CNC is a Japanese method of processing wood with fire. Do-it-yourself deep firing of wood. Application of technology at home

  1. Application
  2. Wood requirements
  3. Processing technology
  4. We use a burner
  5. Japanese way

Fire is the most dangerous enemy for wood and can quickly destroy any product made from it. It is strange to hear about the use of an open flame to process this material. With skillfully controlled firing of the surface, the characteristics of the wood are improved.


Treating wood with fire emphasizes the natural structure, enhancing the contrast of the pattern, creating further immunity to rotting, ultraviolet damage, etc. In addition, such material acquires fire-resistant properties. The surface loose layer, burning, closes the tubules and pores of the wood, creating damage from sunlight and wind. Protect from destruction various impregnations and antiseptics. However, such products are expensive, contain chemical additives and can be toxic. Flame processing is environmentally friendly, economical, and does not require high professional skills.

Burnt wood in the interior looks aesthetically pleasing. This is how home brushing is performed - artificial aging of products and furniture: chests of drawers, tables, chairs, panels, baguettes, boxes. You can burn the material for installing joists floor coverings, window casings, frames, doors, stairs, gazebos, technical buildings, benches, well logs, fences. If it is necessary to process complex massive structures, it is advisable to fire wooden parts before collecting structures in order to successfully carry out subsequent cleaning of hard-to-reach places. Working with prefabricated structures is risky: you may not keep track of the direction and strength of the flame, and this will lead to a fire. It is better for inexperienced craftsmen to start with small boards or products.

Wood requirements

Deciduous trees - maple, birch, beech, cherry, alder and others - cannot be treated with fire. It is advisable to burn only coniferous species: cedar, larch, spruce, pine. Their soft structure allows you to get beautiful material no stains. For decorative products, canvas of any quality is suitable: with knots, complex curves, eyes - the more impressive the result will be. Burning soft fibers form depressions, hard ones will become more prominent, after cleaning this will provide a textured contrasting surface. Wooden parts can be processed chipboards, covered with coniferous veneer. If you need burnt wood for large-scale construction work, it is better to choose a higher quality one without structural defects.

Fresh material does not need to be pre-prepared before firing: the flame will remove all roughness, replacing grinding. You will have to think about the appearance after treating the wood with fire. It is enough to clean off the resin stains from the lumber. If they catch fire, the entire work will be ruined. If the surface of the furniture or other product was previously covered with putty, paint or varnish, the remains are sanded to prevent unexpected ignition and to protect against stains that cannot be cleaned. Wood impregnated with stain is fired general rules. Surfaces coated cannot be treated. It is better to sand the old darkened wooden canvas, getting to the fresh fibers, in order to obtain an outwardly beautiful material at the finish.

The wood for firing should not be damp. This is especially true for fresh boards. 15% is the permissible upper limit of moisture content.

Processing technology

In industry, large amounts of wood are fired in special vacuum furnaces. The thickness of the combustible layers can reach 20 mm. It is difficult to do this work at home. You can protect the material from destruction and make it beautiful using household tools.

Before starting work, you need to take care of the safety of the surrounding space and the objects in it. Firing must be done on outdoors in calm weather. Small boards can be processed on the balcony, large items should be taken outside. At the same time, it is imperative to remove paper, plywood, cardboard products, rags, textiles, and flammable materials from nearby surfaces. chemicals. It is advisable to work on a fire-resistant stone surface or metal sheet.

Suitable flame sources for firing include:

  • powerful blowtorch;
  • construction hair dryer;
  • burner;
  • gas cylinder with a special nozzle;
  • Dremel.

In addition to fire and wood, you will need a tool to clean the burnt layers. If you plan to process small bars and planks, a stiff wire brush will work well. Large-scale structures - large furniture, floors, stairs, buildings - are more convenient to clean with a professional grinder, grinder saw, or drill with a special attachment.

To sweep away the remains of burning, a fleitz is required - a brush with soft bristles..

All work is carried out while protecting eyes, hands and clothing from possible sparks and fumes. Place a bucket or other container with water nearby to extinguish unexpected outbreaks of fire.

We use a burner

Burning gas burner most convenient. The flame should be even, calm, elongated and have a blue tint. The highest temperature required for pyrolysis is located at the top. Strong yellow fire for firing is unacceptable. For successful flame treatment, apply the flame evenly several times over the surface. The movements should resemble painting the material with a brush. It's better to start from the top. The burned board needs to burn to a depth of about 4 mm. For training, an inexperienced master can try burning unnecessary trimmings, achieving a high result.

