What distance should be between fence posts. Installation of corrugated fence posts. for brick pillars

Street lighting is very different from the home lighting we are all used to. Everything here follows pragmatism, functionality and durability. After all, if all this is not observed, then the street type of lighting will be of little use.

Street lighting

One of the most important parameters outdoor lighting is the correct calculation of the distance between street poles. Moreover, if in the city center this issue is not so sensitive, then in the private sector and on the outskirts, as well as in the countryside, certain difficulties may arise in terms of implementation. Our article will tell you what you need to know about such a concept as the distance between lighting poles.

Features of outdoor lighting

For many years, lamp posts have been actively used for outdoor lighting in cities and villages. Today they can be produced in various ways and from different materials(concrete, reinforced concrete, metal).
Purpose street version lighting is to create a full luminous flux for various areas of the city:

  • roadways of highways, highways;
  • sidewalks and pedestrian roads;
  • parks and squares;
  • territories of state, public and educational buildings;
  • parking;
  • gas stations, etc.

Wherever there is a need to install outdoor lighting, a fair question always arises - what should be the distance between two adjacent poles.
To understand why this distance is so important, you need to know what a support for a street lighting option is. This support consists of two parts:

  • light source. Lighting fixtures are always placed at the top of the lamppost. What kind of lamps the support will be topped with depends on the place where it is placed. Powerful spotlights should be used to illuminate highways, but decorative lanterns are suitable for parks and squares;

Pay attention! Street risers with decorative lanterns can be used both by city authorities to illuminate parks, and by private individuals when installed in the garden. With such poles and lamps you can decorate the entire perimeter of your garden.

Decorative lamp post

  • the pillar itself. He may have different heights depending on where it will be located. In the city and in the countryside, such poles are usually of sufficient height so that the incident light from the lamps forms intersecting lighting cones.

Pay attention! If you have a dacha, then you can install lamp posts in the garden with your own hands for lighting of any height.

To street lighting could fully illuminate certain areas of a city, village or garden, the distance between the pillars should be such as to form intersecting cones of light.
In addition, the supports themselves can be used to not only hold lamps at the desired height, but also power cables. In such a situation, the distance for supports, unlike poles with lamps, may not be so small.

Features of the distance between supports

The distance between adjacent pillars is called the span. For such spans, the regulatory documentation (GOST, SNiP) has its own rules and regulations. An example of such spans is given below.

Span between pillars

Moreover, each case of installation of poles for outdoor lighting in a city, village or country house will be regulated by various points and have different points of implementation, including the distance existing between the poles.
According to regulatory documentation, the calculation of the span length (the distance between two adjacent pillars) should be based on the following parameters:

  • the level of illumination established for a specific area (city, village, cottage);
  • the type of lamp (especially its power) that will act as the main lighting element;
  • the height at which the lantern will be placed;
  • light source option: LED, fluorescent and other light bulbs.

It is worth noting that the optimal distance that can exist between the supports will be 35 m. This applies to both lighting poles and power line supports.

Additional nuances to consider

When installing supports that will be placed along streets, squares and roads (in a city or in a village), it is important to consider not only the distance between the posts, but also their distance from other architectural and/or road elements.

Lighting poles along roads

  • there must be a distance of at least 1 m from the support to the curb. This requirement is relevant for highways. For other roads this distance decreases and amounts to 0.5 m;
  • for roads where large trucks do not drive, the distance is 0.3 m;
  • in the absence of a curb, the distance from the road to the support must be at least 1.75 m.

These parameters, albeit indirectly, can affect the distance between the pillars. Any change in the position of the pole will affect the cone of light produced by the lantern. If it is not possible to comply with such requirements for the placement of supports, then the spans between them will need to be reduced in proportion.
Within the city, the height of lighting poles should be 20 m. But this parameter must be economically and technically justified, as well as convenient to maintain.

How is the required parameter determined?

Any installation of lighting poles always begins with accurate calculations of the following parameters:

  • optimal placement of poles with lanterns. Here you need to indicate at what distance from neighboring objects each specific pillar will be located;
  • the span that will be formed between adjacent supports.

