Own business transport company. Office space. What services can a cargo transportation company provide?

Hello dear readers. Today, in the “Sharing Experience” section, Evgeny Mironov, a 20-year-old entrepreneur engaged in cargo transportation in his city of Angarsk with a population of 240,000 people, answered my questions. If you are interested in the cargo transportation business, then you will be doubly interested in learning from Evgeniy’s experience. In my opinion, the article turned out to be interesting! So let's begin.

Hello, Evgeniy! What is the name and what does your company do? How many are already on the market?

Hello Nikolay! The company is called "Angarsk Freight Transportation Center". It has only been on the market for 5 months. Initially, when I started providing transport services, then they were: special. equipment, minibuses, car rental, etc. But it turned out to be very difficult to advertise several services at once, so I decided to engage only in cargo transportation and providing the services of loaders and general workers.

The scheme of work is as follows. The client calls us, orders cargo transportation or loaders, we accept the order and give it to the order executor (driver or loaders) and receive a percentage of the order. In essence, it turns out that we are selling the client. We also provide services on an ongoing basis with full-time drivers with l/a. This makes it more profitable and safer.

Those. Are you essentially a simple dispatcher?

Well, basically yes, I’m an ordinary dispatcher who looks for cargo for transportation and hands it over to the driver. But on the other hand, no, because at the moment I have several cars that are already working on a permanent basis in the company. In general, I am gradually moving from the “dispatcher” status to the “ transport company».

How many employees do you have?

Not much, we are a very small company, but we are growing quickly. Currently in the state:

  • 1 dispatcher;
  • 1 advertisement sticker;
  • 1 contract driver with a personal truck;
  • 4 loaders;
  • 1 person on advertising, monitors the site, promotes, takes orders, etc.;
  • and the rest from order to order.

Who are your main clients and what orders come most often?

Our clients are mostly private individuals, but now companies are starting to appear with whom we work for delivery to nearby cities. Various orders come in: to transport furniture from one apartment to another, to help rearrange some things, to deliver various goods from one point to another, etc. And there was even one interesting order, to translate a live hog :) Initially, of course, there was some fear: “What if something goes wrong, or an accident?” And while the cargo is traveling and in the car, I am fully responsible for it! In the end, we did a great job with this :) The client was happy! And this is the main thing!

Is this your first business or have you done something else before? How did you get into business in the first place and why business and not working for “Uncle”?

From the very early childhood I tried to work for myself, and I didn’t have a great desire to work for some “guy,” so when I was little I tried to sell something, carry passengers on my scooter for money, etc. Therefore, later in life there was no particular doubt about where to go and what to do.

I tried to do different kinds of business, but not always everything went smoothly, maybe because of my little entrepreneurial experience, but I’m constantly learning :) For example, I was also involved in slate making. Buying at a low price and selling at a higher price. To be honest, in my city this is an ideal business with almost no starting capital. You only need to have a house with a plot, a couple of phones and advertising of course :). The business is mainly seasonal, so I had to look for something permanent and settled on cargo transportation.

Why cargo transportation?

There is no clear answer here. Maybe because you can enter it without initial funds and still get used to it as a dispatch office. Or maybe I’m just good at it.

What is the income/turnover or net profit in business (on average)?

The average turnover depends entirely on you and advertising. How much you work, that's what you'll get. When I first started, my average turnover was 3000-5000 rubles. per week. Now, after many attempts, testing and hard work, the income averages 80,000-100,000 rubles. per month. I think this is a good result in just 5 months of work, without having a personal vehicle fleet.

What difficulties and nuances are there in your business and what did you encounter when you first started?

Like any business, there are difficulties and pitfalls. And, of course, I am no exception. The first thing that was difficult was the contracts with the drivers, they are the owners, why would they work for our low prices? There is also, of course, high competition in my city. Well, and constant monitoring of the condition of cars, drivers and loaders, so that it doesn’t happen that there is an order, but there are no workers.

Another difficulty was and is the recruitment of loaders. It often happened that a person completed a job, but did not give a percentage of the order, he simply disappeared and that’s it. Because of this, I often didn’t want to do anything and gave up. After all, really, you give a person a job, try to find orders, and he acts like that “swinely”. We have to pass a lot of people through the company in search of adequate and responsible guys.

What plans do you have for business development?

As always, there are a lot of plans. I would like to buy a couple of my own cars, open an office and raise the income level by at least 2-3 times. We are also starting to work with companies. We recently entered into a contract with a company for transportation household chemicals on an ongoing basis, paid weekly. The amounts there are completely different and it’s interesting.

