Which insects cause the most trouble in the summer? Summer project “Insects. Mosquitoes and flies

Environmental project “Vegetable garden on the window” in the middle group of preschool educational institutions

Project type
Research, creative
Group, with the involvement of parents
Project participants
Middle group children, group teachers, parents.
Project implementation period
4 weeks (03/27 – 04/21/2017)
Relevance of the project
The child is the discoverer of everything that surrounds him. He can learn everything firmly and for a long time if they tell him, show him and if he tries to do it himself. Junior children preschool age have insufficient understanding of plants, where they grow, necessary conditions their growth, their interest in cognitive research activities underdeveloped.
Project goal
Formation of an ecological culture among children and parents, creation of conditions for the cognitive development of children through design and research activities and the organization of artistic and productive activities creative activity.
Project objectives
To form in children knowledge about the growth and needs of plants (heat, moisture, light).
Develop the ability to observe and care for garden crops. Develop curiosity, interest in research and experimentation.
Foster a caring and caring attitude towards plants.
Form partnerships between teachers, children and parents.
Project stages
The project is being implemented in three stages - preparatory, main, final.
Expected outcome of the project
Children will learn to plant and care for cultural garden plants. Get acquainted with the conditions of their detention.
Children will learn the structural features of a plant and learn a lot of interesting things about the life of plants.
Children empirically explore the conditions necessary for the growth of cultivated plants.
Children will learn to make observations.
The teacher continues to master the design method, which allows for the effective development of cognitive, research and creative thinking preschoolers.
Project implementation forms
Forms of work with children: observations, experiments, organized activities, conversations with looking at pictures, reading fiction, productive activities, themed walks.
Forms of work with parents:
Individual conversations, recommendations, visual information materials, creative tasks, competitions.

Project implementation stages

1. Preparatory
topic definition;
identify goals and define tasks;
selection of material (literature, visual material, didactic games, dummies of vegetables, seeds for planting);
conversations with children “What is a vegetable garden and what grows in it”; “What is a “Vegetable Garden on a Window”; “What plants can be grown on a windowsill”;
work with parents - introduce them to the upcoming project, collect required material to create a vegetable garden;
seed preparation.
Implementation period: March 27 – 31.
Responsible for implementation: educators, parents.

2. Main

Contents of activities of the teacher and children:
examination and comparison of seeds (tomato, carrot, cucumber, pepper, zucchini, peas, beans, eggplant, radish);
planting: onions (collectively), peas, beans, radishes, peppers, carrots (root vegetables) - individually;
sowing: flower seeds;
research and practical activities to study the characteristics of growing cultural plantings:
- soil preparation;
- selection good seeds from bad ones;
- meeting the model labor process;
- landing;
- installation in a bright place;
- watering;
- loosening;
- decorating a vegetable garden on the window;
- setting up a care duty;
- monitoring the first shoots and further development;
- acquaintance with the model of plant structure;
- keeping an observation diary;
- reflection of the result in artistic and creative activity;
- reading children's literature about vegetables;
- guessing riddles about vegetables;
- didactic games: “What comes first, and what comes next?”, “Assemble a whole from parts,” “Wonderful bag,” etc.
Working with parents
conversations with parents: “Why do we need a “garden on the window”?
help from parents in designing a “mini-vegetable garden”;
memo for parents “Onion for all ailments”;
a selection of literature about vegetables with the participation of parents.

Implementation period: April 3 – 14
Responsible for implementation: teachers, children, parents.

3. Final
Contents of activities of the teacher and children:
analysis of the results obtained;
design of observation table (onion);
presentation of the project “Vegetable garden on the window”.

Working with parents
Invite parents to continue working on introducing vegetables from May to August.

