Hibiscus (Chinese rose): care and propagation by cuttings at home. Hibiscus propagation is an activity for the patient

Chinese rose, or hibiscus, is a popular indoor plant that blooms in many homes. Even novice gardeners can grow it. Propagating this flower is also not difficult.

How to grow Chinese rose at home

Chinese rose has large leaves, as well as large bright flowers with long stamens. The color is usually red, but there are white, purple and other varieties. The flowers are double, semi-double and simple. Hibiscus comes from Southeast Asia. Some species are planted in the southern regions on summer cottages. In colder climates, hibiscus does not bloom in open ground, but at home Chinese rose feels great.

There are many beliefs associated with the hibiscus flower. It is believed that the blooming of a Chinese rose at an uncharacteristic time is an unlucky sign. That's why hibiscus is called the flower of death. But this does not mean that the plant brings trouble, it just reacts to its environment.

Chinese rose

You should also be more careful if the Chinese rose flowers turn yellow and wither, as this may be a harbinger of the gardener's illness. But, if you grow the death flower hibiscus according to all the rules, then it will be healthy and will not bother anyone with its fading appearance.

For hibiscus growing at home, the following procedures are required:

  • watering;
  • spraying;
  • feeding;
  • topping;
  • pruning

Plants less than 5 years old need to be replanted annually. The procedure is carried out in the spring. Water every 3 days in summer, and a little less often in winter. The main thing is to ensure that the soil in the pot does not dry out and a crust does not form. Watering should be done with warm, settled water at room temperature. Drainage must be provided at the bottom of the pot in advance to avoid rotting of the roots.

Pay attention! If the air in the room is dry, then the hibiscus needs spraying. It is important that water does not get on the flowers. Fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus are used for fertilizing. Fertilize the Chinese rose every 14 days, reducing it to once every 2 months in winter. Experienced flower growers also advise feeding the flower with a sugar solution: dilute ½ teaspoon of sugar in 1 tbsp. water.

The Chinese rose needs to be shaped, otherwise it will turn into a sloppy bush. To do this, remove the top. The procedure is carried out in the spring after transplantation. They also cut it back by a third in the fall, and cut it off by half in the winter. As a rule, shoots growing parallel to the main trunk and branches tending inside the bush are removed.

The transplant is quite simple. The hibiscus with a soil clod is placed into the new soil mixture using the transfer method. When the plant gets too big, instead of replanting, it will be enough to simply change top layer in a pot.

Chinese rose: how to propagate

How does the Chinese rose reproduce? IN natural conditions Hibiscus reproduces by seeds; at home, it is propagated vegetatively using cuttings. Seeds can also be used, as they have good germination. In addition, young shoots are easy to care for.

Propagation by seeds

Chinese rose seeds

Seeds remain viable for 5 years, but before planting they need to be disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate. Sow in the last ten days of February or early March. For successful cultivation will need fertile soil mixture, growth stimulants (epin, zircon) and a mini-greenhouse.

The seeds are soaked overnight, without completely covering them with water, to maintain access to oxygen. In the morning they are placed in wet gauze and then in a plastic bag. A must do in the package ventilation holes. Instead of a package, a mini-greenhouse can be used. The main thing is to provide the seeds with ventilation.

Important! The key conditions for hibiscus seed germination are warmth and moisture.

The seeds will sprout in a few days. They start to be sprayed warm water. The air temperature should be within 25°C. When 3 true leaves appear, the seedlings dive. The soil for pots should consist of humus and turf land in a 1:1 ratio. Next, you need moderate watering and sufficient lighting, but not with direct rays.

A Chinese rose obtained from seeds will bloom for the 3rd year. Replanting is also required annually until the plant reaches adulthood.

Vegetative method

The vegetative method of propagating hibiscus is the most common. Propagation by cuttings is possible throughout the year, but it is preferable to do this in spring or summer. Shoots are harvested when pruning Chinese roses.

Important! For cuttings, take strong green shoots, remove the lower leaves, leaving 2-3 internodes.

There are two rooting methods for cuttings and shoots:

  • in water;
  • in the soil.

