Rules for using the insecticide Confidor for plants: effectiveness of use, active ingredient, dosage, analogues. Confidor extra: instructions for use of the insecticide Confidor instructions for use for potatoes

Growing crops is impossible without the use of pest control products. It is advisable to use preparations created on the basis of natural raw materials. But they often don't act fast enough. In this case, you need to use chemicals. One of them is Confidor extra.

The effect of the drug Confidor extra on pests combines contact and intestinal effects. This means that it acts on insects in two ways:

  1. The product destroys pests immediately after contact with their skin.
  2. Insects that are not affected by the poison eat the treated plants and disappear.

The effect of the drug Confidor extra is due to the presence of the substance imidacloprid in it. It is this that causes paralysis of all organs and systems of insects. They stop moving and cannot eat. In about 3 days, the insects die. Both adult pests and larvae of different stages of development disappear. It only does not affect insect eggs.

The drug is effective against most types of pests. It destroys even those that are not affected by other drugs. It is successfully used against small and invisible pests. This:

  • Colorado beetle
  • Aphids on,
  • Whiteflies
  • on cabbage
  • Thrips on flowers, vegetables and trees.

The manufacturer of the drug Confidor extra is the German company Bayer. Release form: dispersion granules. The drug is presented on the market in packages of 1 and 5 g. Those who need a large amount of the drug can purchase a bottle weighing 400 g.

Treatment with Confidor Extra can be carried out in various ways. You can spray the plants with the preparation diluted with water from a sprayer. Also added along with mineral fertilizers in the spring. The drug can be treated garden crops, trees, shrubs, including decorative ones.

How does Confidor Extra differ from other crop pest control products:

  1. It is highly effective against major types of pests. Its use is more economical than the use of mixtures of pyrethroids and organophosphates.
  2. The drug works for a long time. This is due to the fact that it is not washed off the leaves by rain. Therefore, the period when it protects plants is long - from 2 weeks to a month. It does not depend on weather conditions. Works even with high temperatures, up to 29 °C. The active substance penetrates into the plant through the leaves, stem and root.
  3. The first results of the treatment are noticeable within a couple of hours. But the majority of pests will die in 2-3 days.
  4. The fact that the drug has a contact-intestinal effect makes it possible to use it to destroy small insects, which are difficult to notice with the naked eye. Therefore, at the first signs of damage (for example, curled leaves when aphids appear), you need to treat the area. Even if the poison does not reach the pests, after some time they will still disappear after feasting on the juice or leaves of the plants.
  5. The drug Confidor extra not only destroys garden pests. It restores and accelerates cell reproduction, so affected plants quickly grow back and return to normal. The growth and development of the root system of plants also improves if the soil is very dense and lacks air.

Manufacturers claim that the drug Confidor Extra is not phytotoxic, that is, it does not poison the plants that are processed. But still, you should not eat fruits that were recently exposed to its influence. Therefore, when spraying vegetables or fruits, you need to plan for at least a month to pass from treatment to harvest. Plants are also not sprayed during the flowering period of agricultural crops. After all, during this period there are a lot of bees on them.

Confidor Extra was developed relatively recently. Therefore, most insects have not yet had time to adapt to it. This explains the high efficiency of Confidor.

The treatment process is described in the instructions for the drug Confidor extra:

  • Cut off the corner of the bag containing 1 g of the substance.
  • Pour its contents into a container intended for this purpose (not into the sprayer tank), pour in a little, about 100 g, water. This is necessary in order to properly dissolve the drug.
  • Stir thoroughly with a wooden stick until completely dissolved. Then add water, bringing the amount of solution to 10 liters.

In this case, the concentration of the solution will correspond to the norm. But the drug does not dissolve completely in water. There is still a fine residue that can clog the sprayer openings. Therefore, before use, the solution must be filtered through gauze, folded several times, or a sprayer mesh.

This amount of solution should be enough to spray approximately 200 m2. If the area to be treated is larger, it would be more advisable to buy a package weighing 5 g. This is usually cheaper than 5 packages of 1 g, and you will only have to dissolve the drug once instead of five. Its contents are also dissolved in a small amount of water, then poured into a fifth for every 10 liters of water. The drug cannot be stored in a diluted state for a long time. It must be used the same day.