Date Working with children Working with parents
03.04. 1. “The Earth - what it is like.”
Purpose: to identify the properties of the earth (it has weight, black color, free-flowing); “Plant seeds are different from each other”
Goal: to identify external differences onion and garlic bulbs from each other.
2. Landing vegetable crops.
3. Reading V. Korkin “What grows in our garden? »
04.04. 1. “Water and Plants” Purpose: To identify how much water is necessary for plant growth
2. Guessing riddles about vegetables and fruits.
3. D/I “What grows in the garden”
Goal: to identify the nature of children’s ideas about vegetable crops and their benefits to humans. Making vegetable masks for the game.
05.04. 1. Reading the poem by S. V. Mikhalkov “Vegetables”
2. P/i “Cucumber”
3. D/I “Assemble a whole from parts”
Goal: to develop attention, memory, thinking, fine motor skills; fix the names of vegetables.
06.04. 1. Conversation "Vegetables, fruits, healthy foods"
Goal: to teach children to choose foods that are healthy, to create a desire for healthy eating.
2. Reading the Russian folk tale “Tops and Roots”
3. D/I “Tops and Roots”
Goal: to consolidate knowledge that vegetables have edible roots - roots and fruits - tops; some vegetables have both tops and roots edible. Consultation “About onions for children”
07.04. 1. Round dance game “Garden round dance”
2. Caring for seedlings together with children: watering, loosening.
3. Modeling “Vegetables: cucumbers and tomatoes”
10.04. 1. D/I “My favorite vegetable”
Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about vegetables. Develop coherent speech.
2. Drawing “Tomatoes in a jar.”
Goal: expand children's understanding of vegetables.
3. Role-playing game “Vegetable shop”
11.04. 1. D/I “Find by description”
2. Outdoor game “Vegetables and fruits”
3. Coloring vegetables. Folder - movement "Vegetables and fruits - healthy products."
12.04. 1. Game m/n “Our vegetable garden is in order”
Goal: to develop attention, the ability to coordinate your movements with the movements of other children.
2. Memorization: A. Prokofiev’s “Vegetable Garden”
3.Applique “Bow”
13.04. 1.D/I “The Fourth Wheel”
Goal: to develop the ability to classify objects according to essential characteristics.
2. Round dance game “Zucchini”
3. Role-playing game “Let’s cook”
cabbage soup for dolls"
Goal: To foster a culture of behavior during meals, a caring attitude towards the doll. Develop speech and thinking.
14.04. 1. Making a photo album “Vegetable garden on the window”
2. Round dance game “Garden round dance”
Purpose: to teach children to coordinate actions with the text of the game; fix the names of vegetables.

Round dance game - “Garden round dance”
Purpose: to teach children to coordinate actions with the text of the game; fix the names of vegetables.
Children stand in a circle, “carrot”, “onion”, “cabbage”, “driver” are pre-selected. They also stand in a circle.
Children walk in a circle and sing:
We have a vegetable garden. It grows its own carrots
This width, this height! (2 times)
Children stop and open their arms wide, and then raise them up.
The “carrot” comes out, dances and at the end of the verse returns to the circle; children, standing still, sing:
You, carrot, hurry here. You dance a little
Children walk in a circle and sing:
We have a garden where green onions grow
The “bow” dances in a circle, at the end of the verse it returns to the circle, the children, standing still, sing:
Hurry up here, dance a little,
And then don’t yawn and climb into the basket (2 times)
Children walk in a circle and sing:
We have a vegetable garden and cabbage grows there
This width, this height (2 times)
The “cabbage” comes out and dances in a circle, at the end of the verse it returns to the circle, the children sing:
You cabbage, hurry to us, dance a little,
And then don’t yawn and climb into the basket (2 times)
Children walk in a circle and sing:
We have a truck, it is neither small nor large.
This width, this height (2 times)
The “driver” comes out and dances in a circle, at the end of the verse he returns to the circle, the children sing:
You, driver, hurry here, dance a little
And then don’t yawn, take away our harvest!

Didactic game “What grows in the garden?”
Goal: to identify the nature of the child’s ideas about vegetable crops, the rules of their life support and benefits for humans.
The conversation method is used.
Cards with images of vegetables, gardening tools,
natural phenomena. The game character is a scarecrow, on whose behalf the teacher asks questions to the children.
-Show and name the vegetables. Which ones do you love?
- Which ones don’t you like, why?
-Do you think vegetables are good for humans? Why?
-Do you want to grow your own vegetables?
-What do you think you will need for this? Lay out the cards.
-What kind of water and how should you water vegetables?
-What do you think, do vegetables themselves like vitamins (feeding)?
-What can happen to vegetable plants if you don't take care of them?

P/n “Cucumber... cucumber...”
Goal: to develop the ability to jump on two legs in a straight direction; run without bumping into each other; perform game actions in accordance with the text.
Progress of the game: At one end of the hall there is a teacher, at the other there are children. They approach the trap by jumping on two legs. The teacher says: “Cucumber, cucumber, don’t go to that end.
A mouse lives there and will bite your tail off.”
After the end of the chant, the children run away to their house. The teacher pronounces the words in such a rhythm that the children can jump twice for each word. After the children have mastered the game, the role of the mouse can be assigned to the most active children.