Both methods are equally effective and produce healthy and strong plants. But, if you take a rose from cuttings, you can wait until it blooms earlier. Step by step guide for rooting shoots in the soil:

  1. The cups are filled with soil with the addition of peat.
  2. The cuttings are dipped into a growth stimulator and then into the soil.
  3. The earth around is compacted and watered with warm water.
  4. The cups are placed in a greenhouse or covered with film.
  5. The temperature must be maintained at 25°C and high humidity.
  6. Roots will appear after a month.

Rules for rooting hibiscus shoots in water:

  • The container for the cutting should be made of dark glass.
  • Be sure to heat the water and let it settle.
  • Add 2 tablets activated carbon and growth stimulant.
  • Place the container with the shoots in a place with good lighting, but so that the plant is not exposed to direct rays of the sun.
  • Periodically you need to check the condition of the roots and add water.
  • A Chinese rose is planted in a pot of soil when the roots reach a length of 6 cm and a couple of new leaves appear.

Features of growing Chinese roses at home in a pot

Chinese rose in a pot

After the Chinese rose has rooted, it is transplanted by transferring it into a pot 1 cm larger than the previous one. The soil should be fertile and easily allow air to pass through. There is drainage at the bottom of the pot, since Chinese rose does not react well to stagnant moisture.

The most common mistakes that novice gardeners make when caring for hibiscus:

  • The air temperature is too low or insufficient watering, and the Chinese rose begins to shed its buds that have not yet opened. In the spring, it is imperative to transplant the flower into soil rich in nutrients and keep it in a warm place without drafts.
  • Very dry air causes new leaves to turn yellow and lower leaves to fall off. Chinese roses need to be sprayed more often with a spray bottle. Similar symptoms occur with a lack of nitrogen and iron. To avoid troubles, it is better to settle the water for irrigation.

It happens that hibiscus looks normal, but does not bloom. There may be several reasons for this:

  • the plant does not have enough light;
  • too frequent feeding, so the hibiscus produces a lot of green mass, but does not form buds;
  • lack of fertilizers, in which the Chinese rose not only does not bloom, but also sheds its leaves;
  • insufficient watering causes the slightly formed buds to fall off;
  • too much big pot as a rose blooms when root system fills the entire container.

The Chinese rose is susceptible to pest attacks, especially if it was kept in the garden in the summer. The plant is usually attacked by insects such as aphids, thrips, herbivorous mites, mealybug, scale insects. Hibiscus may have one type of pest or several at once. If the rose was kept outdoors, slugs and earthworms also settle on it.

Important! Treatment helps against harmful insects chemicals. Then, for 14 days, you need to monitor the condition of the plant, and in case reinfection carry out another processing.

Before spraying with chemicals, the Chinese rose must be prepared: remove buds and flowers, as well as damaged or dry parts of the plant. The pot and the surface of the ground should also be cleaned of debris.

Caring for hibiscus is not as difficult as most indoor plants, and as a reward it will bloom with bright large flowers. If you have no experience in floriculture, then the Chinese rose can be an excellent start in this matter. And it is very easy to plant it using cuttings.

Hibiscus, or Chinese rose, is considered the most popular of the Hibiscus genus of the Malvaceae family. There are about 200 species of hibiscus, but it is the Chinese rose that has become popular in floriculture.

Did you know? In Malaysia, the Chinese rose (the Malays call it Bungaraiya) is one of the symbols of the country, which is depicted on coins.

This perennial Chinese rose grows in apartments and offices and grows to ceiling heights. Flowering happens different colors, but the flowers are always large or double.

In this article we will look at how to plant a Chinese rose correctly and what is the proper care for it at home. We will also learn how to propagate hibiscus and learn about beneficial properties this plant. Let's find out what pests and diseases of the Chinese rose exist and how to deal with them.

Optimal conditions for growing Chinese roses at home

Growing Chinese roses at home is an easy process that does not take much of your time. At proper care Hibiscus will delight you with lush buds throughout the year.

This section will talk about proper care And landing Chinese rose at home.