Spraying is best done in the morning or late afternoon.

This will help protect bees that die from exposure to the drug. It is best to spray at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. At the same time, it should not be lower than 12°C.

The rates and methods of applying Confidor Extra depend on the type of crop being treated:

  • When processing potatoes per 100 m2 it is 1.5 ml. For large areas, 200 ml of substance per 1 hectare. Estimated number of sprays 1.
  • For protection and Colorado potato beetle, thrips or aphids, carry out 1 treatment, adding 250 ml per 1 ha.
  • Confidor extra for spraying tomatoes and cucumbers in a greenhouse against aphids and invisible thrips. Treat once per season, using half a liter of the substance per 1 hectare.
  • There are usually many pests hiding in the garden, which are not easy to spot. To treat the garden, the drug is used against leaf aphids, apple leaf miner, and Californian scale insects. Up to 8 trees usually grow on 1 acre. They are treated with Confidor extra once per season, dissolving 4 ml of the product in 10 liters of water.

The drug Confidor extra does not harm the environment. For people it is low-toxic and belongs to the third class of danger. Very harmful to fish. Therefore, you need to carefully ensure that the packages containing the drug do not get into rivers and lakes. The packaging must be burned, the sprayer tank must be washed and the remains must be poured into places where bees, for which Confidor Extra is also harmful, do not fly or take a bribe. Do not use food containers after preparing the drug, even after thorough washing.

When preparing the solution and treating plants, you need to wear protective clothing.

Hands are protected with gloves, eyes with goggles. When working with the drug, do not smoke or eat. After the treatment is completed, thoroughly wash the exposed parts of the body and rinse the mouth. If a toxic substance enters the body, weakness appears. The functioning of the stomach may be disrupted, you may get sick and feel dizzy. When the first signs of poisoning appear, you need to stop spraying and leave the work site.

There is no antidote for Confidor. Therefore, local measures need to be taken. In case of contact with eyes, rinse them with clean running water. If the poison gets into the stomach, induce vomiting after drinking as much water as possible. Then take a few tablets activated carbon. After these procedures, you must go to the hospital so that the doctor can determine the degree of danger and help with treatment.

Confidor Extra should be stored in places where children cannot enter. It tolerates a slight drop in temperature, up to 5 degrees below zero. Maximum storage temperature 25°C.

More information can be found in the video:

"Confidor" - systemic pesticide contact-intestinal action. Widely used in private farms and the agro-industrial sector against a complex of common sucking and gnawing plant pests. The drug is effective both when sprayed and when applied in soil.

The insecticidal drug "Confidor" is a drug wide range actions. Important distinctive feature- it is effective against Homoptera (Homoptera), Coleoptera (Coleoptera), Lepidoptera (Lepidoptera) and many other insect pests.

Most often, "Confidor" is used to protect plants grown in closed soils(tomato, cucumber), as well as potatoes and grain crops from the following pests:

  • (potato, legume, grape, cherry, melon, apple, large gall, etc.);
  • (mainly greenhouse, but also strawberry, cabbage, etc.);
  • thrips;
  • pests of grain crops (cereal aphids, wheat ground beetles, bread beetles and flea beetles, leech, thrips).

In addition to pest control functions, the Confidor line of products allows plants to activate their potential for protection against unfavorable growing factors - drought, heat, exposure to herbicides, soil salinity, etc.

Composition, dosage form and varieties

Line of manufactured drugs "Confidor"

The main active ingredient is imidacloprid, dosage 70% (chemical class - neonicotinoids).

The drug "Confidor" is available in the form of WG (water-dispersible granules) brown, with a faint odor. Packaged in packages of 1 and 5 grams, and bottles of 0.4 kg.

The line of drugs includes “Confidor Maxi” and “Confidor Extra”.

Manufacturer and registrant is the German concern Bayer.

Operating principle

The mechanism of functioning of the drug for insect population control based on the contact-intestinal principle of influencing the pest. The active substance blocks the transmission of nerve impulses at the level of the acetylcholine receptor of the postsynaptic membrane.

In addition, the main product of imidacloprid metabolism, chloronicotinic acid (6CNA), is inducer of systemic resistance plants and causes physical and biological changes in the plant to overcome stressful growing conditions.