Riddles about vegetables and fruits
Round, rosy,
I'm growing on a branch.
Adults love me
And little children.

Red beads hanging
They are looking at us from the bushes.
Love these beads very much
Children, birds and bears.

The long-legged one boasts -
Am I not beautiful?
In itself is a bone,
Yes, a red bone.

He's big, like a football
If it's ripe, everyone is happy.
It tastes so good!
What kind of ball is this? (Watermelon)

Golden and healthy
Vitamin, although sharp.
It has a bitter taste
It burns... not lemon. (Onion)

There is a yellow ball in the garden.
But he doesn't run at a gallop.
He's like the full moon
The seeds in it are delicious. (Pumpkin)

In a green tent
Koloboks sleep sweetly.
Lots of round crumbs.
What is this? (Peas)

Round side, yellow side,
A bun is sitting on a garden bed.
Rooted firmly into the ground.
What is this?

A beautiful maiden sits in prison,
And the braid is on the street.

Grandfather sits in the ground
Dressed in a hundred fur coats.
Who undresses him?
He sheds tears.

There is a green hook on the stem,
And on it hangs a chest.
There are eight guys in the chest
They sit side by side in silence.

Red below, green above,
It has grown into the ground.

Small and bitter, onion brother.

Purple kaftan
Carrying a vegetable...

There are green ones in the garden,
And in the jar they are salty.

The green house is cramped:
Narrow, long, smooth.
They sit side by side in the house
Round guys.
In the autumn trouble came -
The smooth house is cracked,
We galloped in all directions
Round guys.

One hundred clothes -
All without fasteners.
I was born to glory
The head is white and curly.
Who loves cabbage soup -
Look for me in them.

She's hiding from the sun
Under a bush in a deep hole,
Brown is not a bear,
In a hole - but not a mouse.

Casseroles, pancakes,
Pancakes and mashed potatoes,
Zrazy and dumplings,
Peeled livers,
And excellent okroshka
Can be made from...

For the curly tuft
I dragged the fox out of the hole.
To the touch - very smooth,
It tastes like sweet sugar.

Like in our garden
Riddles have grown
Juicy and large,
They're so round.
In summer they turn green,
By autumn they turn red.

This is not a toy at all -

There is grass above the ground,
Burgundy head underground.

At least it grew in the garden,
Knows the notes G and F.

Small and bitter, Luke’s brother.

Same with a fist, a red barrel,
Touch it - smooth, bite it - sweet.

The hostess came from the market one day,
The hostess brought home from the market:
Parsley and beets.

Here the vegetables started a dispute on the table -
Who is better, tastier and more necessary on earth:
Parsley or beets?

Meanwhile, the hostess took the knife
And with this knife she began to chop:
Parsley and beets.

Covered with a lid, in a stuffy pot
Boiled, boiled in boiling water:
Parsley and beets.
And the vegetable soup turned out to be not bad!

Summary of a conversation with children in the 2nd junior - middle group
“Vegetables and fruits are healthy foods!”

Target: Teach children to choose healthy foods. Inspire a desire for healthy eating.
1. Teach children to distinguish, name and classify vegetables and fruits, using various analyzers for recognition.
2. Promote search new information about vegetables and fruits and their health benefits.
3. Learn to describe the appearance of vegetables and fruits, draw simple conclusions about the growth of vegetables and fruits.
4. To develop interest in works of Russian folklore (riddles, proverbs, sayings).
Yesterday, Doll Mom told me that her children began to get sick more often and they lack vitamins. Children really need vitamins to strengthen their bodies. Her children love them very much. The vitamins are delicious and beautiful.
-Have you guys tried vitamins?
- Vitamins come not only in tablets.
- What foods contain vitamins?
You need to eat more vegetables and fruits. They contain a lot of vitamins A, B, C, D.
Now listen to what products contain them and what they are needed for.
Vitamin A - carrots, fish, sweet pepper, eggs, parsley. Important for vision.
Vitamin B - meat, milk, nuts, bread, chicken, peas (for the heart).
Vitamin C - citrus fruits, cabbage, onions, radishes, currants (for colds).
Vitamin D - sun, fish oil (for bones).
Now I will show you pictures, and you will tell me what is shown on them, and you and I will find out what contains a large amount of vitamins!
(I show pictures of vegetables and fruits one by one, and the children say not only the name itself, but also answer the questions: which one (color, shape, taste)),
Lemon – yellow, juicy, sour, oval;
Orange – orange, round, sweet, juicy;
Pear – sweet, yellow, juicy, hard;
Apple – sweet, red, juicy, round;
Plum – blue, oval, sweet, juicy;
Peach – round, juicy, pink, sweet.
Educator: Oh! Someone is coming towards us! Who are these guys? (The door opens, the doll Alenka came to visit the guys).
Doll Alenka: Hello guys! I heard that you get sick often? But I don’t! Do you know why? Listen here!
I never lose heart
And a smile on your face
Because I accept
Vitamins A, B, C.
It is very important early in the morning
Eat oatmeal at breakfast.
Black bread is good for us
And not just in the morning.
Remember the simple truth
Only the one who sees better
Who chews raw carrots,
Or drinks carrot juice.
Oranges help with colds and sore throats.
Well, it's better to eat a lemon
Although it is very sour.

