Bath border. Ceramic bath border Installation of a ceramic bath border

The main purpose of a bathtub border is to close the gaps between the walls and sides that are formed during installation. Additionally, this element also performs decorative functions, since it makes the bathtub look more attractive and neat. Curbs differ in type and method of fastening, and to choose the most best option, it is best to study their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of each type in advance.

The most common are borders on mineral and polymer based. The first type includes products made of marble, granite, ceramics and other similar materials, the second - made of plastic, foam plastic, polystyrene. Let's look at the main characteristics of both types.

Ceramic and stone borders have a more presentable appearance and are durable. With careful use, they can easily last 20 years, or even more, without losing their visual appeal. Thanks to their dense solid structure, they are resistant to acids and alkalis, can be easily cleaned of dirt, and are not affected by mold and other microorganisms. At the same time, these products are quite fragile and can crack and break from an accidental impact or heavy load.

The glossy surface does not tolerate the use of abrasive cleaning agents, which causes scratches to appear on it. Installation of such borders requires more skill and accuracy in work. As a rule, they are chosen if the bathroom is lined with tiles, tiles, porcelain stoneware, because against the background of plastic cladding, ceramic elements do not look entirely organic.

PVC-based borders quite varied. They differ in shape, color, width, texture, and method of fastening. Plastic corners are manufactured in three versions - soft, semi-rigid and hard. Rigid borders often have elastic silicone or rubberized edges, which increases the adherence of the material at the joints. Besides, plastic elements can have a one- or two-part profile. One-piece borders are divided into internal (mounted under the cladding) and external (mounted on top of the tiles). Two-part ones are attached to the lined surface.

The advantages of plastic include, first of all, simplicity and ease of fastening. Even if the surface is not very flat, there are no particular difficulties with the fit of the curb. Thanks to the presence of corner elements, there is no need to cut and adjust parts at the joints yourself. The material is resistant to temperature changes and moisture, does not warp over time, has decorative look. The range of models is very wide, as is the price range. You can find PVC borders of excellent quality and at the same time inexpensive.

As for the disadvantages: the surface of the plastic quickly loses its original shine, white borders turn yellow over time. Because of this, they look less aesthetically pleasing and attractive. Plastic can be damaged not only by an accidental blow, but also during the cutting process during installation, if you press hard from above. As a rule, such borders have to be changed every 3-4 years.

Rolled or strip borders- this is the fastest and cheap option sealing gaps. Self-adhesive tape is highly elastic, waterproof, and easily attached to any surface.

The material contains fungicides, so there is no risk of mold. Unlike ceramic and plastic borders, rolled ones do not crack under impacts and increased loads, are easy to cut, and can bend at any angle. If necessary, the tape is easy to replace.

This type of borders is not particularly diverse. Standard tape has a single color smooth surface, width 29, 40 and 60 mm, total length - 3.2 m. The most common are white and transparent tapes, but some manufacturers produce rolled borders in other shades - pink, blue, beige, green. The disadvantage of these products is their fragility - the service life is a maximum of 2 years.

Bath border

DIY border installation technology

Attaching curb tape

The reliability of sealing joints greatly depends on the quality of the tape itself. The adhesive properties of the material decrease over time, so when purchasing, be sure to check the expiration date - it is usually 24 months. In addition, it is best to purchase such products in large hardware stores, where all goods are stored properly. If the tape was stored in an unheated room and froze, after installation it will quickly begin to peel off. Also, do not take a roll in damaged packaging, with a blurred production date or other defects.

During the work you will need:

  • roll of curb tape;
  • silicone sealant neutral in composition;
  • solvent;
  • sharp knife;
  • household hair dryer.

The tape border must be attached to a strong, solid base. If the gap between the side of the bathtub and the wall is more than 10 mm, you need to either fill it with something, or use a hard plastic or ceramic border instead of tape. For filling it is recommended to use a solution based on epoxy resin, you can take waterproof tile adhesive.

The mixture is made thicker than when laying tiles, and carefully distributed around the perimeter of the gap. For convenience, use a narrow rubber spatula to remove excess mixture. If the gap is through, attach it under the side of the bathtub wooden slats so that the solution does not fall out. After filling the gap and setting the mixture, the slats are removed.

Step 1. The sides of the bathtub and the adjacent areas of the wall must be very thoroughly cleaned of dirt. If this new bath, just wipe everything with a damp, clean cloth to remove dust. If the bath is already in use, the surface must be rinsed soap solution and then rinse clean water and dry with a hairdryer. After this, the working area is degreased with a solvent and dried again.

Step 2. Sealant is carefully applied around the perimeter of the joint using a gun, carefully filling the slightest cracks and depressions.

