Secrets of working with brushes for brushing wood. Features of wood brushing. Artificial brushing of wood: cost of work

The result of which is a change in appearance carpentry. Wood that has undergone such processing acquires appearance old product. In other words, it's a process artificial aging the mentioned material.


A completely reasonable question may arise: “Why is all this necessary? After all, a new product is always better than an old one.” But only those who have never seen products made from brushed wood can ask this question. The texture of old wood is very expressive, and furniture made from it looks extremely impressive. They help create special style and are an integral part of interiors stylized in the feudal era. Brushing wood makes it possible at the beginning of the third millennium to produce furniture that could decorate the knightly castles of the times. Therefore this technology is very promising and in demand in the joinery market. Entire log buildings are often subjected to artificial aging.

Technological features

The desired effect is achieved by treating the material with special metal brushes. The very name of this technological process comes from English word"brush", which means "brush". Brushing of wood is achieved due to the fact that a rotating metal tool selects softer fibers located throughout the surface of the tree between the annual rings. After processing, a textured natural surface remains. The special expressive possibilities of wood are revealed during its subsequent processing and tinting coatings. Brushing technology is quite complex and time-consuming. But the achieved result fully justifies the effort expended.

Wood brushing: tools and equipment

Aging a wooden surface by hand is very difficult. Ideally, wood brushing is carried out using a machine specially designed for this purpose with a set of replaceable cylindrical brushes. different hardness. But such equipment is not cheap; a machine like this costs about a thousand dollars. If professional equipment is unavailable for some reason, then you can use an angle grinder or drill with a set of wire wheel brushes. Of course, to ensure the technological process, you need a special room with a workbench and clamps. When mass producing carpentry products with a brushed surface, exhaust ventilation is required.

Brushing wood at home

Many are not indifferent to carpentry Craftsmen have tried aging wood at home. Despite the complexity of the process, it is quite accessible. A master who works for himself even has some advantages over professionals - no one rushes him. But brushing wood with your own hands requires, in addition to patience and qualifications, also the possession of at least a minimal tool base. You need a set of metal brushes and devices that give them rotation. The drive can be either stationary or manual. It should be understood that it makes sense to brush only wood with pronounced growth rings. There are types of wood that do not make sense to process in this way. These are primarily beech, maple, alder and teak. Annual rings are most clearly expressed in varieties such as ash, larch, oak and walnut. Or in such exotic ones as merbau and wenge. You need to understand what to achieve desired result This is impossible with brushing brushes alone. An expressive texture is achieved by alternating brush and abrasive tools. A sanding machine is passed over the surface and after applying the tint, this makes it more contrasting. At the end of the process, the product is coated with varnish. The coating can be either glossy or matte.

Safety precautions

Wood brushing involves the use of various types of electromechanical equipment. Its moving parts rotate at high speed and can pose a serious danger. To avoid injury, workplace must be formatted accordingly. The workpiece to be processed must be securely fixed with clamps or a stationary vice. During the brushing process, a lot of dust rises into the air, and sharp elements fly off from the wire brushes at high speed. Therefore, you should protect your respiratory organs with a respirator, and your eyes with special impact-resistant glasses. And, of course, this type of carpentry work should be performed outside of residential premises. As already mentioned, the use of exhaust ventilation is highly desirable.

Brushing (or structuring) is a technique for decorative finishing of wood by artificial aging. The process of processing the material is not particularly difficult, so every home craftsman can brush wood with his own hands, using step-by-step instructions from specialists and a tool suitable for the procedure.

Technology and Applications

The brushing procedure is used to give the wood a vintage look.

The main purpose of brushing is to give ordinary wood appearance of ancient material by processing with tools. During surface treatment, soft fibers of a light shade are removed. After this, the surface becomes embossed, which is inherent in old wood.