Mechanism of action of Confidor Extra

Regulations for the use of Confidor Extra


Protected soil cucumber

Indoor tomato


Security and restrictions

For safe use insecticide "Confidor" the release dates and waiting periods should be observed:

  • release dates for handmade up to 7 days; for mechanized vehicles, exit times are not regulated;
  • waiting period before harvest for vegetable crops 3-5 days, for grain crops at least 20 days.

The hazard class for humans is class 3, but the drug is extremely dangerous when taken orally.

Confidor should only be used for its intended purpose. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing, use personal protective equipment - nitrile gloves, safety glasses, etc. When carrying out work, follow personal safety standards (store work clothes separately, wash hands before breaks in work and at the end of the working day, etc. )

The drug "Confidor" is dangerous in case of fire, because Hydrogen chloride (HCl), hydrocyanic acid (hydrocyanide), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx) may be released.

When using the drug, increased attention should be paid to environmental issues, because:

  • A) for bees– Hazard class 1 (especially dangerous drug).
  • b) for fish— toxicity LC50 (using the example of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) 301 mg/l, exposure time: 96 hours);
  • V) for aquatic microorganisms– toxicity EC50 (using the example of water flea (Daphnia Magna) 242 mg/l, exposure time: 48 hours);
  • G) for aquatic plants— toxicity IC50 (using the example of algae (Desmodesmus subspicatus) > 1,000 mg/l, exposure time: 72 hours)

Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages of using Confidor Extra

TO merits The use of the drug "Confidor Extra" includes the following:

- period protective action-from 15 to 30 days, depending on the type of pest and weather conditions;

high speed impact on the pest due to pronounced enteric contact action (during the first hours after treatment);

- non-phytotoxic if dosages are observed;

high activity against pests resistant to organophosphorus and pyrethroid insecticides;

- long-term effect of the drug, even under unfavorable conditions, for example, in extreme heat;

- opportunity joint application with mineral fertilizers and pesticides;

— pronounced systemic properties, which allows you to fight secretly living pests;

— good resistance to flushing;

— for most crops one treatment is sufficient;

- maintains plant resistance to abiotic factors– drought, heat, soil salinity, etc.;

— registered and successfully used in almost 100 countries, incl. in Russia.

As shortcomings can be noted:

  • the active substance “imidacloprid” is a strong nerve poison of enteric contact action with long-term consequences, therefore special precautions must be taken when working with the drug;
  • the drug belongs to the maximum hazard class for aquatic organisms and bees, which limits its territorial area of ​​application;
  • due to the demand for the drug, there are a lot of counterfeits and so-called analogues on the market, so when purchasing you should beware of counterfeits.

What could be more important than getting healthy and full harvest for the farmer? Only the elimination of pests, of which there are more than a hundred names. Each species carries a certain threat. Moreover, not only damage to the green part, but also destruction of fruits at the early and mature stages of the growing season.

Insecticide Confidor is a new generation drug. It deserves positive assessments from most professionals in the gardening, vegetable and flower business. The drug is also suitable for home flower beds, but with small reservations: strict adherence to recommendations for use and dilution.

Description and properties of the drug

  • less toxic;
  • half the price;
  • more convenient to use.

The substance has the form of a powder for wetting SP, liquid concentrate of VRK, emulsion of EC. It dissolves well in water and leaves no sediment. This is convenient for spraying in greenhouses and on open ground through sprayers - the drip irrigation system does not become clogged.

IN powder form Confidor is used little in the post-Soviet space. The most popular are concentrate and liquid-soluble emulsion. These options are convenient, effective, and have few side effects.

Important! Recently, complaints from farmers about the appearance of large quantities of fake products have become more frequent. Counterfeits are difficult to distinguish from the real drug. But there are a number of signs that indicate fraudulent products.

Confidor is used as protective agent for all types of crops. It is possible to protect indoor and garden flowers with the help of an insecticide. The protective reaction lasts at least 30 days. Recommended number of treatments: no more than 3 times during the season. Methods of application:

  • watering;
  • spraying;
  • dressing of seed and seedling material;
  • wiping indoor plants.

