We cover the roof correctly. How to roof a roof using corrugated sheets with your own hands. Key components of corrugated roofing

In the article I will tell you how to properly cover a roof with corrugated sheeting, starting from the selection of material and ending with the technology of attaching it to the sheathing. The information provided will help you plan your work correctly to achieve the desired result with minimal costs time, effort and money.

Using profiled metal sheets as roofing material has a number of advantages:

  1. Strength and durability. Given that correct selection and installation in compliance with all requirements, corrugated roofing can last 30 years or more without requiring repairs.
  2. Resistance to external influences. When producing high-quality corrugated sheets, the steel base of each sheet is covered with several layers of anti-corrosion coatings. Thanks to this, the metal does not rust and retains its strength.
  3. Light weight. The weight of corrugated sheeting is about 6 - 8 kg/m2, which allows you to lift it onto the roof without the use of special equipment. The second plus is the low load on the load-bearing structures (rafters, sheathing), which allows savings through the use of thinner beams and boards.
  1. Fire safety. The corrugated sheet not only does not burn itself, but also prevents the spread of fire.
  2. Price. If we exclude the cheapest slate, then covering the roof with corrugated sheeting can confidently be called the most affordable method. If you want to save money, choose corrugated sheets.

Now about the cons:

  1. Corrosion on the cut. As I noted above, cut edges and places where we screw screws are potential sources of corrosion. The condition of the metal base in these areas must be monitored, and measures must be taken at the first signs of rust.
  1. Heating in the sun. IN summer period a roof made of corrugated sheets heats up very much, so the temperature in the under-roof space and in the room itself also increases. This problem is partially solved by installing thermal insulation on the inside of the roof slopes, but only partially.
  2. Disgusting soundproofing. For me, this is the most serious drawback, significantly limiting the use of corrugated sheeting as a roofing material for residential buildings. You can hear everything - rain, hail, wind, birds, even cats! Again, a layer of thermal insulation using porous materials partially absorbs sound, but does not completely eliminate it.

The controversial point is the appearance. On the one hand, corrugated roofing looks neat, and in some ways even ascetic. On the other hand, corrugated sheeting cannot be confused with other roofing material, so the roof will still look “cheap” to some extent. That is, there is not much difference for a garage or barn, but the design of a residential building may suffer.

What do you need for work?


Be that as it may, but very often positive properties the profiled sheet is outweighed and chosen as the main roofing material.

To install a corrugated roof with your own hands you will need:

  1. The corrugated sheet itself has a base thickness of 0.5 to 0.7 mm. For roofing work, grades from C8 - C21 to C44 - H60 are suitable. The lower the planned load on the roof, the smaller the profile size you can choose.
  2. Additional elements made of profiled metal. This should include internal and external valleys, end strips, drip edges, linings for masking the joint with the walls, etc.
  1. Lumber for creating sheathing - beams 40x40 or boards 100x30 mm.
  2. Board materials (plywood, OSB board) 15 mm thick to create a continuous sheathing.
  3. Roofing waterproofing membranes.
  4. Thermal insulation materials (most often mineral fiber-based boards).
  1. Sealing tapes for filling cavities around the perimeter of the roof. It is best to purchase a tape made of porous material, the profile of which matches the profile of the roofing sheet.
  2. Fasteners – nails and self-tapping screws for installing sheathing, self-tapping screws for corrugated sheeting.

TO additional materials I would consider a vapor barrier membrane designed for installation on the inside of an insulated slope. It is also worth purchasing an antiseptic impregnation for wood, which we will use to treat both the sheathing parts.


To properly cover the roof with corrugated sheeting with your own hands, we will need the following tools:

  1. Wood saw for cutting beams, boards and plywood for sheathing.
  2. Manual or electric metal shears for cutting corrugated sheets.

Under no circumstances should you cut corrugated sheets with a grinder. Upon contact with a grinding or trimming disc, the metal heats up, which leads to the destruction of the anti-corrosion coating. As a result, the roof will rust very intensively at the cutting line.

  1. Screwdriver for quickly tightening screws.
  2. Construction stapler.
  3. Knife for cutting waterproofing membranes.
  1. Knife or saw for insulation.
  2. Measuring tools - plumb line, level, tape measure.

To increase productivity and ensure safety, it is important to properly organize work at height. You need to move along the roof slopes only with a safety harness securely attached to the ridge area. It is advisable to carry tools in a special belt with pockets.

Another tip is to fence off the area adjacent to the roofing work site. This way you will reduce the risk of injury to others, because both tools and roofing parts tend to fall at the most inopportune moment.



In order to properly cover the roof, it is necessary to perform at least an approximate calculation of the load-bearing capacity of the sheathing. If you make it too thin, the corrugated sheeting will “play” under its own weight, which will ultimately lead to weakening of the fasteners and the appearance of leaks.

On the other hand, too dense lathing requires the use of a large amount of material. Hence the increase in weight load and the rise in cost of the structure as a whole.

To select the optimal sheathing pitch, you can use the table:

The calculation is given for sparse lathing, for which boards 100 x 30 mm or beams with a cross section of 40 x 40 or 50 x 50 mm are used.

When installing continuous sheathing, plywood with a thickness of 15 mm or more is used. It is permissible to use oriented strand board (OSB) with similar thickness and load-bearing capacity.

When calculating the volume of purchases of materials for installing the sheathing, you need to keep in mind that not only the width and length of the roof slope are taken into account. It is also necessary to take into account the projection of the roof (horizontal projection beyond the gable) and overhang (lateral projection beyond the front of the mauerlat). In these areas, lathing for the roof is also being done, so the purchase of material must be carried out taking into account the dimensions.

Thermal and waterproofing

Before covering the roof with corrugated sheets , we need to compensate for its shortcomings - poor heat and sound insulation properties. In addition, additional waterproofing should be provided: no matter how well we install the profiled sheet, there will still be leaks.

We carry out work on the formation of the “roofing pie” according to the following scheme:

  1. Between the rafters we lay slabs of thermal insulation material - mineral wool with a thickness of 75 to 150 mm. Cover the insulation from the inside vapor barrier membrane and fix it with a counter-lattice - cross beams or plywood sheathing.
  1. WITH outside We install a vapor-permeable waterproofing membrane. The vapor permeability of the material is very important, since it preserves the natural ventilation of the roof and prevents condensation from accumulating in the thermal insulation layer.
  1. When installing waterproofing, we roll out the membrane rolls horizontally, going down from the ridge to the eaves. We fix the material on each rafter with several galvanized staples.
  1. An important parameter is the size of the overlap of the material: the smaller the slope, the wider the double layer should be at the junction of the rolls. The optimal overlap for slopes with a slope of 30 degrees or more is 150 mm, for slopes with a slope from 12 - 15 to 25 -28 degrees - at least 200 - 250 mm.
  2. To minimize the risk of water leakage, you can use double-sided adhesive tape (almost every waterproofing manufacturer has it in its line of materials). We tape all the joints, securely fixing them and protecting them from displacement.


