Order a turnkey house made of laminated veneer lumber in Irkutsk or build it yourself - coordinates and information of reliable developers. Houses made of laminated veneer lumber Manufacturing material and properties of laminated veneer lumber

Being one of the best manufacturers profiled laminated timber in Siberia, we supply house kits for assembly and build on a turnkey basis wooden houses for individual and standard projects. Houses made of laminated veneer lumber from the NB Company are successfully operated in Russian cities from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk to Moscow.

When humidity changes, laminated veneer lumber does not change its shape, that is, it does not “lead”, does not crack and remains with a smooth, beautiful surface.

Production process:

- drying
- gluing

After the gluing operation, the finished timber is profiled on four-sided machines. This is one of the most critical moments in the manufacture of laminated veneer lumber. The quality of the entire timber and, ultimately, the quality of the future home depends on the accuracy of manufacturing the tongue-and-groove joint. After giving the laminated veneer lumber a profile, it ends up to the size of high accuracy, cut into elements of the required size in accordance with the working design. The final stage of manufacturing laminated veneer lumber is cutting crown cups into it on special cup-cutting machines and drilling holes for dowels and special metal rods - “studs”.

In terms of durability, laminated veneer lumber is not inferior to all others wooden structures. (cm.

Are you looking for a profitable place to buy laminated veneer lumber? On our portal you will find a large number of interesting offers from manufacturers and sellers of this building material. Wide range, price comparison, photos and videos, technical specifications, delivery conditions - all this will help you make a good choice!

Advantages of laminated veneer lumber

Laminated timber is one of the most popular building materials today. This is facilitated by a number of its features:

High structural strength
The strength of laminated veneer lumber exceeds the strength of solid wood structures by an average of 60%.

Stability of geometric shapes, absence of internal “tension”
Having decided to build a house from laminated veneer lumber, you can be sure that the building will not shrink, and the individual elements from which its walls are made will not deform.

No defects on the finished material
Each workpiece is carefully checked for defects, all of them are selected according to texture and color. This is also facilitated by the use of high-quality adhesives that minimize the risk of cracks. Buildings made of laminated veneer lumber, even many years later, retain the original appearance and strength of the walls.

Excellent thermal properties
Glued laminated timber has low thermal conductivity. IN winter period the walls retain heat and keep the heat out in summer.

No need for finishing work
Walls made of laminated veneer lumber are smooth, smooth surface, which allows you to save on the purchase of finishing materials.

High resistance to microorganisms and fungi
Structural features of the material, its processing by special means, preventing rotting, as well as the presence of adhesive layers, prevent bacteria and wood pests from penetrating deep into the wood.

Efficiency of construction work
In Siberia, as in any other city, this indicator is of particular importance for builders. A team of 6 people is enough to erect a building with an area of ​​about 100 m2 in a month.

No need to build a strong foundation
Buildings made from laminated veneer lumber are lightweight and yet highly durable. Installation of the foundation is not necessary, which saves time and money spent on construction.

Low shrinkage rates
This property allows you to start finishing immediately after completion of the main construction work.

Environmental friendliness
Buildings made of laminated veneer lumber are completely safe for human health. In addition, the material maintains an optimal indoor microclimate due to its “breathability” (natural regulation of humidity levels).

Glued laminated timber: what types of this material are sold

They sell several types of laminated veneer lumber:
  • fencing, for non-load-bearing partitions;
  • structural, for load-bearing walls;
  • single layer;
  • multilayer.
Fencing type timber is used for the construction of internal partitions and fences. It can also perform decorative functions. Structural type timber is used for the construction of load-bearing walls of a building. It differs from the first type in that it is able to withstand large mechanical loads. Single-layer glued structures are strips of wood joined together with an adhesive along the length or width in one layer. Serve as a basis for multilayer structures. Also used for making shields. Multilayer laminated veneer lumber consists of several layers of solid wood, each of which is glued to the other along a wide longitudinal side.

