How to cook rice as a side dish recipe. Flaky rice as a side dish: step-by-step recipes with photos

Before learning how to cook fluffy rice as a side dish, I went through all the circles of culinary hell. My first experience of cooking “Saracen millet” happened at a time when the Internet was something ephemeral and not entirely clear. So I stepped on several rakes at once and spent half an hour scrubbing the burnt rice water off the stove. About the fact that fluffy rice is “friends” only with hot water, I, of course, forgot. Or I didn't know. Therefore, without a second thought, I dumped half a pack of cereal into the pan. I turned on medium heat and went with a clear conscience to prepare the salad. By the way, the salad turned out delicious. The same cannot be said about the side dish. I managed to do the almost impossible - cook rice that was half-baked and tightly stuck together into an unappetizing conglomerate. But with experience came skills. Therefore, I suggest that beginners study proven recipes for cooking this “harmful” cereal. But if experienced cooks find something new for themselves, I will be very pleased.

How much water does it take to cook fluffy rice?

Rules for cooking fluffy delicious rice as a side dish

The first and basic rule is that less is better than more. This applies to water. If you pour a lot of water, you won’t get fluffy rice, but a sticky, unappetizing porridge on the side. If there is not enough liquid, add a little boiling water. And bring the dish to readiness. Did you find that the rice was not cooked after turning off the stove? Just leave it to rest with the lid closed.

The second rule is no cold water! For any cooking method, you only need to pour boiling water over the rice.

And the rest of the rules and recipes should be described in more detail.

Cooking fluffy rice with pre-frying

The recipe is suitable for preparing long grain rice, basmati, jasmine.

I really love this method and often cook fluffy, delicious rice as a side dish right in the pan.

  1. Before frying the “white grain”, you can chop the onion and carrot. Sauté vegetables in vegetable oil and cook the “pearl grain” directly in it. This can be done either in a frying pan or in a thick-bottomed saucepan or saucepan. Rinse the future side dish thoroughly until the water becomes clear. Drain in a colander. Then place on several layers of paper towels to absorb moisture.
  2. At this time, prepare boiling water.
  3. Pour the washed and dried cereal into the hot oil. Stir until the fat completely covers each grain of rice. Heat for a few minutes, stirring.
  4. Then pour in boiling water. I usually fill the rice with water in a ratio of 1 to 2, and so far there have been no unpleasant surprises. Add salt to taste. You can add some of your favorite seasonings. Stir. Cover with a lid. Set the heating intensity to minimum. Cook the fluffy rice until the liquid is completely absorbed.

The water has not yet been absorbed, but the grains of rice are already soft? Turn off the heat. Remove the lid and cover the rice bowl with a clean waffle towel. This will remove some of the moisture.

Cooking fluffy rice in a pan with pre-soaking

The recipe is suitable for cooking short grain rice, basmati and steamed cereals. Jasmine is not cooked this way.

Thanks to soaking, gluten comes out of the cereal, which “prevents” it from being crumbly. In this way, you can cook rice as a side dish or for preparing other dishes.

  1. Rinse the cereal. Fill in cold water. Soaking time is at least half an hour. Drain the water and rinse the cereal several more times.
  2. Prepare required quantity boiling water depending on the variety (the correct proportions are indicated above). Place rice in a saucepan and pour boiling water over it.
  3. Add coarse salt to taste.
  4. Turn the heat to high and bring the water in the pan to a boil. Reduce the heat intensity to low and cover the pan with a lid. Cook rice for 20 minutes. Turn off the heat. Without lifting the lid, wait another quarter of an hour. During this time, the fluffy rice will reach ideal condition.

Add butter to taste and serve as a side dish.

Cook fluffy rice in plenty of water

The recipe is suitable for preparing fluffy basmati rice or round grain cereals.

It's a win-win option. A large amount of liquid prevents the grains of rice from sticking together, so crumbly garnish provided for you.

