Essay “my profession is my future.” Abstract: My future profession

“What do you dream of becoming when you grow up?” - Probably, no question has ever been asked to me as often as this one, and to none of them have I given such different answers every time. Each of us in childhood dreams of growing up and becoming a salesman, or a teacher, or a doctor. As we grow older, the image of who we will be is constantly changing. As a rule, by the time we graduate from school, we are fully determined in our choice and begin to implement it.

I no longer rush from one extreme to another, but approach the choice quite intelligently. There are a lot in the world interesting professions, but which one to choose. My future profession I have to like it first and foremost. There is nothing better than getting up every morning and being excited to go to work. My profession should bring me joy. A person who loves his profession becomes a professional, which is why it is so important to choose a profession to his liking.

Not all people work with pleasure; many even experience stress when they go to work; for them it is real hard labor. Many people choose a paid job. What is better: getting a lot of money or getting a lot of joy from a job you love? Most will choose the first, since money plays the most important role in our society. main role. Some live only for money, becoming its slaves. One way or another, what you love will bring you money, and besides that, it will also bring you satisfaction with life, and this is the most important thing on earth, to know what you were created for.

Therefore, when choosing a profession, you need to understand yourself, understand what is interesting in the mood of life, what your soul is about. There is no need to rush into choosing a profession; many people have been looking for their calling for centuries and have found it.

The profession to which I decided to devote my life is a teacher. Undoubtedly, the work of a teacher is hard - it is not easy to be a role model, a standard of decency, an adviser, a judge, a mentor, to be the creator of a child’s soul! But it is a pleasant, joyful heaviness, because at its core is love.

There are children next to me, different children: impudent, restless, shy and timid, “silent” and “talkers”. What can I give them? First of all - love! And I love them the way they are. I realized that we need to learn to perceive the best that is in children, helping them themselves

this is the best thing to see in yourself. I watch them and see what “highlights” are hidden inside each one. Agree how important it is not to leave any of your talents unclaimed: the ability to think, to sing or dance, to physical exercise or communicating with others. Children, like precious diamonds, will sparkle and delight with their purity and beauty, only when you find your own individual way of polishing, when they themselves and everyone around them see the best that is in them... But one careless movement, a glance, a gesture, a word - and, alas, there is no result. And this means that I myself - a “master cutter” - must have high level professional skill. How will the child grow up? Will he become a kind, sympathetic person, a creative person? This largely depends on me, on everyday work, tact and spiritual generosity. Giving yourself to children means continuing in them yourself, your consciousness, your culture.

An educator is a teacher, that is, a person who teaches, helps to learn the world around us. And how effective this process will be depends on the interest of my little students. Therefore, the basis of everything is play, fun and joy. I don’t just invest knowledge in them, I teach them to obtain this knowledge, I teach them to learn.

And so, day after day, we walk together along the path of knowledge, on which they learn to distinguish between good and evil, get to know themselves and the world around them, and I constantly learn from them devotion, sincerity, openness, and love.

The head of the pedagogy is psychologist Elena Viktorovna Smirnova.

“Happiness does not lie in always doing what you want, but in always wanting what you do.”
I.S. Turgenev

Essay “My future profession”

In the life of every person, one day there comes a crucial moment - the choice of a profession. But, as a rule, people have to choose in their youth, often thoughtlessly, and this leads to disappointment in the future. I believe that the choice of profession should be approached consciously, because a lot of effort and time will be invested in it, this is the foundation adult life. It is very important that abilities and character traits correspond to the chosen path. Everyone has their own interests, their favorite activities, some have talent, and some are able to learn everything quickly and easily. But in our time, the “golden” dream of boys and girls is a prestigious profession, popular and in demand, bringing a good income. The prestige of a profession consists of many components, among which the main place is occupied by the honor, respect and trust that representatives of certain professions enjoy among the majority of members of society.

Among the many professions in demand by society, there is one that is designed to help people and maintain their health. This is a medical profession. Nurses, midwives and paramedics guard people's health.

My future profession – paramedic – has always been in demand. At any time of the year and time of day, regardless of whether it is a weekday or a weekend, and day and night, a paramedic provides medical assistance to anyone who needs it. Got up high temperature a baby, whether an elderly person has a heart attack, or maybe someone has been poisoned or injured in a fight, a car accident, a paramedic should help everyone.

People’s lives depend on his professional knowledge, experience, and ability to quickly and correctly apply decisions. Paramedics are special people. They must have self-control, poise, and a non-standard situation.

I am confident that I have chosen my profession correctly, and I want to devote myself to working as an ambulance, I want to fight people’s suffering, death, and fight for life and health.