The main ones are: Avito, Yandex.Direct, Google Adwords, banners around the city, business cards and posting advertisements. But the most important source of advertising is word of mouth. After all, we live in Russia and there has never been good service here. And we try to serve the client at high level, we try to save his time and money, so we are often recommended to others.

What documents, permits and other formalities did you require?

If you just start, try, then documents and permits are not needed at all. If you have started earning money, you want to work officially, do larger-scale advertising and work with companies, then you need at least an individual entrepreneur. I collected all the documents and went through the state. organs and everything. And in my work I only need contract agreements with employees. If I were transporting people, I would need to obtain a license, but in my activities I can do without it.

I think everyone should answer this question for themselves. After all, every person has a soul for different things. But I will say one thing, if you approach this type of business correctly, you can get good returns. And most importantly, this is desire and aspiration!

And lastly, give some advice to readers who also want to get involved in cargo transportation in their city.

Well, first you need a great desire and love for what you do. You also need to understand that quality of service is best advertising. When starting out, you should immediately decide what exactly you are doing: a dispatch service or, in the future, a full-fledged transport company. Next, you need to know how you will differ from others and wisely think through the prices for services.

I’ll tell you right away about advertising. Website and advertising work best in Yandex and Google. Posting advertisements only works when the whole city is covered and it is advisable to make the background of the advertisement red or yellow so that it is clearly visible that you are offering and a telephone number (preferably a home one, since it is quickly remembered than a mobile one).

You also need to hire workers, the more the better (so that it doesn’t happen that there is an order but no performers). It is also necessary to make special offers for legal entities, because they generally generate more profit. Well, give the opportunity to choose payment: hourly, by mileage and by weight. Otherwise, try, experiment and everything will work out!

Thank you, Evgeniy, for answering the questions. Good luck in business!

Dear readers, if you have questions for Evgeniy, then ask them in the comments!

My name is Emelyanov Arthur. I live and work in the city of Saratov. Four years ago he founded the transport company Transit, which today is one of the best in the region. Before opening cargo transportation and starting my own business, I ordered detailed business plan, researched the market, determined business prospects. Today, my company’s transport delivers goods throughout Russia.

The financial and organizational side of my business is as follows:

  • initial investment in business – from two million rubles;
  • 5 cars of three brands – “Gazelle”, “DAF” and “RENAULT”;
  • 10 drivers (two for each car), two operators, an accountant, a technician, a repair specialist, two managers;
  • a legal entity (LLC) has been formed;
  • office near the city center with an area of ​​60 square meters. I plan to open representative offices in other cities;
  • monthly income – from 700 thousand rubles.

How to organize a cargo transportation business?

Transport transportation is a serious business that requires responsibility and a competent approach from you.

Special attention pay attention to the following points:

1. Decide on the direction of your activity. Large transport companies provide a wide range of services - railway, road, sea and air transportation, assistance in paperwork, customs services for cargo, and so on.

But on initial stage You don’t have to tackle all areas at once - you can organize a business in cargo transportation by gazelle within the region, and then throughout the country.

As the company's popularity grows and profitability increases, the business can be expanded.

2. Come up with a company name. It should be simple and memorable. Naturally, the name of the transport company should be associated with transportation, for example, “MashTrans” or “Trans-auto”.

3. Analyze the market. It may seem that the freight market is free. But that's not true. There is fierce competition here, which you will have to fight with for the first 1-2 years.

At the same time, large companies take the majority of the cargo transportation market (almost half).

20-25% goes to medium-sized companies that have been in this area of ​​business for a long time and have a solid client base.

10-15% are “narrow profile” carriers who work in one direction and with a specific product.

There are also private owners - about 5-10%. Such people have their own car, which helps them earn their living.

The rest is random and “floating” transportation.

Today, more and more often we come across reviews that cargo transportation as a business is very dangerous, and competition does not allow it to develop normally. This is wrong.

If you do your job well, take into account the mistakes of your competitors and eliminate them yourself, then you can become the best in this business in just a few years.

4. Solve the issue with registration. At the initial stage, IP is enough. Over time best option– registration of an LLC.

In this case, you need to prepare the following documents:

  • charter of the newly formed company. The document should display all the most important information about the new company, its tasks, work goals, direction of activity, nature of cargo, volume of services provided, and so on;
  • establishment agreement. If you are sole founder business, then such paper is not necessary;
  • minutes of the founders' meeting. This document should be drawn up even before any action begins, because it specifies the head of the company (the main responsible person).

