Is it possible to keep orchids at home: pros and cons. Beautiful orchids: is it possible to keep them in the bedroom? The orchid gave the baby signs

If you are wondering whether it is possible to keep orchids at home, the signs differ. It is difficult to find a domestic flower about which there would be so many conflicting superstitions.

In the article:

Orchid - the oldest flower

The orchid is a very beautiful flower that is loved by many. The first mention of this plant dates back to the 7th century BC, but some experts who study plants are confident that the orchid has been known to man much longer. This is one of the most ancient flowers that for a long time was considered a symbol of purity, purity, perfection, divine beauty and harmony.

People of the past considered the orchid to be a flower of the chosen ones among people who had some kind of talent - creative or oratorical, as well as attractive appearance. It was given to beloved girls, expressing their respect and admiration for the object of admiration, showing the purity of their thoughts.

As one of the most ancient flowers, there are many superstitions about the orchid. Some of them are based on the difficulties of artificial cultivation of this plant, and some - on personal experience our ancestors, who is worth believing.

Orchid in the house - bad omens

Most of the signs endow orchids with properties that should absolutely not be allowed to be kept in the house. It is believed that such plants draw vital energy from people who live with it under the same roof. Even the teachings of Feng Shui do not argue with this, which is favorable to most plants and encourages a large number of flowers in the house. This is due to the fact that the pollen of some types of orchids lulls you to sleep.

There is also an opinion that the orchid is muzhegon, but this is not entirely correct. Indeed, this is a female plant that benefits only the fair sex, enhancing femininity, attractiveness and other inherent qualities. The orchid has a negative effect on a man, making him pampered and even effeminate. Therefore, it is not recommended to place them in rooms where married couples, men and even little boys live.

Bad omens about orchids in the house do not prohibit their cultivation, but they do impose a number of restrictions. As a vampire, like most house flowers, they are active at night, so avoid placing orchids in bedrooms. In addition, you should make sure that the men in your family have as little contact as possible with this plant. Put it away where they spend the least amount of time, such as the kitchen. This is a plant for women, and men’s offices and rooms are not decorated with it.

Signs and superstitions about orchids of a positive nature

As mentioned above, there is nothing against breeding, but subject to the above precautions. Then they won't have any negative meaning and will serve as a real talisman for any woman, will help develop talents and engage in creativity. Only in order for the plant to treat you well, you should properly care for it and prevent diseases and wilting of the orchid.

An orchid can prolong and even restore youth, health and good mood women. It gives attractiveness and enhances all feminine qualities and character traits. With this home flower You can expel negativity from your home and attract positive energy into it. At the same time, pay attention to color, because specimens of different colors have different effects.

This plant can also be your protector. If you have a guest who is planning evil against you, the orchid will definitely drive him away, causing you to feel unwell and want to urgently leave your apartment. Secret and obvious enemies who had to face an orchid protecting its owner experience headaches, various anxiety states and other disorders.

Signs about the color of an orchid

Representatives of the teachings of Feng Shui believe that this is different and can have absolutely different meanings, based on the color of its flowers.

Red and purple orchids will help overcome laziness. They are perfect for girls on a diet, quitting smoking or starting to lead a healthy lifestyle. Such a plant will help you with the help of your willpower. Red flowers will help you do what you have always put off until tomorrow or were planning to start next Monday.

Yellow orchids bring material wealth and help to reach the top of the career ladder. The same applies to orange flowers. They encourage activity and an active lifestyle. Great for people who feel that they vital energy exhausted, suffer from laziness or the inability to begin implementing their ideas. They are great for supporting creative people and helping them find inspiration.

White and pink flowers help those who have no idea what it is to find inner harmony. They are definitely needed for girls who see the world in black colors and suffer from depression or melancholy. In addition, pink will help you gain charm and inner attractiveness.

For a long time, the orchid has been considered a special plant, symbolizing purity, harmony, and perfection. The flower was loved for its extraordinary beauty and increasingly began to be grown for decoration. home interior. Many different myths, signs and superstitions are associated with the orchid. They say that this flower has no place at home.