Step 3. Begin gluing the tape from the very edge of the side. Take the roll in your hands, bend the protective backing 10-15 cm and lay the tape so that the fold line on it exactly coincides with the joint line. Press the glued end firmly and smooth it to remove air bubbles. Next, remove another 15 cm of the substrate and repeat everything again. The tape should not be pulled too hard, but also do not allow wrinkles to appear - the material should lie evenly along its entire length.

Step 4. Having reached the corner of the side, the tape is carefully bent and continued to be glued in a straight line until the end of the joint. Next, the material is cut with a knife flush with the edge of the bathtub, and the cut area is treated with sealant.

Step 5. Where the border is folded, folds form at the corners. To remove them, the protruding part of the tape is cut off with a knife, and the cut is lubricated with a small amount of sealant. Then strips 20 mm wide are cut from the roll and the sections are closed very carefully.

It is not advisable to use the bathtub during the day, since the glue must gain the necessary strength. If the tape gets wet at this time, the material may peel off.

Attaching a plastic curb

PVC borders with an adhesive base are the easiest to install, but this method does not always provide maximum protection against water flowing over the sides of the bathtub. This is why many people prefer to buy regular plastic corners and attach them with silicone or glue. Depending on the design, installation methods have certain differences, and therefore we will consider each of them in more detail.

Method 1. This option is used for fastening external curbs with a one-piece profile. You will need:

  • PVC border;
  • hacksaw with fine teeth;
  • miter box;
  • pencil and tape measure;
  • sealant or glue;
  • masking tape.

Step 1. The sides of the bathtub and the adjacent areas of the walls are thoroughly cleaned of dirt with soapy water, washed with clean water and dried. Particular care should be taken to clean the joint between the bathtub and the wall, since this is where the most dirt accumulates.

Step 2. Take measurements of the bathtub in width and length, then measure the required distance on the curb and mark the cut points with a pencil. If corner elements not included in the kit, cuts are made at an angle of 45°, but only on the side where the parts of the border will be joined. At the ends the profile is cut straight.

Step 3. Parts of the curb are applied to the bathtub to check how accurately the measurements are taken. The parts must fit tightly and evenly at the corners, and their length must correspond to the length of the gap.

Step 4. Stripes should be glued along the border on the wall and on the sides of the bathtub masking tape. This is necessary so that the released glue does not stain the surface. Between the edge of the tape and the plastic, leave a gap of 2 mm along the entire length both on the wall and on the bathtub. For convenience, you can first draw lines with a pencil, holding parts of the border with one hand so that they do not move. After this, the border is removed and tape is applied along the markings.

Step 5. Apply silicone or glue along the perimeter of the joint in a thin, uniform layer and lay the first section on it. They are leveled along the edge, gently but firmly pressed to the surface of the wall and bathtub. You need to hold this position for several minutes until the glue sets. Be sure to remove any excess that protrudes from under the plastic. Next, take the next part, apply it, check how the cuts fit together, and glue it.

This option is also possible: glue is applied directly to the border itself (in a continuous strip along the center and along the edges on the back side), after which the corner is applied to the surface and pressed firmly for 10-15 seconds. Any drops of glue that come out are wiped off. Once the glue is completely dry, plumbing sealant is applied along the top and bottom seams. Smooth out the sealant with a thin rubber spatula.

The remaining parts are glued in the same way, carefully joining them together. When the entire border is installed and the seams are treated with sealant, you can remove masking tape. The ends of the corner are covered with plastic plugs, which are usually included in the kit.

Advice. The described method is also suitable for attaching foam borders, which are a cheap alternative to plastic products. To give them a more aesthetic appearance, after the sealant has dried, it is recommended to cover the foam with latex paint to match the color of the bath.

Method 2. Installation of the curb under the cladding. If you plan to lay tiles yourself and have the necessary skills for this, this method installation will not be difficult. The curb fixed under the cladding lasts much more securely and longer than the external version.

But in case of damage, simply replacing the element will not work: first you will have to dismantle the bottom row of tiles. Installation begins after installing and connecting the bath to the sewer. To avoid damage to the bowl, it is covered from the inside with film or other material.

Step 1. The surface of the wall is cleaned of dust, primed, and allowed to dry completely.

While the primer dries, measure the length and width of the sides, and cut the border according to the measurements. They try on the pieces for the bathtub, and correct the cuts if necessary.

Step 2. According to the instructions, dilute the tile adhesive, let it sit, and in the meantime clean the sides of the bathtub from dust and degrease it. It is recommended to seal the front part of the border along its entire length with masking tape so as not to stain it during installation.

Step 3. Apply glue to the wall and spread it with a notched trowel.