To cover the roof according to all the rules, we need to install reliable sheathing.

It’s easy to do this based on the above calculation:

  1. For the sheathing we take boards and beams with suitable dimensions. Optimal wood species are pine, spruce and larch. Maximum permissible humidity– 18%, if more, then it is advisable to dry the wood in the shade, avoiding cracking.
  1. Before purchasing, we check the parts for knots, rot and wormholes. The appearance of the wood is not so important, but strength comes first. So if there are defects, it is better to refuse the purchase.
  2. It is also worth checking the geometry of the timber/board. We don’t need a perfectly smooth surface, so we shouldn’t buy expensive jointed materials. Another thing is curvature: the smoother the parts are, the better the quality of the frame, and the more less strength we will spend on its installation.
  1. Even if the tree looks flawless on the outside, we treat it with antiseptics. It is advisable to take a non-washable composition with high content active ingredients. The disadvantage of such products is the coloring of the wood, but in our case this disadvantage does not play a role.

An additional advantage in processing may be a reduction in the flammability of wood. This effect is ensured, for example, by the use of the Senezh FireBio Prof composition or similar solutions.

Now - the installation of the supporting structure itself:

  1. First, we fill the ends of the rafters with thicker boards - the so-called cornice supports. You can place a thin metal corner – a drip edge – under the cornice support. It starts under waterproofing material and ensures effective hardening of condensate from the wall surface.
  2. We lay the sheathing elements perpendicular to the rafters. For fixation, we use either nails or phosphated wood screws.
  1. We attach the timber to the rafters at one point, and the board at at least two. By fixing the board at the top and bottom, we prevent its deformation: if you install a nail in the middle or only on one side, then a fairly wide element can “go undulating.”
  2. During installation, we control the geometry of the sheathing. Tolerance is about 2 mm per 1 m. For control, it is convenient to use two levels: long - 2 m, and short - 50-60 cm.
  1. When installing sheathing on a wide roof, it becomes necessary to join the beams. According to the rules, joining is performed only on the rafters: the parts are trimmed, each edge is secured with separate fasteners, after which a connecting bracket is hammered into both boards.
  1. Finally, gutter fastenings can be installed on the bottom of the slopes. We fix these parts either to the cornice board or to end beam, which is stuffed onto the rafters themselves.

So, the future roof is insulated, waterproofing is laid and load-bearing structures mounted. Now all we have to do is actually cover the roof, attaching sheets of corrugated sheets and additional elements to it.

Roofing works

Installation of corrugated sheets

We begin fixing the roofing material on the sheathing with our own hands with installation additional elements located under the corrugated sheet. Typically this is lower valleys, which must be secured at the junction of the planes to protect against leakage, and cornice strips.

When this operation is completed, you can begin covering the main surface of the slopes.

The instructions assume work in the following sequence:

  1. The starting point is the lower left corner of the ramp. If you start here, you can most effectively overlap the sheets by overlapping the capillary grooves.
  1. To begin with, we lay several sheets, align them with the gable overhang and eaves overhang, and secure each with one self-tapping screw. We install a sealing tape along the end of the corrugated sheeting, bridging the gap between the sheathing and the corrugated parts of the material.
  2. When laying, the leftmost wave of the sheet is superimposed on the rightmost wave of the already laid one. This overlap is mandatory because it ensures no leakage..
  1. After several parts have been laid (I usually install three sheets in the first row from the bottom, and two in the second), we begin the final alignment with fixation. For fastening we use self-tapping screws with a hexagonal head and a sealing washer.
  2. We make the fastening in bottom part each even wave of corrugated sheet. After this we make from 4 to 10-12 attachment points on square meter material, distributing the screws in a checkerboard pattern.
  1. We separately fix with self-tapping screws the places where the sheets join. You can simply tighten the corrugated sheeting with regular fasteners, but I prefer to screw long self-tapping screws into the overlap area. They reach the sheathing and give the structure additional rigidity.
  2. When we independently cover the roof with corrugated sheeting, it is extremely important to control the tightening forces of the fasteners. The neoprene gasket should be pressed against the metal, but not crushed or distorted. With proper compression, the material self-vulcanizes, and the fastening site becomes almost airtight.
  1. When working with thin (0.5 -0.6 mm) corrugated sheeting, it is also important to avoid deflection at the fastening point. The consequences of over-tightening will be the formation of dents in which water will be retained as it drains, and sooner or later will leak inside.
  2. Another trick is pre-drilling. If a corrugated sheet with a thickness of 0.6 - 0.7 mm is used for the roof, then at the fastening points it is worth drilling holes whose diameter will be approximately 0.1 - 0.2 mm larger than the diameter of the working part of the screw. This will make installation easier and, in addition, ensure the mobility of the roof during temperature deformations.
  1. We cut the outermost top and side sheets to length/width and fix them to the sheathing with additional fasteners.

The installation method described in this section is used when roofing a roof with piece corrugated sheeting of a fixed width. At the same time, it is now possible to order material whose width will be equal to the width of the roof itself - in this case, you will not have to waste time joining individual sheets.

Installation of additional parts

Installing corrugated sheets on slopes is the most labor-intensive, but not the most painstaking part of the work.

After completing this stage, we need to install additional elements:

  1. At the junction of the rafters, we place the board on the edge on the ridge beam and fix it with metal corners. We place a ridge profile on top of the board, which we fasten with self-tapping screws.

Under the side bars ridge profile We glue a tape of porous sealant, which will ensure the tightness of this unit.

  1. We install end strips along the gables. The vertical part of the plank is attached to the end board of the sheathing, the horizontal part covers the outermost wave of corrugated sheeting and is fixed on it. Under end strip You can also lay sealing tape.
  1. Where the planes of the slopes meet, we install upper valleys.
  1. We cover the joints of the corrugated sheet with chimneys, vertical walls and other surfaces corner parts– abutment bar.
  2. We must place sealing material under the plank, and fasten the part itself with elongated self-tapping screws that reach the sheathing or rafters. The contact point between the plank and the wall can be additionally sealed with a liquid compound or butyl tape.


A roof made of corrugated sheets, constructed according to this scheme, will provide effective protection home from moisture for many years. To understand the technology in more detail, it is worth studying the video in this article. In addition, questions regarding difficult stages of work can be asked in the comments.

The list of significant advantages of profiled roofing steel quite rightly includes ease of installation. One large metal sheet immediately covers a significant area. The number of fastening operations and measures to align elements has been reduced.

