Electronic money and payments. Electronic money, what is it and how to get it

Electronic money is the monetary obligations of the issuer in electronic form, which are on electronic media at the user’s disposal. Such monetary obligations meet the following three criteria:

  • ·Fixed and stored on electronic media.
  • · Issued by the issuer upon receipt of funds from other persons in an amount not less than the issued monetary value.
  • ·Accepted as a means of payment by other (other than the issuer) organizations.

There are already many payment systems in the world based on the use of electronic payments. However, there is no precise legal definition of the term “electronic money”, and not only in Russia. This concept applies to in various ways payments used in practice, and these payment methods may be fundamentally different from each other. There are mentions in the press about electronic money when talking about chip cards. Following this logic, all cards using chip technology are electronic money, and cards with a magnetic stripe are not electronic money. In fact, a card and money are by no means the same thing.

Therefore, for greater correctness, expressions such as “new payment systems”, “Internet payments”, “electronic cost” are often used. Although in fact, everyone working in the field of e-commerce has not yet come to a unified approach to understanding these issues. Unlike other countries, where there are already clearly established and documented definitions. In particular, in ten industrialized countries, “electronic money” refers to value placed electronically on a device such as a chip card or hard drive. personal computer. Moreover, this definition is given in a number of official documents.

Electronic money is money that is recorded as numbers on accounts in bank computers that move without any paper through electrical and electronic networks. This is money that cannot be seen “live”; as they say, it does not have “hard copies” (paper or coin representation).

It should be noted that the publications of the European Central Bank pay great attention to theoretical aspects the phenomenon of digital money. The Electronic Money Report, published back in August 1998, defines it as follows: “Electronic money is broadly defined as the electronic storage of monetary value by means of a technical device that can be widely used to effect payments not only to the issuer, but also other companies and which does not require the mandatory use of bank accounts for transactions, but acts as a prepaid bearer instrument.”

Later, in September 2000, the European Union Directive 2000/46/EC on electronic money activities and the prudential supervision of institutions engaged in these activities was adopted, which clarifies the definition of electronic money: monetary value representing a claim to the issuer, which:

  • 1) stored on an electronic device;
  • 2) issued after receiving funds in an amount not less than the issued monetary value;
  • 3) accepted as a means of payment not only by the issuer, but also by other companies.

It is incorrect to view electronic money as a competing alternative to regular money. Their very appearance is caused by the need to provide support for commercial transactions on the Internet where the use of ordinary money is inconvenient or impossible. Therefore, it is worth considering electronic money as an addition to real money, or as another tool for carrying out trading operations on the Internet, complementing cards.

Electronic money does not increase the mass of money, but obviously increases the speed of circulation - after all, it is primarily a means of speeding up and ensuring transactions where the use of conventional money is either inconvenient or generally inapplicable.

In general, digital money refers to two realities that strongly overlap, but are different. This is, firstly, physical, that is, something that can be “touched”, so-called smart cards in which digital cash can be stored. Smart-cards (“intelligent” cards) are devices that are not much different in appearance from a simple credit card, but, unlike it, they contain an entire computer, that is, a processor, memory, program and input/output device. All this is integrated into one small chip, so it does not cost much more than a regular credit card.

And, secondly, virtual, that is, something that cannot be “touched”: various electronic payment systems for paying for goods and services over the Internet. These systems should not be confused with such a long-established (in the West) part of the banking service as electronic banking or Internet banking, which is a regular service that a bank provides to its client to facilitate the management of their account. Electronic payment systems on the Internet serve to carry out fast and secure payments between numerous Internet users (customers, stores, information desks, etc.), and form a new market sector - the market of payment systems for payments via the Internet. The term "electronic money" is relatively new and is often applied to wide range payment instruments that are based on innovative technical solutions. The consequence of this is the absence of a single, internationally recognized definition of electronic money, which would unambiguously define its economic and legal essence.

Electronic money is characterized by an internal contradiction - on the one hand, it is a means of payment, on the other, it is an obligation of the issuer, which must be fulfilled in traditional non-electronic money. This paradox can be explained using a historical analogy: at one time, banknotes were also considered as an obligation that was payable in coins or precious metals. It is obvious that over time, electronic money will be one of the varieties of forms of money (coins, banknotes, non-cash money and electronic money). It is also obvious that in the future banks will issue electronic money, just as they now mint coins and print banknotes.