Soil and planting container

China rose grows well in moist, well-drained soil with a high percentage of organic material. The soil should not be dry, as there is a high probability of root rotting. The soil should be loosened periodically, this will help prevent the roots from drying out from the heat.

Light ceramic pots or wooden tubs are suitable for planting hibiscus. Dark-colored pots are not suitable, as the roots will overheat and rot.

Lighting and temperature

For good health, Chinese rose is the only condition, and this good lighting. Buds are formed under the influence of sunlight, so good lighting will help the plant bloom profusely and for a long time.

The most best temperature for this plant – 26°C. In winter, it is better to lower it to 18 degrees, since successful bud formation occurs when low temperature air. If hibiscus is grown at high temperatures in winter, this will not affect it in any way, the only thing is that the flowering will not be as rich.

IN summer time take the hibiscus to the balcony, loggia or terrace.

Important! Do not allow direct rays to hit the Chinese rose in the summer.

Basic rules for caring for Chinese roses

In this section we will talk about proper watering And feeding Chinese rose, as well as pruning and replanting hibiscus.

Watering, spraying and fertilizing

Do not forget about how to properly water your hibiscus so that it feels good.

Chinese rose requires high humidity air, so it is worth spraying its leaves with water in summer and winter. You can also use a proven method - a tray with wet pebbles, but the pot must be placed so that the bottom does not touch the water. Sometimes you can water the plant with a warm shower. This will not only help the leaves absorb moisture, but also get rid of spider mites.

Important! Do not allow drops to get on flowers and buds.

It is necessary to frequently fertilize and moisten the soil in the pot. Watering should be done with settled water at room temperature. The frequency depends on the drying of the top layer of soil 3 cm deep.

Many amateur gardeners often ask questions on forums about how to fertilize indoor hibiscus . You need to fertilize the Chinese rose from April to September, once every two weeks with fertilizer for flowering plants. Also should be changed mineral fertilizer to organic and vice versa. Use in winter potassium-phosphorus fertilizer at a quarter of the indicated dose, but only when the hibiscus is in bloom.

Pruning and replanting

Let's move on to pruning and shaping the Chinese rose bush.

Removal should be carried out in the spring before transplanting the hibiscus and before the formation of buds on it. This is done in order to increase the number of shoots and the formation lush crowns bush. Dried and bare shoots should be completely removed. Healthy ones can be cut in half. The cut area is treated with garden varnish. This is necessary to prevent juice from leaking out of the wounds. Cut parts of healthy shoots are used as cuttings. Healthy and strong branches should remain on the bush.

In the summer you need to repeat the pruning. Flower buds will appear only at the beginning of autumn, and until spring the hibiscus will delight you with beautiful flowers.

Hibiscus is replanted every spring or autumn, and this is combined with pruning. Adult plants need to be replanted no more than once every 3 years.

To do this, prepare the following mixture: mix leaf soil(one part), sod (one part), compost (two parts) and sand (one part). You can also add bone meal. The plant needs it to enrich itself with calcium and phosphorus.

The best pots for replanting Chinese roses - ceramic flowerpots or wooden tubs. Purchased flowerpots are soaked in boiling water for several hours before planting. If you are using a previously used flowerpot, wash it running water without using detergents.

Before planting, provide the plant with growth stimulants and good drainage. Expanded clay, which is placed on the bottom, may be suitable for this.

If you have just transplanted the hibiscus, place it in a shaded place and after a day return the plant to its usual place.

Hibiscus can reach large sizes, and the transplant will be impossible; in this case it should be replaced nutritious soil surface layer of the earth.

Hibiscus propagation

In this section we will figure out how to propagate hibiscus from cuttings or seeds.


For rooting, use hibiscus cuttings left after spring pruning. Treat the cuttings with a growth stimulator and place them in water to grow the root system. Or you can use a mixture of sand and peat, after which the plant is covered from above glass jar. Rooting occurs within three weeks. After this, plant the cuttings in soil for Chinese roses and pinch them.

In good lighting these spring cuttings They bloom within a couple of months.


Sowing hibiscus seeds occurs from January to March. Before this, the seeds are kept in an epin solution for 12 hours. The fertilizer consists of a mixture of sand and peat.

