Ventilation of industrial premises: device, design, varieties. Development of air exchange system projects and modern ventilation equipment from Technostroyalliance Basic information about ventilation

Production premises- quite a difficult task. The creation of schemes is carried out taking into account the specifics of the enterprise’s activities. Let us next consider what it is ventilation production premises. Its types and requirements for it will also be described in the article.


The main task of production facilities is to promptly “catch” all impurities and remove them. Certain settings are selected depending on specific operating conditions. The air in the units can move mechanically or naturally. There is also a classification based on the principle of operation. Ventilation can be supply, exhaust or mixed. Each group has its own subgroups of equipment. So, supply ventilation may be local. It is presented in the form of an air shower, curtain or oasis. General ventilation of industrial premises provides dispersed or directed inflow.

Natural filtration

Supply and exhaust ventilation in production premises functions due to the difference in pressure and temperature outside and in the workshop. Driving force in this case there will be thermal or wind pressure. Due to the pressure difference, the expanded masses are forced out of the workshop. In their place, in turn, cold, clean ones are drawn in. A high pressure area forms in the windward area. It increases the flow of outside air. The pressure is always reduced. This promotes the outflow of waste materials. Ventilation systems and equipment, the functioning of which is based on physical laws, are used, as a rule, in enterprises with intense heat generation. However, powerful exchange does not always ensure the formation of proper working conditions for employees. The greater the temperature difference between the ceiling and floor, the higher the workshop itself, the more efficiently the natural ventilation of industrial premises. If there are cracks in windows and walls, or if doors or gates are opened frequently, drafts may appear. This helps reduce the temperature in the workshop. IN summer time in areas far from windows and doors, ventilation standards are significantly violated.


It is used for flexible duct. Aeration is carried out according to the principle of natural draft. In some cases, during the construction of a building, the installations are not installed. In such cases, channels and shafts operating from thermal pressure can be placed in the workshop. Flexible duct covered with a deflector. The wind blows on it, due to which a rarefaction region is formed. These are widely used on agricultural and livestock farms, in small bakeries, and in forges. They are installed on the highest section of the roof. Aeration is considered one of the most effective methods natural ventilation. It is often used in enterprises where large amounts of heat, poisons and gases are generated.


Natural involves the arrangement of three levels of openings with vents that have a specific design. The first 2 rows are located from the floor at a height of 1-4 m. Light-aeration lanterns equipped with adjustable vents are installed in the roof. In summer, clean flows pass through the lower transoms, and dirty flows are directed upward. When calculating the system, the area of ​​openings and vents is determined. The worst operating conditions for the installation are windless weather. It is taken as a starting point. This works effectively in windy conditions. However, with a certain strength and direction of wind, reverse thrust. As a result, air mixed with gases and dust is directed into rooms where people are located. To prevent the spread of harmful substances, lanterns with wind protection are installed. In summer, the influent masses are cooled by spraying into them cold water. It comes from nozzles that are located near the vents. With this cooling, the humidity rises slightly.

SNiP: ventilation and air conditioning

The Regulations set out a number of requirements for buildings that use a natural filtration scheme. In particular, it is necessary that the perimeter of the structure be open to air access. The Rules also state that workshops with a height of no more than 1 floor or located on the top floors of a building are aerated. In multi-bay rooms, installation of natural ventilation is significantly difficult. If the width of the workshop is more than 100 m, practically no clean flows reach its center. In such cases, special Baturin lamps (non-blown) are installed. They have separate channels for supply and exhaust. However, in winter time such an installation can provoke an undesirable decrease in temperature in the workshop. To prevent such consequences, a forced ( artificial) ventilation of industrial premises.