A common misconception is the identification of electronic money with non-cash money.

Electronic money, being a non-personalized payment product, may have a separate circulation, different from the banking circulation of money, however, it can also circulate in state or bank payment systems.

As a rule, the circulation of electronic money occurs using computer networks, Internet, payment cards, electronic wallets and devices that work with payment cards (ATMs, POS terminals, payment kiosks). Also, other payment instruments are used various shapes: bracelets, key rings, mobile phone blocks, etc., which contain a special payment chip.

Electronic money is integral part electronic economy.

It is legally important to distinguish between electronic money:

  • a) circulating within electronic money systems operating on the basis of bank cards,
  • b) circulating within electronic money systems operating on the basis of computer networks.

The first type of electronic money includes monetary value expressed in electronic form, stored on bank plastic cards (smart cards) or stored-value cards (SVC - the same as prepaid cards) ) or electronic wallets (e-purses) that have a built-in microprocessor with the cash equivalent recorded on it as a result of prepayment. Strictly speaking, only multi-purpose cards (i.e., used for payments in favor of not only the card issuers themselves, but also other legal entities and individuals) should be classified as electronic money of this type.

The most common electronic money based on plastic cards are Mondex and Visa Cash. Banks act as issuers and payers for these cards, and the basis of the cash equivalent stored and moved with their help is bank deposits. A fundamentally new phenomenon in this group is cards or other means of payment issued by telephone, transport and other companies (not banks) and accepted for payment by both issuers and other companies (for example, cards of the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority or cards of some telephone companies in Russian Federation and Japan, as well as Russian e-port cards).

If many companies begin to accept such cards, then clearing and settlements on them will no longer be carried out through banks, but through the accounting documents of the issuing companies. At the same time, as experts note, “bank” (i.e., regulated by central banks) money is used only as the initial link in the value chain: the buyer of the card pays for it either in cash or with a bank check. For further transactions, the need to maintain appropriate balances in bank accounts (and even simply inform financial institutions on transactions) is eliminated and, consequently, the need of commercial banks for funds stored in reserve or current accounts in central banks is reduced.

The classification of electronic money is based on the differences underlying the issue:

  • ·electronic money issued within the framework of openly circulating systems (OCS)
  • ·electronic money issued within the framework of closed circulating systems (CCS)

Let's take a closer look at the emission features in each case.

Electronic money in openly circulating systems has the ability to exchange value between business entities, while the issuer maintains only the emission database without interfering with transactions. For the most part, electronic money of this type is a theoretical convention, since at the international level there are no examples of successfully functioning systems of this type (at the national level, an example is the electronic money systems of Mondex, Ultimus, etc., but they have not received widespread). It is also clear that this type electronic money includes electronic money based on smart cards from the first classification, but is broader and fully reflects the essence of electronic money. Main properties of electronic money of this type:

  • 1. They are issued to carry out sequential transactions between agents within the payment system;
  • 2. Their circulation does not require a three-way connection of the “Client-Issuer-Client” type;
  • 3. They exist separately from the issuer until they are returned to him;
  • 4. Can circulate freely;
  • 5. Heterogeneous;

From these properties we see that this type of electronic money is closest in characteristics to cash, except for the last point - after all, homogeneity can only be achieved if there is one issuer, for example the Central Bank (centralized issue of electronic money is being discussed in many countries, but it is actually planned only in Singapore for now).

The second type of electronic money originates within the framework of closed circulating systems - electronic money in this case must be returned to the issuer for verification and destruction after each transaction. They, in turn, are divided into three types:

  • ·electronic money with unlimited purchasing power;
  • ·electronic money with limited purchasing power;
  • ·Prepaid electronic money;

electronic money with unlimited purchasing power is electronic money, the issuance of which is based on bank deposits - the most widely used electronic wallets are Chipknip, GeldKarte, Moneo, Proton, Quick and others. To ensure the integrity and security of payments, the issuer must control every transaction for each user - that is, there is a three-way dependence of information flows. The main properties of electronic money within the framework of the digital currency system:

  • 1. Issued to make a separate payment;
  • 2. Require three-way communication to make a payment;
  • 3. Exist only within the limits of a separate payment;
  • 4. Cannot communicate freely between users;
  • 5. They are not homogeneous;

The final payment in such a system is made using “real” money, and electronic money is used only as money of account. Thus, this type of electronic money, in fact, should expand the interpretation of demand deposits, or act as a new form of deposit.