In addition to the listed papers, you will need a document confirming payment of the state fee and a letter of guarantee from the landlord.

After opening a legal entity, you will have two most important documents - a certificate confirming the registration of the payer and a certificate of registration. With these, all roads are open.

5. To organize a trans cargo transportation business, you will need a room. In this case, the area will depend on the volume of services provided.

At the initial stage, a small control room - a room of 20-30 square meters - will be enough. The largest area will be taken up by the vehicle park and storage areas.

Finding the required area in the central part of the city will be very difficult. But for a transport company, distance from the center is not critical. You can also find premises in residential areas of the city.

Please note that when registering an LLC, the new premises will become legal address. It will not be possible to conclude such an agreement with a subtenant - you will have to look for the owner.

Average monthly rental costs start from 20 thousand rubles, but much depends on the number of cars in the fleet, the number of employees and other factors.

Study the numerous experiences of other entrepreneurs who have created their own successful business with a franchise you can in the section of our website:

The most successful and informative case, according to the editors of the Russtarup portal:

An interesting experience of creating a business under a franchising program is presented

6. Purchase vehicles and equipment. This waste item is one of the biggest. For the first time, you can take one or two Gazelles.

It is not necessary to buy a new car - suitable option with used vehicles. The main thing is that the car is in in good condition and without technical problems.

Another option is leasing. Lately, many lucrative offers have appeared. All that is required is to pay an advance payment (from 20% of the price of the car) and you can use the equipment.

The benefits of leasing are that you get a new car that comes with a warranty. If you wish, you can sign up for a deal for 2-3 years, which will reduce monthly payments to a minimum.

When choosing transport, consider the range of company services. In addition to Gazelles, low-loader trawls may be needed (for transporting particularly heavy and oversized cargo).

The total cost of purchasing cars and equipment is from 1-2 million rubles.

You have decided to open a transport company

7. With some staff You can wait the first 2-3 months and perform the functions of a courier, dispatcher and manager yourself. There is also no point in hiring a separate accountant - the work can be entrusted to a qualified employee of a specialized company.

On the other hand, you cannot do without a person who will take on all the operational work. As the number of orders increases, you will need your own staff - accountant, secretary, courier, operators and other employees.

Labor costs – from 20 thousand rubles (at first) and from 150 thousand rubles in the future.

How to open an individual entrepreneur for cargo transportation?

If you do not have the desire or opportunity to register a legal entity, then at the initial stage you can work as individual entrepreneur.

All that is necessary is to appear at the tax office and bring the following documents:

  • an application drawn up in the form;
  • a receipt confirming payment of the state fee;
  • copies of the main pages of the passport (as a rule, these are pages with personal data and information about the place of registration);

As a rule, the listed documents are sufficient. And reviews about the cargo transportation business from the gurus of their business confirm this. But! Pay special attention to the selection of OKVED codes.

For cargo transportation, the following options are suitable: 63.4 (organization of cargo transportation) and 60.2. The second code includes the activities of other land transport (in our case, this is a car).

How long will it take to open a sole proprietorship?

If you have all the documents and timely contact tax office It takes no more than a month to complete all the paperwork. In this case, the total cost of the procedure will not exceed several thousand rubles.

Table No. 1. Potential for consumption of transport company services in Russia

What should a business plan contain?

When drawing up a business plan, it is important to pay attention to the following parts:

1. Overview section. This should describe the form of the business, the future goals of the company, the brief overview the freight market in a particular region, and so on. This section is very important - it provides the rationale for the rest of the project.

2. Description of the activity. Here it is important to take into account the direction of the company’s work, the type of cargo transported, the list of services, and so on.

3. Market analysis. This section is entirely devoted to a more in-depth study of the chosen direction, business prospects, analysis of the shortcomings of competing companies, and making proposals to improve the company’s activities.

4. Production plan must contain consistent steps to implement a business project, taking into account all existing risks.

In addition, the section should contain a description of all resources (equipment, machinery, premises, personnel, advertising costs) that will be needed when organizing your business.

5. Project costs. This section takes into account all expenses and income of the business.

Table No. 2. Growth of the cargo transportation industry in Russia

How much does it cost to open a freight transport company?

Costs may vary. Most budget option– use a gazelle for cargo transportation business and reviews from experienced entrepreneurs confirm this.