Material of manufacture and properties of laminated timber

The essence of the process of producing laminated veneer lumber is gluing individual boards of certain sizes together using adhesives. These boards can be made from different breeds coniferous trees:
  • pine;
  • Siberian cedar pine;
  • cedar;
  • larch (some species);
  • Douglas fir (used only in the USA, Canada, Japan).
Used to join wood panels different types adhesives:
  • melamine This adhesive composition is used for the manufacture of long-span timber. Used in Russia and European countries. Color – transparent.
  • resorcinol. Used in the manufacture of structures intended for external walls that must withstand high level humidity. Mainly used in the USA and Japan. Color – dark.
  • polyurethane. A quick-hardening adhesive that allows the production of laminated veneer lumber several times faster. Makes it possible to glue wood with a humidity level of up to 18%. Color – transparent.
Also in Russia (including Siberia) they use the EPI system, which is suitable for the manufacture of elements used in low-rise construction.

Production of laminated veneer lumber

Comparison technical properties glued and ordinary timber used in construction

PropertyGlued laminated timberRegular timber
Shrinkage0,3% 6-8%
Geometry violationExcludedMaybe
Appearance of cracksAllowed for length, does not affect strength, there is no complete crackingCracks up to 1 cm in width and up to 15 cm in depth are possible. Has an effect on strength
Susceptibility to fungi, rot, microorganisms, etc.ExcludedMaybe
Front surface viewPerfectly smooth, does not require finishing work after constructionPresence of knots, cracks, requires finishing work
Exposure to temperature changesNo deformationPossible deformation
Thermal insulation indicatorsHigh, corresponding to SNiP standards. No additional thermal insulation requiredLow, requires use thermal insulation materials under construction

Construction from laminated timber, product selection

Information about the main stages of construction of buildings made of laminated veneer lumber will allow customers to adequately assess the qualifications of craftsmen and keep the quality of work under control:
  1. Creation of a project, coordination of technical nuances, drawing up estimates, determining the cost of work.
  2. Laying the foundation. Due to the lightness of laminated veneer lumber, a powerful foundation is not laid under it. If the area is not characterized by elevated levels groundwater, the height of the foundation will be 0.5-1 meter high.
  3. Installation of the building frame according to the project.
  4. Roofing works according to the project.
  5. Connecting your home to communications engineering networks and electrical system.
  6. Domestic finishing work according to the customer's wishes.

The first and most important point What you should pay attention to when choosing a building material is its purpose.
Other options are also possible:

House made of laminated timber for permanent residence
To create comfortable conditions living in a house made of laminated veneer lumber, where you plan to live permanently, you should opt for building material with a cross section of 200-250 mm, having a heat transfer of 1.3 m°C/W. This thickness is quite enough to create a comfortable temperature regime, even on frosty days. An economical option for such a house is walls made of timber with a cross-section of 140 mm with a thermal resistance of 1 m°C/W, insulated on the outside with penoplex or Ursa. On top of the insulation is decorative cladding.

House made of laminated veneer lumber for seasonal living
If you use the house during the first night frosts, then it is better to choose material with a cross-section of 160-180 mm. This wall thickness will withstand temperatures within 1-2 degrees below zero. If you leave the house before the first cold snap sets in, you can purchase timber whose thickness is 140-150 mm. There is no need for additional wall insulation.

You should also pay attention to the following points:

Origin of the tree
If the wood for production is brought from the northern regions, then it will be much better quality than wood from the southern regions. The cheapest, and therefore low-grade, wood is considered to be from swampy areas.

Wood type
Middle class - pine or spruce. Low grade - pine and spruce slats, mixed. You can distinguish pine from spruce by the number and size of knots. Pine has few of them, but they are larger.

Type of timber
The material must match technical specifications, where tolerances are specified for the number of knots and the presence of defects. If the seller says that laminated veneer lumber complies with GOST, this does not at all guarantee the quality of the material, since GOST has too many tolerances.

Types of laminated veneer lumber sold:

Material warranty:
If the manufacturer provides a guarantee on the material, this is a big plus. Immediately clarify the point about replacing defects, reporting stock, the type of profile used, the possibility of cutting wind pockets in the bowls.