Advantages and disadvantages of aeration

The ventilation elements are controlled mechanically. One of the main advantages of the aeration scheme is the low cost of components. At the same time, the installation can provide sufficiently powerful air exchange. Meanwhile, it also has several disadvantages. First of all, the functioning of the system depends on weather conditions. In addition, as mentioned above, it does not ensure the delivery of clean flows to remote areas of the workshop. Another disadvantage is the complexity of control. Aeration is not used in enterprises that use technologies that involve the distribution of harmful substances.


It allows you to bring the flow rates supplied to the workshop up to standard levels. The required parameters are defined in SNiP. Ventilation and air conditioning forced method have the following advantages:

Most popular installations

Exhaust ventilation is now widely used. The installation limits the spread of contaminated streams and removes them directly from the source. The quality of ventilation depends on the correct selection of equipment, the degree of rarefaction of the atmosphere, and the shape of the receivers. Key elements settings are:

  1. Suction.
  2. Fan.
  3. Retraction.
  4. Filters.
  5. Exhaust duct.

The entire volume of dirty flows must be captured by the receiver and transmitted further through other elements.

Specifics of suction

Air intakes come in closed and open type. The latter include:

  1. Protective cover.
  2. Exhaust hood.

The protective casing eliminates the flow of dust that is formed, for example, in a carpentry shop during polishing, sanding, etc. It is equipped with a visor and is installed across the movement of particles. reduces the area of ​​distribution of hot air containing harmful impurities and rising according to the principle of convection, and removes it. It should be of such a size as to completely cover the source. The umbrella can be equipped with overhangs. They are made of thick fabric or rigid sheets. It is more convenient to use open umbrellas. In them, overhangs do not interfere with the access of enterprise employees. In hazardous industries, the flow speed entering the umbrella ranges from 0.5 m/s, if it is without impurities, then 0.15-0.25 m/s.

Side/articulated-telescopic suction units

They are installed directly at the workplace in galvanic or pickling baths. The air moves over them and draws in harmful vapors of acids and alkalis before they begin to spread throughout the workshop. If the width of the bath is small (up to 70 cm), single-sided suction units are installed; if this parameter is greater than the specified value, double-sided elements are installed. In addition, the latter are equipped with structures that ensure the blowing of vapors from the surface of the liquid. The volume of flow passed through these installations will depend on the level of toxicity of the steam and temperature. The size of the liquid surface is also important. Since vapors quickly destroy metal, suction units are made of PVC and other resistant materials. Articulated-telescopic receivers are quite common. This type is equipped with retractable elements. They can be brought directly closer to the source of pollution. In shops with soldering irons and welding machines, suction units are installed directly into the tools.

Closed type receivers

These include:

  1. Cabins.
  2. Fume hoods.
  3. Cameras.
  4. Shelter boxes.

The latter are used in enterprises with particularly toxic and radioactive substances, where workers carry out all manipulations wearing gloves or using mechanical devices. The cabinets are installed in workshops with intense emissions of harmful gases. Ventilation pipes for hood with complete isolation of the source of pollution are considered the most effective.

Electrical installations

Forced-type ventilation systems for industrial premises are equipped with special units. They are electric fans. As a rule, axial or radial models are installed. The latter are also called “snails” due to the shape of the body. A wheel with blades is built into it. During the movement, the flows enter the housing, change direction and are supplied to the outlet under pressure. The sucked masses are often saturated with aggressive and dangerous compounds, and sometimes with explosive substances. Depending on the impurities, fans are installed at enterprises:

  1. Standard. They are designed to capture flows with a low dust content, the temperature of which is up to 80 degrees.
  2. Anti-corrosion type. Such installations are used to capture vapors of acids and alkalis.
  3. Having protection against sparks. They are used for explosive mixtures.
  4. Dusty. These installations are designed to filter streams containing particles in quantities greater than 100 mg/m 3 .

Axial fans include inclined blades mounted in a cylindrical body. During operation, the flows move parallel to the axis. These units are installed, as a rule, in mines, emergency channels, etc. The advantage of such devices is that they can supply air in opposite directions.