Let's consider electronic money with limited purchasing power. This electronic money is atypical for closed circulating systems, since the three-way communication is broken - a much more extensive network of connections appears. Understand this type electronic money can be used as an example of a union of enterprises and stores, where part of the salary is issued in “real” money, and part is loaded onto the card as electronic money, which can only be spent within the framework of this union of enterprises and stores. The purpose of these electronic money is to increase sales of their own products and attract additional funds on an interest-free basis.

The last type of electronic money is prepaid electronic money, where the issuer is at the same time the only manufacturer of the product. As an example, consider telephone cards and transport cards. Here the payment function is carried out at the stage of purchase, that is, prepayment of the card.

Thus, electronic money issued under different emission systems differ in nature. Electronic money is on initial stage their development, their huge and varied number and an even greater number of systems for organizing payments using them.

A study of the essence of electronic money showed that electronic money cannot be considered only as a sale of the issuer’s liabilities, and they themselves as a monetary asset, since this is typical only for a narrow range of payments within openly circulating systems.

In closed circulating systems, electronic money is only counting money, and the payment function is performed by the amounts placed with the issuer, that is, electronic money here is nominal money.

In systems with limited purchasing power, electronic money is a financial asset for a limited number of issuers. Prepaid systems are not monetary in nature at all, since there is an advance payment for a specific service or product.

Electronic money is a qualitatively new direction in implementation. Today, electronic wallets around the world allow you to quickly pay and receive payment for purchases, pay bills, earn money, invest, and all this via the Internet, without leaving your home. Comfortable? Undoubtedly. What is it, and what types of electronic money are the most popular in Russia? All this is discussed in this article.

What is electronic money and electronic wallet?

Electronic money is the same thing that is in your wallet and on your bank card, the only difference is that it is used to pay on the Internet. Here, just like with a card, you can pay for goods via the Internet (and in different countries), exchange them for another currency, pay bills, public utilities and mobile communications, buy air and train tickets, transfer from wallet to wallet, withdraw them for real money. The list is almost limitless.

Electronic wallets are especially loved by those who prefer to earn money as a freelancer, since most of them are anonymous and do not require identification

Payment with electronic money is fast and convenient, not requiring filling out paperwork, going to stores and banks, or standing in queues. All payments can be made at your computer monitor without leaving your home; you just need to select the appropriate payment system.

What is EPS?

The concept of electronic money and its types are inextricably linked with the concept of “electronic payment system”. This is an organization that takes care of your wallet after you open it, similar to how a bank takes care of your financial transactions after you open a card account with it.

In Russia, there are different types of electronic money systems, each of which has its own functionality, different levels of development and popularity, different degrees of coverage, and different goals. Some of them interact with each other and allow you to transfer funds from the wallet of one OPS to the wallet of another, naturally, with the charging of a certain commission. Why is this being done?

Each payment system has its own money. Suppose you want to order some goods via the Internet, and you have an open wallet from OPS number 1, where your electronic money is. The online store where you want to make a purchase accepts payments only through OPS number 2. Then you will be faced with a choice - whether to open a wallet in OPS No. 2 and invest money there again or simply transfer funds from OPS wallet No. 1 to it.

How to put money into your wallet?

Electronic money, the types of which will be discussed below, are usually assigned to a specific bank, so you can transfer it to electronic money through a bank cash desk. There is such a function through mobile or online banking. You just need to indicate which payment system you use and how much you want to transfer.

By the way, some types of electronic cards allow the creation of plastic cards that can be used to make payments through the terminal. You can also withdraw cash from them, just like from regular bank cards.

Types of electronic money and their characteristics

As mentioned above, right choice wallet will allow you to largely avoid problems with commissions and delays in payment in the future. This decision depends on which country and what types of payments you are going to make. For example, in Belarus, electronic wallets with Belarusian currency are active only after complex identification has been completed, so here you are unlikely to be able to pay with an electronic wallet. Of course, such complex nuances are not available everywhere; clients are then offered a choice of popular electronic money, the types of which are used in payments all over the world.