Cover the pot with the planted seeds with a piece of glass. The temperature during germination should be 25°C.

Regularly spray and ventilate the shoots.

When the first three leaves appear, the young hibiscus picks up and sits in separate pots.

After transplantation, flowering will occur within three years.

Medicinal uses of hibiscus

Hibiscus has various organic acids such as anthocyanins, phytosterols, pectins and hibisic acid. Therefore, the branches of the plant have a slightly sour taste. A drink made from it perfectly quenches thirst. It also has a mild laxative effect.

Hibiscus has anti-inflammatory and hemostatic properties and is indispensable in the treatment of weeping ulcers.

Hibiscus perfectly restores metabolism due to the fact that contains a large amount of flavonoids.

Did you know? If you want to lose weight, add sweets to your diet that contain decoctions of jasmine and hibiscus. This will help you effortlessly lose a couple of extra pounds, and at the same time you can indulge in sweets.

Leaves and flowers increase bile production and improve metabolism.

Fragrant hibiscus teas have a choleretic and hemostatic effect on the human body. If the leaves are crushed until smooth, it can help in the treatment of malignant tumors of all types.

Tea normalizes nervous system, blood pressure and cleanses the kidneys of toxins and salts.

Hibiscus is also used for infertility in men and women.

Important! Hibiscus tea should not be consumed during pregnancy. It increases the risk of various complications and stimulates menstruation.

Diseases and pests of Chinese roses, their control

Hibiscus, like all plants, is attacked by various pests. Thrips and aphids are dangerous. This happens due to improper care of the plant. And most often the cause of this problem is too dry air. To do this, place the plant on a tray with wet pebbles and spray the leaves with settled water.

You can also check this by shaking the pot over dark paper. Pests will show up immediately.

Lesions also appear on the leaves and a grayish tint appears. The foliage dries out and curls. From the outside it looks like there are burns and dirt on the flowers.

Method of struggle. All plants should be inspected and the flower that is most infected should be isolated. The parasite larvae are removed with cotton swabs. After this, the plant should be replanted.

Chinese rose or hibiscus is valued primarily for its unrivaled decorative properties. And, of course, do not take it away from the plant healing properties. Despite its tropical origin, the Chinese rose is also grown in our country, but mostly as an indoor flower.

look after exotic beauty not difficult, the greatest difficulty is its reproduction. In this article we will analyze in detail all the methods of propagating hibiscus at home, and find out which one is the best.

The least common option for propagating hibiscus, as it is labor-intensive and not very effective. Often, when a Chinese rose is propagated by seeds, this entails the loss of varietal characteristics of the plant, which, of course, is an unpleasant surprise. However, if there are no other ways, you will have to use this. Next, we will consider in detail the procedure for seed propagation.

  1. First of all, hibiscus seeds are soaked in a solution of a growth stimulator: Zircon, Humate or Epin are quite suitable. The procedure should last 1-2 days.
  2. While the seeds are soaked in the solution, stir them periodically (at least 2-3 times).
  3. Place the processed seeds on a cotton napkin, and place on top plastic bag or film.
  4. After 2-3 days, the seeds usually germinate. After the roots appear, they can be planted in the ground.
  5. The soil in the container must be prepared in advance, be loose and consist of peat, leaf soil, wood ash and sand in equal parts.
  6. There is no need to bury the seeds; they should simply be spread at approximately equal distances on the surface of the substrate.
  7. The seeds are watered, after which it is recommended to cover the container with polyethylene. Thus, a semblance of a greenhouse microclimate will be created inside.
  8. After 1-2 weeks, shoots appear, after which the shelter must be removed.
  9. After 2-3 months, the seedlings become quite large and should be planted in separate pots. Further care like a full-fledged plant.

It is better to buy seeds. Harvesting them yourself is quite difficult, since the seeds must be taken not only fully ripe, but also pollinated. Otherwise, even if they sprout, they are unlikely to have the varietal characteristics of the mother specimen. But usually unpollinated seeds do not even germinate

Reproduction by layering

The method is very effective, but more suitable for experienced gardeners. Hibiscus can be propagated by air layering, conventional or vertical. However, ordinary cuttings are more often used, since they minimize damage to the donor plant.

