surfaces.
If the kitchen is large enough, then you simply cannot do without a central light. It is better to organize it using a ceiling lamp with a good diffuser. with warm light.

To additionally illuminate the dining area located near the wall, you can use a wall sconce with a matte shade, located so that the faces of diners and the table are illuminated evenly.

If the room allows you to install the dining table in the center, then the option with a chandelier on an adjustable suspension will be very successful. This will allow, depending on the circumstances, to place the lampshade either higher or lower, emphasizing the solemnity of the moment or creating an intimate atmosphere. If you really want to hang a colored lamp in the kitchen, then do not use green and blue tones - they give an unpleasant tint to both people’s faces and dishes.

Work surfaces where basic food preparation operations are carried out should be additionally illuminated. In this case, do not use directional light, as this creates deep shadows that reduce the comfort of work. The most successful placement of lamps is considered to be the protruding parts of pendant lamps. kitchen cabinets. The only condition is that they should not interfere with the opening of the doors.
If there are no wall cabinets, then you can install pendant elongated lamps or mount spotlights on the ceiling.

In many ways, the rules here are similar to hallway lighting. For example, mirror illumination is carried out according to the same principle - from above and from the sides. If the mirror is not too large, then to illuminate it you can use a single wall sconce, equipped with a matte shade and a flexible leg that allows you to adjust the light as needed.

We are not talking about the central lamp here. Usually placed on the ceiling. It would be good if they were devices with an adjustable rotation angle.

The main requirement for bathroom lighting is safety. It is necessary to equip the room with lighting fixtures that are protected from moisture.

Sometimes the following set of lamps is used for lighting: one large moisture-proof lampshade (usually located on the wall) and a set of spotlights for individual areas.

As for the spectrum of lamps, it should be as natural and warm as possible. Do not install halogen lamps or fluorescent lamps in the bathroom. They give the environment a hospital feel.

How to organize living room lighting

Regardless of the number of rooms in a house or apartment, the living room is the most functionally loaded room.

Here they relax after work, spend family holidays, receive guests. Moreover, it usually has several functional zones, each separately.

Recently, designers have been offering clients to abandon general lighting in the living room. This lighting scheme is called “American” and involves local lighting of each zone. This allows you to save on lighting, while each family member gets their own corner. But, unfortunately, from a psychological point of view, this leads to separation of family members from each other. Therefore, it is still recommended to use a “European” lighting scheme, which must have a central lamp.

If you are not the owner of an apartment with high ceilings, then you should not use massive devices with bright shades as a chandelier. It is better if the chandelier is close to the surface of the ceiling, and the lampshades provide diffused soft light. You can also use those aimed at the ceiling, this will visually increase the height of the room.

For each functional area of ​​the living room, you need to use lamps located at different heights. If there are chairs in the reading area, then it can be illuminated with floor lamps, wall or spotlights.
You can use a backlight for your home theater screen to avoid eye fatigue.
If there are objects in the living room that you need, then you can use decorative lighting. This is where you can use colored lighting to create a festive mood.

When using many light sources in one room, you must remember that they should all be in stylistic unity, and not represent a collection of random things. To do this, you need to purchase chandeliers, sconces and floor lamps from one set, which are guaranteed to be combined with each other.

Given that this is a relaxation room, the lighting here should create an appropriate environment that promotes relaxation. Therefore, it should be soft, without direct streams of light.

If you need to light bedside tables, then it's better to do it with table lamps or wall sconces. Choose spherical lamps with matte shades or fabric lampshades. They will allow you to calmly go about your business without disturbing your spouse, who is already resting.

In bedrooms, you can use a central chandelier, but it is better if these are spotlights hidden behind decorative panels located around the perimeter of the bedroom.

In the bedroom you can use colored lighting, which will allow you to relax and restore peace of mind. Green and golden tones are very good for this.

Light in the nursery

Based on the fact that almost a child’s entire life is spent here, it is necessary to think through the lighting so that it allows children to play, do homework, and read comfortably.

The child must be chosen for safety reasons. It is better if these are plastic shades that completely cover the lamps, which can be broken during active games.

For the same reasons, it is advisable not to install it in a children's room. floor lamps that may fall. If children love outdoor games with a ball, then for general lighting you can use spotlights located behind the false panels located around the perimeter of the room.

To illuminate a child's desk, it is better to use lamps with cool light that stimulate mental activity.

If kids are afraid to sleep in the dark, then you need to install a night light in the room. It is better if it is a device with adjustable lighting brightness, providing diffused light. Do not point it at your child's face, as this may cause discomfort during sleep.

Office lighting

If your living space allows you to equip a separate office for work, or if you are a remote employee, then you need to create a working atmosphere in it. Usually in any office there is a table. In order to do the work behind it, you need to eliminate the occurrence of sharp contrasts that tire your eyesight. Therefore, the table must be fully illuminated.

If the table has impressive dimensions, then for it quality lighting It is better to use two table lamps with diffused light. This will create uniform illumination of the entire surface and will help preserve vision. Lamps with conical shades are very suitable for this.

To perform individual tasks, it would be nice to also have a directional light lamp, but you should not use it constantly.
The brightness of lighting devices should correspond to daylight, this stimulates brain activity and increases performance.