  1. You will need a lot of water. To cook a glass of rice cereal, you will need a three-liter saucepan with two liters clean water. Additionally, boil a few more liters to rinse the almost finished rice.
  2. Rinse the rice thoroughly, turning the rice with your hands. Change the water until it becomes crystal clear.
  3. Pour the cereal into boiling water. Add a little salt to taste. Cook at the lowest boil for 15-20 minutes. Test for readiness. If the rice is almost ready but a little hard, turn off the stove.
  4. Drain the rice in a colander. When all the water has drained, rinse your future fluffy rice side dish with additional boiled water. This will bring it to readiness.
  5. When the liquid has completely drained, pour the rice into the pan and add butter or vegetable oil to taste. Stir.

The dish must be kept with the lid closed until served.

Recipe for cooking fluffy rice with adding vegetable oil to water

Suitable for preparing short grain rice and basmati.

Even round rice will be crumbly if you use this method to cook it. The perfect crumbly side dish, what can I say.

  1. Rinse the cereal thoroughly. At least 5 times. Then soak it for 20-40 minutes.
  2. It is advisable to use this method to cook rice. aluminum cookware. Boil the water. The ratio of liquid and cereal is 1 to 1 (by volume). Add salt until the water tastes slightly salty. Pour in a tablespoon of odorless vegetable oil.
  3. Pour water from the rice. Place it on the bottom of the pan in an even layer. Over medium heat, bring the water to a boil.
  4. Reduce the fire intensity to minimum. Cover the pan with a lid. Cook until the rice has absorbed all the liquid. Ready!

Bon appetit!

Oriental cuisine presented our chefs with delicious rice as a side dish, the recipe of which can create an excellent composition with fish and meat dishes. It is also an excellent companion to various hot and spicy sauces. Will keep company with vegetable dishes.

The basic rule for cooking rice as a side dish is to maintain the proportions of water and additional ingredients.

How to cook rice as a side dish

The rice is placed in water that is ready to boil (take twice as much water as the rice) and kept under a closed lid for up to fifteen minutes. Then the container is removed from the heat, and under the closed lid it simmers for the same amount of time. This rice will always be quite sticky and crumbly.


  • rice grains - a glass;
  • carrot;
  • bulb;
  • canned corn;
  • sweet peppers;
  • oil base.

Rice on the side. Step by step recipe

  1. Rice is prepared according to the standard procedure described at the beginning of the article.
  2. Vegetables are cleaned of excess parts and chopped into small cubes.
  3. Vegetables are dipped into heated oil. Bring to a soft state.
  4. Add rice and sweet corn until the end of the frying process. Stirring constantly, bring the vegetables until cooked. Salt at the final stage.

This delicious recipe for preparing rice as a side dish has a number of interesting nuances.

  • You can add flavor enhancers to the rice. Drain some rice water, add vinegar and sugar. This rice will be aromatic and spicy.
  • Spices used in cooking: paprika, black pepper and rosemary.
  • In some cases, the grains are added before the water boils and removed before boiling.
  • A great way to cook rice is to use a steamer. It is prepared for cooking by soaking.
  • Fresh herbs are added to rice only before serving. To ensure that the grains are saturated with the freshness of dill, parsley or basil, they are covered with a lid.

Having considered the most universal recipe for delicious rice as a side dish, you can find some similarities with preparation for sushi. In fact, the Eastern approach to cooking rice dishes has one basis. So, once you learn how to cook one recipe, you learn them all. “I love to cook” wishes you bon appetit! And take advantage of the tips

Not all of us know how to cook rice correctly so that it is not just tasty, but crumbly. Often the dish turns out to look like a viscous porridge, in which all the grains are stuck together. Next time you need to remember just a few things to make the perfect side dish: important rules, which we are going to talk about in our article. But first, let’s find out how long to cook rice depending on the variety.

How long to cook rice

Approximate cooking time by variety:

  • white: 18 - 25 minutes, in a slow cooker - 35 (min) without soaking overnight;
  • brown: 30 - 40 (min);
  • wild: 45 – 60 (min).

Rice should not be cooked for more than the specified time. If there is liquid left at the bottom, it must be drained and the saucepan removed from the stove.

How to cook rice so that it is crumbly

Housewives often ask how to cook rice as a side dish so that it is crumbly. The answer is clear: use a 1:2 ratio (one measure of cereal and two measures of water). If you cook in a slow cooker, then take the proportions 1: 3.

Cooking recipe.