True, the size of the covering cannot be unconditionally considered an advantage, for example, when arranging oblique ridges of roofs with four slopes. So that they do not cause difficulties, you should know how a hipped roof is constructed from corrugated sheets, how the correct installation is carried out on its plane.

Profiled roofing steel is produced in the form of corrugated or wavy sheets with or without a polymer protective and decorative shell.

It is made of cold-rolled metal, hot-dip galvanized, which provides the material with stable resistance to atmospheric attacks.

In profiled sheet lines from different manufacturers There is a conditional division into load-bearing, wall and roofing categories. However, in arranging roofs, any type that appeals to the home owner can be used, if he is not too concerned about the difference in the cost of load-bearing and roofing options. Note that the roofing material has smaller corrugations, is lighter in weight and has a more attractive price.

For arranging roofs with profiled sheets, all types are produced, which significantly facilitate roofing work. Within the range of products from one manufacturer, they are absolutely similar to those used in laying metal tiles. Because in fact, both roofing representatives are the same material, differing only in the presence or absence of a transverse profiled step.

By analogy with metal tiles, a drainage gutter is installed along the right or left edge of the corrugated panels. It is designed to remove moisture accumulated in the connecting seams of the coating. During the installation process, the outermost wave with a groove must be under the adjacent sheet of material, and its direct opposite must overlap the same groove of the adjacent element on the other side.

Installation of the covering is carried out by superimposing one or two corrugations of the laid panel on an element already located on the slope. The number of overlapped longitudinal recesses depends on the angle of inclination of the slope and the load-bearing capacity of the material. When calculating the material for arranging the roof, it is necessary to take into account how many corrugations are recommended to be overlapped.

The connection of individual panels into a common large-sized roofing sheet is made into a convex projection using short self-tapping screws that do not go deep into the sheathing. But the metal roof is fixed to it with a recess into the wooden parts through the concave part of the corrugation. The fastening elements are made in a tone that matches the color of the roofing, and are equipped with elastomer washers that ensure tightness at the connection point.

The profiled sheet is delivered to the site of the required length, specified by the customer when making the purchase. Angle cutting is not carried out by the supplier, but is done before installation at the construction site. In order not to overpay for excess, before purchasing material it is recommended to make a roof project or at least draw a sketch to scale.

Corrugated roof design

Installation of corrugated sheets on hip and hip fours pitched roofs produced with significant difference from laying sheets on structures with two slopes. The fact is that large-sized coating elements require cutting and are installed in a special order:

  • For tents. First, the central axis of the starting sheet and the ramp along the sheathing is marked. Then fitting is carried out with the alignment of the axes, during which the cut lines are marked. All subsequent sheets are tried on and cut upon site.
  • For hip. The first sheet is installed so that its edge coincides with the extreme edge of the right or left post of the ridge girder. The starter sheet has no bevel cuts and is installed to the full height of the roof. Only the panels adjacent to the oblique hip ribs are cut.

In the arrangement tent structures the material for all four slopes is cut according to the same pattern. For hip roofs, the roof is cut into two end slopes and laid in the manner used in the construction hipped roofs, and two long ones with partial cutting.

When drawing up a project or sketch of a roof, for calculations before purchasing material and for developing your own plan for roofing work, you need to consider that:

  • The number of sheets is calculated based on the width of the base of each slope.
  • The height of the sheet is determined according to a pre-designed diagram. It should be positioned so that it completely covers the hip rib as much as possible.
  • The calculations use not the total, but the useful width of the corrugated sheet when laid with an overlap in one corrugation. If two corrugations overlap, the calculated usable width will decrease by another wave.
  • Sheets on triangular slopes are laid out from the center, on pentagonal slopes - from extreme point ridge run.
  • The optimal arrangement of corrugated sheet panels minimizes the number of roofing parts whose width is less than half a sheet. These are too weakened areas of the roof due to the large number of attachment points per unit area and seams.

Without fail, the heights of the profiled panels must be increased by the width of the overhang above the eaves. This is the bottom edge of the sheet, 3.5 - 5.0 cm wide, extending beyond the frontal board.

During the design period, it is necessary to decide whether holders will be installed before or after laying the coating. In the first case, so-called long brackets are used, the installation of which must be carried out before installation work. In the second case, short hooks are used that are fixed on the front board; they can be attached at any time.

During independent design you should decide whether the structure needs an insulation system. Thermal insulation design significantly affects material consumption and design rafter system, because the roofing pie:

  • A cold roof consists of only one layer. This is waterproofing made from a classic film or anti-condensation material with pile that absorbs excess moisture under the roof and dissolves it during the ventilation period.
  • An insulated roof includes three layers: steam, heat and waterproofing. On the side of the premises being used, there is a vapor barrier film that protects the insulation that follows it from household fumes. On the outside, the insulation is protected by a waterproofing carpet.

The roofing pie under the corrugated sheet is arranged with one or two functional ventilation circuits. Their number depends on the waterproofing material chosen for the arrangement. It is important to remember that options containing bitumen cannot be used as waterproofing under a metal roof with a polymer coating.

The first ventilation circuit is laid between the insulation and the waterproofing carpet, if classic polyethylene or fleecy anti-condensation material is used as it. If a diffusion membrane is used, in the formation ventilation duct there is no need to over it, because it spontaneously releases excess moisture to the outside when tension occurs.

A second ventilation circuit must be constructed between the waterproofing and the metal roof. Regardless of the material chosen for its construction, direct contact of the corrugated sheet with the water-repellent carpet must be excluded in order to avoid the appearance of first condensation and then rust that corrodes the metal.

Minimum value ventilation gap proportional to the area of ​​the slopes. For example, if the area being developed is 50 m², then the total area of ​​the ventilation ducts for this slope should be 0.5 m². The last value should be divided by two in order to distribute the ventilation gap into inflow and outflow zones. U gable roofs these values ​​are equal; for hipped structures, some difference is eliminated by installing an additional aerator.

Preparation of the rafter system

Note that profiled roofing steel is laid on both wooden and metal rafter structures. The construction of a metal frame is typical for non-residential buildings, most often for household purposes. The frame can be welded or collapsible with bolted connections. The rafters are a channel or angle, the laths are a square pipe or a U-shaped profile.

Roof over residential buildings It is not customary to build on metal rafter systems. Wood is more suitable, and it is much easier for independent craftsmen to work with it. Therefore, we will disassemble the installation of corrugated sheets on wooden base, as the most common option.

The rafter system and sheathing can be reasonably recognized as a reliable basis for the installation of profiled sheets if:

  • The installation pitch of the rafters is no more than the limit of 1200 mm. The optimal interval is from 600 to 900 mm.
  • The rafter legs are made of timber with a cross-section of 50×100 or 50×150 mm, depending on the wind and snow load characteristic of the region.
  • The cross-section of the sheathing is selected depending on the distance between the rafters and the steepness of the roof.