Dust collectors

The current norms and standards determine. Installations must operate in such a way that the content of harmful impurities is within acceptable limits. Accordingly, one of the key parameters is cleaning efficiency. In some cases, one dust collector is enough to filter the air. In this situation, cleaning is called single-stage. If air pollution is significant, multi-stage filtration is organized. Type treatment plant will depend on the shape chemical composition and volume of impurities. The simplest design of a dust collector is a dust-sediment chamber. It significantly reduces the intensity of flow movement, due to which harmful impurities settle. However, this installation can only be used for primary filtration. Dust settling chambers can be labyrinthine, simple, or with a bumper.


They are inertial dust collectors and are used to filter air containing particles greater than 10 microns. The cyclone is designed as a cylindrical metal container, tapering downwards. Air is supplied from above. Under the influence of centrifugal force, dust particles hit the walls and fall. Purified air comes out through the pipe. To increase the volume of retained dust, water is sprayed inside the housing. These installations are called cyclone-washers. Recently, rotoclones and rotary dust collectors have become most popular.


They are also used to purify the air. Filters can be powered by electricity. In this case, positively charged particles are attracted to the negative electrodes. High voltage passes through the filter. To subsequently clean the electrodes from dust, periodic automatic shaking is carried out. The collected dust is sent to storage tanks. In practice, coke and gravel filters are also used. Fine and medium cleaning devices are made of special material. It can be synthetics, felt, porous fabrics, mesh. They capture not only dust, but also small oil particles. However, such materials quickly become clogged and require regular cleaning or replacement. If it is necessary to filter the air from explosive compounds or gases, as well as aggressive substances, ejection systems are used. They have 4 chambers: diffuser, neck, confuser and for discharge. Streams enter them under high pressure. The direction is set by a compressor or fan. Dynamic pressure in the diffuser is converted into static pressure. After this, the flow is directed outward.

Alternative option

Before directing the air into the room, it must be processed: warmed or cooled, filtered. In some cases, it also requires moisturizing. For these purposes, forced ventilation is used. It consists of:

  1. Fence.
  2. Taps.
  3. Filters
  4. Heaters.
  5. Fans.
  6. Distributors.

Installation of installations is carried out according to certain rules. For fan, filter and heater it is provided supply chamber. Receivers should be located at a height of 2 meters from the ground, in places remote from sources of pollution. In some cases, installation above the roof of the structure is allowed. When choosing an installation location, consider the direction of the wind. WITH outside air intakes are covered with umbrellas, blinds or grilles. Filters in installations can be various types. Typically, devices from nonwovens. In winter, the air is heated using air heaters or heaters. The coolant is electricity or water. For humidification, special irrigation chambers are installed. A fine air fraction is sprayed into them. Likewise cooling is carried out.

Local installations

These include air souls. They represent clean flows directed to work areas. The purpose of such a shower is to enhance the heat transfer of the employee’s body to prevent overheating. Installations can be mobile or stationary. Hot shops, as well as rooms with infrared radiation greater than 350 W/m2, are equipped with showers. The standards depend on temperature, severity of work, and radiation intensity. Average temperature in the shower is +18...+24 degrees. The flow moves at a speed of 0.5-3.5 m/sec. Its indicator is directly proportional to the radiation intensity and air temperature.

Oases and veils

These devices are often used in large enterprises. Oases serve a section of the workshop, fenced off from the rest of the area using light screens. Within its limits, air moves at a certain speed and has set temperature. Curtains are used to prevent hypothermia of workers and cooling of the workshop through openings or open doors. They can be without heating or with it.

Preventive supervision

Such sanitary control of industrial premises ventilation systems performed when:

  1. Reconstruction, planning, construction or changing the technology/profile of an enterprise, site, workshop.
  2. Launch of installed or repaired treatment plants.
  3. Introduction of new technological units, processes or chemical substances that can have a harmful effect on the environment or humans.