1. Rinse the grains well in a colander or bowl.

2. Take the correct ratio of cereal and water (1:2).

3. First boil the water, and then pour the washed cereal into it. Add salt (1/2 tsp or less) and butter (1 tbsp optional), turning the burner to low.

4. Do not lift the lid of the saucepan during the process.

5. 5 minutes before serving the dish, open the pan and place kitchen towel. The fabric will absorb excess moisture and condensation, preventing grains from sticking to each other.

6. Before placing on plates, carefully stir the side dish with a fork to separate the grains.

7. Puffy rice ready for garnish. Serve meat or fish dishes with it.

Also try the perfect weight loss recipe with vegetables. It's simple, but with a surprise: it fills you up and helps you lose weight. extra pounds weight.

Prepare the vegetables:

  • Boil green bean pods in salted water, fresh: for 5 (min), frozen for 3 (min), and steamed for 8 (min);
  • cut onions and simmer in vegetable oil for about three minutes over medium heat;
  • Boil the carrots and cut into cubes.
  • buy in store green peas and corn in cans.

2. Mix all the vegetables with the fluffy rice. Serve and enjoy the new taste of a familiar dish.

How to cook rice in a slow cooker

We will tell you how to deliciously cook rice in a slow cooker so that it also turns out crumbly.

Recipe for cooking in a slow cooker.

1. Rinse the cereal first in cool and then in warm water.

2. Transfer to a container and pour hot water(1:3). One cup of cereal versus three cups of liquid.

3. Turn on the appropriate mode, as written in the instructions for the multicooker, and wait for the signal that the dish has finished cooking.

4. Place the crumbly rice on the side dish into plates. It goes perfectly with vegetables, meat, chicken or fish. Add them as desired. Top with sauce or ketchup.

Many housewives ask how to cook sushi rice. Today I offer them own recipe. It's simple and only takes 25 minutes. You can use your favorite products to assemble the sushi. I like carrots, cucumbers and avocado slices.

My original recipe designed for five servings.


  • white rice (2 cups),
  • water (3 glasses),
  • rice vinegar (1/2 cup),
  • vegetable oil (1 tbsp.),
  • white sugar (1/4 cup),
  • salt (1 tsp).

So, how to cook sushi rice? The recipe includes two steps.

1. Preparation of cereals (5 min.).

2. Heat treatment(20 min.).

Step by step instructions.

1. Rinse the grains in a colander until the liquid runs clear.

2. Combine with water in a medium saucepan without a lid. Place on high heat.

3. Wait until it boils and switch the stove. Cook with the lid closed for 20 minutes.

4. In a separate saucepan, combine rice vinegar, oil, sugar and salt. Cook over medium heat until the sugar dissolves.

5. Cool and add to cooked rice.

6. Stir until it absorbs the sauce.

If you cook in a slow cooker, choose the mode (buckwheat).

How to cook delicious rice as a side dish

You can prepare any rice as a side dish (brown, white round or long grain). Whether you're counting calories, watching your weight, or preparing rice dishes for your kids, you'll benefit from useful information about the nutritional value of these products.

Brown and long-grain varieties are considered the most beneficial for the growth and development of children. How to lose weight ideal option, would be better suited round grain polished.

How to cook long grain rice? Just like round! Add another new recipe to your notebook.


  • 2 teaspoons butter or vegetable oil;
  • 1 cup long grain white rice;
  • 2 cups of water;
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt.

How to cook rice, cooking recipe.

1. Rinse the grains under running water in a colander.

2. Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil.

3. Pour in the cereal, stir for 1 - 2 minutes, add salt and oil.

4. Close the pan and switch the stove to low power. Cook for 20 minutes or until all the liquid is absorbed into the grains.

5. Remove from heat and let sit for 2 (min). To keep the rice crumbly, cover the pan with a napkin. Stir with a fork before serving.

How to cook steamed rice

Housewives know that steamed rice is found in stores. It is darker than the polished variety we are used to, and, as it turns out, is much healthier. It contains more microelements and vitamins. If you are interested in this product, we will tell you how to cook steamed rice on the stove and in a slow cooker.

Stick to the proportions of 1:2. Boil water, add salt and add washed cereal. After boiling, cook in a covered saucepan over low heat for 12 minutes. Remove from the stove and let the cereal brew. Add oil and spices to taste.