In this case, the expenses will be as follows:

  • rent small office– from 20 thousand rubles per month;
  • registration – from 10 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of machinery and equipment - from 500 thousand rubles (when leasing, you can get by with a smaller amount);
  • staff payment – ​​from 80 thousand rubles (3-4 employees are enough);
  • advertising – from 20 thousand rubles.

Does it make sense to open a business from scratch or is it better to buy an existing business?

Here you should focus on the capabilities of your wallet. If you have an amount of 2-3 million rubles, then you can buy a ready-made and registered business.

Otherwise, it is better to gradually develop yourself. Moreover, the costs are relatively small.

What business can be considered the most popular among ordinary people today? What can you do without organizing an individual entrepreneur, LLC, etc.? Which services and sales are most in demand among the population? Even offhand, one can name dozens, or even hundreds, of similar projects. It will take months of work to describe each business idea in detail. We decided to start with the projects that are closest to the common man, based on minimum investment for their implementation, and today we present to your attention a business plan for cargo transportation.

Almost anyone can start their own business today. It doesn't matter if you have cash, “useful” acquaintances, space for organizing a business, and so on - the main thing is that the desire appears. It is goal setting and sufficient motivation, in our opinion, that are the main driving forces, which gradually allow you to achieve success - personal and financial. Therefore, remember - everything depends on you!


This project represents the organization of a transport company with a payback period of 4-8 months of the year.

Project goals:

  1. creation of a highly profitable enterprise
  2. organization of obtaining a stable profit
  3. satisfaction consumer market demand for transportation services of goods of various volumes and weights.

Project funding source: own funds or bank loan

Form of reference entrepreneurial activity: IP

Total cost of the project: 200,000 - 1,000,000 rubles

Payback period: 4-8 months

Interest rate included in calculations: 25%

The total interest payments will be:

The investor's income will be: 15-35 thousand - 100-175 thousand rubles

Payments of loan funds and interest on the loan will begin from the first month of project implementation.

General characteristics of the project (description of the company and services provided)

The transport company is designed to transport various goods to the place specified by the Customer. Large transportation companies own a substantial fleet of various vehicles, from road to river and rail. The specialization of such large organizations can be both in communications within the country and in international transport.

The high demand for services of this type causes enormous competition in this area, and therefore the price of the “entry ticket” to this business is prohibitively high. Today, large companies provide the following basic services for transportation and related issues:

  • cargo transportation within the country and international road transport;
  • transportation by rail;
  • air transportation;
  • combined transport, called intermodal and multimodal – involving two or more types of different transport;
  • terminal cargo handling in warehouses;
  • assistance with customs clearance of goods and customs consultations;
  • cargo insurance
  • logistics services, consulting, and auditing.

This is not a complete list of all services provided by large transport companies.

Of course, such “giants” will not look for a sample cargo transportation business plan on the Internet, so the presented standard business plan is aimed at the common man - an individual entrepreneur working on an ordinary GAZelle, or at most, having one or more trucks.

As the statistics of requests in search engines a business plan for cargo transportation by gazelle today is in great demand among Internet users. Availability of small truck automatically puts into the owner’s head the idea of ​​how you can make money with your car. Some business ideas for making money using a personal car can be found in this.

So, what can a GAZelle owner offer his clients? Firstly, this is cargo transportation from 1 kilogram to 3.5 tons (limitation of the vehicle’s carrying capacity). The lower cargo limit is most often indicated solely for marketing purposes, but it also happens that Customers actually ask to deliver an important parcel of light weight within a specified time frame to a specified location.

GAZelle also has restrictions on the height (1.5 or 2 meters) and length (2.5, 3, or 4 meters) of the body. There are also other dimensions of these machines, but, as a rule, these are the ones used in private cargo transportation.

Owners of trucks such as Volvo, MAN, KAMAZ trucks, and others due to large sizes their cars and their greater carrying capacity, they receive orders for more “serious transportation”, which, accordingly, cost several times more.

Recently, many truck owners often work under a contract with large cargo transportation companies, or by purchasing their franchise. Among such large transport organizations, whose franchises are the most popular, we can note:

  • "Gruzovozoff";
  • "Auto trading";
  • "Business Lines";
  • "PEC".

The benefits of working under this scheme can be found at this link.

Who is in demand for cargo transportation using GAZelles and trucks?

