How to deal with dust using folk remedies? How to wipe dust correctly How to easily remove dust

10/07/2018 0 15,710 views

We all want our apartment to be clean and tidy. Therefore, housewives often face the question of how to wipe off dust so that it settles less. Folk remedies that involve the use of improvised ingredients available in every home can help here. They will not only effectively remove dirt, but also keep it clean for as long as possible, saving you energy and time.

Removing dust from an apartment serves not only aesthetic purposes, it has an extremely beneficial effect on the health of all residents. Dust particles entering the respiratory tract cause irritation, inflammation and contribute to the development of allergies. Therefore, timely cleaning is especially important for allergy sufferers and people suffering from bronchopulmonary diseases.

How should you wipe off dust?

It is very important to remove dirt from top to bottom, starting from the ceiling and ending with the floor. Otherwise, dust particles from above will settle on already washed items, and everything will have to start all over again. If possible, adhere to the following wet cleaning algorithm:

  1. First, clean the ceiling using a broom wrapped in a cloth. Undeservedly little attention is usually paid to the ceiling, but it spreads dust throughout the apartment.
  2. Cobwebs from the corners can be sucked up with a vacuum cleaner, after first removing the brush from it.
  3. Wash or wipe the chandelier shades thoroughly with a damp cloth, after removing them.
  4. We remove the dust layer from the light bulbs with any alcohol solution (ethyl, boric alcohol, vodka), which prevents its re-formation.
  5. Wipe down the walls if they are covered with washable wallpaper or tiles.
  6. We continue wet cleaning, treating window sills and cabinets. Here you should also move from top shelves to the lower ones. Don’t forget to look at closed shelves; dust accumulates there more slowly, but you shouldn’t ignore it.
  7. Wipe down household appliances (TV, stereo, computer, refrigerator, microwave, etc.) - they attract the largest number of dust particles due to static voltage.
  8. Please pay special attention to places that hands usually cannot reach - armrests of sofas and armchairs, backs and crossbars of chairs, interior doors.
  9. When washing the floor, pay special attention to the baseboards, thoroughly washing away dirt from them.
  10. To clean floors in hard-to-reach places, use mops and brushes with long handles.

To clean up your home as quickly and efficiently as possible, you should listen to the following tips:

  • Use more often. Try to wipe the areas of greatest concentration of dirt every day - the hallway, corridor, window sills, electrical equipment. Do not wear street shoes into living areas, otherwise dirt will spread throughout the house.
  • You can sweep the floor with a broom or brush only after moistening it with water. Otherwise, they will raise dust particles from the floor into the air, which will then settle down again. It is much easier and more efficient to use a vacuum cleaner.
  • The same goes for a furniture broom. Surfaces should only be wiped with a damp cloth.
  • Comb and do your hair only in the bathroom so that your hair does not spread throughout the apartment. For the same reasons, you should wash and brush your pets regularly.
  • Don't forget about soft interior items. Twice a year, knock out and clean carpets, blankets, curtains, pillows, soft toys. Wash your bed linen weekly.

What to wipe the dust with?

You can wipe off dust so that it settles less, using store-bought products or natural antistatic agents. The first include:

  • aerosols of the “Anti-Dust” type, which are sprayed onto surfaces, creating a dust-repellent barrier around them;
  • furniture wax creates a dense layer on wooden furniture, protecting it not only from dust, but also from mechanical damage;
  • special solutions designed to kill dust mites are especially useful for allergy sufferers, since mite waste products are the main allergens;
  • polishes with an antistatic effect are used to treat wooden objects, giving them shine and a renewed appearance;
  • wet wipes designed for wiping household appliances, are very convenient for cleaning monitor screens - they can be used without unplugging the electrical appliance;
  • impregnation for upholstered furniture and carpets, forming a protective layer on their surface that repels dust.

