What varieties are there of bush petunia? Photo and description, care features. Petunia: photos and names of the best varieties

Petunia is the queen of loggias and balconies, a favorite of professional gardeners and beginners, and simply a charming plant. It amazes with its beauty, variety of shapes and colors. Thanks to the widest spectrum varieties and species, you can choose a plant for flowerpots and flower pots, flower beds and borders, for decorating gazebos and the shore of a reservoir. This unpretentious beauty perfectly perceives new conditions and quickly adapts to any weather troubles. And today we will help you understand this picturesque mass.

Petunia occupies one of the first places among plants for the front garden

Varieties of petunias

Based on flower size, all types of petunias can be divided into three series:

Petunias are distinguished by the height of the plant, as well as by the type of their growth. Some varieties grow exclusively upward, others fall in a luxurious ampel, and others form a miniature bush.


There are the following types of petunias:

  • bush;
  • ampelous;
  • cascading.

At the same time, highlight best view impossible, since plants will also be divided into double and simple, large-flowered and miniature, one- and two-color, compact, low-growing and others.



Perennial petunia of this species forms branches that flow downwards. From hanging varieties it is easy to create a picturesque flower curtain, falling waterfall and other incredible beautiful figures. Such petunias are usually planted in flower pots, which are hung on gazebos or low-growing trees. In addition, they can often be seen in containers and boxes, and sometimes these plants are grown in open ground conditions. In the latter case, ampelous petunias grow into a luxurious flower carpet that can cover all the voids in the area.

From this series it is worth highlighting the following varieties of petunia:


Cascade petunia is often used to decorate loggias, gazebos and balconies. Plants from this series are famous for their long shoots, which grow very beautifully in different directions. The most popular cascading petunias are:

New varieties

Breeders never tire of working and delighting flower growers with new varieties of petunias. As a rule, such plants are resistant to heavy rains, scorching sun and gusty winds. Quite a lot of effort goes into getting new ones. bright colors, and genetic engineering experience is often used to achieve positive results.

There are a huge number of varieties of petunias, and it is simply impossible to describe each of them in one article. We hope that the list of species and subspecies that was presented to your attention today will allow you to conscious choice and finally, growing this incredible beautiful flower in your own garden or decorate your loggia with it.

Of all existing species Hybrid Petunia (garden) has received the greatest interest and distribution in culture. It appeared almost a century ago, when they first tried to cross the axillary Petunia (Petunia axillaris) and the purple Petunia (Petunia violacea). Both species are no longer cultivated today.

Plant habitat territory South America. It was transported to Europe at the beginning of the 19th century.

Petunia hybrid - herbaceous evergreen, the branching stems of which are located vertically or creep. In room conditions they do not grow higher than 50–70 cm.

Petunia hybrid blooms all summer and autumn with beautiful funnel-shaped flowers. Their petals are smooth or covered with microscopic hairs, and the edge can be wavy or fringed. The colors of the flowers are varied: from dazzling white to rich lilac or dark blue. There are interesting striped colors. Leaf blades and shoots are covered with small glandular hairs. Flowers exude a recognizable delicate aroma.

Hybrid Petunia has many varieties, which are divided into several categories.

Multi-flowered petunias (Multiflora) are distinguished by their dense and lush flowering. The flowers are medium-sized (about 5 cm in diameter) with a smooth or fringed edge. There are specimens with luxurious flowers collected from many double petals.

Large-flowered Petunias (Grandiflora) have flowers up to 10 cm in diameter. However, they do not sit so densely on the shoots. These representatives of the species are more demanding. They love warmth and suffer in bad weather, so they are more often grown at home than multi-flowered petunias. Flowers with double petals look like roses.

Superb petunias (Superbissium) are loved for their very large flowers. Their diameter can reach 12 cm. Dark winding veins are often visible on the petals, which are darker in the center of the flower than at the edges.