One of the most popular and convenient payment systems in the world is that of the global auction eBay. PayPal electronic money allows payments in 203 countries around the world. A special advantage of PayPal is the numerous types financial transactions and methods for withdrawing cash.

This payment system allows:

  • transfer any funds from your personal account;
  • carry out payment transactions using the mobile version;
  • carry out simultaneous transactions with several persons;
  • send an invoice for payment by mail;
  • make daily withdrawals to your account and much more.


The second most popular electronic money, the types of which allow making payments mainly in Russia and the CIS countries - Although they can be converted into dollars, Ukrainian hryvnia, Belarusian rubles, their main currency is the Russian ruble.

In this system everything is also fast and simple; you can carry out a huge number of instant operations:

  • payment of receipts and services;
  • payment for goods;
  • accepting payments;
  • withdraw money to a plastic card;
  • transfer from a card to another user’s card.

For these services, OPS charges a 0.5% commission on the amount. When withdrawing funds - 3%.

A big advantage of Yandex.Money is the ability to connect your wallet directly to your own website. This way, your customers will be able to instantly pay for goods using another wallet, bank account or card directly on your website.


One of the very first OPS, WebMoney Transfer, is widely used by many users of the Russian-speaking part of the Internet and some Western European countries. However, you should be careful and clearly understand where the payments will be made when connecting this electronic money, the types of which are prohibited, for example, in Germany.

The WebMoney system uses 4 currencies - dollar, hryvnia, Belarusian and Russian ruble. With their help, you can also carry out a huge range of operations - from paying for commodity and financial bills to accepting payment for goods on your own website.

  • through the cash desk of Sberbank;
  • via card;
  • via mail;
  • through exchange offices;
  • via Western Union and many others.


Another Russian payment system, used more in payments between CIS countries. Unfortunately, despite a fairly wide range of operations, you rarely see it in online stores. But you can use it quite conveniently and quickly to pay bills for your apartment, television, internet and telephone.

The Qiwi system is especially loved by those who are not particularly comfortable with the Internet. The task is simplified thanks to numerous terminals that help carry out transactions.

In addition to the above, the classification and types of electronic money include RUpay, Stormpay, Moneybookers, Liqpay, Wallet One, Money Mail and many others. Their use is not as common as, for example, WebMoney or Yandex.Money. If you want to make payments in the CIS countries for goods in online stores or, conversely, receive payment on the website, it is better to connect a more popular wallet.

How to start using electronic money

The principle of working with an electronic wallet is usually the same for all payment systems, so we present general algorithm actions.

  1. Choose the e-wallet that suits you best and go to its official website.
  2. Complete a free registration, fill out the necessary information about yourself, and, if necessary, provide your passport information, depending on how you will use this wallet. Some systems recommend going through a verification and identification process. To do this, you will most likely need to send a scan of your passport or come to the OPS office (bank branch) to confirm your identity. Such complex system identification is needed if you, for example, are a private entrepreneur or plan to deposit and withdraw large amounts from your wallet. After completion, more options for working with the account will open up. Many wallets, on the contrary, allow you to open your wallet anonymously. This option will do freelancers who do not want to advertise their income.
  3. Some OPS offer to download a mobile offer, which makes it more convenient to make transactions, for example, WebMoney.
  4. The last step involves replenishing your wallet with cash or electronic money.


The popularization of electronic money contributes not only to fast payments via the Internet, but also to the rapidly developing fraud. Therefore, it is extremely important to choose and trust your funds to reliable, trusted companies. If you have not heard of this or that payment system before, you should not enter your personal data into the registration form, much less transfer funds without knowing where. Beware of scams!


So, now you know what electronic money is - the essence, types, and forms of use, as well as the fact that it is a convenient, fast and reliable way to carry out monetary transactions right in front of your computer monitor. Trust only proven payment systems. Firstly, today they are available in almost any online store, railway and air ticket offices, cinemas, and service centers. They allow you to pay any receipts - from fines to loans and apartment bills. Secondly, these systems are reliably protected from fraudsters, and you can completely trust them with your funds without fear. Thirdly, they have a huge number of ways to conveniently replenish and withdraw cash if necessary.

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Electronic money is a virtual currency that is equivalent to regular cash or non-cash funds and does not require opening a bank account.

In fact, this is money, the turnover of which occurs not in the form of paper bills, but through the introduction of computer technologies and modern system communications.