The laths under the corrugated sheet are installed at equal intervals. Reduce the distance between them only in areas that require reinforcement: along the perimeter of eaves overhangs by a width of 50 - 60 cm for the subsequent installation of snow retainers, in valleys, along the ridge girder hip roof, around roof penetrations.

If the rafter system does not have sufficient parameters to ensure the reliability of the base for laying corrugated sheets on a hipped roof, it is strengthened by increasing the cross-section of the sheathing or reducing the pitch between the laths.

Algorithm for constructing a roofing pie

The construction of the roofing pie is carried out in the traditional manner, observed when constructing any insulated roofs. It should be remembered that before installing a waterproofing carpet, a drip line must be installed around the perimeter of the hipped structure - a thin-sheet steel strip bent at an angle, designed to drain condensate.

Sequence of actions:

  • Vapor barrier protection device. The rolled material is stapled to the rafters and secured to each other with tape. It is rolled out in horizontal stripes and laid with an overlap of 10 -15 cm. If it is planned to install OSB, plywood or gypsum fiber board sheathing, a sheathing is built on top of the vapor barrier along the rafters.
  • Laying insulation. Thermal insulation made of basalt or glass wool is placed in the cells formed by the rafters. The material is cut so that the width of the heat-insulating element is approximately 1 cm wider than the distance between the rafters for laying it sideways.
  • Installation of waterproofing carpet. Water-repellent material is laid on the outside of the rafters in horizontal strips, glued together with tape. Laying begins at the eaves and continues to the top or ridge purlin. It is temporarily attached to the rafters with a stapler, then fixed with laths.

They are laid on hip and insulating films with an overlap of 15–20 cm across the oblique ridge. Along the line of the ridge of the hip roof insulating layers must have a gap. There is no gap along the oblique ribs.

If the thickness of the insulating layer is equal to the width of the rafter leg, it is recommended to use a superdiffusion polymer membrane as waterproofing. It does not require the formation of a ventilation gap between itself and the insulation, because can rid the material of condensation.

When using classic or anti-condensation fleecy waterproofing, there must be a gap between it and the thermal insulation. The width of the channel is 3 - 5 cm. It is formed by means of a sheathing made of a bar with an equal size on one or both sides, attached to the rafter legs from the outside. Then waterproofing is laid on top of it and the sheathing is re-installed to create a second-level gap - between the covering and the waterproofing carpet.

You can avoid wasting time and effort on installing a ventilation duct if the thickness of the thermal insulation is at least 3 cm less than the width of the rafter.

The construction of a roofing pie structure without insulation is much simpler and much faster. All actions consist of laying waterproofing on the rafters and installing a spacer sheathing bar on top of it. After that, all that remains is to install the eaves strips, then cover the planes of the hipped roof with corrugated sheets, secure them correctly, and fix the ridge elements.

Marking and cutting metal coating

To mark the cutting of panels at an angle, it is recommended to stock up on a simple homemade device, which was called “devil” by folk craftsmen. To produce it, you will need four pieces of 25×100 mm board or a suitable size bar. Two blanks will be approximately 1.1 - 1.2 m long. The second pair can be of the same length or slightly longer.

The process of manufacturing a basic marking device:

  • On a work table or free flat area we lay out the prepared scraps of board in the shape of a rectangle or square. Naturally, they will be arranged in two parallel pairs.
  • Between the left or right edges of the horizontal elements of the device being constructed, we form a distance equal to the working width of the roofing panel. Most often it is 1.1 m.
  • We check the pairwise parallelism of the parts of the future device. After checking, we fasten them with hinge joints so that they can move relative to each other in parallel pairs.

To mark using a “dash”, we apply the marking panel to the sheet installed and secured to the roof. Homemade instrument We place it on the oblique edge of the hip so that it marks the line of the upcoming cut. We mark the panel, move it to a place convenient for cutting and cut it.

Profiled sheets can be cut with a sharp circular saw, the technical capabilities of which include the function of cutting thin sheet steel. For small amounts of work, a jigsaw or roofing shears are suitable for removing excess material. It is unacceptable to use a grinder when cutting metal roofing.

When cutting a coating with a polymer shell, it is necessary to ensure that it is not damaged by small chips. If scratches or cuts are found in the coating, they must be covered with repair paint.

Small sharp particles of the material being cut must be carefully removed from the panel with a soft brush before installation. Stubborn stains should be cleaned using a soap solution. It is recommended to treat the cut edges of the sheets, at least from the side adjacent to the hip and ridge ribs, with varnish or a repair compound.

Laying corrugated sheets on a hip slope

Attaching the profiled sheet metal to a triangular plane is accompanied by fitting and cutting of each sheet. Before installing them, the roof perimeter is equipped with a cornice strip mounted to the sheathing.

Work on marking panels is carried out in a strictly defined sequence:

  • On the first sheet we mark its central axis, on the mauerlat of the slope - its middle.
  • We install the first sheet, aligning the marked centers of it and the Mauerlat, and check the horizontality of the lower edge of the panel.
  • We secure the first sheet with one self-tapping screw at the top.
  • We install adjacent panels, one of which is placed on the edge of the sheet with a capillary groove, the second is slipped under it from the opposite side.
  • Align the block of three panels relative to the horizon and with each other.
  • We temporarily fix each of the newly installed sheets with one self-tapping screw at the top, trying to position the fasteners outside the part required for installation.
  • Mark the cutting lines.

Having completed the marking, remove the temporary fasteners and cut off excess material from the panels. Then we return them to their place, install them according to the scheme described above, fasten them again only at the top of the central sheet and align the block before final fixation.

First of all, the sheets are fastened into a single roofing sheet along the corrugation applied to the lower element with 4.8 × 19 mm self-tapping screws, screwed in every 50 cm. After joining, the block is again aligned with the horizon and the edge of the eaves and is attached to the laths. For this purpose, 4.8x38 mm self-tapping screws are used, which are installed in the recess of the profile in every second recess.

Fastening to the eaves grating is carried out in each profile recess; in the middle of the sheet, the fasteners are distributed evenly so that there are 5 fastening points per 1 m² of covering.

At the end of the work on laying the sheet covering, the ridge elements are installed with preliminary installation of the seal along the edges of the extensions. In the arrangement of trapezoidal slopes, the first to be installed are the planks on the hip ribs from bottom to top, then the plank with plugs is mounted on the ridge ridge.

Video about the principles of laying corrugated sheets

Sequence of work on laying corrugated sheeting on the roof:

Video about the first experience in self-installation corrugated sheets:

Folk tricks in installing corrugated sheet roofs:

To ensure that the result of difficult work does not disappoint and does not require significant investments in remodeling, you need to know how to properly cover an architecturally complex object - a hipped roof - with corrugated sheeting. The material we present will provide effective assistance to independent roofers. Compliance with the described rules guarantees success.