Why you can't keep orchids at home

The orchid is an epiphyte plant

Objective reasons

Experts speak out against placing this flower in the bedroom. The reason for this is the aroma released by the plant, which has a negative impact on people's health. For lovers of home orchids who are in the same room with the flower, its exposure can lead to the following negative consequences:

  • the occurrence of insomnia;
  • headaches;
  • the appearance of irritability;
  • depression.

Feng Shui adherents prohibit placing an orchid in the bedroom so that it does not take away energy from sleeping people.

An orchid should not be kept in the bedroom so that the flower does not take away energy from people during sleep.

Signs and superstitions

According to folk superstitions, this flower belongs to muzhegonny plants, which is not entirely true. This is a truly feminine flower. It benefits the fair half of society, enhances female attractiveness and beauty. Its negative impact on men is manifested in the fact that they turn into more sensitive, effeminate people. In this regard, it is not recommended to keep orchids in rooms occupied by men, married couples, and boys. Better flower put in a place where male representatives rarely visit.

It is better to place the orchid in a room where men spend little time

Impressionable people who believe in omens and consider the orchid to be an energy vampire should not keep it in the house. Those who are devoid of prejudices can take into account which places this flower should not be placed and admire the amazing beauty of a home orchid.

Women adore flowers and not one will remain indifferent to such a flower as the Orchid. Orchids are some of the most beautiful indoor plants.

Experts advise not to get carried away with these flowers and not to grow them at home.

One of the reasons is that the Orchid is an epiphytic plant. It can live as it strikes without requiring soil for roots. Feeds from humid air. Can successfully live on other flowers. The roots help in extracting the necessary substances for the life of the Orchid.

Feng Shui experts advise you to listen to the recommendation. beautiful flower will amaze by nature.

Therefore, Feng Shui experts say that this flower can be grown in non-residential premises, in offices, that is, where there are a lot of people, and where you work and do not relax! But it’s better not to keep him in the apartment. As for the bedroom, it is generally contraindicated for it!

If you had an orchid in your bedroom, you probably remember how, for some unknown reason, you felt overwhelmed in the morning!

And more!

Orchid is an exclusively female flower! It simply destroys the male aura. This manifests itself, in particular, in the fact that it suppresses libido.

Therefore, if you throw away your homemade rose not an option, at least put it where your husband spends a minimum of time!

Be interesting with

This mysterious and beautiful flower appeared in ancient times. According to legend, Venus, walking through the forest, dropped a shoe, which turned into an extraordinary beauty. According to another legend, fragments of a huge rainbow turned into orchids. The orchid was a symbol of purity, innocence, and perfection. There are many myths and superstitions about these flowers, let's figure out what signs exist and is it possible to keep orchids at home?

Mysterious flower

This flower, which attracts attention, has a fragile soul and is therefore very vulnerable. It is so perfect and expressive that it looks more like a work of art than a piece of art. For its exotic beauty, extraordinary color and elegance, the orchid is often called the queen of flowers.

There is a belief that this flower has intelligence. The eastern floorboard says: when you are happy, draw orchids. Mysterious orchid was a companion of people endowed with extraordinary abilities and striking appearance.

Orchid is a flower with magical properties, is associated with love spells and magic; it is not for nothing that one of the components of a love potion is orchid seeds and leaves. An orchid can lull a woman’s vigilance, which is why unfaithful husbands gave these flowers to their wives.

There are many conflicting beliefs associated with the orchid. On the one hand, it is believed that this is an energy vampire, a symbol of selfishness, on the other hand, it brings family happiness.

Why can't you keep the plant in the house?

Many are convinced that the orchid is an energy vampire and drains vitality from a person, so it should not be kept in the house. This belief is due to the fact that orchid pollen induces drowsiness and lulls you to sleep. It is believed that, being a female flower, the orchid repels men. A man under the influence of this flower acquires feminine qualities, becomes soft and pampered.