At first glance, electronic money looks like non-cash payments, but this is not entirely true. Non-cash funds were originally familiar monetary units that a person, for example, deposited in a bank account. After which they turned into his working capital within the banking system.

Electronic money is initially a form of money whose storage is the Internet. They can be used by a person to pay for goods on the Internet or withdrawn to a bank card for cash withdrawal or non-cash payments. One electronic monetary unit is equal to a fiat monetary amount.


Now the fly in the ointment.

  • Not everywhere you can pay with this currency.
  • There is usually a fee for transfers to wallets of other systems.
  • Internet addiction: no Internet - you can’t use it.
  • Electronic currency is not regulated by the government.
  • Limitation on the size of transfers, cash withdrawals, etc.

Now the issue of using electronic money is relevant. Business is increasingly conducted via the Internet, and you can’t live without such currency.

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More videos on our channel - learn internet marketing with SEMANTICA Let's look at an example of what kind of service this is. Larisa is a journalist. Constant business trips, busy work. There is very little time for homework. Utility payments are often delayed. A colleague advised me to open an electronic wallet. I chose Yandex.Money for its convenience and wide range of functions. Now transferring money for services, telephone and even insurance premiums takes several...

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Electronic money is the monetary obligations of the organization that issued it (the issuer), located on electronic media under the control of users.

Main features of electronic money:

  • carrying out issuance in electronic form;
  • storage on electronic media;
  • the issuer's guarantees for their provision with ordinary funds;
  • their recognition as a means of payment not only by the issuer, but also by a number of other organizations.

To clearly understand what electronic money is, it is necessary to distinguish it from the non-cash form of traditional money (the latter is issued by the central banks of various countries, and they also establish the rules for their circulation).

Credit cards, which are only a means of managing a bank account, have nothing to do with electronic money. All transactions when using cards are carried out with ordinary money, albeit in non-cash form.

The history of electronic money

The idea of ​​electronic payment systems appeared in the 80s of the twentieth century. It was based on the inventions of David Shaum, who founded the DigiCash company in the USA, whose main task was to introduce electronic money circulation technologies.

The idea was quite simple. The system carries out operations with electronic coins, which are files-obligations of the issuer with his electronic signature. The purpose of the signature was similar to the purpose of the security elements of paper bills.

Principles of operation of electronic money systems

For successful work This payment instrument requires the willingness of organizations selling goods and providing services to accept electronic money as payment. This condition was ensured by the issuer’s guarantees for the payment of amounts in real currency in exchange for electronic coins put into circulation by it.

In a simplified form, the system’s functioning diagram can be represented as follows:

  • The client transfers real currency to the issuer's account, receiving in return a file banknote (coin) for the same amount minus a commission. This file confirms debentures the issuer to its holder;
  • The client uses electronic coins to pay for goods and services in organizations that are ready to accept them;
  • The latter return these files to the issuer, receiving real money from him in return.

With this organization of work, each party benefits. The issuer receives his commission. Trading enterprises save on costs associated with cash handling (storage, collection, cashier work). Customers receive discounts due to lower costs from sellers.

Advantages of electronic money:

  • Unitability and divisibility. When making payments there is no need for change.
  • Compactness. Storage does not require additional space or special mechanical protection devices.
  • No need for recounting or transportation. This function is performed automatically by payment and electronic money storage tools.
  • Minimum emission costs. There is no need to mint coins or print banknotes.
  • Unlimited service life due to resistance to wear.

The advantages are obvious, but, as usual, there are no difficulties.


  • The circulation of electronic money is not regulated by uniform laws, which increases the likelihood of abuse and arbitrariness;
  • Necessity of availability special tools making payments and storing;
  • For a relatively short period of operation, reliable means of storing and protecting electronic money from counterfeiting have not been developed;
  • Limited application due to the unwillingness of all sellers to accept electronic payments;
  • The difficulty of converting funds from one electronic payment system to another;
  • Lack of government guarantees confirming the reliability of the issuer and electronic money as such.

Storage and use of electronic money

Electronic wallet– this is software designed for storing electronic funds and carrying out transactions with them within one system.

Who organizes the functioning of these systems and issues electronic money?

Electronic money issuers

Requirements for issuers vary from country to country. In the EU, issuance is carried out by electronic money institutions - a new special class of financial institutions. In accordance with the legislation of a number of countries, including India, Mexico, Ukraine, only banks have the right to engage in this activity. In Russia – both banks and non-banks financial organizations provided they obtain a license.