The extent of soft tissue removal varies during treatment. Depending on the purpose, the depth of roughness imparted can be from 0.5 to 2–3 millimeters. Deep processing carried out when they want to give the effect of deep aging. The hard surface of the wood is exposed and the beautiful texture is revealed. It is optimal to treat the surface to a depth of 0.5 to 1 millimeter.

Natural aging of wood reduces the strength of the tree. Artificial brushing helps increase the strength of lumber, prevents rotting and fungus formation. Such properties are given to wood by treatment with special antiseptic compounds during the process.

To emphasize the relief after removal soft fibers the surface is coated with compounds that impart color. The wood is painted with shades of two tones to make the relief stand out as much as possible.

Brushing is a popular method of processing interior wood. Designers use it in the following cases:

  • in the manufacture of stairs;
  • in furniture production;
  • when processing floorboards;
  • in the manufacture of finishing lining.

Only wood species with a multi-layer structure are subjected to such processing. An excellent result is obtained after brushing larch, spruce, and oak. The structure of these species allows you to obtain unique rich patterns of living wood.

Varieties with an implicitly expressed structure are unsuitable for brushing: cherry, maple, beech, alder, birch, teak. The fine-fiber structure of the wood of these tree species does not allow for a layered effect, so brushing cannot achieve decorative effect.

Types of brushing

To obtain a more textured surface, a mechanical brushing method is suitable.

There are two ways to process a tree to reveal its structure:

  1. Mechanical. The wood is treated with a special tool that removes soft fibers and devices for polishing the surface.
  2. Chemical. It involves treating wood with special compounds (alkalies, acids, etc.) that corrode soft fibers.

The use of these types of brushing allows you to achieve different results. The mechanical method produces a textured surface, while the chemical method produces a smoother surface.

One of the techniques used by craftsmen is a combination of chemical and mechanical processing. The wood is rough processed using a chemical method, removing soft fibers. Further finishing and polishing is done mechanically.


Brushing by annealing gives the surface greater strength

One type of brushing is burning wood to remove soft tissue. The wood is burned blowtorch or gas burner, then washed and coated oil compositions for polishing.

With this brushing option, there is no need for subsequent tinting of the product, since the wood acquires a dark shade. If desired, burnt wood can be coated with colored stain.

Wood that has gone through fire and water becomes not only beautiful, but also more durable. It is practically not subject to rotting or damage by insects, so it is often used for finishing facades and building fences. There is no need to paint such a fence, since the burnt boards do not change their quality for decades.

Modern designers use fire-treated wood for interior decoration and furniture making. Not everyone likes things that look like after a fire, but they look stylish and very unusual.

Tools for DIY brushing

The process of artificial structuring of wood is not complicated if you use the right tool for it.


When choosing a mechanical brushing method, you cannot do without brushes.

Brushing brush - special tool for mechanical brushing by hand. These are rough metal brushes with steel or brass bristles. It is preferable to choose a tool with a wide end, similar in shape to a roller. This shape will allow you to evenly treat the surface.

The thickness of the wire is chosen depending on the type of wood. The pile should be 7–10 times thinner than soft fibers. Brushes with straight bristles are preferable to curly ones. If necessary, the ends of the wire are cut off - this technique allows you to make the brush more rigid.

Brushing removes most of the soft fibers from the wood. Surface roughness is removed with special nylon brushes with abrasive powder pressed into the bristles. Sanding with synthetic brushes removes wood hairiness, preparing the surface for subsequent polishing and painting.

The cost of synthetic brushes for brushing is quite high, but it is advisable to purchase them. They allow you to thoroughly prepare surfaces for final polishing and get the job done efficiently.

For final polishing, brushes with wool or sisal bristles are used. They give the surface maximum smoothness and a finished look.

After rough processing, the wood must be dried before final cleaning and polishing. Polishing a wet surface will lift up and break down fine fibers, ruining the appearance of the material.

Machine tools and machines

A brushing machine will be needed if there is a large volume of wood to be processed.