There are also other common signs:

  • A large number of orchids in the house can cause depression, it is harmful for people with unstable psyches.
  • Orchids don't like people weak character , they are able to bewitch and quietly take away all their life force.
  • If a flower is sick, it is better to get rid of it, it emits negative impulses. A capricious and complex orchid requires special attention, love and care. As a reward for caring, you can receive positive energy from her.

Positive superstitions

  • Orchid awakens interest in, stimulates creativity in a person, encourages creation.
  • Being a female flower, the orchid has a positive effect on women's health, restores attractiveness and self-confidence, gives strength, restores vigor and cheerfulness, prolongs youth.
  • Orchid protects the family hearth, strengthens marriage bonds, establishes harmony and mutual understanding in the family, cleanses from negativity and bad thoughts.
  • This delicate, sensitive flower is able to protect the house from the “evil” eye, “warn” about the negative intentions of uninvited guests and even “expel” them from the house, causing a severe headache.
  • By purchasing an orchid, business people can count on success in their careers and business, since this flower attracts wealth, luck and prosperity, increases material well-being.
  • Admiring an orchid, you can find harmony with the outside world, to understand yourself, it makes you think about the meaning of life, to find a spiritual goal.

Orchid in the bedroom

You need to be careful when choosing a place in the house for an orchid., since the microclimate in the family and the well-being of those living in the house depend on this.

  • By absorbing energy and spreading a pungent aroma at night, an orchid can cause poor health, headaches, insomnia, and restless sleep, so it is not recommended to place it in the bedroom. A sleeping person is defenseless and vulnerable, so he can easily lose vital energy.
  • Orchid has a negative effect on the stronger sex, so even in the bedroom little boy there is no need to install it. will have difficulty falling asleep, wake up at night, become irritable and aggressive. It is better to keep it in the female part of the house, for example, in the kitchen. It is necessary to choose a place with good ventilation.
  • According to signs, the orchid, an exclusively female flower, is a muzhegon, “scares off” and repels men, so it is inappropriate in the bedroom. Men should not come into contact with the flower to avoid loss of strength.
  • Lonely people an orchid in the bedroom prevents you from finding your soul mate, start a family.

Don't forget that orchids will only help if you treat them with care and tenderness, caring for them and loving them.

Many signs and superstitions say that an orchid brings harmony to the house. This flower symbolizes perfection, purity and purity. If they give you such a plant, they thereby want to express sincerity of feelings and deepest respect. But there are other signs that do not advise keeping an orchid in your apartment.

Signs about negative influence

First of all, it is worth noting that an orchid is a flower for women, and therefore signs do not recommend keeping it in your home for male representatives. The plant can pamper its owner, and therefore placing it in a son’s children’s room, in a man’s office, or in a couple’s bedroom is highly undesirable.

  1. It is a bad omen to receive this plant as a gift from a subordinate who treats you with disrespect. And if at the moment of the offering he thinks about how to harm you, the flower is able to accomplish this. It can provoke an attack of unreasonable anger, insomnia and problems in the intimate sphere.
  2. The orchid is called an energy vampire. Signs indicate that this plant absorbs positive energy in the house, which harms the owners. Household members may experience a loss of energy and constant fatigue.
  3. They brought an orchid from someone else’s house - signs and superstitions say that this is also bad sign. It is believed that this plant quickly gets used to its owner and does not tolerate a change of environment. As a result, the flower may experience stress and take revenge on the new owner: the atmosphere in the house will begin to deteriorate, quarrels and conflicts will begin.

Some types of orchids emit a special aroma that acts as a sleeping pill on humans.

Positive signs

Having figured out why folk signs It is forbidden to keep an orchid at home, you should move on to the positive influence of this flower.