Folk remedies include the following substances and their combinations:

  1. Essential oils added to water are used to wipe floors, tables, bookshelves and other furniture. Rose and lavender oils are especially good at removing dust.
  2. Saline solution at a concentration of 1 tsp. per glass of water is suitable for washing shoes, floors and other horizontal surfaces.
  3. The lemon-based product needs to be prepared in advance, but it does not leave sloppy streaks and effectively removes dust and dirt. Cut the lemon into slices or slices, add 6-7 tsp to it. vegetable oil and leave for 5-7 days. Next, the mixture is poured with 200 ml of boiling water and filtered. Moisten a rag with the remaining liquid, then dry it and wipe the furniture with it.
  4. Used for processing glass and polished surfaces aqueous solution glycerin in a ratio of 1:10. It can be used to successfully wash windows and treat glossy decorative elements.
  5. In a glass with cold water pour in 50-70 ml of 9% vinegar, 2 tsp. olive oil and a few drops of aromatic oil. Pour all components into a spray bottle and spray over interior items.
  6. Combine water and bleach in a 1:1 ratio and wipe with the solution. tiles, glass shelves, washing machine and other bathroom furnishings.
  7. To prevent dust from settling on horizontal planes, prepare a special mixture of fabric conditioner, shampoo and water. They are combined in equal quantities and used to wash furniture and floors.

How to secure furniture?

In order to avoid spending most of your life cleaning, you need to prevent dust from settling on horizontal surfaces. Then you can wipe them less often. Here's what you can do for this:

  • It is advisable to use all of the listed antistatic agents only after complete wet cleaning, otherwise dirt will be transferred from one object to another, and all efforts will be pointless.
  • Maintain a humidity level in the room of at least 40% so that dust molecules do not constantly fly around in dry air, but immediately settle down and can be wiped off.
  • Air purifiers will also help remove airborne dust elements and germs.
  • Store books and small decorative items on glass shelves - much less dust gets in there.
  • Use special organizers, trunks and cases to store clothes and bedding that you don’t use every day.
  • Never apply polish, wax or similar products directly to the surface of furniture, otherwise a sticky film will form on it, which will attract even more dust. You need to treat furniture with a cloth or a special sponge.
  • Replace filters in vacuum cleaners and air purifiers in a timely manner, otherwise they will no longer perform their function.
  • Do not leave windows open for long periods of time. It is certainly necessary to ventilate the premises, but it is better to allocate special time for this, opening the windows wide and creating a draft. If the windows are constantly fixed in micro-ventilation mode, then you will not be able to get rid of dust for a long time.

Video: how to clean a house in an hour?

  1. Wipe surfaces with microfiber cloths; they stick well to any dirt and hold it inside the fabric. Each time after putting things in order, the rag must be washed.
  2. To wash blinds, it is convenient to use a damp old sock or a cloth glove for household work.
  3. A painting brush can easily penetrate narrow cracks and carved decorative elements; moistening it with water can easily get rid of dust.
  4. To clean woven shades, lampshades, decorative pillows, and ottomans, it is convenient to use roller brushes with a sticky coating.
  5. If you absolutely need a carpet to create coziness in your apartment, then it is better to choose natural models with short pile. It is better to remove them in the summer.
  6. It is advisable to put covers on top of upholstered furniture and mattresses, which can be washed if necessary.
  7. Indoor plants help to effectively purify the air, but they need help in this. Rinse all plants and pots regularly to rid them of settled dust and toxic substances. Remember that if not cared for properly, flowers themselves can become a source of air pollution (soil, pollen, seeds).
  8. Do not turn your apartment into a warehouse for vases, figurines, decorative candles and other trinkets. Their abundance looks tasteless and creates ideal conditions for dust accumulation.
  9. The crevice tool for a vacuum cleaner does not always help you get into everything. hard to reach places. It is more convenient to use a roll sleeve toilet paper. It is soft enough to mold to the surface being cleaned and fits well into the vacuum cleaner tube.
  10. After use, also wipe the vacuum cleaner with a damp cloth; it often accumulates about the same amount of dust outside as it sucks inside.
  11. When planning repair work keep in mind that paper wallpaper They attract dust the most. It is better to cover the walls with washable wallpaper or cover them with tiles.