Petunia is a widespread plant, one of the most beloved by gardeners. The flowers of the plant have a variety of colors and shades, shapes and sizes.

Breeders have created, and are still creating, a huge number of varieties of this crop. The variety of varieties allows you to grow it in pots, in pots, in flower beds, in borders, and in devices for vertical gardening.

Plants are grown in open ground, planted in floor and hanging pots and vases. With their help they design, decorate alleys, create.

The following varieties of petunias are distinguished:

  • Ampelous;
  • Bush;
  • Cascade.

In the title photo is a representative of a special series of petunias—sweetunia “Sweetunia White Merlot”.

Hanging and for flowerpots

Ampelous petunias are lovers of warmth and sun. In this regard, the plant is more common in warm countries than in Russia.

Ampelous petunias are beautiful to frame balconies and windows. The shoots of the plant are long and hanging, growing downwards. It loves light and sun, grows quickly and has very lush flowering. Flower sizes vary. Perfect for planting in pots, vases, including hanging ones.

Ampel varieties

Easy Wave- American variety, is an improved form of the Wave variety. Easy Wave is one of the easiest varieties to grow. The colors of the plant are varied: red, pink, purple, blue, yellow, burgundy. More counts semi-ampella petunia, since they form a spherical or dome-shaped crown. Most often, the plant is planted in floor planters, but it is also often used in hanging ones. The variety is also planted in open ground. Scourges can reach lengths up to 1 meter. For one plant you need to take about 8 liters of soil.

Variety of shades of the Easy Wave variety series

Easy Wave blooms very densely, even the foliage is almost invisible, different colors bloom at the same time. This allows you to create a variety of multi-color compositions. Height - about 35 cm. Prefers sun, blooms until the onset of frost.

Surfinia- a variety series popular all over the world. Grows quickly and is not afraid of adverse weather conditions. The flowers of the plant are large and have a variety of colors: white, purple, blue, red, purple and others. Grows up to 70 cm. The flower prefers sun or partial shade.

Surfinia in a hanging pot

Surfinia is most often planted in hanging planters or floor. It is less commonly grown directly in open ground. One of the newest varieties of the Surfinia series is the Table Yellow variety. These petunias combine perfectly with other hanging forms. The flowers have small sizes, are distinguished by yellow veins.

Surfinia Table Yellow

Shock Wave- another ampelous variety from the Wave series. It is distinguished by the small size of flowers and leaves. The variety is not afraid of either rain or wind. It is grown in floor and hanging containers, sometimes in open ground. To grow one plant, you need to take about 8 liters of soil. Colors: white, blue, pink, yellow.

Petunia Shock Wave in a hanging pot

Opera Supreme- This is a Japanese ampelous petunia. The length of daylight hours does not matter for this variety. Growing is not particularly difficult. The flowers are small in size. The plant forms lashes up to 1 meter long.

Opera Supreme in a floor pot

Looks great on balconies and in hanging vases. Sometimes they are grown in open ground. For one plant you need to take about 8 liters of soil. In order for the flowering to be abundant, regular feeding of the plant and removal of wilted shoots is necessary. The colors are varied: white, blue, pink, purple and others.

Bush petunias

Bush petunias are the most common subgroup of this beautiful crop. Colorfulness, variety and many varieties are the hallmarks of bush petunias. The flowers are large, richly colored, and have a variety of shades.


Daddy is a variety series of large-flowered bush petunia. This is a plant with numerous large flowers. Height is about 25 cm. Daddy is not afraid of wind and rainy weather, and is also resistant to drought. This variety loves the sun. The plant is used to decorate flower beds and garden beds. Daddy is also grown in balcony and garden containers.

Flowers come in blue, red, hot pink, white and others.

Picotee- one of the most popular bush varieties of petunias. The large flowers of this plant have a variety of shades. Petals have a characteristic white edge, which gives them a very elegant look. The plant is not afraid of rain. The bushes are about 25 cm high. The plant blooms all summer until the onset of frost.

