Fan ventilation aerator. Why do you need an air valve for sewerage and how to install it? How the device works

One of the unpleasant features of the drainage system is the presence of unpleasant odors in it. A sewer air check valve is a great way to solve this problem.

What is it

An air valve or aerator is a device designed to maintain a certain pressure in the sewer and remove unpleasant odors, generated gases, etc. from it. Many homeowners use a ventilation outlet for such purposes, but it does not solve the problem of pressure drops, due to which may disrupt the operation of the entire drainage system.

The air valve is an example of a classic check valve membrane device. Thanks to the presence of a flexible partition, it prevents sewer odors from penetrating into the room or outdoor environment.

According to application, there are the following types of valves:

  1. Membrane;
  2. Cylindrical;
  3. Lever.

Membrane ones are made from PVC. Most often, they are installed at the entrance of a waste pipe, which is connected to the sewer system as ventilation. When pressure changes, the membrane changes its position. Due to this, gases cannot leak through the valve back into the sewer. It should be noted that such an aerator will only work if fan pipe there is access to oxygen.

Cylindrical ones are made of steel or its alloys. They are a design that visually resembles a shut-off valve. They consist of a metal body with a thread and a cover of standard diameter. Often this is 110 mm, but there are also more exotic models. The cover is installed on the base, if any direct pressure it opens to allow water, drainage, etc. to pass through, after which it returns to its original position. Due to the fact that it opens inward, the likelihood of a “return” of waste is extremely low. This optimal solution to ensure sewerage protection in a private home.

Video: using a non-return air valve for sewerage

The lever version is often used in unventilated sewers. It consists of a metal body and a movable lever. The device is configured manually. The drains move in the direction preset by the arrow. This is convenient for urgent repairs.

In addition, vacuum and automatic valves are now produced. They differ in the ability to customize the workflow. The vacuum works without presets - it opens the way for wastewater in one specific direction. Automatic can change it depending on needs.

According to the type of locking mechanism, valves are:


You can easily install a 50 or 110 mm air valve for sewage with your own hands. Experts recommend using ball models for household purposes, because... They are the easiest to install, maintain and clean.

Installation rules:

  1. The highest drain point should be at the minimum permissible height - 100 mm;
  2. A special case is a sewage system installed in the floor. Then the valve must be installed at least 350 mm from the floor. This is necessary not only to ensure efficient work device, but also to extend its validity period;
  3. All valves are very sensitive to temperature changes. For their durability and reliability, it is necessary to ensure the average temperature of the room in which they are installed is 20 degrees;
  4. For private buildings, apartments and utility rooms if there is a valve, there is no need to connect ventilation to the sewer;
  5. If the installation scheme for aerators implies that several valves will be installed, then the distance between them should not be less than 1 meter.

Step-by-step instructions on how to install air valves for a sewage system:

  1. Depending on the type of installation, a pipe is prepared. It must be trimmed and cleared of nicks on the end surfaces. A fitting is inserted into the plastic outlet;
  2. First you need to install a rubber gasket in the socket. This seal will ensure tight installation. After this, the valve is installed. It should be noted that if you need to make a threaded installation, then you can do without a gasket. It is more advisable to use sanitary film instead;
  3. One apartment requires at least 3 shut-off air valves for internal sewerage. One for each consumer.

Each aerator must be easily accessible for inspection and necessary repairs. Cleaning is recommended every year of operation.

Price overview

You can buy air valves for sewerage at a plumbing supply store (for example, Interma, TechnoStok), the price depends on the type of device. Also in Moscow and others major cities There are official representative offices of well-known manufacturing companies.

Let's look at the cost of various aerators from famous manufacturers.

Many factors are responsible for the normal functioning of a water heating system. various elements, which are an integral part of a circuit of any complexity. One of these elements is the air valve for heating, which is a small but very important detail simple design. This article will discuss how to choose the right element depending on the installation location.

Purpose and types of air vents

It’s easy to guess the purpose of the device by its name. The element is used in the circuit to remove air from the system or individual devices and units that appear there under such circumstances:

  • while filling the entire pipeline network or individual branches of the system with water;
  • as a result of suction from the atmosphere due to various malfunctions;
  • during operation, when oxygen dissolved in water gradually turns into a free state.