If it is necessary to process large volumes of material, it is advisable to use brushing machines. Specialists who carry out mass processing of wood use stationary brushing machines. They come complete with round brushes for step-by-step processing of the board:

  • made of steel wire - for primary processing;
  • made of synthetic pile - for intermediate cleaning;
  • from sisal - for final polishing.

The most popular models of machines and special machines:

  • FESTOOL RUSTOFIX RAS 180 milling cutter with a set of brushes.
  • Makita 974 machine, equipped with nylon and abrasive brushes. The disadvantage of this model is the difficulty of processing corners.
  • Grinding machine Felisatti AGF 110/1010E. A more advanced model for processing even and non-smooth smooth surfaces. This model comes with a metal and nylon brush.

When choosing a specific model, you need to consider the possibility of purchasing additional brushes of a suitable design.

Acquisition special machine It is impractical for performing one-time work, since home craftsmen use grinding machines for smooth surfaces and angle grinders for processing joints to process wood. To equip grinding machines You purchase special brush attachments, similar to those intended for machine tools.

Brushing stages: step-by-step instructions

Consistency and correctness of actions during wood structuring is a guarantee of obtaining the desired result. Violation of recommendations will lead to damage to the material. In general, the process consists of wire brushing the board, sanding and polishing.

The work scheme of a home master is as follows:

  • Preparatory stage. Before starting work, the surface of the board is checked for moisture level. If it is too wet, you need to dry it. Too dry - moisturize.
  • Treatment with a hard brush. At this stage, it is important to evaluate the selection of bristle stiffness. For processing efficiency, it is important to ensure that the brush removes only soft fabrics wood without disturbing the structure of solids. Having selected the optimal hardness depending on the type of wood, you can begin roughing. The surface is treated along the direction of the fibers. If processing with a grinding machine, the rotation speed is adjusted on a separate sample.
  • Sanding with a synthetic brush. The abrasive brush is designed for high-quality wood processing. With its help, all fibers and roughness remaining after roughing are removed. As a rule, one or two passes over the surface are sufficient. Movements, as in roughing, are performed along the fibers. At this stage, you can make the surface more decorative by deepening some of the grooves with a chisel.
  • Wood polishing. The final stage of grinding is to make the surface smooth. Perform the work with a sesal brush or fine-grained sandpaper. Careful polishing makes the surface perfectly smooth.

Video: Do-it-yourself wood brushing

Coloring - finishing touch during the wood brushing process

Coating the surface of brushed wood with paint or a tinting composition gives it a special decorative effect. Painting is carried out with a brush or sponge. During the process, carefully monitor whether the fibers rise. If fibers are noticed on the surface, it is additionally sanded with fine-grained sandpaper.

The simplest painting option is stain treatment. It quickly penetrates into the soft layers of wood remaining on the surface without affecting the hard fibers. The result is a relief structure that is particularly decorative.

Wood coated with a golden or silver coloring substance has an original appearance. Pigment particles get clogged into depressions and microcracks, which subsequently glare in the sun.

An interesting coloring technique is the arrangement of tones, repeating the play of light and shadow on the relief. The recesses are painted in a dark tone, ridges - light. Painting is carried out as follows:

  1. A richly dark varnish or paint is applied to the entire surface.
  2. The coated surface is wiped with a sponge or rag, removing paint from hard fibers where it has not yet been absorbed.
  3. If large areas are being painted, wait until the applied layer of varnish has dried, and then treat the surface with a petal disk with a grain size of 400 to 800. The bulges after this treatment are highlighted, then they are coated with colorless or light varnish.

Another coloring option is to cover the top tier with dark varnish and the depressions with light varnish. In this case, apply dark varnish to the surface and dry it well. Then apply the light composition and remove its excess with a rubber spatula. As a result, a dark substrate appears on the ridges.

With certain woodworking skills and using the right tools, you can do your own brushing and get excellent results. Products made from structured wood are highly decorative and give the interior an exclusive, expensive look.