Pikoti is grown in balcony boxes, vases and hanging baskets. The plant also looks great in flower beds. The alleys are decorated with them.

Storm- a series of large-flowered bush petunias. They will be a wonderful decoration for your home, balcony or garden. Plants are not afraid of rainy and windy weather. The flowers of the plant are large and round in shape. Gray rot is not terrible for the flowers of the Storm series, so if the summer can be damp, this great choice. The bush has a height of about 35 cm. The soil for planting this variety should be rich in nutrients.

Petunia Storm Lavender

The variety of shades is not inferior to other variety series; the flowers are purple, purple, pink, white, and red.

Petunia Storm is often used in landscaping city parks and alleys.

Polaris is a bush annual variety of petunias from Aelita. Comparative new variety will delight even the most experienced flower growers. The plant is not afraid of heat, rain or wind. The plant grows quickly. Flowering is early and very abundant. A huge number of flowers hide the long shoots of the plant. Color height is about 30 cm.

Petunia Polaris

Petunia Polaris will become magnificent jewelry garden or balcony. It looks great in flowerpots, hanging baskets, as well as on balconies and.


Vegetative plants are those that reproduce exclusively by cuttings. Cuttings are brought to Russia from various countries, for example, Holland and America.

The root system of these flowers is small. The shoots grow, forming large colorful caps, and look great in floor and hanging flowerpots.

The best varieties

Cardinal- This is a vegetative variety of crop. The flowers have a rich purple color. The edges of the petals are slightly corrugated. The cardinal begins to bloom early. Flowering continues until frost. Resistant to adverse conditions. The growth is very powerful, the flowering is abundant.

Papaya different incredible abundant flowering, the leaves are practically invisible. Height is about 20 cm. Numerous orange flowers form a hat. All summer until late autumn pleases the eye with its flowering.

Cascadias Rim It is distinguished by ease of reproduction and unpretentiousness. The foliage is very dense. Cascadias Rome is characterized by abundant flowering. This ornamental culture visually resembles a dense spherical bush.

Cascade form

Cascading petunia is an excellent choice for decorating gazebos, balconies and loggias. The shoots of these plants are long and curly. They are growing in all directions. A flowering, overgrown bush will require quite a lot of space.

It is best to grow cascade forms in hanging pots. One plant requires about 5 liters of soil.

The best varieties of cascading petunias

Ramblin- a series of cascading petunias native to America. The flowers of the plants are large in size. Most often, Ramblin is grown in floor pots and vases, but the variety also looks great in hanging containers, as well as in open ground. For better flowering, you need to take about 10 liters of soil per plant, regularly feed the flower, and remove wilted shoots. The height of the plant does not exceed 30 cm.

There are many different colors of the plant: white, pink, red, purple and others. Pictured above is Ramblin' with peach blossoms.

Gioconda- one of the most popular varietal varieties cascading petunia. It is distinguished by long shoots up to 1 meter and a huge number of flowers. The height of the plant reaches 20 cm. The flowers are small. Gioconda loves light. Flowering early. The flowers come in purple, pink, scarlet, orange and more.

Gioconda can be grown both in open ground and in hanging flowerpots. Hanging long curly shoots from flower pots resemble garlands with numerous flowers.

Typhoon has no analogues among other petunia cultivars. The plant blooms for a long time. The stems are long and powerful. The plant grows very quickly, a huge number of small flowers are formed. Blooms until frost.

Typhoon is grown in containers and also in flower beds. In open ground, one plant grows over an area of ​​2 sq.m. The plant loves the sun and regular feeding. The plant quickly recovers after worsening weather conditions in the form of rain and strong winds.

The best low-growing varieties

Low-growing plants are those whose height is does not exceed 30 cm. Low-growing petunias can be either double or cascading.