When the floors are swept and wiped, buckets, mops, rags rinsed and hung in their places, dust must be wiped off the table, cabinet and other furniture. It seems like this job couldn't be easier! But it also requires skill and skill. Under no circumstances should you blow dust off individual objects right there in the room. This can only be done near an open window. Dust should be carefully wiped off with a soft flannel or woolen cloth: to a soft cloth dust sticks better.

As parts of the rag become dirty, tuck them inward and continue wiping away the dust with the clean part of the rag. Do this until the entire rag is rolled up into a ball. Shake it thoroughly in the air and only then continue working. You should not knock a rag against the wall of the house, as this leaves dirty marks.

Wipe dust necessary not only from furniture, but also from small items - inkwells, vases, ashtrays, light bulbs and so on. When cleaning, do not forget to wipe the ledges on furniture, chair legs, radiators central heating etc. Wipe the bottom parts of the batteries using a stick or splinter with a damp rag wrapped around it.

Furniture coated with varnish is cleaned with a dry cloth and then polished to a shine with a clean woolen cloth. Painted furniture can also be wiped with a damp cloth. Clean dust from silk lampshades with a brush

In addition to ongoing daily cleaning, it is necessary to carry out more thorough weekly cleaning once a week. During such cleaning, wipe the ceilings and walls with a rag thrown over a brush with long handle or attached to a rag holder. Shake out the bedding and be sure to air it out. Wipe down beds thoroughly, lift spring mattresses on their sides, and wipe off dust from springs. If curtains and drapes are easy to remove, shake them out in the air; if difficult, shake them carefully and pin them higher so that they do not interfere with further cleaning. Place rugs, carpets, and runners outdoors for ventilation. When rolling or folding them, try to lift as little as possible dust. Hang large carpets and runners on poles or ropes, carefully beat out the dust with a beater, and then clean with a brush. Valuable carpets are knocked out only on the left side. Shake out small rugs and paths, turning your face towards the wind.

IN winter time Carpets can be cleaned with dry snow. If you want to refresh the color of the carpet, soak a brush in a vinegar solution (1 tablespoon per liter of water) and walk it over the carpet. Take special care to knock out the rug located at the front door, since it usually contains a lot of sand and dirt. Never clean carpets, runners and rugs on stair railings. This is as uncivilized as shaking them out on the balcony. Dust gets on the heads of passersby, in neighbors' apartments, and there will be a lot of it in your apartment.

Weather permitting, take some of the upholstered furniture out into the air - sofa cushions, rollers, etc. They also need to be knocked out with a beater and cleaned with a brush. The remaining upholstered furniture You can also knock it out in the room, covering it with an old sheet soaked in water or a vinegar solution and well wrung out. As needed, the sheet is rinsed and moved to another place. Having knocked out all the upholstered furniture in this way, finally go over it with a clean brush.

Flowers from windowsills and remove the shelves to the floor. Wipe large leaves (ficus, palm trees) with a soft cloth, sprinkle the rest with water from a toy watering can or through a fine strainer placed on a bottle. Wipe the flower pots with a damp cloth. Wash the plates on which they stand. You can wash the flowers in the shower. But to prevent a strong stream of water from carrying away the soil, make a protective “cape” of oilcloth over the pot. This cape looks like a circle with a cut towards the center; cut a small circle in the middle for the stem.

Windows, window sills, doors, painted stoves, central heating radiators, wipe thoroughly with a damp cloth. If they are very dirty, wash them warm water. To prevent the paint from losing its shine, add a little to the water. ammonia. First they wash the frames and window sills, and then the doors and stoves. You need to wipe everything dry, otherwise they may form. yellow spots. Then wash all painted oil paint and unpainted tables, chairs, benches, stools. You should not mix soda with water: it makes the paint dull. It also affects painted surfaces and is very hot water. Remember that polished furniture cannot be wiped with a damp cloth: it can ruin the polish. Such furniture is wiped with a dry cloth, as well as a cloth moistened with vegetable oil or turpentine.


The biggest enemy of cleanliness in the house is ordinary dust. It settles on all objects in the room, penetrating into secluded corners even with daily wet cleaning.