It’s not bad if a spacious office has a central lamp and or several spotlights. This will reduce the contrast between the illuminated area of ​​the table and the steely dark space of the room. The table on which the computer monitor stands should be positioned perpendicular to the window. This will eliminate glare that tires the eyes and makes the image blurry.

In the area intended for reading, it is worth placing a floor lamp with a fabric lampshade for the eyes.

Lighting, its level, color and brightness greatly influence human life and activity, so it is necessary to pay sufficient attention to this issue. Lighting can easily ruin your mood for the whole day, or bring a person into a peaceful state.

The very concept of a studio apartment presupposes an open layout of the room without pronounced partitions. Here the division into zones appears rather conditionally. The most common areas are the kitchen and living room. If the area of ​​the apartment allows, it is possible to separate a bedroom and a study room.

When planning a lighting system for a studio apartment small area Do not overload it with an excessive number of lamps. This will further emphasize the cramped space. Light sources should give a feeling of confidence that everything is in its place.

Lighting in a studio apartment, as well as in other rooms, can be natural or artificial. To achieve best result you need to correctly combine both of these light sources. In this case, the lack of the first must be compensated for by the second.


If the apartment windows face shadow side and the sun indoors is a rare guest, you should not cover the windows with thick curtains. It is better to hang a light organza or transparent veil. In addition, you should avoid using dark colors in the interior, limiting itself to only small inclusions in the form of individual accessories.


As for artificial lighting, it must be multi-level to fully cover all functional areas. There are several unspoken rules use of artificial lighting.

  • If the apartment small sizes, but there is a lot of natural light, then it should be illuminated evenly.
  • If the dominant tone of the apartment is dark, it is better to divide it into several zones using additional lamps and fixtures.
  • Neutral white light must be used as task lighting.
  • If you want to draw attention to some accents in the interior, use colored lamps and fixtures for this.
  • Creating deep shadow areas in a studio apartment is not advisable.

There are several types of lighting:

  1. General lighting. A chandelier is often used as the main source. Additional light sources are provided by ceiling lamps, which can be located around the entire perimeter of the room, or concentrated in the center of the ceiling. The lamps built into the suspended ceilings, or in suspended plasterboard structures.
  2. Zonal. Such lighting assumes that a group of lamps is placed in a certain area of ​​the room: eating area, living room, study, recreation area and others. To enhance the visual effect of separation, various combinations of lighting fixtures and other light sources are possible. For example, you can effectively separate one zone from another using LED cords. Such tapes can provide explicit or hidden backlight. A softer glow is provided by devices hidden in ceiling structures, in the kitchen unit, under the wall cabinets.


It's best not to use the same type of lighting for all areas. In this case, the interior turns out boring and monotonous. Their functional boundaries can be defined using wall sconces, floor and table lamps. In addition to separating tools, they will also serve a decorative function.

If you combine it correctly various types lighting, then the apartment will be not only stylish, but also cozy. With successful alternation of various sources of light and shadow, you can hide existing shortcomings and highlight the strengths of the room.


Types of lighting fixtures

  • Incandescent lamps. Their light is familiar and comfortable to the human eye. But if in small room there will be too many incandescent lamps, they will heat the air and the apartment will be stuffy.
  • Fluorescent lamps. They are also called energy-saving. The first generation of such lamps was characterized by harsh, bright light that irritated the eyesight. However, modern fluorescent lamps have many eye-pleasing shades, so they can easily compete with incandescent lamps.
  • Halogen lamps. They are characterized by a dim glow, so they are often used when decorating individual interior elements. They can be very successfully placed in various niches, arches, decorative partitions. They are used for targeted illumination of paintings, photographs, and sculptures.
  • LEDs. They are very durable, and also do not heat up and are not harmful to health. However, the light output of such devices is extremely low, so they cannot be considered as the main light source. In a studio interior, they can play the role of a night light or auxiliary lighting of individual elements. Their dim glow can relieve tension after a hard day and give rest to the eyes.
  • Optical fiber. The light in such devices comes only from the end side, so they are also used as additional registration. Chandeliers and lamps using multi-colored optical fiber threads create a feeling of celebration and magic.

The design of the studio apartment space is somewhat different from the design of other apartments. Therefore, when dividing light into such rooms, special attention must be paid to details. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances: how many people live in the apartment, what kind of life they lead, what habits each of them has, and occupation.

If this is a young couple who leads an active lifestyle and only appears in the apartment closer to night, perhaps the kitchen area should be made small, highlighting it with halogen lamps.

If this is a family with a child, you should take care of the sleeping space for the child. Near the crib you can hang a dim night light with a fairy tale theme. And from sleeping place parents can fence it off with a translucent curtain, through which a soft, dim light will break through.

  1. The lamps should resonate with the general idea of ​​the interior and be combined in style, creating an overall picture of the apartment. Moreover, each zone must be different from the others.
  2. It would be appropriate to designate the sleeping area with one or more dim lamps.
  3. Even if the kitchen area is very small, be sure to good lighting dining table and cooking area. At the same time, the lamps themselves should be positioned in such a way that they do not create a shadow on the working surface.
  4. Decorative lighting can be present at several different levels, ranging from overhead lighting throughout the room to spotlights in specific areas.
  5. In rooms with low ceilings, it is better to use lamps with reflectors. If you point them upward, they will visually lift the hanging ceiling, giving the room a few extra centimeters of height. Conversely, if the ceiling is too high, use downward-facing lampshades.