Length of laminated timber:
By the length of the proposed timber you can find out what equipment is used for its production. If the manufacturer offers timber 12 meters in length, this means that it is used modern equipment, which is capable of producing such long lamellas. Old equipment is capable of producing timber up to a maximum of 6 meters in length. Pay attention to the length of the face boards. The longer they are, the higher quality wood was used. Higher grades- boards are 1.5-2 meters on average, but such timber is usually used in shipbuilding, for wall construction You can use lower grades of timber.

Video. Production of laminated veneer lumber:

Video. Construction from laminated veneer lumber:

Humidity is 10-12% and, as a result, minimal shrinkage(less than 1%) - finishing work can be carried out immediately after installing the roof;

A special profile lock firmly and accurately positions the beam in the wall relative to the above and underlying crown;

High strength and physical and mechanical properties, rigidity, clear geometry and structural stability;

Fast construction time (ready-made construction kit with pre-cut bowls), without the need to order a faucet;

Possibility of use for covering long-span structures;

The heat transfer resistance is almost twice as high as that of solid wood, since the structure of the timber is more uniform and free of cracks. For example,the thermal conductivity of a 150x150 beam is approximately the same as a log with a diameter of 240 mm;

Resistance to various climatic conditions, biological factors(insects, fungus);

Production in accordance with DIN, GOST standards. Wood species: spruce, pine, larch, cedar.
Glue: 1-component, polyurethane Purbond (Switzerland), class D4, environmentally friendly, certified.
Sections: 140/160/180/200/240 (h) * 80/120/160/200/240, length up to 13 m.
Surface quality: planed, roughness up to 200 microns.

This is a very precise, high-tech process. He does not tolerate inattention even to the most to the smallest details. Having decided to start producing laminated veneer lumber, the Siberian Wooden Houses company began with the main thing - searching for good wood.

During our work, we have thoroughly studied the properties of different types of wood. And therefore we decided to give preference to the best pine in the world, growing in the central regions of Russia. And the workshops themselves were located in Nizhny Novgorod, which is very convenient, since the wood does not tolerate long transportation; it can get wet or crack during transportation. The same measure allowed us to reduce the time period from cutting down a tree to obtaining the final result - finished timber.

Along with wood from the central regions, we also use more expensive Siberian wood, depending on the preferences of our clients.

After conducting a thorough analysis of existing offers in the segment of equipment for the production of “glulem”, we settled on production lines Western European production. In particular, our company purchased a number of high-quality German-made machines from one of the world leaders in the woodworking equipment market - the Weinig company. Therefore, we not only do not hide, but are also proud of the composition of our production “park”.

When gluing timber, adhesives from one of the world leaders in the chemical industry - AkzoNobel, based on melamine, which have high heat, water and weather resistance, are used. All adhesives used have quality and sanitary certificates.

But at the same time, production times are increasing. Depending on the project, the production of laminated veneer lumber for the construction of one house, in compliance with all necessary conditions, takes from a month to two. For some, this period may seem too long. In fact, high-quality execution everyone production processes not only ensures that the laminated timber preserves all performance characteristics in the long term, but also significantly speeds up the assembly of the house itself. Unlike building a house from rounded logs, carefully fitted parts from laminated veneer lumber are assembled on site literally like a construction kit, which simplifies the process of building the building as much as possible. As a result, the customer does not need to overpay for excess material and extra work construction team.

They began to build houses from laminated veneer lumber in Siberia due to the high quality characteristics of the material. Such houses shrink slightly, the walls crack less, and thermal insulation properties suitable for harsh climates. Houses made of laminated bursa in Irkutsk are loved both as large cottages and as small ones country houses. Bathhouses, garages and other buildings are built from laminated veneer lumber in Irkutsk. This article is about the cost and quality of houses made of laminated timber in Irkutsk.

Houses made of ordinary wood have always been favorably distinguished by their thermal insulation and aesthetic qualities from brick and concrete buildings. But due to low temperatures in Siberia, it was necessary to build from timber with a cross-section above 180 mm. And this brought with it a number of inconveniences:

  1. Involvement of additional equipment, since the timber weighed quite a bit.
  2. Walls 180 mm thick without additional insulation still not suitable for living in winter.
  3. Cracking and large shrinkage worsened appearance house, which subsequently had to be finished.
  4. The moisture content of timber with a cross-section of 180 mm or more does not always correspond to that stated by the manufacturer, since drying such a cross-section is difficult and time-consuming.