For reference. In industrial boiler houses, make-up water goes through a deaeration stage (removal of dissolved air) before entering the boiler. As a result, tap water, initially containing up to 30 g of oxygen per 1 m3, becomes suitable for use with an indicator of less than 1 g / m3. However, such technologies are quite expensive and are not used in private housing construction.

The purpose of the air vent is to bleed air from the heating system to avoid the formation of air pockets. The latter seriously impede the free circulation of liquid, which is why some parts of the system can overheat, while others, on the contrary, cool down. In addition to air, other gases can accumulate in pipelines. For example, when high content dissolved oxygen in the coolant corrosion process steel pipes and boiler parts is significantly accelerated. Happening chemical reaction with the release of free hydrogen.

In the current schemes of home heating systems, 2 types of vents are used, differing in design:

  • manual (Maevsky cranes);
  • automatic (float).

Each of these types is installed in different places where there is a risk of air lock. Mayevsky's cranes have traditional and radiator designs, and the configuration of air vents can be straight or angular.

Theoretically, an automatic air release valve can be installed in all necessary places. But in practice, the scope of application of automatic machines is limited for many reasons. For example, the design of the Mayevsky crane is simpler and has no moving parts, so it is more reliable. The manual tap is a cylindrical body made of plumbing brass with external thread. Done inside the case through hole, the passage in which is blocked by a screw with a conical end.

A round calibrated channel extends from the main hole located in the center. When you unscrew the screw between these two channels, a message appears, causing air to leave the system. During operation, the screw is completely tightened, and to release gases from the system, it is enough to unscrew it a couple of turns with a screwdriver or even by hand.

In turn, an automatic air valve is a hollow cylinder, inside of which there is a plastic float. Working position The device is vertical, the internal chamber is filled with coolant entering through the lower hole under the influence of pressure in the system. The float is mechanically attached to the needle release valve by means of a lever. Gases coming from the pipelines gradually displace water from the chamber and the float begins to descend. As soon as the liquid is completely displaced, the lever will open the valve and all the air will quickly leave the chamber. The latter will immediately be filled with coolant again.

The internal moving parts of the automatic air release gradually become covered with scale, and the working openings become silted. As a result, the mechanism jams, gases come out slowly, and water begins to flow through the assembly with the needle. This type of air release valve is easier to replace than to repair. Hence the conclusion: car air vents are installed only in those places where it is impossible to do without them. They are selected for:

  • boiler safety groups where the coolant temperature is the highest;
  • the highest points of vertical risers, where all gases rise;
  • distribution manifold heated floors where air from all heating circuits accumulates;
  • loops of U-shaped expansion joints made of polymer pipes, turned up.

When choosing a device, you should pay attention to 2 parameters: maximum operating temperature and pressure. If we are talking about a heating scheme for a private house up to 2 floors high, then in principle Any will do automatic air release valve. Minimum parameters air vents offered on the market are as follows: operating temperature up to 110 ºС, pressure range in which the device operates effectively – from 0.5 to 7 Bar.

In high-rise cottages circulation pumps can develop more high blood pressure, so when selecting you need to focus on their performance. As for the temperature, in private residential networks it rarely exceeds 95 ºС.

Advice. Experts and practitioners recommend purchasing car air vents with an exhaust pipe directed upwards. According to reviews, a device with a side exit begins to leak much more often. In addition, during installation it is necessary to strictly observe the vertical position of the housing.

Manual air vents for heating systems (Mayevsky taps) are most often accepted for installation on radiators. Moreover, many manufacturers of sectional and panel appliances complete their products with taps for gas removal. In this case, there are 3 types of air vents according to the method of unscrewing the screw:

  • traditional, with slots for a screwdriver;
  • with a rod in the form of a tetrahedron or other shape for a special key;
  • with a handle for manual unscrewing without any tools.

Advice. The third type of product should not be purchased for a home where children live preschool age. Accidentally opening the tap can lead to serious burns from the hot coolant.


It is not difficult to select such a simple but very important device as an air valve for heating. Especially when it comes complete with other equipment: a security group, a manifold for a heated floor or heating radiator. If you have to select an air vent separately, then in addition to the recommendations given above, do not forget about the quality of the material from which the device is made. Beware of various silumin fakes that imitate brass products.