When the surface is evenly charred, the loose burnt layer is cleaned with a prepared tool. Use a brush or sander to work along the fibers so as not to damage the structure. At the same time, they use a flute to get to deeply hidden burning particles, cleaning them out. The cleaning process is painstaking and time-consuming. This must be done carefully and carefully, removing the detached soot completely, otherwise the material will look unsightly. The quality of work is checked by wiping the wood with a napkin or soft cloth. To enhance the relief and give the wood the appearance of a real antique, repeat pyrolysis and brushing.

As a result of processing, a relief surface is obtained from dark golden to chocolate shades. If desired, an aniline-based dye is applied to the surface or immediately done finishing coat. You can use tinted primer mixtures, oil primers, nitrocellulose clear varnishes, waxes.

Japanese way

Using this technology, wood is only cleared top layer ash, wash the boards in water, and then soak them in tung oil, which has antiseptic and moisture-repellent properties. The processed material will acquire a noble black-silver tint and shine. Modern approach allows you to use a gas burner for convenience, although in the old days, for such purposes, wood was simply placed in a fire or oven. Roasting allowed to Japanese masters protect wooden structures And residential buildings from the spread of fires - the ash layer is practically immune to the effects of fire.

The service life of burnt wood increases several times. For maintenance, it is enough to varnish or impregnate it once every 1–2 years.

The use of Japanese woodworking is mentioned as early as the 18th century. At that time, Sugi cypress trees were burned in large numbers, which were the source of fires on the islands. Looking at the appearance of the charred wood, the local population became interested in the properties of the resulting material. After which the Japanese began to widely use this practice of firing. This technology is called Yakisugi, which means “cedar languor”.

In Japan, cedar is widely used among softwoods. construction work. This treatment of wood with fire allows the texture to appear, and also eliminates the problems of rotting, burning during fires, and damage by insects. In addition, the shelf life of the material is extended to several decades, which is why it is used for facade works, construction of fences and wall decoration.

However, these processing technologies wood material are ancient, they were used by almost all peoples and tribes. The firing method and the use of hot resin for impregnation are very common. Their advantage is that the channels between the fibers become smaller and are filled with resin, protecting the inside of the logs from the negative effects of physical factors.

An outer crust up to 0.5 cm thick is formed, which protects the internal layers of the logs. If earlier a fire was used for firing, today they use the fire of a burner or blowtorch. The method is suitable for processing soft coniferous species, which are known for their durability and high oil content. These include pine, cedar, spruce, etc. Such forests are common in all regions of Russia, which is why the method is also known in these places.

Properties of burnt wood

The Japanese technology of wood processing by fire gives the material a deep gray tint, an unusual reflection of gray hair and uneven surfaces. Japanese simmering differs from other types of firing: the material can be impregnated with oils once every 4 years, painted and applied to it with different decorative compositions. Although there are few people who want to change the color, because the resulting color is unusual and deep. These actions extend the service life of the material.

Japanese craftsmen are very careful about nature and themselves, so they try to do without chemicals. Their method does a good job as antiseptics or fire retardants. In addition, fired material ignites more slowly than unfired material, which is its advantage.

Woodworking is carried out as follows: parts are prepared from a material rich in resins, fired with a burner for 10 minutes, then dipped in water for rinsing. After washing, use a wire brush to clean the surface from excess roughness and carbon deposits. After all these activities, a thin charred layer remains, which can protect against moisture, microorganisms, insects, protozoa and fire.

Finish made of “simmered cedar”

After firing, the wood is used immediately, or it is further impregnated with oil. Houses finished with this method are found throughout Japan, which proves their strength and durability. The appearance of such houses is distinguished by a peculiar iridescent shade of gray, which cannot be achieved by mixing different colors. The range of shades of the charred cover depends on the firing time: from silver, brown to black tones. The resulting material is used not only when working with the facade, but also in the manufacture of furniture and other accessories for room decoration.

To learn proper Japanese firing, you don’t have to go to the East. The method is simple, so you can watch a video that clearly shows the stages of the procedure and try the technology yourself, observing fire safety rules. However, at home, the method is difficult to reproduce, since it is necessary to clog the pores and eliminate uneven polymers. If firing is carried out correctly, it will not be possible to re-ignite the material. And the resulting residual heat will kill insects, bacteria and fungi located in the thickness of the wood; the outer layer will not allow them to penetrate into the thickness. The resulting wood can last 80 years after treatment, without requiring special care or biological treatment.

Wood burning technology is used to create finishing material called "Burnt Wood". Experienced builders know that wood is an environmentally friendly and very difficult material, which always needs to be treated with special impregnations before it can be used in construction and repairs.

However, there are methods that allow you to protect wood and make it suitable for construction without the use of antiseptics and fire retardants, they received widespread in Europe, Asia, America.