Type – neonicotinoid – nicotine derivative abilities. There is no need to be afraid of this. Since such a substance is contained in nightshades. The smell is unpleasant, and the taste is very different from other substances (burning and tart). Interesting fact It is also true that nicotine is found in zucchini, potatoes, peppers and even tomatoes, but in small quantities.

Safe for humans, but lethal to insects even in small quantities. The substance quickly penetrates the plant sap. However, traces of it cannot be found in pollen. Which prevents the destruction of honey plants.

This formula is suitable for all species and types of plants (for trees and shrubs, including). Exceeding dosages of Confidor can also be dangerous due to this formula. Therefore, the recommended doses must be followed.

The manufacturer additionally states that the current Confidor formula has a bonus goal: growth stimulation. The fact is that pencicuron is capable of destroying the initial stage of pathogenic spores.

In the presence of overgrown pathogens, the substance is ineffective. Hence the conclusion: when using a working solution for seed or sprouts, the drug helps eliminate infection problems.

Since the substance contains nerve poisons (neonicotinoids that can block membrane channels), experts point out the need to carry out work in compliance with safety standards and regulations.

The mechanism of action occurs through the intestinal contact route, which reinforces the need to comply technical base security.

Efficiency and benefits of use

Substances for treating insects in the soil and on plants are not updated so often. It’s also not always possible to find an effective one the first time. It is worth considering that the insecticide that was used previously may simply not be suitable the second or third time.

There is only one reason: 65% of pests are able to develop immunity to strong substances. Confidor, with all its nuances, has the following advantages:

  • new formula and protection;
  • active substances always have a negative effect on insects;
  • long action;
  • not afraid of moisture or temperature changes.

The insecticide is suitable for home and garden flowers, vegetable and fruit crops. Provides protection for orchids, crotons and cacti, suitable for soil. Only 15% of the products offered give this result.

But Confidor is rarely used for indoor plants. Since the drug is applied in non-residential premises.

Most often, the product is sprayed when thrips are noticed on indoor plants. In other cases, they try to choose a different type of protective agent.

Noted active use insecticide as a shield against the Colorado potato beetle. The insect is excessively voracious and dangerous to plants. Besides, this type– an opportunist, can live for a long time without food, has developed immunity to most defenses.

At the moment, the Colorado potato beetle has not developed immunity to Confidor. This is indicated not only by reviews from summer residents, but also by clinical trials.

The insecticide is relevant when infected:

  • aphids and their offspring;
  • whiteflies and thrips;
  • all types of moths and bark beetles;
  • codling moth and scale insect;
  • leaf rollers and other dangerous insects.

How to use correctly

It is recommended to purchase Confidor in the quantity that is used immediately. Available in bottles and blisters. Volume from 1 liter to 2 ml. This is convenient and economical, since a 2 ml ampoule can be useful for indoor flowers. The mass is large - for the garden and vegetable garden.

Dosage and consumption rate

To spray with Confidor, the consumption rates and concentration of the solution are taken into account. On the packaging, the manufacturer indicates the possible proportions for each type of plant.

So Confidor Maxi and Extra differs in concentration from the regular drug. Accordingly, breeding will depend on the name.

There are two methods of application: for soil and for crops:

  1. Soil. Application occurs on moist soil. Used as a prophylactic substance. Spraying with standard working solution. For 10 liters add 1 ml of Confidor.
  2. Plants. Directions for use are written on the packaging. Depends on the degree of infection and the type of crop. Typically, spraying occurs with a liquid prepared at the rate of 1 ml of product + 5 liters of water. For prevention – 10 l + 1 ml.

Rules for processing seeds, plants and trees

This form of the drug as Confidor 200 sl is considered the strongest. Recommended for treating the Colorado potato beetle and Coleoptera insects. Take a container with a volume of 10 liters. If you need to process the seeds, then soaking occurs in a different way.

4-5 liters of water (room temperature, settled) are poured into a 10-liter tank. Add the drug (2-2.5 ml). From aphids and pests in large quantities, the concentration of the substance increases by 2 times. Stir and add water to 10 liters.

Confidor in powder form is used both for open beds, and on closed ones. The dosage is different: 2.5 g of the drug is mixed in 5 liters of water. But in powder form, the insecticide is not suitable for seed material. Emulsion only:

  • potatoes: 200 g per ton;
  • rye, wheat, oats: 500 ml per 1 t;
  • corn: 5 liters per 1 ton.