Terry petunia Valentine- this is a hybrid. Its height is no more than 30 cm. Double flowers have fringed edges. The color of the buds is deep salmon.

Variety Valentine

Valentin is ideal for growing in borders and flower beds. The plant blooms from early summer until the onset of frost. The flower prefers light and is not afraid of drought. To grow a flower, nutritious soil is required.

Height Pirouet does not exceed 15 cm. The flowers are double and very large. The plant is suitable for planting in flower beds, balcony containers and flowerpots. The flower is picky about soil. The soil for growing must be enriched with nutrients.

The flowers are two-colored: red-white, white-purple, white-pink.

Pirouette and Aladdin

Espresso Frappe is a new variety of dwarf petunias. Combines everything best quality Espresso series plants. It is characterized by short stature and compactness. The flowers are large with curly petals. The diameter of the flower is 10 cm. The height of the flower does not exceed 25 cm.

Espresso Frappe

Espresso Frappe is an excellent choice for growing in pots. Thanks to the short stems, the flowers rise very impressively above the leaves. The flowers have purple, pink, red, burgundy colors.

short Duvet) is distinguished not only by its compactness, but also by the large size of its flowers. They are mainly grown in open ground. During flowering periods, plants appear as a beautiful flower carpet. The flowers are spectacularly elevated above the foliage. They are colored: white, pink, red, blue and salmon.

Petunia hybrid Duvet, salmon shade - Salmon.

The height of an adult bush does not exceed 20 cm. The variety is distinguished by early flowering. Not afraid of rain and heavy watering. Petunias are ideal for city flower beds, summer cottages and balconies.

For flower beds

Flower growers and landscape designers Petunia is very often used to create and decorate flower beds. They create monoflower beds from petunias alone, and they are also combined with other flowers and even shrubs. What varieties are best to plant in flower beds?

Tidal Wave- an excellent choice for decorating a flower bed. This is one of the tallest petunias. Its height can reach 55 cm. The flowers are of medium size, but their large number gives the splendor of this petunia. The variety is considered one of the best available for sale. Shoots reach a length of over 1 meter.

The bright, distinctly veined flowers come in red, white, pink and purple. All colors are very saturated. Resistant to the most adverse weather conditions.

Tidal Wave

Explorer often used by gardeners as a ground cover. This ampelous petunia has the ability to grow greatly. The lashes grow up to 100 cm. Flowering begins in the spring and ends in mid-autumn.

This variety loves warmth and light, does not tolerate shadow, cold and drought. The flowers are medium in size, waxy texture. Colors: red, white, lavender, pink and hot pink, purple.

Sophistica- relatively new. Different rapid growth and development. All petunias bloom at the same time, which is a huge plus for the flower bed. It grows very well and evenly. One plant has about 10 flowers. The growth of the crop is up to 40 cm. The flowers are large in size and have a bright, rich color. Colors: blue, light pink, yellow-lilac, blueberry, yellow.

Sophistica Blue Morn

Particular attention should be paid to petunia Sophistica Blackberry. Its flowers have a rich reddish-blackberry color, almost black. The variety pleases with its flowering from May until the onset of the first frost. For flower beds, it is advisable to combine the variety with plants of other colors (white, red, etc.) so that the flower bed does not look gloomy. It is very difficult to capture the exact color of velvet flowers in a photo, especially in staged ones, but the photo below more or less truthfully conveys the shade.

Blackberry sophistry


Multiflora are multi-flowered petunias. Varietal varieties and hybrids of multi-flowered petunias are distinguished by an abundance of medium-sized flowers. These plants are resistant to any adverse weather conditions. Single ones are visually similar to flower balls, and in flower beds they resemble a continuous flower carpet.