What is the firing technology?

1. Thermal treatment of wood involves burning coniferous wood using a gas burner.

2. The entire procedure takes up to 10 minutes, then the material is immersed in water.

3. The board is removed from the water, thoroughly washed and cleaned using special metal brushes that allow you to get rid of carbon deposits.

If the firing is uniform, this allows you to create a charred layer 1-5 mm thick on the surface of the board. This work allows you to protect the material from water, harmful microorganisms, insects, and even fire. At the same time, such a board as building material does not lose its own and can be used anywhere.

Thermal treatment of wood at home, with some skill, really allows the wood to become less susceptible to the effects of fire. As soon as the material dries, it can be immediately used for its intended purpose. However, it can be given more best characteristics, if additionally treated with special oils.

A list of such oils can be found in any hardware store, and their range is very diverse. There is no point in recommending a specific manufacturer; you just need to clarify that builders, as a rule, leave negative reviews about the cheapest oils.

Unrivaled technology

It's amazing how effective heat treatment wood, especially if you know that in Japan charred wood is used on the facades of almost every house. However, this is far from the only way to use this technology.

It is noteworthy that firing wood allows you to paint the material in a unique silvery shade, which cannot be achieved with any paints. Moreover, the depth and saturation of this color directly depend on the skill of the master and, most importantly, the duration of firing. For example, the board can take on colors ranging from gray to jet black. Naturally, the material resulting from this work could not but interest many designers and decorators.

Today, if you wish, burning wood with your own hands can be done quite simply; for this you only need strict adherence to technology and skill. If you learn how to do this work, you will soon be able to use unique material When finishing the interior, flooring, it makes excellent furniture. At the same time, processing wood by firing allows you to make the wood more durable, and all you need is to periodically apply oil impregnation to it.

Firing wood is one of the simplest ways to decorate and protect the surface from a number of harmful effects. How to properly perform such an operation at home is described step by step in the article.

Who invented burning wood?

According to one version, it is generally accepted that the Japanese were the first to burn wood. At the same time, they used this technology, oddly enough, not on their products. Initially, in this way they saved forests from fire during the fire season. Burnt bottom part the barrel became difficult to ignite and, accordingly, was less susceptible to fire.
The second popular legend also comes from Japan. If you believe this version, then the Japanese once noticed that after a fire in the forest, charred trunks survived longer than those that had escaped the fire. In particular, they noted for themselves that burnt wood does not rot so quickly, and it is also not sharpened by insects at all.
Later, this technology, suggested to people by nature itself, began to be used in construction. So, before installation it was burned roofing board, wall beams, wooden piles. This made the building more durable, protected from insects and, partly, from fire.
Even later, firing began to be used to decorate wood products, in particular, for furniture used outdoors. The goal, in this case, was not only to protect the material from harmful influences, but also to give the surface an attractive appearance.
There is also a version that the Vikings began burning wood long before the Japanese. They used this technology to process their ships.

Benefits of charred wood

The advantages of wood treated with open fire are as follows:

  • presentable appearance;
  • unattractive to insects;
  • increased fire resistance;
  • compacted surface;
  • increased strength;
  • improved moisture resistance;
  • wear resistance;
  • protection from ultraviolet radiation.

In addition, in the process of firing low-quality lumber, almost all defects are eliminated - darkening, blueness, slight rot. The processed product also does not require planing and finishing sanding.

Application of technology at home

In everyday life, firing of lumber is used everywhere. The technology allows you to turn pine into wood without the use of stains, toners and oils rare breed. In particular, with deep firing, which is described in this article, the most defective pine easily turns into wenge (grows mainly in Africa).
It is especially useful to use firing in the manufacture of products and structures that will be used outdoors. It could be garden furniture, fence, gazebo. They are also often treated with fire wooden elements housing - cladding, front boards, terraces, stair balusters and so on.
The burnt ones will look beautiful wooden boxes, gift cases, picture frames, grooves and photographs, various stands and lamps.

What kind of wood can be fired?

Not all wood can be protected and decorated in this way. First of all, this applies to fruit trees, oak, ash and alder. However, the most common lumber – pine and spruce – can be fired perfectly. Veneer and multi-layer plywood can also be treated with fire.
For firing, it is best to choose a material on which the ornate structure is visible. During processing, soft wood will burn and be removed, while hard fibers will stand out more. dark color. At the same time, knots, blue stains, fungus and other defects are not a problem for fire.
When firing coniferous wood, it is better to use dried material. It burns much faster, it contains less resin, which will cause certain problems later. It is also quite possible to burn raw wood. However, it should be borne in mind that such treatment will partially clog the pores of the material, and the moisture remaining inside will take much longer to come out, which is not good.