Sewerage is a multifunctional and important communication system. But, like other benefits of civilization, such a system has negative points, in particular bad smell and noise. To minimize such problems, an air valve for sewage was invented.

This device was developed specifically to effectively combat difficult-to-tolerate odors. This element is also called an aerator; with its help you can get rid of the noise produced by pipes. The purpose of the device is to create a barrier and protect the apartment from the return penetration of odors.

From our review you will find out how the air valve works, the details of its installation and what types of devices there are.

Why is this device needed?

A signal that a valve needs to be installed is the following: unpleasant odors and/or extraneous sounds. Any deviation from the norm is a clue about improper sewer design. The valve is needed to compensate for the pressure in the system.

It not only replaces the ventilation riser, but also allows you to solve following problems:

  1. Helps out when you can’t install a fan riser.
  2. Reduces heat loss through ventilation.
  3. Improves the functionality of all sewer system.
  4. One of its tasks is to protect against the failure of the fan element.

Operating principle

So, let's look at the operating principle of a sewer air valve:

  1. When draining water, the liquid passes into the sewer pipeline. The process is accompanied by a decrease in pressure.
  2. Due to the difference with atmospheric pressure, the air valve opens. Air enters through the holes on the side.
  3. The pressure normalizes after the required volume of air enters the pipeline. As a result, the device takes its original position, which in turn creates a tight system.

The whole process happens very quickly, and as a result of the water seal being activated, unpleasant odors from the sewer do not enter the room.

The air valve for sewerage consists of a body, which is made of high-rigidity polymers. Upper part can be removed to allow inspection and cleaning.

The gasket made of rubberized material ensures a tight fit. An air hole is provided, resulting in an opening and closing mechanism. Such a device allows you to equalize the negative pressure in the structure. In normal condition, air flows through the fan pipe.

Pay attention! This device protects the room not only from methane, but also from harmful microorganisms, and fungal spores.

Determining the installation location

Important to know! The air valve for sewerage is usually mounted 20-30 cm above the main pipe. During installation work, do not allow dust, dirt or liquid to penetrate the membrane. For optimal performance, a systematic supply of oxygen is necessary.

For installation in an apartment, the device is mounted on a pipeline in a vertical position. This method will not provide ventilation to the riser, but will eliminate odors in a specific area.

It is recommended to install a sewer air valve and in a private house. In this case, you don’t have to carry it out. But some experts argue that it should only be mounted as an auxiliary part to the riser.

In private houses and apartments, plastic sewers are installed. Air elements are also made from polypropylene or PVC.

The valve must be installed:

  1. In high-rise buildings that are connected to treatment plants.
  2. In waste disposal areas.
  3. When connecting sewerage to sanitary facilities.
  4. In systems that can be connected horizontally.

Do-it-yourself valve installation - in apartments; in a private house

You can install this element yourself or call a specialist. There are no differences in installation in a private house or apartment; the same installation principle is present everywhere. But when performing installation, the following rules must be observed:

  1. The device must not be installed in rooms where heating is not provided.
  2. When using a device, it is important to ensure free access to it for inspection or preventive examinations.
  3. When fastening the automatic version, it is important to find out the point of high flow in the riser.
  4. Fixation is made above 10 cm from this point. This is true if a drain has not been installed.
  5. If the ladder is equipped, the part is attached 35 cm above the level flooring.
  6. The valve should be placed in the socket in the area with the O-ring. The vertical direction will ensure good functionality of the sewer system.

Modern devices can be used in the bathroom or toilet. They are easily installed on the riser. Simple devices placed on a washbasin, bathtub or sink. For the fan pipe, it is recommended to choose a cylindrical design.

The 50mm diameter sewer air valve dilutes the system air in horizontal areas. It must be installed on long sections of the pipeline. When creating a slope, a natural outlet of the drainage system will occur.

Air valve for sewerage with a diameter of 110 mm, mainly used on drainage pipes. Under certain conditions, mounting to an auxiliary riser is permissible. The mechanism must not be mounted at an angle.