Take the border and lay it so that the perforated part extends onto the wall, and the lower edge fits tightly to the surface of the border. Gently press the profile, pressing it into the glue.

Step 4. Apply a little more glue on top of the border and attach the bottom row of tiles in the standard way. The edges of the tiles should rest tightly against the profile so that there are no gaps. Excess glue that appears at the edges is immediately wiped off. Having reached the corner, do the same on the other side.

Step 5. After finishing the cladding, the joint between the curb and the bathtub is filled with silicone sealant, smoothed out, and excess is removed. Finally, remove the masking tape from the border and cover the ends with caps.

Method 3. Border with a two-part profile. This type of border consists of a mounting strip and a front part, which are easily fastened together by snapping. Preparatory stage is no different from the methods described above - the surface is cleaned, degreased, dried, and the profile is cut according to the size of the bathtub. Next you need to attach the mounting plate. This can be done in two ways: screw it on or glue it. If the wall is tiled, it is better to choose the second option so as not to spoil the tile.

So, take the mounting strip, apply glue on the back side in a continuous strip, lay the part on the joint and press it firmly against the wall and the bathtub at the same time. The rest of the parts around the perimeter of the bathtub are attached in the same way. When the glue dries well, place it on the plank front part profile and press lightly until the lock clicks into place. Corner elements are fastened in the corners in the same way, and decorative caps are installed at the ends.

There is another type of plastic border, characterized by an elongated bottom. To install such a border, a through gap between the bathtub and the wall of at least 3 mm wide is required. The lower part of the profile is inserted into the gap, the side parts are coated with silicone or glue and pressed to the surface. This option is also quite reliable and easy to implement.

Fastening a ceramic border

Installing a ceramic border is more difficult than a plastic one, but not much more. The main thing here is to take accurate measurements and trim the edges correctly, because ceramics, unlike PVC, are not so easy to cut. Preparatory process described above, so we will not dwell on it.

Advice. To calculate the required number of elements, you need to measure the total length of the line of contact between the bathtub and the walls, divide it by the length of one element and round to higher value. In case of damage during installation, it is recommended to add 2-3 more parts in reserve.

Step 1. The border is applied to the bathtub and cut lines are marked. If the kit does not include corner pieces, the cuts are made at an angle of 45 degrees to ensure the parts fit together correctly. You can trim the edges with a grinder, or you can use pliers: having marked the cut line, use the pliers to grab the edge of the part and break it off piece by piece. After this, the resulting cut is ground smooth.

Step 2. Dilute the tile adhesive and apply it with a spatula on the back side of the border. Place the first element on the joint, adjust it, and press it to the surface. The next element is tightly adjusted to the previous one so that the seams between them are as thin and inconspicuous as possible.

Ceresit CE 40 Aquastatic. Elastic water-repellent grout

If the technology is followed, problems with water leakage do not arise. The most common installation mistake is poor surface preparation. Many people consider degreasing unnecessary if the bathtub appears clean visually, but as a result the adhesive peels off. You also need to dry it very well, otherwise you won’t be able to achieve a seal.

Video - Bath border

Video - Bath border tape

Video - Ceramic bath border

After installing the bathroom, shower tray, sink or washbasin, there remains a gap between the side of the appliance and the wall. Sometimes it is only a few millimeters, but water still gets there, flows down the wall onto the floor and, if the sealing is insufficient, can “delight” the neighbors below dark spot on the ceiling. Even if you live on the ground floor or in a private house, dampness under the bathroom will not bring anything good - mold and mildew, a musty smell. That’s why they try to close these gaps. There are numerous and varied bathtub curbs that cover this gap. They are placed not only on bathtubs, but also on trays in the shower or near sinks. Simply choose a different profile and its dimensions. But the installation principles remain the same.

The gap between the wall and the bathtub and the choice of border

If the bathtub was installed after finishing the walls, a gap will inevitably remain between its side and the wall. Big or not very big - depends on how much smooth walls and whether the bathtub itself is level. In any case, it is better to seal this gap. Firstly, there will be no dampness under the bathtub, and secondly, the appearance is better.

To choose a border for a bathtub, you need to proceed from the width of the gap. Depending on the distance to the wall, the installation sequence changes:

Having decided on the technology for sealing the gap, you can choose a border for the bathtub. It's not as easy as it seems - a lot different options, so you might get lost.

Types of bath borders and their installation

All bathroom borders can be divided into two large categories, each of which has several subtypes:

Products from the first group are more affordable in price, and they are also easier to install. Ceramic, marble or granite borders are more expensive and difficult to install, but they also look much more colorful. True, it must also be appropriate.