In the work of a paramedic, every day is different. There is both joy and pain in the eyes of patients, fear and hope, tears of powerlessness to fight the disease and tears of happiness. If you helped at least one patient, saved a life or simply alleviated suffering, then the day was not lived in vain. My profession is profession - life. I was attached to the profession of a paramedic with my heart and soul. And I hope that it will become not only my business, but also my destiny.

My future profession.

My years are getting older

I'll be seventeen

Where should I work then?

What to do?

V. Mayakovsky.

These words begin the poem by V.V. Mayakovsky “I choose a profession.” The day will come when ours will end at school, and we will be faced with the question: “Who should we become?” Due to many circumstances, not everyone can receive higher education, so some of us will want to get a working specialty. And our future path in life largely depends on how correctly we choose our future profession, how much we like it. That’s why you choose your favorite thing once and for the rest of your life. But how hard it can be to choose!

There are many professions in the world: architects and designers, teachers and doctors, scientists and astronauts, engineers and technologists. Working specialties are no less important, because not a single technical plan can be realized without a true master of his craft, a highly qualified worker.

In modern enterprises there are more and more automatic machines that perform complex, precise work. But how many skills are needed to manage, maintain, set up, and repair them. And then the share of generalist specialists falls to work that is beyond the power of even the smartest and most accurate machines. What is needed here is not just artisans, but workers - artists, workers - creators. Let's remember "Lefty" N. Leskov. The work very correctly says not only about what miracles professional craftsmen can do, but also about the fact that they care what kind of work they do. Each of them certainly has their own favorite types of work, where their creativity and initiative are manifested.
Becoming a good, true professional does not at all mean confining yourself to your narrow specialty and limiting yourself to it. The higher a person’s intelligence, the better he works in his favorite place.

Ours trains such specialists - masters. Apastovsky Agrarian College.

Unfortunately, few graduates Russian schools go to school

to vocational schools, considering them a “backup option” if it is not possible to enter higher education educational institution. Vocational schools in our country train specialists in more than a thousand professions, and each of them has its own characteristics that make it different from others.

Many often overestimate their abilities, strengths, knowledge and choose what they and their parents consider prestigious universities to continue their studies. However, the inability to organize their studies gives rise to uncertainty about the correctness of their professional choice, so many young men and women quickly become disillusioned with their future profession. They finish their studies “by inertia” or drop out. I believe that only work activity tested by practical skills and primary knowledge gives confidence in one’s future and hope for a stable working life. An important factor in choosing a working profession for me is financial independence, which is very important in our time when massive layoffs administrative apparatus. On the market of labor unclaimed by society are people with higher humanitarian and technical education, while jobs remain vacant.

That's why I choose a working specialty. It is in modern well-equipped vocational schools that qualified ranks of workers receive specialties. I believe that only professionals in their field who give their strength, knowledge, and labor are needed by the country. Without them skillful hands Not a single sector of the national economy can develop. Therefore, I am sure that it is better to be a real Master of your craft than to be unsuited to any labor activity a specialist with higher education.

If I consider it necessary to continue my further professional level, then I can enroll in the correspondence faculty

to a technical institute and continue my studies consciously, as I will improve my skills in my favorite specialty.I know that after graduating from Apastovsky agricultural college, I can continue my education at the Kazan State Agrarian University and engage in research work.

All the masters I met have in their working biography common feature. They began to learn their craft very early. Their path was not easy, but quite straight, and the ascent to the heights of professional excellence was gradual, step by step.

I want to become a turner - milling machine operator. This profession interested me very much.

I decided to find out more about her. We managed to find out a lot of interesting historical facts: this specialty is more than three centuries old, and the first master in Russia was Peter the Great himself. He studied turning in Holland and from there he brought the first machine, which is now in the St. Petersburg Museum. This ancient profession is still necessary in all sectors of the national economy.

I met with the turner of our village, Mulyukov Ilgiz Fakhrievich, an employee of the agricultural firm Sviyaga LLC, Deushevsky branch. Here's what he told me:
-Our work has never been easy, but now it is more interesting than ever. You come across such tasks that you can’t help but get carried away. It’s as if metal is playing tricks on you, it doesn’t want to accept the required form. The working day is ending, but you don’t want to look away. When I get home, I have enough other things to do, I seem to be distracted, when suddenly I catch myself thinking about my favorite machine: I figure it out this way, then that way - it must work out! The metal becomes stubborn, but I am even more stubborn. He will give in eventually. These moments of victory are the most joyful. I wouldn't trade mine for anything working profession, and it’s time for me to take a well-deserved rest, and you, young people, get down to business. Now it’s even more interesting, new equipment is arriving, modern machines. This means the work will be even more interesting, and the tasks more difficult. Therefore, learn professional skills in colleges. You should continue our work relay...