For indoor plants, the dilution formula is used: 10 liters of water + 1 (prevention) – 1.5 (destruction) g.

Concomitant use with other drugs

Most often, Confidor protection is used for potatoes, tomatoes and cucumbers. These are the crops that are common on our territory on private property. The drug Confidor is truly an effective assistant, but it is impossible to get along with it alone.

There is a need to use other means: fertilizing, growth and development enhancers, etc. The question that arises for most farmers concerns the compatibility of the substance. It was primarily taken into account by the creators of the drug. Therefore, the insecticide can be used together with:

  • copper salt of sulfuric acid;
  • and lime with the addition of soda;
  • copper sulfate and calcium oxide.

Since preference is often given to biological products, provided that they were introduced earlier, the capabilities of Confidor are not reduced, and there is no danger to crops.

There is a risk that the insecticide will eliminate the results from them. Therefore, it is recommended to create a gardener’s calendar, where each application of biological and chemical preparations will be clearly indicated.

Compliance with safety measures

The importance of following safety precautions is one of the main conditions for using Confidor on plot of land. Safety measures concern not only the time of insecticide treatment, but also the moment of dilution.

The manufacturer warns that the consequences of poisoning are asymptomatic, which increases the risk of unpleasant consequences - it stimulates the growth of cancer cells. Pathological consequences include:

  • decreased mental activity;
  • loss of ability to work;
  • underdevelopment of the fetus during pregnancy;
  • nervous disorders.

It is clear that it is impossible to cordon off the area being treated, but it is necessary to take precautions:

  1. All work is carried out in a protective suit, rubber gloves and a respirator. The place for diluting the working fluid is a separate room, without heaters or other flammable objects or liquids. Confidor has the ability to ignite when temperatures rise from 35 degrees.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to carry out work near reservoirs, water basins, or water supply sources. A humidified environment enhances the penetration of Confidor through the pores.
  3. When performing procedures with indoor plants, they are taken out to non-residential premises.

Insecticide analogues

There are plenty of similar products to Confidor on the agricultural market. The underlying company, namely Bayer Krop, licenses them and agrees to produce the semi-finished product. The main active ingredient remains in the same dosage.

There may be additives that increase or decrease the performance of a similar product.

So Corrado and Colorado is used exclusively for the territory where the Colorado potato beetle has “settled”. And Tanrek is able to remove harmful turtles, cicadas and apple flower beetles from the soil. Analogs include:

  • Commander and Biotlin;
  • Warrant and Bison;
  • Spark Golden.

But to destroy greenhouse thrips, analogues require a complex effect (combination with other drugs). You should also carefully study the instructions and recommendations before purchasing. Most of the analogues are suitable for certain crops, and not for all vegetable and garden species.

Confidor Maxi is classified as an analogue, since its use is limited to certain regions (southern). Its capabilities are perfect in such places, since temperatures are allowed more than 30 degrees above zero. Confidor marked Extra is a more intense drug, the latest development of Confidor.

Storage conditions - not only the terms indicated on the packaging, but also the location in the room after purchase. Therefore, it is worth knowing all the nuances that you may encounter. So, when purchasing, you should pay attention to the shelf life of the closed package: no more than 3 years from the date of release.

If the packaging is damaged, the product is not effective. The same rule applies to the working fluid: it cannot be used after 5-6 hours after dilution.

Do not allow people with oncological diseases, pregnant women, children and animals. Temperature indoors should not reach 25 degrees above zero.


Every year dozens of new drugs from trusted manufacturers are released. Confidor Maxi and Extra are clear proof of this. The substances have a positive effect on ripening and high yields.

Confidor– systemic low-toxic insecticide of systemic and contact action, against a wide range of pests, very long-lasting protection. It is used for both spraying and application to the soil.

The drug has high level resistance to washout by precipitation. Confidor can be applied to the soil along with mineral fertilizers.

What pests does Confidor act against?

- and aphids on potatoes;
- aphids, thrips and whiteflies on cucumbers and tomatoes;
- aphids and thrips on roses.