Street lighting plan

If everything is relatively clear with the first point, since there are specific rules that must be obeyed. However, difficulties may arise in determining the distance between adjacent supports, since this parameter depends on:

  • the number of lighting fixtures that will be placed on the pole;

Pay attention! As an external type of lighting, a wide variety of lighting installations can be used here: spotlights, lanterns, lamps, etc.

  • height of placement of lamps;
  • their power.

Using the above indicators, as well as special tables specified in the relevant sections of the regulatory documentation.

Street lighting standards

As can be seen from the table, using specific parameters you can quite easily calculate the distance between supports that should be formed in a particular case.
Within the city limits, the optimal distance between lamps will be 35 m. But if necessary, the distance can vary depending on the current situation.

Pay attention! In the city, the determination of this indicator, just like in the village, should always be based on the three parameters given above.

Street lighting in the village

It must be remembered that the step ratio lighting fixture to the height at which it is placed for roads and streets is in a ratio of 5:1 for one-way traffic, as well as for rectangular and axial placement of lamps. This indicator will already be 7:1 when using a checkerboard arrangement of lamps.
It should also be noted that the data given in the table are indicated as maximum. They are designed taking into account the required road illumination.
Based on this data, you will be able to possible situation correctly calculate the required span. This will help you not only determine how accurately utility workers adhere to established rules and recommendations, but also do everything yourself. This knowledge will not be superfluous if you decide to install outdoor lighting in your country house.

What is this for?

Correctly determining the span between lighting supports will allow you to achieve:

  • creation of full-fledged lighting provision throughout the entire section of the roadway;
  • high-quality lighting of sidewalks, squares and parks;
  • creating conditions for safe movement on roads vehicles, as well as people on sidewalks and pedestrian crossings;

City street lighting

  • reducing the level of illegal actions, which, according to statistics, are committed in poorly lit areas of streets, parks and squares;
  • maintaining the city's infrastructure at the required level.

If an error has crept in at least somewhere, then the external lighting system will not be able to perform its direct functions at the proper level.


To determine the distance between lighting poles, you do not need to carry out complex mathematical calculations. It’s enough just to find out all the necessary criteria and use them to find out the required value using the table. Everything here is simple and clear.

Solving the Flicker Problem LED strips on

Properly installed high-quality posts are the key to the durability and steadfastness of any fence. Supports made of any material: wood, metal, concrete, if properly calculated and professionally installed, can withstand the heaviest loads: wind in summer, frost heaving forces in winter. For the entire range of fencing: from corrugated sheets, boards, mesh, monolithic concrete and even rare polycarbonate and triplex, only a few types of supports are used, on which the strength, reliability and stability of the fence depend.

Correct installation pillars are the key to the durability of the fence.

What types of support pillars are most often used in private housing construction? This is of course

  • wooden supports,
  • metal round pipes,
  • profiled pipes of different sections,
  • screw supports,
  • concrete,
  • brick pillars with a core inside.

    Wooden fencing.

Many options for installing them -

  • step between pillars,
  • burial depth,
  • method of fixation in the soil

depend on the type of fence, soil freezing depth, level groundwater. How to install posts correctly so that the fence lasts a long time?

Supports from round pipe for a fence made of corrugated board.

  • 1 Processing of supports
  • 2 How to bury a post deeply
  • 3 How to find out the depth of soil freezing
  • 4 At what distance should the pillars be placed?

Processing of supports

Supports are a very important part of the fencing structure, which, no less than the filling material, is exposed to rain, snow, hail, ultraviolet radiation and wind. The underground part of the support is also affected by aggressive soil moisture with alkalis and acids dissolved in it, and buoyancy forces - direct and tangential, which appear under the influence of frost heaving. Therefore, any supports buried in the ground, except, perhaps, screw ones, must be treated with special means.

Bitumen varnish.

To protect wooden poles, antiseptic impregnations are used and the bottom of the pole is treated bitumen mastic, mining or creosote, arrange roofing felt glasses in the hole and even simply wrap the bottom of the column with thick polyethylene. An effective method is to install wooden supports with conductive channels downwards - according to the law of osmosis, they do not draw moisture inside.

Impregnation of a wooden post.

The bottom of metal supports and buried fittings must be treated with an anti-corrosion primer and painted. Special attention on all types of pillars, it is necessary to pay attention to the boundary between the above-ground part of the pillar and the buried part - as it is the most susceptible to corrosion processes, it is in this place that the pillar breaks if it is not treated sufficiently.