A thin layer appears on objects within a few hours, and in contaminated areas within a few minutes.

House dust not only spoils the aesthetic appearance of the room, its inhalation can affect the health and well-being of household members. It’s impossible to get rid of it completely, but there are a few tricks that will improve cleaning efficiency and reduce the amount of dust in the room.

Dust is a multicomponent substance. It consists of dead human skin cells, mold, pet hair, chemical elements, soil and even particles from space. More than half of the dust is saprophytes - microscopic mites that live only at home.

Dust is dangerous to humans.

  • Firstly, it mechanically irritates the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, causing discomfort and making breathing difficult.
  • Secondly, bacteria, fungi and viruses that cause various infectious diseases accumulate in dust.
  • Thirdly, dust is a concentrate of strong allergens that can provoke the development of bronchial asthma.

House dust is especially dangerous for young children. Their respiratory passages are narrow, and their immunity is not formed, so dusty air causes frequent respiratory infections with complications.

Handy tools for fighting dust

To clean the room from dust and other contaminants, you can use household chemicals and equipment, and also use folk remedies.

The main assistant of any housewife in the fight for cleanliness is, of course, a vacuum cleaner.

Today the most effective are:

  • detergents;
  • devices with a water filter.

A humid environment retains most of the dirt, while conventional vacuum cleaners throw back about half of the dust.

Helps reduce dust household appliances, which are not found in every home:

  1. Humidifier.

Increases the humidity in the room, wet particles fall to the floor rather than hovering in the air, settling in the human respiratory tract.

Makes dust particles heavier, causing them to concentrate on the floor.

  1. Air purifier.

It works like a vacuum cleaner, but stationary and silent.

These devices, in addition to the high price, have another disadvantage - they only work on certain area. However, when correct use, make the indoor air noticeably cleaner.

Auxiliary equipment:

  • soft cloths from natural materials used for dry and wet cleaning of large surfaces;
  • feather dusters and brushes will help remove dust from small objects and hard-to-reach places;
  • disposable wet wipes are designed for cleaning glossy surfaces and screens of household appliances.

How to wipe furniture to prevent dust from settling

Household chemicals

  1. Polishes.

Special liquids for cleaning glossy surfaces that do not leave streaks or stains (Pronto, Mebelux). The product adds shine to surfaces, destroys bacteria and leaves an invisible film that repels dust.

Absolutely safe for equipment, dry instantly. It is recommended to apply them to a special cloth and only then wipe the screen with it.

  1. Sprays that destroy household mites and neutralize most allergens.

A good example is Allergoff - the product is applied to carpets, upholstered furniture and toys. The spray works for 6 months after spraying.

All products are safe for humans and the environment.

Folk remedies for cleaning an apartment

Supporters natural remedies you can use people's councils when cleaning the room:

  • a mixture of any vegetable oil and lemon juice will replace polish in equal proportions;
  • warm water with the addition of laundry soap shavings will be replaced special means for wet cleaning;
  • a liter of water with a dissolved spoon of ammonia - an analogue of glass washing liquids;
  • baking soda sprinkled on carpets thin layer, will clean all dirt from carpets without effort. Simply vacuum the surface after a few hours.

Algorithm for proper house cleaning

Each housewife cleans the house according to a certain scheme, and dust settles on already cleaned surfaces. To make the process as efficient as possible and save some time, you can use a proven algorithm based on simple physics:

Features of cleaning in different places

Dust accumulates in every corner of the apartment. To make your home safe, you need general cleaning at least once every 30 days, during which you need to remove dust from everywhere.

There are certain tricks that will help make the process as efficient as possible:

  1. Curtains are one of the strongest accumulators of dust, especially in the summer season.

Most effective way clean them - wash. They resort to it once every one to two months. As a weekly option, you can use a steamer. Hot steam under high pressure will knock out all the dust and destroy all pathogenic microorganisms. The cornices are vacuumed and wiped with a damp cloth.

  1. Unnoticeable to the eye, but noticeable to the body, dust accumulates on the ceiling.

It is better to clean it with a damp cloth soaked in soapy water and then wipe dry.