First, select a branch suitable for further rooting: it must be long enough and flexible, healthy and undamaged at the same time. The branch, without cutting it from the mother plant, is buried in the middle part into the ground: the top remains on the surface of the earth.

Important: the base of the rooting shoot must be below the soil surface.

If the shoot was hidden underground in the spring, then by autumn the roots should have grown quite long. And in September-October, the cuttings with roots are separated from the mother plant. Then the shoot needs to be planted in a separate pot.

For propagation by layering, the composition and quality of the substrate is of particular importance. The soil must be dug as deeply as possible, however, without touching the roots of the mother plant. Then sand and peat are added.

The rooting shoot must be completely freed from foliage. As a rule, you have to fix the shoot in the ground with brackets, since it is unlikely to hold up on its own.

Water the soil in the pot often, without waiting for the soil to dry thoroughly. It will be much easier for the shoot to take root in a moist substrate.

Dividing the bush

Very effective option propagation of the Chinese rose, applicable, however, only to branched, fairly overgrown specimens. Usually the bush is divided in the spring, combining the procedure with plant transplantation. The procedure is quite complex and time-consuming: you will need experience and skills to carry it out correctly.

  1. First of all, the bush is dug up, then the roots are cleared of soil.
  2. Divide the bush with a sharp knife so that one division is carried out in one step. If the plant is small, it is divided into two parts, a large one - into three, in rare cases, into four.
  3. Make sure that each individual piece also has a root portion.
  4. After division, the plants are transplanted into separate containers. It wouldn’t hurt to check the roots before doing this and cut off those that are rotten, damaged or broken.

Further care of young plants should be limited to regular watering, fertilizing with compost or humus. You can grow a full-fledged plant by dividing the bush very quickly, and with complete preservation of varietal characteristics.


The most popular option for propagating Chinese roses, and also the simplest. Flowers can be propagated by cuttings throughout the year, and even a beginner can handle the simple procedure. But experienced flower growers Still, it is advised to first try to reproduce in spring or summer: in warm time years, the probability of shoot survival is greater.

Only adult hibiscus is used as a donor plant - healthy and strong, having flowered at least once. Before cutting off the shoot, the plant must be well watered. A high-quality shoot should have at least two full-fledged internodes, and the shoot itself should be green, but strong, 8-15 cm long (see photo). The leaves from below must be torn off, since they can then rot in water or soil.

The cutting should be flexible and green on top, and semi-lignified at the bottom. Completely green shoots should not be used: they are likely to rot in the soil or soil instead of taking root. The shoot is cut obliquely from below, and the cut is made straight from above.

As soil, you can use a purchased substrate intended for indoor plants. At least it won’t have to be subjected to troublesome disinfection. Just make sure that the soil is loose and has good permeable properties. It is recommended to keep cups with germinating cuttings at a temperature of +24 degrees.

The pot into which the cutting with roots will be transplanted must be disinfected in advance. If the container is old and has already been used, wash it with laundry soap and pour over with boiling water. The measure is aimed at destroying harmful microbes and pest larvae.

Rooting in water

You can root hibiscus cuttings in water - simple and quite affordable, effective way, great for beginners.


  1. The cuttings are cut in the standard way, the leaves are removed from below, and shortened from above if necessary.
  2. Glasses must be opaque to prevent water from blooming and the proliferation of microorganisms in it. A dark glass container is ideal.
  3. Pour water into a glass and add an activated carbon tablet for disinfection.
  4. Place the cuttings in water and remove the container to a bright place. Periodically add fresh water and add a little coal.
  5. Wait until the roots grow to 0.5 cm, and then transplant the cuttings into the ground. If you allow more significant root regrowth, the seedlings will take root much worse in the soil.

Rooting in a peat tablet

When propagating hibiscus from cuttings, it is convenient to use modern tablets made from pressed peat: this way there is no need to prepare and disinfect the soil, and the plant receives all the necessary nutrients. Many flower growers, by the way, believe this method most effective in propagating hibiscus.