Priming a metal support.

How to bury a pillar deeply

The depth of installation of supports depends on the type of soil and groundwater level in each specific area. Moreover, even within the perimeter of one fence, the groundwater level can change. In this case, the fence will have to be installed either on screw supports or cast shallow strip foundation. The pressure force from the ground in winter will be received and evenly distributed by the concrete strip. It is noteworthy that the force of frost heave pressure also depends on the depth of the snow cover in the area. That is, supports located near paths cleared of snow will be squeezed out faster than pillars covered with snow.

Pouring the foundation for the fence.

When constructing light and temporary fences from a chain-link mesh or picket fence, the supports are installed shallowly - 0.7-0.8 m - sometimes installed using the hammering method. Often in the spring you can see pillars that have partially come out of the ground or are rickety, which the owners of the plots use a sledgehammer to bury back into place.

The pillars will have to be driven in annually if they are not deep enough.

For more serious fences - fences made of corrugated sheets, wooden fences, poles with a metal core, it is necessary to bury the supports below the freezing depth of the soil by 20 cm. A pole installed at such a depth is not affected by buoyancy forces from below - they simply are not there, but only tangential forces act . If the supports are smooth, are in a roofing felt glass, polyethylene or covered with crushed stone, tangential forces will not have any effect on the pillar. Under no circumstances should you make a concrete splash around a support driven in or sprinkled with rubble. During winter heaving, the ground, bound by frost and concrete, will pull the pillar out of the ground.

If the soil is very heaving or it is not possible to deepen the support so deeply, a metal heel or 2 reinforcement rods are welded crosswise onto its bottom. They will keep the post from being pulled out of the ground.

TISE piles.

How to find out the depth of soil freezing

The standard freezing depth of soil is given in SNIPs by region. In fact, you will have to recognize it yourself at each site. Best source information - neighbors with already installed fences, foundations or water wells. For more comprehensive information, you can dig a hole 2-2.5 m deep.

Standard freezing depth.

PIP depends on 3 main factors:

At what distance should the pillars be placed?

When designing a fence, the question arises: at what distance should the posts be placed from each other? Pillars, like solid fences, are constantly exposed to wind loads. There is no region that does not experience a storm with a wind force of 20 m/sec at least once a year. Fences made of mesh, picket fences, lattice and forged fences are subject to less wind load. Owners of fences made of corrugated sheets, solid wooden fencing.

A corrugated fence sagging from the wind.

The fence is subject to weight and wind forces in summer. The weight force acts along the axis of the column without causing a bending moment. The wind blows across the fence and causes a significant load, many times greater than the load of its own weight. Therefore, a bending moment acts on the support, which has a maximum point of application at the point where the pillar exits the ground.

Strong winds can tear down a fence.

For solid fences best distance A distance of 2 meters is assumed between pillars. If a fence is built from a chain-link mesh, then the supports will be affected not by the wind load, but by the compression force of the mesh. It is recommended to place supports for chain-link fencing at a distance of no more than 2-2.5 m from each other, and to support it, install logs or stretch supporting wire. Low windage and no compression force on the fence supports made of welded mesh- they can be placed at a distance of 3 to 6 m from each other.

A chain-link fence has a low windage.

If the distance between the supports depends on the length of the fencing sections and it is impossible to change it, the stability of the pillars will have to be adjusted only by the depth of the installation and the strength of the pillar itself. To compensate for the load on the pillars, their depth must be at least equal to the height of the fence, plus another 10 cm.

Adjust stability sectional fence will depend on the installation depth of the supports and their strength characteristics.

The greater the distance between the posts and the longer the sections, as well as the higher the fence, the stronger the pipe you need to choose. For example, to construct a fence made of corrugated sheets with a section length of 2 m and a height of 2 m, a round pipe with a cross-section of 76 mm and a pipe wall thickness of 4 mm or a square pipe with a cross-section of 60 mm and a wall thickness of 4 mm is suitable. When increasing the length of the section to 2.5 m, these parameters must be recalculated using the formulas for calculating the strength of a support column - you will need a round pipe with a cross-section of 89 mm with a wall thickness of 3.5 mm and square pipe cross-section 80 mm, wall thickness 3 mm.