Today, most craftsmen are in demand for roofs made of metal profiles, despite the fact that the market is full of a variety of roofing materials. This popularity of the coating is due to its technical characteristics and favorable price. However, not everyone knows how to cover a roof with corrugated sheeting without making major mistakes. Therefore, in the article below we will consider all the possible nuances of the work, how exactly to lay corrugated sheeting on the roof, in order to avoid further unpleasant incidents with the finished roof.

Important: those who want to lay a metal profile on the roof should know that one of the qualities of the material is low level sound absorption. Therefore, you will have to take care of high-quality roofing cake (hydro-, steam- and thermal insulation). Such a layer will significantly reduce the noise level of the “rain symphony” in thunderstorms.

Otherwise, the material, made of steel sheet with a thickness of 0.5 to 3.5 mm and coated with a galvanized and polymer protective layer, is, in principle, beneficial from all sides. In particular, covering the roof with corrugated sheeting gives the home owner the following advantages:

  • High speed of work completion. This nuance is due to the light weight of the material and its dimensions. Often the length of one profile sheet is 12 m. And if the lengths of the slope and the roofing sheet are the same, then this makes it possible to avoid unnecessary work when finishing the roof of a house (lack of cutting and adjusting the material). In addition, lifting the corrugated sheet to the top is not difficult.
  • Low load on the rafter system. This means additional savings on the construction of its skeleton.
  • Significant savings in the construction budget. This is ensured by the favorable cost of the material. The price for corrugated sheets is significantly lower than even for metal tiles.
  • Attractive home design. A roof made of corrugated sheets looks quite decent and neat, while the corrugated sheet on the roof is in no way inferior to the popular metal tiles.
  • High repairability of the coating and its resistance to water, cold, and sun. But only if you follow the rules required for laying corrugated sheets on the roof.

Choosing roofing material

If you decide to attach corrugated sheeting as a roofing material, then you should know what it can be used on the roof. in principle, any of its types (load-bearing, wall or universal). But at the same time, you need to remember that a thin wall corrugated sheet requires the installation of a continuous sheathing under it. Otherwise, over time, due to snow and wind loads, the roof will sag in the gaps of the sheathing.

Important: most often, in order to cover a roof with a metal profile, a sheet of grades NS or N (universal/load-bearing) is chosen with a thickness of 0.5-0.7 mm. It is desirable that the height of the corrugation ridge varies within the range of 20-75 mm. This will serve as additional rigidity for the roof covering. In this case, the profile must have a drainage capillary groove.

We calculate the amount of material

If we decide that we will cover the roof with corrugated sheeting, then we need to purchase required quantity material. This is important because a single volume of roofing is purchased from one batch. In the future, if one or two profile sheets are missing, it may be sold from another batch. And this threatens a discrepancy in color shade. And the work will be interrupted, which is not very good, especially if the uncovered house is hit by bad weather.

So, in order to correctly calculate the amount of coating and understand how to attach it, you need to calculate the parameters of the slopes. If it is a single-pitch or gable roof, then there will be no problems at all. You need to determine the width of the slopes and divide it by the width of one sheet of covering. We multiply the resulting value by 15% (margin for overlaps). Such calculations are convenient for slopes whose length does not exceed 12 m. If the length (height) of the slope is greater, then the profiled sheet must be taken 40% more.

Rules for transportation, storage and use of coating

Those who do not yet know how to cover a roof with corrugated sheeting should understand that this roofing covering does not like strong mechanical influences and wind loads. They can lead to deformation of the material. This means that when working with it you should adhere to several important rules:

  • When transporting a purchased profile, it must be transported exclusively in a horizontal position, stacked on wooden pallet. In this case, it is better to secure the stack of coating with belts so that when the car moves, the sheets do not move or become deformed.
  • When moving the profile or storing it, it is important to ensure that the sheets do not rub against each other or against other surfaces. Otherwise, the protective polymer coating may be damaged, which will subsequently lead to corrosion of the steel underneath.
  • Lifting the metal profile to the roof must be done in batches, arranging a kind of lifting path of two beams arranged like rails from the roof to the ground. The profile pack is lifted on ropes and fixed on the roof, supporting it with a padded fixing bar from the eaves side. This will make it easier to lay corrugated sheeting on the roof.
  • It is not recommended to work with the profile in windy weather. In this case, it will be difficult to attach the corrugated sheeting, since it has a large windage. Therefore, working in the wind both threatens the safety of the craftsman himself and can lead to deformation of the sheet.
  • Roofing work should be performed in soft shoes. A hard sole may bend the coating.
  • In addition, laying corrugated sheets should only be carried out using protective gloves. Because cut edges of the material can cause injury to the craftsman.

Important: when cutting profile sheets, it is not advisable to use a grinder. It greatly heats up the polymer coating when cutting, which leads to its deterioration and further corrosion of the coating sheet. The material must be cut with special scissors, and the cut edges must be painted with special paint.

Tools for getting the job done

If you don’t yet know how to lay corrugated sheeting or how to cover a roof with corrugated sheeting with your own hands, then we provide a list of the tools needed to complete the work. So, we will fasten the corrugated sheets using the following tools:

  • Tape measure and construction pencil (marker);
  • Jigsaw or special scissors for cutting profiles;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Sealing tape for sealing joints of the coating;
  • Special self-tapping screws with sealing washers at the rate of 7-10 pcs/m2 of coating;
  • Component elements (ridge, valleys, cornices, etc.). They are put in last.

Sheathing device

When trying to learn how to properly cover a roof with corrugated sheets with your own hands, you should understand that the construction of a roofing pie is of no small importance when working with corrugated sheets. Therefore, we will devote no less attention to the installation of the sheathing and fastening of the insulating layer:

  • So, boards are placed on the rafter legs in increments of 50-70 cm.
  • Now they are covered with vapor barrier material.
  • Thermal insulation is laid on top.
  • Everything is covered with waterproofing canvas and only after that they begin the installation of sheathing for installation of the metal profile.

Important: the joints of all layers of membranes are taped with special tape.

  • Now it is important to arrange the sheathing for laying the metal profile. Here, the technology of laying corrugated sheeting on the roof implies that the thinner the corrugated sheet, the smaller the pitch of the sheathing should be. A continuous sheathing is made under a very thin roofing material. As for the rest, for the CH35 profile, the lathing step is 50-60 cm. For the CH44 metal profile, this step can already be 65-75 cm.

Important: everything wooden elements Roofs must be treated with fire retardants and antiseptics for greater resistance to possible moisture.