Game: “Right or wrong!”
I will read quatrains about products. If they talk about useful things, then you all say together: “That’s right, that’s right, that’s absolutely right!”
- And if you are silent about something that is harmful to health.
1.Eat more oranges, drink carrots delicious juice,
And then you will definitely be very slim and tall.
2.If you want to be slim, you need to love sweets
Eat candy, chew toffee, be slim, become like a cypress.
3. To eat right, you will remember the advice:
Eat fruits, porridge with butter, fish, honey and grapes.
4. There are no healthier products - delicious vegetables and fruits.
Both Seryozha and Irina benefit from vitamins.
5. Our Lyuba ate buns and became terribly fat.
He wants to come visit us, but he can’t crawl through the door.
6.If you want to be healthy, eat right,
Eat more vitamins, don’t worry about diseases.

V. Korkin
What's growing in our garden bed?
Cucumbers, sweet peas,
Tomatoes and dill
For seasoning and for testing.
There are radishes and salad -
Our garden bed is a treasure.
But watermelons don't grow here.
If you listened carefully,
I definitely remembered that.
Answer in order:
What's growing in our garden bed?

Low mobility outdoor game “Our vegetable garden is in order.”
Our garden is in order
We dug up the beds in the spring (we imitate working with a shovel).
We weeded the garden (we bend down and reach the floor with our hands).
We watered the garden (we show how to water it with a watering can).
There is not a lot in small holes
We planted cabbage (squat down, clasp your knees with your hands).
All summer she got fatter,
It grew in breadth and height (we are slowly rising).
And now she has dough, poor thing,
He says: “Move aside!” (stomp your foot at the end of the phrase)

Consultation for parents “About onions for children”

Who among us doesn’t know what an onion is? Most likely, there are no such unknowns. And you don’t have to be an experienced onion grower to grow this plant. White, purple, yellow – there are so many colors of this oldest vegetable crop on earth.
The homeland of onions is the mountainous regions of Central Asia. As cultivated plant The people of India and Afghanistan were the first to learn how to use it. Then he began his “victorious march” to other countries of the world.
There was such an old custom.
When a wedding cortege moved along the street in the southern villages, it was led by a peasant with a huge wreath of onions - a symbol of the well-being of the young family. A festive wreath was worn around the neck. The shiny bulbs sparkled in the sun and “whispered” among themselves in their own special “onion” manner. To this day, wreaths, braids, and bow braids are in use.
The genus onion has over six hundred species, distributed throughout the world. All types of onions have high taste.
About two hundred and fifty of them grow wild in Central Asia, Crimea, Altai and Far East, in Siberia, in the European part of the country. This crop is of great economic importance. Onions are used as a food, vitamin-rich, medicinal, ornamental, and melliferous plant. With a huge number various types, a much smaller number are classified as cultivated. Of the onion plants that have won a place in our gardens and garden plots, the most common are seven types: batun, allspice, leek, onion, slime, chives, and garlic.
Onion - perennial, which has hollow tubular leaves, like onions, but does not form the same bulb (the trumpet has a small cylindrical bulb that turns into a false stem). The birthplace of this type of onion is China. This plant can be called differently: onion, Tatarka, winter, sandy. Leeks - two years old herbaceous plant. It is one of the nutritionally valuable vegetable crops. Its homeland is the Mediterranean. In culture, leeks are widely distributed in Western Europe(France, Denmark, Holland). Onions– a biennial plant with a well-formed bulb. Not found in the wild. His native land is Central Asia and Afghanistan. It is known in culture over four thousand years BC.