Reconstructed or newly built ventilation systems are launched by the commission in the prescribed manner. It includes a representative of the sanitary and epidemiological service. Assessment and examination ventilation system can be carried out after completion of all construction and installation activities. In this case, before the inspection, it is necessary to establish all technological processes in accordance with the regulations. During the inspection, production units must operate with the planned load, ventilation devices must reach the specified capacity. Preventive supervision is carried out in the form of:

  1. Drawing up conclusions on design materials on the correctness of selection ventilation circuit. Working and technical drawings serve as documents for verification.
  2. Observations of the installation process
  3. Participation in the reception and execution of conclusions on the compliance of units with current sanitary and hygienic requirements.

Current examination

It is performed in the form of sampling control:

  1. Conditions of the environment in areas where intake devices are located. Inspections can also be carried out directly at workplaces.
  2. Work, condition, operation of ventilation systems.

The frequency and scope of the sample examination is established by the sanitary doctor. This takes into account the degree of likely negative impact production environment at a specific enterprise for personnel.

Provision of services for the development of ventilation system projects by LLC TECHNOSTROYALIANS-VOSTOK. Prompt execution of orders, optimal prices and favorable discounts.

From efficient work ventilation equipment depends not only on the comfort of people working in the room (warehouse, workshop), but also on their safety. That is why qualified selection of air purification units in industrial building is a responsible decision that does not allow mistakes and miscalculations.

The engineering and design team of our company is always ready to inspect the facility and, together with the customer, formulate the required technical specifications. The ventilation system design being developed necessarily reflects:

  • features of the enterprise's production process;
  • number and location of workplaces;
  • imposed sanitary and hygienic requirements;
  • the presence of climatic zones and their location;
  • the architecture of the building in question;
  • availability of operating climate control equipment.

Design of ventilation for an industrial building: features and varieties

Depending on the results of the survey and the calculations made, it is selected best option ventilation system, which can be:

  1. supply air (equipment provides air supply to the building);
  2. exhaust (forced removal of air masses);
  3. supply and exhaust (combined).

Quite rarely in industrial premises the option with natural circulation, and preference is given to the mechanical supply (removal) of air masses via a fan. Typically, ventilation design industrial building provides for the inclusion of an air duct system (channels for air supply) in the project. Otherwise, the option is classified as “ductless”.

In addition, the developed industrial ventilation systems can be:

  • general purpose;
  • local.

In the first case, used ventilation equipment provides for maintaining the same climatic conditions throughout the entire building. In the second, it is used for local removal of harmful vapors or gases from a specific room (workplace).

When making calculations, the following must be taken into account:

  • required climatic parameters;
  • necessary air exchange;
  • supply air distribution;
  • calculation of air ducts (shape, line section, branching, material used).

The selection of ventilation equipment is made taking into account architectural features building, economic feasibility and characteristics of the tasks it must perform. Convenient access to all structural components during maintenance must be taken into account. At the final stage, the customer is given a set of design documentation, which includes a set of diagrams and drawings, a feasibility study and an explanatory note.

Ventilation system project from TECHNOSTROYALLIANCE: why is it profitable?

Our company includes a special engineering and design group that has been developing design documentation in this area for many years. By using the services of designers from TECHNOSTROYALLIANCE, the client receives the following benefits:

  • prompt development of a design for air conditioning and ventilation systems for industrial premises;
  • guarantees of the quality and efficiency of the calculations provided;
  • optimal prices for services;
  • strict adherence to deadlines;
  • favorable discounts.

Contact the TECHNOSTROYALLIANCE company and get the opportunity to order the design of industrial ventilation for a building on favorable terms!

Industrial ventilation differs from the ventilation of residential premises not only in scale, but also in the equipment used, requirements and a number of other parameters.

Ventilation of industrial premises must cope with a number of complex tasks

Ventilation systems in industrial enterprises must cope with a number of complex tasks: extracting large volumes of exhaust air from premises, so their design and installation must be approached with special attention.