Among multi-flowered varieties should be highlighted:

Merlin is a perennial multi-flowered petunia, but is grown as an annual. The variety is easy to grow. The culture prefers the sun and easily tolerates light frosts, drought and rain. There are about 17 bud colors. There are not only monochromatic flowers. There are also ones with veins and a border of a different color. This compact petunia with small but numerous flowers is ideal for landscaping verandas and flower beds. It is considered short because its height does not exceed 25 cm.

Merlin Blue Morn

Mambo- a low-growing annual petunia belonging to the group of multi-flowered plants (multiflora). This is a very popular crop in floriculture. The color of the buds is varied. Mambo pleases with its abundant flowering all season long.

It is used to decorate flower beds, various compositions, and can also be grown at home. Goes well with other flowers: marigolds, coleus, and others.

Mambo red and Mambo Purple

Unpretentious varieties

Petunia is an unpretentious garden crop. Most varieties are undemanding to soil. They are not afraid of rain and wind. The only thing that all petunias love is warmth. Therefore, it is advisable to grow the flower in sunny places or in partial shade.

The plant is afraid of frost, so for the winter it is brought into a warm room, home or onto the veranda. The crop is perennial, but it is very difficult for it to survive the winter in Russia, so in our country it is grown as an annual. It is possible to grow beautiful petunia in Siberia, especially since there are varieties that are resistant to light frosts, but it is necessary proper care and selection of varieties.

Pikobella- a very easy variety to grow due to its resistance to bad weather. This varietal variety is more tolerant than others to all kinds of unfavorable weather conditions. However, Picobella does not tolerate frost and lack of light. This is a small-flowered crop with numerous small flowers.

Multi-flowered variety Snow globe will decorate anyone garden plot or a balcony without creating much trouble for the owner. Beautiful white flowers will delight you with their abundant blooms until frost. This culture is not afraid of rain, wind or drought.

Snow globe

The largest

Plants of the grandiflora group have the largest flowers.

Triumph is a variety of petunias grandiflora. Double flowers are very large, up to 16 cm in diameter. They grow up to 60 cm. Triumph is grown in a variety of flower beds and on balconies.

Triumph from Aelita.

Large varieties should also include Limbo. The diameter of its flowers can reach 12 cm. The culture itself is low-growing. This variety is weather resistant. Grown in flower beds, containers, and on balconies.

Limbo petunias series

Variety Prism also applies to large plants. The flowers have a diameter of 8-10 cm. This is a compact and low-growing crop. Flowering very early. The colors are different. Prism is grown in flower beds and ridges.

Petunia from the Prism series, color Blackberry Sundae.

In landscape design

The plant is very popular in landscape design. It is used to create flower beds, flower beds, ridges, borders. The flower is grown in floor and wall-mounted pots and flowerpots. They also decorate balconies.

The photo below shows a beautiful large urban flowerbed. This is a monoflower. It consists only of petunias. But they have different colors. Planted in straight vertical lines.

Here, ampelous representatives of this culture are grown in large containers, which are located at different levels. Each of the presented compositions uses plants of the same variety and color.

In this photo, petunias are planted along the fence. They are all the same variety and the same color. They bloom densely and evenly.

The photo shows the multiflora of the Merlin series. Varieties: blue and pink. Planted in outdoor pots.

This flowerbed is not only made of petunias. Bright orange marigolds grow in the center. Around them are bright pink petunia. And around her there was a beautiful coleus.

The photo shows a luxurious multi-level flowerbed of ampelous petunias of different colors and morning glory sweet potatoes.

Multi-level flower bed made of stones. At the top level there are petunias of bright pale and pale pink color. Yellow, light orange and dark orange grow at the bottom.

Video review

The colorful packages with seeds are so attractive that you can’t help but wonder whether the grown plant will match the promised picture? Review of reliable varieties from the “Favorite Garden” channel.

Scientific name: Atkins Petunia Petunia × atkinsiana, synonym Petunia hybrida Petunia × hybrida. Solanaceae family, genus Petunia. Large-flowered petunia is one of several groups of hybrid Petunia. Very often the name of the hybrid is skipped, leaving the abbreviated Petunia Grandiflora. You must understand that Grandiflora is not the name of a species or variety, it is a characteristic of the type of flower.