Wood processing is rightfully considered one of the most popular methods in the exquisite design of furniture, as well as other interior details.

It is no secret that in stone and metal walls that are battered by the eye, there is always wood that has been durable and faded under the persistent rays of the sun. The process of artificial aging of wood material is called brushing, more about it in this material.

Experts consider wood to be a proven leader among materials for finishing work. Knowing a lot about combining aged wood material with modern finishing, you can achieve impressive results, and the home itself will acquire unique uniqueness and the desired result. Methodology artificial brushing wood can be mastered by a person without specialized construction education; just desire and structured thinking are enough.

Wood brushing: method sequence

It is necessary to understand that the natural aging of wood takes a long time, and some parts of the material become unusable due to wear and tear. They are subject to gradual weathering, as well as the formation of deep pores. Pronounced annual rings, which can be traced on sections of a tree trunk, indicate late or early age of the wood, have certain shading differences, which is manifested through their density, color contrast, and recognizable volume.

Everyone has ever seen the surface of old wood, which manifests itself as a textured undulation, similar to heterogeneous waves of sand. The winning option with such visualization is considered to be ash, spruce and larch wood.

Brushing (in English the word “brush” is translated as “brush”) - this technique gained its popularity due to the mechanical processing of fresh wood with a brush, in order to eliminate its fibers, as well as to display the essence of the natural attractiveness of this material and the visual volume of its design.

The texture of a tree trunk consists of layers of different hardness, which are clearly visible in the cut itself. Fibers of natural materials have different physical characteristics and are responsible for the formation of individual patterns for a specific type of wood. Real wood can be used to create truly unique creations.

By destroying the soft layers of wood, the brush exposes its hardened fibers, highlighting their expressive relief, giving the final product a decorative aesthetic. A similar process occurs in the natural environment, but it lasts much longer than in a carpentry workshop, where it will take only a few hours to complete the started process.

The artificial method of structuring wood is ideal for processing hard and soft wood; their solid wood is distinguished by the clarity of its texture, as well as by the defined layers of different hardness and density. We are talking about oak, pine, walnut, larch, wenge and ash. This technique will have little effect on beech, teak, maple, alder, and birch, since these tree species are characterized by an insufficiently bright structure, as well as fine fiber without pronounced layers. Brushing these types of wood does not make sense.

Today, the brushing method is in great demand, since the use of structured wood material is widespread. It is extremely popular in the manufacture of furniture and its elements, floors, and other interior items. Natural wood will be organic in any form and interior design.

Personal brushing, as well as suitable tools for this

To a beginner in working with wood, the brushing method may seem rather complicated, but this opinion is false, since mastering the methodology of this process is available to anyone who has the appropriate equipment or a workshop at home.

To aging wood yourself, you must have the following:

  1. Metal brushes for brushing wood different types rigidity. Their main task is to clean the wood surface from the layer of soft fibers covering the wood cut.
  2. Different-grained surface of “sandpaper”. It is used as a rough grinding option for the purpose of high-quality polishing.
  3. With the help of stain, wood material becomes the owner of pronounced decorative notes.
  4. Varnishing finished product, applicable on final stage brushing.

It's no secret that mechanization production process in the industry of decorative processing of wood material will become more productive than other methods of working with this material. For such purposes, a drill with the ability to adjust speed settings would be appropriate.

An analogue of a drill will be a special brushing machine with an assortment of wide and flat brushes. Often, a stripping router is equipped with three main attachments for the process of brushing wood. Each of the brushes is responsible for performing its individual functions, namely:

  • steel wire brush for brushing;
  • synthetic bristled brush designed for intermediate sanding;
  • For final polishing you will need a sisal brush.

If your plans include brushing wood yourself, specifically its large planes (wood for the floor), then machines and machines for this work will become more appropriate than ever. By following a structured step-by-step approach to brushing, you can achieve impressive results.