  1. Dust accumulated on the wallpaper can be removed with a vacuum cleaner or a damp, soft microfiber cloth (not suitable for paper wallpaper).
  2. During routine cleaning, it is convenient to remove dust from chandeliers with a special dry broom; at the end you can wet it and go through it again.

Several times a year lampshades lighting fixtures need to be washed with special detergents or regular soap solution.

  1. When cleaning closets, most housewives only clean visible surfaces.

Wipe the doors with a dry cloth or polish them, clean the glass and mirrors. But many people forget that dust settles at the very top, or neglect to wipe it there because the place is inaccessible.

It's very easy to make your work easier - just put some newspaper there and change it for a new one once a week. Be sure to wash the floor behind and under the cabinet, after vacuuming these places with a special nozzle. To make cleaning easier, these places can also be covered with paper.

  1. Dust accumulates not only on cabinets, but also inside them: on clothes, books and small objects.

The wardrobe should be inspected once a month, if necessary, knock out or clean clothes with a soft brush. In winter, it is recommended to take large wardrobe items out into the cold for several hours. This will ventilate them and kill any accumulated mites. Books are vacuumed, and dishes are washed in soapy water and wiped dry.

  1. A large amount of dust and household mites accumulate in upholstered furniture.

To get rid of them, you need to vacuum sofas and armchairs 1-2 times a week or cover them with a damp cloth and tap them with a carpet beater.

Remove it with a damp cloth or cotton swab, wiping the leaves once a week.

  1. Carpets are considered the main dust collector in a room.

This is only partly true: on the one hand, they attract dust to themselves, but on the other hand, without them, much more dust would settle in a person’s lungs. To clean carpets, they are first vacuumed and then the floors underneath are washed. At least once a month, carpets from walls and floors should be knocked out on the street or washed (by hand or with a vacuum cleaner).

It is especially difficult to remove dust in the kitchen, since it accumulates with grease and fumes and settles firmly on all surfaces. When cleaning the kitchen it is only suitable wet method with detergents.

  • To reduce dust settling on furniture, use microfiber cloths and liquids with an antistatic effect after cleaning;
  • Regular ventilation of the premises will help remove the smell of dust.

How to remove construction debris and dust after renovation

Even a small renovation is a real test for a family. It is especially difficult for women; construction dust settles everywhere in a thick layer, and it takes a lot of effort to remove it. Most often, you have to wash everything repeatedly because the dirt quickly spreads throughout the apartment.

It is much easier to prevent dust from settling than to clean it up later. To do this, you need to take out furniture and household appliances or cover them with construction film along with floors and other surfaces.

If you forgot about this method, or it did not help, you should be patient and prepare more rags.

Algorithm for collecting dust after repair

  1. You need to remove concrete dust very carefully, using special products (sold in stores household chemicals and paints and varnishes);
  1. Get rid of it faster construction dust Warm water with the addition of vegetable oil (100 grams per bucket) will help. After treatment, the surface is washed first with acidified, then with ordinary water.
  1. To wash floors use salted water (one glass table salt per bucket of liquid).
  1. A weak solution of potassium permanganate will help completely remove dust from surfaces and destroy most bacteria.

The process of cleaning your home after renovation will take a long time, perhaps even several days. When cleaning the premises, you need to wear old clothes and shoes, preferably a respirator and gloves. During cleaning, the water needs to be changed very often as soon as it becomes dirty.

How to stop dust from appearing so quickly

Despite the constant improvement of household appliances and chemicals, there is no way to get rid of dust once and for all. However, any housewife can make it smaller.

Helpful Tips:

Dust is present in the air in large quantities. In nature, dust particles are soil particles, plant pollen, and volcanic ash. At home, microfibers from upholstered furniture and carpets, flakes of our skin, tobacco smoke and much more are added to them. Few people like dust particles that are clearly visible in sunlight. And if you remember that the bulk of the dust simply cannot be seen, and in fact there is much more of it, you want to immediately start cleaning.

Why is house dust harmful?