Firing tools and materials

The main tool in this matter is a gas burner. Just an open fire gas stove, fire, etc.) does not fit well, and it will not be possible to evenly burn a large surface. It is also not advisable to use blowtorch on gasoline. It burns, of course, excellently, but drops of unburnt fuel can fly out of its nozzle, leaving shiny spots on the wood. As an alternative, you can try using a hair dryer. But it takes a lot of time, and deep firing cannot be achieved.
A gas burner is best suited for this task. It costs a penny, is safe to use, easy to control and configure. You can get by even with the cheapest option made in China, which together with a can of gas will cost about $5.

For large-scale work, it is better to get a large gas burner, which is designed for laying bitumen roofing.
In addition to a source of directed fire, you will also need felt. As a last resort, you can take a dishwashing sponge from the kitchen and use the harsher side for the job.
Essentially, that's all there is to it.

Stage-by-stage firing of wood. Nuances of technology.

Deep firing should begin with a superficial passage of the burner through the material. At this stage, you need to heat the wood evenly, burn out any protruding lint, and also uncover places where resin is concentrated in large quantities. These areas will need special attention later.

The photo clearly shows such places. As a rule, they appear on knots, and after the first pass they do not darken, but are covered with boiling resin. It is highly flammable and can ruin the entire result, so you should warm up the knots carefully. Warmed it up, waited until it boiled, then again. Repeat until the boiling stops.

While the resin is boiling and the wood in these places is cooling, the second stage is carried out in parallel - deep firing. The goal is to get the surface to char and crack slightly. The photo below clearly shows what it looks like.

The next stage is cleaning the surface from soot. This can be done in several ways: using felt, a soft brush or a special attachment for an angle grinder (brushing brush). The only condition for all cases - it is necessary to remove soot only in the direction of the wood fibers.
Sandpaper is not suitable for these purposes. It is advisable to use it only for surface firing of wood. In this case, it is necessary to remove all burnt soft fibers, and sandpaper It won't cope with this task without scratches.

By the way, if you want the result to be lighter than in the photographs shown, you need to brush the surface longer. But you can achieve lighter shades only with a brush. You won’t be able to “reach” light wood with felt.
Some craftsmen wash off the soot with water, which, in principle, gives a good result. But it should be borne in mind that dry wood, in direct contact with water, will take on some moisture, which, in turn, can lead to deformations and other problems in the future. A more predictable result is obtained only dry.
After firing, all that remains is to coat the wood with a protective compound. To get a silky, matte surface that feels like pure wood, use special oils. Glossy surface that shimmers under the sun's rays and under different angles visibility from black to light - obtained after applying several layers of conventional wood varnish.


In general, decorating the simplest pine using firing is not a complicated procedure that requires experience, expensive tools and compounds. The main thing is not to allow this long burning wood, completely evaporate the resin, achieve cracking and remove soot only in the direction of the fibers.

Yakisugi- Japanese technology wood processing"languishing cedar" is a Japanese technology for treating wood surfaces using fire. This simple process not only allows you to reveal the texture of the wood, but also protects it from fire, rot and insects. The service life of such wood increases to 80 years, so it is used for cladding the facades of houses and building fences.
The story began in the 18th century with a mass burning to fire protection patches of Japanese cypress "Sugi" densely covering Japanese villages. After some time, residents understand that burnt cypress wood is perfectly protected and amazingly beautiful; the Japanese began to widely use it in construction.

But in fact, wood burning was used by almost all nationalities, since in ancient times, along with tarring (impregnation of wood with hot resin), burning was itself a common way to protect wood from rotting. The point is that under the influence high temperature During the process of pyrolysis, the fiber channels in the outer layer of wood become narrowed, clogged with resins and combustion products, which significantly strengthens the top layer of wood and increases its service life. In the old days, a regular fire was used to burn wood. Very often logs, floorboards and roofing boards were burned. In Rus', this process was called “smoking.”
The advantages of such wood after fire treatment:

Fire protected
- Does not rot;
- Protected from insects and fungi;
- Ease of manufacture;
- Does not change appearance and color over time;
- Service life - up to 80 years.

Nowadays, a gas burner is most often used to burn wood. To achieve the desired effect, resinous rock boards are folded into a triangular shape to form a box and then fired for 7-10 minutes. The duration of thermal exposure affects the durability of the fired board and is determined by the type of wood, its moisture content, the thickness of the board and the desired effect of structure and color. Then extinguish the burning surface and clean it with iron brushes from the remaining ash and rinse running water. Ready! Now this wood can be used for cladding a facade, a route or a fence