Electronic payment systems in Russia

Let's look at the most popular domestic systems and give answers to questions about how to buy and how to cash out electronic money in each of them.

The largest operators are Yandex.Money and WebMoney, their total share exceeds 80% of the market, but there are also PayPal, Moneybookers, and Qiwi...


"WebMoney", positioning itself as an "international payment system", was founded in 1998. Its owner is WM Transfer Ltd. It is registered in London, but technical services and the Main Certification Center are located in Moscow.

Transactions are carried out with electronic equivalents of a number of currencies.

For each of them the guarantor is legal entities, registered in various countries: Russia, Ukraine, Switzerland, UAE, Ireland and Belarus.

For work, the electronic wallet “WebMoney Keeper” is used, which can be downloaded from the company’s website. There are also instructions for its installation, registration and use. The program allows you to operate in equivalents of US dollars (WMZ), Russian rubles (WMR), euros (WME), Belarusian rubles (WMB) and Ukrainian hryvnia (WMU). The circulation of gold is provided, the unit of measurement of which is 1 electron gram (WMG).

To carry out operations, you need to register in the system and obtain a participant certificate, of which there are 12 types.

More high level The certificate provides great opportunities in work.

When making transactions, the payer is charged a commission in the amount of 0.8% of the transfer amount. It is possible to use various types payment protection. All controversial issues are resolved by Arbitration.

Here are the ways to deposit electronic money into a wallet:

  • bank, postal or telegraphic transfer;
  • through the Western Union system;
  • purchasing a prepaid card;
  • by depositing cash at exchange offices;
  • through electronic terminals;
  • from electronic wallets of other system participants.

All of the above methods involve the payment of commissions. It is least profitable to deposit money through terminals and buy prepaid cards.

How to cash out electronic money in the WebMoney system? You can use the following methods:

  • transfer to a bank account from your electronic wallet;
  • using the services of an exchange office;
  • through the Western Union system.

There are virtual points where it is possible to automatically exchange one electronic currency for another using specified rate, although the system does not formally take part in this.

Since 2009, the use of WebMoney has been prohibited by law in Germany. This prohibition also applies to individuals.


The system has been operating since 2002. It provides settlements between participants in Russian rubles. The owner of the system, Yandex.Money LLC, sold 75% of the shares to Sberbank of Russia in December 2012.

Two types of accounts are used:

  • "Yandex.Wallet", which is accessible via a web interface;
  • "Internet. “Wallet” is an account with which operations are carried out using a special program. Its development was stopped in 2011.

Currently, new users can only open Yandex. Wallet."

Yandex.Money users can pay for housing and communal services, pay for fuel at gas stations, and make purchases in online stores.

The advantage of Yandex.Money is the absence of commissions for most purchases and account replenishment. For transactions within the system it is 0.5%, and for withdrawals – 3%. Yandex.Money partners, when accepting payments and withdrawing funds, can set commissions at their own discretion.

Significant disadvantages are the inability to maintain through the system entrepreneurial activity and strict limits on the amount of payments.

You can top up Yandex.Wallet in several ways:

  • converting electronic money of other systems;
  • by bank transfers;
  • through payment terminals;
  • depositing cash at points of sale;
  • through the Unistream and Contact systems;
  • from a prepaid card (cards have now been discontinued, but activation of previously purchased ones is possible).

You can cash out the electronic money system in this way:

  • transfer to a card or bank account;
  • receiving from a Yandex.Money card at an ATM;
  • through the transfer system.

The main share of the electronic money circulation market in Russia falls on WebMoney and Yandex.Money; the role of other systems is much less significant. Therefore, we will consider only their characteristic features.


"PayPal" is the world's largest electronic payment system, created in 1998 in the USA and has more than 160 million users. It allows you to receive and send transfers, pay bills and purchases.

For Russian participants, accepting payments became possible only in October 2011, and withdrawals have so far been carried out only to American banks. These circumstances significantly reduce the popularity of the system among domestic users.

The planned conclusion of an agreement between PayPal and Russian Post may improve the situation, but this is a matter of long-term prospects.

If you are interested in PayPal, then the PayPal article - registration, deposit and withdrawal of funds will be very helpful.