The beneficial properties of onions have been noticed by man for a long time. Onion crops benefit everyone, especially their green leaves, which contain vitamin C and carotene. Fresh herbs onion is a good anti-scorbutic remedy, it stimulates the appetite and improves digestion. Green onions of all types are useful for patients with acute respiratory disease or influenza, as they contain phytoncides that have a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms. Leeks are recommended for metabolic disorders.

Poems about onions

Onions are the envy of everyone these days.
Wonderful shape and elastic,
Like a disobedient ball,
It breaks out of your hands.
It is extremely round - I see
Golden, red, red.
But when peeling off the peel,
Stop your game.
The eye will sting in earnest.
Decided to roar, as if?
Onions in the garden and vegetable garden,
Yes, with all the honest people,
It develops and grows.
It will save us from diseases.
Yes, the onion grew well.
It's all done. But not suddenly.
I spent the labor.
I watched the landing.
Large leeks have grown.
And now you don’t get sick.
Onion - add to salad.
And put it on the table boldly.
Unusual onion,
And Siberian onion slime.
Fragrant, bitter -
Are you crying? Who is to blame?
Sculpting lesson notes
"Vegetables: cucumbers, tomatoes."

Goal: learn to convey the shape of vegetables, develop speech.
Progress of the lesson:
1. Introductory part.
- Hello, guys, it’s so good that you all came today!
Poem reading:
Our smart heads
They will think a lot, cleverly.
Ears will listen
Mouth speak clearly.
Hands will clap
Feet will stomp.
The backs are straightened,
We smile at each other.
Now you and I will have a modeling lesson. And to find out what we will sculpt today, you need to solve riddles.
Let's listen carefully to the first riddle.
It's round and red
Like the eye of a traffic light.
Among vegetables there is no juicier... (Tomato)

(the teacher shows an illustration of a tomato)
That's right guys, it's a tomato. Now let's listen to the second riddle.
Lying between the beds
Green and sweet. (Cucumber)
(the teacher shows an illustration of a cucumber)

That's right, guys, it's a cucumber. Well done. Today we will be with you, sculpting vegetables: cucumber and tomato.
Game "Collect vegetables."
But first, let's rest a little. Let's play the game "Collect vegetables." To do this, you and I will go to where vegetables grow. Guys, tell me where vegetables grow? That's right, in the garden. Take the baskets and, at my command, don’t yawn while the music is playing, collect the entire harvest!
(children run and collect vegetables)
(teacher stops the music)
Well done guys, you collected a lot of vegetables. Now let’s take our seats and start sculpting.
2.Explanation of the material.
(the teacher shows ready-made samples of cucumber and tomato)
Guys, take a close look at the cucumber. What shape is it? (oval). What color? (green).
Now look at the tomato? What shape is it? (round) What color? (red)
We looked at our cucumber and tomato. Now start sculpting.
(children sculpt on their own, the teacher helps.)
3. Final part.
Guys, you are all so great. What beautiful vegetables you have!
Guys, what vegetables did we sculpt?
Where do cucumbers and tomatoes grow? What shape is a cucumber? What shape is a tomato?
Well done, we're putting things in order on the tables.

Role-playing game “Shop “Vegetables and Fruits”

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the general concept of “store”, as well as knowledge about vegetables and fruits.

Tasks: develop the ability to carry out game actions, distribute roles and act according to the role assumed; cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.

Attributes: fruits, vegetables, bags, scales, seller's suit.

Progress of the game:
- Guys, let's say hello! You're sad, you probably didn't wake up. Let's wake up together.
- WITH good morning, little eyes! Are you awake?
- Good morning, ears! Are you awake?
- Good morning, hands! Are you awake?
- Good morning, legs! Are you awake?
- Good morning, sun! We woke up!