Dust not only looks unattractive. It can harm our health. First of all, because it is inhabited in large numbers dust mites. These are microorganisms that do not pose a threat in themselves. But their waste products are a strong allergen that can even cause an asthma attack. These mites can be found anywhere there is dust. But our pillows and blankets contain the most of them.

Dust is also capable of transporting and maintaining in suspension a variety of harmful substances. These are carcinogens that are formed during the operation of equipment, vapors and particles of household chemicals, cigarette smoke toxins, mold spores, pathogenic bacteria and viruses, etc. All this settles on dust particles, floats in the air and, when we breathe, enters our lungs. This is why it is very important to control dust.

How to clean your apartment from dust and mites?

To reduce the amount of dust and remove it for a long time, it is advisable to get rid of things that create and accumulate it. In this sense leather furniture better than upholstered fabric. Linoleum and parquet are preferable to carpeting. Blinds are better than curtains. Removing dust from books, souvenirs, vases and other small things is a very labor-intensive process. It is advisable to store them behind glass or discard them altogether. This also applies to chandeliers with a large number of pendants. Hair and pet fur also attract dust. Therefore, you should only brush your hair in the bathroom, and cats and dogs should be brushed regularly.

The easiest way is to wipe off dust from hard surfaces: furniture, varnish, household appliances. A damp cloth is enough for this. You can also use special microfiber cloths, then the dust will not settle longer. There are also special panicles that become electrified and attract dust. It is better not to use a broom to clean the floor, as it throws clouds of dust into the air. As a last resort, it should be moistened with water. But a vacuum cleaner with a good filter works much more efficiently. Since even the most modern water filters do not remove dust 100%, it is necessary to wipe the floor with a damp cloth.

It is very important to control mites in house dust. How to get rid of them? To do this, bedding should be washed every week. If washing is done at low temperatures, the laundry should be ironed. In summer and winter, it is advisable to take blankets and pillows outside and ventilate them. Ultraviolet light, like frost, is destructive to microorganisms. By the way, it is better to take pillows from high-quality synthetic materials. They attract mites much less than feather mites.

How to get rid of dust in hard-to-reach places?

Anyone can clean wooden furniture or floors. But even experienced housewife You may wonder how to remove dust from books, a sofa, or, for example, blinds. With the help of several simple techniques these items can be cleaned quickly and efficiently.

  • For cleaning upholstered furniture place a damp sheet on it. Then you need to take a beater or other convenient object and thoroughly knock out the sofa or chair. All dust from the depths will settle on the sheet, so that the degree of contamination can be seen and, if necessary, the procedure can be repeated. After this, all that remains is to remove dust from the surface with a vacuum cleaner. And if you steam the furniture with an iron, then microorganisms will be destroyed. It is advisable to carry out such treatment once a month or at least once a season.
  • If books stand open, it will not be easy to clean them regularly. But even behind the glass, dust gradually accumulates. It is removed with a vacuum cleaner using a special long-hair brush. Then the surface of the books and shelves can be wiped with a damp cloth. Books are placed on shelves only after they are completely dry.
  • Houseplants It is also necessary to clean them from dust, because with clogged stomata it is difficult for them to breathe. A damp sponge will do the job perfectly if the flowers have wide leaves. If it is difficult to clean them by hand, simply take the pot to the bath and rinse under the shower with room water. Most plants love this procedure.
  • Clean ceiling Not every housewife is used to it, but it is advisable to do it from time to time. You can remove dust and cobwebs with a long-handled brush or a mop with a cloth. A vacuum cleaner with a fluffy brush will also work. Stretch ceilings wipe with soapy water; here you will need a stepladder.
  • Wallpaper It also needs to be cleaned, because dust settles on the walls. Almost all types modern wallpaper allow wet cleaning. But before you start wiping them, check in an inconspicuous area to see if this will spoil their pattern and texture. Before wet treatment, the wallpaper should be vacuumed to prevent dirty stains from forming.

Maintaining a good microclimate in the apartment is just as important as fighting dust in the house. At high temperatures, especially comfortable conditions for the life of microorganisms, so coolness is preferable to heat. At low humidity, dust settles poorly and is constantly in the air. Helps deal with dry air special devices. Some humidifiers also contain filters that remove contaminants from the air.