What you will need:

  • plastic glass with a volume of 300 ml;
  • expanded clay drainage;
  • growth stimulator;
  • baking powder in the form of perlite/vermiculite;
  • plastic bag.

Step by step procedure

  1. The peat tablet must be filled with boiled but already cooled water. Give the peat some time to swell.
  2. The cuttings are cut from the mother plant immediately before rooting. The cut should be air-dried and soaked in a root stimulator for 1-2 hours.
  3. You need to drain the excess water from the swollen peat, add vermiculite/perlite, and mix everything.
  4. Expanded clay is poured into a glass, with peat soil on top.
  5. The cuttings are buried 2-2.5 cm. The lower leaves need to be cut off completely, and the upper ones, if they are large, should be shortened by half.
  6. A plastic bag is placed on top of the cutting. This creates a greenhouse microclimate inside, very favorable for the rooting of hibiscus.
  7. Place the glass in the light, but out of direct sun.
  8. Ventilate the cuttings regularly and water the soil as it dries.
  9. After 2-3 months, the young hibiscus will take root well in the peat. Through the transparent plastic cup, the appearance of roots can be easily monitored.
  10. Transplantation into a permanent pot is carried out when the root system becomes sufficiently powerful and branched.

Important: young hibiscus should not be planted in a pot that is too large. If the capacity is large, the plant will devote all its strength to forming a powerful root system until the roots entwine the entire earthen lump. At this time, the Chinese rose will not bloom.

Features of care

Let's learn how to properly care for young, newly rooted Chinese rose seedlings.


If mature plant can easily withstand short-term drying out of the soil, it is better not to allow this to happen with young hibiscus. Soil moisture should be moderate, but optimal humidity it is necessary to maintain it all the time, not allowing the earthen coma to dry out. The seedling will react negatively to drought by falling and withering leaves, lack of flowering, and a general loss of decorativeness.

Water with a small amount of water. After watering, only droplets should seep out of the drainage holes, and not streams. In summer, watering should be more frequent and abundant, in winter much less frequent. If the summer turns out to be particularly dry and hot, you can even water it twice a day: in the morning and in the evening.

Top dressing

To a young seedling from organic fertilizers Compost is suitable, as well as humus. And in order for the plant to quickly produce flowers, complex minerals are added to the soil when watering. Mineral feeding It is recommended no more than once every 2-3 months and should contain mainly phosphorus, and nitrogen in smaller quantities. In the fall, add potassium, which will help the plant survive the winter better.

In order for the plant to develop properly and bloom profusely, it is recommended to alternate mineral and organic fertilizers. But do not allow an excess of fertilizers, since in this case only the shoots of the hibiscus will grow rapidly, and flowering will take a long time to come.

Only liquid fertilizing is applied and exclusively during the growing season: that is, from May to September. During the cool season, you cannot feed the Chinese rose.

The plant responds well to foliar feeding, especially nitrogen ones. However, when the plant already has flowers, there is no need to spray it with fertilizers: after the procedure, unsightly spots and stains may remain on the petals.

Young hibiscus benefit from sugar feeding, which is easy to prepare at home. Dilute a teaspoon of sugar in a glass of water, stir, and then water the flower with the resulting syrup. It is important to stir the sugar thoroughly so that all individual grains dissolve.


Once the seedling has taken root permanent place and starts to grow, you need to start pinching the plant. The procedure will help to form a lush, abundant and beautiful crown. Young shoots must be pinched: their very top is removed.

Pest and fungus treatment

The young seedling is threatened mainly by spider mite and aphids. To prevent pest attacks, you need to carry out timely preventive spraying with special preparations. If insects have already infested, it is recommended to wash the leaves of the plant under running water and soap.

Spider mites are difficult to notice: usually the pest is discovered only when it has already caused significant destruction. The drug Fitoverm can help cope with insects: along with its effective effect, it is completely safe. There should be three treatments spaced a week apart.

If Fitoverm does not help, use “heavy artillery” in the form of drugs:

  • Oberon;
  • Sunmite;
  • Neoron et al.