Types of industrial ventilation

Like domestic, industrial ventilation there are two main types.

  1. Natural – exhaust ventilation, in which air circulation in the facility is carried out due to the natural flow of air masses through the ventilation ducts. The operation of such a project is based on the difference in temperatures and pressures inside and outside the premises. The design of natural type industrial ventilation must take into account the amount of heat emanating from production equipment.
  2. Forced ventilation system of premises in which specialized equipment is used to circulate air masses. This scheme is good because its performance and efficiency are completely independent of weather conditions, and the supply and exhaust of air is ensured by fans and other equipment.

Each of these industrial ventilation systems has its own installation and operation features, as well as advantages and disadvantages.

For example, installing industrial ventilation of a natural type will allow you to significantly save on room ventilation, but mechanical supply ventilation will cope with the exhaust and supply of air, regardless of the outside air temperature and other factors.

Features and operating principle of natural industrial ventilation

If for your enterprise you have chosen the installation of industrial ventilation, which works solely due to the difference in temperature and pressure indoors and outdoors, then in this case industrial equipment during operation should not release into the environment harmful substances. Otherwise, you cannot do without supply and exhaust ventilation with air filtration.

In order for exhaust air to leave the production premises naturally, it is necessary to calculate and install special ventilation openings, which must be located at different heights.

The principle of natural air exchange in a room looks like this:

  • heated air rises and leaves the premises through holes made in advance;
  • heavier clean cold air falls down through the same holes;
  • air flows mix, exhaust air comes out, clean air penetrates inside.

Ventilation of industrial buildings in this way is used quite rarely, since its efficiency is not enough to provide a large industrial area with fresh air. Even the most accurate calculation will not help where equipment operates with the release of harmful substances into the air.

Advantages of forced industrial ventilation

Industrial ventilation systems that use specialized ventilation equipment to ensure efficient air exchange are much more efficient and boast their own advantages.

  1. Large coverage area - industrial air handling units use special powerful fans which provide intense air flow.
  2. Efficiency – the operation of an industrial ventilation system does not depend on any external conditions.
  3. Additional capabilities - this includes the ability of supply and exhaust systems to filter the air at objects, humidify it or dehumidify it.
  4. Targeted airflow – with proper design and installation, it is possible to deliver air in a targeted manner fresh air straight to your workplace.
  5. Increased work safety - forced-type ventilation of industrial facilities can capture and remove harmful substances from the air in an industrial building, dangerous gases, purify air masses.
  6. Possibility of carrying out installation work in buildings after their construction is completed. This distinguishes forced ventilation from natural ventilation, the design of which must be done at the design stage of the entire building.

The disadvantages of a forced ventilation system include high cost equipment that the system needs to fulfill its purpose.

The main disadvantage forced ventilation is a high price

In addition, equipment for circulating air masses produces a lot of noise during operation, so when installing such installations at an enterprise, noise insulation calculations will also have to be made.

Types of industrial forced ventilation systems

Purpose and classification supply and exhaust ventilation may be different. There are five types of forced supply ventilation.

  1. General exchange - such ventilation ensures air exchange throughout the entire facility. Most often, such a hood is installed in rooms where work is carried out with toxic and harmful environment substances, as well as where there are no fixed jobs.
  2. Local ventilation of industrial enterprises - such ventilation is used where it is necessary to ensure effective air exhaust in a specific area. For example, local equipment used for its intended purpose if it is necessary to remove exhaust air from the source of the emission of harmful substances.
  3. Mixed type - by installing such exhaust equipment you guarantee the opportunity not only to carry out general air exchange, but also to carry out ventilation in the workplace.