The valve must be installed following the exact instructions. It can be mounted into a flange, threaded or using a coupling. You should create airtight connections and joints, and then check this parameter after completion of work.

At the beginning of installation work, be sure to check whether the water supply taps are turned off. Then the required pipe element is dismantled and a valve is installed on this section. If the pipeline is placed horizontally, you need to check the direction of water flow with the parameters on the device. It is not recommended to rearrange the socket and inlet pipe, as the valve will not start.

The mechanism is installed into the socket of a plastic pipe without auxiliary parts, and the tightness is ensured by a special seal from the socket. When installing in a cast iron pipe, you will have to use an adapter. This option is more different complex installation.

During installation work, it is necessary to ensure a tight connection between the main device and the elements of the comb and socket.

If the structure has a socket type connection, installation work are executed like this:

  1. Surfaces are cleaned of dust.
  2. The seal ring is cleaned and degreased, then a trench is laid.
  3. Contacting parts are lubricated with sealants or glycerin, which reduces friction.
  4. The end of the valve is brought into the socket to a special mark.
  5. At this stage, it is important to check the quality of the fastening by turning it.
  6. Additionally, the area with the fixed valve is secured with a clamp.

After completion of the work, the joints should be inspected for leaks.

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Prices and manufacturers

Models are selected taking into account certain criteria. This is the diameter, the value of which can be 50, 75 and 110. And also bandwidth– the indicator varies between 7-37 liters per second.

Products from the following countries are represented on the Russian market:

  1. The HL company from Austria offers the most expensive designs. The price varies between 2500-3600 depending on the models.

  1. McAlpine from the UK provides products in the mid-range price category 1200-1300 rubles.

  1. You can also purchase inexpensive air valves from domestic manufacturers Sinicon and Politek. The cost of devices varies between 150-380 rubles.

Types of valves

There are different types these devices. They differ in the features of their work. Let's look at them.

  1. Automatic - in demand for use in small private households. The device will not cope with significant loads.
  2. The kinetic valve functions correctly at low pressure. This device protects against air accumulation during drains.
  3. Combined option- This is a device that combines two types.

The pipeline can be installed in any direction. And for each case there is a separate option. When installing an air valve on a sewer, the diameter of the pipes must be selected correctly.

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This factor influences the division:

  1. The receiving aerator has a diameter of 20 cm. The device is equipped with a filter that retains solid suspensions. This option is mounted on a horizontal highway.
  2. Ball devices are fixed to pipes with a small diameter. The device uses a ball part as a shutter.
  3. Inter-flange devices are characterized by compactness and low weight. Products are available as walk-through or corner. The shutter is represented by a special plate.

It is worth classifying products according to the method of fastening. The devices can be installed by welding. This option is not suitable for residential premises. For pipes with a small diameter, fasteners with couplings are suitable.

If the valve does not have a fastening element, it is clamped between the flanges. Fixation through flanges using a seal is also often used.

Features of operation

Installation nuances sewer device are regulated by special norms of SNiP. In order for the device to serve for a long time, it is necessary to monitor its serviceability and regularly check the quality of operation.

  1. Problems can be caused by the rod or membrane sticking in one place.
  2. If the device is jammed in open form, sewer odors may enter the room.
  3. When stopped in a closed state, the water seals may fly off.

The special strength of the design and systematic testing of the device will allow you to avoid emergency situations.

Installing the device in combination with fan or ventilation outlets helps to avoid failure of water seals.

If the device has ceased to cope with its duties, then the reason may be a malfunction of the sewer system as a whole. In this case, you need to pay attention to whether household appliances have recently been installed - washing or dishwasher.

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When draining under pressure of water into the sewer system, the functioning of the system may be disrupted. In such a situation, it is recommended to install an additional device that ensures operation household appliances.

What do we pay attention to when choosing an air valve?

When selecting a suitable device, it is important to take into account the features of the fastener, pressure parameters in the system, and the direction of the structure. Also taken into account following features:

  1. Parts must be made from materials high quality with resistance to aggressive components.
  2. Possibility of design adjustment manually.
  3. IN modern models present defense mechanisms from rodents that may come from the sewer.