Dust particles are an integral part of the Earth's atmosphere. They are the ones who reflect sunlight so that the sky appears blue to us. Clouds form around them. Therefore, it is impossible to get rid of dust once and for all. This fight requires constant effort. But with proper and regular dust removal, it will only take a few minutes a day. And only once a month you need to do general cleaning.

Every day you have to clean everything from dust horizontal surfaces in the house? Is it starting to feel like the dust will never go away? Of course, there is no magic remedy that will remove dust once and for all, but reducing its amount is quite possible. We will tell you where dust comes from, why it accumulates quickly and how to deal with it correctly.

It is impossible to completely get rid of dust: even in an empty house without residents and with closed windows Over time, a thick layer of dust accumulates. Why is this happening? To answer this question, you need to know what the dust in the apartment consists of.

What is dust

Dust- These are small solid particles ranging in size from 0.01 to 10 microns. First of all, it is necessary to separate coarse and (or fine) dust. Coarse dust is exactly what irritates us so much. A layer of gray “fluff” that accumulates in the corners, on bookshelves and under the sofa.

In fact, the greatest danger to us is fine dust that we don’t even see. It is found in large quantities in polluted city air and penetrates our body, damaging the walls of blood vessels and harming our health.

A significant part of the dust, as a rule, consists of tiny particles of dead skin and fabric fibers. Other dust contributors range from human and pet hair to soil particles, pollen, mold spores, dust mites and other minor sources. Also in some homes, dust contains waste products of cockroaches, termites, ants or other insects. There is especially a lot of dust after renovation.

In addition to domestic sources of dust, there are also natural ones - for example, scientists recognize the Sahara Desert as the largest source of dust. Volcanic ash, fires, meteorites and comets, seas and oceans are also to blame for the formation of dust. Such dust is not afraid of hundreds of thousands of kilometers: it will overcome all obstacles to get into your apartment.

You cannot remove large sources of dust from your life, such as clothes, furniture, carpets and, in fact, human skin. However, you can use quality home cleaning methods. Then the amount of dust will be significantly reduced.

Always wipe dust from top to bottom– otherwise dirt from surfaces that are higher than others will settle on the already cleaned furniture.

Carpets should be vacuumed and shaken every week. Carpets – world class dust collectors, and when you step on them, they “throw” dust back into the air.

It is worth taking care of the furniture. For example, couch cushions, like carpeting, create, collect, and release dust into the air when you sit on them. Sofas, beds, and chairs can be vacuumed or knocked out using a thick, damp cloth. Also pay attention to the curtains: They need to be washed and steamed regularly.

Dust mites live in almost every home because they like warm, moist environments. They breed in bedding and other places where there may be a lot of epidermal particles, and contribute their waste products to the general dust level. In most cases, this is not a problem: just wash your bedding and care for your upholstered furniture regularly.

Take inventory of your apartment. Perhaps some things should be thrown out altogether, and others should simply be replaced. Instead of feather pillows take padding polyester, get rid of unnecessary decorative items and unnecessary clothes, old upholstered furniture. Don’t forget about soft toys: they are great house for dust mites. There is absolutely no need to throw them in the trash, just wash them at high temperature or put it in the freezer for several hours.

Why is there a lot of dust in the apartment? The answer is simple: dust loves clutter. Clutter demoralizes even the most desperate housewives, forcing them to spend a lot of time and effort on cleaning. Store various trinkets and things you rarely use in a glass cabinet or drawer. Spend 5 minutes a day to put everything in its place - the dust will simply have nowhere to come from.

Our wardrobe also affects the total amount of dust. Just imagine how much dust we bring from the street along with our clothes! Pay close attention to laundry and closet organization. It is better to pack seasonal items in vacuum bags.

The worst accumulation of dust is located where it is quite difficult to clean, - under the bed, sofa, behind the refrigerator or closet, in the corners of the pantry, etc. When wet cleaning, it is recommended to pay the most attention to these places. Fortunately, mops and vacuum cleaners are now being produced with a variety of attachments that can get into hard-to-reach places.