If the main contingent of clients of large transport companies are legal entities - companies, firms, corporations, then in our case it is necessary to focus on ordinary people who most often require the following types of cargo transportation:

  • transportation of furniture in connection with moving to another house, region, city (by the way, this is the most popular service);
  • transporting livestock to farmers;
  • delivery of large purchases from stores;
  • transportation of construction materials;
  • office relocations of small companies.

It is precisely these types of cargo transportation that are “uninteresting” to large companies, due to their “pettiness,” and are unprofitable for clients who are not willing to pay a high price for a service that is simple in their opinion.

Options for accompanying transportation services include loading/unloading cargo, lifting it to the floor, and bringing it into a house/apartment. The possibility of organizing a car shop on the basis of a GAZelle is also interesting. Read more about this. Focusing on the most popular services in its locality you need to equip the car frame with either a body with an awning, or put a van, container on it, simply extend the sides, or something else.

Truck owners often enter into agreements with logistics companies for the transportation of their goods, large agricultural enterprises (who among us has not seen trucks full of watermelons, potatoes, cabbage, and other fruits and vegetables on the roads?). Many truck owners hire drivers to transport their vehicles, and automatically upgrade their status to the owner of a transport company.

Certainly, the best option for cargo carriers will be moving along the same route, and this happens quite often. Both car owners and companies using their services prefer to deal with trusted people who have proven themselves on the positive side.

In this case, you can even work on prepayment, if another form of payment is not preferable.

Where to look for orders for cargo transportation?

Just a few years ago, on the busiest sections of highways, in clusters of large wholesale warehouses and warehouses, there were special parking areas for trucks and small trucks, which spent time there waiting for orders for transportation. Today, with the development of the Internet and the availability of mobile and radio communications, the need for such parking lots has disappeared.

It is enough to make one call and indicate the necessary parameters of the car for transportation and the desired cost, and in a short time they will find you a suitable car. Dispatchers who take calls may not necessarily work in the same company as the drivers, but simply have a verbal agreement. Often the dispatcher does not have his own transport for transportation, and only receives/transmits orders.

Market analysis

In order not to make a mistake with the type of cargo transportation and to have an advantage over competitors, and the competition in this business is very fierce, and truck drivers are very difficult people, it is necessary to analyze the local transportation structure. Tools for research can be: mass media and the Internet. As a rule, in the central part of Russia, private carriers account for 5 to 10% of all orders. This, of course, is not so much, but since all carriers have enough orders, we can conclude that the volume of orders is quite high.

Marketing plan

A well-drafted business plan for cargo transportation must contain a mandatory study of the dynamics of the volume of these services over the past few years, criteria that contribute to an increase in demand for cargo transportation, and other analytical studies. But, probably, the owner of the GAZelle, for whom the main thing is to get more expensive orders, such information is completely useless.

Therefore, we decided to limit ourselves to really useful information on attracting clients. The following can serve as customer search tools:

  • advertisements in local newspapers, magazines, and television;
  • publishing announcements on city Internet portals and specialized forums;
  • sticker of advertisements on the car;
  • distribution of business cards and small advertising brochures;
  • creating your own website, group on social networks.

Unlike some other types of business, where the greatest revival occurs in the spring-summer period, for cargo carriers the “crisis” most often occurs in the fall. It is at this time that many people rush to complete what they did not manage to finish on time.

The main rule that you need to take as the basis of your business is the provision of high-quality services. The client must be completely confident that his cargo will be delivered within the specified time frame safe and sound. Unfortunately, few large transport companies can achieve this. Therefore, “private owners” have a slight advantage in this regard.

Production plan

What does a beginning carrier need? First of all this vehicle. If we are talking about GAZelle, then today's prices are such that a new car will cost about a million rubles. 2-3 year old - 500-600 thousand. However, many people do not pay attention to such problems and purchase cars that are 8-9 years old for the purpose of cargo transportation.

After appropriate repairs carried out with skillful hands, and most car owners have the necessary skills, the “reborn” GAZelle is capable of driving around our homeland a couple of dozen more times, as they say, without looking under the hood.

The issue of a garage is also resolved quite simply, and many car owners generally prefer to leave their cars near the house. For trucks, of course, there will be space only in the parking lot.

You will also need some electronic equipment:

  • firstly, this is a walkie-talkie, which has recently gained great popularity among truck drivers, who at a certain frequency inform each other about incidents on the road, etc.;
  • the second necessary item is a navigator, which allows you to plot the optimal route to the end point;
  • radar detector - will always warn you in time about the traffic police crew ahead or the installed video camera;
  • DVR - will allow you to prove your innocence in an accident or other unpleasant situations on the road.