Installing an air valve in the sewer will forever rid home owners of the stench from the pipes. Installation useful device It will not only eliminate the problem with odors, but will also help save money on repairing the riser.

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So that the sewage system in the house works efficiently and does not create unnecessary problems, it is necessary to take into account many nuances. One of these moments is blocking the entry of unpleasant odors from pipes into the room.

For this purpose, all plumbing fixtures are equipped, and the central riser is equipped with a fan (ventilation) pipe. If the drain pipe does not cope with its duties or is missing altogether, you can install a sewer aerator.

Installation of this device is optional and can be done both on an already working system and on a new one.

What is a sewer aerator and why is it needed?

Air valve for sewer - small plastic device with a hole in the housing for air supply. Inside it there is a channel for the passage of air and a damper, which is activated by the action of a membrane or rod.

The responsibilities of a sewer aerator include:

  1. trapping unpleasant odors in pipes;
  2. stabilization of internal and external pressure in the pipeline.

Operating principle

As mentioned above, the operation of this device is to block sewer gases and compensate for pressure in the pipes. A siphon usually serves as a lock for an unpleasant odor, but not always successfully.

Video: Why do you need a sewer vacuum valve?

The whole point is that when a large amount of drained liquid enters, the so-called salvo discharge, a lot of pressure is formed in the system. When the water reaches the central riser and rushes into the pipe, a vacuum is formed in the pipes, which leads to the failure of the water seals. After which the smell freely penetrates into the room. To prevent this from happening, the riser is equipped ventilation pipe and is brought out onto the roof.

However, this method has several disadvantages. Firstly, it may simply become clogged, and secondly, during its installation the integrity of the roof may be compromised. Or, as often happens, especially in old houses with an existing sewer system, it is completely absent.

As soon as a vacuum is created in the pipe, the membrane in the aerator is triggered and a hole opens. Through this hole, the missing air enters the system and the pressure stabilizes. After the water has drained and the sewer has filled with air and the pressure has equalized, the valve closes and odors are not able to enter the room.

Installation of a sewer aerator

For correct installation sewer air valve, several rules must be followed.

  1. The aerator must be located in a warm room, the temperature in which is not below zero;
  2. The location must be accessible for valve maintenance and replacement;
  3. The aerator is mounted in the pipe socket and positioned strictly vertically.

Note! The air valve is installed at least 10 cm above the maximum release point. If the system is equipped with a floor drainage grid, the minimum installation height is 35 cm above floor level.

The design of modern sewer valves allows you to install them in almost any room: bathroom, toilet, kitchen, attic, etc. To install the aerator, calling a specialist is not necessary; you can do everything yourself.

Stages of work:

  • Turning off the water to avoid unauthorized discharge and flooding.
  • If the installation is carried out on a horizontal pipe, part of the pipe is dismantled. If the aerator is installed on a riser, nothing needs to be removed.
  • After this, the valve is assembled and installed according to the instructions included in the kit.

Note! If the aerator is installed in horizontal plane, then the arrow-shaped indicator printed on the body coincided with the direction of sewer flow.

Choosing an aerator

When choosing this equipment, you should pay attention to such aspects as:

  1. device type;
  2. diameter;
  3. the company is a manufacturer.

Types of aerators

Today manufacturers offer three types to choose from:

  • kinetic - the task of this device is to prevent the accumulation of excess air in the pipeline;
  • automatic – serves to remove air under high pressure;
  • combined - combines the functions of the two previous valves.

For efficient and uninterrupted operation, it is better to buy the latter option.

Valve diameter

The correct choice of the diameter of the vacuum sewer valve is the second most important factor that should be taken into account when choosing a device. Let's look at this in more detail.

Sewer aerator 50

Such a valve can handle only a small amount of water and is installed on the drain pipe from a bathtub, sink, etc. There are several rules for its installation:

  1. it can only be connected to a pipe with the smallest diameter;
  2. installed after the last plumbing fixture;
  3. installed at the highest point of the pipeline.

Sewer aerator 110

These valves can handle large amounts of liquid and are connected to the riser or the end of the drain pipe. Produced with both internal and external mounting element. Advantages:

  • there is no need to route the pipe through the floors and roof;
  • automatic pressure regulation;
  • affordable price and easy installation.