Advantages of Confidor

– protects potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, as well as flower crops from pests;
— low consumption rate — 1 ml per hundred square meters;
- very long period of action;
— penetrates the plant through the root, leaf and stem;
- also effective in hot weather;
- Resistant to washing away by rain.

Confidor: instructions for use

Consumption of the drug (spraying): 1 ml per 1 hundred square meters (100 sq.m.). To achieve the required effectiveness, you need to pour 1 ml of the drug into 5-10 liters of water, stir well until completely distributed and treat plants infested with insects. The maximum effect occurs 1-2 days after application. Use the entire solution at once. Treatment should be carried out no later than 20 days before harvest.

The period of protective action depends on weather conditions and the pest against which the treatment was carried out, and ranges from 2 to 4 weeks.

Confidor can be mixed with a large number of fungicides, insecticides and growth regulators, but before mixing the drugs, you must ensure their compatibility. Confidor is not compatible with drugs with an alkaline reaction.

If you have experience using this drug, please write what crops you treated with it and what the effect was. Your reviews will help many gardeners evaluate Confidor more objectively and decide whether to use it or not.

Advantages: For me they are no longer there.

Flaws: Over time it becomes ineffective. I did not see any stimulation of plant growth.

Every year we grow potatoes on our plot. I know firsthand what the Colorado potato beetle is, it’s also a pest. He constantly adapts to different types insecticides. Therefore, I buy insecticides for control only in specialized retail outlets who can confirm the quality of products sold with a quality certificate. The insecticide from trademark Bayer Garden "Confidor Maxi", I bought it at one of the indicated retail outlets.

About five years ago, we started using it against the beetle, at first it coped with its task well, within an hour the beetle all fell and did not appear on the bushes at all, the big advantage was that the disinfectant is systemic and does not wash off over time, neither by rain nor watering. The first year we poisoned it only once and that was enough. What I also liked about it was that it was also a growth stimulant, although I didn’t see any special effect from a growth stimulator. But I’m not an agronomist and I didn’t take any measurements or the like to check the stimulation of plant growth.

We used it for three years. At first, the effect of Confidor maxi pleased me, but already next year I had to poison twice a season, in the third year and even more. We haven’t used it for two years now, because after treating with it, the beetle still rose after a couple of days and the area was littered with these pests. I had to re-etch, but with a different disinfectant. And I am not a supporter of frequent use of chemicals on my site. I try to use less chemicals, and for fertilizer we also mainly use only organic preparations, here are some of them: ROST-Concentrate super fertilizer "Geoflora", plant growth stimulator "Fumar" and so on.

In my opinion, you need to constantly use different insecticides for the Colorado potato beetle so that it cannot get used to all of them, then you can somehow prolong their effect on the beetle. Therefore, we now use a different disinfectant each time and each time they are from new generations. Since they are old, over time they become ineffective in combating the Colorado pest.

Advantages: There is action.

Flaws: Pests quickly get used to it, average effect, toxicity.

As a result of using Confidor on potatoes, it was repeatedly noticed that the Colorado potato beetle is not very afraid of it. When there was a particularly large amount of the pest, it was necessary to increase the dose for treatment, which is bad for health and for the wallet. A similar effect occurs on fruit trees: after the rains, the pests again began to spoil the crop, so it was necessary to treat them again with Confidor, which was very wasteful of money. Maybe we have special Colorado potato beetles, but still I noticed that they get used to Confidor well and after 2 years its effect decreases, both for the protection of potatoes and for the protection fruit trees. So why spend money? Buy yourself a better Calypso, from the same company, the action is impeccable, we have already been using it for the 4th year and it works as in the first year, there is no need to increase the dose, it has an excellent effect against beetles and pests of fruit trees. If you only need a drug for aphids (popelits), which is shown on the Confidor packaging, then take better Actofit, and if there are a lot of them, then Calypso will be the ideal solution.

Neutral reviews

Advantages: A good product, effective against many sucking and gnawing pests

Flaws: very popular, and the market is literally full of fakes

This drug was a real discovery at one time! The active substance it contains, imidacloprid, is systemic, is remarkably absorbed by plants and moves upward along the xylem, protecting even those areas that are not exposed to the drug.