Organizational plan

Business registration

The most common form of doing business for private cargo carriers is individual entrepreneurs. Read about how to register the status of an individual entrepreneur at this link -. Information about what taxes an individual entrepreneur pays and how to choose a tax regime will also be useful.

To make your work easier, you can create standard contracts with clients for the transportation of goods, where to specify all possible nuances - downtime due to the fault of the customer or the party receiving the cargo, the possibility of prepayment, etc.


This business plan for organizing cargo transportation does not pretend to be detailed guide on opening a transport company, but the information gleaned from it is quite enough to implement a project to create a small private company providing transport services.

Cargo transportation is a popular service. Business in the field of cargo transportation proper organization brings a stable income. Therefore, it is popular among small businesses, despite high competition. How to start a cargo transportation business? What permissions are needed? How much do you need to invest at the first stage? Read about this in our article.

First steps in organizing cargo transportation

The preliminary stage is market research. Analyze the activity large companies for cargo transportation in your region. Study the situation in this area, find out what types of cargo and vehicles are most in demand. This information will be the starting point for creating your own transport company.

The next step is to develop a business plan in which:

  • describes the stages of project implementation;
  • a marketing strategy is developed;
  • costs are calculated (including for the purchase of transport and equipment), potential profits and payback periods;
  • risks are assessed.

The business associated with the transportation of goods is quite specific, but like any other it requires compliance with legal norms. Setting up a freight forwarding company will require investment. Their size depends on the financial capabilities, goals and size of the future business.

An individual entrepreneur can start with 400 thousand rubles, a transport company will invest at least 5 million.

Types of cargo transportation

Cargo transportation can be carried out by air, rail, water and by road transport. A large logistics company can afford to combine various ways transportation, ensuring multimodality. But small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) typically start with road transport. This is the most affordable type in terms of organization, start-up costs and demand for such services.

According to international consulting company KPMG, in 2017-2018, the volume of road transport in Russia is gradually recovering and by the end of this year may reach the level of 2014. Growth is driven by small and medium-sized enterprises. 73 percent of the market is occupied by the transportation of general cargo or FTL (Full Truck Load), that is, ordering a vehicle fully loaded with goods. The fastest growing sector is LTL (Less Truck Load). This is a type of transportation in which one vehicle transports cargo from different shippers to a warehouse (about 17 percent of the market). Dangerous and oversized cargo occupy only 3 and 7 percent, respectively.

To transport small-sized cargo weighing up to 3.5 tons, the following are most often used:

  • GAZ-3302,
  • "Gazelle Next"
  • "Gazelle Business"
  • Ford transit,
  • Volkswagen Crafter,
  • "ZIL bull."

Such vehicles are in demand when transporting goods related to construction, catering, trade and small-scale production. For bulk cargo and products agriculture exists separate category– trucks with an open body (models “MAZ”, “ZIL”, compact dump trucks).

Medium-sized cargo up to 5 tons is transported on vehicles with isometric vans of different capacities (for example, Hyundai HD78). Large cargo over long distances is transported, as a rule, in Euro trucks. Depending on the type of cargo, the semi-trailer on the vehicle is changed. It can be tented, isometric or all-metal.

Registration of a business in the field of cargo transportation

Register as an individual entrepreneur or create a legal entity? This is a question all aspiring entrepreneurs ask themselves.

If we are talking about a small company, registering as an individual entrepreneur has advantages over an LLC. Firstly, it is possible to work under one of the special tax regimes, such as the simplified taxation system, popular among small and medium-sized businesses (you can change it during the work process). Secondly, there is no need to maintain complex accounting records.

But there is reverse side medals:

  • if the company develops (significant increase in staff, purchase of equipment, increase in income), it will be necessary to open an LLC;
  • For debt to a client or bank, an individual entrepreneur, unlike a legal entity, is liable with his own property.

As practice shows, most small private owners working in the field of cargo transportation prefer individual entrepreneurs. When registering you must select OKVED codes from the all-Russian classifier. The following activity codes will be needed as the main ones: 49.4 “Activities of road freight transport and transportation services”, 49.41 “Activities of road freight transport” and 63.4 “Organization of cargo transportation”.

After completing the registration, IP will need permits. For SMEs carrying out transportation in small volumes within the city, a license is not required. The exceptions are the transportation of dangerous goods and air transportation. A complete list of licensed activities is contained in Law N99-FZ. You can read about what types of activities an individual entrepreneur can engage in.