And Grandiflora's flowers are impressive - on average about 10 cm in diameter, but there are also giant varieties of petunias - they have flowers up to 16 cm in diameter. Of the many petunias, grandiflora has the widest selection of varieties. They differ in shape, pattern, and color of flowers. But large-flowered varieties of petunias have one drawback - large flowers suffer more from rain and wind, and in bad weather they quickly lose their attractive appearance.

Among Petunia grandiflora there are separate series, here are some of them:

Series ‘Daddy’ or F1 ‘Daddy’ – medium-sized compact bushes 25-30 cm, early flowering, flowers 7.5-10 cm in diameter, color from pink to purple, often with veins of a darker shade.

Series 'Hulahoop' or F1 'Hulahoop' - medium-sized compact bushes 25-30 cm, early flowering, with flowers 7-8 cm in diameter, flower colors pink, lilac, lilac, blue, blue, but all flowers have a wide white rim around the edges petals.

Series ‘Glorious Mix’ or F1 ‘Glorious Mix’ or F1 double – large-growing double petunias with a bush height of 30-35 cm. Flowers are 8-12 cm in diameter. Mixes of double flowers of one color or two colors are usually sold.

Series ‘Dreams White’ or F1 ‘Dreams White’ - blooms early, flowers are 8-12 cm in diameter, the color of the flowers is white, with a green tint in the throat (inside the funnel) and greenish veins.

Petunia frillitunia

A variety of large-flowered petunias. The name from the English frilly - trimmed with frills, ruffles - indicates the shape of the flower, the edges of the petals are fringed.

Lacy petunias also have several series, which differ in the variety of colors (there are two-color ones), the degree of corrugation of the petals and terry.

Petunia frillitunia ‘Aphrodite’ is especially good - deep pink in color, with a spherical bush shape, up to 40 cm in height and flowers 8-10 cm in diameter.

Or Petunia frillitunia 'Brazilian Carnival' - flowers are dark purple.

Frillitunia ‘Jaromnerže’ is very impressive. Its flowers are not the largest, only 6-7 cm in diameter, but the color is amazing: pink and purple spots on a white background. Half of the plants show doubleness.

Frillitunia ‘Crinoline Purple’ – has a rich plum color and a heavily fringed edge.

Petunia hybrid

Hybrid petunia was bred a hundred years ago, and since then there has been no limit to the improvement of breeders. The variety of colors and shapes is amazing. But this is not the main thing about petunias - these flowers have become popular due to a wide range of growing temperatures, ease of care and high adaptability.

Not every plant is capable of blooming vigorously open areas, blown by winds or along polluted highways. Hybrid petunia grows under any conditions, in flower beds, in hanging pots and flowerpots.

But still, it also has certain requirements for culture.

Sow petunia

The timing of sowing petunias for seedlings is from the end of February to the end of March. But if you really want to, you can sow petunia in early April.

You can sow petunia seeds in peat pots and cassettes or plastic yogurt cups, or in wide boxes or bowls. If space on the windowsill allows, it is better to sow in individual cups so as not to dive later.

Any container for sowing, except peat cups, should have wide drainage holes. It is also advisable to add expanded clay drainage to the bottom of the pots. But you can use small pieces of foam.

The soil for petunias should be loose, well permeable to air and moisture. To do this, we use universal soil or soil for seedlings, but you can prepare it in the fall garden soil. Be sure to add vermiculite to the soil. Approximately 1 part vermiculite to 3 parts soil.

The acidity of the soil is important - petunias love a slightly acidic pH of 5.8-6.0. They grow poorly in highly acidic soils (i.e. soil cannot be used for azaleas, rhododendrons and conifers). Petunias grow poorly on alkaline soils– soils with added lime or soil from vegetable greenhouses are not suitable – after application mineral fertilizers they have a high salt content.