Now listen to E. E. Moshkovskaya’s poem “The Fun Shop”
Fun store
Opening a store
We sell products.
Buys Crocodile
Vegetables and fruits.
- How much does a zucchini cost?
- Zucchini? Piglet.
- Give me two zucchini.
- Give me two spots!
- Piglet and piglet...
Here's a dime!
Came to the store from work
Buyers Raccoons
Buy from the seller
Two pickled cucumbers.
Seller says:
- Two kopecks cucumber!
- Give us a cucumber!
- Pay the seller!
- Let's count: Twice two...
Two times two is four?
- Yes!
Very accurate! Well done!
Take the cucumbers!
- Hello, Kozlik. What
- I-e-e-e, please, here e-e-e-e
And this is it,
And here it is.
- And the coin? Where's the coin?
- Lost a coin somewhere!
Can I have it for free?
- So be it!

V. - Children, what is said in the poem?
D. – About the store.
V. – Guys, do you like to go to the store? Why do people go to the store?
D. – To buy food, bread, candy.
V. – There are grocery and toy stores. In grocery stores you can buy groceries, food, drinks, and in toy stores you can buy various toys. We also have a store in our kindergarten, it’s called “ Vegetables and fruits" Therefore, our store will sell fruits and vegetables. Guys, in our store there is a counter behind which there is a seller, I will be the seller (get dressed). But look, our counter is empty. I have a basket, it contains both vegetables and fruits, I will take a fruit or vegetable, and you must name what it is. I take out the carrots. What is this?
D. - Carrots. This is a vegetable. Carrots growing in the garden.
V. - I take out a pear. What is this?
D. - This is a pear. This is a fruit.
V. – I take out a pyramid toy. What is this?
D. – And this is a toy. It should be sold in a toy store.
V. - Well done! You guessed it. So they laid out all the goods. Look at the counter - here are fruits, and here are vegetables. Come to my store. (Children take their bags and stand in line).
V. – Hello, Diana! What would you like to buy?
D. – Apple
V. – Which apple is green or red?
D. – Green, please.
V. – Just a minute, I’ll weigh it now. Here, take it.

D. - Thank you!
(The game continues).

Guys, today we went to the store and bought vegetables and fruits. These are very healthy products, they contain a lot of vitamins. Listen to the poem:

To be healthy and strong,
You have to love fruits and vegetables.
There is no doubt about it!
Each has its own benefit and taste.
And I don’t dare decide
Which one tastes better?
Which one is more important?

Didactic game “Find by description”
Goal: develop memory, attention; to develop the ability when guessing not to interrupt your comrades, not to shout, and to listen carefully to the teacher.

Progress of the game. The teacher describes in detail one of the presented vegetables or fruits (shape, color, size, coloring, taste, what it feels like, what it looks like outside and inside) and invites the children to name it and show it. Then the adult asks riddles, the children guess and find a card with a picture. A descriptive story can be written by a child and guessed by an adult.

Outdoor game “Vegetables and fruits”

Purpose: to teach to distinguish fruits and vegetables by their appearance, develop attention and observation.

Attributes: subject pictures of vegetables and fruits

How to play: in the center of the circle are pictures of vegetables and fruits. Children walk in a circle saying:

“One, two, three - take any object!” Children take any object and organize groups “Vegetables”, “Fruits”.

Alexander Prokofiev

There are many beds in the garden,
There are turnips and salad.
There are beets and peas here,
Are potatoes bad?
Our green garden
It will feed us for a whole year.

Round dance game "Zucchini"
Goal: to develop an ear for music, a sense of rhythm; develop creative potential.
Progress of the game. One of the children becomes a zucchini. He stands in the center of the circle, the children dance around him and sing:

Zucchini, zucchini,
Thin legs
We fed you
We gave you something to drink
They put me on my feet,
They forced me to dance.
Dance as much as you want
Choose whoever you want!

The zucchini dances and then chooses another child to become the zucchini. The zucchini can dance in pairs with the one he chooses. You can choose not zucchini, but another vegetable (eggplant, cucumber, tomato, etc., use mask hats.

Role-playing game “Lunch for dolls”
Goal: To give children an idea of ​​the logic of life role-playing game.
Cultivate a culture of behavior during meals, a caring attitude towards the doll.
Develop speech and thinking.
Materials: Doll corner (dishes, stove, table, vegetables, cribs, dolls)
Progress of the game
The teacher brings the children to the table and says: “Soon the dolls will come back from their walk, we need to think about what to feed them. And he invites the children to feed the dolls lunch (ask the children the question: “What is needed for this?” Listen to the children’s suggestions). Children, following the example of the teacher, take saucepans and “cook cabbage soup.”

We have carrots
We have cabbage
Finely chop the onion
It will be very tasty.
(Children “clean carrots,” “cut cabbage and onions.”)