The plant is also affected by scale insects. The danger of this pest is that it is especially difficult to remove: due to its durable shell, the scale insect is resistant to insecticides. However, spraying twice with Aktara can solve the problem. It is recommended to pour the solution remaining after spraying into the soil to radically solve the pest problem.

It is also possible that hibiscus can be damaged by a fungus: in this case, black spots appear on the leaves, the buds fall off, the plant noticeably wilts, and may die. Typically, the appearance of fungus is associated with excessive moisture of the rose, and sometimes with keeping it under drafts, under conditions of sudden temperature changes. You need to fight fungal diseases with the help of special fungicides, traditional methods are ineffective here.

Attention: it is better to carry out treatment with toxic drugs outside, in the garden, on the balcony, or in another place with open and plentiful air access.

  • Provide the young Chinese rose with good lighting, but at the same time protection from direct sun.
  • The plant should be protected from drafts - hibiscus cannot tolerate cold wind blows and reacts extremely negatively to them.
  • As for the temperature of the plant, it should not be too high. Optimally in summer +16 degrees, in winter from +10 to +14.
  • In summer, it is recommended to take the plant to a balcony or terrace: where there is a lot of fresh air. In conditions of abundant, but not direct lighting and a sufficient amount of fresh air, the plant will bloom especially profusely.

Problems and how to solve them

We will find out what problems can arise when propagating hibiscus and caring for young seedlings and find out how to deal with the troubles that arise.

Yellowing of foliage

Usually this problem associated with improper feeding. By yellowing the foliage, hibiscus reacts to a lack of iron and nitrogen, as well as an excess of calcium. If this is the reason, the leaves below will fall off, and the new ones that have just appeared will turn yellow. Possible reason is also the use of chlorinated water for irrigation. Excess chlorine negatively affects the health and decorativeness of the flower and leads to yellowing of the leaves.

The buds turn yellow and fall off

This problem can be caused by insufficient watering of the plant, as well as a lack of minerals, keeping it too low temperatures. Remove the cause, and the hibiscus will quickly recover.

Does not bloom, but rapidly grows greenery

The problem is usually due to overfeeding the plant with nitrogen. Stop adding nitrogen fertilizers and focus on phosphorus and potassium. But if there is too much nitrogen in the soil, an urgent transplant of the hibiscus into a clean substrate may be required.

The plant has drooped

This happens when hibiscus freezes. Usually, the Chinese rose reacts in this way to being under drafts.

Leaves fall in winter

There is a problem with keeping the plant in a room that is too warm. In winter, during the dormant period, hibiscus needs coolness, and if the air in the room is too dry, it needs spraying. It is necessary to keep the plant at a sufficient distance from batteries in winter.

We learned what methods of propagating hibiscus at home can be used. As you can see, the best and easiest way to propagate Chinese roses is vegetatively: by cuttings, layering or dividing the bush. The article describes in detail all the procedures, so choosing and implementing the one you need will not be difficult.

How to quickly propagate hibiscus? My personal experience

This amazingly beautiful plant appeared to me last year. I grew it from a small stick, or rather from a stem that was knocked out by a hibiscus early spring. I had no hope that I would grow a bush, since the cuttings were absolutely without roots. Wrapped in damp cloth and cellophane, he traveled thousands and thousands of kilometers with me.

Planted in the spring under cover (under a jar), exactly 20 days later it knocked out one thick stem. All summer I looked after it - watered it, fertilized it, protected it from direct sunlight. At the beginning of August, my young seedling pleased me with one single flower.

The flower was huge! I have never seen flowers of this size before. The sepals are large and gracefully shaped.

Today's topic of the day is reproduction herbaceous hibiscus


We divide to multiply! You can divide the queen cell only for the 3-4th year of life, at which time all mechanical damage to the root system passes more or less painlessly for the plant. It is not recommended to divide before this period, since it can greatly weaken the bush.


Spring is the most best time for division. It is difficult to indicate the exact time for this operation; it all depends on the growing zone. Focus on the growth of young stems (from replacement points). As soon as their length reaches 15-20 cm, it’s time to start acting - to reproduce.