From our further conversation I learned that it is not enough to have technical subtleties working with metal and, of course, with a machine tool, but you need to know physics and chemistry well. In physics class, you learn that when heated, metals expand, and when cooled, they contract and decrease in size.. When dealing with metal, you have to remember this almost constantly. The fact is that each metal and alloy has its own coefficient. So much for physics. Well, chemistry will tell you about the composition of the alloy and its properties.
This means that a modern turner in production is a master jeweler, Aibolit for mining equipment...

I consciously make my choice - I will be a turner-miller and I advise my peers: “Before you go and continue your studies further, find out more about your profession, talk to specialists. Maybe someone will make their choice, like me. So, we’ll meet on September 1st at the desk of the Apastovsky Agrarian College...

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Deushevskaya main secondary school»

Apastovsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan

Address: 422361

Republic of Tatarstan, Apastovsky district,

Deushevo village, Prosveshcheniya street, building 5

School director: Sabirova Liliya Sagutdinovna


"My future profession"

(For the Republican essay competition “Ticket to the Future”)

Work completed:

9th grade student

Shakirov Ilnaz Ilnurovich


teacher of Russian language and literature

Khusainova Dilbar Rafkhatovna

(contact phone: 89372870623)


Application for participation

In the Republican essay competition about professions “Ticket to the Future” among students in grades 7-10 of general education organizations in 2017

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Authors: 10th grade student Kristina Eduardovna Makharadze and Marina Ivanovna Nikityuk, teacher of Russian language and literature of the Educational Center MCOU IMRSC.
Target: to interest students in choosing a profession.
1. Educational: developing the skills of competent presentation of thoughts.
2. Educational: show the importance of the profession in society.
3. Diagnostic: identifying students’ interests in various professions, determining the correspondence of desires and the level of individual development of a teenager, identifying students’ professional inclinations, stimulating interest in studying a profession.
Teacher. There are countless professions in our society. Therefore do right choice and find your calling young man quite difficult. And the force with which this difficulty can be overcome is awareness, human awareness. Useful information about the world of professions, about the rules for choosing a profession, about the ways vocational education- this is what you need when thinking about the future professional path.

My future profession.

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” is a question often asked by adults to young children. And I am no exception, although I do not consider myself a child. My parents are very worried about the choice life path, which I have to do myself, turned out to be correct.
Many people do not understand their true purpose. They fuss not at their jobs, leaning towards greater profits than towards their favorite business. Many people even hate their job, but do it for the money. Happiness doesn't come from money. And not even in their quantity. People don’t even ask the question: how do I understand who I want to become? They just go where they pay more, and then suffer from a constant lack of satisfaction. Then they look for a job where they pay even more, but over time this money also no longer brings the same joy. And so on endlessly. I want to do my job with love and inspiration, with quality and enthusiasm, imparting and transmitting my services to the world around me with special positive energy. As a result, you get pleasure from your favorite work and a lot of grateful reviews from clients and, accordingly, money.
I began to think for a long time about what profession to choose for myself. This is a fairly serious issue that should be approached thoughtfully. First, you need to consider your personal interests. Secondly, evaluate your own abilities. Third, analyze the suitability of your personal qualities with the qualities required by the chosen profession. Fourthly, study the possible life prospects that this or that specialty will provide.
I consider myself a person with such qualities as communication skills, creativity, positive thinking, stress resistance, result orientation, energy, mobility, the ability to quickly adapt to changing conditions and accept independent decisions. “Three things make a person happy: love, interesting work and the opportunity to travel,” wrote the famous writer Ivan Bunin. I completely agree with this statement of the classic of Russian literature.
One of the ways that can help make my dream come true is working in the tourism and service sector. But this does not mean that I am looking for a life full of entertainment. I want to help people organize their vacation comfortably, because everyday life Every person is under the pressure of circumstances and must work day after day. The routine of duties causes boredom. To replenish energy, relax and rejuvenate during the holidays, most people dream of getting away from home and enjoying their holiday to the fullest. Each person is individual and prefers the types of travel that would suit them. A tourism manager, in my understanding, is a specialist who provides travel for clients and coordinates the work of the people and organizations involved. And this, first of all, is a huge responsibility. You can't forget or confuse anything. Because all problems with clients in the process of processing documents, visas, hotel reservations, tours, and air tickets have to be resolved by the manager. In tourism you always need to be prepared for the unexpected. People ask you, not anyone else, and situations can be very different. Therefore, in order to avoid troubles, it is necessary to clearly stipulate everything and try to foresee everything. Before you issue a ticket to a person, you need to ask him many questions. A true specialist must be both a good psychologist and a competent economist. You need to guess where it would be better for a person to go: for example, couples with children need to find a hotel that both children and adults would like; young people need to recommend a place where it’s noisy and fun. If you, as a psychologist, do not understand where the client will be more comfortable, he will remain dissatisfied. It's hard when a person doesn't know what he wants. You need to be able to correctly recognize where he wants to rest. Sometimes information about the client's profession can help. For example, people who communicate a lot at work, as a rule, prefer to relax at the seaside, swim, sunbathe, so that no one will bother them. People who need an emotional shake-up often choose excursion routes. The manager must be able to calculate what price is comfortable for a person. A specialist working in the field of tourism must have good memory, know literally everything about countries. You need to remember the days and times of flights of various airlines, exact prices, in short, keep a lot of information in your head, and even be able to quickly navigate it. It's like a library, you have to know which book is where. A tourism business professional must have at least English and have excellent knowledge of the geography of resort areas.
All his life a person searches for himself and we ourselves do not understand what this means. Inner emptiness makes you think: “Find yourself - main task life." This is exactly what was written above the entrance to one ancient temple. But what does this mean? I believe that it is important for every individual to find himself in a profession. Without this, dissatisfaction will constantly plague you.
Thus, I think that a profession is not something ready-made and given initially, it represents a long and continuous process of improvement by a person of the once chosen type of activity. And at all stages of mastering his business, a person chains himself more and more firmly with “golden chains” to his work. He gradually, step by step masters the skill, becomes a competent, professionally trained specialist high category, a person whose duty and most important responsibility is to do everything in the highest degree conscientiously and reliably, never doing what P. Valery wittily and paradoxically wrote about: “A competent person is one who is mistaken by the rules.” A profession is valuable because in it and through it the whole person, his properties, characteristics and qualities are revealed. In general, value is what people value, and a profession is valued by a person because it is vital for him to satisfy his needs and interests, and to realize his desires.