I'll stir it with a spoon,
I add salt
(Children stir with a spoon in the pan.)

The cabbage soup will be hot
Piping hot
From the oven.
(Children “taste the cabbage soup.”)

(The teacher invites the children to set the table so that each doll has a plate, spoon and fork.

Children, following the example of the teacher, take the dishes and arrange them.)
Let's arrange the dishes:
Plates and bowls,

So that everyone has:
At Katya and Mishka's,
At Olya and Tolya's,
At Lyalya and Galya's.
Let's get the spoons,
And forks and knives,
And we’ll pour out the cabbage soup
On plates yourself.
(Children “pour cabbage soup” into plates.)

Educator: This is a plate, I will pour cabbage soup into it. Here is a spoon for cabbage soup. I bought fresh bread. Here, touch it. (Invites the children to touch the cube instead of bread.) Soft bread? Cut the bread into thin slices.

(The teacher invites the children to call the dolls who came from their walk for lunch.) Children call their dolls one by one: “Katya, daughter, go eat!” (The teacher and children invite the dolls to wash their hands.) What dirty hands our daughters have! Wash immediately! (Wash their hands.) Then they sit the dolls at the table and feed them lunch.

Your daughters praise cabbage soup:
They are very tasty.
The kids will thank you
After all, when the child is full,
He always sleeps great.
And now it's time to go to bed,
Your dolls need to sleep.

Children put dolls into beds. The teacher turns on quiet music, the children rock their dolls.

Onion growth observation chart
Preparing the soil for planting 03/31/2017
First shoots (1 feather)
Second shoots (2 or more)
Third shoots (bunch)

Summary of OUD in the middle group in OZOM

Subject:"In the garden, in the vegetable garden"

Target : expand and clarify knowledge about fruits and vegetables.

Tasks :

Educational :

continue to train children in identifying vegetables by their appearance and in the ability to name them;

continue to formulate ideas about the work of vegetable growers and gardeners;

consolidate and clarify knowledge about the use of fruits and vegetables.


develop verbal communication skills, enrich your vocabulary with the words “vegetable growers”, “gardeners”, “plantation”.

Educational :

to instill in children a caring attitude towards fruits and vegetables, a desire to help adults.

Vocabulary work : plantation, gardeners, vegetable growers.

To make a big difference: orange, lemon, apple – Alma, pear – Almurt, banana

potatoes - kartop, cabbage - kyrykkybat, carrots - sabiz, beets - kyzylsha, orurets - kiyar, onions - piyaz, tomato - kyzanak.

- Guys, let's start the lesson as usual, by greeting each other. (Children stand in a circle, say greetings and perform the appropriate movements)

Hello, golden sun!

Hello, blue sky!

We will open for you -

Both palms and hearts!

Let there be warmth in the world!

Let people smile!

Let the world be endless!

- For good mood Give each other smiles along with a smile.

Classification of vegetables and fruits.

Children, what time of year is it now? How can autumn be called differently? It is true that this is a generous time of year. Why do we call it that? (...) Autumn came to our group and left her gifts. Let's see what she put in our basket.

The teacher makes a wishriddles :

Sweet, orange.
It grows, crunches, smells.
Good for the body.
Vegetable. (carrot)

Green, rough

It grows, it smells, it crunches

It is salted for the winter

Vegetable. (cucumber)

Well done! You guessed it. How can you call them in one word? (vegetables)

What other vegetables do you know? (pumpkin, tomato, pepper, turnip, beet, onion, potato, etc.)

Didactic game“What do we know about vegetables?”

Where are vegetables grown? (on vegetable gardens , at the dachas)

And the guys also grow vegetables on state farms. Do you know the names of the areas where they grow big harvest vegetables? They are called plantations. What do you think people who grow vegetables are called? (vegetable growers)

And now I want to teach you how to play new game, it's called “Name a vegetable” . Let's stand in a circle and take hold of hands :

"We have garden, cabbage grows in it, this width, this dinner, this height, this low. Garden , garden, what else grows there? (carrots, potatoes, beets, etc.) »

The teacher makes riddles about fruits.

Round, rosy,

It grows, matures, turns red.

Rich in vitamins

Fruit. Apple


Orange, rough

Grows, matures, ripens

Adults and children love him


What fruits do you know? (cherries, pears, oranges, pomegranate and others)

What are the names of the trees on which fruit grows? (Trees that bear fruit are called fruit trees.)