Instructions for brushing wood yourself

  1. First, you need to wet the pre-prepared raw materials, which in turn will help avoid unplanned scattering of cod and other elements, including dust. At the first stage, you should test the surface of the sample for roughness using a metal brush with wire bristles. Such a brush should have hard bristles, this is important for sawing off the upper fibrous layers from the product. It should not damage the elastic layers of wood, since brushing was invented because of their beauty. The tool must be moved along the growth of the fibers at a steady and measured working pace in order to qualitatively finish the workpiece.

Losing the uniform rhythm and increasing the number of revolutions of the brush can lead to negative consequences, such as unwanted baking of the wood. Experts recommend choosing an individual working pace for each work sample. When work happens with simple hand tools, then you can easily determine the optimal speed for processing the workpiece. It's no secret that working manually will be quite labor-intensive and hilarious.

  1. Once the initial hard sanding is completed, it is recommended to change the brush to a polymer-type abrasive-coated attachment and then move on to a new sanding stage to eliminate fibrous residues and other roughness from the surface of the workpiece. Upon completion of what has been started, when the wood material is completely sanded, one can judge the quality of the work, as well as trace the full depth of the structuring carried out.

If you are not satisfied with the final result, you can slightly deepen the grooves formed on the surface of the product, but you should be careful and do the deepening without annoying fanaticism. This stage It will be appropriate for arranging additional decoration on the workpiece: using a chisel you can make indentations of natural shapes. Upon completion of the initial grinding, they need to be slightly adjusted to make the newly formed cracks more realistic and similar to natural ones.

  1. An attachment with a very appropriate sisal brush is useful for final polishing work on wood. She will take care of giving the material additional gloss, charm and uniqueness. If you have to process the workpiece manually, you should try your luck with fine-grained sandpaper; it will give the surface a perfect smoothness. Next, the product is prepared for painting or varnishing; for this, it is thoroughly dried and dust is removed.
  2. To obtain a special touch of luxury and nobility of wood material, patination is applied to it - staining deep cracks as dark as possible. When applying stain liberally to the work surface, areas with soft fibers will quickly absorb the paint, while areas with hard fibers will remain untouched. Excess paint must be removed. In the background natural wood looks great gold paint, so its flickering from microcracks will not be superfluous. Upon completion of coloring with a pigment composition, the workpiece is polished to smooth out any irregularities that arise during the process.
  3. Varnishing of wood material is carried out after thoroughly cleaning and drying it. Brushed parquet elements are coated with a special varnish so that they retain their original appearance for as long as possible.

With artificial aging wood logging To make work easier, special ones are used chemicals. Using special chemical solutions, you can easily remove soft fibers that interfere smooth surface. The active substances corrode the wood surface, softening it, and then strip it of its soft fiber. All that remains is to scrape off the excess residue.

Alkaline, acidic and other caustic agents may be used in the work. The higher the concentration level in chemical compounds, the more powerful its effect on the decomposition of wood fibers. This indicates the irrelevance of metal brushes for processing the workpiece, since it is enough just to apply a chemically active mixture and then wash it off the product.

Do not forget that when working with chemicals, you should take appropriate precautions, since volatiles spread quickly in the air and are easily retained in the respiratory tract.

Chemical brushing is recommended to be carried out in conditions open air, and also wearing a mask. After getting rid of the soft fibrous layer, the remaining work is carried out in the usual sequence, as with the mechanical type of aging.

The method of artificial aging of wood material is used in the development of status and representative interiors, as well as in the design of premises for a wide variety of purposes. Such popularity is easily explained by the affordability, as well as the high degree of decorativeness of this technique.

When choosing finishes for interior styles, vintage or classic often give preference to specially aged wood. This article describes how to properly treat a wood surface and what materials to prepare.

What is wood brushing

Brushing is a technique for artificially aging a wood surface. This finish is popular among designers. In addition, the idea of ​​​​using brushed wood fits perfectly into almost any interior style.