The pipe with a wall thickness of 2 mm, beloved by sellers, is not suitable for fence posts.

When calculating the wind load, you need to take into account the area in which the fence is being installed. It will be necessary to increase the strength of the fence with additional logs or jibs if the fence will pass through an area blown by all the winds. If the fence passes through a forest, gardens or on the territory of a cottage village with low-rise buildings, the influence of winds will be reduced.

The distance between fence posts is a variable parameter that fluctuates within certain limits. Its universal value between pillars is 2.5–3 m, but this is only a conditional indicator of the normal distance. A lot depends on the type of fence to which the fence belongs, on the purchased supports and the method in which installation will be carried out. In turn, the installation of fence posts is carried out at a distance depending on the type of soil, weather and climatic conditions, location of the fence on the terrain.

Distance between supports

The gap between the fence posts depends on several parameters, and two main ones are decisive - the type of fence that the developer intends to install on his territory, and the type of supports selected on the basis of the closest correspondence to this type. IN construction industry Many types have been developed, adapted for securing fences of various types.

Options for installing supports in the ground depend on the climatic features of the area

It is the material chosen by the developer for the construction of the demarcation between his own land ownership, neighboring or street territory that determines which pillars become the subject of preference.

Ideally, calculating the distance between fence posts should be carried out by specialists. The requirements for supporting structures may be different for a beautiful fence made of wood.

Scheme of foundation arrangement and support calculations

The ideal option is those supports that combine versatility and the ability to use variable fastening methods. They must certainly be durable, with a guaranteed long service life.

If they don't require additional care, this is generally ideal. But the main criterion that is taken into account when choosing is affordability. In principle, almost all accepted types of poles are relatively affordable in cost.

Sometimes the main costs fall on the fastening methods: joists, fasteners, crossbars, corners, etc.

Option for installing metal poles with profile cross beams

Types of supports

  1. From metal, made from profile or pipe, ideal option to make a fence from chain-link or wall corrugated sheeting. Hardware there are different diameters and can be of variable shape around the perimeter of the section (for example, square or rectangular, and not just the usual round). The thicker the pipe, the more expensive it is and the more weight it can withstand. This is quite beneficial, but the more weighty the structure is attached to the pipe, the greater the cost of fastening strips, tips, plugs, hardware and headband. Optimal distance between corrugated fence posts, if metal supports are used, is calculated from the size of the section, its thickness, and climatic features. A large distance leads to the appearance of a sailing effect, and sections of the fence made of corrugated sheets are torn off even from the most durable fastening.
  2. - traditional type of support structures. They are not very decorative, but they are durable and are not afraid of moisture or temperature changes. The modern construction industry has also developed ways to give them a more aesthetic appearance. A good owner has a simple concrete pillar can be improved by painting, decorative plaster, lined with tiles with variable patterns or textures. This material has many advantages over others, but it is preferred because of its guaranteed strength and lack of maintenance.
  3. They prefer to install simple ones in areas with a humid climate, where a material is required that does not lose its properties under the influence of precipitation. Possibility to install stacked columns from structural elements led to a new round of popularity of old, tried and tested material.
  4. Reinforced concrete pillars are biologically and chemically resistant, simple, affordable and technologically advanced. But they are used quite rarely in the construction of fence structures, since they have significant weight, and also do not have the most optimal ratio between weight and ability to withstand a payload.
  5. Installing columns or posts is one of the most popular methods when constructing fences. Relative simplicity, cost-effectiveness and durability, a high degree of decorativeness, stylishness - all these are qualities inherent in brick supports, which is why they are preferred by a significant number of developers.
  6. Screw posts with a cutting blade are a way to quickly and easily penetrate to the required depth. This is an excellent option for problematic soil, allowing you to make the structure durable without bothering too much with the foundation. As for the material of manufacture, this is most often a type of metal device for fastening sections.
  7. The tendency to make supports from plastic is also dictated by practical considerations - sales ready-made structures for assembly, decorative component and resistance to climatic conditions. The presence of different color variations is an important criterion in the choice. However, there are no cheap polymer kits on sale, and many construction companies prefer not to do installation plastic structures, because they are not confident in their ability to withstand the payload. And this means indispensable concrete foundation and the whole system additional elements fasteners - anchor bolts, crossbars and crossbars.