Metal profile overlap level

Continuing to master the material on the topic of how to cover a roof with corrugated sheets with your own hands and how to lay the covering correctly, we will learn what the overlap of sheets should be horizontally and vertically. In principle, if the height (length) of the slope allows, then the metal profile sheets are laid from left to right or vice versa, depending on the prevailing wind direction in the region. In this case, you need to cover the roof with corrugated sheeting with your own hands on the side of the roof opposite to the predominant wind direction. In this case, the vertical overlap may vary depending on the pitch of the roof. The larger the angle, the smaller the overlap can be. That is, with a large slope of the slope, it is allowed to overlap half the ridge, and with a slight slope of the roof, you need to lay the next sheet of covering on two ridges. This adherence to the principles will allow you to properly cover the roof.

As for the horizontal overlap, the fastening of the profiled sheet requires an overlap of 10 cm. In this case, the lower (first) row of material is laid with a protrusion above the cornice of 30-50 cm. That is, it covers the drain by a third of its width. Such overhangs allow high-quality drainage of water from the roof into the drainage system. The sheets of the second row must be installed tediously with the seams offset relative to the first row. These installation instructions will allow you to make a high-quality metal profile roof. The roof is covered in this way correctly.

Important: all joints between metal profile roofing sheets are covered with a special sealing tape.

The principle of fastening a metal profile

Continuing the instructions on the topic “how to properly cover a roof with corrugated sheeting” and how to cover a roof quickly, we will introduce the reader to the principles of fastening roofing sheets.

So, thin sheets of metal profiles are placed on the roof of the house on specially prepared screws with rubber seals. In this case, the fasteners must be carefully screwed in with a screwdriver. It is not advisable to clamp the screws on the laid layers of the coating too much, as this will create additional stress on the coating sheet. If you fasten the corrugated sheet tightly, this will lead to its deformation over time and water leakage under the washer.

Lay the first sheet of roofing and secure it at the top with one self-tapping screw. Now you should level the sheet using a level and additionally tighten it with the remaining fasteners. Then we cover the entire roof using this sheet. This information on how to cover a roof with metal sheets will help even a novice craftsman.

At the very top of the sheathing and in bottom sheet the profile is fixed with self-tapping screws into each ridge. You can screw corrugated sheeting into the middle boards of the sheathing using fasteners through the ridge.

Important: very thin material Can screw manually, without a screwdriver.

Installation of a roof ridge made of corrugated sheets

The installed roof must be completed by installing the ridge and side caps on it. How to secure this element is discussed below. It is worth knowing that profile skates are produced in three versions:

  • Profile sheet bent at an angle;
  • Semicircular ridge;
  • U-shaped skate.

You can cover the roof with corrugated sheeting using any of them to your taste.

The principle of constructing a ridge (how to place it correctly) and fastening a roof made of corrugated sheets looks like this:

  • In the upper, not yet installed ridge part of the roof, all laid profile sheets are mounted perfectly even along the edge. That is, they are leveled at the top.
  • The gap between them is closed with a special sealing tape.
  • Now you need to fix the wooden blocks parallel to the existing axis of the ridge.
  • The ridge is screwed to them, overlapping the elements in such a way that the prevailing direction of the wind seems to smooth them. If the ridge parts are fastened this way, then the wind will not be able to damage the roof.
  • The ends of the ridge are covered with plugs on both sides. Thus, you can completely cover the roof with a metal profile with your own hands.

Important: if you do not know how to properly install corrugated sheeting on a roof of complex configuration, then it is better to use the services of professionals. Although in this case all the work on installing the corrugated roof with your own hands performed according to the above principle. You just need to cut it carefullycovering the roofing material on the required elements and installing the valleys correctly. Remember, rightfixed material, lasts more than 30 years.

Any craftsman with basic construction skills, with a basic set of tools, even without much experience, can cover a roof with corrugated sheeting with his own hands. Therefore, this type of roofing is most in demand in private housing construction, as well as in the construction of outbuildings and outbuildings. Corrugated sheeting is inexpensive and lasts 25-50 years, making it a long-term leader among roofing materials in its price category. Using this affordable material, you can also install gable roof, and more complex designs. The technology for laying corrugated sheeting on the roof is quite simple; we will discuss it in detail in this article.

Do-it-yourself corrugated roofing is a common design solution for a small private house, garage, shed or shed, popular among developers due to the excellent performance qualities of the material. Corrugated sheets are made from galvanized steel using the cold rolling method. During the production process, the surface is given a relief, which gives greater horizontal rigidity, and then cut into sheets of standard shape. The popularity of corrugated sheets is explained by the following factors:

  • Effective drainage of water from the slope. Installation of corrugated sheeting improves drainage from the roof surface, thanks to gutters directed along the slope. Covering with corrugated sheeting helps solve the problem of snow and liquid retention on roofs with a small slope.
  • Versatility. The instructions recommend installing corrugated sheets if the roof has a slope of 12 to 60 degrees. Almost all roofing structures used fall into this range.
  • Light weight. One square meter of corrugated sheet weighs 5-7 kg; covering with this material does not increase the load on the rafter frame and foundation of the structure.
  • Resistance to mechanical stress. Corrugated sheeting, thanks to the large number of vertical stiffening ribs, has high strength; it can withstand snow loads of up to 1-1.5 m, as well as the weight of a person, without deformation.
  • Resistance to corrosion, fungus, mold and others biological factors destruction. Installation of corrugated sheeting solves the waterproofing problem, does not collapse under the influence of moisture, and lasts for many years.
  • Easy installation. You can cover the roof with corrugated sheets yourself; any worker with basic construction skills and a basic set of tools can handle this task.
  • Affordable price. A sheet of corrugated sheets costs 400-600 rubles, so covering the roof with this material will not cost that much.

Pay attention! Before covering the roof with corrugated sheeting, you need to choose a high-quality, durable material. Corrugated sheets are produced painted and unpainted. The paint or polymer coating that gives color to the material also performs a protective function: it prevents the penetration of moisture and the formation of corrosion. However, if the paint layer and galvanic coating are damaged, the corrugated sheeting begins to quickly rust. The most reliable is considered to be a profiled sheet made of galvanized steel coated with pural.

Design Features

Novice craftsmen often do not know how to properly cover a roof with corrugated sheeting, so they fall victim to a lack of experience. Poor-quality installation reduces the waterproofing qualities of the roofing structure, reduces the service life of the material, leading to the formation of corrosion or leaks. Corrugated sheeting can be laid on pitched roofs with a slope of 12 degrees. Experienced craftsmen can make a roof from this material, even if the slope has a smaller angle of inclination. The corrugated sheeting is laid with a vertical overlap of 2 waves, and the vertical joints are treated with silicone-based sealant.