The drug is low-toxic and does not accumulate in fruits. One problem is that this substance was discovered at least ten years ago and has already become a public property. In addition to Confidor, there are about a dozen drugs based on imidacloprid, and these are only those that have been registered, I’m not talking about counterfeits. So, such a high prevalence of this drug leads to the fact that addiction to this drug has already arisen. Confidor will be weak against the Colorado potato beetle, there is a possibility that it may not work. In principle, it should cope well with the cutworm, you can cook “porridge” based on it, and feed the mole cricket. Confidor will cope well with aphids and other pests.

In general, it’s a good drug, but you need to work with it wisely, and it’s even better if you make a tank mixture and add some other drug.

Positive Feedback

Almost the entire June I struggled with aphids and whiteflies in my area. I tried everything, poison from the store, and folk remedies. There was no result. I see in the neighboring area there is no such problem. And I went to a neighbor for a miracle remedy. Having learned the name of this drug, I went to the store. I used Confidor Extra for the first time in my life. One bag was enough for me to process 11 trees and even had some left over. The concentrate is very easy to dilute. I would like to note that it is also low-toxic for the user and environment. I saw the effect a day later. Although it is written on the packaging that the period of protective action lasts up to four weeks. After this period I did not need re-treatment. Yes, the product is wash and hot weather resistant. I'm very pleased with the result. Now I know which product I will use in the future.

I don’t understand the negative reviews that the drug has little effect. Perhaps you stumbled upon a fake? I use it constantly and the pests always die within the first 24 hours after treatment, and no new pests appear within a month. The drug does not affect the taste of vegetables.
It is convenient that the drug can be used both in open ground and in a greenhouse and there is no need to buy different drugs. It's reasonably priced and doesn't hurt your wallet. despite the fact that our garden is not small. The neighbors also use Confidor, everyone praises it. The only downside for me is that the chemistry, although useful, is minimally harmless.

First of all, I appreciate the product for its effectiveness and the ability to process plants only once. Potatoes, however, have to be processed 2 times, but for other plants one is enough. The drug also has little toxicity, no unpleasant sensations arose during processing, all safety rules were followed. The effect of the treatment occurs within the first day, during which time most of the pests die, then the rest gradually. After treatment, pests do not appear for a very long time, or do not appear at all. We have been using it for several years and have no plans to change it.

Advantages: the living creatures on the flowers died immediately

Flaws: toxic

At one time I had varietal fuchsias, huge flowers that were half the size of my palm, beautiful, but at the same time they turned out to be terribly whimsical. In mid-spring, I took all the fuchsias out onto the balcony, even though it is glassed mosquito nets anyway, the nearby trees brought whiteflies to my fuchsia every summer. At the end of summer, I was already bringing home whiteflies, but by chance I read a review about the Bayer Garden Insecticide "Confidor". I decided to buy it right away, I want to warn you that it is toxic, and I wore a mask and gloves. What did I like? The insects died immediately after treatment, completely, and throughout the fall and winter I no longer observed living creatures on the flowers. But this drug is more for control and not for prevention. It is advisable to process everything on the balcony or in a well-ventilated area. Therefore, in order to no longer poison myself with such a drug, I gave all the fuchsias to the village))) But I recommend this drug helps 100%!!!

Advantages: systemic effect, fast action, does not accumulate in fruits

Flaws: I

I would like to introduce you to another product for pest control in the garden and vegetable garden - the drug "Confidor" from the German concern Bayer.

Suddenly, the pests in your garden are not very afraid of organophosphates or pyrethroid poisons. Then it makes sense to use Confidor.

The active substance imidaclopid belongs to neonicotinoids, a class of substances called. chloronicotinyls. The abbreviation VDG stands for water-dispersed granules, which in practice means that the substance is not completely soluble in water. Therefore, I make the solution in a special separate container (red bucket) and be sure to strain it when pouring it into the sprayer.

What’s so great about this substance is that it kills all the little pests that are not particularly visible, sitting under the leaf and sucking fresh juices. The manufacturer mainly recommends using it for vegetables and grains. But it does an excellent job of removing aphids from trees and shrubs.