Installation of plastic borders and corners

If we talk about plastic bathtub curbs, they can be installed under tiles and on tiles (or any other wall finish). The border on the bathtub floor tiles is installed during the finishing of the walls - its upper edge is placed under the tiles. This option is good, but it is impossible to move/replace the bathtub without destroying the finish.

The second type of borders is installed after finishing work has been completed. In this case, the bathtub is simply placed against the wall, and the existing gap is closed with one of the plastic or polymer corners.

Plastic borders installed on tiles are available in different profiles, with different sizes shelves. The sides of these products themselves are elastic and they fit tightly to the wall and plumbing fixtures. Regular finishing plastic corner more rigid. It can be installed hermetically only on a smooth wall - not on tiles and, especially, not on embossed tiles. For such cases there is a plinth on PVC bathroom with rubber sides. The rubber edges of this border fit snugly even in the seams between tiles and in the relief. Where the fit is not tight enough, glue or sealant “works”.

What adhesive sealant to use

In most cases, the bathtub curb is installed with silicone sealant. But then problems arise: after a while the seam becomes dark and mold develops. Everything has to be removed, disinfected, degreased and put back in place. Interval between normal condition and the appearance of mold is different for everyone - from a year to several months. It depends on the intensity of use, but more on the availability of sufficient ventilation in the bathroom. If ventilation is poor, it may bloom within a few months.

There is a way out. And not even one:

  1. You can use sealant for aquariums. It does not bloom under any conditions (perhaps it contains antibacterial components). Like regular plumbing sealant, aquarium sealant is available in white and transparent. Only the packaging is usually small and the price is higher. But he's worth it.
  2. Waterproof glue. Anyone, but good and reliable. If you need an example, Moment Crystal. Inexpensive, reliable. But one thing: you must use it strictly according to the instructions. Then it lasts a long time, and fungi and mold do not grow on it.
  3. A good (read expensive, branded) sealant based on MS polymers. It is truly hydrophobic and continues to repel water even after years, while regular acrylic begins to leak after only 4-6 months. Among MS polymer sealants there are compositions with antibacterial components that prevent the development of fungi and mold. After drying, they remain elastic, so they can withstand minor movements of cast iron or metal baths without problems.

How to glue it so it doesn't fall off

Many have already used a bathtub border more than once, but every time problems arise - after some time, a corner or baseboard falls off the wall. This happens because when using a bathtub or shower, they move at least a little. You step into the container, it moves a little, come out - again minimal, but the movement, lean on the edge of the bath - it moves again. And so every time. Naturally, if you attach the curb to the bathtub tightly, sooner or later it will fall off. Acrylic bathtubs and shower trays have a larger range of motion, while steel and cast iron have a smaller range of motion. Accordingly, the baseboard falls off faster from acrylic containers, but lasts longer on others.

One of good options— provides reliable fastening to the wall

To avoid this problem, glue the PVC border for a bathtub or shower tray only to the wall. This is especially true for acrylic containers. With this installation method, a layer of glue on top prevents water from leaking into the gap between the bathtub and the wall. The lower part of the corner is pressed tightly against the side (you need to press it well when installing), preventing water from entering from the side. In this case, all movements are easily compensated by the elasticity of the material and the baseboard stays on the wall.

This border will work well with an acrylic bathtub - there is no need to glue it at the bottom

If you are not satisfied with this option, look for a sealant that remains sealed after drying (in particular, these are the same sealants based on MS polymers). For cast iron and steel baths it will fit and the bathtub curb will hold up. For acrylics, this is, unfortunately, not an option - the movements are too great.

Why does the baseboard stink?

There is another unpleasant moment that often appears after PVC installations bath border - bad smell from under the plastic. It is not possible to make the connection 100% airtight, although microscopic cracks remain. Water seeps into them and stays there. After a while, the water rots and begins to emit that same smell. This happens due to the adopted technology for installing bathroom edges - it is recommended to first fill the gap between the bathtub and the wall with sealant, and then install the baseboard. The idea is clear - so that water that gets under the baseboard does not leak under the bathtub. This is what happens - the water remains in the remaining gap, where it “smells”.

To avoid such a nuisance, it is better to install the bathtub border directly on the wall, without first filling the gap with anything. Yes, with this installation, a few drops of water may leak under the bathtub. But such an amount will not cause any harm; with sufficient ventilation, the moisture will dry out after some time.

The procedure for installing plastic curbs for the bathroom

With all the differences in the method of installing profiles different types, there is a certain sequence of actions that is followed and leads to good result. In general, you need to act like this:

That's all. The bathtub curb has been installed. Now you need to wait a while until the composition hardens and sets. The exact period depends on the type of adhesive/sealant used and can take from several hours to several days.