Manufacturer choice and price

To ensure that the sewage system works smoothly and does not cause unnecessary trouble, it is better to choose an air valve from trusted and well-known manufacturers. The most popular and best-selling aerators are produced by the following companies:

  1. Ostendorf – Germany;
  2. McAlpine - Scotland;
  3. Politek – Russia.

The table below shows the average prices for vacuum sewer valves from these manufacturers:

The prices indicated in the table are average for Moscow and the Moscow region. The exact cost can be found on the manufacturer's website.

When choosing a sewer aerator, carefully select the location for its installation and decide in advance necessary type and device diameter. If you install it yourself, follow the instructions and installation rules recommended by the valve manufacturer.

Video: Causes of sewer smell in the bathroom and kitchen + how to make a vacuum valve

Hello dear reader! Nowadays, few people are satisfied with a house without amenities, where there is no bathroom or toilet. However, if the plumbing is installed incorrectly, normal air exchange in the room may be disrupted and sewer gases, consisting of substances harmful to human health, may penetrate into it. To solve this problem on the riser and near plumbing fixtures.

Water valves in the siphons of plumbing fixtures are barriers to odor from the sewer system. But when a large amount of water is suddenly drained, the pressure in the pipes decreases and water is sucked out of the siphons. At this moment there are no longer any obstacles to the penetration of the smell and it can freely penetrate into the room. The causes of the odor may also be small size siphons or prolonged downtime of plumbing, leading to evaporation of water in the siphons.

Sewage ventilation in the form of a drain pipe or air valve helps protect the room from unpleasant odors. The air entering through them equalizes the internal pressure in the pipeline with atmospheric pressure. Under such conditions, gases are not forced out through siphons, but move further through pipes into a collector system or septic tank.

Why do you need a valve for a sewer riser?

The vent valve in the drainage system performs the following functions:

  • minimizes the threat of movement waste water in the opposite direction;
  • reduces the noise level in the sewer;
  • protects the room from flooding during breaks in the system;
  • does not allow foul odor to enter the room in case of prolonged downtime of the sewer system;
  • minimizes the threat of rodents entering the building through sewer lines.

Design and principle of operation of the fan valve

The air valve device includes:

  • plastic case with a side hole;
  • a cover that can be removed to clean the device or carry out repair work;
  • rubber membrane or rod;
  • a sealing gasket designed to seal the structure and limit the stroke of the rod.

The operating principle of the device is as follows:

  • if the pressure in the riser is equal to atmospheric or slightly exceeds it, the valve is closed and does not allow gases from the sewer to pass into the room;
  • when draining water from plumbing fixtures, a vacuum occurs inside the pipeline, resulting in the displacement of the rod (membrane) and the opening of the fixture;
  • air enters through the valve, which equalizes the pressure. The rod begins to move in the opposite direction and closes the valve.

Based on their operating principle, air valves are divided into three types:

  • automatic - used mainly for installation in small private houses, as they are not able to withstand strong water pressure and a significant volume of air. Works only to relieve accumulated air;
  • kinetic (anti-vacuum) - designed for the release or intake of air in systems with low level pressure;
  • combined - combine all the best technological capabilities of the two previous devices.

Since the sewer main has vertical and horizontal sections, for each of them it is selected ventilation valve With different designs working mechanism:

  • ball aerator. The valve part is shaped like a ball, which is pressed against the bleed hole using a spring. Used for installation on horizontally located sections of small-diameter pipes at the connection point of plumbing fixtures;
  • receiving model. The design of the device includes a filter designed to capture solid particles from wastewater and prevent them from passing further into the sewer system. Available with a diameter of 20 cm and used for installation in front of the pump of a horizontal pipeline line;
  • Wafer aerator. This is a compact and lightweight device that can be placed both on a vertical riser and on a horizontal pipeline line. Depending on the design of the body, it can be through (the flow of water passes through it without changing its direction) and angular (when passing through the valve, the flow of the transported medium changes direction by 90º). Modifications with a plate-shaped locking organ have a diameter from 1.5 to 20 cm. The diameter of bivalve models ranges from 5 to 70 cm;
  • check valve equipped with a rotary or petal mechanism. It has a shut-off element in the form of a spool, which, when the pressure in the system drops, is pressed tightly against the seat. Aerators large diameter can quickly break due to strong impacts of the spool on the surface of the seat. Further operation such a damaged device can lead to water hammer in the system. To reduce the impact of impact, valves of large diameters are equipped with a damper.