Important! Before covering the roof with corrugated sheeting, you can purchase the material directly from the manufacturer, cut into sheets along the length of the slope. This allows installation with a minimum number of joints, which increases the service life and waterproofing qualities of the coating, and also saves money by using less material.

Before covering the roof with corrugated sheets with your own hands, you need to study the technology of working with this material. Manufacturers usually provide detailed instructions describing the sequence in which installation should be performed. A corrugated roofing is a multi-layer cake, which, in addition to the finishing coating, includes waterproofing and vapor barrier. Working with corrugated sheets has the following features:

  1. Before covering the roof with corrugated sheeting, you need to make a lath. If the distance between rafter legs does not exceed 100 cm, you can use 30x100 mm bars. If the step exceeds 100 cm, the cross-section of the sheathing bars must be increased.
  2. Before laying the corrugated board, you need to make a sheathing. For this material, you can lay a lattice sheathing with a step between the bars of 30 cm. In the places of valleys and ribs, a reinforced solid base is installed.
  3. Before you begin installing the roof covering, it is necessary to coat all wooden elements of the rafter frame with an antiseptic preparation, and also treat it with a fire-retarding compound.

Many homeowners do not know how to properly cover a roof with corrugated sheeting, and therefore make annoying mistakes that affect the operation of the structure. A major defect is the lack of vapor barrier and waterproofing in the roofing pie. Corrugated sheeting has high thermal conductivity, which leads to condensation of water vapor on the elements of the rafter frame.

Technology of laying corrugated sheets

Most homeowners who want to reduce construction costs install the roofing themselves, but do not have a clear idea of ​​how to properly cover the roof with corrugated sheeting. As a result of an unprofessional approach, the roof may leak, become covered with ice, and the rafter frame begins to rot and collapse. To avoid these negative consequences, you must strictly follow the technology for laying corrugated sheets. Instructions for constructing a roof from this material are as follows:

Important! Profiled steel with a polymer protective coating deteriorates from thermal influences, so do not use a grinder or welding to cut the material. Installation is carried out strictly in a cold manner, and the sections are treated with a special primer that prevents the formation of corrosion.

Video instructions

Roofing work has been valued at all times of construction. Thanks to this, we now have high-quality protection from bad weather above our heads. Over time everything roofing materials changed, their production formulas became more complex, and therefore their quality increased. Today, one of the most popular roofing materials is corrugated sheeting. This article will talk about how to cover a roof with corrugated sheets with your own hands, and at the end you will be presented with a video so that you can navigate in practice.

Material characteristics

Profiled metal sheets are a very effective and durable product. They are made from high quality rolled steel with some protective layers. If the material is expensive, then it can be equipped with zinc and polymer protection. They do not allow moisture to affect the base metal, however, we will talk about this a little later.

The length of the sheet depends on the manufacturer. The maximum possible value is 12 meters. Such sheets are purchased on the markets quite rarely, so the factories decided to discontinue production of this length and focus on the most purchased copies. However, if you need exactly this length, you can order it from the manufacturer directly. As for the width, it almost always comes with a fixed value of 1180 millimeters, but again, all indicators depend on the manufacturer’s equipment.

The basis of the profiled sheet metal is steel. This material is durable and has its own resistance to corrosion, but prolonged exposure to moisture on any surface will somehow cause it to collapse. To prevent the metal from corroding, it is coated with a thin layer of zinc. In addition, polymer films may be present on the sheet. They not only protect the metal sheet from corrosion, but also increase its aesthetic properties.

The strength of the material depends on the thickness of the base and its profile. The recesses of the corrugated sheet can be different, for example, trapezoidal or square. The greatest rigidity is observed in the material with maximum thickness and square-shaped recesses.

Advantages and disadvantages of profiled sheets

Every developer should know what strengths and weaknesses a particular product has. Not only successful construction, but also the duration of operation will depend on these data. By studying the positive and negative facts about roofing, you can immediately see whether it suits you or not.

The advantages of profiled metal sheet are as follows.

  • Cheapness. Today, some types of metal sheets are practically no different in price from asbestos slate.
  • High rigidity. Thick sheets of metal can be used not only as a covering, but also instead of interfloor coverings, although such houses have a frame type of walls.

  • Easy to install. Thanks to the variety of lengths, you can choose sheets that will completely cover the slope. Thus, there will be a minimum number of joints on the surface, which will significantly increase waterproofing performance. This way you can quickly, and most importantly, properly cover the roof.
  • Light weight. The low weight of the coating allows the use of thin-section lumber in the rafter system. This significantly reduces the load on the walls and foundation, and affects the final cost of the development.
  • Aesthetic indicators. Today the construction market offers many color solutions for metal sheets.
  • Long-term operation. If you are choosing a coating for a residential building, I advise you to consider more expensive products. They contain special protective layers of polymers that do not allow moisture to affect the core of the sheet. On average, this coating can last on the roof for 30-40 years.

Due to smooth surface corrugated sheeting removes sediment naturally. This can be attributed to both pros and cons. If a steeply sloping surface is taken as the base, then snow holders must be installed on it in order to control the melting of snow masses.

Well, where are there no minuses?

To cover a roof with corrugated sheeting, you need to acquire a fairly large amount of thermal insulation materials. Products that are not afraid of moisture are best suited for metal roofs, but most developers use ordinary mineral wool boards. The presence of a thick layer of thermal insulation solves two problems at once. Firstly, the thermal conductivity of the roof decreases, and secondly, the sound insulation properties increase.

Metal coatings have always stood out for their ability to accumulate condensation. There is no escape from this, so all that remains is to fight. To eliminate high humidity in attic and the roofing pie is provided with natural ventilation. If you know that it will not be enough, then you can equip the roof with artificial ventilation elements.

Purchase and transportation of material

As it turns out, many novice developers cannot determine the quality of the material by appearance. However, you can make a mistake even if you have a good understanding of roofing coverings. Let me point out that today underground production produces decent, but not very high-quality products.

To avoid purchasing low-quality profiled sheets, first of all pay attention to the following points:

  • Blisters or small scratches on the polymer protection. Damage to the integrity of this layer will indicate that the metal base in some place will not have protection. Why then overpay serious money for such a product if you can get a cheap galvanized sheet?
  • Dents and bends. If the metal sheet is deformed, then we can say with confidence that the protective layer has peeled off from the base. But it is worth noting that this only happens with cheap products; more expensive polymer layers do not peel off even after serious deformation.
  • Damage to the protective film, coming after the polymer layer. Here you will have to inspect the products almost with a magnifying glass; it will be much easier to ask the seller than to divide the metal into parts. If the sheet was cut in a factory, then everything is in order, but if a grinder was used as a tool, then there is no point in talking about any protection, since it burned out during cutting.