Using this method, self-adhesive (border) tape is also installed to finish the junction of the bathroom and the wall. It's inexpensive and quick way seal a small gap. Such a finish may last only a little less than plastic, but there is less fuss with it, although all stages preparatory work remain in effect.

There is one point that must be remembered if you install the curb on acrylic bath. Before gluing, the bathtub is filled more than half with water and left in this form until the sealant polymerizes.

Methods for gluing a border with adhesive tape and a flexible (rubber) edge

It just seems that installing a strip of plastic with an adhesive layer is simple. Not at all: you need to immediately install it in place, since moving the baseboard is impossible. It is also not possible to peel off if an attempt fails. the best way out— part of the glue remains on the tiles and the side of the bathtub/shower tray. In general, you need to practice without removing the protective tape first.

Even if you immediately managed to put the border in place, not everything is so rosy with skirting boards of this type. The fact is that the tape on which they are attached is quite thick and even the edges pressed tightly against the wall and sides do not fit so tightly. It is quite possible to leak in some places, especially at the seams.

If you really like this bath skirting board, you can glue it with glue/sealant. To do this, peel off the adhesive tape, apply an adhesive compound to the reverse side, place it in place, and press it very well. The layer of adhesive is thin, the baseboard is pressed very tightly, and leakage is almost eliminated.

And one more thing - so that the border does not come off, there is no need to apply glue to the side that is attached to the bathtub (described above).

Installation technology for a ceramic bath border

Ceramic borders consist of straight, corner and end elements. The number of straight elements is calculated based on the dimensions of the bathtub/shower tray, corners and ends when standard accommodation For a bathtub, two are required; for a shower tray, there can be one angle. Take the number of straight elements with a small margin - for trimming.

It is advisable to inspect all elements before installation. If there is a need (they do not fit together exactly, there are differences in thickness, etc.), the back side can be worked on a little with a file. It is better not to use an angle grinder - the chance of doing more harm than correcting it is too great.

Installation methods

The method of installing a ceramic border depends on the finish of the wall and the size of the gap. If it's tile, you can use waterproof adhesive. If the tiles are embossed or the wall is simply plastered, installation with adhesive does not provide the required level of tightness. In this case, install a ceramic bath border using a special tile adhesive for wet rooms. It is sold in bags in dry form; before use, a certain amount is mixed with water until smooth.

Colors can be different, but more often they use white - to match the color of the bath

Sequence of actions

The whole process consists of a sequence of steps:

The process of installing a ceramic border for a bathroom is not much different from laying tiles. The actions are the same. It is necessary to align the elements in two planes - so that both the edges and the plane go smoothly and without differences.

Almost any bathroom renovation ends with the installation of the main element of this room. As a rule, replacing a bathtub involves a number of fairly complex work on installation.

In order for the bathtub to be convenient to use and to last a long time, it is not enough to install the container itself correctly. Appropriate high-quality plumbing is required, as well as finishing to prevent water from leaking onto the floor into the gap between the wall and the edge of the bathtub. Otherwise, you are guaranteed permanent mold and mildew on all surfaces of the room.

Why do you need a bathtub border?

Previously, the problem of water leakage was solved using cement putty, which was covered with oil paint on top. It looked rather unattractive and sloppy, and this option is only suitable for cast iron bathtubs; for example, cement simply will not fit on a modern acrylic container.

Today, in order to prevent such a nuisance, a special border, which can be made of a variety of materials, is used to seal the gap between the bathtub and the wall. In this case, the most preferable option is a ceramic bath border, which is durable and has a good aesthetic appearance.

Comparison of ceramic border with other types

As a rule, from modern materials choose one of three standard types of border:

  • Self-adhesive tape that is quickly and easily installed without requiring additional work for applying the adhesive composition. However, this type of border most quickly loses its attractive appearance and functionality; after a year it needs to be changed. Therefore, it is mainly used for temporary protection against water leakage.
  • A plastic border is not much more difficult to install and has a longer service life. But due to the fact that this type is attached with sealant or liquid nails, a situation often arises when small gaps still remain between the wall and the plank, which allow moisture to pass through. Therefore, the main function of such a border is more decorative than protective. In addition, plastic is easily damaged by mechanical stress and may turn yellow over time.

A ceramic bath border does not have all of the listed disadvantages. It is strong, durable, and thanks to the installation method it guarantees complete waterproofing of the gap. In addition, if it gets dirty, it can be easily washed with any detergent.

What is good about a ceramic border?

A ceramic bath border is suitable for those who love solidity and reliability. Given that correct installation and some care in using the bathroom, a ceramic border can last up to 20 years without losing its aesthetic and functional properties:

Primarily due to fastening to tile adhesive and additional use silicone sealant completely eliminates the possibility of water leakage.