The answer is simple, because it is very important profession. My dad serves at the outpost, and my mother works in the medical unit.

Essay I want to become a fashion designer (profession)

For as long as I can remember, I have always sewed something for dolls. I liked sewing for babies even more. Mom gave me her old bag.

There are many different professions in the world. Each of them has its own characteristics, its own nuances. As a child, each of us thinks about what we should become.

Essay Who do I want to become and why? 5th grade Guide, fireman, hockey player

When I grow up, I want to become a professional hockey player. I also dream of meeting Alexander Ovechkin and Pavel Datsyuk, they are my idols.

Essay reasoning My calling

A calling is something you love to do, something you dedicate your whole life to and ultimately do it professionally. Each person has his own calling: for some it is medicine or business

Essay Choosing a profession reasoning

Every person is a social being. Therefore, in order to receive at least some kind of pension in old age, you have to work. And choose a profession so that it brings not only money, but also pleasure.

Essay Why I want to become a teacher

When I was ten years old, boys began to arouse my particular interest. younger age. As a rule, my father’s relatives, who had three small children - my half-brothers and sisters, often came to visit us.

Essay There is such a profession to defend the homeland reasoning

There are many professions in the world, each person has to choose his own, look for his calling. “All professions are needed, all professions are important,” a famous children’s rhyme tells us.

Every inhabitant of the planet faces a choice in life. Difficult choice in a person's life is the choice of profession. You need to choose it based on your personal preferences and desires.

Policeman is a very difficult profession. Being a police officer is a calling as a person must have courage, honesty and good logic. All police officers have good physical training, even when they accept people for training, they are checked.

There are people for whom feat is their daily work. This is absolutely ordinary people living among us.

The time is coming to finally find the answer to the question: Who do I want to be? After much thought, I realized that I wanted to become a nurse.

Essay No. 1 I always admire my parents. They love to work and devote a lot of time to work. My dad works as a welder.

Ever since early childhood I liked the profession of a designer. What I like most about it is that I can show my full creative potential to the fullest.

Choosing a profession is a very important step on which your further fate. A profession should, firstly, be something you like, and, secondly, provide you with a decent life.

High technologies are developing rapidly. Just ten years ago it was difficult to imagine what importance they would play in modern society computers and special programs.

Parents often ask me, “Son, what do you want to become in the future?” When I was little, I really wanted to become an astronaut, to conquer new planets, but then I didn’t know that there was such a profession as an engineer.

When all the paths are open to you, you can get lost in the variety of professions and opportunities. But I have already chosen my path. I know what I want to be - a hairdresser!

When I grow up, I will definitely become a chef. This is my biggest dream. I think cooking is a wonderful activity. All people like to eat delicious food. When they are full, they become happy. Everyone loves a good cook

Every boy in childhood dreams of being the protector of his family and friends. Stand guard over the borders native land characteristic of every patriot of his Fatherland.

Giving a person health is a very honorable thing. Good doctors are recognized and respected in society. It is enough to be an ordinary doctor in a small town for several years to become part of the local elite.

When I was still in kindergarten, I really wanted to go to school. The schoolchildren seemed so mature, smart and happy to me. When the time came for me to become a student, I realized that the credit for this belongs to the teachers.

This section contains essays on various professions. Choose the one that interests you.