Road freight transportation over a distance of more than 50 kilometers requires the driver to have the following documents:

  • waybill,
  • insurance,
  • waybill,
  • acceptance certificate,
  • contract for the provision of services.

Should I buy a truck?

Car purchases are the most expensive part of the freight transportation business. The entrepreneur chooses the number of vehicles, their carrying capacity and other characteristics based on the type of cargo and the size of the starting capital. Individual entrepreneurs usually start with the purchase of several machines. The vehicle fleet is expanded if the business generates sufficient income.

Buying or renting trucks

One of the options for starting a business in the field of cargo transportation is renting a car or leasing agreement. Leasing is gaining popularity in Russia due to acceptable conditions and is ideal for those who are not confident in their abilities. Equipment leasing is a long-term lease with the option of purchase at the residual value. This scheme is convenient, first of all, because you do not need to immediately pay for the cost of the truck. When purchasing automobile equipment, it is better to focus on new vehicles.

The estimated cost of some models of trucks is shown in the table:

Requirements for the safety of cargo transportation and drivers

The entrepreneur is obliged to provide safe conditions when transporting goods. The basic requirements were approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation N7 dated January 15, 2014. These rules provide in particular that:

  • the permissible weight of the cargo must not exceed the value specified in the PTS;
  • the weight of the load must be distributed evenly in compliance with the weight and dimensional parameters of the machine;
  • each type of cargo must have special packaging;
  • it is necessary to draw up a cargo placement diagram.

The driver must know the structure of the truck, be able to handle operating materials and fill out the relevant documents. Mandatory requirement- presence of Russian citizenship.

Profitability of cargo transportation business

The profitability of a business in the field of cargo transportation can be calculated using the formula: P = D minus C (where D is income, C is the cost of transportation).

The cost of a cargo delivery service consists of direct costs (rental and maintenance of equipment, payment for fuel and lubricants, driver salaries) and indirect costs (overhead costs, including driver meals, communications, management salaries).

The result obtained for the reporting period (month, quarter, year) is compared with the previous one. Based on such a simple analysis, one can conclude how profitable or, on the contrary, how unprofitable the chosen type of transportation is. Revenues must be at least a third higher than costs.

The average payback period for a cargo transportation business ranges from three months to several years.

Three months of accounting, HR and legal support FREE. Hurry up, offer is limited.

The detailed business plan for cargo transportation presented in this article will help outline a clear path for the implementation and development of this business.

Capital investments: from 1,185,000 rubles.
Payback: 1.5-2 years.

Not always cargo transportation business plan will be made up of those who really understand this area thoroughly.

More often, entrepreneurs simply see the potential and high profitability of this direction.

And those who themselves worked as a loader and suddenly decided to earn money without any plan are making a mistake.

It is absolutely necessary.

Otherwise, it is impossible to obtain credit funds or investments for opening and development.

And even if you use exclusively your own capital, only a plan written on paper will allow you to outline a clear path for implementation and development.

Objectives of a cargo transportation business plan

The cargo transportation business plan should be “opened” by information about what the company will do in general.

At the moment there are several main services:

  • support for relocations of private and legal entities (houses, apartments, offices, cottages);
  • cargo transportation of commercial products;
  • sending large cargoes;
  • provision of personnel to perform loading and unloading operations;
  • A less popular service than the above is cargo storage.

The list of services provided depends on the company’s staff, the number and types of company cars, as well as the amount of potential revenue.

Of course, than more choice you provide to your clients, the better.

Marketing section of a cargo transportation business plan

Marketing strategy is an important section not only of a cargo transportation business plan, but also of business in general.

As a rule, they start with researching the relevance of the chosen direction.

We can confidently say about the transportation of goods: it is relevant and in demand.

The service is ordered by individuals, enterprises, and corporate networks.

It is important for customers that cargo is delivered as quickly and accurately as possible.

The relevance of business will disappear only when the need to transport goods from point A to point B disappears.

Can you imagine such a situation?

Even if essential goods (bread, medicines, etc.) need to be brought to stores from factories.

All this indicates that developing an enterprise in this area is a current idea.

Competitive advantages of your cargo transportation

In the current conditions of high competition, to open a cargo transportation and promote a business, you need to stand out from others in some way.

Of course, the entrepreneur himself determines strengths enterprises.