Due to its rigidity, the ceramic bath border does not deform during use and retains its attractive appearance throughout its entire service life. Dirt does not linger on the surface of this material, mold does not form, it does not become cloudy or turn yellow.

The large range of building materials offered on the market will allow you to choose any solution for your bath. Convex and concave borders with or without a pattern, as well as a huge variety of shades - all this is quite affordable. If recently it was difficult to find a ceramic border of the required color, today many tile manufacturers have started producing such elements for their collections. So you won’t have any problems choosing the right material for your bathtub.

Disadvantages of a ceramic border

A ceramic bath border has not only advantages, but also disadvantages:

  • Still, ceramics is a fairly fragile material that can be easily broken by directed mechanical action. Therefore, it is still necessary to exercise some caution when using the bath. In addition, this property complicates the installation of the curb.
  • Rigidity and complete lack of flexibility also cause inconvenience during installation, so this work is often entrusted to professional finishers.
  • The cost of ceramic material is much higher than the price of plastic or tape. But, however, if you consider that the last two materials will have to be changed periodically, the issue of price becomes quite controversial.

What is required for installation?

Before gluing a ceramic border to a bathtub, you need to carefully study the technology. First of all, you should buy finishing material and select an adhesive for fastening. As a rule, tile adhesive is used for this purpose, onto which the border itself will be attached. Usually 1-2 kg is enough. You will also need silicone sealant with antiseptic additives to act as waterproofing of the gap.

If you plan to buy silicone in tubes, the application of which does not require the use of a special gun, three 50 ml pieces will be enough.

We purchase ceramic bath borders in quantities 10-15% more than required, usually two or three additional strips. This reserve will be useful in case of accidental damage to the material. In order to correctly calculate the required amount of border, measure the length of the walls in contact with the bathtub. The resulting perimeter is divided by the length of the slats. If a fractional result is obtained, it is rounded up to the nearest integer.

You will also need spatulas for applying and leveling adhesive solutions and an emery block for processing edge cuts.

How to install a ceramic border correctly?

If you decide to finish the bathtub yourself, keep in mind that this work is quite a complex undertaking. The inability to bend the bar in any direction significantly complicates the installation, and most importantly, the adjustment of the border elements.

Let's consider the most difficult option, when a ceramic corner bathtub border is attached directly to the wall under the tiles.

In order for the fastening to be reliable, you must first clean the surface of the bathtub and the adjacent wall from all contaminants. After that, you need to dry the joints and apply a layer of sealant around the perimeter of the bath in such a way as to completely close the gap. You can use a small rubber spatula for leveling. At the same time, carefully ensure that there is not a single crack left into which water could seep in.

While the sealant hardens (the time required for this is indicated on the packaging), you can start preparing the tile adhesive.

Preparation of material

The glue solution is diluted according to the instructions on the package. Before proceeding with installation, it is necessary to use a grinder with diamond blade cut the planks into pieces of the required length and figure out how to glue the ceramic border to the bathtub. By the way, if you don’t have a grinder, you can use another method. A line is drawn at the site of the future cut, after which small pieces of material are carefully plucked off. Such the method will work when it is necessary to cut off just a little border. Otherwise, the material consumption will be too great.

After this, we put the border in place and check whether the length corresponds to the required dimensions. The remaining space in the corners will subsequently be covered with corners, which are made from the same border. To do this, small pieces are sawn off from it with a cut on both edges at an angle of 45 degrees.

Laying the border

It is recommended to lay the ceramic border between the bathtub and the wall in pairs; this will guarantee an accurate fit of the material and the smallest possible gaps at the joints.

The cuts of both borders are sanded using an emery block until the gap between them becomes very small.

After both planks are adjusted, tile adhesive is applied to their back side, and the border is laid in place. In this case, the protruding excess solution is immediately removed. Likewise The entire ceramic border for the bathtub is laid. The corner, which must be prepared in advance, is installed with the same adjustment for the joints as in the case of the planks. All elements must be carefully adjusted and located close to each other. For easier installation, you can use a rubber mallet, which is very convenient for tapping elements when leveling.

After installing all the parts, leave the glue to set for a day. The next day, it is recommended to moisten the strengthening solution with water.

After the glue has gained the required strength (check the time on the packaging), all joints must be treated with grout or sealant. The result should be a ceramic bath border like this (photo):

Installation of border on tiles

Installing a border on tiles is much easier due to the use of a minimum of materials. In addition, the surface of the tile is smooth and horizontal, which greatly simplifies the fitting of elements. All that needs to be done is to clean all surfaces from dirt, degrease them and dry them. Any waterproof glue or liquid nails are applied to the tiles, then the border is attached using technology. After the adhesive has set, the gaps are treated with sealant or grout.