Equipment diagram brick pillars on a concrete base

To choose a particular variety, you also need to take into account several components. For example, what goes best with wooden pickets, and what goes with the same structural ones.

The choice of distance between supports depends on many factors

In the calculations carried out, the following components are certainly taken into account:

  • the type of material chosen and methods of attaching it to the supporting pillars (strength and character, number of structural elements, section width, if it is homogeneous);
  • the type and design, width and strength, as well as size are very important in purchased or manufactured supports;
  • depth in and the method used, which is introduced and secured in the intended places;
  • soil condition, presence of waste or groundwater, type of soil, presence of erosion, subsidence or swelling (each type has its own difficulties and features of working with fence supports);
  • the weight of the structure, which should not exceed permissible limits, otherwise installing the fence makes no sense (it will collapse at the slightest load);
  • availability of a site plan and cadastral markings, especially if a permanent fence is being built (this is extremely necessary if the site is of irregular shape);
  • the accuracy of the measurements taken and the verification of the calculations made when marking for digging holes (otherwise the standard sections may not fit);
  • a distance dictated by strength indicators and carefully verified using proportions (you can calculate the depth for the underground part as follows: – 1/3 of the entire height of the fence);
  • the fence will rise to standard height or the construction of a more grandiose one is planned.

Approximate diagram of the formation of a fence span

Required ratios of the height of the pillar and the depth of the excavation for it

It will take more time, but will save some money. The depth depends on the type of soil, the weight of the base material and the climate in the area. But the depth of the concrete strip does not affect the post holes.

When calculating the required depth of supports, three parameters are taken into account:

  • expected height level (it is calculated using a standard formula or taking into account the pressure of the solid weight of the building material);
  • the soil freezing limit (little attention is paid to it in warm regions, but in areas with a temperate or cold climate the soil can swell, and the water in the soil freezes and exerts pressure from below);
  • an increase for stability (about 30 cm) is made for any type of construction; this is a precautionary measure that allows you to achieve the reliability of any structure.

Table of soil freezing depth values ​​depending on the city

Of course, a lot depends on the method in which the fastening will be done. Will it be simple driving into the ground, combined installation, butting or full concreting. Each of these methods is chosen based on certain considerations. They almost always put metal poles, they are the best option for a chain-link fence.

Metal posts for chain-link fencing

The lightness of this material does not require special precautions.

But if you plan to work with heavy corrugated sheets, reliability is required not only in burying and securing the pillars, but also in the number of transverse joists and the quality of the fasteners used.

Scheme for determining the length between supports subject to certain conditions

Such figures are determined by practical experience, and in some types of building materials for fencing, sections are sold with an already defined ratio, plus the allowance required for installation. For any material, the distance cannot be more than 3 meters. This also applies to a fence made of picket fences and even an extremely easy-to-install and lightweight fence made of welded mesh.

For a fence made of corrugated sheets (profiled sheets)

The distance between supporting structures when working with should not exceed 2–2.5 m. This is a parameter that has been tested in practice, and its violation has resulted in disastrous consequences for some would-be builders.

Sketch for calculating the length between supports for fences made of profiled sheets

An attempt to save on installing supports led to the creation of a sailing effect, which in any climatic conditions can develop even in relatively light winds due to the characteristics of the metal profile.

With metal stands

Construction of a fence foundation with metal supports

You can navigate the required distance even using standard ones, which does not exceed 2.5 m, even taking into account additional allowance.

With brick pillars

The distance between brick pillars for corrugated sheets can be 2.5 m, because there is also a foundation.

Installation diagram of a fence with brick supports

With this fastening, the necessary stiffening rib is created and the flexibility inherent in a convenient and practical building material is preserved.

For chain link fencing

Installation mesh fence must comply with the following parameters - no more than 36 m between corner pillars and no more than 2.5 m between adjacent ones.

Mesh fence installation plan

The number of pillars between the corner stops is calculated precisely from the permissible distance of 250 cm. Otherwise, the structure will become fragile and will soon collapse.

For a fence made of Euro picket fence (metal picket fence)

Normal distancing supporting elements standard – 2.5 m. But there is one nuance that must be taken into account.

The procedure for installing a metal picket fence

When installed overlapping, flush or checkerboard, the calculated weight of a metal picket fence increases. And if it is not mounted on a foundation with brick columns, it is better to shorten the inter-pillar spacing a little.