The essence of the technology is the deliberate removal from wooden surface soft fibers. This is achieved using a metal brush or other tool with a hard coating. As a result, the wood acquires a richer color and pattern that reflects age rings.

The following wood species are considered more amenable to processing:


Wenge et al.

Brushing allows you to get a patina effect when the base of the wood is painted in light colors, and the pores create contrast with dark relief lines.

Inexperienced craftsmen should take note that not every type of wood undergoes such processing. You should not start working with blanks made of alder, pear, maple, beech, and cherry.

Brushing is carried out using several methods. The most popular are mechanized processing (using an angle grinder) and manual processing, which is valued above all others. The work is carried out manually using various brushes and abrasives in combination with protective coatings.

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Benefits of brushing wood

Using the brushing technique has several advantages. One of the main ones is the opportunity to create an exclusive room interior. In addition to the unusual type of wood, this design is considered fashionable; the presentation of home renovation to acquaintances and friends will be enchanting.

A special method of processing wood makes the material resistant to external factors, insect invasion and the development of microbiological processes. Interior details made using the brushing technique look expensive and presentable. With the help of such decor, the necessary accents are placed in the room and attention is drawn to a certain area.

During the processing process, you can achieve different results: texture, pattern, color shades. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to create artificial imitation of valuable and exotic wood species. In this case, you won’t have to spend money on preparations. a large sum money.

The main stages of brushing wooden blanks

In general, brushing technology is accessible and can be performed by anyone who knows how to use carpentry tools. The key to quality work is right choice wood and the availability of the necessary tools.

The production process of wood brushing consists of the following stages:

1. Initial stage- cleaning. The dried wood is cleaned with a metal brush. Coarse sandpaper is also suitable for removing the top layer with soft fibers.

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2. Sanding – performed using a polymer brush or other abrasive to remove loose fibers. Coarse-grained sandpaper will also cope with this task if a metal brush was previously used.

3. Coating the treated wood surface with stain or other dyes that will help highlight the structure of the wood.

4. Polishing - performed with a special lint disc or the finest sandpaper.

5. Varnishing – carried out repeatedly. Each new layer is applied after the previous one has completely dried. The number of layers is determined by the color factor. To obtain a beautiful rich tone, it is recommended to coat the surface at least 3-4 times.

Do-it-yourself wood brushing sequence

By using manual processing the effect of antiquity is obtained high quality. Brushes of different hardness remove fibers sequentially until a beautiful pattern of wood structure is obtained.

First you need to prepare the tools and materials. In addition to the tree itself you will need:

Sandpaper of varying degrees of grain;

Set of brushes for brushing;

Wood stain (to obtain beautiful shade you need to use several coating colors);

Transparent varnish intended for wooden surfaces.

Manual brushing steps:

Spray the wood with water to reduce the formation of dust in the air;

With measured movements, moving in the direction along the grain, begin cleaning the surface with the coarsest brush (the intensity of work is selected individually depending on the type of wood);

Brushing is a popular technique for decorative finishing of wood, giving it a sophisticated antique look.

The procedure is carried out available tools, among which the convenience of an angle grinder with a special set of brushes made of different materials. A nylon brush for brushing is a modern accessory that allows you to gently carry out processing, obtaining beautiful surface wood, improving its texture.

The essence of brushing

Tree trunks have a multilayer structure, which, when cut, forms a peculiar pattern of fibers of different thicknesses and directions. Brushing, which is sometimes called stitching due to a lack of understanding of the essence of the issue, is sanding a wood surface with brushes using special devices or equipment. The term comes from the word brush in English. The process has nothing to do with brochures, which should be taken into account in colloquial speech.

Thanks to the brushing tool, fiber is selectively, more or less, removed from the surface of the lumber, creating a patterned relief. You can enhance the aging effect by tinting or staining wood cuts. Decorative treatment with brushes attached, for example, to a grinder, is used when finishing the following wooden structures:

  • flights of stairs;
  • floor coverings;
  • external parts of furniture;
  • elements interior design premises.