This action is quite difficult to carry out! Sometimes considerable effort is required to separate a shoot with a good root system from the mother plant. The shoots are very fragile; if moved carelessly, they break off. In order to make work easier, you need to have a sharp garden knife and pruning shears in your arsenal. You can use a shovel. There is another method of reproduction; it is rightfully considered the simplest and most effective.


This method allows you to obtain a large number of young seedlings in a shorter time; the only drawback is flowering in the second year of life. In rare cases, the appearance of buds will be sporadic. It is recommended to cut off the buds in the first year after planting so that the development and growth of the plant is not delayed.


From mid-May to mid-July. This is the most favorable time for rapid rooting of cuttings. Total temperature regime this period is the best for rooting cuttings.


Hibiscus, in addition to the main stems, also has side shoots, they are used as planting material. Preparation time is early morning or late evening. The handle needs to be broken off with the so-called heel.

Attention! You need to break it out, not cut it off!

The length of the layering should be at least 25-30 cm. Here in the photo bottom sheets have not been deleted yet. We will definitely remove them.

What needs to be done before planting cuttings in the ground?

● Remove leaves, leaving only top part.

● How to cut leaves? On the lower part of the cutting, the leaf is cut to the very base of the stem - that is, to a clean one. This will be the part that will be in the soil.

● How to trim the top of the leaves? In the upper part of the stem (aerial) we make an oblique cut - remove the thinner part with pruning shears or a knife. In this case, you need to leave 1-2 sheets at the top. The surface of the sheet must be reduced by cutting it in half.


Planting material - before planting (for better rooting) treat with a growth stimulator. In a container with a diluted stimulant, the cuttings should be left for 1-2 hours. You can make the solution yourself - aloe juice + ash + honey - take one teaspoon of everything for one glass of water.

Hibiscus prefers moist, well-fertilized soils, but also grows well in sandy, loamy soils. If temporary planting is planned, then nothing needs to be added to the soil. Only add a little on heavy soils river sand, thereby avoiding rotting of the planting material.

Planting can be done not only in the ground, but also in pots. Growing in pots makes caring for young plants easier.

Cuttings begin their development in a potted culture 5-7 days earlier than their counterparts planted directly in the ground.
The photo shows young hibiscus leaves; 18 days have passed since the cuttings were planted.
That's the whole cutting process! I hope everything works out for you! By the way, I read that the peak of beauty of a plant occurs at the age of five.

Here is my two year old hibiscus. It has grown so much over the season that it completely blocked the one planted next to it from the sun. tree variety hibiscus. My mistake, I will definitely replant in the fall. It will be crowded for two plants to grow in a small area.

Chinese rose (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis or hibiscus) is one of the species of hibiscus (Hibiscus) belonging to the Malvaceae family. Grows in Malaysia, China, India, southern regions of Russia.

Under natural conditions, this flower is grown in the garden, but many gardeners also grow almost entire greenhouses at home. The aroma and beauty of hibiscus is worth studying and following all the rules for caring for it.

Description and care

The Chinese rose flower is the most popular type of hibiscus among indoor plant lovers. This plant is quite large in size: the bush can reach one and a half to two meters in both height and width, and caring for it at home is easy.

The leaves of the indoor Chinese rose are large and dark green, but there are also variegated varieties. The flowers are double, quite large, white, cream color and red shades from bright scarlet to burgundy, almost black. With proper care, the rose will delight you with flowers all summer long.

The optimal temperature in the room where the hibiscus is located is from + 14 to +22 ° C. Chinese rose loves bright light. In summer it is recommended to take the plant outside open air(balcony or terrace), but it must be protected from strong winds, direct sunlight and rain.

Caring for a plant includes compliance with certain conditions. For example, in autumn-winter period hibiscus prefers a temperature of +14-+15°C. During this wintering it gains strength and then blooms well.

Watering in summer you need plenty, but as the soil dries out, so that the roots do not rot. Hibiscus loves moisture, so it must be sprayed with water, and hot weather- every day. In winter, watering is moderate.

It is better to settle water for irrigation. If it is hard, then pass it through a filter or soften it, and also leave it until room temperature. From hard water, excessively saturated with iron, the leaves of the Chinese rose turn yellow and the buds fall off.