But potential options include:

  • extensive vehicle fleet - it is possible to select a vehicle for a specific task or customer wishes;
  • servicing any clients – both individuals and legal entities;
  • additional bonuses - for example, free packaging;
  • tracking system for transported goods;
  • 24-hour opening hours;
  • introduction of related additional services and others.

How to advertise cargo transportation?

To select advertising options for cargo transportation, an entrepreneur must clearly understand his target audience.

In this area we are talking about middle and high class people, age category 25-45 years.

In your freight transportation business plan, you must highlight advertising methods that will attract this audience to use your services.

These could be the following methods:

  • print a batch of business cards with a good design;
  • distribute business cards or leaflets among your friends, in places where potential clients gather, give them to those who have already used your services;
  • order website development (as a rule, a one-page website is quite enough for the needs of a small cargo transportation company);
  • promote your website using contextual advertising.

A best method Promotion for any business is word of mouth.

Cargo transportation opening plan

The theoretical part of the business plan, devoted to information analysis, is only a preparation for the transition to practical data.

Let's consider step by step everything that concerns the organization of a cargo transportation company.

Registration of a cargo transportation business

You can open a cargo transportation business after you register an individual entrepreneur.

This is a simple process, for which it is enough to contact the tax office at your place of residence, having your passport with you.

If it is not possible to do this yourself, you can realistically do everything with the help of intermediaries.

However, if you are afraid of the complexity of the procedure, do not worry!

It’s really simple to register an individual entrepreneur, and such experience will clearly not be superfluous.

You will also need to choose one of the tax options:

  • a simplified system is the most popular option for small businesses;
  • the general system is too ruinous for a start-up trucking company to pay all taxes in full;
  • a single tax is an option for large cargo transportation organizations with extensive staff and a fleet of vehicles.

Choosing office space

Freight transportation is not a business area for which great value has an office location.

However, one thing is for sure - there must be an office.

Working as a dispatcher in your own apartment may be convenient.

But if you are planning a serious business, then you also need to approach implementation seriously.

It is not necessary to purchase premises.

It is enough to remove square meters for rent.

Theoretically, for telephone conversations Just choose an office in a call center.

But if you plan to serve corporate clients, it is worth renting a separate room.

After all, they may come to you to discuss any details or sign papers.

Business plan for cargo transportation: what equipment is needed?

The business plan needs to display the equipment without which the purchase of a business will not be possible.

This includes office equipment, and most importantly, a car.

The choice of vehicle for cargo transportation depends entirely on what services you plan to provide and what cargo to transport.

The most popular choice for regular cargo transportation is the familiar Gazelles.

Although ZIL is more often used for furniture and other large-sized transportation.

But some goods require special conditions for transportation in the back (for example, perishable products).

Freight personnel

In a business plan, cargo transportation reflects the composition of the staff, the level of employee salaries, and even includes expected bonuses and rate increases.

For a small start-up organization, it is enough to hire 2 drivers, a dispatcher and a loader.

Accordingly, if you want to scale your business, your staff will increase.

Financial section of a cargo transportation business plan

The financial section of a business plan is the most important part.

Organize without analysis or preparation profitable business very difficult.

But without understanding how much money you will need, you can’t do any freight transportation at all.

Moreover, if you are going to attract credit funds or seek the assistance of investors.

Investments to start a cargo transportation business plan

Let's consider what capital investments are needed to start a business.

In this example of cargo transportation, a mini-format will be considered using one truck, two drivers working in shifts, one dispatcher and a loader.

And to be successful in the trucking business,

Payback on a cargo transportation business plan

The section of the business plan devoted to calculating start-up investments discusses working diagram using one car.

This allows you to organize a business at relatively low costs, and recoup them in 1.5 - 2 years of work.

Moreover, if you do not purchase a car, but use it for rent, the payback period will be shorter.

If you have a larger amount of capital investment and expect to put several cars into operation, the amounts and timing will be different.

When making calculations, it will be necessary to take into account not only the financial section of the business plan, but also the location of the office used advertising strategy and other things.

Freight transportation is a truly profitable and promising idea.

Services are in demand both in big cities and small towns, regardless of the time of year and other factors.

However, such conditions have led to the emergence of high competition, both among companies just starting out and among market “giants”.

To get ahead of others, you need to be able to stand out competitive advantages and organize the work correctly.

This can be dealt with easily if you think about it seriously. cargo transportation business plan and follow it.

If you think that you won’t be able to compose it yourself, you can delegate this task to specialists.

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