Parboiled rice can be prepared in another way by cold soaking it for an hour. Then after boiling it cooks for only about 10 minutes. First you need to add a little water.

How to cook steamed rice in a slow cooker?

Check the instructions for your multicooker for cooking time information. Keep the proportions 1:3. Rinse the grains and soak for an hour. Transfer to a container, add water and turn on the (pilaf) mode. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, switch to the (warm) mode.

How to cook brown rice

Supporters healthy eating Information on how to cook brown rice may be useful.

Preparatory stage.

1. Soak brown rice overnight.

2. Rinse running water.

How to cook brown rice, basic step.

  • Fill with cold water and put on fire.
  • After boiling, cook for 10 minutes.
  • Remove from heat and rinse again.
  • Fill with cold water a second time and put on fire.
  • Cook for 15 minutes after boiling.
  • Remove from the stove, cover the pan and place under a warm blanket.

After such a long process, the side dish turns out crumbly and delicious!

If you want to cook fluffy rice, you need to rinse it under cold water before cooking. This way you will get rid of starch, which is responsible for stickiness. Rinse the rice about five times or more until the water runs clear. It is most convenient to perform this procedure using a fine sieve.

Some dishes, such as, require sticky rice. In this case, there is no need to rinse it. As a last resort, you can limit yourself to one rinse to wash away all excess.

To make rice cook faster, you can soak it for 30–60 minutes. Then the cooking time will be reduced by almost half. However, in this case it is better to reduce the amount of water used for cooking.


It is generally believed that you need twice as much water to cook rice. But this is an approximate proportion. It is better to measure the amount of water based on the type of rice:

  • for long grain - 1: 1.5–2;
  • for medium grain - 1: 2–2.5;
  • for round grain - 1: 2.5–3;
  • for steamed - 1: 2;
  • for brown - 1: 2.5–3;
  • for wild - 1: 3.5.

Be sure to read the instructions on the package. The manufacturer knows exactly what kind of processing the rice has undergone and suggests the optimal amount of water for it.

Measure rice and water with a measuring cup - it’s much more convenient. A standard serving for one is 65 ml of dry rice.


It is better to cook rice in a saucepan with a thick bottom: the temperature is distributed evenly in it. You can also cook the rice in a large frying pan. A cauldron is traditionally used for pilaf.

Cooking rules

If you cook rice in a saucepan, first bring salted water to a boil, and then pour the cereal into it. Stir the rice once to prevent the grains from sticking to the bottom. Then wait until the dish begins to boil, reduce the heat to low and cover the pan with a lid.

Do not lift the lid during cooking, otherwise the rice will take longer to cook. If you want the rice to be fluffy, do not stir it (except for the first time). Otherwise, the grains will break and release starch.

The average cooking time depending on the type is:

  • for white rice - 20 minutes;
  • for steamed rice - 30 minutes;
  • for brown rice - 40 minutes;
  • for wild rice - 40–60 minutes.

When the rice is cooked, remove it from the heat and let it sit covered for 10-15 minutes. If there is any water left in the cooked rice, drain it or cover the pan with a dry towel: it will absorb excess moisture.

If you cook rice in a frying pan, use dishes with a diameter of 24 cm, high sides and a lid. Rice is cooked in it almost the same way as in a saucepan, with the exception of one nuance: the grains must first be quickly fried in vegetable oil. Do this for 1-2 minutes, stirring constantly so that the grains are covered with oil: then the rice will be crumbly. Then you need to pour boiling water over it and cook as described above.


The good thing about rice is that you can always change its taste a little. For example, using the following:

  • saffron;
  • curry;
  • cardamom;
  • cumin;
  • caraway;
  • cinnamon;
  • carnation.

Spices are added to the water during cooking or to a ready-made dish.

You can also add flavor to the rice. herbs, citrus zest or cook not in water, but in meat or chicken broth.