You also need to be careful during loading and unloading procedures. If you do not know the seller, then it is better not to trust him. Some of my friends got burned at this very stage. They were present during loading and unloading, but did not inspect the goods individually. When did they start filming? top sheets metal from the pack, it turned out that almost everything there was defective.

Construction and roofing pie under corrugated sheeting

To cover a roof with corrugated sheeting, you need not only to understand the material itself, but also to make a high-quality base. Both wood and metal can be used as the main materials for assembling the frame and sheathing. It is worth understanding that the latter option is expensive, but more durable. One way or another, the vast majority of developers prefer to use ordinary wood.

Wood is a natural material, so it will deteriorate when exposed to environment. For protection roofing elements special antiseptics and fire retardants are used. They can be applied manually, using a spray bottle, or using the bath method. The first two methods save a lot of protective solution, but the impregnation does not penetrate into the wood. Bath method requires a lot of protective substance, but after impregnating the element once, you can forget about this procedure for many years.

All elements of the rafter system must be durable and of high quality. As a rule, hard wood is used for this.

You already know that profiled metal sheets are light in weight, so there is no need to make a skeleton from large-section lumber. The only thing that is really important is to protect the roofing pie from harmful effects moisture.

An ideal roofing pie for metal roofs will look something like this:

  • Vapor barrier material
  • Counter-lattice
  • Lathing
  • Underlay carpet
  • Thermal insulation layer
  • Waterproofing
  • Roof covering

I think there is no need to describe the purpose of each of the points here, but I want to draw attention to the counter-lattice. This system creates air gap between the roof skeleton and the roofing pie. Thanks to this, the steam emanating from inside the premises will simply be blown away by the wind. This is very important, given the disadvantage of the accumulation of large amounts of condensate.

Now, let's figure out how to properly cover a roof with corrugated sheeting.

How to cover a roof with corrugated sheets with your own hands?

Many developers ask the same question: “How to cover a roof with corrugated sheets with your own hands correctly?” It will not be possible to answer this question right away, because first you need to study the building area, the amount of precipitation, prevailing winds and other nuances that affect the roofing. It is worth noting that you can cover the roof with corrugated sheets with your own hands, even if you do not understand construction, and this is a serious plus of this product.

On some sites I noticed the following expression: we cover the roof with corrugated sheeting only if the slope of the slope is more than 12 degrees. Minimum slope for metal roofs really is 12-14 degrees, but for some reason I haven’t found information anywhere on how to remove the restrictions. In order to cover a roof with a profiled sheet with a slope of less than 12 degrees, it is enough to use an additional waterproofing layer, the so-called lining, and high-quality sealant. It processes vertical and horizontal joints.

Let's consider a technology that will answer the question: how to properly cover a roof with corrugated sheeting with your own hands.

Preparatory work

On at this stage it is necessary to calculate the need for materials, purchase and deliver it to the site. In addition, get all necessary tools and uniforms. Be careful when working with metal sheets. If you do all the work yourself, I advise you to purchase special gloves. In appearance, they are somewhat reminiscent of chain mail armor, but when working in them you definitely won’t cut yourself or lose your fingers.

To cover the roof with corrugated sheets with your own hands, you need to acquire the necessary fasteners. Special screws with a rubber washer are suitable here. Thanks to the lining, all fastening areas will have a good connection with the base, therefore, the tightness of the roof will increase.

If the installation process is carried out at subzero temperatures, then special shoes and uniforms are selected. As for things, they simply should not hinder your movements, but special attention should be paid to shoes. It shouldn't slide around metal surface. If you do not have the opportunity to find all this, then it is better not to risk it and wait for suitable conditions.

Now, I’m ready to answer the main question: “how to properly cover a roof with corrugated sheeting?”

Installation work

After laying the Mauerlat and placing the rafter beams in their places, you can begin laying the vapor barrier layer. Here it is best to use a membrane that allows steam to pass through without problems. This will significantly reduce the amount of condensation that accumulates in the attic. It is very important not to stretch the vapor barrier fabric, otherwise there is a risk of it breaking. Release the tension and let it sag a little.

Installation of counter-lattice on metal roofs simply necessary. Again, it's all about condensation. Thanks to the counter-lattice, an additional path is created for the inflow and outflow of air, which allows you to pull excess moisture out of the attic.

Next comes the installation of the sheathing. Profiled metal sheets have sufficient rigidity to be laid on a discharged surface. The optimal pitch of the sheathing elements is 40-60 centimeters. However, if necessary, you can reduce or, conversely, increase these values.

After installing the sheathing, we look at the functional purpose of the building. If this is a residential building, then we lay out the lining carpet. Otherwise, we immediately cover the roof with corrugated sheeting. If you plan to do all the work yourself, then look at the roof slope. On steeply sloped roofs, you can lay the lining locally, only in places of high humidity, but if the thermal insulation material does not repel water, then you will have to cover the entire plane.

On top thermal insulation boards You can lay small bars. They will lift the insulating layer from above and allow air to dry the insides of the roofing cake. Top waterproofing should be chosen from those products that block moisture in only one direction. The same membranes are ideal for this role.

You can start laying the roof covering itself from any side of the roof. It is ideal if you select sheets of equal size to the slope. This way you can achieve a minimum number of seams, and with this the efficiency of the entire roofing area. The fastening elements should be on the bottom of the wave, and if the sheets are joined together, then on the top.

The installation of the roofing part of the buildings will be completed with the installation of auxiliary elements in the form of fittings for ventilation and chimney pipes.

As you can see, even an inexperienced developer can cover a roof, but the nuances must not be overlooked.

How to do all the work efficiently?

I often hear similar expressions from developers: “we cover the roof with corrugated sheets with our own hands, but we can’t achieve the quality that roofing crews offer, why?” The answer is quite simple, although it requires some research.

Before properly covering the roof, you need to plan everything in advance. Experienced roofers already have a list of approximate actions, and they follow them without hesitation. An example would be material inspection. Taking a sheet of metal in their hands, they can easily identify its quality by color, weight and layers. Today, there are a lot of high-quality fakes on the construction market, so beginners often make mistakes when choosing the right material.

If you don’t understand how to properly cover a roof, I suggest watching this video:

The next reason lies in the developer’s unwillingness to carry out all the work at once. Let's look at this situation with an example. If you cover the roof with corrugated sheets with your own hands, then you can spend a lot of time on this procedure. You are not bothered by deadlines, and no one is forcing you to do this. Consequently, an unfinished building can stand for a very long time, as a result of which all roofing materials stored on outdoors may be damaged or lose a significant part of their positive properties.

By the way, a portable and inexpensive wood moisture meter is available for sale. Such a device will allow you to determine whether it is possible to install lumber or not.

IMPORTANT: Almost every person can properly cover a roof with corrugated sheets, the main thing is that all actions are clearly planned and the entire process of laying the roofing sheet does not take more than two weeks.