For a wooden fence

They prefer to install a wooden fence with supports also made of wood. Cheap and practical material belongs to the category of unstable, and purchasing more expensive supports simply does not make sense. more durable, they can serve for many types of mounted fences.

The procedure for assembling a wooden fence

However, for each type, the distance between the pillars must be selected taking into account the size of the section and the degree of load to withstand. An important role in determining what distance is optimal is played by the degree of depth of the supporting structures and the method by which they are secured.

The use of wood involves periodic surface treatment

And it, in turn, depends on the terrain, soil type, climatic conditions and the type of pillars used by the developer for installation.

It has always been believed that a corrugated fence is a simple structure that any owner can install personal plot. When building a fence, it is very important to choose the right posts for the corrugated fence.

Mounted iron fence posts

The material for the supports of such a fence can be:

  • brick;
  • pipes;
  • wood.

Brick supports

Brick fences, as well as those whose price is quite high, are considered elite category buildings. However, such fences also differ in price and quality.

This is what a corrugated fence with brick pillars looks like

It is possible to significantly reduce the cost of fence posts made of corrugated sheets, while maintaining a beautiful appearance and attractiveness, if you use ordinary facing bricks, most often red.

Such a fence can be made of any size, which in its appearance and quality of workmanship will not be inferior in any respect. natural materials. The price of brick posts for a corrugated fence is always higher than. However, brick has an undoubted advantage over metal supports. decorate any area, they emphasize good taste and the solidity of its owner.

Except decorative properties, brick pillars are highly durable, they are not afraid of strong winds, and they withstand atmospheric influences. Typically, brick pillars, when corrugated board becomes the fence material, are built from facing bricks, which perfectly imitates stone.

Diagram with dimensions for installation of brick pillars

The height of such a pillar reaches a maximum of 2.5 meters. The step between supports should not exceed three meters. Brick supports are usually built together with the plinth. To install them. Special brick supports protect them. These decorative details give uniqueness appearance fence

Pillars for corrugated metal pipes

According to practice, to make the fence structure more durable, both are used. Their price is quite affordable for every owner summer cottage. To install pipes in the ground, it is not necessary to carry out extra work. The size of the walls of such pipes for poles must exceed two millimeters. The pipe cross-section is selected individually.

The length of the posts depends on the height of the fence. Moreover, the length of the pipe should be one meter longer than the height of the fence.

Example of the height of a fence made of corrugated sheets and posts

The top of the support is welded or a plug is placed on it to prevent moisture from entering the metal supports.

In some cases, when a reinforced concrete foundation is poured, asbestos-cement pipes are installed. The price of such a support is quite low, so they are often used for fences blocking a summer cottage or a farm yard.

Asbestos-cement pipes have not become too popular, since it is very difficult to attach logs and mortgages to them. This material is characterized by increased fragility; water constantly accumulates in the pipes. With the onset of cold weather, the water freezes and the pipe begins to crack. A fence made of corrugated sheets is too heavy for such supports.

Wooden pillars

It has become increasingly rare when fencing is built from corrugated sheets. To increase the service life of a wooden pole, especially when it is located outdoors, it requires special treatment. As a result, the price of the pillar increases sharply, and a positive result is not always obtained.

When wood is used for pillars, corrugated sheeting is used wooden beam, the size of which exceeds 100 x 100 mm.

This makes it possible to achieve high strength of the support so that it can withstand strong wind loads. Bottom part pillar, before burying in the ground, . As a result, the tree becomes resistant to a variety of environments, including aggressive ones:

  • alkalis;
  • acid;
  • water.

To obtain greater reliability, two bitumen layers are made, which are applied one after the other after 24 hours.

Bitumen impregnation of a wooden post for a corrugated fence

Such a break is necessary for the bitumen impregnation of the first layer to completely harden. Wooden poles must be thoroughly dried before installation, their humidity should not exceed 15%.

Installation of pillars

Corrugated sheeting has always been used by builders to cover roofs production premises. It was also used to install fencing for a wide variety of construction areas. However, after profiled sheets appeared with multi-colored protective coating, they are increasingly being used for fencing private buildings.