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After completed renovation work related to tiling the walls and floor of the bathroom with ceramic tiles, and new plumbing equipment has been replaced and installed, it remains to carry out some measures that are important both in aesthetic terms and in terms of protecting the room from moisture.

We are talking about preventing water from entering through the possible space between the bathtub and the tiled walls of the room into the interior of the room. This can cause the formation of fungus and mold, as well as premature failure of plumbing equipment and furniture installed in the bathroom.

There are various borders for the bathroom - ceramic, plastic and tape

There are several ways to solve this problem, from radical ones, with cutting the side of the bathtub into the wall, to simply sealing the gap with silicone sealant. But the most acceptable option would still be not only to isolate the gap between the wall and the equipment, but also to give the entire structure an aesthetic appearance.

A ceramic border for a bathtub fully satisfies these conditions; ebbs, matched to the tone of the tiles, can completely transform or complement the interior of the room.

Types and characteristics of bathtub borders

Construction and finishing materials provides large selection profiles that can be glued along the perimeter of the bathroom, and thereby create aesthetic ebbs that do not allow water to seep between the wall cladding made of ceramic tiles and bathroom. The most common are borders made of plastic or ceramics.

Plastic casts

Are more economical option, they are installed using “liquid nails” or plumbing silicone sealant. Retail chains offer a wide range of similar products, in various sizes, textures, surface types, profile shapes, material densities and shades. Among the positive aspects, we can highlight the reasonable cost and the ability to install it yourself; gluing plastic borders is not difficult even for a person far from the construction trade. There are plastic borders on which a fixing compound is applied in advance so that they can be glued sufficiently and removed protective film and fix the ebb at the place of its installation.

The bathtub curb is designed to seal the gap

The disadvantage of PVC sills is their relatively short service life, due to the insufficient strength of the product; it must also be taken into account that plastic sills can still partially allow moisture to pass through and, therefore, do not guarantee complete tightness of the junction of the bathtub rim and tiles wall cladding.

Tape tides

Variety plastic castings, are tape self-adhesive borders, they are made of fairly elastic polyethylene, which further simplifies the installation process. To reliably stick the self-adhesive element, the side of the bathtub and the surface of the tile, you need to thoroughly degrease it, for more reliable fastening and better sealing of the joint, the tape border can be glued to plumbing silicone sealant.

Be sure to clean the surface from grease and dirt before gluing the strip border.

If beautiful, expensive tiles were used for tiling the bathroom, and high-quality plumbing equipment and furniture were installed to match it, it is highly impractical to glue plastic sills, and especially strip plinths. The point is that quality tiles And good plumbing can last a long period of time, which PVC products cannot “boast” of, and from an aesthetic point of view, a cheap plastic version will certainly ruin general impression from expensive repairs.

Most often, the necessary ceramic glazes can be purchased as a set for the tiles that are planned to be used for tiling the walls of the bathroom, but if the required products are not available, you will have to select suitable option, tone and texture corresponding to the overall decoration of the room.

Ceramic borders and corners for bathtubs are very durable and aesthetically pleasing

Gone are the days when ceramic tiles for bathtubs were made from tiles by cutting strips of the required width from the tiles. Now the need to make a product with your own hands has completely disappeared; not only linear fragments are available for sale, but also various additional elements, including corner ones.

Castings from natural materials

For an expensive and sophisticated interior, ebbs from natural materials, they are made from marble, granite, travertine and other natural and artificial stones. The product can be glued both to the bathtub under the tiles and on top of the tiles. Such borders will last a long time without losing their attractive appearance. appearance and perfectly cope with the functions assigned to them in preventing leakage between the bathtub bowl and the adjacent wall. But it is worth remembering that this option is also the most expensive, due to the high price of the source material.

To combine the design of the room with the finishing of the bathtub, when choosing a sliver from natural stone, it is necessary that the interior elements or plumbing equipment of the room also include a similar natural material.

Features, types, advantages and disadvantages of ceramic samples

After analyzing possible options sealing the junction of the bathtub with the walls, we can confidently say that the most acceptable would be the use of ceramic borders. This confidence is facilitated by a large number of advantages inherent in products made from this material in comparison with other samples:

  • immunity to strong and concentrated chemicals and negative influence aggressive environment;
  • long service life;
  • large selection of products;
  • high resistance to deformation, sufficient strength and hardness of the material;
  • resistance to significant temperature changes;
  • low water absorption;
  • environmental friendliness and ease of care.

The disadvantage of ceramic castings is their low resistance to targeted strikes, if heavy and hard objects fall, the product may be destroyed.