Bonus: How to Prepare Sushi Rice

  1. Special Japanese rice is used to prepare sushi. You can replace it with regular round grain.
  2. Before cooking, rice should be washed 5-7 times. It is better to discard the floating grains.
  3. Pour washed rice with cold water in a ratio of 1: 1.5. You can add a piece of nori seaweed to the pan for flavor, but you need to remove it before boiling.
  4. Cook the rice covered: before boiling - over medium heat, after - at minimum for about 15 minutes. Then you need to remove the rice from the stove and let it stand for another 15 minutes.
  5. Ready rice must be seasoned with a special dressing. To prepare it, pour 2 tablespoons of rice vinegar into a separate pan, add 1 teaspoon of sugar and 1 teaspoon of salt and heat the mixture over medium heat until the bulk ingredients are completely dissolved.
  6. Place the rice in a wide bowl, pour over the sauce and stir gently with a wooden spatula. After this, cool and start preparing sushi.

Do you know other ways to cook delicious rice? Share your secrets and recipes in the comments.

How to cook fluffy rice so that it tastes like steamed rice?

How to cook fluffy rice: instructions

To cook fluffy rice, you will need:

  • thick-walled saucepan with a capacity of about 2 liters

A thick-walled pan retains heat better and rice practically does not burn in it.

Cooking fluffy rice in bags

  • More details

First of all, you need to choose the right variety of rice. You will need long grain rice. Experts recommend jasmine or basmati varieties. You can take steamed rice, the grains of which are less brittle when cooked. It is not recommended to use round-grain varieties that have more high content carbohydrates and, most importantly, boil too much.

Measure out the required amount of rice. To prepare a side dish for 4 servings, 1 cup will be enough. Rinse the cereal thoroughly, changing the water up to 10 times. Ideally, you should rinse the rice until it is clean.

After rinsing the rice, place it in a saucepan and cover with hot water. Fluffy rice should not be cooked in cold water, since during the cooking process it will absorb excess water and become very boiled. Measure out the exact amount of water so that you don’t have to add liquid when cooking, which can seriously ruin the dish. The amount of water should be 2 times more than the amount of dry rice. For example, for 1 glass of rice you should take 2 glasses of water. Then salt the water to taste.

For a standard serving for 4 people, one incomplete teaspoon of salt will be enough

So, a pan of rice filled with hot water is on the stove. Turn the heat to high. The water in the pan should boil quickly. Cook the rice for 7 minutes over high heat. After this, reduce the heat to minimum, close the pan tightly with a lid and simmer the rice over low heat for 15 minutes. Do not stir the rice or lift the lid.

When the cooking time is over, turn off the heat. Place 1.5 tbsp on top of the cooked rice. melted or butter. After closing the lid, leave the rice to steep for 20 minutes. During this time, it will completely absorb the remaining small amount of water, while the grains will be covered with melted butter, which will give the rice additional aroma and a softer taste.

After 20 minutes, open the pan and you will see fluffy white rice, completely dry, grain by grain. It is worth noting that washing such rice is under no circumstances recommended. It is completely ready to eat as a side dish for main courses. If you want to add rice to the salad, cool it first.

Fried rice in a frying pan

  • More details

To prevent rice from sticking together during cooking, follow these rules:

  • pour 2 times more water than you plan to cook rice
  • Place rice only in hot or boiling water
  • Before cooking, rinse it under running water several times until the water becomes completely clear.
  • do not add seasonings to water with rice
  • While the rice is cooking, cover the pan with a transparent lid so that you can monitor the cooking process
  • cook rice over low heat
  • Do not open the lid of the pan during cooking to prevent steam from escaping.
  • After cooking, open the lid and salt and pepper the rice, add oil or toppings

How to cook rice in the microwave

Fluffy rice can also be cooked in the microwave. First, the rice should be thoroughly washed. Next, place it in a microwave-safe bowl and add required quantity water and salt. Cover the bowl with a lid and place it in the microwave. Cook on full power for about 17-18 minutes. During this time, the rice must be stirred twice. After cooking, let the rice sit covered for a while (5-10 minutes), then stir. There is no need to rinse the rice; it will turn out fluffy, beautiful and tasty.

How to cook fluffy rice in a bag

For novice housewives, cooking fluffy rice can be quite difficult. It seems that everything is done strictly according to the instructions, and they are washed several times, and water is added in the right proportion, and they do not stir the rice during the cooking process, and as a result it sticks together into a porridge. In this case, a recipe for cooking fluffy rice in a bag may be useful, because this is the simplest option for preparing this dish. He doesn't demand special attention. The main thing is to add enough water and remember to keep an eye on the time.