  • Being a female plant, the orchid helps its owners preserve their natural beauty and prolong youth. Every day it will give you a great mood, improve your health and enhance your feminine charm.
  • Signs promise that if you care for an orchid at home correctly, it can become a real amulet. The flower will help develop hidden talents and achieve success in the creative field.
  • A healthy orchid that does not lack attention will fill your home with positive energy. She will not allow ill-wishers and envious people into your environment, and will protect you from guests who are planning evil against you. People say that the flower can provoke headaches and other ailments among its owner’s enemies.
  • If your boss is too strict, then you should give him an orchid. The plant will awaken empathy in him, and as a result, your boss will become calmer and more loyal towards his subordinates.
  • When a girl or woman is given this plant, it means that she is treated with special reverence and has extremely serious intentions.
  • If the gift ends up in the home of a married couple, their relationship will soon move on to more high level, and passion will resume with renewed vigor.

But you should not place this plant near your bed: at night it becomes especially active, which can negatively affect your sexuality.

The effect of orchid color on humans

The influence of an orchid is largely determined by the color of its buds.

  1. For those who are wondering whether it is possible to keep a purple orchid in their home, signs give a positive answer. Especially if you currently need to give up bad habits. A flower of this shade will help you quit smoking, support you in your quest to find an ideal figure, and generally promote a healthy lifestyle.
  2. Red will increase efficiency and help get rid of laziness. With it, you will no longer put off important things until tomorrow and will always finish what you start. At the same time, making responsible decisions will become much easier.
  3. Flower yellow promises financial well-being. Success in your career awaits you with him.
  4. Orange gives its owner a boost of energy every day. And if you feel that your strength is running out, buy just such a flower. Your activity will increase significantly, which will allow you to begin implementing your plans. With such a plant you will receive a huge portion of inspiration.
  5. Blooming in pink and white promises an improvement in mood. It is recommended to keep such plants in your home for women prone to depression. Pink and white orchid flowers, according to signs and superstitions, will get rid of prejudices, help you find inner harmony and drive away negative thoughts.

Where should the plant be kept?

Since folk signs have different interpretation Regarding orchids, for many the question of whether this flower can be kept at home remains open. It is worth noting here that you need to choose the right place for it.

  • Being on the southeast side, the plant will bring prosperity to the house and promote success. Moreover, if the flower is red, then it is better to place it in the living room or in the workplace.
  • If a woman wants to renew a passionate relationship with her husband, then signs advise placing the orchid on the southwest side. Soon mutual understanding will return to their family, and alienation will disappear. At the same time good sign considered a flower with dark red and scarlet buds.
  • The white orchid that you place on the eastern window will become a home healer. Every morning you will feel cheerful, illnesses will go away much faster, and headaches will no longer bother you.
  • If you place an orchid on the northwestern side, it will make relationships between family members more harmonious: conflicts will disappear, grievances will be forgotten, and household members will become more united.

The best place is a western or eastern window sill. Thanks to this location, the flower will attract a lot of good things into your home and drive away negative energy.


Signs advise keeping orchids in your home only if you are able to provide them with proper care. And if the flower does not experience discomfort, grows and looks healthy, it will definitely give you a lot of positive emotions.

  1. This plant requires a special substrate, which can be purchased ready-made.
  2. For an orchid, as a rule, choose a transparent container or the lightest possible pot with holes in the bottom - this way the roots will not overheat.
  3. Be sure to place a drainage layer under the substrate to prevent water stagnation.
  4. For irrigation, use settled water at room temperature. Watering is carried out every three days in the summer and a couple of times a week with the onset of cold weather.
  5. Feeding is applied once a month. Young flowers and plants that are in the flowering phase are fertilized more often - once a week.
  6. From time to time the orchid is shed in the shower. In this case, the water pressure should be weak, the temperature should not exceed 40°.
  7. It is advisable to keep the orchid at an air temperature of +20 to +25 °C on a well-lit windowsill, but you must ensure that the plant is not exposed to direct sunlight.

The orchid is very beautiful, and therefore it has many fans. But remember that she will attract good luck and joy into the house only if proper care. And pay attention to the signs: they will tell you where it is best to place this tropical plant.