Installing a border allows you to simultaneously ensure the tightness of joints and decorate the room

Today, ceramic borders are presented in three types:

  1. Pencil. It is a thin, convex strip with a varied texture on the front side, usually used to treat minor cracks.
  2. Angular. The most common type, the profile has a triangular cross-section, which promotes a tight fit of the product both to the side of the bathtub and to the wall tiles, and is used for laying on medium-width seams.
  3. Frieze. A rarely used type of ceramic slab, it is a convex or corrugated strip, with a length equal to the width of the tiles with which the walls of the room are lined.

Preparing for installation

Before you begin installing curbs on the bathtub, you need to prepare all the tools and consumables, as well as make calculations required quantity tides and related materials.

What you may need:

  • ceramic border;
  • tile adhesive;
  • sanitary silicone sealant;
  • silicone gun;
  • grater, with sandpaper or paper;
  • spatula;
  • pliers.

Calculation of basic and consumable materials

The method for calculating the number of border elements is quite simple and looks like this:

  1. We measure the length of all sides of the bathtub that will be decorated with a ceramic border.
  2. We sum up the measurements obtained and divide the result by the length of the selected border.
  3. We round the resulting number up and add two or three products per possible breakdown fragment during processing or cutting.

It is important to consider the dimensions of the sanitary container, bathroom, texture and color of the tiles

The amount of silicone is determined based on the considerations that standard bath, approximately 15-200 ml of sealant is consumed, 1.5 kg of tile adhesive is needed.


Work on installing a ceramic sill includes a number of stages in a certain sequence:

  • the installation site is thoroughly cleaned of dirt, degreased and dried;
  • the gap between the bowl of plumbing equipment and the wall is filled with silicone sealant; if the gap exceeds 0.5 cm, it can be filled with polyurethane foam;
  • a corner ceramic casting is placed on the prepared glue and subsequent longitudinal fragments are mounted from it;
  • upon completion of installation, the structure is allowed to stand for 7-10 hours and after that the laid border is generously moistened with water to allow the tile adhesive to harden evenly;
  • after final drying, the seams between the tiles and the ebb are sealed with sealant or the same grout that was used to treat the wall cladding seams.

If you do not have sufficient experience in working with tiles and installing ceramic sills, then it is better to entrust their installation to specialists.

Ceramic borders on the bathroom do not require any special care, but must be cleaned and tidied up while caring for the entire tiled surface of the room.

Even a professional experienced craftsman When installing a bathtub, there remains a slight gap between it and the wall, let alone a novice craftsman who does the installation with his own hands.

The gap in this vulnerable spot occurs due to the curvature of the wall surface, a violation of the sequence of work, or uneven edges of the product itself. If the bathtub is tiled beautiful tiles, then a ceramic border for the bathroom will help to seal the joint, which will organically blend into the interior of the room. In this article we will tell you what a tiled corner is, how to choose it, and then install it.

Types of ceramic corners

A ceramic corner is a decorative element made from tiles of the same color and texture as the tiles, used to protect the joint between the bathtub and the wall from moisture penetration, which often causes dampness, unpleasant odors, or the spread of mold or mildew.

Professional craftsmen call this element a “fillet,” but this term is much less common. The border is selected to match the tiles used for wall cladding, so as not to destroy the integral appearance of the room. There are the following types of tile fillets:

Pay attention! Typically, one tile collection includes a ceramic corner of 1-2 types. If you have chosen a tile that does not come with a special border, you can choose a border suitable color in other collections. As a last resort, you can make a corner yourself by cutting the tiles into strips 3-4 cm wide.


It’s quite easy to choose a beautiful and high-quality ceramic corner for tiles, thanks to the extensive range. Professional masons strongly do not recommend using plastic borders to seal the joints between the bathtub and the wall if the room is decorated with tiles. The advantages of ceramic corners are:

Please note that it is not recommended to seal the joint between the tiles and the bathtub using a plastic border, which costs much less than a ceramic one, since due to the low porosity of the tile, it is problematic to securely fix such a border. In addition, the service life plastic products much less than the service life of the tiles.


Ceramic corner – effective remedy eliminating the gap between the tiles and the bathtub, into which water flows and splashes when using the shower. However, high cost This element makes homeowners wonder whether fillets are really needed to decorate this room. Disadvantages tiled borders believe:

Please note that when choosing ceramic corner To seal the gap between the tile and the wall, you need to take into account the width of this element. It is important that the width of the curb exceeds the thickness of the gap by 2-3 cm.


Installation of the ceramic border is carried out after installing the bathtub and tiling the walls. For work, use tile adhesive, silicone sealant with antibacterial additives, a spatula and grout for joints. The work is performed in the following order:

Please note that the space between the joints is the most vulnerable place to moisture and mold, so it is recommended to use special moisture-resistant grout with antibacterial additives to fill it.

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