“Qiwi” is a domestic payment service that focuses on paying for various services, including housing and communal services, mobile communications and repayment of bank loans.

The system provides the ability to make both cash payments through a network of proprietary terminals, and electronic payments via the Internet and applications for mobile devices. It operates in 22 countries. The currency of settlements in Russia is the ruble.

Instead of a conclusion

This article examined only some examples of the use of electronic money in modern payment systems. Which one should you choose? Which e-wallet is better to have?

There is no clear answer to this question. It all depends on the field of activity of each client and on his primary needs.

This article will help you understand the variety of existing offers and make the right choice.

Good Bad

Electronic money was introduced to simplify payments on the Internet. They are used to pay remote workers (freelancers) and pay for goods and services. Usually people come across them when they are planning to make money online. After all, this is the money that is used to pay for labor.

Electronic money is a means that is used to pay for goods and services on the Internet, and it has the same value as real money.

For example, I want to make transfers via the Internet from English language. I find a website where I can take orders and start working. Let's say I completed an order and some amount was credited to me. In order to receive it, you need to have a personal electronic wallet. I indicate it on the site, and the money I earn comes to this wallet. Then you can spend them online or receive them in cash.

Types of electronic money

All types of electronic money will not be considered here, otherwise it won’t be an article, but a whole book (there are too many of them). I will tell you only about the most popular ones, and, therefore, about those that are used by the majority.


Yandex.Money is the most popular online payment system in Russia. Instant payments, payment for goods and services on the Internet, transfer to a bank account or bank card.

Operating principle. First you need to register. This is done in the same way as on other sites. After registration, you are immediately given a wallet number - this is a long set of numbers. It must be indicated for mutual settlements.

Example (part of the number is hidden):

That's all - the wallet immediately starts working. You can top it up and pay for goods and services online. And also receive and send money transfers.

Note: If you have mail on Yandex, then you don’t have to register at all. Just go to your inbox and click on the “Money” link at the top.

The wallet is managed through the system website money.yandex.ru

How to top up your account:

  • Via a bank card;
  • Via mobile;
  • Cash at Sberbank, Euroset, Svyaznoy.

In addition, there are other ways to replenish: through Internet banking, bank transfer, other electronic money, through transfer systems (CONTACT, Unistream, City, Russian Post).

How to withdraw money:

  • Withdraw to a bank card.
  • Send to bank account.
  • Receive cash through Western Union and Unistream.

Directly on the Yandex.Money website you can pay for telephone, Internet, any receipts, traffic police fines, taxes, utilities, repay a loan and much more.

You can also order a bank card. Then you will receive a real plastic card by mail, tied to your wallet. This makes it possible to withdraw Yandex.Money in cash from ATMs and pay with it in regular stores.

The system also allows you to open a virtual card for free. This is an analogue of a plastic card, but it can only be used on the Internet: pay for purchases on a website where cards are accepted for payment (eBay, App Store, Google Play and others).

Note: When you register, you receive a Yandex account along with your wallet. And that means also mail, Yandex.Disk ( cloud storage) and access to other services.


Webmoney is the largest electronic payment system in Russia. Payment for services, transfers, loans. WebMoney is available not only in Russian rubles, but also in other currencies: dollars, euros, hryvnia, Belarusian rubles, Kazakh tenge.

Operating principle. We register and immediately receive a number in the system, which is called WMID. Next, you will need to create a wallet in the desired currency. There can be several of them, both for one currency and for different ones. Each wallet will have its own unique number. This is what you need to send and receive money.

You can attach a bank card, bank account or e-wallet from another system to WMID. You can also issue a virtual card for making purchases on the Internet.

The account is managed through the website webmoney.ru or mobile application. You can also use a special computer program called Keeper WinPro, but it is more difficult to work with.

Among the disadvantages, it should be noted that this system is not as simple as others. It seems that it is written in an accessible way, but in practice difficulties arise. All these certificates, restrictions, types of wallets. In general, it takes some time to figure it out.


PayPal is the most popular electronic money system in the world. Suitable for payments between foreigners and purchases in foreign online stores (eBay and others).

Operating principle. Register on the site. This procedure is more complicated than in other systems - you need to provide your full data (full name, address, phone number, etc.). After this, the system will open an account. It does not have a number; the email address specified during registration will be used instead.