Every building should have a finished look, which usually comes with a beautiful fencing. The basis of any fence are pillars. When the installation of corrugated fence posts is completed on all building regulations, it can last for many decades. Therefore, when building a fence, very important questions remain relevant: what kind of pillars are required, what material is needed for their manufacture?

Scheme for installing posts for a fence made of corrugated sheets

Requirements for modern fencing

Strength comes first. Any fence must protect against gusts of wind, intruders and prying eyes. When choosing a fence to build with your own hands, the scales tip towards visual appeal. In this case, the most accurate and correct would be a fence made of corrugated board. To make the base of the pillars with your own hands, you can use several types of material.


Similar supports for corrugated sheets are distinguished by low cost. However, wooden poles are not very durable compared to their counterparts.


Always looks attractive and majestic. A fence with brick pillars is highly durable and can be used for decades.

Option of brick pillars for a metal fence

The disadvantages of such a brick fence include:

  • High cost;
  • Labor intensity of work;
  • Long construction period.

Metal pipes

Typically a round profile is used. Some people choose between steel and asbestos-cement pipes for making poles. In any case, the fence turns out to be reliable and affordable to make with your own hands.

Such supports are slightly more expensive than wooden poles, however, their reliability is much higher.

Selecting the distance between supports

Installing a fence using corrugated sheets is quite simple with your own hands. To avoid errors, you must adhere to the right technology works

The basis of each fence is made up of logs along with pillars. Their installation is considered the most labor-intensive work.

To reduce financial investments in fence construction, it is necessary to maintain the maximum distance between the posts.

Diagram of the distance between fence posts

However, very long distance will complicate installation work with corrugated sheeting. It will be difficult to make the lathing, and the strength of the entire fence will decrease. The best distance between pillars is 2.5 meters. Of course, this value may change. It all depends on the complexity of the design and technological features of the structure. But in any case, the distance between the pillars should not be more than three meters.

Pillar selection

What supports to choose to make the fence beautiful, durable, reliable and attractive? This question is asked by everyone who decides to build a fence with their own hands. Today, the following supports are widely used:

  • wooden;
  • brick;
  • profile;
  • steel;

Technological features of pole installation

In order to install supports with your own hands, several types of technological operations are used:

Let's consider each of these methods separately.

There are fences various types- from modern fencing with horizontal metal picket fences, which can be ordered on the website zabor2000.ru, up to brick or from chain-link mesh. The choice always remains with the owner of the summer cottage, but when installing or constructing it yourself, it is necessary to determine the dimensions of the structure, and most importantly, the distance between the pillars in the 1st span. The stability, reliability and durability of the entire structure depends on this.

The length of the span between the supports is selected depending on the type of fence. The greatest demand is for enclosing structures made of the following materials:

  • brick (stone);
  • corrugated sheeting;
  • tree;
  • chain-link mesh.


When building a fence from brick or stone, the pillars are usually made of a similar material or reinforced concrete. The distance between the pillars is mainly ensured within 2.5-3.5 m. They are found with spans of up to 6 m, when the total length of the fence is too large, and finances for the purchase of building materials are limited. In this case, in order to increase the strength characteristics of the structure, it is recommended to additionally reinforce it - additionally lay steel wire with a cross-section of 4-6 mm in the seams between the rows of bricks (over their entire length). It is more expedient to reinforce every 2-3 rows.

There are many design options for brick fences - with forged sections, inserts made of corrugated board, wood, mesh, etc. But this should in no way affect the span length between the load-bearing supports - it should be no more than 3.5 m.

Installation of posts for mounting a fence made of corrugated boards, boards and chain-link mesh

It is advisable to use these materials as fence posts profile pipe cross section 40×20 or 40×40 mm. It is allowed to use a round pipe with a diameter of 40 mm or an angle No. 63.

To install the supports, it is necessary to prepare a hole 500-600 mm deep and 300-400 mm wide, place the prepared post in it and drive it a little into the ground. Compact to a height of 100-200 mm with dump slag and fill the base with concrete level with the ground surface. This will significantly increase the rigidity of the fence.

When creating a fence between the posts, you need to maintain a distance of 2-3 m. These are optimal values, which ensure high structural strength and minimal labor intensity of the process. Increasing the pitch leads to a decrease in the reliability of the fence, its increased tendency to deform, and as a result - unjustified financial costs for restoration.