The valves differ in the method of fastening:

  • for welding. It is used in systems transporting particularly aggressive media of industrial enterprises;
  • coupling - threaded couplings are used for fastening;
  • flanged - the vacuum valve is clamped between flanges installed at the ends of the pipes;
  • flanged with sealing gaskets.

Pros and cons

Installing an air valve in your drainage system provides many benefits, including:

  • savings cash that will be required for work on removing the drain pipe through the roof;
  • the ability to prevent the penetration of sewer gases into rooms in the presence of an unventilated riser.

The disadvantages of the fan valve include:

  • the possibility of the water seal drying out, as a result of which unpleasant odors may enter the house;
  • rapid wear rubber seals, the consequence of which may be loss of tightness;
  • the difficulty of choosing a place to install the product, since achieving a more complete fit is only possible with sockets;
  • the need for regular maintenance of the device and replacement of worn parts.

Technical characteristics, diameters and manufacturers

The sewer aerator model is selected according to its main technical characteristics:

  • diameter - 50, 75, 110 mm;
  • throughput - from 7 to 37 l/s (at the rate of 25 l/s per 1 liter of water).

The Russian market for sewerage systems offers products from manufacturers from different countries:

  • Austria - the most expensive devices from HL;
  • Great Britain - products from medium price segment from McAlpine;
  • Russia - inexpensive devices from Politek and Sinicon;
  • Ukraine - products from the cheap segment of the Europlast enterprise.

Prices and where to buy

The table below contains current offers for today.

How to choose the right valve?

When choosing an air valve for sewerage, they are guided by the location of the pipe (vertical or horizontal) in the place where it is planned to be installed. The device must correspond to the nominal pressure in the network and have appropriate installation dimensions.

You also need to consider:

  • how the aerator will be attached;
  • strength of the material, its anti-corrosion properties;
  • possibility of manual adjustment in case of mechanism failure;
  • availability of protection for rodents.

Where and how to install the valve correctly?

When installing the valve, it is necessary to follow a number of rules that will allow it to fulfill its purpose as efficiently as possible, namely:

  1. Aerators may only be installed in rooms with constant heating.
  2. The device should be placed in a place where there is easy access to avoid problems with future maintenance.
  3. If there is a grate in the floor of the room, then the distance from the floor level to the device must be at least 35 cm.
  4. Installation of the automatic valve should be carried out at a point in the system that is 10 cm above the maximum level of flow into the main riser, in order to prevent clogging of the aerator with waste and feces passing through the system.
  5. The device must be mounted in a vertical position directly in the socket of a straight line of a sewerage pipeline at a distance of at least 0.2 m to the nearest siphon.

Possible locations for installing the device

Aerators modern design can be installed:

  • into a vertical riser with an exit through the roof;
  • cylindrical aerator models with a lid are placed on a drain pipe; simple valves are suitable for individual plumbing fixtures: toilet, sink, bathtub or washbasin;
  • devices with a diameter of 50 mm are mounted on horizontal pipes of great length or on lines with a transition of sections of one diameter to another. Maintaining a slope when installing pipelines will promote the natural flow of wastewater and prevent the occurrence of stagnation and foul odor;
  • devices with a diameter of 110 mm are mainly installed on a drain pipe; installation on an auxiliary riser is possible.

Installation stages step by step

Installing the device is quite simple, it can be done independently according to the following scheme:

  • determine the installation location;
  • disconnect the pipeline section from the operating system;
  • cut a piece of pipe in the riser to the size of the device;
  • clean the edges from nicks;
  • Install the O-ring into the socket. If a threaded type of connection is used, then a gasket is not needed;
  • secure the valve to the pipe;
  • perform a test run of water to check the operation of the mechanism.

Sewage gases not only smell bad, but can also cause significant harm to health. Aerators will help block the penetration of these harmful substances into the apartment and prevent poisoning of residents. Subscribe to our channel and share useful ideas on social networks.