The most difficult to reach places are at the top of the cabinets - to wipe them from dust, you always need to stand on a chair or stool. How to remove dust in this case? If you are not very concerned about the aesthetic appearance of the room, you can put old newspapers or large format paper on the “roof” of the cabinet - when the dust settles on it, it can be rolled up and thrown away. There is no need to deal with a thick layer of dust on the surface of the cabinet itself.

Another tip: if you need to remove dust from textured surfaces, for example picture frame, lampshade and others decorative elements, use an ordinary brush.

Damp cloth - that's all you need to collect dust from hard surfaces smooth surfaces. Dust sticks to the fabric rather than flying and spreading through the air. The main thing is not to use an overly wet cloth: a large amount of water combined with dust creates dirt and can ruin the finish of your beautiful furniture. Cotton or microfiber rags absorb water better and remove dirt.

When cleaning, it is better not to use a broom or broom - they only raise dust into the air and spread it throughout the apartment.

It is widely believed that cleaning the air and partially eliminating dust helps indoor plants . We already know that the role of green helpers is somewhat exaggerated. Of course, plants have a positive effect on the microclimate, but wet cleaning in combination with climate control technology will wipe the nose of any ficus :)

How to wipe furniture to prevent dust from settling?

A little physics: As is known, microparticles have a small electrical charge and are attracted to a surface charged with the opposite charge. To prevent this from happening, antistatic agents are used: they reduce the ability of objects to accumulate static electricity, and dust simply does not settle on furniture and household appliances.

The modern market is flooded with the most different means for cleaning with varying degrees of efficiency. To select suitable remedy, you need to know what it is intended for. Before use, you must read the instructions - otherwise, instead of cleanliness in the house, you risk observing an unsightly dense coating on horizontal surfaces.

  • To prevent dust from sitting on furniture for a long time, use polish(or anti-dust). It contains antistatic agents for furniture against dust. The polish also adds shine to furniture elements. Thus, dust does not settle on the armrests or table, but simply “slides” off them. Nevertheless, anti-dust furniture is not a panacea: you will still have to do wet cleaning, but at least not so often.
  • There are special ones for TVs and computer monitors. antistatic agents that remove dust and dirt. It is best to choose an antistatic agent that can be used while the equipment is turned on and that does not require subsequent treatment with a napkin or rag.
  • Some sprays eliminate static electricity and kill dust mites. They should be used no more often than once every six months. They are mainly used to treat walls, carpets and textiles.
  • Everything is clear with hard surfaces, but how to wipe upholstered furniture? Special impregnation spreads over the entire surface of the piece of furniture, as if forming protective film, which prevents dust from penetrating inside. However, the furniture will have to be cleaned so that the impregnation does not turn into a thick coating.
  • If you prefer folk remedies, this will help you vinegar. In a glass of cool water, add 50–75 ml of vinegar, two teaspoons of olive oil and a couple of drops of any essential oil. Then pour the resulting solution into a spray bottle and treat the furniture with it. This method also destroys unpleasant odors.

The main thing when choosing household chemicals is to carefully select the composition of the product. Avoid names of toxic substances on the packaging - these include chlorine, ammonium, phosphates, triclosan. Also remember that many cleaning products cause irritation to the skin and respiratory tract, so you should arm yourself with rubber gloves and a face mask.

Even the most thorough cleaning will not rid your home 100% of dust. Do you want even the finest dust to disappear? Trust smart technology. with high-quality filters will definitely help in the difficult fight against dust, and those that also have the function of inactivating microorganisms will protect you and your family not only from dust, but also from various viruses, allergens and harmful bacteria.

An air purifier must have a built-in HEPA filter - it is capable of retaining the finest dust.

Room without air supply fresh air much more dusty than a constantly ventilated room. In addition, in a stuffy room it is simply difficult to breathe and go about your business. To eliminate the possibility of street dust entering your home during ventilation, you can install a compact system supply ventilation with built-in filters for air purification.