All these problems faded into the background with the advent of laminated veneer lumber. Homes have become more resistant to low temperatures, and the walls can be built with less thickness. All the advantages are associated with quality characteristics material:

  1. The shrinkage of the house is minimal, from ordinary timber it is exactly 10-15%.
  2. The thermal conductivity of the walls of a house made of laminated veneer lumber is 30% less than that of similar walls made of wood or regular timber.
  3. There are no cracks, inaccuracies in shapes or cuts in the bowls.
  4. The walls of the house are more durable due to the gluing of the lamellas in the opposite direction of the fibers, the drying of each lamella, and the quality of the wood, which undergoes careful selection at the manufacturing stage.
  5. Due to their lightness and regular geometric shapes, houses made of laminated veneer lumber in Irkutsk are erected in 2-3 weeks.
  6. Wall decoration, both internal and external, is not necessary.
  7. The fire resistance of glued material walls is higher due to additional processing, the density of glued lamellas, and a more even texture. Also, such a house rots less and is not so afraid of moisture, since there are fewer microcracks.
  8. The price of glued ohms in Irkutsk starts from 16 thousand/ruble m2, this also makes them attractive to residents of Siberia.

From production to construction site

Manufacturers in Irkutsk use raw materials from Siberia to produce laminated veneer lumber for houses. Northern forests are famous for their density, so the lamellas made from it are durable and have a uniform texture. A small number of “handicraft” manufacturers also speak in favor of such a product, since its production requires expensive equipment.

The wood is dried in special chambers and only then, after automatic selection, lamellas are made from it. Automatic selection allows you to completely eliminate the “human factor”, namely: violation correct form up to mm, the presence of dead rotten knots, the presence of blue stains, microcracks and other defects. Then the lamellas are glued into 12 m lamellas and only then glued under a press into a beam of the required section. All types of sections are made in Irkutsk, but for houses the most suitable material from 180 mm.

On special machines the finished laminated veneer lumber is profiled and bowls are cut to fit a specific house model. In Irkutsk you can build a house from laminated veneer lumber simple type. But the profiled version is more suitable, since its connection is tighter and the walls are stronger. For construction country house or baths, you can use a non-profiled glued version.

You can hear reviews about the uneconomical nature of such a house. But large Irkutsk manufacturers use only the highest quality adhesive compositions, which do not interfere with air circulation in the room and do not emit harmful fumes. The most commonly used adhesives are: AKZO NOBEL (Sweden) KLEBCHEMIE (Germany).

Then the house elements are assembled in production and the accuracy of cutting the bowls is checked. Only after this the timber is packaged in waterproof film and delivered to the construction site.

How to build a house easier and cheaper

Buyers in Irkutsk have two options for building a house from laminated veneer lumber: purchasing material from a manufacturer or dealer + hiring construction team, or order a turnkey service. Let's consider the pros and cons of such construction in the form of a table:

Stages and costs Turnkey house Purchase of timber from the manufacturer and construction
+ +
Pouring the foundation May be included in the cost of the service Costs more than pouring the foundation yourself It will cost less than ordering ready-made It will require a lot of effort and the purchase of a large amount of materials. Installation requires certain knowledge, since due to small inaccuracies the finished house may not withstand it.
Search for quality laminated veneer lumber from the manufacturer Included in the service Products can be compared from different manufacturers. Wasted time.
Finding and paying a construction crew Included in the service You can build a house on your own and save on assembly costs. You may encounter non-professionals.
Work control Included in the service You constantly need to monitor the work and all material that may disappear in an unknown direction.
Choosing a house project Included in the service You can take standard project from the Internet. It is difficult to design and calculate the material yourself.
Drank cups for a given house Included in the service You can do it yourself. Difficult to do without knowledge and skills.
Speed ​​of construction 3-7 weeks 9-15 weeks (plus time for finding a crew and purchasing materials + drawing up a project)
Installation of windows and doors Included in the service Only those options offered by the developer are offered. You can find the cheapest ones or those that best suit you. Waste of time.