The fact is that it has a systemic effect, that is, it accumulates in the tissues of the plant and enters the pest’s body with the juice or parts of the plant. But it does not accumulate in fruits. Therefore, the protective effect for preserving tree fruits directly is not very great, but aphids do not like fruits. Pests are also quickly defeated due to intestinal contact action. The effect is observed within the first hours after treatment.

More to positive properties refers to what can be used together with mineral foliar feeding so as not to get up twice. We need to remember. that the concentration of fertilizers for spraying must be strictly dosed to avoid burns.

And it is advisable to remember that this is poison and to use personal protective equipment. I usually take a shower after working with chemicals.


inexpensive, very effective and easy to use


the smell is not the most pleasant


Dear friends, you have all heard and someone has dealt with and met the Colorado potato beetle, you all know that this is a very common and very powerful pest, in the old days it was collected by hand since there was no such type of poison, but now there is no such problem, but there is another effectiveness poisons, I tried a huge number of different poisons and came to one poison that really does its job, its name is “confidor” the method of preparing it is very simple, you need to pour it into a spray tank then pour 15 liters of water on top of it for 2 ampoules of poison then you need it Sprinkle on potatoes or eggplants, where you choose, its effect begins after about an hour and a half, it kills the Colorado potato beetle for a long time, in one season you need to spray about 2 times, you will see the effect almost immediately.

My advice to you is to buy this product and don’t worry about trying different poisons on your harvest, the harvest is guaranteed!


there really is a result



In a series of drugs for everyone famous brand Bayer Garden has a product that does not differ in quality from others from this manufacturer - Confidor Maxi. This drug does not harm beneficial insects and has the effect of stimulating plant growth. According to the hazard classification, it has class III (slightly dangerous).

It is in a hermetically sealed bag. Weighs only one gram. Does not have a pungent or unpleasant odor. It consists of granules that dissolve very easily in water and do not leave any sediment. The packaging itself does not have a bad design and design, but this is not the most important thing in preparations for the garden. The most important thing is that the drug helps fight garden and vegetable pests. The shelf life is quite respectable - three years, under proper storage conditions.

It is used for potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes and apple trees. One treatment is enough to kill unwanted pests. You just need to use the prepared solution within 24 hours.

On back side The packaging contains a detailed table on the use of this drug. There are also precautions and first aid measures if the drug gets into the eyes or skin.

The drug is very effective and gives positive results. I was satisfied with this drug and for now I do not intend to replace it with another.


good effect, convenient packaging




So it has begun summer season. Avid gardeners are thinking about how to save and increase their harvest. Insects are a serious obstacle to growing good harvest. A variety of drugs come to the aid of gardeners.

Last year I discovered a good remedy for Colorado potato beetles and aphids from the Bayer Garden brand “Confidor Maxi”. This is an insecticide, it protects potatoes, other vegetables and the garden from pests.

The product is presented in the form of a powder, it is in small tightly sealed bags in green tones weighing 1 g. The insecticide not only protects plants from insects, but stimulates their growth.

On the back of the package there is detailed instructions on the use of the product, which you must familiarize yourself with before using the drug. The powder should be diluted in water in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations and treated with plants.

Last year I already used this product and liked the result. After treatment, the insects disappear, and the effect lasts for a very long time. One treatment is enough.

Confidor maxi belongs to the third degree of danger. The shelf life of the powder is three years. The price of one bag is six hryvnia. You should work with the drug in special clothing and a mask so as not to harm the body.

"Confidor" extra began to be used quite recently. I really liked it. The drug works best against aphids in currants and whiteflies. The drug is impregnated into the stems and leaves of the plant, but does not harm the fruits and berries. I use it all the time in conjunction with root mineral supplements. And this is very comfortable.

I am very pleased that such a drug has appeared. Previously, I didn’t know how to get rid of such a scourge as scale insects. Only confidor extra helped, for this I used it to water the plants, 2 times was enough to get rid of it. Now I use it only for preventive purposes with a lower concentration of the solution; there have been no scale insects for more than a year. I recommend it for use.

Since I am an experienced gardener, I have tried many different preparations, but Confidor Extra exceeded all my expectations. It not only coped with pests on tomatoes, but also significantly strengthened them to the effects of negative factors external environment. After using it, the plants became much stronger. I also noticed that it is not addictive, so you can use it several times a season.