The best effect is achieved when brushing larches, various breeds fir, oak. Wood with small fibers, such as cherry, birch, maple, oak, does not form a beautiful pattern when sanded with metal and nylon brushes, used as an attachment for an angle grinder or other tool. Even pre-firing or chemical treatment Such materials do not provide a layered texture effect.

Stages of work and tools used

To give a relief structure to a wood surface, you need a special set of brushes with bristles of varying density and hardness.

First stage of processing

At the first stage, a brush with hard bristles made of steel alloys or brass is used. The thickness of the fibers varies significantly among different products. You need to choose a brush in which the diameter of each metal hair will be approximately 10 times thinner than the diameter of the soft fiber of the wood being processed. Straight bristles of a brush are good at removing loose components from wood, which are cut with metal scissors before attaching them to the grinder adapter to increase the efficiency of brushing.

If necessary, double brush products can be used, providing much greater speed and efficiency. If the bristles intended to remove soft wood fibers are rounded, the process will be worse.

Working with a nylon brush

At the end of the first stage of processing, the wood surface has a rough, rough appearance. To give decorative effect To level all excess relief, use nylon brushes for brushing wood, mounted on an angle grinder. They are available for sale in a wide range.

Nylon fibers differ in length, density, and the number or absence of abrasive particles pressed into the polymer. If abrasive grains are attached to a nylon base, you must pay attention to their grain size, hardness and compare the characteristics of the brushing brush with the density and structure of the wood.

Most commonly commercially available nylon products have hardness numbers ranging from 120 to 600. Values ​​of 120, 180 and 240 are ideal for hardwood; Products with numbers 400 and 600 in the marking should be purchased for brushing soft wood lumber.

Masters who have great experience working with an angle grinder, improving surface treatment technology, using not one, but several nylon brushes. Sometimes, to save money, they buy previously used polymer brushes for brushing and attach them simultaneously to the adapter of the grinder. A similar technique can also be used when using new products, although it will cost much more.

Thanks to the expanded area of ​​the fibers of several brushes mounted on the rotating shaft of the angle grinder, it is possible to thoroughly perform a large amount of work in a short time.

Nylon hairline can be fixed on metal or polymer based. Experience shows that the plastic disc at the base of the brush creates fewer preconditions for hair breakage and ensures their flexibility, so such products last longer.

Finishing sanding

After two stages of processing, the wood needs to be slightly dried, and then the formation is completed decorative surface brushes with wool or sisal hairs. If the master prefers at the final stage handmade without using a grinder, it can be done using sandpaper flaps with small abrasive grains. Upon completion of proper brushing, the surface will acquire a perfectly smooth, beautiful appearance.

Machine Applications

All three stages of finishing can be performed on special grinding machines or using other electrical equipment: grinders for smooth or angular surfaces. Meet homemade machines for brushing. It is difficult and expensive to make a full-fledged machine with your own hands, working like a thickness planer, so they use the same grinder with several metal and nylon attachments.

Full mechanization of work makes sense for large volumes of wood that require brushing. In such a situation, investments in the acquisition and operation of units will be justified. Common types of home repair and construction work can be quite successfully done with an angle grinder, which every craftsman has.

Surface painting

Depending on the customer's wishes, paint or varnish is applied to the wood. Many people prefer coatings with silver or golden pigments, counting on the strong fixation of shiny particles deep in the wood texture. If the paint is applied correctly, wooden product glare will appear in sunlight.

Some consumers like surfaces with dark, deep cracks, which are obtained by patination using special dyes. Lightened ridges of fibrous reliefs look especially impressive against a darkened background. Painting is usually carried out with brushes or a sponge, carefully observing the condition of the surface. If, when applying paint and varnish products, the fibers rise, it means that the polishing process was carried out poorly and must be repeated again.

If you carefully carry out brushing, you can obtain beautiful wood products through simple procedures using an angle grinder or other tools with brushes.