Regardless of the type, designing ventilation for an industrial building involves complex calculations. In ventilation systems there are different principles air supply:

  • supply - the exhaust circuit implies the presence of a blower fan, and the exhaust air exits due to the fact that the pressure in the room increases;
  • exhaust - when such a system is installed in a room, the fan works to drain air masses, but their entry from outside occurs due to rarefied pressure;
  • supply and exhaust - such schemes are the most effective, since in them both the flow of air into the building and the outflow are carried out using specialized equipment;
  • recirculation - such a system is calculated in such a way that the exhaust air is cleaned using special filters and then returned to the room again, representing a closed supply and exhaust circuit.

When installing the required system, it is necessary to take into account the operating conditions at the site, as well as the needs of production.

Equipment for industrial ventilation

Installation of industrial ventilation systems involves the use of specialized equipment. During calculations, some of its characteristics may change, but the main components remain unchanged.

  1. Ventilation ducts – special pipes, the cross-section and size of which depend on the amount of air that needs to be driven per unit of time. The efficiency of the entire system depends on the correct design of the channels; it is through them that air is transported throughout the facility. Channels can be made of plastic, aluminum, metal and other materials.
  2. Fans are the main component of any air circulation system, providing required power, and also set the direction of air flow.
  3. Shaped parts - like pipes, can be made of plastic, serve to connect channels, create their turns and forks.
  4. Filters - an industrial filter can trap large and small impurities that are inevitably found in the air of any industrial facilities. To calculate the required type of filter, you need to know how dirty the air in the facility is.
  5. Recuperators – the difference between an industrial ventilation recuperator and a domestic one is that it can heat a larger amount of air per unit of time.
  6. Air conditioning systems - ventilation systems must be equipped with such systems if you want the air in the enterprise to be not only clean, but also fresh.

Recuperator - equipment for the ventilation system necessary for heating the air

Typically, additional components can be used with basic ventilation equipment to increase the efficiency of the overall system.

Features of industrial ventilation design

Whatever the ventilation duct and whatever classification of supply or exhaust equipment you use, when installing an air circulation system on industrial enterprise It is always necessary to take into account certain points and parameters.

Before you begin calculating ventilation, it is necessary to determine the basic conditions of the room, that is, its area, the type of equipment used, the configuration of the space and much more.

It is worth taking into account the climatic features of the area in which the production plant is located. You always need to take into account the intended purpose of the room: if it is a plastics production workshop, then the power of the exhaust equipment should be quite high.

The ventilation calculation should include the following data:

  • cross-section of incoming and outgoing air channels;
  • area of ​​ventilation holes;
  • air exchange rate;
  • estimated equipment capacity;
  • the amount of materials needed to create the system.

Calculation, design and installation of ventilation systems industrial premises– this is a very complex and responsible process that must be approached very carefully.

If you do not have the necessary skills and tools for this, then it is better to entrust this work qualified professionals who will cope with it much better, and the system itself will last as long as possible and will effectively cope with the tasks.

Specialists of Nimal Group of Companies will design industrial ventilation at sites for various purposes, including manufacturing enterprises, office and administrative buildings, logistics complexes, commercial centers, etc. Our design engineers have extensive practical experience in this field. Among the projects we have implemented is the creation of ventilation systems for a number of large industrial facilities in Moscow.

Development technical solutions for the arrangement of ventilation systems for commercial facilities is carried out on the basis of regulatory documents that regulate the value of climatic parameters and air exchange for a particular room, taking into account its footage and functional purpose.

What problems does the design of industrial ventilation systems solve?

Industrial ventilation is much more powerful than domestic ventilation, but this is far from the only difference between this system. First of all, we are talking about a wider list of tasks, the solution of which is necessary to create favorable conditions for the flow of technological processes in production.

In particular, the technological ventilation system may be required not only to reduce the concentration of hazardous substances, but also to remove dust from the air and remove hazardous fumes outside working area.