If you bought pelleted petunia seeds (seeds in granules), there are no problems with sowing them - they are large, already processed, and you can sow each seed in a separate cup.

Unprepared petunia seeds are small, so to sow them evenly we use the traditional method: place them on the surface of the ground thin layer snow and carefully pour the seeds onto it. Black seeds are clearly visible on the surface; you can redistribute them with a toothpick if there are more or less seeds somewhere.

The snow will melt and 'draw' the seeds into the ground. There is no need to specially sprinkle them with soil. If you sow seeds without snow, directly into the soil, then you cannot water them; you need to spray the soil with a small spray bottle from a distance of 20-25 cm.

Crops need to be covered with a bag or transparent film to save high humidity air and place in a warm place. Optimal temperature 22-25°C.

Caring for petunia seedlings

Petunia seeds germinate within a week, usually on day 5-6. But care begins from the moment of sowing - our task is to ventilate the greenhouse two or three times a day for 20 minutes, if the soil dries out, moisten it with a spray bottle.

Once the seeds germinate, you need to provide them with plenty of light. Film or glass cannot be removed, otherwise the seedlings will die from moving into the drier air of the room. Just gradually open the glass or bag, increasing the ventilation time; 3-4 days after germination, you can remove the film completely.

Petunia seedlings do not tolerate well high temperature. Therefore, it may be hot for her on a sunny windowsill. Seedlings cannot be shaded, otherwise they will stretch out. The most the best option She will be accustomed to cool air. You need to start taking the seedlings out onto the balcony and opening the windows. The optimal temperature for seedlings in the first two to three weeks is 18-20°C.

Most of the petunia seedlings die at the moment the first leaves unfold. In addition to moderate temperatures, they need uniform soil moisture - the soil should not be over-moistened, as diseases develop from excess dampness. It is also impossible to overdry - seedlings grow rapidly and require a lot of moisture. Overdrying of seedlings is usually irreversible; it cannot be watered.

Petunia seedlings planted in boxes or bowls need to be thinned out if the crop is dense. And you can pick seedlings when two pairs of true leaves are formed. Picking in itself is not necessary; it is necessary when sowing seeds densely or sowing in small containers. But in general, it is quite possible not to pick petunias, but to plant them directly on permanent place for flower beds or containers.

If you are picking, be sure to place the petunias in a warmer place for a week - at 20-22°C. This is necessary so that the roots absorb moisture better, and the seedlings not only take root, but accelerate growth. Stimulating growth is the point of the pick. After picking, petunias will need shading from the sun for no longer than the first 2 days. After a week, petunias can be transferred to cooler conditions of 16-18°C.

Planting petunia seedlings

Before planting outside - in flower beds, flowerpots or containers - seedlings must be hardened off. Sometimes gardeners grow decent petunia bushes, but at room temperature, ventilation through the window is not enough. Such seedlings when planted in open ground will just die.

Hardened seedlings are planted in early May, when the threat of frost has passed. Petunias are planted at a distance of 15-20 cm between the bushes. Flowering is expected by the end of May.

It is preferable to plant petunias in well-lit places. Large-flowered petunias are especially demanding in terms of protection from the wind, because large flowers are heavy; giant varieties, whose flowers are about 15-16 cm in diameter, are blown like sails by the wind. Therefore, if the area is windy, it may be worth planting petunias in hanging baskets or light flowerpots that can be moved under a canopy from heavy rain and wind.

Fertilizing petunias

Of course, the abundance of flowers and rapid growth require a large amount nutrients. Fertilizers such as ‘Agricola for flowering’, ‘Aelita-floral’, ‘Fertika-lux’ or potassium nitrate are well suited for petunias.

Fertilizing should be done every week at half the dose or every two weeks at full dose, unless otherwise recommended by the manufacturer.