To pay for purchases and services via PayPal, you need to link a plastic card to your account on the website. The money will be debited directly from her.

If you plan not to spend, but to receive money, then it will be credited to an internal account in the system. Then you can withdraw them to your bank account.

Management occurs through personal account on paypal.com or through the mobile application.


Qiwi is another popular system in Russia. Very convenient for personal use. Simple, intuitive.

Registration occurs by number mobile phone, it is an account in the system. This account can be easily topped up through a payment terminal, with a bank card or from your mobile balance.

You can issue a virtual or regular plastic card, pay directly on the website for a lot of services (telephone, Internet, games, credit and others), send a money transfer. In general, do almost everything the same as in the Yandex.Money system.

Account management occurs through your personal account on the website qiwi.com or through a mobile application.

Which system to choose

For work. On the Russian-speaking Internet, Webmoney or Yandex.Money is most often used, on the English-speaking Internet - PayPal. If you have a choice, I recommend choosing Yandex.Money. They are easier to put on and take off. And the system itself is simpler.

For life. If electronic money is needed to pay for games, buy OKs on Odnoklassniki or Golosov VKontakte, then it is better to choose QIWI or Yandex.Money.

Through these systems, you can instantly issue a virtual card and make payments throughout the Internet, including on foreign sites (ebay, aliexpress and others).


Despite the fact that electronic money systems are currently very reliable, users still manage to lose their money. The reason is either ignorance of the banal rules of safe work on the network, or laziness. Therefore, below I will give simple, but effective ways protection.

Antivirus. Such a program must be installed on the computer. And it is imperative that it be updated, that is, it always has up-to-date anti-virus databases. It is better, of course, to use paid products like Kaspersky Anti-Virus, but if this is not possible, use free Avast.

Strong password. Use a password of at least eight characters. It is better if these are both letters and numbers. Moreover, the letters are both uppercase and lowercase. Do not use your date of birth, phone number, or other personal information in your password.

Identification. This is a procedure that allows the payment service to see you as a respectable user. It concerns mainly Russian systems electronic money. Its meaning is that you need to indicate real passport data and show the document to an authorized person. Then your status will change and this will give certain advantages.

In addition, this will provide additional protection against scammers. After all, according to the law, if money is stolen from the account of an identified user, the system is obliged to return it (provided that he contacts the support service no later than 24 hours after the money is written off and the system confirms the fact of hacking).

In Yandex.Money and QIWI, the procedure for confirming your identity is called identification, and in Webmoney it is called certification.

By the way, many payment services greatly reduce the opportunities for “anonymous” users. For example, Yandex.Money prohibits such users from receiving and sending funds to other wallets, making transfers to bank cards and bills.

Address verification. Before entering your wallet number (login) and password to log in, check whether the site is open correctly.

Fraudsters often send fake emails purporting to be from the electronic money support service. For example, that a payment has been received into your account or, conversely, that the account has been blocked. Such messages may look very believable, but when you click on the link from the letter, a fraudulent site opens. Moreover, it usually looks the same as the real thing.

Only the site address is different. And if the user does not notice this and enters his data, the attacker will immediately receive it and be able to withdraw money. Therefore, before logging into your wallet, look at the address bar of your browser. The correct payment system address must be written there.

An example of a correct Yandex.Money address:

Additional protection. If the payment service has additional protection, you should enable it. This is done in the wallet settings. Usually this is login protection or confirmation of payments via SMS message. That is, until the code sent in the message is entered, the operation will not be performed. In this case, even if an attacker enters your password, he will not be able to withdraw anything from the account.

And most importantly: never give out your wallet password or card details!

And finally

Commissions. Almost every system has commissions. They charge some percentage for deposits, transfers, and withdrawals from the account. To avoid surprises, carefully read the information on the website - everything is written there.

Spend, don't save.. Electronic money is not backed by government gold reserves. We can say that this is an idea of ​​this or that organization, and only it is responsible for them. Therefore, they should be used only as a means of payment, and not as a savings account. You should also not make large payments with such money.


Often people actively use the Internet, but they do not have any electronic money. And this is normal, because now almost all goods and services can be paid for by card. This is much easier than creating some kind of wallets and understanding them.

But if you are going to earn money on the Internet or order services from other people, then electronic currency is the first thing you will have to deal with. After all, this is the simplest and safest method of payment.