To summarize, the main tasks that the design of industrial ventilation systems is designed to solve are as follows:

  • Removal of exhaust air with an increased concentration of harmful compounds outside the working area;
  • Removal of excess heat;
  • The flow of air into the room, the characteristics of which correspond to existing sanitary standards, create favorable conditions for personnel work and technological operations.

It is best to plan the development of an industrial ventilation project at the stage of preparation for the construction of a facility. In some cases this event is part of a renovation or overhaul buildings, structures engineering systems which needs modernization.

Event stages

Designing industrial ventilation systems is a multi-stage undertaking. First of all, the development of the corresponding technical specifications is carried out, which can be provided by the client himself. This document contains requirements for the ventilation system, taking into account the location of the building and its layout, its intended purpose and operating mode.

When developing a project, an engineer performs an extensive list of calculations. It is necessary to determine what cross-section and placement of air ducts is suitable for a given facility in accordance with current regulations.

The quality of system operation largely depends on proper calculation of the air exchange rate. This parameter can vary significantly for objects different types. It is necessary to take into account how many people and fuel-generating equipment will be located on the territory of the facility, and you also need to focus on the relevant SNiP.

Another important criterion is the method of supplying and distributing air masses and removing them outside the room. To do this, it is necessary to perform calculations and create a suitable configuration of the air distribution network, select the correct type of ventilation system and equipment for its arrangement.

In the process of work, the design engineer takes into account not only technical specifications structures, but also the economic feasibility of using one or another technical solution.

Ventilation design for industrial buildings should only be carried out by a specialized organization. The calculation of the ventilation system of an industrial building differs significantly from the design of ordinary residential premises. When executing design work for this type of structure, it is necessary to take into account many factors and conditions that influence comfortable conditions labor for thousands of employees and maintaining the necessary microclimate for the operation of high-precision equipment, such as: the huge size of the premises, the number of staff, heat generation from technological equipment and harmful emissions.

Main stages of design work for ventilation of industrial buildings

Below are the main stages of design work on ventilation systems for an industrial building. These include:

  • selection of a fundamental solution for an air ventilation system, which must meet the requirements of creating and maintaining a comfortable microclimate in the room;
  • determining the method of air distribution: mixing ventilation, displacement ventilation, air distribution from under the floor;
  • based on the technical specifications, the location of the building, as well as the functional characteristics of the room, the calculated air values ​​are determined, the parameters of heat and moisture entering the room are taken into account, the supply air flow rate and the minimum required outdoor air flow rate are calculated, and the sound pressure level is determined;
  • aerodynamic calculation of air ducts;
  • hydraulic calculation of pipelines;
  • selection of equipment on which the ventilation system will be implemented.
  • selection of an automatic control system to maintain the specified parameters.

Scheme of a ventilation project for an industrial building

Selection of equipment for ventilation of industrial buildings

IN modern world a large number of companies supply ventilation equipment, but not all products provide the necessary parameters, so when choosing an equipment supplier, give preference famous brands, which has proven itself well on the Russian market. When designing a ventilation system, in particular selecting air handling units, our company gives preference to the brands DANTEX (made in Poland) and WESPER (made in France). Air ducts from Galvent and network equipment from the brands Systemair and Solar Polar have also enjoyed well-deserved popularity for many years.

Only a competent selection of sensors, controllers and automation system elements will ensure easy control. In buildings industrial purposes Recently, it is increasingly necessary to create a point central control- all control and maintenance of all ventilation equipment occurs from one central console. When selecting an automation system, it is also better to trust proven brands, such as: SIEMENS, Schneider Electric, Johnson Controls, CAREL.

Composition of the detailed design for ventilation of industrial buildings

The detailed design for ventilation systems for industrial buildings includes:

  1. explanatory note;
  2. initial data adopted when calculating the system;
  3. system characteristics;
  4. plans and sections of systems and installations;
  5. axonometric diagrams;
  6. specification of equipment and materials.

Selecting a contractor to design ventilation for an industrial building