Name the place where they grow fruit trees? (The place where fruit trees grow is called a garden.)

What is the name of the garden: where the apple trees grow - apple garden; pears - pear; plums - plum; grapes - grape. And let's call all these gardens in one word - fruit gardens.

What do people who grow fruits and berries call? (Gardeners)

Game "Fruits and vegetables". Children divide the fruits into two baskets, fruits and vegetables.

Guys, remember the rule about what kind of water you should wash fruits and vegetables with? (Vegetables and fruits should be washed in hot water; Be sure to wash in hot water).

– That’s right guys, vegetables and fruits need to be washed in hot and running water. Why do you need to follow this rule? (So ​​as not to get sick; so as not to have stomach ache; to be healthy; to take care of your health).

Conversation.- Guys, tell us what dishes can be prepared from vegetables and fruits. (Vegetables can be used to make vegetable soup, salads, slices. You can make a fruit salad from the fruit. Salt cucumbers and tomatoes. Prepare compote and jam from fruits.


Guys, tell me, what did we do today?

What new have you learned?

What did you like most?

Software tasks: 1. Strengthen the ability to correctly name vegetables and fruits. 2. Clarify the idea of ​​the general concept of vegetables and fruits. 3. Develop the ability to examine an object, highlight some of its properties and qualities. 4. Continue to teach children to listen to the sound of words, to distinguish individual sounds in words. 5. Develop the ability to listen to each other.

Material: toy Kopatych, a basket with dummies of vegetables and fruits, a bag of vegetables and fruits, cut-out pictures, a saucer with pieces of fruit, spoons according to the number of children.

Progress of the lesson.
Children are included in the group. There is a knock on the door.
Educator:- Oh, guys, someone came to visit us (the door opens, there is the little bear Kopatych).
Kopatych:- Hello guys! (children say hello). As promised, I came to visit you. I have reaped a large harvest, but I just can’t figure it out. Where is what? I came to you for help. Help me.
Educator:- Guys, can we help Kopatych? (Yes)
Kopatych: – I brought you my harvest.
Educator: - Guys, let's see what Kopatych has in his basket.
Children come to the table (pour all the contents onto a tray).

Educator: - There’s so much here. Let's put the vegetables and fruits on plates (plates with signals are offered).
Kopatych: – Take one item at a time and place it on the plate that you think is correct. Children lay out vegetables and fruits.
- Look, children, what we will put on this plate. Why? How can we call it in one word? What about the other?
Educator: - Here, Kopatych, look at these plates and remember! Let's list what was put on the plates.

Also an interesting activity on cognitive development:

II. Our guest is tired from the road, let's go to the chairs, play with Kopatych and tell him something interesting.
Educator: – The game is called “Guess the Vegetables.” Let's show the little bear that you and I can guess vegetables by touch. I will put several vegetables in a basket, and with your eyes closed, you take it out and name the vegetable and show it to the guys, then tell everything you know about it (there are 4 vegetables in the basket). The guys make up short stories about vegetables.
Educator: – And you, Kopatych, remember everything?

Now let's play a game “We have a vegetable garden!”(physical pause)
We have a vegetable garden
There are carrots growing there
Such a height
Such lowlands
This is the width
These are the dinners
You're a carrot, hurry up
Dance with us.

III. Now let’s go to the clearing together with Kopatych, we will collect magic pictures (children sit on the carpet, collect pictures of fruits and vegetables, cut into pieces).
Educator: – Look, Kopatych, what the guys did! What can you cook from vegetables and fruits?
Kopatych: – Well done guys! You know everything so well! And now I have prepared delicious riddles for you. Let's see if you can handle it?
The children go to the table. (Pieces of fruits and vegetables are hidden under the napkin).

– You will close your eyes and guess by taste what kind of fruit you ate? (One child is blindfolded and allowed to try). What are you eating? What does it taste like?
Educator: - Well, Kopatych, did the guys solve your riddles?
Kopatych: — Your guys know fruits wonderfully! I am very glad that I turned to you for help. And I have gifts for you.
Kopatych gives the children coloring books and says goodbye to them.

Title: Direct summary educational activities on cognitive development in the middle group “In the garden or in the vegetable garden”
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, development of ideas about the world around us and about ourselves, Middle group

Position: teacher of the first qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU No. 17 “Rucheyok”
Location: Arkhangelsk region, city of Severodvinsk